The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 856 Light And Shadow (Three In One)

Chapter 855 Light and Shadow (Three in One)

"Let's beat the alpaca."

Giratina refreshed.

Speaking of which, we won't be tired.

If you can talk like that, please talk more.


It's just Giratina that cheers.

Or injured Giratina.

Palkia, who was being suppressed by "Red Chain", and Dialga, who had just recovered from Smelling Salts, only felt tired all over, their eyes widened.


The most shocking, in fact, is Regigigas.

No, how did it end up like this?

Xia Yan told it that he had a bold plan.

Bold is there.

Can it be planned?

From start to finish, which point came according to plan?

Regigigas was also worried that he would not be able to do it well, and combed the "plan" that Xia Yan told from beginning to end several times.

In its view, although the original plan was bold, it was still very stable with the few cards that Xia Yan had in his hands.

But now it's found.

The shit's plan, nothing at all was according to the original plan.

When the seven black dots on its head flickered violently, when it was about to question Xia Yan, it was directly blocked by Xia Yan's words.

"Darkness, I think I might have found it."

Hearing this, Regigigas stopped talking.

Although my heart is overwhelmed.

But it nodded heavily.

Convincing Regigigas is easy, but convincing Palkia and Dialga.

Actually it's not difficult.

"Do you want to turn over to be the boss, or keep being the younger brother?"

Of course, what Xia Yan said was not so direct and simple, and it was more euphemistic to say it, but that was roughly what it meant.

In the end, Palkia and Dialga, who had "reverse bones" in their brains, were heartbroken.

As said, their Contest Condition.

In the future, the "Time Orb" that Dialga gave to Xia Yan came into play.

And when Xia Yan appeases a few divine beasts.

Sit at the glass dining table at the ancient retreat next to Mt. Coronet.

My mind rubbing the delicate coffee mug.

Looking out over the top of Mt. Coronet in the distance.

The time-space collision between Dialga and Palkia had brought huge damage to the entire Xicui region, but in this ancient seclusion, it was like a paradise, and it was not affected in any way.

beside me.

The nostalgic cloud with his arms around his eyes was full of surprise.

[He can actually make them join forces. 】

Wu Si smiled and took a sip of coffee.

"There's a kind of magic about him that I can't even tell that makes Pokémon who believe in him trust him even more."

Nostalgia Cloud glanced at Wu Si, who was light and cloudless.

Opened his mouth.

After hesitating for a while, he still said:

[Then they may really be able to do it. 】

Wu Si stood up, shook his head slowly, and said with a smile:

"Please send this to him."

Saying that, a snow-white flute appeared in Wu Si's hand.

Nostalgia Cloud narrowed his eyes.

Received the flute.

【I see. 】

The voice fell.

Nostalgia Cloud flew out of the ancient retreat at a very fast speed and flew to the top of Mt. Coronet.

Looking at the back of Nostalgia Cloud's departure, the calm smile on Wu Si's face slowly subsided, and a little sadness appeared between his eyebrows.

Quietly muttering to himself.

"The impact is getting bigger and bigger."

The voice just fell.

I saw that her figure gradually blurred until it completely disappeared.


After her figure disappeared, a piece of golden body, crisscrossed in the middle, wrapped in an arc on the outside, dotted with a touch of emerald green, a palm-sized metal Badge fell on the table.

When Xia Yan helped the beasts to restore the Contest Condition.

Nostalgia Cloud appears on the top of Mt. Coronet.

Its pink appearance is still very abrupt.

Nostalgia Cloud didn't speak either, just handed the milky white flute that Wu Si had just given it to Xia Yan.

"The Flute of the Gods?"

Gently rubbing the flute in his hand.

Xia Yan looked at Nostalgia Cloud with a proud face.

"I think it was given to me?"

Nostalgia Cloud tilted his head and nodded slightly reluctantly.

Its arrogant appearance made Xia Yan a little bit laughing.

But turned to deeper thinking.

Wu Si now asks Nostalgia Cloud to send the "Ocarina of God's Harmony", which shows that she has been paying attention to the situation here.

Moreover, her doing so also means that she supports Xia Yan's choice and plan.

Originally, Xia Yan had some guesses about the identity of Wu Si, but this time, Nostalgia Cloud sent the "Ocarina of Divine Harmony" to further confirm his guess.

"So, do I support me hitting myself?"

Xia Yan smiled helplessly.

He knew the function of the "Ocarina of God's Harmony".

Take all the eighteen slates he has collected.

Although a little distressed.

After all, the role of the slate has been deeply felt during his time in the Xicui Region.

Greatly accelerates the power improvement of Pokémons, and the mastery of energy and moves.

Although these slates are not real slates, at most they can only be regarded as projections with the function of real slates, but they are also very precious.

If possible, Xia Yan really wants to keep a few pieces.

But no way.

Compared with leaving the slate, he needs to solve the current matter, so that he can return to the original time and space again.

After the slates were taken out one by one, there was a connection and resonance with the "Ocarina of God's Heath".

I see.

Surrounded by eighteen stone slabs, the "Flute of the Gods" played a melodious song by itself.

The milky white halo brushed over Xia Yan's body like the warm spring sunshine and penetrated into his heart.

The tired body and the lack of mental power that had been forced to control the power of the waveguide before, reluctantly doubled Mega Evolution, have all recovered as before.

Not just him.

All his Pokémon, including the recovering Pokémon such as Giratina, Dialga, etc., are also recovered under the light of this halo.

"Red Chain" slowly flew out of Palkia's body.

Palkia immediately cheered loudly, the feeling of being suppressed finally disappeared, and its strength once again reached its peak.

Immediately after.

The "Ocarina of Shenhe" was wrapped in a milky white halo, and the eighteen slates gradually merged into the halo of the "Flute of Shenhe".

When the white light gradually dissipated.

The appearance of the "Ocarina of God" has changed.

The flute, which was originally slender, turned into a round shape.

It slowly fell into Xia Yan's hands.

this moment.

The gazes of Giratina, Palkia, Dialga, Regigigas, and Nostalgia Cloud fell on him.


Xia Yan took a deep breath, holding the brand-new "Ocarina of God's Harmony" that incorporated the power of the slate and put it to his lips.


A melodious and ethereal voice sounded.

The ripples spread around Xia Yan with Xia Yan as the center.

The voice seemed to sound directly in the minds of every Pokémon.

Wherever the sound wave passed, the ice and snow melted, the grass sprouted, and the trees flourished, creating a new scene full of vitality.

Even the black and red clouds that had covered the Xicui Region for an unknown period of time gradually dissipated.

Soft, snow-white clouds reappeared above Soaring in the sky.

A ray of golden sunlight shot straight down through the layers of velvet-soft clouds.

In this sunshine, it seems that there are all possibilities.

Divine beasts such as Giratina also held their breaths and stared at the beam.

I see.

At the junction of sunlight and white clouds, a pure and holy Pokémon filled with sacredness walked slowly from the sky with gentle eyes.


Giratina tensed up, ready to explode at any moment.

Both Dialga and Palkia stared blankly at the slowly falling sacred Pokémon. The desire in their minds that was aroused by Xia Yan not long ago subsided, and they honestly hid the "reverse bone" and lowered their arrogant heads slightly.

Regigigas's eyes kept blinking, and it also began to think about the purpose of Xia Yan's plan.

Only Nostalgia Cloud, like Giratina, looked directly at Arceus, her pink eyes flashing with various complicated emotions.

the other side.

The residents of Jubilife Village, who had already withdrawn from the Sinnoh Temple and were far away from the center of the collision of time and space, also saw this sacred scene.

Looking at the figure, everyone's expressions were stunned.

"Is this the real 'Sinnoh Lord'?"

Zhubei murmured.

After seeing Arceus, Gangshi almost subconsciously overthrew the belief in his heart.

The collapse of faith did not have much impact on them.


Only worship.

The golden sunlight goes up to Arceus in the clouds and down to Xia Yan on the high platform of Sinnoh Temple.

Arceus looked soft, stepped on his feet, and landed in front of Xia Yan.

Green and deep eyes fell on Xia Yan's body.

Xia Yan looked directly into Arceus' eyes without any retreat.

by his side.

Beedrill, Alakazam, they also did not step back.

Although they have already felt the breath brought by Arceus, as long as Xia Yan does not move, they are also unmoved.

Just looked at Arceus silently.

examine it.

【Xia Yan. 】

Arceus' voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

Listening to the familiar voice, Xia Yan grinned, "Arceus."

Arceus nodded slightly.

His gaze swept across Dialga and Palkia in their original form standing on both sides, and finally stopped for a moment on Giratina, who was tense all over.

【You did very well. 】

Xia Yan raised his head and said quite proudly: "Of course."

The rest of the mythical beasts looked at their friendly communication like this, but at most they felt that Xia Yan's tone was a little too arrogant.

But didn't think much of it.

Only Giratina, looking at such a harmonious scene, is going to explode.

It feels betrayed.

He clearly promised to help it deal with Arceus.

But Xia Yan "fallen to the enemy".

In other words, Xia Yan and Arceus negotiated at the very beginning.

Only it, foolishly believed Xia Yan, thinking that he would really help him.

Although Xia Yan promised it from the beginning to the end, in fact, only to help it summon Arceus.

But Giratina still felt that Xia Yan "betrayed" it.

Giratina glared at Xia Yan fiercely.

Sure enough, all humans are the same.

That tone.

It's like saying "Sure enough all men are the same".

A thick black mist surged out of Giratina's body.

The energy of antimatter constantly erodes the surrounding space, fighting against the "divine" of Arceus.

It's poised to go.

Even if Xia Yan "betrayed" it.

Even if there are not only Arceus, but also Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas and Nostalgia Cloud.

Even if it knows its chances of winning are slim.

But it still decided to resist!


That's it Giratina!


gradually spread.

Dialga and Palkia also noticed Giratina's reaction.

In the past, they may have begun to fight back.

But they didn't move because Giratina did help them today.

Just today.

Let it make a splash today.

But Giratina's strangeness did not have any impact on Arceus and Xia Yan.

The corners of Arceus' mouth twitched slightly.

[Leave the rest to me, give me the 'Flute of God's Healing', and I will send you back. 】


Xia Yan lowered his head and slowly rubbed the round new 'Flute of God's Harmony' in his hand.

After a brief hesitation, he handed it to Arceus.


When Giratina saw this scene, her eyes were split, and Haze broke out, her body tensed like a drawn bowstring.

Arceus still didn't do anything about its reaction.

Only the soft and holy smile on his face is even more so.

Xia Yan raised his head and handed the "Flute of the Gods", and the corner of his eyes glanced at Soaring in the sky.

Soaring in the sky at this time is already in a picture scroll intertwined with blue and white.

Available in this scroll.

There is a huge flaw.

That is a dark space crack, deeply imprinted in it, as if someone took a pair of scissors and cut a knife in the middle of this beautiful picture.

Dazzling and striking.

When Xia Yan stretched out his hand halfway.

In his smile, jokes and sarcasms suddenly appeared.

The hand was immediately withdrawn.

Arceus smiled and looked at him seriously.

【What's the meaning? 】

Xia Yan's smile remained unchanged, and he said slowly:

"Suddenly I don't want to give it anymore."

Looking at the understatement of Xia Yan, Arceus stared.

Haven't waited for it to respond.

I saw Xia Yan shouting to Giratina who was poised beside him: "Giratina, what are you waiting for? Beat it up!"

This sentence.

Not to mention Arceus, even Giratina, who had already regarded Xia Yan as a "traitor", was stunned.

But next second.

A terrifying suction came from Xia Yan's hand.

It's Arceus!

It realized that Xia Yan didn't want to give it, and immediately scrambled for it.

"Beedrill, Alakazam, Mega!"

Xia Yan drank lowly.

Although Beedrill and Alakazam don't know what's going on.

But they came to Xia Yan recklessly and were enveloped by the energy of Mega Evolution.

Mega Evolution again!

However, they did not have the urge to face Arceus directly. After the evolution was completed, they and other Pokémon quickly retreated with Xia Yan.

Facing Arceus' glare, Mega Beedrill glared back without hesitation.



Mega Beedrill swings the Twineedle and the "X-Scissor" slashes out.

With the experience of facing Dialga "Roar of Time", they were immediately a lot more emboldened.

Mega Alakazam grabbed Xia Yan's shoulder, agitated Psychic, and tried to step back.

Togekiss waved his wings, and Aegislash crossed in front of Xia Yan.

Zorua stirred up the fog, layer upon layer, it became Xia Yan's appearance, and immediately created a new phantom, trying to confuse Arceus.

Duolong Bartto swung his tail, like a sharp sword, wrapped in dragon energy, and charged towards Arceus.

【court death! 】

Arceus' green eyes flickered, and in an instant a red light appeared from the depths.

The roulette wheel on his body glowed brightly, and a golden spherical Flash appeared in his forehead. He turned his head and launched the Flash's energy into the air, leaving a golden trail behind.


As the supreme authority of the creator god, sanctions!

Dozens of golden light beams intertwined and intertwined with each other, and swept away towards Xia Yan's Pokémon and Xia Yan.

Sudden change.

Let Dialga and Palkia not react at all.

Only Giratina.

After being stunned for a short time because of Xia Yan's words, its tense body instantly ejected.

In just a moment, Giratina reacted.

turn out to be.

It was Xia Yan's fault, he never wanted to violate the covenant between them.

turn out to be.

Even in the face of Arceus, Xia Yan was on his side.

turn out to be.

Having a partner is what it feels like.

In Giratina's roar, she only felt that there was a steady stream of power surging from the bottom of her heart.

The speed of the galloping speed increased sharply again, and with its savage mouth open, it bit straight towards Arceus' neck.

The "Judgement" released by Arceus was blocked by Giratina's Haze.

But there are still a few bits and pieces left.

Xia Yan looked serious.

Instant fusion with Mega Alakazam's Psychic.

"Aegislash, King's Shield!"

Clang! !

After Aegislash had conquered the real fear in his heart, there was nothing left to fear.

It erected its shield and covered its entire body with a sonorous lustre.

The fastest "Judgement" was blocked by it.

Bang-! !

With a dull roar, the huge virtual gray shield constructed by Aegislash instantly burst, and it flew out.

Hit the ground hard.

Feeling the intense pain from the shield, Aegislash gritted his teeth without a word and stood up again, standing in front of Xia Yan.


'That's it? Didn't eat? ! ’

The one who dared to speak to Arceus like this would probably be the only one in the whole world, and Giratina would not dare.

However, Aegislash only blocked one of them, leaving four.


Mega Beedrill's wings trembled, and its figure was blurred, and it felt the shackles that were invisible on its body again.

However, at this moment, in its eyes, there was only a beam of light that quickly blasted towards Xia Yan.

Hurry, hurry up!


Countless Sparks burst forth from its wings, and beams reflected upon the breath-holding Mega Beedrill's scarlet compound eyes.

Gradually, Mega Beedrill felt that the beam was getting further and further away from it.

But at the end of the beam, it's Xia Yan!

The image of Xia Yan being hit flashed through his mind in a fraction of a second.

"Beer beer!!"

The red light in Mega Beedrill's eyes became more and more intense, and the dark red aura suddenly erupted.

dong dong! dong dong! dong dong!

At this time, Mega Beedrill seemed to be able to clearly hear his own heartbeat, as well as the sonorous sound of the long sword Fengming.

gritted teeth.

The energy accumulated in the dozens of days after coming to Xicui, the potential for development and mining suddenly exploded at this moment.


Feather wings seemed to stop vibrating, leaving only the constant rushing current.

boom! ! !

It looks like a long time, but it is only a short moment.

The sound of a collision erupted.

When the dust cleared and Spark disappeared, the long needle of the Mega Beedrill was seen raised horizontally, and the blue light at the top was fading away.

The violent breathing and the heaving chest couldn't stop its bright and excited eyes.


And, it once again broke through its own limits!

There are three left.

Mega Alakazam's Cianwood-colored eyes were full of Psychic, and five spoons overlapped, facing one of the beams, and resisted without hesitation.

The Psychic, which was thick and substantial, was pierced in an instant, and the beam hit the spoon firmly.


Squeezed by a terrifying force, the spoons rubbed against each other, making a harsh rubbing sound.


Mega Alakazam growled, his arms jerked up, and Psychic was stirred again, against the five spoons that kept retreating.


A palm rested on its shoulder.

The familiar Psychic flowed into it.

Just like the clear spring water flowing into the dry rice field, it nourishes and fills the dry rice field, and at the same time, it breeds surging vitality.

The Psychic that had dried up was stimulated again and poured all of it into the spoon.

In a trance.

Among the five spoons, the most primitive one seemed to have a faint shadow flickering, showing a gratifying smile to Mega Alakazam.

boom! !

The energy collision burst out, and the roar resumed.

The five-handled spoon returned to the top of Mega Alakazam's head, who was exhausted and panting violently but his eyes were extraordinarily bright.

There are two left!


The usually naughty and lazy Togekiss burst out with absolute concentration and seriousness at this moment. As his wings swayed, two pure and angular arcs suddenly flew out.


Zorua rushed forward, flashing in his mind.

It was the breath of hope that it smelled when it was lying in the icy snow and felt that its body was eroded by the cold. It was the breath that it had finally waited for for decades. It would never allow anyone to use it again. Take it away from it!

Press both hands on the arc edge.

A hazy Mist instantly surrounded it.

In a trance, a similar appearance, larger in size, like the outline of Zoroark, the white god of death, enveloped it.

boom--! !

Zorua flew out upside down and was firmly picked up by Xia Yan in his arms.

The pain in the body was instantly covered by this warm embrace, and Zorua immediately showed a sweet and intimate smile.

The last one left!


Space folds between twists and turns.

A Pokémon with a gradation of virtual and real, with a serious look, appeared before the only path of the last beam.

The deep purple energy starts at the top of the head and spreads all over the body.

A bright beam of light greeted him.

boom--! !

The last muffled sound.


Duolong Bart used his domineering and wanton dragon roar to disperse the rising dust, and roared towards the source of the beam without showing weakness.


Arceus' "Judgement" was completely blocked.

Although the process may seem difficult, it seems that every Pokémon has used all its strength.

But Xia Yan's expression was very calm, and his deep eyes took all the scenes into his eyes.

Perhaps Xia Yan always had reservations about other existences.

But only Xia Yan gave absolute trust to his Pokémons, and he could hand over his life and safety to them with complete confidence.

And he believed even more.

These Pokémons who grew up with him, accompanies them, and laughs together already possess strengths that they may not even know about themselves.


He was not surprised or worried about the result.

Inexplicably, a seldom revealed confidence, pride and even pride appeared on Xia Yan's face.

They have finally grown to what they are now.

After completely resisting the "Judgement", Xia Yan's gaze turned towards Arceus again.

I see.

Arceus' burst of power pushed back Giratina, who was rushing towards him like a mad dog.

Once again stood in the golden sunlight cast from the sky.


The sacred aura that originally surrounded him has dissipated.

Instead, it was endless distortion and darkness, and the emerald green eyes were replaced by black and red.

Under the sunlight, his white body was dazzlingly reflected.

Under its feet, the dark shadow slowly elongated, gradually expanded and expanded, showing an uncoordinated light and shadow.

But in the next second.

Shadow seems to have come to life completely Normal.

Ripping at his limbs, he rushed towards the white Arceus.

all of a sudden.

The light fades away.

The snow-white Arceus was covered with a dark, deep and heavy coat, revealing a bit of evil, twisted, and confused.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.


at the same time.

The bodies of Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, and Nostalgia Cloud suddenly tensed up almost instantly.

With shocking and unbelievable gazes, they cast their gazes on the now pitch-black Arceus.

The ink-colored body and the golden roulette have constructed its new appearance today.


PS: The chapter title "Light and Shadow" refers to the title volume. There will be a dark Arceus in the easter egg chapter later, although it is a little different from what I imagined, but it is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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