The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 870 Xia Yan, Yan Xia? When The Horse Is Falling (Three In One)

Chapter 869 Xia Yan, Yan Xia? When the horse is falling (three in one)

the next day.

Xia Yan, who stayed directly at Rocket Hideout for one night, left the black market.

"I didn't expect Boss Giovanni to be so prepared."

Xia Yan looked up at the rising sun and slapped his mouth secretly.

"But yes, otherwise, there is no need to call me to Yuanzhu City."


After defeating Ariana, although she was still lukewarm to Xia Yan, she no longer had anything to hide about Xia Yan's problems.

And from Ariana's mouth, Xia Yan learned.

In fact, the Rockets have already noticed a group of suspicious people approaching Yuanzhu City. Otherwise, Ariana's real estate would be Lake Rage north of Mahogany Town, not Yuanzhu City.

"So. This operation becomes a joint operation of Alliance and Team Rocket?"

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but laughed twice.

He is an Alliance Elite Four and holds Agatha's "Elite Summoning Order" to represent Alliance.

At the same time, he and Ariana can represent the Rockets.

Could it be a joint operation of the Alliance and the Rockets?

"It's just, what does Boss Giovanni want? It's impossible to simply see that outsiders come in on your own territory and feel uncomfortable, right?"

The Rockets haven't managed so much yet. If they're really upset, it should be Alliance who's upset first.

"Tsk, intriguing."

However, it is precisely because of the information provided by Ariana that Xia Yan will not let Xia Yan wander around in Yuanzhu City like a headless fly, and he can't find any clues.

His personal strength is strong.

But in the face of more and more enemies, no matter how strong one's personal strength is, it is still useless to find no one.


It is the day when the "Burning Festival" in Yuanzhu City begins.

When Xia Yan was walking on the street, he could see a branch hanging on the door of every house.

It's just that the leaves of these branches are rendered into a fiery red color by some paint.

Just like a burning flame, it dotted the door of every house.

The real square of the celebration is under the burning tower.

On the open-air stage that has been built, a woman in a kimono is dancing on it.

Xia Yan just glanced at it, then turned around and walked in the direction of Yuanzhu Taoist Hall.

According to information from Ariana.

In addition to Whitney, who was stuck in the middle of the road, the gym owners who came to Yuanzhu City were Jasmine, the gym owner from Onion City, and Falkner, the gym owner from Violet City.

In addition, Matsukata, the owner of the Enjudo Hall.

Three gym owners from the Johto Region have gathered here.

Xia Yan didn't know how strong they were.

But come to think of it, it shouldn't be weak.

Unlike the lively front of the burning tower.

The Bell Tower, located in the northeast corner of Yuanzhu City, seems a little deserted at this time.

The ten-story tower, Laser Focus, which has experienced time and years, not only has not become dilapidated, but has become more and more solemn.

Only the breeze blowing from time to time, and the sound of the bells on the four eaves of the tower slightly shaking, added a bit of vitality and vigor to the solemnity.

And in this quiet atmosphere.

One after another, elite members dressed in Rockets costumes walked out from all corners of the jungle surrounding Bell Tower.

Goals are the same.

The Bell Tower was surrounded inside and out.

"I didn't expect them to be hiding here."

Xia Yan also walked out of the jungle.

Beside him, there are Ariana, who is in charge of commanding this unit, and True Bird, who is closely behind Xia Yan, holding the document.

The real bird arrived last night.

Bring "Present" by Giovanni.

at this time.

The Rockets have completely surrounded Bell Tower.

Ariana frowned.

"I don't know how they got in, but it would be very troublesome if they kept hiding in Bell Tower."


A large number of monks live in Bell Tower.

Most of these monks have little combat power, but there are also a group of special monks who are specially responsible for protecting the safety of Bell Tower. The strength of those monks is still very strong.

Especially the ones who took the lead, even Ariana didn't want to provoke them.

Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes.

‘Is Marshadow in there too? So it seems that their target is not Marshadow, but Ho-Oh.’

Although it sounds a bit absurd for a Ho-Oh shot.

The guy who carries the camera is still very terrifying.

But Xia Yan has seen Lugia being eroded by dark energy, and it seems that the target Lock On Ho-Oh is not incomprehensible.

‘No wonder Marshadow encountered a situation and Ho-Oh didn’t show up, it had a premonition that it was their target? ’

Listening to Ariana's words, Xia Yan nodded slightly.

Even the Rockets are reluctant to mess with Bell Tower.

Because it is not necessary.

at this time.

"Brother An, let's turn back to the shore!"

Quiet top floor of Bell Tower.

The door suddenly opened.

Xia Yan's somewhat familiar voice came from the top of the tower.

The voice is warm, but full of anger, with a little anger.

at the same time.

Several figures walked out of the door and stood by the fence on the top floor.


There is a beautiful figure with a bumpy figure, light blue hair like a waterfall, gently swaying with the wind, a leisurely appearance.

After walking out of the gate, he even turned around and leaned on the railing.

It seems that you are going to look at the entire Yuanzhu City from the angle of Bell Tower and enjoy the scenery here.

Before she could look into the distance, she first saw the Rockets who surrounded Bell Tower under the tower, as well as Xia Yan and Ariana.


Seeing this woman, Xia Yan's eyes narrowed.

She is indeed here.

Blaise didn't show any panic or surprise after seeing the three of Xia Yan.

Instead, he raised his eyebrows towards Xia Yan.

A faint smile appeared on her face.

Beside Blaise stood a burly figure wrapped in a black robe.

With his back to them, he couldn't see the real appearance.

He seemed to be holding something in his hand, causing the black robe to bulge.

The last one standing with them was a monk who was about twenty-seven or eight years old in a gray and white robe and folded his hands.

opposite them.

A monk who was also wearing a monk's robe and was relatively younger, his face was full of indescribable sorrow.


Wine and meat little monk Anci!

The familiar voice before came from his mouth.

Although An Ci was originally a monk in Bell Tower, Xia Yan was a little surprised to see him here.

After Saffron City left, Xia Yan didn't get much news from An Ci.

Didn't expect to see it here.


The current situation on the top floor of Bell Tower seems to be a little delicate.

A twenty-seven-eight-year-old monk.

It is the "Senior Brother" An Lu in An Ci's mouth.

Moreover, it seemed that An Lu and Blaise were mixed together.

"Junior Brother Anci, you are still young and you don't understand."

An Lu's voice didn't have any rush, just folded his palms and said something slowly.

Then he nodded slightly to the two of Blaise.

"Let's go."

The sound of the urn came from under the black robe.

Immediately after.

A red light shot out from under his black robe.

A hideous-looking Hydreigon appeared outside the railing.

The black-robed man raised his hand, grabbed one of Hydreigon's feet, and flew out of Bell Tower.


After Blaze raised his eyebrows at Xia Yan again, he also threw the Poké Ball.

A Pelipper was summoned and grabbed the soles of its feet.

In the end, the senior brother An Lu, whom Anci spoke of, raised Haze in the shadow, and finally turned into a Gengar to carry it and took him away from Bell Tower.

"Farfetch'd, Brave Bird!"

An Ci didn't seem to want to see them leave so easily.

Behind it, a Farfetch'd with Onion Stick in its mouth, wrapped in a Cianwood-colored feather coat, flew up.

"Hydreigon, Dragon Pulse."

The ferocious-looking Hydreigon spat out "Dragon Pulse", blocking Farfetch'd's pursuit.

After a moment of obstruction, the three of them pulled enough distance.

quickly disappeared into the distance.

"Anci. Come back"

Inside the tower, an old and somewhat weak voice came.

An Ci, who gritted her teeth, flashed a little panic in her eyes.


Look back.

Xia Yan and Ariana witnessed the whole process.

"It seems, it's a bit late?" Ariana pressed her chin, thoughtfully.

Not having to enter Bell Tower is good news for her.

"It's better to say, it's the right time." Xia Yan's hoarse voice came.


When Ariana looked at it, Xia Yan's eyes just retracted from the top of the burning tower.

He grinned involuntarily and grinned.

"They are waiting for us. Burning Tower."

After all, he turned around and walked away.

Briefly blurred.

Leaving Ariana and Maori looking puzzled.

wait for us?

at the same time.

Before the burning tower.

The bustling square was crowded with people.

The "Burning Celebration" will last all day.

in the crowd.

"Song Ye, Xia Yan Elite called us over, and his own people are gone again."

Jasmine, who had two bones tied, was wearing a beautiful light green dress, and held several bags of snacks in his hand, pouted.

Looking around, he seemed to be looking for Xia Yan.

Hearing this, the pine leaves showed bitterness.

"'Elite Summoning Order', this is the first time I see this thing, Xia Yan Elite must have his intentions."

On the other side, the cold-faced Falkner said slowly: "I didn't expect that the first time I received the 'Elite Summoning Order', the other party was actually the Elite Four from the Sinnoh Region."

Speaking of which.

There was helplessness on the faces of the three at the same time.

Who made them Johto Region Region does not have its own Elite Four?

Song Ye sighed, "Let's be the first to disperse the people here, lest there really be an emergency."

He is the master of the gymnasium in Yuanzhu City and is responsible for the safety of the entire Yuanzhu City.

If there is an emergency that leads to large-scale casualties, he can't afford it.

Falkner shook his head.

"I've seen Beagle in the sky. There are too many people and it's too scattered. Officer Jenny and the others have worked very hard, but with little success."

"Maybe it would be more effective to scare them." Jasmine suggested with a puffed mouth.

The eyes of the two fell on Song Ye.

Matsuba opened his mouth.

He wanted to say.

What if there are no emergencies?

He couldn't bear such a responsibility.

at this time.

"There is someone in the sky!"

There was a sudden exclamation from the crowd next to him.

Then more and more people looked up to the sky.

The three of Matsuba also attracted their attention.

A Hydreigon, a Pelipper and a Gengar.

appeared in Sky.

And the target seems to be the burning tower?

Matsuba narrowed his eyes. He practiced the special Norman eye, which allowed him to clearly see the appearance of the three people appearing in the sky.

Blaise and the man in black robe were okay to say, when he saw An Lu, he showed a little surprise.

"Father An?"

And when Song Ye was stunned, the crowd boiled.

"They seem to have entered the burning tower?!"

"who are they?"


The burning tower is a tower that is incinerated. Under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to enter because its structure is not very strong.

Unless approved by Yonju Gym, or on special dates.

But in the "Burning Celebration" period, the burning tower is the most sacred place.

The appearance and behavior of Blaise and others made the crowd boil.

Only, this is just the beginning.

What really stunned everyone was

boom--! !


A group of soaring flames rose from the burning tower. The roaring flames covered most of Soaring in the sky. The scorching high temperature made the people around them feel a little hot on their cheeks.

This sudden situation made everyone's words stuck in their throats.

The burning tower, after a lapse of seven hundred years, was actually ignited again? !

"The burning tower, the burning tower was, was set on fire?"

"Who are they? How dare they?"

"Quick, quick to put out the fire!"


The crowd became more boiling, witnessing the scene one by one the body could not help shaking.

Most of the people who participated in the "Burning Celebration" believed in Ho-Oh.

Ho-Oh hasn't been seen since the "Burning Tower" was set ablaze seven hundred years ago, and now it's set on fire again, fearing that it will stir Ho-Oh's ire.

But some people couldn't help but wonder if they could see Ho-Oh.

The three masters of the gymnasium, Song Ye, could not recover from such a surprise in a short period of time.

The snacks in Jasmine's hands were all over the floor.

"Song, Song Ye, this is the reason why Xia Yan Elite called us over to disperse the crowd?" Jasmine muttered.

Matsuba has also reacted now.

If he had known, he should have listened to Jasmine's advice and dispersed the crowd.


"It's too late!" Falkner said solemnly.

"Yes! It's still too late, hurry up to disperse the crowd!" Song Ye also hurriedly said.

The structure of the burning tower is already unstable, and it is ignited again and may collapse at any time.

At that time.

Thousands of people gathered in the square in front of the burning tower, one of them is not good, but it will be submerged by the collapsing burning tower.

available at the same time.

The situation reappeared.

Part of the crowd existed, almost throwing the Poké Ball and summoning the Pokémon as soon as the Burning Tower burst into flames.


They roughly surrounded everyone and didn't allow anyone to leave.

The Yuanzhu City Alliance police headed by Officer Jenny started a confrontation with them at the first time, but they fell into a disadvantage the first time they collided.

Falkner told Matsuba and Jasmine the message from Pidiao.

The expressions of the two suddenly became extremely ugly.

Even if they took it for granted, they would have reacted. This time, the incident was premeditated. However, as gymnasium owners, they found nothing.

The whole square was in complete chaos.

No matter how the three of Ren Pingsongye comforted them, they had little effect.

A good "burning celebration" turned out to be a disaster.

at the same time.

Xia Yan and Ariana, leading a group of elite Rockets, also rushed to the Burning Tower.

Ariana looked at the burning tower that was swallowed up by the flames, a smile appeared on her face, but she quickly subsided.

"Team Rocket!"

Once again, Falkner shared the collected information with Matsuba and Jasmine.

The two of them had already sunk their hearts, and fell a bit again.

I just found it difficult to breathe.

The lives of tens of thousands of people, the burning tower that is about to collapse, and the rocket team that suddenly appears.

One by one, one by one, the pressure on them is too great.

"However, the Rockets didn't join." Falkner said again, easing the pressure on the two a little.

"Xia Yan Elite! We have to persist until Xia Yan Elite comes over!" Song Ye said solemnly.

At this time, Xia Yan, who is an Elite Four, has become their backbone.

The turmoil of tens of thousands of people, I am afraid that only the identity of the Elite Four can completely suppress it.

Only the presence of the Elite Four can give Alliance members the confidence to deal with those who suddenly riot.

"But I don't know where Xia Yan Elite went." Jasmine was also a little anxious.

With such a dense flow of people, they can't do it at all.

On the burning tower, some burning wood blocks fell.

Explaining the collapse of the combustion tower is just a matter of time.

"With such a big movement here, Xia Yan Elite will definitely come over soon." Falkner also said.

And their communication was overheard by the turbulent people next to them.

"Xia Yan Elite?!"

Under the panic, the speed of hope is fast.

"Xia Yan Elite! We need Xia Yan Elite!"

Gradually, Xia Yan seemed to have become the hope in everyone's heart.

Even some people don't know who Xia Yan Elite is, and they have never heard of this person.

But the word "Elite" means everything.

Ariana looked at the panicked crowd, the helpless Alliance police and gym staff, and couldn't help showing a sarcastic smile.

The elite Rocket Force, which was neatly lined up and ready to go, formed a sharp contrast.

Ariana looked at Xia Yan.

"Yanxia Executive, how did you know they were coming to burn the tower?"

Xia Yan didn't pay any attention to her, but just went to the towering tower, wondering what he was thinking about.

Just after the Rockets arrived.

Burning tower.

The only place not covered by flames was a charred balcony with railings, from which the three of Blaise walked out.

Listening to the noisy voice below, "Xia Yan Elite" ringing from time to time, the smile on Blaise's face became even greater.

Her gaze finally fell on Xia Yan, who was standing with Ariana.

The crisp but loud voice overwhelmed the noisy crowd.

"Xia Yan Elite, everyone is waiting for you."

When talking, Blaise's eyes were always on Xia Yan.

When Ariana next to Xia Yan heard this and Blaise's gaze, she looked at "Yan Xia" beside her with some surprise.

"Yanxia Executive, she said"

Ariana moved slightly away.

"Oh!" Blaise patted his forehead with an exaggerated expression.

"I don't know yet, should I call you the new Elite Xia Yan of Sinnoh Alliance? Or should I call you Yan Xia, one of the top executives of the Rockets?"

Sinnoh's new Elite Xia Yan, and the Rockets' top executive Yan Xia? !

The crowd that was clamoring for "Xia Yan Elite" suddenly became quiet.

The Rockets side also became extremely quiet.

All that remained in the air was the constant "crackling" of the burning tower as it burned.


Once again, something unexpected happened.

Ariana opened two steps away from Xia Yan again.

Xia Yan, Yan Xia?

The real bird behind Xia Yan also looked at him in surprise.

Alliance Elite Four, the highest executive of the Rockets, will these two identities be in one person?

Xia Yan ignored their changes, just looked up at Blaise on the burning tower, pursed his lips, and the bottom of his eyes shone with cold light.

"Huh? What a cold look, I'm so scared."

Blaise patted his chest, making waves.

But there was no hint of fear.

But right now.

"Eh? I heard that someone is looking for me?"

The sound was also silent, but it reached everyone's ears.

I see.

Xia Yan, wearing a signature Black suit and a round top hat.

Whitney, the gym owner who led Goldenrod City, and a group of Alliance investigators appeared on the other side of the square.

"Xia Yan Elite!"

Matsuba, Jasmine, and Falkner suddenly showed surprise on their faces.

On the other hand, Blaise on the Burning Tower was stunned.

She stared stiffly at Xia Yan who was leading the Alliance investigator with a smile on her left, and then looked at "Yan Xia" who was leading the Rockets' elite troops with a gloomy face on the right.

"No, not alone?"

Xia Yan hooked the corner of his mouth.

A dark feather was gently rubbed in the hand behind it.

After he came to Johto Region Region.

I've been thinking about one thing.


Why send this feather to the Sinnoh Mountain View family.

This seemingly superfluous behavior left Xia Yan puzzled.

There was only a little guess before, let him be cautious.

But now.

He got it.

turn out to be.

Before the other person wants to achieve the main goal, they also want to achieve another small goal.

Test his Xia Yan's identity!

Perhaps it is because the frequency of Xia Yan and Yan Xia appearing together several times is a bit high.

Let them do a trial run of the layout.

Or maybe.

It was because Agatha said that the Alliance hiding in the dark was already preparing to try to contact Hunter N.

But before that, the identity of Hunter N made them uneasy.

So he deliberately left dark feathers and used Marshadow to let Xia Yanshun follow him.

If Yan Ben appeared at this time, the result would be self-evident.

Xia Yan and Yan Xia are the same person.

If Yan Xia did not appear, then Hunter N could be trusted and passed their last test.

I believe that Hunter N will soon receive the invitation of the other party.

And the man behind it all.

The thoughtfulness was so thoughtful that Xia Yan was shocked.

This time, if he hadn't deliberately paid attention and thought about a few things, he might have been tested out.


PS: Today's 1.2w, ask for a monthly pass! One more thing, if you apply for adding a group of friends, it is not that you will not pass it, but the group is full. You can add two groups~~

(End of this chapter)

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