The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 893 The Father Of Mega Evolution! (7K+!)

Chapter 892 The father of Mega Evolution! (7k+!)

"Xia Yan Elite! Xia Yan Elite! Please wait!"

The game is over.

Giovanni has already exited at the first time.

He didn't even give him a chance to talk to Xia Yan.

After giving him a deep look, he just left.


Now, except for those who noticed Giovanni's identity, who were still watching him secretly, most of the audience had always focused their attention on Xia Yan.

They are now very Covet will answer the doubts in their hearts.

And the Host also seems to have received the above command.

Called Xia Yan to a halt.

Looking at such dilapidated ruins, the corners of Host's eyes twitched.

Any Xia Yan's game will suffer on the battlefield.

This time the destruction was even more complete, and even the metal site structure beneath the rock formation was exposed.

However, in comparison, it is obviously the destruction of the enchantment, which puts more pressure on the competition.

The barrier that had been strengthened once was still shattered by the aftermath of the collision.

You must know that although these enchantments are products of Alliance technology, the energy required to maintain them is very huge.

That's why the schedule is so tight.

Strengthening the enchantment will increase the energy consumption again, but the destruction of the enchantment is the most expensive.


Several sabotages did not cause any casualties to the audience.

Looking at the Host who came quickly in the Flying system, Xia Yan frowned slightly.

This time against Giovanni, Pokémon's injuries were not minor, and he didn't really want to listen to Host's nonsense.

However, because he represented some of the Alliance executives, Xia Yan suppressed his irritability and stopped.

"Xia Yan Elite, first of all, congratulations on your victory in this wonderful battle."

Host is also very good at looking at his face, knowing that Xia Yan was not very happy when he was suddenly called off like this, so he hurriedly raised the questions that the big guys above were concerned about, and also asked the doubts in the hearts of all the audience at the scene.

Hastily continued:

"I don't know if Xia Yan Elite's Beedrill has re-evolved in the game. Can you explain it to us a little bit. Of course, if it's inconvenient for you, you can leave it alone."

The tone of voice is very good.

The strength shown by Xia Yan has surpassed many Elite Four.

With such strength, the Host would not dare to treat him as an ordinary Trainer.

"That's Mega Evolution."

Xia Yan's answer didn't have any twist.

Mega Evolution is coming sooner or later.

It's just a little early because of his intervention.

"Super, evolution?"

"An Assist external force that allows Pokémon to gain the ability to briefly evolve again. This is the result of my latest research findings." Xia Yan said without changing his face.

The study found!

At this time, people suddenly remembered.

The young Elite Four in front of him is not only a top-notch super-trainer, but also a top-notch researcher.

It was he who discovered the Fairy-type Pokémon that started a wave of Fairy in the entire Pokémon world not long ago.

So much so that Xia Yan is called "Father of Fairy" by many people.

"I see!"

Host showed a stunned expression, and then he pointed out:

"I heard that Xia Yan Elite has already obtained the application for the degree of Professor, but he has never held the award ceremony?"

Whoa-! !


A professor in the field of Pokémon studies under 20?

And still think of the top Elite Four-level Trainer?

This kind of identity, which can be regarded as the top of the two fields, actually appeared in such a young man?

the most important is.

He was also a very ordinary born, even inferior to ordinary low-level civilians.

turn out to be.

The counterattack is not just for Xia Yan's Beedrill, he is also a model of the counterattack.

No wonder Xia Yan never gave up on Beedrill because they were so similar.

a time.

The server, which was finally restored under the efforts of the Alliance staff, was paralyzed again.

Xia Yan, Professor, Elite Four, Father of Fairy and other words have completely occupied the hot search of the entire Alliance network.

And Xia Yan's influence began to spread again in every corner of the entire Pokémon world.

There are already more than most professors, and the prestige is catching up with the trend of Professor Oak.

Xia Yan squinted at Host.

It is said that?

Not many people know about the fact that he applied through Professor.

Rather than talking about the so-called "hearing", it would be better to say that the Host is "pleasing" and actively expanding his influence.

In other words, it was Alliance's "goodwill" to help him expand his influence.

"I didn't want to take up public resources, but since the Host has helped me out, that's right."

Whoa! !

A personal confession from Xia Yan.

Moreover, the professor's degree was applied for early.

What about his research findings?

How to calculate?

"Cough cough."

Host coughed twice, relieved from the pressure of Xia Yan's squint just now, and his attitude was more friendly.

"Then ask Professor Xia Yan, is this 'Mega Evolution' only available to Pokémons like Beedrill?"

if so.

That Beedrill is probably going to become another kind of existence comparable to the quasi-god Pokémon.

Just like Eevee and Togepi before.

Hearing this question, everyone held their breaths, and the entire arena was so quiet that a needle could be heard clearly.

All eyes are fixed on Xia Yan.

His subsequent answer is very important.

Xia Yan looked around for a while, pursed his lips, took a breath, and said in a calm tone, "No."

boom! ! !

It's boiling!

The whole arena is boiling again.

Everyone showed completely different expressions, including surprises, shocks, disbelief and of course a little bit of fear.

They seemed to have a hunch.

The implications of this discovery.


The appearance of the Fairy type has also brought a great influence, especially to some dragon type Pokémon Trainers.

But the Dragon-type Pokémon Trainer is only a minority of the minority after all.

Moreover, the awakening of the Fairy system only changed the attributes and resistances of some Pokémon, and there were some differences in the learning of moves.

But it doesn't matter if it's someone who's ready to raise Fairy-type Pokémon from scratch.

Or for those who have Pokémon who have awakened the Fairy system, it is a relatively slow process, and it always has a gradual process.

To put it simply, the emergence of the Fairy system will have the greatest impact on the future.

For really top Trainers, the impact is not particularly large.

But Mega Evolution is different.

The blessing of Mega Evolution is visible to the naked eye.

Directly let Xia Yan's Beedrill cross the Elite level and briefly possess the strength of the champion level.

This is just Xia Yan.

So what if it's those Pokémons that already have the power of champions?

The emergence of Mega Evolution.

It will definitely lead to a stronger Trainer.

Weak Trainers get weaker indirectly.

This is a discovery that can affect the entire Pokémon world.


The powerful Trainers of those evil organizations have this ability, but the Alliance does not, isn't it?

Listening to the boiling voice again, Xia Yan thought about it, and then said:

"Of course, Mega Evolution has tough conditions. Also, not every Pokémon can perform a Mega Evolution."

Harsh conditions?

That's not a problem for some powerful Trainers who are really powerful, powerful, and resourceful.

It is another piece of news that widens the "gap between the rich and the poor".


Not every Pokémon can perform a Mega Evolution?

Host hurriedly asked:

"Which Pokémons are eligible for Mega Evolution? What are the conditions?"

As soon as the words were spoken, the Host regretted it.

Xia Yan glanced at him again, his eyes were meaningful.

this matter.

Can it really be announced in front of the general public?


As soon as Host opened his mouth, a growling sound came from his headset.

Fortunately, Host said something out of excitement, and Xia Yan was not as stupid as him.

Slowly said:

"The specific information, I'm still counting, please pay attention to my forum posts."

Hearing this, the audience showed disappointment.

Host gave Xia Yan a grateful look.

But before he was grateful for long, he found that his hand was loose, and the microphone was taken away by Xia Yan.

I saw his expression became very serious.

A heavy voice spread to the audience.

"However, I need to remind everyone. The power of Mega Evolution is powerful, but since it is power, it is not completely controllable. It is extremely dangerous. I hope everyone will have this ability in the future. , don't try

You have to remember.


What can be controlled is power.

The power that cannot be controlled is called the devil.

This is my advice to you all. "

Say it.

He threw the microphone back to Host, and disappeared into the player channel with great strides.

Mega Evolution does have its dangers.

It is not necessary to have Key Stone, Mega Evolution Stone and Pokémon to perform Mega Evolution. It has extremely high requirements for the bond between Trainer and Pokémon, that is, intimacy.

Even though Xia Yan is easy to use, it is because he is confident that the bond between him and Pokémon is enough to take on such a test.

It may not be possible to replace the person.

Once the intimacy between Trainer and Pokémon is not up to standard, the Mega Evolution will fail and the Trainer will consume a lot of money, and the Pokémon after Mega Evolution will be violent and out of control. Even if the Mega Evolution is over, it will not be able to recover in a short time. cause great damage.

Another point.

That is, the Mega Evolution is very burdensome for the Trainer, and this burden is mainly reflected in the body and spirit.

Psychic like Xia Yan, after using Mega Evolution and Z moves at the same time, showed a weak look.

Ordinary trainers, if their physical fitness is not good enough, rashly perform Mega Evolution, their bodies may be evacuated in an instant, and they will suffer from injuries that can never be cured.

After the interview with Xia Yan ended.

With the hard work of Alliance's hard-working staff, Alliance's official website has finally resumed use again.

"Trash Alliance Network!"

"Mega Evolution! Professor Xia Yan is really amazing. After the Fairy department, he once again discovered the Mega Evolution that shocked the world!"

"Is this the real genius? Both style and style are blooming!"

"I want to ask now, besides Professor Oak, which other professor can compete with Professor Xia Yan in the great discovery?"

"I really want to know which Pokémons are eligible for Mega Evolution, and I really want to know the conditions for Mega Evolution!"

"Mega Beedrill is too handsome, isn't it? Love, love."

"Now, I said that Xia Yan Elite has the strongest research ability among all Elites, and Xia Yan Professor is the strongest fighting ability among all Professors. Who is in favor and who is against?"

"Since Xia Yan Elite is called the 'Father of Fairy', is it not too much to add a 'Father of Mega Evolution'?"

"Why not be the 'Mother of Mega Evolution'? (Funny.jpg)"

"Father of Mega Evolution! Father of Mega Evolution!"

"As a ten-year-old fan of Professor Xia Yan, I think what the above said makes sense."

"Ten years old fan? How many years has Professor Xia Yan debuted?"

"Upstairs, was it fished?"


The Internet has completely overturned the pot.

The words "Xia Yan" and "Mega Evolution" cannot be avoided in almost everyone's discussions.

And there is a new title called Crazy Climbing in Hot Searches, until it finally reaches the top.

that title is

The father of Mega Evolution!

The most intuitive impact of this incident is that the number of followers of Xia Yan's account in the researcher forum has rapidly increased in a very terrifying trend.

Not every trainer has Eevee Pokémon and Fairy Pokémon, but the handsome Mega Evolution, although not every Pokémon has Mega Evolution, but what if their Pokémon can?

And the popularity of this matter is not just on the Internet.

Almost all TV news reports about Mega Evolution and Xia Yan.

All the newspaper headlines are also about Mega Evolution and Xia Yan.

This heat is bound to last for a very long time.

And during this time, there is one thing that represents the right of public opinion.

That is.

Blow Natsuhiko!

Blow hard!

As long as it is featured enough, the masses will buy it.

of course.

There are also some more extreme news media, in order to gain attention, they deliberately made negative comments and began to discredit Xia Yan.

They don't care if the slander is right or not, anyway, as long as they smear it, it will bring heated discussions and they can make a lot of money.

Among them, there are some remarks that everyone scoffs at.

For example, "Shocked! Professor Xia Yan, the father of 'Mega Evolution', is actually a student of Team Rocket's leader!"

Of course, these remarks were quickly drowned out by various scolding voices.

In Yuanzhu City, it was no secret that Xia Yan rode Reshiram and the top executive of the Rockets, Yan Xia, rode Zekrom.

Is Xia Yan Elite a student of the Rockets leader?


Spicy Chicken Heizi!

Another example is "Shocked! Xia Yan Elite has an inexplicable connection with gray forces such as the Hunter Guild!"


Black people are so ignorant.

Dare to pour any dirty water on Xia Yan.

This is the Alliance Elite Four!

However, these media that smeared Xia Yan suffered a collective attack by dozens of hundreds of media that night. In the end, instead of making any money, they directly declared bankruptcy.

These media that maintain Xia Yan have a unified source, the Kalos Region.

Once again corrected the public opinion of this heat is correct.

Blow Natsuhiko!

Xia Yan never paid attention to how it was blown, at most, he watched it for an hour or two before Rest at night.


He has been surrounded by "little friends".

Taking the lead was his number one secretary, Lucian.

That's right, it's not the other ones, it's Lucian.

Because speaking, Du and others are also the beneficiaries of Mega Evolution.

They were too embarrassed to encircle Xia Yan, so as not to be pulled into the water by Xia Yan.

But fortunately.

Here comes the savior.

"Xia Yan, come out."

The door of the lounge was pushed open, and it was actually Xia Yan's Teacher Agatha who appeared at the door.

Because the impact of this incident was too great, the entire Alliance was shocked.

After thinking about it, Alliance still felt that it was most appropriate for Xia Yan's Teacher Agatha to contact this matter.

"Hey, Teacher, why are you here? Aren't you on a mission?"

Xia Yan hurriedly got up from the sofa and broke free from the restraints of Daye and Bruno.

to be frank.

Does Xia Yan still need Da Ye?

Bruno alone is enough.

Seeing Agatha, everyone still respected it and didn't dare to embarrass Xia Yan anymore.

In fact, they are making trouble, and they really won't do anything to Xia Yan.

After all, it's their boss, not their boss. It will be very troublesome to wear small shoes in the future.

Xia Yan sorted out his clothes and walked to the door.

Agatha gave him a deep look, turned and left without saying a word.

When Xia Yan closed the door, he didn't forget to add to Lucian and the others.

"Actually, Du and the others already knew about it."



Closing the door, trotted after Agatha.

At the moment when the door closed, I heard Du shouting miserably.

"You listen to me! Listen to me! Xia Yan is trying to divide us. He has sinister intentions and wants to divide us—ah!"

Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

United against him?


"Tell me."

The two came to the top floor of the opposing battlefield.

"Just stumbled upon the Mega Evolution Stone and the Key Stone and a connection to a special Pokémon."

Facing Agatha, Xia Yan was still very honest and prepared to explain everything one by one.

He also believed that Agatha would do his best to bear the pressure from the Alliance.

Agatha gave him a sideways glance.

"I'm asking you, how did Giovanni know who you are."

As soon as these words came out, Xia Yan's expression froze.

Some looked at Agatha in disbelief.

But on second thought.

Perhaps the Alliance has seen the fact that the boss of Giovanni is disguised as Jianwu.

The reason why he didn't move is because the impact of this incident is too great, and they are not sure whether Giovanni came alone or with a large team of Rockets.

Once a conflict broke out between the two sides, the safety of so many ordinary people and weaker trainers who came to watch the battle in the City of Silver would not be guaranteed.


If it was announced that the Rockets leader Giovanni also participated in the Masters, it would be another huge blow to Alliance's prestige.

People will think.

What are the people at Alliance doing? Even the leader of the Rockets can sneak in to participate in the Masters, haven't you found out yet?

And that's why Giovanni dared to show up at the Masters.

He just got it right and Alliance didn't dare to do it.

During the Masters, as long as he doesn't do anything outrageous, Giovanni's identity is safe.

In the eyes of other Alliance executives, it was also a coincidence that Xia Yan met Giovanni.

Although Xia Yan won in the end, they were somewhat surprised.

But it also made many Alliance executives who had hatred with the Rockets very happy, and Xia Yan gave them a face.

Only Agatha, who knew everything, could see the tricks.


Why didn't Giovanni summon his champion Pokémon when he was playing against others?

What he is waiting for is Xia Yan!

That's why Agatha is here.

She was summoned back urgently by the Kanto Alliance to guard against Giovanni and the Rockets' runaway.

As for asking about Mega Evolution, in Agatha's view, it is far less important than the fact that Xia Yan's identity was known to Giovanni.

Her gifted student, found a Mega Evolution. What happened? Is it weird?

Xia Yan looked at Agatha's serious expression, smirked and touched his nose.

A brief account of what happened between him and Giovanni followed, although some of the important points were omitted.

After listening, Agatha fell silent.

The whole face changed indefinitely.

Make her look more intimidating.

After a long while, Agatha let out a long sigh.

"Looks like this guy Giovanni found out too."

"Found what?"

Agatha looked at him, with a little black light in his deep eyes, and said quietly:

"He sees the problems within the Alliance and wants to use you to achieve some of his goals."

Xia Yan was silent.

After knowing the relationship between Thompachi and Giovanni, Xia Yan had long known that Giovanni knew about the internal affairs of the Alliance.

But don't know why.

From Giovanni, Xia Yan saw less use, but more teaching.

If it was just to use it, why did he teach Xia Yan how to cultivate Beedrill?

After a moment of silence, Xia Yan asked tentatively, "Teacher, why don't you let me come back?"

But Agatha's answer was succinct.

"Do not."

She looked at Xia Yan again and pointed out:

"Since he wants to use you, you can also use him in turn. To deal with the hidden forces within the Alliance, it may be more appropriate to use external forces."

Xia Yan: "."

He opened his mouth.

Just wanted to say.

Teacher, do you really think I can beat Giovanni in this?

Who gives you confidence?

Seemingly seeing Xia Yan's concern, Agatha said:

"Don't worry, although Giovanni is the leader of the Rockets, he doesn't bother to personally deal with you, a little guy whose strength has just caught his eye. He still has this kind of tolerance.

As for the rest of the Rockets Executive, if you can't even stop them, you won't be safe even if you come back. "

From this sentence, Xia Yan heard Agatha's affirmation of Giovanni.

Although it is Rival, it does not prevent Agatha from praising Giovanni.

Perhaps, when Giovanni was young, Agatha had contact with Giovanni.

In fact, Xia Yan was not very worried about his own safety.

If Giovanni was going to do something to him, he would have done it already, and he didn't have much ability to resist.

This is also the reason why Xia Yan felt that Giovanni inherited more and used less of him.

It's just that he doesn't understand why Giovanni is doing this.

Is it really just because of his grandmaster demeanor?

Or because of some other purpose that Xia Yan didn't know about.

"Okay, let's talk about your Mega Evolution, this time the old guys from Alliance really can't sit still."

The impact of Mega Evolution, for now, far exceeds the impact of Fairy's awakening.

Immediately, Xia Yan briefly repeated the story about Mega Evolution.

"That's it, Mega Evolution needs the corresponding Mega Evolution Stone, Key Stone, as well as enough intimacy and above-qualified physical fitness." Xia Yan said.

Agatha nodded after listening.

"In this way, those old guys can rest assured a lot."

Although Mega Evolution Stones and Key Stones are rare, it is still possible to get some with the resources held by the big bosses of the underground forces.

The condition of intimacy is what restricts them the most.

Most members of the underground forces don't see their Pokémon as companions, but more of a tool.

It was doomed that their intimacy with Pokémon would not be high.

This is undoubtedly a condition that can reassure Alliance.

Xia Yan also took this into consideration.

However, someone like Giovanni is certainly not limited by intimacy.

And such a big guy is what Alliance is most worried about.

"You hurry up and sort out the information about Mega Evolution, so Alliance can start collecting it early." Agatha said again.

Xia Yan nodded.


The moment he announced Mega Evolution, the Hunters Guild was already in action.

But this point, Agatha will not say, Xia Yan will not say, Alliance will not know.

Xia Yan sneered and said, "That teacher, is it any good?"

Agatha gave him a sullen look.

"I told them, if the number of Mega Evolution stones is indeed as much as you said, you will be rewarded with a Mega Evolution stone for every major paper you issue."


Xia Yan held up his hat with satisfaction.

No one thinks that such a thing as Mega Evolution stone is too small, and its value will become more and more exaggerated with the popularity of Mega Evolution in the future.

Alliance is quite willing to pay for it this time.

However, the search for the Mega Evolution stone may be more difficult than Alliance imagined.

But this has nothing to do with Xia Yan.

Agatha is reliable.

He didn't know that, in order to win this condition for Xia Yan, Agatha slapped the table in front of many high-level leaders of the Alliance.

"By the way, Teacher, there is one more thing." Xia Yan suddenly said.

"Say." Agatha glared at him.

However, Xia Yan took out a bright Mega Evolution stone, which was composed of two colors of black and red to form the appearance of a leaf.

"This is the Mega Evolution stone?" Agatha was surprised.

It was also the first time she saw it.

Xia Yan smiled and put the Mega Evolution stone into Agatha's hand.

Under her slightly puzzled gaze, she explained, "Teacher, this is Gengar's Mega Evolution stone."

Hearing this, Agatha's expression froze.


When he looked at Xia Yan again, his expression became a little complicated, but more than that, he was relieved.

This student is really not in vain.

What Xia Yan thought was far more profound than Agatha.

Agatha's Champion Gengar, plus her Ghost Corps, now paired with Mega Evolution, isn't that the only one in the Champion class?

Then Xia Yan walked sideways in the Alliance in the future.

who objected.

Close the door and put Agatha!

Xia Yan did not forget to remind:

"Teacher, the Alliance will collect Mega Evolution stones in the future, and you can definitely apply for them with your merits. Don't forget to get the Gengar ones. Banette and Sableye will be good choices."

"These two Pokémons can also Mega Evolution?"

Ghost-type Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution are much more than Ice-type Pokémon.

Mega Banette and Mega Sableye, both are very good.

Mega Banette's Ability is the perfect Legion support for Mischievous Heart.

Mega Sableye's ability is "Magic Mirror", a top-level ability to prevent changes.

Such a support and a defense, coupled with Agatha's Ghost Legion, the power... tsk tsk


The premise is that Agatha can hold on to a double or even triple Mega Evolution.

But well.

The stronger Agatha, the more confident Xia Yan is.

At that time, before Lorelei has grown up, put Agatha in the Kanto champion position.

Plus Johto Region Champion Do, Hoenn Champion Steven, Sinnoh Champion Cynthia.

Xia Yan felt that he was stable.


PS: Tomorrow is the 15th. The 20th anniversary event of the starting point will be 2.5w. All friends with a fan value of more than 500 can win five lucky draws, so if you don’t explode today, you can stay tomorrow.

But having said that, today on the 14th, I have already updated the 20w word, and this month is really going to break the 40w word~~

(End of this chapter)

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