The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 894 Surprise From Steven (Two In One)

Chapter 893 "Surprise" from Steven (two in one)

"Wuhu, is that the City of Silver?"

White clouds drifted by before his eyes.

Ash sat by the window of the helicopter, looking at the towering city in the distance, and the huge battle field in the center of the city that looked like a goose egg.

Gary put away the small laptop in his hand and glared at Professor Oak, who was smiling beside him.

"It's all to blame for the delay in the research done by the old man. Teacher's previous battles were not able to be seen at the scene. Especially the one the day before yesterday, Mega Evolution."

A day has passed since Xia Yan played against Giovanni.

Today is a game of 64 into 32.

As he spoke, Gary's eyes could not help but show admiration.

The more he hated Professor Oak next to him.

Can you miss the Masters?

Ash's mother, Delia, was wearing an apron and asked worriedly: "Is there still a seat? I heard that the tickets for the game were sold out early."

"Hehe-don't worry."

Professor Oak said with a smile.

In his capacity as Professor Oak, why can't he vacate a box?

"Aunt Delia, don't worry, as a teacher, it's easy to get us some tickets."

Gary decisively didn't give his grandpa a chance to show off.


Delia rolled her eyes.

"I saw the arena! There are so many people!"

Ash and they were clearly not on the same channel, screaming in surprise.

Gary immediately cast a look of disgust.

On the other hand, Professor Oak, liked Ash's innocent and lively appearance, with the vigor of young people.

Compared to Ash, Gary looks too old.

Thinking of my student, this new discovery.

The smile on Professor Oak's face couldn't be calmed down.

He is a researcher, and he doesn't participate and doesn't want to care about the twists and turns in the Alliance. He only knows that Xia Yan's discovery this time is another discovery that can bring major changes to the Pokémon world.

At the same time, in the arena lounge.

Xia Yan, Du, Steven, Cynthia, Lorelei and others sat around the sofa.

"The question is very serious." Xia Yan said with a frown.

Gently stroked Sylveon's soft ribbon in his arms.


Sylveon also consciously wrapped the ribbon around Xia Yan's wrist, and Charm swayed.


Cynthia clenched the spoon with her teeth, and a gleam of Berry Juice slipped from the corner of her mouth, and was quickly wiped away by it with an elegant gesture.

Playfully licked the corner of his mouth.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

Du shouted.

See it right away.

He picked up a bowl of crystal clear and delicious smoothie, accompanied by a variety of Berry Juice and pulp, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then Steven and Lorelei followed.

Only Cynthia opened early.

If you don't eat it, it will melt.

What a pity.

Along with them are the Pokémons.

But unfortunately, such a small bowl of smoothie is not enough for Pokémons like Garchomp and Charizard.

Lucian next to them looked at them with some disgust.

"This is Alliance, um, Hao Bing, the future of Alliance?"

Da Ye looked at Lucian, who was also holding a smoothie.

The disgust in his eyes was stronger than Lucian's.

"You have to put down the smoothie in your hand beforehand, huh, say this again."

"Hurry up, it will melt if you don't eat it," Aaron reminded.

Bruno was the only one in the audience, with his arms folded over his chest and a look of indifference on his face.

What's so delicious about smoothies?

It's all water.

Silently stuffed a Rage Candy Bar.

Jam dipped in smoothie.

Immediately he said:

"I said, did you really not see today's battle list? It's so easy."

Xia Yan dug a spoonful and carefully brought it to Sylveon's mouth.


The eyes of the little guy holding the empty bowl lit up instantly, and he ate it all in one bite.

Feeling the coldness in his mouth, Sylveon shook his body happily.

The snow-white streamer also trembled.

Then he looked at Xia Yan eagerly.

Xia Yan reluctantly tapped its little nose and said with a smile, "I've already seen it, the competition is targeting me."

"We." Du added.

Xia Yan squinted at him.

"You're only a few days old, are you embarrassed to say?"

"Then what do they mean today?"

Steven put down the empty bowl and said.

Shi Xiang was so elegant before, I don't know how he solved it so quickly.

Xia Yan shrugged.

"How do I know, maybe it's completely random?"

Lorelei is actually the most "miserable" today.

But she is also the calmest.

"Anyway, Kanto's Elite Four are already full, and you have to play if you want to sit, and the Masters ranking is second."

Hearing that, Lucian, Daye, and Aaron were eliminated early, and their eyes swept over Xia Yan and Cynthia.

Xia Yan glanced at them, and the three immediately retracted their gazes neatly.

How do you feel that Bertha and Kerwin are more reliable?

talking room.

Several people looked at the battle list displayed on the big screen outside.

Today's game is very lively.

Because there are several battles today, it is especially worth looking forward to.

For example.

Xia Yan vs Steven.

Ferry vs. Bruno.

Cynthia vs. Lucian.

Lorelei vs. Alder.

Looking at the battle list is particularly exciting.

Especially Lorelei.

Directly met Alder, the champion of the Unova Region.

Moreover, when Lorelei of the ice type met Alder of the fire type, Xia Yan didn't know how she would win.

Even if he went up to command, he was still lying flat.

Totally random?

Anyway, the people in this lounge don't believe it.


people who can reach the present.

They are all top Trainers.

In fact, there is no difference between good and bad.

To be honest.

In addition to some veteran Trainers, and the current Elite and Champions, those who have entered the top 32 are actually eligible to be the Elite Four of a Region.

After all, this is the World Masters, and Xia Yan and the others are quite good, but some veteran trainers have not lived in vain for so long.

There is only one thing that Xia Yan and the others can't compare.

That's the number of Pokémon.

Rules like the Masters are very beneficial for older Trainers who have more rotating Pokémon.

They can better choose the right Pokémon to match the lineup.


Ultimately, Elite Four looks at strength.

Even if some people are not ranked high, their strength is widely recognized.

For example, Norman, who played against Xia Yan before, and Giovanni after that.


The ranking is not important, the important thing is to show your strength.

"I heard."

Steven tidied up his clothes.

After everyone's eyes moved over, he lowered his voice and said slowly:

"Alliance actually seems to be planning some eight masters competitions. It seems to want to decide the eight strongest Trainers in all regions. Elites and champions from each region will participate."

"The Eight Masters Tournament?"

Several people looked at each other.

Xia Yan instantly thought of the Galar Region.


Is Alliance planning to open the Galar Region now?

There is also the Eighth Masters Tournament. Are you building momentum for the Galar Region, or are you trying to suppress the Galar Region?

Thinking that in the original book, Master Zhi also became one of the eight masters, Xia Yan wondered. Is it reliable?

"But I've only heard about it, so I can't be sure."

There is no wind at all now.

Steven also only learned a little bit of details through his identity as the young owner of the German company.


It's just that there are signs of this, and I don't know when it will be held.

"Better take care of your eyes," Cynthia reminded.

His eyes fell on Steven and Xia Yan.


The two are about to meet again.

Steven's hole card, which he's been hiding for so long, should show up.

And Steven doesn't care about rankings either, he doesn't need rankings to embellish his identity.

As long as he thinks that he can have a game with Xia Yan today, he is very happy.

In fact, there are many people who envy him.

Take Watanabe, Lorelei, and Cynthia, for example.

I don't know if they will have a chance to meet Xia Yan in the future with the current schedule.

"Let's congratulate Koga on his victory! Successfully advanced to the top 32 of the Masters!!"

As Host's impassioned words came from the broadcast, Xia Yan and Steven in the lounge stood up at the same time.

They looked at each other.

"It's our turn, Xia Yan."

Steven said with a smile.

Xia Yan grinned and nodded slightly.

"Both of you have to cheer up."

Du shouted.

No matter who wins or loses in the end, this game will be the game they are most concerned about today.

player channel.

The expressions of the two of them gradually became serious, and they seemed very serious about this battle.

Although Xia Yan and Steven also played against each other in the game.

But this time is different.

This time it is a 6v6 all-player battle mode, which has higher requirements for their actual combat ability and overall quality.

Xia Yan has always been among them, with the strongest field ability, the most complete lineup configuration, and the highest overall quality.

In the match against Giovanni the day before yesterday, the strength of two championship-level Pokémon was shown.

For Steven, it's definitely the more stressed party.

But Steven is not entirely without confidence.

In order to prepare for this Masters, in order to give Xia Yan a "surprise" for his good friends, Steven started to prepare early.


It was earlier than Xia Yan imagined.

Just like he heard about the "Eight Masters" this time, his special identity also allowed him to know about the Masters earlier than Xia Yan and the others.

Xia Yan looked at Steven with a serious expression, but his eyes were full of confidence.

said with a smile:

"You seem to have prepared a special 'surprise' for me?"

Steven's expression became serious, and he said "seriously":

"Hopefully not Astonish."


The two looked at each other.

A knowing smile.

went to their respective channels.

Before the two of them appeared on the stage, the cheers of the audience had already sounded.

It's been two days since the launch of Mega Evolution.

In the past two days, Xia Yan did not announce much information about Mega Evolution because he concentrated on the game.

As a result, the popularity of this matter not only did not go down, but intensified.

Everyone is paying attention to Xia Yan's game and expecting him to present more Mega Evolution information.

But when facing Will yesterday, Xia Yan not only did not show a new Mega Evolution, but even Beedrill did not perform a Mega Evolution.

Everyone just thought that maybe Will didn't put enough pressure on Xia Yan.

But today is different.

Xia Yan's Rival, but the young owner of the Hoenn Region German company Steven!

The man who combines looks, family background, talent, and strength is the most perfect object in the eyes of almost every girl.

And Steven's strength is obvious to all.

the most important is.

Steven and Xia Yan are still good friends.

As we all know, Normal faces good friends and shows all his strength, that is the greatest respect.


The audience is looking forward to it.

Looking at the two handsome guys standing on both sides of the opposing battlefield, the female audience couldn't be more excited.

Whichever one you get, is something you can brag about for a lifetime.

"Ask Player Steven to summon the Pokémon."

Xia Yan couldn't help but glance at the referee standing on the edge of the field and standing on Aegislash.

Do you need to run this far?

"Xia Yan, I've been waiting for this battle for a long time."

Steven said as he gracefully took out a Poké Ball.

Xia Yan pressed the brim of his hat.

"Then I absolutely can't let you down."


Steven gently raised the Pokémon in his hand.

Throw it out slowly.

Red light flashes.

The first Pokémon to appear is Steven's signature, the eye-catching Flash Metagross!

The silver-white body, the aura of the quasi-god Pokémon, and the stocky body.

This is also Steven's most popular Pokémon, a status symbol.

And under the referee's advice.

Xia Yan's first two Pokémon are still the same.

Beedrill and Alakazam.

Not to mention what Attribute restraint does not restrain.

Steven's steel Pokémon has always been the kind of existence that is difficult to deal with and extremely difficult to restrain.

The main thing.

Or Xia Yan didn't have a strong enough Ground-type Pokémon, otherwise many of Steven's steel-type Pokémon were restrained by the Ground system.

Steven's hands.

It did not exceed Xia Yan's expectations.

Two huge, ferocious behemoths.


Wearing heavy silver metal armor, a heavy tonnage Pokémon like a dinosaur, with its thick tail gently lifted and lowered, it seems that the ground trembles.

Steel and Rock Pokémon, Aggron!

There is another one that is about the same size as Aggron, except that the silver metal armor it wears has turned into a thick green shell like a Rock.

The Sandstorm monarch, one of the quasi-god Pokémons, Tyranitar!

The core of Steven's Sandstorm system.

As soon as these three Pokémon appeared, the aura was so strong that the Normal Trainer would feel a lot of pressure.

Properly from the sense of oppression on the type of Pokémon.

And Xia Yan's next two hands are Togekiss and Infernape.

Togekiss will not talk about it.

Air superiority, as well as the third core and control hand, play a huge role.

As for Infernape.

This is probably the only existence in Xia Yan's Pokémon that can bring full restraint to Steven's Pokémon.

Fire-type restrains Steel-type Pokémon, and Infernape is also good at Ground-type moves, which can also bring a lot of threats to Steven's Pokémon.

In addition, the attributes and abilities of the Fighting department also have four times the attribute restraint of Steven's core Tyranitar.

That is to say, Infernape has just entered the Elite level. If it can be stronger, Xia Yan doesn't mind that this battle is completely built around Infernape's tactics.

I saw the four Pokémon that Xia Yan played successively.

Steven didn't hesitate, the summoning speed was very fast.

It seems that there is already a draft in my heart.

His fourth and fifth hands.

It's an emerald green Pokémon that looks like a plant.

As soon as it appeared, you could see that Ingrain was firmly in the field.

Rock and grass Cradily.

Although it is a grass-type Pokémon, it is not afraid of fire-type moves. It is a rock-type Pokémon, but it is also not afraid of ground-type moves. Yu Steven's overall lineup is very compatible.

This Pokémon that Steven cultivated after listening to Xia Yan's advice, Cradily of the "Storm Drain" Ability, can also defend against first-hand water-type moves.

The other one is the lovely Pokémon that Xia Yan gave to Steven, the Mawile of Steel and Fairy.

Originally, Xia Yan wanted him to use it to deal with Du, but he didn't expect that he would be used to deal with it first.

This Mawile should be Steven's Mega Evolution.

Xia Yan secretly said in his heart.

Look at this.

Steven's Pokémon did not exceed Xia Yan's expectations.

In addition to Mawile and Cradily's strength has reached the Elite level, some beyond his expectations.

But have to admit it.

After fully immersing himself in Pokémon training, abandoning the trivialities of the German company, and investing in resources unmatched by anyone, Steven's talent and ability are fully displayed.

Just don't know why.

Whenever Xia Yan saw Steven's meaningful eyes at the moment, he always felt a little hairy in his heart.

just feel.

Steven's last hand is what he calls "surprise".

In case.

In the last two hands, Xia Yan chose Duolong Bartto and Latios.

Seeing these two dragon-type Pokémons, one quasi-god and one divine beast, Steven knew that Xia Yan took him seriously enough.

And this kind of attention, in addition to pressure, is more of joy.


He also decided not to "surprise" Xia Yan by changing Pokémon in the last hand, but to give it directly now.

Under the referee's suggestion, Steven finally took out a red Poké Ball.

Precious ball!

This kind of Poké Ball, which has more significance than function, was actually used by Steven extravagantly.

Xia Yan didn't know what to say.

But the more he did, the more he could feel that Steven's last Pokémon was not simple.

The precious balls are all used, there can't be Skarmory and Claydol in it, right?

With the precious ball opened.

A particularly bright red beam followed.


A fiery roar like the eruption of Volcano magma shook the audience.

On the large reddish-brown body, it is dotted with bright red spots like magma, and metal lumps one by one.

The whole is like a turtle, with its limbs firmly grasping the Ground, and it seems that it can perceive the rhythm of the Ground through its limbs.

With its roar, a surging flame mixed with magma rose into the sky from the huge metal mouth.

It caused a heat wave throughout the arena.

When Xia Yan saw this Pokémon, even if he was prepared, he had his eyes widened and his mouth wide open.

The sound of "ho ho" stuck in his throat and couldn't come out.

The audience at the scene, after seeing this Pokémon, also stopped for a while, and burst into eager cheers.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I didn't expect Steven's last Pokémon to be the legendary Pokémon, Heatranhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

The legendary Pokémon.

Heatran! !


Just Steven's "surprise" for Xia Yan.

No, Astonish.

This Steven, in the live Volcano at Mt. Chimney, Hoenn Region, captured the Pokémon.

After a long while, Xia Yan restrained his expression shyly.

He took a deep look at Steven on the opposite side.

Hang up, right?


PS: This chapter is 5k, 1.2w today, after all, there will be activities starting tomorrow. Don't say that I am out of chapter, I will continue to code after I finish writing this chapter, but it should be updated after twelve o'clock. Tonight, no Rest!

Thank you for the rewards of the three bosses, "Such People", "joker7Z" and "Emperor of Dark Stars"~~

(End of this chapter)

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