The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 895 Senior Routine Is Deep (1.1W!)

Chapter 894 Senior routine is deep (1.1w!)

"Please replace the Pokémon with both players!"

The referee standing far on the edge of the barrier raised the flag in his hand and gave the final reminder.

Look at the lineup on the opposite side.

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

He doesn't really need to change.

Just seeing Steven take out the Poké Ball again with a smile makes me feel a little bad.

What do you mean?

When the co-author met me, all the big moves and small moves came out without explanation, right?

Finally gave me a trick.

see you.

Steven took back the Mawile that Xia Yan thought was his Mega Evolution.

What was replaced was a bell that was as simple as it was made entirely of bronze.

Steel and Psychic Pokémon.


After seeing this Pokémon, Xia Yan instantly understood the system configuration of Steven's lineup.

Sandstorm heavy space!

Damn Steven really listened to all the advice he had given before!

But now Xia Yan didn't feel the slightest relief, but wanted to cry.

"Steven, you hid so deeply, such a Heatran has never heard of you." Xia Yan couldn't help saying.

But he saw Steven lightly tidied up the cuffs.

Slowly said:

"Remember that time when Hoenn's super ancient gods went berserk? Groudon's resuscitation made the magma in Mt. Chimney boil, and it happened that I was collecting magma ore near Mt. Chimney at that time."


From that time.

Has Steven already captured Heatran?

It's no wonder that Heatran doesn't seem to have no chemistry with Steven at all, as evidenced by the fact that it's been cultivated for a while.

Steven continued:

"However, at the time, I hadn't completely conquered it, but I had established enough connections with it. Every time I went back to Hoenn, I would go to Mt. Chimney to watch it, and I became familiar with it over time. It took a lot of effort to completely conquer it.”

Hearing this, Xia Yan almost understood.

Mt. Chimney is the largest mountain in the Hoenn Region and a living Volcano.

And Heatran's favorite Pokémon is the magma field.

Coupled with its identity as a steel Pokémon, it is also what Steven is keen on.

Then Xia Yan looked at the Bronzong again, his cheek muscles twitching slightly.

"Then this Bronzong is also prepared for me?"

Steven chuckled, "Didn't you teach me this?"

Xia Yan: "."

I teach you, not for you to deal with me, hello!

Seeing Xia Yan's "crying" face, Steven said he was very happy.


It's not just him who is happy, but also Du and others in the lounge.

"Well done, Steven!"

Toquan Headbutt slapped his palms and said excitedly.

Lorelei couldn't help but gave him a sidelong glance, "Okay? If Xia Yan Senior loses, who do you want to leave behind?"

Hearing this, Du's expression froze.

Makes sense.

He prepared for so long, not for other people.

Lucian and the others in the back looked at each other in dismay.

Is this a "best friend"?

The one who doesn't backstab and isn't happy?

Cynthia pursed her lips, stared at the arena for a while, and said with some doubts:

"But this way, isn't Steven out of Mega Evolution?"

Others have noticed this too.

Cynthia continued:

"Also, although the appearance of Steven's Heatran is surprising, it seems that this Heatran only has the strength of the Elite class, right? It is at the top of the Elite class at most. Comparable briefly to champion Pokémon."

She hit the nail on the head and pointed out the inadequacies of Steven's lineup.

No matter how surprising Steven was with Heatran at the end, Bronzong after the replacement made his system seem sound and complete.

But one thing cannot be ignored.

That is, there are no champion-level Pokémon.

Even if Heatran can fight against Duolong Bartto in a short time after the outbreak, what about Xia Yan's Mega Beedrill?

There's no way two Pokémons can stop Mega Beedrill.

Even if Steven's lineup defense is strong, Xia Yan's ability to seize opportunities cannot be ignored.


"Steven should still have a hand."

Wataru rubbed his chin, looked at Steven with a confident face, and thought.


Cynthia nodded in agreement.

It's up to Steven to do it.

"Battle begins!"

The referee's two flags fell suddenly.

Announcing the official start of this much-anticipated battle.

"Sword Dance, Nasty Plot, Psychic Terrain!"

What Du and Cynthia saw, of course Xia Yan saw it too.

So facing Steven, Xia Yan didn't dare to underestimate anything, so he let Beedrill and Togekiss directly start to add benefits, Alakazam grabbed the venue, and let the three exceptions Pokémon deal with it just in case.

see you.

The clanging sword formation surrounded Beedrill, and the sound of the sharp sound seemed to carry a sharp chill, and Beedrill's momentum began to rise rapidly under the blessing of "Sword Dance".

Togekiss blinked playfully, and the dark cunning flashed away.

In the lounge before, it didn't play less with a few of the Pokémon on the opposite side, and it was almost clear about the characteristics and abilities of some of the Pokémon.

And Alakazam's movements are not slow at all, and the bright Psychic stand spreads rapidly around it, covering the entire arena.

It doesn't do too much action.

Because Xia Yan reminded him to be careful with Bronzong's "Trick Room", which is one of the key players that can reverse the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

But he saw Steven standing on his side with a big hand.

"Heatran, Magma Storm!"

boom! !

Only heard a violent tremor from Ground, Heatran Bulldoze Ground, the entire field suddenly cracked, and a huge gap appeared under its feet.

Immediately afterwards, Heatran's already reddish-brown body glowed a bright crimson color.

A huge column of magma fire gushed out of its mouth, and the scorching high temperature instantly raised the temperature in the enchantment by more than one degree. swept in.

This is the exclusive move of Heatran, a Pokémon, and it is amazing in terms of destructive power and power.

The intense flames and the high temperature brought by the magma will cause the Pokémon who suffered the attack to fall into the "burning" Contest Condition.

The "burning" Contest Condition will halve the power of Pokémon's physical attacks.


Infernape rolled over and took a step, instantly covered in flames, Assist "great indignation" into the "passionate" Contest Condition.

He waved his fist, wrapped the dark flame, and threw a fist towards the whistling magma.

at the same time.

Latios whispered, Psychic flashed in his eyes, and at the moment when "Magma Storm" was about to touch Infernape, a transparent wall appeared in front of Infernape.

Light Screen!

boom! !


Punch the lava.

The "Light Screen" burst with a sound.

Accompanied by the flying sparks, and the fiery magma that frantically burned the ground after falling to the ground.

Infernape took two steps back, rubbed his fists, and looked serious.

Even though he is also a fire-type Pokémon and has Latios' "Light Screen" to assist, Heatran's hand still makes Infernape a little uncomfortable.

Xia Yan's eyes flashed slightly.

"Alakazam, copy Heatran's Ability!"

This Heatran's Ability is "Flash Fire", because after casting "Magma Storm", Heatran's whole body is lit with unquenchable flames.

This flame can not only make it immune to fire-type moves, but also improve its physical attack and special attack on fire-type moves, which is why Infernape, who has the blessing of "Light Screen" and entered the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition, is allowed to collide fell into absolute disadvantage.

As long as it is used well, this Ability will be a great weapon against Heatran.

Flash Fire: Immune to fire-type moves, which can lift the "frozen" Contest Condition, and after entering the Flash Fire Contest Condition, the power of fire-type moves increases.

"Metagross, stop it!"

The shiny silver-white Metagross body jumps the arc of the Splash, and the special electric current causes its body to be affected by the magnetic field, so that its speed does not seem to match its size at all.

It is the effect of "electromagnetic levitation".

At the same time, the four huge Metal Claws of Metagross swung out in exchange for countless bullet-like energy roaring out, Bullet Punch!

Only, under Alakazam's "Psychic Terrain", the priority of "Bullet Punch" was erased.

It can be seen that countless Psychic threads spread out from the "Psychic Terrain" and wrap around Metagross' body, causing Metagross's speed to slow down visibly.

"Get rid of it!" Steven snorted.

The "cross" symbol on top of Metagross's head glowed brightly, and Psychic burst out of it, forcibly broke free from the restraints of "Psychic Terrain", and pierced towards Alakazam again.

However, between Spark and the flints, two sharp long needles protruded from Alakazam's side and pierced towards Metagross.

It is Beedrill who has completed the "Sword Dance" blessing!

Bang! !

at the same time.

Togekiss also moved, shaking his wings in the air, but it was not the familiar "Air Slash", but a mass of fine electric current.

Thunder Wave!



Before "Thunder Wave" touched Metagross, a cloud of sand emerged from the disk. The dense sand and dust directly blocked the route of "Thunder Wave", and the increasingly dense Sandstorm completely flushed Togekiss' "Thunder Wave" Disperse, defeat.

It's Sandstorm!

Steven's core Sandstorm monarch Tyranitar, finally got his hands on it!

Along with it, there is Cradily.

I saw Cradily, who had been standing silently in the same place, unknowingly, covered the entire production area with slender and dense tentacles, and the piercing submerged into all corners.


Xia Yan can also clearly feel that the moisture in the entire enchantment is rapidly disappearing.

It's Cradily's "Storm Drain" Ability!

It doesn't just play a role in encountering water-type moves, Steven has cultivated Cradily's "Storm Drain" ability in an active direction!

In order to cooperate with Tyranitar's Sandstorm.

The lower the moisture in the air, the scarier Tyranitar's Sandstorm is.

and many more!

And before Heatran's "Magma Storm"!

Not only did it launch a first-hand attack, but the scorching magma and flames raised the temperature in the entire enchantment, lowered the moisture, and paved the way for Tyranitar's Sandstorm.

No wonder.

No wonder Steven didn't start Sandstorm directly at the beginning, but was waiting for the foreshadowing to finish!

Sandstorm is supported by Heatran and Cradily.

Is this your confidence, Steven?

Xia Yan looked at Steven with approval.

He not only listened to Xia Yan's opinions and suggestions, but also modified or improved himself on Xia Yan's proposal.

All things perish.


Heatran growled, lava and fire erupting from his mouth.

The sandstorm in the sky became more and more surging and dense, and even it was filled with scorching golden magma, which mixed with the Sandstorm, causing the Sandstorm's power to rise rapidly.

The ground of the arena quickly dried up, and the rocks were constantly drained of water, and then sanded under the burning of the magma, and merged into the Sandstorm.

In an instant.

The entire arena was completely shrouded and covered by the fiery red Sandstorm.

This momentum.

Bigger than before Giovanni's Sandstorm, filled with more threats.

"This Sandstorm"

The audience outside the venue watched this scene, and their eyes widened one by one.

Even some viewers who don't know much about this level of battle can feel the horror of Sandstorm.

Xia Yan's nose tipped uncontrollably with crystal beads of sweat.

"Xia Yan!"

Steven's voice came through the layers of Sandstorm.

From the voice alone, Xia Yan could hear the excitement in Steven's words.


Xia Yan responded.

Knowing that Steven, who took this hand for the first time at this time, should be in the excited Contest Condition.

after all.

If someone else has such a move, and they can make such a combination, they can't help but be excited, right?

"This is Sandstorm Inferno I prepared for you!"

Sandstorm Inferno!

The surging Sandstorm, the dry environment, the fiery magma, the name Steven is very apt.


Steven always has one thing that cannot be avoided.

That is hard power.

"Doron Bartto!"

Xia Yan drank lowly, a dazzling Psychic halo appeared in his eyes, ready to officially launch a counterattack.

Since Steven specially prepared such a "great gift" for him, Xia Yan felt that he had to be worthy of his gift.


Duolong Bart understood, his tail swung, the dark light wrapped around his body, one swayed and disappeared into the field.

next second.

Duolong Bartto appeared at the back of Steven's lineup, wrapped in a strong Ghost-type energy, and rushed towards Aggron.

Aggron is a typical tonnage-type Pokémon with excellent physical defense but lacking special defense capabilities.

Although with the blessing of Sandstorm, Aggron's special defense ability is not so weak.

But in terms of the strength of Duolong Bartto, the Elite-level Aggron is a point that can be broken through.


It's also not like Tyranitar. It has several Pokémon protection as the core, and it is the weak point of Steven's lineup.


Even if Bronzong next to him came to defend, Xia Yan could solve it together with Bronzong.

Having the advantage of strength is that you can do whatever you want.

Part of Steven's actions did not exceed Xia Yan's expectations, that is, he would not allow Aggron to withstand Duolong Bartto's attack.

But there was one thing that surprised Xia Yan.

Because the replacement for Aggron is not Bronzong, who is outstanding in special defense, but

Flash Metagross!

See the silver-white Flash Metagross at Aggron's place, using the "Ally Switch" to swap places with Aggron.

Although Steven didn't have the energy of Xia Yan, he played the trick of "Ally Switch" to the fullest.

But just a simple replacement can still be done.


Just when Xia Yan felt that either Flash Metagross or Doron Bartto could solve Steven's Trump Card Pokémon.

But I saw that Steven took out his last preparations again.

In Steven's hand, a Key Stone radiating bright light emerged.

at the same time.

The body of Flash Metagross also burst out with a halo that echoes the distance.

I saw Steven elegantly holding the one in his hands high, his eyes bright and excited.

Loudly said:

"Metagross, Mega!"

all of a sudden.

Steven's Flash Metagross is covered and wrapped by the colorful Mega Evolution energy. In the rich Cal, Metagross seems to be undergoing strange changes.

Whoa! ! !

Steven's "Sandstorm Inferno" was amazing, but it didn't make the audience boil.

But at this time, his movements, coupled with his graceful aristocratic attitude, were so temperamental against the brilliance of Mega Evolution.

the most important is.

Steven's Flash Metagross, Mega Evolution!

The second Mega Evolution Pokémon to appear in this Masters, and it’s still a quasi-god Pokémon!

Seeing this scene, even Xia Yan froze uncontrollably.

Whether it was Heatran or Bronzong before, even the "Sandstorm Inferno" after that didn't make Xia Yan so gaffe.

But now.

As the energy of Mega Evolution faded and disappeared, Pokémon appeared in the sight of Xia Yan and all the audience, but Xia Yan was fascinated.

boom! ! !

Doron Bartto's attack was blocked by Mega Metagross, who completed the Mega Evolution, with a "Meteor Mash" that was absolutely serious and focused.

Huge collision movement, bursting aftermath.

Not even the current "Sandstorm Inferno" can completely cover it.

The appearance of the two Pokémons and the Contest Condition are clearly presented in everyone's sight without the need to broadcast through the camera.

Really evolved!

Really Mega Evolution!

Steven's Flash Metagross, completed Mega Evolution, transformed into Mega Metagross.

the most important is.

At this time, the strength of Mega Metagross has already entered the championship level. Like Xia Yan's Beedrill the day before yesterday, he assisted with the blessing of Mega Evolution, which brought a step-by-step improvement.

Of course, the premise is that the Pokémon that performs Mega Evolution must have such strength.

at the same time.

The audience also made sure of one thing.

That is to carry out Mega Evolution, which will really bring a huge consumption to the trainer and require the trainer to bear great pressure.

Because of the seemingly elegant Steven, his complexion was more than a little pale at this time, and there were already beads of sweat on his forehead.

Mega Evolution is not something you can try rashly!

"Xia Yan!" Steven dragged his tired body and said aloud again.

"I said this was discovered by my family in my own mine after you announced it, and it was sent to me yesterday, do you believe it?"

at this point.

Steven felt he had to make it clear.


Once a misunderstanding arises, it cannot be resolved.

Even if it is resolved, the pimple in my heart will not be completely eliminated.

Steven was actually surprised too.

Because Xia Yan's information on Mega Evolution was announced the day before yesterday.

For things like Mega Evolution, Devon will naturally collect them in the first place.

From the perspective of Devon, we can also see the impact that Mega Evolution will bring.


Devon's luck is very good.

As Steven said.

This Mega Evolution stone was found in a German mine that produces special metals.

and after discovery.

It was delivered to Steven for the first time.

The original intention was to let Steven use Xia Yan's understanding of Mega Evolution to ask what Pokémon this Mega Evolution stone belongs to.

After all, Xia Yan is an honorary consultant of Devon Company.

How do you know.

As soon as Steven got it, he found that this Mega Evolution stone actually had a connection with his Metagross.

So he tried.

Final confirmation.

This Mega Evolution stone is the Mega Evolution stone from Metagross.


He is still hesitating whether to let Metagross perform Mega Evolution in front of Xia Yan, because it is easy for Xia Yan to misunderstand.

I kindly told you about Mega Evolution, but you secretly collect Mega Evolution stones behind my back?

But then this idea was abandoned by Steven.

Because he believes in Xia Yan's character and also in his friendship with Xia Yan.

Xia Yan should be very clear about who Steven is.

Say one is one, say two is two.

It is impossible to do something that betrays a friend.

Moreover, he has really prepared for this battle with Xia Yan for a long time.

He believes that since facing a close friend, he must show all his strength without any reservations, which is the greatest respect.

Therefore, he finally decided to withdraw Mawile and face Xia Yan with the strongest attitude.

This time, it can only be said that luck is on Steven's side.

Hearing Steven's words, Xia Yan's face filled with anger.

"Infernape! Precipice Blades!"

Feeling the anger in Xia Yan's heart, Infernape's heart also instantly burst into flames.

The flames of "great indignation" enveloped his body.

The scorching flames, even Tyranitar's Sandstorm Inferno, couldn't infest its body for a while.

Instead, he punched Ground hard.

boom -

With a violent roar, a rock pillar covered with magma suddenly rose from the ground.

The target is Aggron, who swapped places with Metagross before!

Aggron knew he couldn't stop the sudden, underground attack.

So as soon as the emerald green Barrier arrived, it suddenly appeared around its body.


The emerald-green shield that was enough to cut off everything, helped Aggron block the first and most violent impact.

Ka-! !

But as the "Protect" Barrier shattered, the rock pillar was still in the rapidly rising Contest Condition.

Rubbing against the Aggron's metal casing, there was a constant screeching sound, and fiery sparks spattered.


Aggron, who was in pain, roared in pain.

When the rock pillar reaches the top of the enchantment, it will stop.

But it can also be seen that the part of Aggron's body that was attacked on the side was already red.

The hard metal shell was also a little overwhelmed by the attack of this move mixed with three Attributes.

Not lightly injured.

But at this time, Steven didn't care about it.

He heard the anger in Xia Yan's words, and he, who had been calm like metal and rock, couldn't help but feel a little panic.

"Xia Yan."

"Shut up!" Xia Yan rudely interrupted him directly.

Steven's expression froze.

However, he saw that Xia Yan's face was slightly hideous, revealing a hideous look that he had never seen on his face.

"I, Xia Yan, in your Steven's eyes, is the kind of person who doesn't trust friends? Do you need Steven to explain to me?!"


Steven was stunned when he heard the words.

Then there was a strange look in his eyes.

turn out to be.

Xia Yan is not angry at Metagross' Mega Evolution, but is angry at his Steven's explanation?

Xia Yan was really surprised about Metagross' Mega Evolution.

But he didn't want to doubt Steven's character, whether he was secretly collecting Mega Evolution stones behind his back.

If there is no such trust, Xia Yan will not tell Steven about Mega Evolution.


It has indeed been two days since he announced Mega Evolution.

In just two days, it was almost impossible for an ordinary Trainer to find the Mega Evolution stone.

But for a German company so large that even Alliance needs to pay attention, it is not impossible.

To know.

The Devon company is located in the Hoenn Region.

And what are the two regions with the most concentrated Mega Evolution stones?

Hoenn and Kalos.

Steven also said that it was found in their own mine in Devon.

The places where special ores are most likely to condense, such as mines, are more likely to appear Mega Evolution stones.

That's what he really wanted to say.

It is good to have mines at home.

As for being angry.

Xia Yan has a little bit of distrust stemming from Steven's, but in fact it's more of a pretense.

Who let this guy hide so many backhands?

Xia Yan was surprised again and again.

If he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, he didn't know how much it would cost him to hide his trump cards to deal with him Xia Yan.

Didn't you see that after a while, Infernape's attack not only broke Aggron's "Protect", but also caused a lot of damage to it?

What is Steven's mood now?

Not only not angry, but very happy.

This is the "Routine".

"Play hard! If you lose, give me three Mega Evolution stones!" Xia Yan also took the opportunity to speak loudly.

Even if Steven reacts after waiting, he will not default on his account.

This is "Pinch".

"no problem!"

Sure enough, Steven's words regained the calmness and anger of the past, even with a little bit of ease.

Three Mega Evolution stones?

With the ability of the German company, even buying it is easy.

Things that can be measured with money are not things.

And their communication, under each other's loudspeakers, also spread to the entire arena.

The first impression to all the audience is that

These two have a really good relationship.

Is this a true friend?

It turns out that having a friend that I completely trust is what it feels like.

But it fell into the ears of Du and the others in the lounge, but it had these different flavors from Mikey.

"The relationship between Xia Yan Senior and Steven is also very good." Lorelei, who is not very familiar with the world, has little stars in his eyes.

Du and Cynthia looked at each other.

He hesitated: "How do I feel that something is not right?"

Cynthia pursed her lips and nodded slightly, "Well, with Xia Yan's character, she won't be angry in this way."

"What do you mean?" Lorelei blinked.

"The meaning is obvious, Steven has been tricked, Xia Yan is 'Revenge' Steven has hidden so many trump cards." Du had an expression of Detecting everything.

In terms of understanding, he naturally knows Xia Yan relatively well.

Steven cares, but Lorelei worships Xia Yan even more, and he is the only one who can do it.

Only after trying Xia Yan's routine can he detect his routine.

Cynthia's almond eyes were crescent-shaped, revealing white teeth.

Just thought it seemed interesting.

Happy like a little Stephanie.

Lorelei: Senior is old-fashioned, and I want to be a student.

And just when they were discussing which floor Xia Yan was on, the battle between the two on the field really entered the Contest Condition.

The dust was rolling, and the battle between Xia Yan and Steven fell into a white-hot Contest Condition.

Infernape fights with Togekiss, an Assaulter and a Controller, with Steven's Aggron and Bronzong.

The fiery fists flew, and Infernape seized the gap between the battles to strengthen the "Power-Up Punch". While the flames covered the surrounding Sandstorm, the "Enhanced Fire Punch" shot out at an extremely fast speed, cutting through the hard metal of Aggron in an instant. shell.

With Aggron's resistance, facing Infernape is too passive.

Aggron, who took the next blow, became more and more fierce, and his tail wrapped in a metallic luster. The moment he turned sharply, he swung towards Infernape fiercely.

face this hand.

Infernape and Togekiss were already prepared, and saw that Infernape's figure was blurred. Togekiss's figure was replaced by a white light, assisting the "Extrreme Speed" speed blessing, avoiding this attack.

However, the bell rang from the side, making a sound like a twilight drum bell, carrying the halo of Psychic, and wrapped it towards Togekiss.

Infernape, who avoided Aggron's "Iron Tail", didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, turned around and punched again, the surging flames swallowed Bronzong's Psychic, and Help Togekiss blocked it again.

Compared with the chaotic battle on this side, the collision on the other side may be the key to truly decide the victory of this pair.

As the Mega Metagross of Steven Trump Card at this time, it is the main force against Xia Yanduolong Bartto.

See Mega Metagross swinging its claws, and the "Meteor Mash" strikes with sheer metallic sheen.

Doron Bartto shoots two "Dragon Darts" that slam into Mega Metagross' claws head-on, delaying its attack and swiping its tail towards Heatran.

Seeing this, Heatran didn't dare to hesitate, spit out hot magma flames, and "Magma Storm" swept towards Dodolong Bartto.

He put on a posture that even if he was attacked, Doron Bart had to pay the price.


Duolong Bart's eyes flickered, facing the surging flames, instead of dodging, his speed suddenly accelerated.

It's just that at the moment when he was about to touch the flame, Doron Bartto's figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by Infernape who was facing Aggron not far away.

At this time, Infernape's Ability is "Flash Fire"!

Immediately submerged by the "Magma Storm", Infernape did not show any fear, and even felt a little more comfortable.

It also entered the "Flash Fire" Contest Condition, and the power of fire-type moves has been increased!


Infernape is fine, but the replaced Doron Bartto is a big threat to Aggron and Bronzong.

"Metagross, Meteor Mash, take out Infernape first!"

Since Xia Yan is looking for a breakthrough, this Infernape must explain it here!


Xia Yan has already brought his tactics to the extreme.

The advantages of many cores are also reflected at this moment.

successive flashes.

The one who appeared in front of Mega Metagross was like Xia Yan's Trump Card, Beedrill.


Or Beedrill bathed in Mega Evolution energy.

"Beedrill, Mega!"

Since Steven has already come up with Mega Evolution, Xia Yan has to respect it.


With a low voice from Beedrill, mixed with the trembling of golden wings and the interweaving of electric arcs, a sharp long needle pierced out of the halo of Mega Evolution.

The blue fluorescent light that was wrapped around it collided with the sharp claws of the Mega Metang.

Bang! ! !

The roar wrinkled, the aftermath scattered.

Steven's expression was very serious.

He couldn't help but look deeply at Alakazam, who was standing behind Xia Yan and didn't seem to make any movement.

But in fact, Alakazam's Psychic is already all over the place.

And its Psychic thread not only entangled Bronzong's Psychic, but also Metagross' Psychic, which made Steven's "Ally Switch" unable to use it freely.

In dealing with the attack, flaws were revealed.

Only then had to face Xia Yan's cut.

And there's more to Alakazam than that.

Its legs are cross-legged in the air, and the surging Psychic, combined with Latios' Psychic, slows Steven Tyranitar's Sandstorm, weakening its influence on Xia Yan's Pokémon, and reducing the bonus to Steven's own Pokémon.

It can be said.

One Alakazam limits Steven's three Pokémons, making him very passive.

I'm coming!

The audience was extremely excited.

Finally came.

A collision between Mega Evolutions!

Mega Metagross' first head-to-head encounter with ultra-close Beedrill.

The collision of the "Meteor Mash" with the "X-Scissor" has both Pokémon retreating at the same time, staring at each other.

next second.

Mega Metagross, who is one with Steven's will, and Mega Beedrill, who is one with Xia Yan's will, look at each other, just like Xia Yan and Steven look at each other.

This trick.

It is very likely that the outcome will be decided!

all of a sudden.

The surging aura of the two Pokémons disturbed the surrounding Sandstorm.

The momentum of the air, on the two Pokémons, rose wildly.

see you.

The space around Mega Metagross seems to fold and twist, and surging Psychic spews out of it.

clang clang clang-

The Sandstorms that had been dispersed before were once again surrounded by Mega Metagross. With Tyranitar's blessing, the Sandstorms gathered more and more.

And in its Psychic condensation and compression, two crossed Rock chains are formed, which constantly rub and collide with each other.

Rock Tomb!

at the same time.

Cradily, who was swaying happily behind him and in the Sandstorm, exuded pure Rock-type energy through his roots, and poured "Ancient Power" into the rapidly rotating Rock chains of Mega Metagross.

a time.

The blessing brought by "Ancient Power" makes the rock condensed by "Rock Tomb" of Mega Metagross more bright and sharp, causing the momentum of Mega Metagross to rise again.

Immediately after.

The surging Psychic released by Mega Metagross caused the cross mark on its head to appear as a splendid Cal.

Zen Headbutt!

It echoes with the Rock chain that surrounds it, which is very consistent.

At this moment, the body of Mega Metagross seemed to have more than doubled in size when the space was distorted, and all the Rocks were also incorporated into its body.

A cracking sound.

The Mega Metagross, blessed by three Pokémons, suddenly moved, and smashed towards the Mega Beedrill with an indomitable attitude.

This trick.

It is now Steven's Mega Metagross, the strongest move.

And just the airflow rolled up when it was dispatched made countless Sandstorms hovering around it.

The wanton venting of the air flow continued to slap the barrier, causing the barrier to flicker and darken, and let out an overwhelmed groan.

In this scene, the hearts of all the audience were raised.

Anyone with a little common sense knows how terrifying the attack of Mega Metagross, which has gathered so much power.

This can be seen from the movement of the enchantment.

Is this the quasi-god Pokémon's Mega Evolution?

This thought arose in everyone's heart, and could not help but shake.

Perhaps, Xia Yan is the discoverer of Mega Evolution and has made outstanding contributions, but Xia Yan's Pokémon in Mega Evolution is only Beedrill after all.

Even if Beedrill had a record of killing Zapdos in an instant, it would be difficult for Mega Beedrill to face the same Metagross after Mega Evolution, facing the attack that combined so many powers?

Whether it is Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Ancient Power and Zen Headbutt, there is a restraint on the Attribute of Mega Beedrill.

at this time.

Xia Yan should choose to temporarily avoid the edge.

is the best.

However, the decision he made was both reasonable and unexpected.


The long golden wings of the Mega Beedrill vibrated like a machine, and the air was dissipated, and the space seemed to freeze in an instant.

Holding his breath, Mega Beedrill stared at Mega Metagross with narrow, long, scarlet compound eyes, and the long, slender needles rubbed slowly, making a sound of sour teeth.

At this time, instead of dodging or dodging in the face of the attack, it looked like a desperado who was licking his lips.

In an instant.

I saw Mega Beedrill sway slightly.

In everyone's eyes, Mega Beedrill's figure was stagnant, but a golden arc of light suddenly pierced out.

Just like a thunderbolt, it shot out in an instant.

The speed is so fast that the eyes of all the audience cannot catch it.

And at this instant speed increase, Mega Beedrill only felt that the shackles that restrained its speed were so uncomfortable and unsightly.

Since it is an eyesore.

Then get rid of it!


There was a faint sound, as if something had broken.

It seems that something is broken.

The speed of the flashing scarlet Mega Beedrill actually ushered in a terrifying increase again. Only the Mega Beedrill of Mega Metagross was left in his eyes. At this moment, he broke his own limit and entered the wonderful "craving" Contest Condition.

The sudden speed increase was not only due to the change in the Contest Condition, but also because Beedrill actually gained a small increase in strength when facing Steven's Mega Metagross.

It is a small improvement for Mega Beedrill, but the Contest Condition presented is completely different.

This is one of the Rivals that Xia Yan values ​​most, and one of the people Xia Yan trusts the most. In the face of it, Mega Beedrill can feel Xia Yan's will.

That is to beat it!

Only defeat is the best respect for it.

The improvement between Spark and flint is the embodiment of Xia Yan's will.


At the same time, pure natural energy emerged from Xia Yan's body, cut through the void and entered Mega Beedrill's body.

It's the power of Z moves!

Also the power that Steven does not have!

At this moment, Xia Yan did not have any reservations.

no matter what the result is.

Facing the well-prepared Steven, Xia Yan felt Steven's attention, so in the face of Steven, Xia Yan must also show his attention.

And without reservation, is the greatest respect.

In an instant.

The blue light and the golden light intertwined, entangled, and merged until they finally disappeared.

Everything is gathered at the tip of the sharp needle pointed by the Mega Beedrill.

And all of this, the preparations of both sides, are only in the blink of an eye.

All the audience can see is the confrontation between Mega Beedrill and Mega Metagross.

Then the Mega Metagross moved, and the Mega Beedrill disappeared abruptly, leaving only a phantom that gradually dissipated, and arcs of blue and gold intertwined.

And at the moment when the Mega Metagross meets the lapis lazuli arc.

The entire arena was silent.

after a brief silence.

boom! ! !

With a violent and terrifying roar, countless sand grains were slapped on the barrier, and every sand seemed to be deeply embedded in the barrier of the barrier, turning the entire barrier into a barrier filled with water. Hemp balls dotted with dense sand.

But fortunately, the enchantment of energy output was strengthened again and persisted.

After the shaking of the entire arena.

boom! ! !

There was another more violent collision, accompanied by sweeping air waves.

Everyone just felt a tinnitus.

In a trance.

I heard the sound of the rock breaking, the trembling of the metal collision.


Their eyes didn't dare to blink for a moment, even if this Dongxing was enough to make everyone narrow their eyes subconsciously.

Wait until the thick dust gradually dissipates.

Whoa-! !

He fell to the ground, returning to his original Metagross.

and hovering over Metagross Sky.

It has also been impossible to maintain the Beedrill of Mega Evolution.

Who wins and who loses is clear at a glance!

click! !

There was a sudden bang again.

A huge crack appeared on the barrier that had been strengthened twice.


PS: It's late but it's here! 1.1w offer. Mainly because I was afraid of out-of-context battles, so I wrote more in one go. But I really didn't break the chapter (serious face.jpg) - ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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