The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 869 Xia Yan Vs Ariana (Three In One)

Chapter 868 Xia Yan VS Ariana (Three in One)

Yuanzhu City was deliberately blocked.

Moreover, it is estimated that no one in Yuanzhu City knew about this situation at this time.

It is also because of the special geographical location of Yuanzhu City.

It is located in the northernmost part of the Johto Region, backed by vast forests and fields, and even the entire city is surrounded by mountains. The Mt. Mortar on its east side is the famous mountain in the Johto Region, which isolates Yuanzhu City from the Mahogany Town.

In fact, there are only a few ways to enter Yuanzhu City.

Therefore, it is not difficult to block the road into Yuanzhu City.

Just don't know who did it.

At this time, Yuanzhu City is obviously not a safe place, preventing the flow of people from entering, and even protecting those people to a certain extent.

But even if no one entered, Yuanzhu City was still very lively at this time.

The quaint buildings, the high-hanging flaming lanterns, the dense street vendors, the crowded heads, and the sakura trees full of gorgeous sakura are dotted, which is an extremely harmonious picture.

But in a place where this picture is not noticed, in the dark alleys, as the light gradually fades, it seems that there is a tendency to swallow the entire Yuanzhu City.

"Burning Festival" is a large-scale festival held every three years in Yuanzhu City.

To pay homage to those Pokémon who died in the Burning Tower, and to worship Ho-Oh, the great mythical beast who saved the three Pokémons.

Xia Yan, who landed in the dense forest outside Yuanzhu City, squinted his eyes while looking at the brightly lit city in front of him.



When Zorua, who had snow-white hair in Xia Yan's arms, heard his call, she couldn't help but prop up her head and ears.



Hearing this, Zorua stretched out her small tongue and licked Xia Yan's cheek lightly, then disappeared into the dense forest and disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, Xia Yan sorted out his clothes a little and stepped into Yuanzhu City.

To determine the situation in Yuanzhu City first, it is best to catch those people.

Xia Yan familiarly found the entrance to the black market of Yuanzhu City.

Although it is difficult for people from outside to come in now, there are many people who arrived in Yuanzhu City as early as a few days ago.

So the black market is just like the street outside, crowded with people.

The difference is only.

Most of the people here wore black cloaks and pale masks to hide their identities.

Xia Yan went directly to where the Rockets were stationed in the black market.

In the two major regions of Kanto and Johto Region, the Rockets have done a good job in infiltration, so the Rockets are also responsible for maintaining the order of the black market in Yuanzhu City.

When Xia Yan was about to walk into Team Rocket's base.

Two burly men standing like soldiers at the door stood with their hands behind their backs, and immediately blocked his way.

"Buying and selling things to other places, this is not a place to approach casually."

There is no emotion in the voiceless words.

The tone is still polite, and he did not directly drive people away.

After all, those who roam the black market are desperados. If Xia Yan is a lunatic, his tone may be counterproductive.

The Rockets are not afraid of things.

But the black market is the Rockets' asset after all, providing the Rockets with a lot of money every day.

The Solaceon riots are disrupting the black market and the Rockets don't want to see it.


If someone wants to Taunt, the Rockets will not be soft.

However, with the current strength and ability of the Rockets, they disdain to do things like extortion by those indiscriminate organizations.

"I want to see Ariana."

Xia Yan was not angry, but after hoarse and low words, he took out a Rockets Badge.

This is the identification of his highest executive.

Seeing this Badge, the two strong men at the gate immediately straightened their bodies, and after a salute, one of them hurriedly said:

"Sir, wait a minute!"

With that said, he turned and trotted towards the base.

Xia Yan stood there and did not move, but from time to time his eyes swept across the strong man who left and who still abide by his duties.

'Four generals. Is this the soldier of Ariana's Legion? ’

Team Rocket is the only one known to Xia Yan that has a legion system.

The reason why it can compete with Alliance to a certain extent is also because of the influence of the Rockets.

When I saw one of them for the first time, Xia Yan's sense of quality was not bad.

Ariana is capable.


The three executives are the representatives of Giovanni's personal strength, so the four generals are the representatives of Giovanni's team's strength.


The strong man who had left before came back.

"Lord Yanxia, ​​Lord Ariana is already waiting."

After that, he was ready to lead Xia Yan in.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

An involuntary smile appeared on his face.

The base is not that big.

After a few simple turns, we came to the deepest point.

inside the room.

A red-haired woman dressed in white Rockets' top executive costume, with Erlang's legs crossed, pursed her lips and outlined the corners of her mouth, looking at Xia Yan who appeared at the door.

"Yan Xia Executive, I didn't expect you to come so soon, it really surprised me."

This woman, who was about twenty-seven or eighty-years-old, was naturally Ariana, one of the four generals.

The appearance is not bad, but also has the temperament of a high-ranking person.

But her attitude is somewhat intriguing.

"Ariana, is there any suspicious person in Yuanzhu City recently?"

Xia Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, and went straight to the point.

Ariana raised her eyebrows and said with a half-smile:

"Suspicious people? The entire black market is full of suspicious people. I don't know who Yanxia Executive is talking about?"

Xia Yan was silent.

The eyes under the brim of the hat looked at the joking woman in front of him.


Giovanni valued him Xia Yan and provided him with a lot of help.

But not everyone on the Rockets will treat him like Giovanni.

Even the real bird, who was Giovanni's secretary, was skeptical of Xia Yan when he first met him.

Not to mention the top executives with real power like Ariana.

The rivalry between the Rockets' Executive and Executive was originally allowed by Giovanni.

It has nothing to do with loyalty or not.

After all, if every executive in the Rockets' Giovanni's ranks is united, then Giovanni should probably think about whether to change his team.

Among the Rockets, the contradiction between the three executives and the four generals is almost public.

Xia Yan does not belong to the four generals, nor the three executives, but Giovanni's reliance on him recently is enough to make Ariana pay attention.


Xia Yan showed a smile.

"A fight?"

Since it's the Rockets, don't say anything unreasonable.

Giovanni asked Xia Yan to find Ariana, but he didn't say that Ariana would definitely help him.

If Ariana doesn't work hard, Xia Yan will also have a headache.


It is easier to speak with fists.

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Ariana was stunned for a moment, and then laughed even more happily.

"it is good!"

This is what she wants.

She was curious about Xia Yan and didn't understand why Giovanni paid so much attention to him.

He was clearly a member of the Hunter Guild, but he was absorbed into Team Rocket.

And entrusted with the responsibility of the highest Executive.

Moreover, Xia Yan is famous within the Rockets because of Giovanni's reliance, not strength and ability.

Although there are rumors that he killed Bishas, ​​the rumors are just rumors after all.

Ariana wanted to see if he was qualified to be on an equal footing with her.

The voice fell.

A wall of the room moved slowly, revealing a wide training ground behind it.

The pits and pits in the training ground have not been repaired so neatly. It can be seen that the people who train here are not very safe.

Xia Yan didn't hesitate, just lifted his foot and walked in.

Ariana laughed softly and stood opposite Xia Yan.

"What does Executive Yan Xia want to fight?"

Xia Yan shrugged indifferently, "You can do whatever you want."

Hearing this, Ariana's eyes flashed.


With that said, the slender palm turned over, and there was an extra Poké Ball.

Throw it directly in front of you.

In the red light-


A vicious dog with black and shiny hair and a pair of white bones and sharp horns appeared in front of her.


Elite level!

As soon as he came out, Houndoom was on his limbs, his muscles tense, ready to pounce at any time.

Just by looking at this Houndoom, you can tell that Ariana has trained well.

But Xia Yan still put his hands in his pockets, the brim of his hat blocked his sight, and he remained unmoved.

Ariana raised her chin slightly and said crisply, "Yanxia Executive, it's your turn."

But Xia Yan said slowly: "One is not enough."


Ariana looked surprised.

I saw Xia Yan slowly raised his head, revealing slightly crazy cold eyes under the brim of his hat.

The voice without any emotion sounded again.

"I said, one is not enough."

This time.

The smile on Ariana's face couldn't be sustained.

His face sank instantly.

I have never seen such a Power Trip.

Is it fearless?

Or posturing?

Ariana's thoughts kept tumbling.

In fact, Xia Yan's purpose is very clear.

He knows that there are constant disputes within the Rockets, and he doesn't bother to get involved in those bullshit things. Ariana just doesn't like one of his top executives.

Since he's not famous, let his fame ring in the Rockets this time.

Otherwise, this time it's Ariana, next time it's Archer, what next time?

It's not even Xia Yantuo.

The positioning of the four generals and the three executives is different.

If Rival were Koga, he definitely wouldn't be.

But the fourth general he dared.

Because the four generals are more responsible for the army of the Rockets, the requirements for personal strength are relatively low.

It's also because of this that he was able to duel Archer and Ariana at the same time when he was still in the Elite Four period.

This Houndoom from Ariana is good, but only good.

He needs Ariana's cooperation, shows his fist, and is a very hard fist, which is the best choice.

"How brave!" Ariana couldn't help laughing and scolding.

But it didn't follow Xia Yan's intention.

You say one is not enough?

She is also one of the four generals, one of the highest executives.

"Houndoom, tear him up!"


Houndoom, who was lying on the ground, immediately jumped out, and his strong limbs ran on the ground of the potholes, picking up a large piece of dust.

During the rush, a thick pitch-black color appeared above the fierce sharp teeth.

A sudden attack, and the target is directly at Xia Yan himself.

Ariana was not worried at all that Xia Yan would die in this raid.

If he really dies, it can only be said that Xia Yan is not strong enough and pretends to act. Such a person is not worthy of being sheltered by the boss of Giovanni.

But obviously.

Xia Yan belongs to the confident party.

Red light suddenly appeared.

A ferocious dragon that was also pitch black as ink flew out from behind Xia Yan.


Between the fluttering of the giant wings, the dust that the Houndoom had rolled up was instantly blown away.

A dark purple halo rose from the claws covered with shiny black scales like metal.

Dragon Claw!

The ferocious claws collided with the ferocious mouth.

boom--! !

The fierce energy swept through.

Charizard hovered in the air with his wings outstretched, and Houndoom circled in the air a few times before barely staggering to his feet.

On its dark face, three sharp scratches were striking, and after it stood still, the red gurgling slowly oozes out.


Houndoom's fierceness remains the same, but when he looks at Charizard, there is a little more fear in his eyes.

This Charizard is very strong!

Ariana was also slightly shocked when she saw this scene.

Just a face-to-face, Houndoom fell into the absolute disadvantage.


Smashing the Houndoom, Charizard roared with scorching flames from his mouth.

The loud dragon roar echoed in the training room, and the dust on the ground kept trembling because of this sound.

Xia Yan promised to help it find Marshadow, so it will choose to obey Xia Yan's orders for the time being.

But whether it was the disappearance of Marshadow after the defeat, or the deflation in Xia Yan's hands, it made him, who was already grumpy, suppress his anger in his heart.

Now facing the Houndoom, that flaming anger is fully erupted.

"I said, one is not enough."

Xia Yan calmly glanced at Charizard's uncontrollable back, which kept flapping his wings, and said slowly.

Play a game with Ariana.

On the one hand, I really want to save some trouble for my future self.

He served on the Rockets, but he didn't fight, and it didn't involve affecting their authority.

on the other hand.

Also wanted to vent the fire on Charizard.

This guy has been suppressed for too long and is too uncomfortable.

Although he is obedient now, the next time Bao Buqi really meets the master who has captured Marshadow, he will not obey the order, sabotaging Xia Yan's plan.

So just find someone to let it vent.

Those anger, all vented out, much better.

And hearing Xia Yan's words again, Ariana knew that Xia Yan was not talking nonsense.

With just a Houndoom, it really isn't this Charizard's Rival.

Ariana gritted her teeth.

Throwing a Poké Ball again.

The second Pokémon to appear is a Honchkrow.

With neat feathers jet black and shiny, it's another Elite Pokémon.

Xia Yan grinned.

Eyes narrowed.

"not enough!"


Ariana glared at Xia Yan.

However, Charizard saw two hot white gas Spit Up in Charizard's nose, and seemed to agree with Xia Yan's words.

Taking a deep breath, Ariana sank.

But she doesn't care anymore.

Throw the third Poké Ball again.

"It was a Weavile in the ************ field.

The three evil-type Pokémon, representing Ariana's helm, are Team Rocket's evil army.

When he saw three Elite-level Pokémon, Charizard finally showed a serious and dignified look, and flames appeared in his eyes.

After summoning three Pokémon, Ariana Fang no longer hesitated.

A big wave.

"Honchkrow, Tailwind! Houndoom, Thunder Fang! Weavile, Ice Beam!"

Three Pokémon appear together.

The Honchkrow rolls up the airflow and wraps around the sides of the three Pokémons, reducing air resistance to them.

Houndoom charged again, flocculent thunder and lightning densely distributed between its teeth, golden light accompanied by constant jumping low sounds.

Weavile's figure became more athletic, and he disappeared from Charizard's line of sight after a few flashes.

Morihan's beam hit Charizard's back.

"Dragon Dance!"

Xia Yan calmed down and calmed down, trying to use his Contest Condition to influence Charizard's Contest Condition.


It turns out.

It's he who thinks too much.

There is no tacit understanding between Charizard and him at all, and he can't influence Charizard's mentality in the same way that he can influence his own Pokémon.


Charizard is indeed stronger than these three Pokémon.

Flying with a special rhythm, along with the rapid rise of its own momentum, and the flexibility to rise.

Charizard twisted Weavile's "Ice Beam" in the air and charged straight for the Houndoom, fist clenched.

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

He also calmly gave up his plans to influence Charizard.

Since you can't change it, go with it.

Xia Yan quickly adjusted his thoughts and changed his strategy.

Anyway, only Charizard has a Pokémon, and Xia Yan can still do it by following its habits and fighting style.

"If that's the case, then Dragon Rush!"


Charizard, who heard the words, still listened to Xia Yan's command.

While attacking Houndoom, his body was enveloped by dark purple energy, and the energy condensed into the appearance of a giant dragon, wrapped in Charizard and appeared in front of Houndoom with extremely fast movements.

boom--! !

Collision regeneration.

Great power Tackle on Houndoom's head,

click -

Cracks appeared in the hard white bone on Houndoom's head, and the jet-black dragon scales on Charizard's head burst into cracks.

Just this collision made Ariana feel Charizard's madness.

It's the kind of madness that will definitely hurt the enemy by a thousand.

Houndoom's body was still flying backwards completely uncontrollably, and the condensed lightning just jumped twice on Charizard's scales before quickly disappearing.

The point is.

Charizard, who succeeded in one blow, instead of retreating, fluttered his wings to bully him again.

Ariana's face changed slightly.

She glanced at Xia Yan's direction.

She was thinking about whether to let Weavile rush over and kill Xia Yan.

But in the end, her loyalty to Giovanni didn't let her choose to do so.

And for this decision, she should actually be grateful.

Otherwise, someone would really die here today, but definitely not Xia Yan.

"Honchkrow, Sucker Punch! Weavile, Assurance!"

She tried to surround Wei to save Zhao.

With the offensive of Honchkrow and Weavile, let Charizard throw the mouse and defuse the crisis of Houndoom.

This is the best way to play more with less in a battle.


She completely underestimated Charizard's Contest Condition at this point.

Charizard had no intention of retreating.

Honchkrow turned into a black awn, and appeared behind Charizard with the momentum of thunder, and Tackle of the evil energy Tackle was on its back.

with this time.

Weavile also appeared by Charizard's side, and the sly and cold eyes reflected the attack of its sharp claws.


The double damage triggered by the "Assurance" effect also played a role.

Three scarlet scratches appeared on Charizard's back, and dark scales cracked under sharp claws.


Charizard growled in pain.

But it still has no intention of turning back.

He grabbed his claws and tore them down, leaving several red streaks on Houndoom's body again.

More than that.

Charizard also grabbed the two corners of Houndoom's head, and from the clenched mouth, wisps of flames spilled out from the gap between the teeth.

next second.

boom--! !

Hot flames poured out of its mouth.

The amazed Houndoom hadn't recovered from the dizziness of the first head collision, and the flames in his eyes were so close to it.

Want Struggle.

But found that the head was firmly grasped.

The red flames instantly drowned it.

After leaving several scars on Charizard's back again, Honchkrow and Weavile were also taken aback by Charizard's fatal posture.

After Houndoom was engulfed in flames and fell to the ground incapacitated, the two Pokémons almost instinctively backed away frantically, watching Charizard slowly turning around warily.

There was a little fear in his eyes.

This lunatic.

Xia Yan also pulled out the corners of his eyes.

Although he gave the order, Charizard's desperate attitude towards Salvadore made him somewhat helpless.


The battle is not over yet.

"Charizard, Dragon Dance again!"

Charizard, who turned around, shook his wings again, and the flame at the end of his tail was like a huge fireball, and the raging fire covered his whole body.

"Rapid Fire" Ability, trigger!

It was the first time Ariana had seen such a fight.

She suddenly had an illusion.

The reason why Charizard has endured the attacks of Honchkrow and Weavile so indifferently, defeating Houndoom seems to be only superficial.

Xia Yan and its true intentions, it seems

Just to trigger Charizard's "Rapid Fire" ability?

How could there be such a fight?

Rao is the highest executive of the Rockets and one of the four generals.

I have never seen such a nearly self-mutilating way to trigger one's own Ability.

Amidst the fiery flames, the pitch-black scales exude a terrifying luster.

Charizard's momentum climbed again in "Dragon Dance".

Against an imposing Charizard, neither Weavile and Honchkrow attacked, nor did evasion.

But soon.

They have to make a choice.

Because Charizard has Lock On Weavile.


Weavile drank lowly, cheering up his Contest Condition, and at the same time dispelling the fear in his heart.

The claws rubbed together, and a harsh sour tooth sounded.

Legs force, catapult out.

On the other hand, Honchkrow had to suppress his anger and spread his wings to roll up the airflow.

But next second.

Charizard's speed suddenly increased again, and the flames covering his body made it like a dragon breathing fire, slamming into Weavile.

Bang-! !

I saw Weavile turned into a black shadow and was slapped on the wall of the training room, losing his ability to fight.


Honchkrow's attack worked, but in return was an increasingly violent Charizard.

Heat Crash!

The winged Charizard made Honchkrow feel so small for a moment.

The pressure, accompanied by the high temperature, instantly overwhelmed its consciousness and overwhelmed its defenses.

With the fall of Honchkrow.

Announcing the end of this battle.


Charizard tensed up, spread his arms, stretched his wings, and his stout tail kept flapping the ground, and the terrifying high temperature burned a large hole in the ceiling.

Coupled with the appearance of its scars at this time, it added a bit of hideousness and madness.

Ariana stared blankly at the Charizard, and Xia Yan's seemingly calm expression, the madness in her eyes.

"Mad. This man and this Pokémon are both insane."

At this moment, she deeply felt Yan Xia, the top executive of the Rockets, and the madness of his Pokémon.

Charizard's fatal stance flashed through his mind.

Just this battle alone made Ariana know one thing in her heart.


If you can't be 100% sure that you can kill Xia Yan, then absolutely don't provoke him.

This man is a total lunatic!

Those who wear shoes are afraid of being barefoot.

Her identity, her status, the object of her allegiance, everything does not allow her to provoke such a lunatic.

It is rumored that Xia Ben is a crazy and reckless person.

Now, she saw it.

Xia Yan had to admit.

The madness of his efforts to create the identity of "Yanxia" is far less powerful than the shock and influence brought by an actual battle.

But after this battle.

It is estimated that few people in the Rockets will question and provoke him as a "madman".

Take out the Poké Ball and take Charizard back.

It's done venting, and it won't hold back after a while.

Charizard's injury was also tragic.

But it works great.

Shrinking the Poké Ball back on his waist, he looked at Ariana again.

He grinned, revealing his white teeth.

"Now, can you tell me, is there any suspicious person in Yuanzhu City?"


PS: Thank you "Yan Ming" for the reward~~

Also, friends, a group of people is really full, you can add two groups, in the introduction, or in the words of the author at the end of the chapter~~

(End of this chapter)

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