The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 851 Is This Really A Tactic That Humans Can Come Up With? (Two In One)

Chapter 850 Is this really a tactic that humans can come up with? (two in one)

Outside Jubilife village.

Sunyshore gate, starting beach.

Many residents of Jubilife Village gathered here.

The matter that Xia Yan challenged Ma Jiamu has been completely spread.

This is the first time that Jubilife Village has been established since its establishment.

As the leader, Ma Jiamu has always been the highest leader of the village residents and the person who needs the most respect in their hearts.

Are you being challenged now?

But when they learned that the person who challenged Ma Jiamu was Xia Yan, the villagers who were originally excited were suddenly unable to raise their anger.

Although Xia Yan has not been in the village for a long time.

But as soon as he came to the village, he helped Jubilife village resolve a huge crisis.

The point is.

In everyone's impression, Xia Yan has always been a gentle and kind person with a smile on his face all the time.

He is not only powerful himself, but also sets up classes in the village.

It can be said that there is not a single fighter in Jubilife Village who has not heard Xia Yan's lesson.

And the knowledge taught by Xia Yan has also greatly improved their overall strength.

Although Ma Jiamu's return and his attitude towards Xia Yan have made many people close to Xia Yan a certain distance.

But in the end, they still admire and respect Xia Yan in their hearts.

It was just out of the habit of obeying Ma Jiamu's orders all the year round that they were influenced by Ma Jiamu.


The way they showed also made Xia Yan feel uncomfortable.

He taught with heart and soul about tactics, resolved the crisis in Jubilife village, and calmed down many 'kings'.

Just because of Ma Jiamu's words, all the villagers kept their distance from him?

Say unhappy.

It is no exaggeration for Xia Yan to call them all white-eyed wolves.

At the beginning of the beach, Xia Yan stood on the beach and listened to the "rushing" tide that sounded from time to time in his ears, but his heart was very calm.

This unfair treatment made him not want to keep any hands.

"Xia Yan."

At this time, Pearl team captain Zhu Bei came to his side.


Zhu Bei hesitated for a moment before saying, "Xia Yan, even if you lose, our Pearl team will help you."

Looking at her delicate face with a bit of love and playfulness, Xia Yan smiled again.

It's a smile from the heart.

At least, there are still people who are willing to believe him and stand on his side.

"Xia Yan, no matter what the result is, I will persuade Captain Ma Jiamu well."

Xingyue also came over, with a rare touch of complexity on her rigid face.

"rest assured."

Xia Yan replied.

If he had not had the confidence, he would not have made this challenge.

If it doesn't work, he hangs up.

Today, we must let Professor Rowan's ancestor Ma Jiamu give an explanation.

Random suspicion is really not the quality a leader should have.

In contrast, Xia Yan felt that Xingyue was more suitable to be the leader of Team Galactic.

Although she is stereotyped, she also ensures fairness.

At the same time, she knows who can and cannot be trusted.

bang bang bang --

when they communicate.

Stepping on the soft sand, Ma Jiamu, who was dressed in a dark warrior armor, slowly appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Captain Ma Jiamu is serious." Gangshi muttered.

Ma Jiamu only wears this armor when he is seriously preparing for a battle.

This is both respect for Rival and respect for myself.

Soon, Ma Jiamu came to Xia Yan.

No need for much nonsense.

The battle is decided, and the outcome will come out.

Xia Yan put his palm on his waist, and Ma Jiamu also held several Poké Balls in his hand.

"Xia Yan, I know your situation, so this battle will be three-on-three." Ma Jiamu said loudly.

The mode of the battle was determined very simply and domineeringly.

Hearing this, Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

The hand that rested on Doron Bart's Poké Ball slowly moved away.

Wearing a samurai uniform, it really looks like a samurai.

"Okay." Xia Yan nodded.

In fact, it doesn't matter how many times he is.

But since Ma Jiamu said so, Xia Yan continued to maintain his gentle character.

Ma Jiamu nodded slightly.

The Poké Balls in his hands are opened one by one.


With the depression of the soft Beach, a large Snorlax first appeared.

Then there is a Moon Moon Bear of Ground and Normal that Xia Yan fought not long ago.

And the last one, the mighty eagle with its wings and long cry, Braviary in the form of Xizui.

It's just that the first two Pokémons were too slow, and Xia Yan felt that he could just slip them away, but with the addition of a Braviary, the depth of the lineup suddenly became much stronger.

And unsurprisingly, these three Pokémons are all Elite-level strengths.

Ma Jiamu can be convinced by everyone as the captain of Team Galactic, and his strength is a very important part.

Of course, in some respects, his willingness to sacrifice selflessly for the village is also very important.

Just like this time, Ma Jiamu wearing a samurai costume is like a real samurai, and he doesn't want to take advantage of Xia Yan, so he chooses three to three.

And because he has a certain understanding of Xia Yan's information, he did not hesitate to show his Pokémon first, and strive to be fair.

Xia Yan grinned.

Three red lights flashed before his eyes.

Beedrill, Alakazam and. Zorua!

Ma Jiamu gave him a slightly surprised look.

The eyes of the two met.

The moment became serious at the same time.

The action was launched almost simultaneously.

"Beedrill, Sword Dance!"

"Snorlax, Belly Drum!"

The choice is to strengthen the attack.

Moreover, Ma Jiamu was even more aggressive than Xia Yan, so he directly asked Snorlax to use the "Belly Drum" move.

That slap from Snorlax wasn't so easy to bear.

see you.

Snorlax took a deep breath, his entire body swelled in a circle, and the next second it instantly returned to its original shape, except that his eyes started to turn red and his forehead bulged with blue veins.


But unlike Snorlax, when Beedrill uses "Sword Dance", his body directly shoots out like a normal arrow.

A quick golden arc light instantly smoothed the gap between the two sides.

At the same time, Alakazam and Zorua also got into action.

The bodies of the two Pokémons blurred almost at the same time.

The thin Mist slowly spread on the beach.

Fortunately, the fog is not very thick, and the impact on visibility is not large.


Braviary made a loud and long cry, sharp eagle eyes, and agitated Psychic, which made it lock on the extremely fast Beedrill.

Between flapping wings, it quickly fell from the sky.

On the other side, the Moon Moon Bear didn't stay in place either, moving its limbs, the huge bear paws left pits on the beach, along with the flying sand, rushing towards Zorua.

Relying on his Normal Attribute, Moon Moon Bear is very restrained towards Zorua, and coupled with his rough-skinned body, he can completely ignore Zorua's cunning Ghost-type moves.

The three Pokémon move in unison.

But on Xia Yan's side.

It seems that only Beedrill has a Pokémon alone.

And it is still Braviary Lock On.

Spark between flints.

The first to collide was the fastest Beedrill, and Braviary, who was barely able to Lock On Beedrill.

It's just that Braviary's speed is still close to that of Beedrill, and it can only find another way to intercept.

Wings of aura!

Seeing Braviary flapping its wings, the surging airflow converged on the wings, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a pair of wings that were magnified several times.

Skip to the galloping Beedrill.

Bang-! !

The sharp needle stopped abruptly, and the scarlet-eyed Beedrill also agitated the airflow, waving the Twineedle, and blocked this attack between the sharp blades of ten.

Ma Jiamu's eyes flashed.

boom! !

see you.

The huge Snorlax, at a speed that was completely out of shape, shot out like a cannonball towards Beedrill, who was blocked by Braviary in front of him.

Along with the sand bursting out like fireworks, the surrounding crowd showed a little shock and admiration.

Magamu's Snorlax is just that.

It looks fat and not fast, but the explosive power is very terrifying.

To a certain extent, such explosive power makes up for its shortcomings in speed.

Yep, don't look at how fast Snorlax is.

But in fact, if you look closely, you will find that its steps are particularly large.

Because every step it takes, the foot that lands on the ground is a burst of power.

Rather than saying it ran out, it jumped out.

Xia Yan just glanced at it and understood the principle.

A slight tinge flashed across his face.

There is still something in this Majiamu, and I thought of using this method to make up for the shortcomings of Snorlax.

It's no wonder that "Belly Drum" is used when it comes up, and Braviary and the Moon Moon Bear give it time and opportunity for this move.

Xia Yan, who used "Belly Drum" and has no weakness of speed to a certain extent, can be terrifying. Xia Yan, who has used "Space Team" for a while, has a deep understanding of this.

That opened up an existence that could definitely push teams easily.

Ma Jiamu, who is also from the outside, does have a certain understanding of tactics.

Maybe any change in Jubilife village can be easily pushed by this Snorlax.

But a pity.

"Double Team." Xia Yan's voice sounded in Beedrill's mind.

next second.

Beedrill's body trembled slightly, and in an instant, dozens of figures appeared hovering beside him, making it difficult to judge what was true or false.

"Giga Impact, hit it!" Ma Jiamu waved his hand and shouted.

The fighting style is wide open and he likes to win with absolute power.

Xia Yan has a certain understanding of Ma Jiamu's fighting style.

Looking at Snorlax with a huge body, dressed in pure white Cal, and a pair of Lock On all shadows, the corner of Xia Yan's mouth raised indistinctly.

I love your ruthless tactics.


Almost in an instant, Snorlax's huge body directly crushed and shattered all the shadows.

But surprisingly.

Until the last shadow was broken, there was still no Tackle sound.

Snorlax's face flashed a little bit of astonishment.

"When did it disappear?"

All the spectators, including Ma Jiamu, were all stunned.

At this moment, in the shadows behind Snorlax, Alakazam stepped out, holding a spoon and looking indifferent.


Ma Jiamu's reaction speed is fairly fast.

Moreover, he seems to have obtained information about Xia Yan's tactics from Xingyue's mouth a long time ago.

"It's you who's waiting!"

The Braviary, which had been prepared for a long time, covered the Cianwood coat and struck from another angle.

at the same time.

The sand trembled violently, and the Moon Moon Bear, who had already got into the ground at some point, jumped out of the ground!

The core is Alakazam, so solving Alakazam is also a kind of protection for Snorlax.

Just this time.

A hint of cunning and joking flashed across Alakazam's indifferent face.


Like a phantom Normal dissipates.

fake? !

Xia Yan smiled.

The effect of Zorua's learning from Zoroark finally came into play.

With the thin Mist around, Zorua can already create a Phantom.

Greatly enhanced the operability of Xia Yan's "Hat Trick" tactics.

After seeing "Alakazam" dissipate like a bubble.

Ma Jiamu's heart tightened.

Beedrill is gone, Zorua is gone, Alakazam is gone, so where are they now?


I see.

In the Mist, a golden arc flashed.

Immediately after.

The space was distorted, and Alakazam, who was holding a spoon with a look of indifference, also appeared again.

Like a real Psychic condensation, the color of "Calm Mind" in his eyes subsided, and "Psychic" burst out.


Braviary? !

Ma Jiamu could not have imagined that Braviary, who should not be the target of the fire, actually became Xia Yan's breakthrough direction?

With a solemn expression, he gritted his teeth.

"Snorlax, Body Slam!"

Braviary can be sacrificed, but in exchange for Alakazam!

The aftermath of "Giga Impact" ended, and Snorlax finally regained his mobility.

Turning his head sharply, he lunged towards Alakazam.

But only see.

Alakazam's figure is briefly blurred.

boom! !

The moment Snorlax attacked Smack Down, "Alakazam" turned into Zorua's appearance, and Snorlax's "Body Slam" became useless.

But in the other direction, Alakazam's "Psychic" has exploded.

Beedrill's body flashed the energy of Mega Evolution in an instant, and when he arrived in front of Braviary, he had already turned into the appearance of Mega Beedrill.

boom--! !

Bang-! !

"Psychic" falls at the same time as "X-Scissor".

Accompanied by a groan from Braviary.

It was hit hard on the beach.

At this moment.

The Moon Moon Bear on the ground fought back and "Double Edge" tried to trade damage with Mega Beedrill.

But a pity.

The Moon Moon Bear fluttered once again.

Mega Beedrill had already switched places with Zorua at the end of the attack.

It seems that the Mega Beedrill is attacked, but it is Zorua's transformed appearance.

It is to make Yueyuexiong counterattack and reveal flaws.

Not far away, Mega Beedrill is gaining momentum again.

"not good!"

Ma Jiamu has been a little overwhelmed.

I have a hunch that the Moon Moon Bear will also suffer.

On the other hand, Alakazam took on the appearance of Zorua, ready to make up for Braviary on the ground.

Now Snorlax has only one choice, save the moon bear or save Braviary?

Ma Jiamu knew he couldn't hesitate, so he made a decisive choice.

Save the moon bear!

Zorua obviously resisted the attack of the Moon Moon Bear.

So now the one next to Braviary is fake!

And Braviary has been hit hard.

The threat from Mega Beedrill is significantly greater.

The strong man breaks his wrist!

Ma Jiamu's decisiveness made him quickly make a choice.


To his astonishment again.

Zorua's inky "Shadow Claw" rips to end Braviary.

Is this Zorua real?

On the other side.

I saw that Snorlax was short again.

Turns out it's just Beedrill's "Double Team".

At the same time, Braviary was incapacitated.

Alakazam and Mega Beedrill are gaining momentum again.

Three to two.

The advantages are already very obvious.

until this time.

Ma Jiamu and the surrounding villagers finally felt a little strange.


The leader of the security team, Belila, lay on Xingyue's body and retched.

"I'm a little dizzy."

she said hard.

I don't know if it's because of Xia Yan's dizzying changes in Pokémon, or because Xia Yan's tactic makes her feel nauseous and dizzy.

The rest of the group leaders and the villagers all had similar symptoms.

Let alone them, even Ma Jiamu was a little confused.

Don't blame him.

He is a person who has a wide-ranging fighting style, and when he encounters Xia Yan's unpredictable nature, he is really stunned from beginning to end.

The point is.

He didn't understand, such a complicated tactic, he felt dizzy even looking at it, how did Xia Yan do it so calmly?

and also.

Ma Jiamu opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But quickly closed.

He was afraid that he could not bear it.

A little nauseated.

What, is this really a tactic that humans can come up with?

Unlimited swap positions.

Infinitely changing appearance.

All Pokémon can appear anywhere.

It is also possible that all Pokémon are fake.

This fight.

how to spell?

Ma Jiamu deeply felt the difference between him and Xia Yan in pure tactics.


PS: 1.15w, ask for a monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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