The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 852 Giratina: Damn It! (Triple)

Chapter 851 Giratina: Damn it! (triple)

Ma Jiamu lost.

With Braviary incapacitated, the battle was almost over.

Don't have to fight.

In terms of tactics, Xia Yan is too much ahead of this era.

When the people of the Xizui era were just trying to get in touch with Pokémon, try to understand Pokémon, and slowly use the power of Pokémon.

Xia Yan is already very familiar with the various characteristics of Pokémon, and will skillfully use these characteristics to form the most suitable lineup.

If there are individual Pokémons in Majamu that are way beyond Elite.

For example, if you reach the championship level, you may be able to make up the gap in this area by yourself.

Too bad he didn't.

Or, if he chooses a six-on-six full battle, Xia Yan may be troublesome because of the gap in the strength of his main Pokémon.

But Ma Jiamu adhered to the samurai spirit and chose three to three.

Many factors have created the result that Ma Jiamu will inevitably lose.

see here.

All the onlookers were silent.

Ma Jiamu, the captain of Team Galactic, lost?

Think carefully.

The person who lost to Xia Yan didn't seem to be so unacceptable.

For the determined results, Xia Yan and Ma Jiamu stopped at the same time.

Majiamu, who was wearing a jet-black samurai armor, stood with his hands down, his head lowered, and it seemed that it was difficult for him to easily get out of the result.

But slowly.

Ma Jiamu, the somewhat stubborn and suspicious captain, suddenly figured it out.

He reacted.

Since Xia Yan has the strength to defeat him, if he really has any special intentions for Team Galactic and Jubilife Village, it seems that there is really no one in the village who can restrain him.

But Xia Yan joined Jubilife Village during this time.

Not only did he not do bad things because of his own strength.

He is even very friendly to the villagers and is willing to pass on his knowledge and tactics to the villagers.

Even if the crack in time and space appeared, it was really because of him.

But at least he did his best to defuse the impact of this incident.

In the end.

Even Ma Jiamu couldn't beat Xia Yan, but it eased his suspicions about Xia Yan's identity and worries about Xia Yan.

After a while.


With the clang of the metal armor, Ma Jiamu fell to the ground on all fours.

A very standard samurai knelt was presented.

He buried his head deeply between his arms and pressed it tightly to the ground.

A steady, heavy voice sounded neither humble nor arrogant.

"Xia Yanjun! I'm sorry, Ma Jiamu was wrong!"

This is

Kneel down?

As expected of Ma Jiamu.

Looking at Ma Jiamu who was moving in one go, Xia Yan couldn't help but stunned.

Although, at the end of the game, Ma Jiamu also knelt down.

What you can see in the game is very different from what you see in reality.

As the captain of Ma Jiamu Team Galactic and the leader of Jubilife Village, he kneeled to Xia Yan, and the significance of this is self-evident.

Not to mention that Xia Yan was taken aback by Ma Jiamu's actions.

Even the residents of Jubilife Village saw such Ma Jiamu for the first time.

Only in the crowd, an old man dressed in ordinary clothes, when he saw Ma Jiamu's movements, his expression became extremely complicated.

It is true that Ma Jiamu's frank and unpretentious behavior is admirable.

But his kneeling, especially in front of all the residents of Jubilife Village, made a huge impact on the absolute prestige he built in Team Galactic and Jubilife Village over the years.

It turns out that there are times when leaders make mistakes?

It turns out that the leader is not completely invincible.

turn out to be

Everyone looks different.

Fortunately, Xia Yan quickly reacted.

In front of so many people, Ma Jiamu has shown enough sincerity, and he can no longer hold on to this matter.


Not only Ma Jiamu's prestige has been wiped out, but the good reputation that Xia Yan has managed to build up will also be destroyed.

Moreover, the next thing he needs to do will need the help of Jubilife Village, which will make it easier.

Xia Yan strode to Ma Jiamu and helped him up.

"Captain Ma Jiamu, don't do this."

Looking at Xia Yan who was slowly helping Ma Jiamu up, looking at the fear and helplessness on his face.

this moment.

Xia Yan's prestige in Jubilife Village, not to mention completely overshadowing Ma Jiamu, Ma Jiamu's prestige accumulated in Jubilife Village over the years is not so easy to be completely washed away.

But at least, apart from Ma Jiamu, Xia Yan's reputation in Jubilife Village is already the highest.

A very strong, gentle, helpful and selfless person, no one will not respect him.

It seems that he faintly felt the change in the expressions of the people around him looking at him.

Xia Yan decided to take advantage of this time to add more fire.

Thoroughly, let these villagers who are swaying on the wall realize their mistakes.

However, before Xia Yan spoke, Ma Jiamu spoke first.

He grabbed Xia Yan's hand and said sincerely:

"Xia Yan, although I lost, I still hope you can help us solve this trouble."

He had been to Mt. Coronet to try to investigate the anomaly of the space-time rift up close, but he had no way of getting started.

And Xia Yan's strength, as well as his previous words, gave Ma Jiamu a little hope.

Hearing this, Xia Yan nodded solemnly without hesitation.

This matter was originally his mission when he came to the Xicui era, and there would not be any deviation due to the conflict with Ma Jiamu.

Xia Yan said seriously: "

Captain Ma Jiamu, and the villagers, don't worry, I, Xia Yan, will definitely solve this trouble! "

Looking at Xia Yan, who seemed to be irradiated by the "Light of the Right Way", the villagers onlookers seemed to be touched by a certain string in their hearts.

Obviously the one who was "wronged".

It is obviously the one who is suspected and rejected.

Obviously, he should be very aggrieved. At this time, he can choose to raise his eyebrows and belittle Ma Jiamu.

But he didn't.

this moment.

Everyone finally realized Xia Yan's "greatness".

At the same time, the hearts of these people are full of guilt.

Did they really doubt such a selfless person before?

Xingyue looked at Xia Yan silently, and in the eyes of the dead fish that seemed calm, the waves were surging.

Compared with the convergence of Xingyue, Zhubei's performance is more obvious.

Clenching his hands, his face was full of admiration.

Even Ma Jiamu showed guilt.

Noticing their changes, the corners of Xia Yan's mouth twitched slightly.


people of this era.

How simple.

A person who goes to Struggle with all his might to survive in a harsh environment.

In terms of intrigue, let alone skill points, I'm afraid I don't even have this skill.

Even if a few people with more shrewdness faintly felt a little strange, but in the atmosphere of guilt, self-blame, and worship, they couldn't express it.

"Xia Yan, what are you going to do? Our Jubilife Village will do our best to help you." Ma Jiamu said.

Hearing this, Xia Yan pondered slightly.

did not speak.

Just tossed a Poké Ball.

Doron Bartto!


Feeling the surging breath of Doron Bartto, Ma Jiamu's eyes shrank.

The rest also showed shocked expressions.

turn out to be.

Xia Yan also has such a powerful Pokémon?

In the previous battle, although Xia Yan won it was surprising, he also admired his strength.

But many people in the know think that it was Ma Jiamu who kept his hand.

At least not at full strength.

But now seeing Doron Bartto, the same thought flashed through everyone's mind.

turn out to be.

The person who really didn't do his best was actually Xia Yan? !

At this time, their eyes changed again.

However, Xia Yan ignored them, just nodded slightly to Duolong Bart.

Doron Bartto understands.


Accompanied by another dragon roar.

He saw Duolong Bartto's entire body glowing with a dark light, and his huge body swayed in the air.

Then, in the endless darkness, a gap slowly opened.

Destruction, death, and violent breaths emerged from the gap.

next second.

Everyone's breathing was stagnant, and their hearts skipped half a beat.

I saw that a terrifying and ferocious beast appeared on the other side of the gap.


Giratina! !

The scarlet eyes passed through the space barriers between the Pokémon world and the destruction world, swept across the residents of Jubilife Village, and finally landed on Xia Yan.

A tinge of helplessness flashed through quite humanely.

[This little guy, give it back to you! 】

Say it.

I saw Giratina swung her tail, and a shield with a sharp sword inserted into it was slammed out of the gap.

It's Aegislash!

Xia Yan showed surprise.

When Aegislash was just given to Giratina to teach, Xia Yan would go to see its condition every day.

Aegislash did not disappoint him.

After the initial fear was over, it started to change a bit.

In the words of Giratina.

That is. Broken jars.

After that, Xia Yan also chose to believe in Aegislash and did not watch it every day.

This was the first meeting in a few days.

But Aegislash's aura surprised him.

Elite level!

Aegislash has also successfully reached the Elite level!

Facing the fear, stepping over the fear, and finally challenging the fear, Aegislash, who was broken and broken, finally took this step.

Among them, its psychological changes are the most influential factors.

But Giratina's "stimulation" and "teaching".

And the support of "Spooky Plate" also played a big role.

This is definitely a surprise.

However, the next moment Xia Yan's expression became a little strange.

Aegislash, who was smashed into the beach, bounced straight up as if nothing happened.

Not only that, but also rushed to Giratina on the other side of the gap.

The purple satin kept flapping its shield.

"Jie? Jie!"

'come! coward? ! I didn't feel anything from the attack just now. Didn't you eat? Give this uncle a little more force! ’

Xia Yan: "."

Giratina: "."

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Aegislash kept flapping his shield and screaming.

No cowardice at all.

No, the word "cowardly" is no longer appropriate for Aegislash.

Xia Yan looked at Giratina, his eyes flickering.

We asked you to teach, how could it be taught like this?

Is this the victory over fear?

This is so much more than conquering fear.

This is to smash the fear and smash it to the ground, and then make up a few more feet without hesitation.

No wonder.

No wonder Giratina threw Aegislash out and returned it to Xia Yan when she saw Xia Yan's first glance.

After reading Xia Yan's eyes, Giratina glared back.

Speaking of which, it didn't get angry.


Xia Yan asked Giratina to fulfill the promise it made in the future, and it was somewhat unhappy.

But when I saw Aegislash's quail-like appearance, I suddenly became interested.

It's a little hobby belonging to Giratina.

It's just that it can't think of anything.

Aegislash, who was clearly the same as a quail a few days ago, became more irritable and tempered the further back he went.

Slowly from the passively beaten party to the active challenger.

Giratina gets stage fright in the face of challenges?

As a result, Aegislash was beaten.

It's just that it can't kill Aegislash because of what Xia Yan promised.

And what about Aegislash?

Assist with the energy that destroys the world, and the Help of the "Spooky Plate" to quickly restore stamina.

Then move on to the challenge.

And the challenge never stopped.


In the process of this constant challenge, Aegislash himself did not realize that its strength has made a qualitative leap and successfully reached the Elite level.

There is a first-level divine beast like Giratina as a sparring partner.

It is estimated that the whole world is unique.

Kill and can't kill, down Aegislash will soon stand up again, and Giratina also realizes that Aegislash's defense is getting stronger and stronger, and it is becoming more and more difficult to defeat it.

God knows how the last few days were spent.

It just wants a good rest right now.

Sure enough, Distortion World still has only one Pokémon, which is more comfortable.

"Jie! Jie!"

'come! Soft-footed shrimp! come! Are you afraid? ! ’

The most important thing is.

The Aegislash challenge doesn't matter.

Its mouth is broken.

All kinds of Taunt's words made Giratina almost couldn't help turning her face.

If it wasn't for Xia Yan's promise to help it find Arceus, maybe Xia Yan would never see Aegislash.

Looking at Giratina's twitching forehead and hideous face.

Xia Yan almost couldn't help laughing.

The dignified Giratina was actually tossed by an Aegislash.

Speaking out, it is estimated that Dialga and Palkia can smile crookedly.

A handle to the door.

"Cough, Aegislash." Xia Yan said.

He doesn't worry about himself.

He was afraid that Giratina would use the residents of the surrounding Jubilife villages as a vent.

Hearing the familiar voice, Aegislash's screams stopped abruptly, and his body froze.

Turn around slowly.

Seeing Xia Yan with a relieved face, his red eyes immediately faded away.

Immediately afterwards, exhaustion swept in.

Even with the help of "Spooky Plate", Aegislash will eventually get tired of challenging Giratina so frantically.


It was so excited that it finally "let go" of Giratina and rushed towards Xia Yan.

Fortunately, it still has a sense of its own weight, and did not directly knock Xia Yan down.

Gently stroking Aegislash's shield and hilt, Xia Yan looked complicated.

"Thank you, Aegislash."

The palms are slightly warm and the movements are very gentle.

Aegislash shook his head repeatedly.

It was just pushed by Giratina.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't understand Xia Yan's good intentions.

Although Xia Yan secretly looked at it every time, Aegislash didn't see Xia Yan's shadow, but every time Xia Yan's familiar gaze fell on it, Aegislash could actually feel it.

This also gave Aegislash the courage to face Giratina to a certain extent.

Aegislash, who stepped on the deepest fear in his heart, will be fearless from now on.

"Have you learned anything? A teacher can't give a blank."

Giratina pouted.

this time.

Aegislash showed a rare sly look.


I saw its long sword unsheathed.

Thick pitch black Ghost-type energy surging.

At the same time as the long sword vibrated, the dark Ghost-type energy seemed to be wrapped around a touch of energy that could not be easily detected.

Afterwards, the long sword swiped lightly on the ground, and the sharp blade clearly did not have any contact with the beach, but a lot of sand was actually annihilated directly.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's expression was taken aback.


Giratina's eyes widened even more.


Antimatter energy!

What the hell!

Giratina doesn't remember teaching Aegislash this.

Although, in Giratina's view, this antimatter energy is not much stronger than the power of ants.

Aegislash, who cannot master the power of antimatter, cannot increase the strength of this antimatter force.

But this is an exaggeration.

For Aegislash, this made its blade more than one degree sharper.

Xia Yan, who also understood the meaning of it, gleamed in his eyes.

Staring at Giratina.

Noticing Xia Yan's fiery eyes, Giratina almost couldn't help but turn over and leave.

That look, as if to eat it.

"Ahem, Giratina, I have two Ghost Pokémons, or else."

If Doron Bartto and Zorua can learn a thing or two, that's . . . tsk.

【roll! ! 】

Giratina growled directly.

It doesn't even know how Aegislash learned it.

Facing its Rage, Xia Yan shrugged nonchalantly and muttered.

"I'm not happy, I'm not happy, why are you so temperamental?"

It's okay, this Giratina doesn't agree, he can go to the future one.

Seeing Xia Yan's surprise, Aegislash immediately smiled and rolled his eyes.

It just wanted to surprise Xia Yan.

Of course, it didn't forget to look back. Taunt squinted Giratina.

The beatings these days are not in vain.

Giratina glared at Xia Yan and Aegislash fiercely, and couldn't help but turn around and leave again.

So annoying.

"Hey, don't go, this time I have something to tell you."

Xia Yan quickly stopped Giratina who was about to leave.

At this moment.

The villagers of Jubilife Village, who were all ready to retreat, stared at each other and opened their mouths, finally reacted one by one.

This terrifying existence that makes them feel breathless just by its breath, has such a good relationship with Xia Yan?

When they saw Dolong Bartto, the villagers had already felt a shock.

But when they see Giratina.

Especially when they saw the tone of communication between Xia Yan and Giratina, the shock really made them understand what it means to be a wave after a wave.

until now.

Ma Jiamu finally completely let go of his vigilance and suspicion of Xia Yan.

Such a powerful Pokémon really wants to do anything unfavorable to Jubilife Village. Can Ma Jiamu stop him?

Some people who originally showed kindness and friendliness to Xia Yan, but also suspected that they were hypocritical and had other plans, have now completely dispelled this idea.

With such strength, is it necessary to be hypocritical?

Isn't the horizontal push more straightforward?

【What's up? 】

Giratina asked angrily.

Xia Yan turned to look at the surrounding villagers.

Ma Jiamu's majesty was attacked when he admitted his mistake. If he rises again, his voice will not be lower than that of Ma Jiamu in Jubilife Village.

This is called fox fake tiger power.

"Everyone." Xia Yan looked serious.

He took out a slate and said loudly: "If I want to completely solve this incident, I need such slates. They are all over the corners of Xicui. I hope everyone can help me collect them."

Seeing this, Giratina showed a sudden look.

"Gather the slate, I and it will be responsible for quelling this incident." Xia Yan pointed to Giratina in the gap in the void behind him.

Giratina nodded in agreement.

It's too much trouble to collect slate piece by piece.

Jubilife Village still has some fighting power.

Some slates that are not too difficult to get, Xia Yan decided to give them to collect.

This is also one of the main purposes of his return this time.

Of course, because

"Xia Yan, this is what you want, right?"

See, Ma Jiamu took out a dark red slate.

Fist Plate!

In Ma Jiamu's hand, there is a "Fist Plate", which is also one of Xia Yan's goals this time.

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded.

Takes the "Fist Plate" from Majiamu's hands without any pretentiousness.

This slate is still useful and can be used by Infernape temporarily.

Continue: "I will tell Captain Ma Jiamu the location of all the slates, and I hope everyone can help."

"thank you all!"

After speaking, he bowed to the crowd.

"Mr. Xia Yan, don't worry, we will definitely help you find these slates together!"

It was Pearl who spoke.

She is almost one of Xia Yan's top irons in Jubilife Village today.

"I immediately started to let the investigation team act." Xingyue second echoed.

"Our King Kong team will also do our best." Gang Shi said loudly.


With so many things endorsed before, Xia Yan's words are very useful now, and various team leaders and captains have responded.

Xia Yan quickly established his prestige in Jubilife Village.

Emerging at first.

Only Ma Jiamu was able to gain the support of everyone.

Xia Yan checked his head and nodded slightly towards Giratina behind him.

Giratina also nodded, turned and disappeared into the depths of Distortion World, the space gap disappeared.

It is going to prepare for the war that may break out at any time.


There was another thought lingering in Giratina's mind at this time.

That Aegislash can actually steal its antimatter power?

It is born in the future.

Do you want to kill it before it gets to know Xia Yan?

Do not.

Maybe you should check it out first.


Aegislash probably would not have imagined that the shadows and fears it left over the years were actually brought about by himself.

Years later, Honedge faced the terrifying Giratina, leaving fear and crushing fear now, perhaps another reincarnation.

Watching Jubilife village residents, Team Galactic members, ready to go into action to collect slate.

Xia Yan stood on the beach of Origin Beach, looking at the magnificent sea in the distance.

"Cyrus is dead, and Team Galactic has no leader, but Team Galactic's accumulation of hundreds of years is still very impressive. If we start the layout from now on, we may be able to grasp this unique power in our hands."

He returns to Jubilife village and suppresses Majiamu's prestige and elevates himself.

Biggest reason.

for what will happen in the future.

If he can hold the power of Team Galactic in his hand, some people who use unconventional means to try to counter him to become an Elite Four, he can also fight back with unconventional means.

"Heh - the antimatter lord, the name originally came from here."

Xia Yan smiled self-deprecatingly, feeling helpless about this somewhat second-ranked title.

(End of this chapter)

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