The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 896 This Battle Will Make You Unforgettable And Unforgettable! (8K+!)

Chapter 895 This battle will make you unforgettable for the rest of your life! (8k+!)

The century collision of Mega Beedrill and Ultra Metagross.

This is probably the first Mega Evolution Pokémon-Pokémon collision in the Pokémon world so far.

Steven's Mega Metagross is strong.

Very strong!

Coupled with Tyranitar's Sandstorm and Cradily's "Ancient Power" assistance, combined with his own "Zen Headbutt", the Mega Beedrill Attribute is very restrained.

Combining the combined attack of the three major moves is a huge threat to Mega Beedrill.

But Xia Yan has an advantage that Steven does not have.

That is, with his body, it can withstand the double squeeze of Mega Evolution and Z moves.

With Steven's body, he can only afford Metagross' Mega Evolution at most.

So this is the result.


For Steven, who had just mastered Mega Evolution, this outcome was already a great success.

Beedrill was also forced to put an end to Mega Evolution, with little left to fight.

But Xia Yan is not only Beedrill, he also has a real champion Pokémon Doron Bartto.

After swapping places with Infernape, Doron Bartto went for Aggron and Bronzong.

Steven also tried to fight back.

Use Bronzong casting "Trick Room" as an entry point.

But a pity.

Alakazam, who had been prepared for a long time, also used "Trick Room" to offset the moment he cast it in Bronzong's Trick Room.

Instead, Bronzong was exposed to Doron Bartto's attack.

No matter how good Bronzong's double defense is, with absolute strength and the advantage of Attribute, Bronzong will soon lose his fighting ability.

And Bronzong, the core that only combines defense and connection as the center, lost the ability to fight, and Xia Yan opened a huge gap in Steven's system.

Even if.

Heatran broke out, entangled Doron Bartto, and Xia Yan's remaining Pokémon with his own system, Aggron, Tyranitar and Cradily alone could not stop it.

after all.

Steven's system was also constructed after listening to Xia Yan's advice.

Pokémons are very talented, but they don't train long enough.

Just like Xia Yan's Latios and Infernape.


In the end, Tyranitar fell under the fire fist of Infernape, who entered the "passionate" Contest Condition, stacking full of attack buffs.

Aggron fell under the control of Togekiss and Latios, two infinitely rotating ferocious special attacks.

Cradily was entangled by Alakazam, and when his own characteristics could not be fully used, he was beat up by the remaining Pokémon little guys.

The battle is over.

But Xia Yan had to admit it.

The system that Steven is building today is really strong.

Especially "Sandstorm Inferno" which combines Tyranitar, Cradily, and Heatran.

In this Sandstorm system, although there are no Pokémons such as Excadrill and Gliscor that can convert Sandstorm weather into their own strength.

But also in Sandstorm lived like a duck to water.

And Steven's set of Sandstorm, the invisible damage that Pokémon can cause is too considerable.

Even at the end of the final battle, the victorious Xia Yan and the Pokémon were more or less damaged by the fiery wash of Sandstorm.

Just Sandstorm brings enough area damage.

If Xia Yan's offensive rhythm is a little slower, perhaps just relying on the baptism of this Sandstorm will put Xia Yan at an absolute disadvantage.

In addition, Steven's Pokémon defense is so outstanding, not everyone can quickly establish a victory like Xia Yan.

Xia Yan asked Mega Beedrill to go face-to-face with Mega Metagross, which may seem a little impulsive in the eyes of some people.

But Steven can clearly assist Sandstorm to slowly eat away the physical strength of Xia Yan's Pokémons to gain an advantage, but also let Mega Metagross hedge against Mega Beedrill, isn't it also an impulse?


That is, Steven's Rival is Xia Yan.

Change anyone.

He also has a heavy space system with Bronzong at its core.

Can turn passive into active at any time.

And the "Ally Switch" that both Bronzong and Flash Metagross have mastered.

It can greatly lengthen Steven's defensive line.

In addition to being unable to use the "Ally Switch" move as the core as thoroughly as Xia Yan did.

Just tandem defense is absolutely fine for Steven.

It can be seen from this.

Steven's system is really outstanding.

With his current strength, he is enough to challenge any Elite Four in the Hoenn Region except Drake.

While Mega Evolution is not yet fully popularized, it may be possible to succeed in the challenge.

Should say or not.

Having money is really helpful.

With money, enough talent and enough perseverance, if Steven doesn't stand out, who can stand out?

The battle is over.

Both Xia Yan and Steven put away the Pokémon.


Steven, who lost, did not show any dissatisfaction, but smiled.

It was like holding back for a long time and finally letting it out.

Don't blame him either.

Anyone who has such a big move, holding back until now, is absolutely uncomfortable.

Xia Yan glared at him angrily.

"Don't forget, three Mega Evolution stones."

"Small idea."

Steven tidied up his bow tie, brushed the dust off his body, and said lightly.

Now, he already has the appearance and posture of the "Champion of Scattering Wealth" in the future.

As soon as Mega Evolution is announced.

With the financial resources of the Devon Company, even if three Mega Evolution stones are rare, they are trivial to him.

"Xia Yan Elite! Mr. Steven! Please wait!"

Just when the two were about to leave, Host stopped Xia Yan and Steven again.

The two looked at each other.

Naturally understood the reason why the Host stopped them.

Seeing him stepping on the Flying device, he happily landed beside the two of them.

"Mr. Steven, the evolution of the previous Metagross is the Mega Evolution, right?" Host asked quickly.

"That's right."

This is the second Pokémon in Mega Evolution form to appear.

At the same time, it also confirms what Xia Yan said before, the fact that Mega Evolution is not exclusive to Pokémon like Beedrill.

"How did you know that Metagross can Mega Evolution?"

Host asked again.

Steven didn't speak and looked at Xia Yan beside him.

But the meaning is self-evident.

It was Xia Yan who told him.

Host also showed a sudden color.

The relationship between Xia Yan and Steven is not a secret, and it is reasonable for Xia Yan to inform Steven.

"I don't know, Mr. Steven, can you tell me about the feeling of Mega Evolution?"

Hearing this, Steven pondered slightly.

After thinking for a while, he said solemnly: "Mega Evolution is a link between Trainer and Pokémon, but because Pokémon is different from human physique, Trainer needs to bear a lot of pressure. If the intimacy between Pokémon and Trainer is not enough, I don't recommend trying."

You can tell by looking at his pale complexion.

The burden of Mega Evolution is definitely not small.

And Steven said this because of Xia Yan's previous warning.

Once again, Steven will undoubtedly make those Trainers who have accidentally acquired Mega Evolution stones to carefully consider whether the bond between themselves and Pokémon can carry such a burden when performing Mega Evolution.

"Then Mr. Xia Yan, when are you going to announce the information about the Mega Evolution Pokémon? Everyone is very urgent."

Host interviewed Xia Yan again and asked with a smile.

Xia Yan held up his hat.

"Maybe we won't have time until the Masters is over."

Hearing this, many viewers immediately showed disappointment.

However, he quickly added: "But believe me, in the Masters in the future, you can see more and more Mega Evolutions, please wait and see."

After speaking, he and Steven smiled and walked towards the player tunnel.

And the audience who heard this sentence lit up.

Any other Mega Evolutions to see?

The host's eyes lit up, showing joy.

The two hottest things right now are Mega Evolution and the Masters.

And Xia Yan's words as the discoverer of Mega Evolution are more than any advertisement.

Anyone who follows Mega Evolution will no doubt continue to follow the Masters in order to be able to see the new Mega Evolution again.

The popularity of the Masters itself and the popularity of Mega Evolution will push the popularity of this event to its peak.



As soon as I entered the lounge.

There were two little ghosts walking towards Xia Yan.

Gary walked to Xia Yan and stood still, shouting respectfully, with admiration and respect in his eyes.

He is also someone who wants to develop in both directions as a trainer and a researcher.

In the current Pokémon world, is there anyone who has achieved higher achievements in these two aspects than Xia Yan?


Professor Oak.

It's a pity that Professor Oak has long since given up his role as a Trainer and devoted himself to Pokémon research.

Now the main research direction is Pokémon Pokédex, and even Xia Yan was nominally pulled into his team.

boom--! !

The other figure that rushed towards Xia Yan without stopping was naturally Ash.


Before Ash could get close to Xia Yan, he was swept away by a snow-white satin.

As fast as you come, fly back as fast as you can.


A silk satin wrapped around Xia Yan's arm, and Sylveon, who was leaning against Xia Yan's side, looked at Ash with a serious expression.


Then he shouted towards Xia Yan Nuo Nuo.

There are hidden weapons!

hidden weapon?

The smile on Xia Yan's face was even bigger.

However, in front of other people's mothers, it's not good to beat other people's children like this?

Xia Yan looked at Ash fucking Delia apologetically.

But I saw Delia's eyes glowing with stars, looking at Sylveon.

"This child is so beautiful."

All right.

It was Xia Yan who thought too much, Ash really wasn't his own.

"Is this Sylveon?"

And Ash, who was kicked out, was fine, rubbing his butt and grinning, and happily came to Xia Yan again.

Although the Fairy line has been announced for a while, Sylveon has not yet become popular and is a very rare Pokémon.

Possibly even rarer than the quasi-god Pokémon.


Seeing the "hidden weapon" approaching again, Sylveon glared at him fiercely, staring at him vigilantly to prevent him from getting closer.


Xia Yan's eyes fell on Professor Oak, and he shouted respectfully.

Professor Oak was all smiles.


When Professor Oak and the others arrived, Xia Yan was just about to participate in the competition, so he asked the staff of the competition to bring them here.

Seeing Professor Oak, actually the first thought that flashed in Xia Yan's mind.

It's Agatha who got the Gengar Mega Evolution Stone, and now he can ravage Professor Oak head-on?



"The battle between Watanabe and Bruno has begun."

After a few chats, they focused their attention on the next match.

Watanabe and Bruno have known each other for a long time, and the two will fight against the madman from time to time.

It can be said that they are very familiar with each other.

Once crossing is not as good as Bruno.

But with the rapid growth of Du, the strength of the two is getting closer and closer.

It has almost reached the point of incompatibility now.


Or who has more cards.

"Gyarados, Mega!"

Whoa-! !

The Mega Evolution appeared again, and the audience was boiling again.

Xia Yan had just finished speaking, and in the battle of Bruno, Mega Evolution appeared again.

"It seems that Bruno put a lot of pressure on Du too. Before he met Xia Yan, he showed Mega Evolution." Steven said with a slap in the face.

Lorelei pouted.

"The Gyarados that crossed were not Trump Cards, nor did they reach the championship level after Mega Evolution. Attributes also became water and evil, losing the advantage of Flying over Fighting. Besides being handsome, what else can you do?"

The "disdain" in Lorelei's words made everyone smile.

"I just don't know if Dragonite has a Mega Evolution. If Du and Steven are the same as hiding a Dragonite Mega Evolution."

Cynthia smiled and said softly.

"It's not impossible," Steven said thoughtfully.

If you do Dragonite Mega Evolution, you can definitely reach the championship level, right?

Xia Yan glanced at them and smiled without saying a word.

Dragonite, Mega Evolution?

I am afraid there is no hope in this life.

‘When are you going to tell Du that Dragonite can’t do Mega Evolution? ' Xia Yan secretly said in his heart.

"Xia Yan Senior, why is your smile so weird?"

Lorelei noticed Xia Yan's expression.



Hearing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle.

"What if I told you that Pokémon like Dragonite don't have Mega Evolution?"



Steven and others were dumbfounded.

The quasi-god Tyranitar in Johto Region can Mega Evolution, the quasi-god Metagross in Hoenn Region can Mega Evolution, and the quasi-god Garchomp in Sinnoh Region can Mega Evolution.

It gave them the illusion that all quasi-god Pokémon had Mega Evolution.

Now I heard from Xia Yan that Dragonite cannot Mega Evolution.


When several people looked at the high-spirited Du in the arena again, there was a little more pity in their eyes.

I just thought he was pathetic.

And the poorest.

It's that everyone else knows about it, but he doesn't know it.

Thinking of this, the pity in everyone's eyes became more and more intense.

Time flies.

The battle between Watanabe and Bruno came quicker and ended quicker.

The two are both violent and aggressive teams, and they are familiar enough with each other to not need any temptation.

It's just that Du is the future Flying-type Elite after all, and the advantages of using the Flying-type to deal with Fighting-type Pokémon are still obvious.

Moreover, the appearance of Mega Gyarados broke the balance of power, and it naturally ended quickly.

In the end, Yudu won the battle.

During the waiting time after the battle, Professor Oak found Xia Yan again.

"Xia Yan, I'm going to incorporate Mega Evolution into Pokédex, what do you think?"

It was a decision he made after careful consideration.

"I will fully support Teacher." Xia Yan nodded.

Before Professor Oak wanted to pull him into the Pokédex research team, Xia Yan felt a little embarrassed to rub against him.

Even if there is a bonus from the Fairy system, he is not completely needed.

But now with the addition of Mega Evolution, Xia Yan is very interesting.

Pokémon Pokédex ah.

Tools that can greatly reduce the Alliance's requirements for Trainers in the future can benefit all Trainer's props.

It is precisely because of the appearance of Pokémon Pokédex that the requirement to become a Trainer has been greatly reduced.

Providing more fresh blood for Alliance will continue to compress the living space of an underground force like Team Rocket.

After all, even Team Rocket, when recruiting members, has a certain age requirement for members, at least not a kid who doesn't understand anything.

But as soon as Pokémon Pokédex came out, Alliance's minimum age requirement for Trainers dropped to ten.

After more than ten years of development, the invisible number of Trainers is enough to crush the Rockets.

And Professor Oak, who invented this tool, has truly established his status as the only leader in the research community, and no one can shake it.

If Xia Yan also participated in it in an important role.

Don't say anything else.

Xia Yan, who holds the results of projects such as Intimacy, Fairy, Mega Evolution, and Pokémon Pokédex, is no longer something that Alliance can move casually.

That's the equivalent of getting a gold medal for avoiding death.


Now Xia Yan is no longer something that Alliance can move casually.


Nor will Xia Yan's Teacher Agatha and Professor Oak come to mediate.

The next game.

Cynthia's fight against Lucian, there is no doubt that Cynthia won.

At the same time, it also established the identity of Sinnoh Region's "big sister".

After all, Daye and Lucian both fell into the hands of Cynthia, and they probably won't have the chance to challenge Cynthia again for a while.

In the match against Lucian, Cynthia didn't use Mega Evolution, which was a little bit more hidden for Rival.

As for saying.

The battle between Lorelei and Unova Region champion Alder also made Lorelei officially stop in the top 32.

no way.

Although Lorelei has also made rapid progress, she even used Mega Evolution to make her Slowbro evolve into Mega Slowbro, which attracted another exclamation from the audience.

But it did not allow her to win the final victory.

After all, Slowbro isn't Lorelei's Trump Card, and Alder's Volcarona is too restrained on Lorelei.

Almost one Volcarona can beat Lorelei's three Pokémons, resulting in almost no suspense.

However, Alder also paid attention to Lorelei and sent out Trump Card Volcarona.

Although Lorelei was defeated, he was still honored.

So far.

The Masters has officially entered the round of 16.

Some of the more famous ones are:

Kanto Elite Braque, Trainer Toto, Koga, Hoenn Elite Glacia, Sinnoh Elite Xia Yan and Cynthia, Unova Region Champion Alder, Kalos Elite Drasna, Wikstrom, Alola Island's incoming champion Royal Masked Man, Brandon of Battle Zone, etc. .

Either a champion or an Elite Four, a Battle Zone leader, or a top Trainer.

Except for a few strengths such as Alder, who the rest will meet, the outcome is unknown.


In this competition, the young Trainer, Lorelei, Bruno, Steven, Xia Yan, Cynthia, Diantha, etc., shined again.

Some of them are already Elite Fours, and some are going to be Elite Fours.

It is the era of Alliance officially entering the younger generation.

The younger generation headed by Xia Yan also gradually began to take over some of the powers of the Alliance.

Many people expect Xia Yan and his generation to bring some different changes to Alliance.

Because even some people who are not in the Alliance system can feel that the aging of the senior management of the Alliance is too serious, as if this behemoth is decaying Normal.

New branches are urgently needed to support such a behemoth and deliver fresh nutrients to it.

"Quick, Fuji, strengthen the input of the stabilizer, and its genes are stabilizing."

Wearing a white coat, Blaine stared excitedly at the huge training bin.

One of them was silver-white mixed with a little purple halo, squirming crazily in the green liquid filled with the cultivation tank.

the other side.

An old man also wearing a white coat with a serious expression.

While slowly injecting the stabilizer into the cultivation chamber, Struggle's expression made him a little nervous and hesitant when he looked at the things inside.

"It's finally done!"

Blaine didn't notice Fuji's expression, looking at several computer screens.

The value displayed on it is fluctuating wildly.

But it can also be seen that the value is gradually stabilizing.

"Blaine, we" Fuji opened his mouth and Struggle's expression grew stronger.


He heard Blaine snort softly.

The crazily squirming things in the training warehouse suddenly stagnated, and what followed was an even crazier twitch.

Just different from before.

This twitch is no longer irregular, but has a clear direction and goal.

Fuji's expression tightened.

Staring at the existence in the training tank, let's call it Pokémon, the body is about to be constructed.

Judging from the outline, it is five or six points similar to his first reference target, Mew, but his body is more slender. His closed eyes and gradually stable outline reveal a bit of seriousness and coldness.

Fuji's body trembled slightly, sweat dripping from his palms.

"We. What did this create?"

Muttered whispers that the excited Blaine couldn't hear.

When the presence profile in the culture chamber has completely stabilized.

In front of the eyes is a humanoid combined with the existence of cats. The whole body is silver-white, and the abdomen and tail are purple. The extracorporeal nerve bundle and extracorporeal blood circulation system extending from the center of the back extend to back of neck.

The triangular eyes were tightly closed and the fists were clenched, revealing a bit of seriousness.

"We made it!"

Blaine didn't have Fuji's reverence for life, his eyes were full of excitement.

He just kept saying "We made it!", "Fuji, we made it! We created a new species!" These words.

But just like Fuji, his whole body trembled.

It's just that Fuji's shudders are from awe and fear, while Blaine's shudders are from excitement.

After a while.

Blaine finally calmed herself down.

He pointed to the existence in the cultivation warehouse, his eyes were full of surging fire, and he said to Fuji:

"It was born out of Mew, but we have incorporated the genes of so many great beings. So, it is beyond Mew and beyond all Pokémon, so it should be called.

Mewtwo! "

"Mewtwo." Fuji murmured the name, the awe in his eyes even more intense.

And while they were immersed in their respective worlds.

But seeing Mewtwo in the training warehouse, she slowly opened her ignorant eyes.

Eyes filled with curiosity, the unknown, and confusion, when inadvertently meeting Fuji's awe-filled gaze.

Fuji's eyes trembled slightly.

next second.

Endless horror Psychic burst out.

boom! ! !

Huge movement.

Caused the entire Cinnabar Island to make a dull sound.

On Cinnabar Island, Volcano erupted suddenly.

The waters around Cinnabar Island were also completely chaotic, with monstrous waves tens of meters high.

Dark, low clouds covered the sky over the waters of Cinnabar Island.

Everything seems to be announcing the arrival of some kind of existence.

And it seems to be showing Rage for the daring actions of human beings.

In the distant quaint jungle, on top of a big tree soaring into the sky.


Petite and light, he was lying on the branch of a tree, playing with the kendama in his hand and making a "da-da" sound, and from time to time he picked up a crystal energy cube next to Mew and stuffed it into his mouth, his expression suddenly froze.


A bit of astonishment and confusion appeared on her pink face, and she suddenly released the Kendama in her hand.

Wagging his tail came to the end of the tree branch, his eyes seemed to pass through the cover of the heavy clouds, and saw the scene in the far south.


Mew tilted his head.


How does it feel that hackers have become more and more rampant recently?

Xia Yan's Pokémon has just been accepted before, how does it feel that a more powerful hacker has appeared now?


Mew, who was sitting cross-legged in the air, pressed his chin with his little hand, rubbed it lightly, and swayed his slender tail back and forth under him.

Do you want to take care of it?


What will Xia Yan do?


Alakazam, who was wiping the spoon lightly with a handkerchief, suddenly stopped moving.

There was a look of thought in its eyes, stood up, and looked towards the south subconsciously.

"What's the matter, Alakazam?"

Xia Yan, who was sitting on the sofa, noticed the strangeness of Alakazam and asked.


Alakazam shook his head hesitantly.

It didn't know what was going on, but suddenly felt a throbbing in its heart, as if it felt something.

It's just that when it tries hard to grasp this feeling, it doesn't.

So when Xia Yan asked, it couldn't tell.

Xia Yan also frowned slightly.

He is also a Psychic.

And the more he knows about Psychic, the more Xia Yan can feel the power of Psychic.

That seemingly inexplicable sixth sense often represents one thing.

However, in most cases, these things cannot be caught, and will only be slowly reacted later.


Sylveon stepped on light steps, walked in front of Alakazam, and whispered softly, with a little eagerness in his eyes.

stared at.

The spoon in Alakazam's hand.


Alakazam couldn't help but shook his head with a smile and handed him the spoon.

Caught in satin by Sylveon.


And little Vulpix, who was following behind Sylveon, also blinked his pure white eyes and looked at the other spoon in Alakazam's hand.

He licked his lips lightly, unable to speak.

Sylveon told it that when I eat smoothies with Alakazam's spoon, I don't know why, but the taste is better.

Looking at this moving little guy, Alakazam couldn't help being dumbfounded.

He also gave out the remaining spoon in his hand.


Little Vulpix let out a cheer, twitched the spoon with his tail, winked at Alakazam playfully, and studied with Sylveon what jam would go better with smoothies.


Alakazam frowned.

Spread your palms.

Threads of Psychic scrambled out of its hands.

Immediately afterwards, countless Psychic threads followed Alakazam's thoughts, and quickly weaved a spoon completely composed of Psychic.

There seems to be some kind of special rhythm in it.


Alakazam shouted at Xia Yan.

When Xia Yan's eyes came to him again, he showed the "spoon" in his hand.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Psychic becomes very active? Seems to be cheering?"

Listening to Alakazam's words, Xia Yan was surprised again.

next second.

A thought flashed in Xia Yan's mind.

Mewtwo, shouldn't it be born?

Opened his mouth.

Is Boss Giovanni moving so fast?

After the battle with Xia Yan, Giovanni never appeared again.

Even after seeing Xia Yan's Mega Beedrill and seeing the power of Mega Evolution, Giovanni didn't take the initiative to find Xia Yan again.

This can only show that there is one more important thing than Mega Evolution, so Giovanni had to temporarily put aside the pursuit of Mega Evolution.


That event was the birth of Mewtwo?

When everyone's attention was on the Masters and the Mega Evolution, Giovanni boss also seized this opportunity and completed the creation of Mewtwo?

"But. Even if Mewtwo is born, Boss Giovanni should be able to control it for a while, right?"


This time node seems a bit subtle.

The Masters is about to end, and after that is the historic node of the division of Kanto and Johto Region. The Rockets successfully created Mewtwo. Isn't the self-restraint within the Rockets over?

The Rockets are starting to live again. Splash is here.


Still just after Mega Evolution was announced, Mewtwo was created and Giovanni was in control.

Wouldn't the strength of the Rockets usher in a qualitative leap in a short period of time.

At that time.

Will Giovanni boss and the Rockets do something earth-shattering?

"Teacher, the match between you and that Flying trainer is about to start."

At this time.

When Ash saw Sylveon leave Xia Yan's side, he hurried over to remind him.

Flying trainer?

The corner of Du's mouth, who was already standing at the door waiting for Xia Yan, collapsed.

"this boy"

Xia Yan was interrupted by Ash, and he put aside his chaotic thoughts about what Giovanni would do, and returned his attention to the Masters.


No matter what Giovanni wants to do, it is something that Kanto Alliance and the General Alliance should worry about. What does it have to do with him being a Sinnoh Elite Four?

Let them toss first.

Today is the 16-in-8 Masters match.


Xia Yan, who just finished fighting with Steven yesterday, met Duo today.

This transfer finally "gets what you want".

After the battle list came out, I was so excited.

This is not.

The last time Koga had just lost to Drasna, Watana was already waiting at the door.


Xia Yan stood up on his knees, put away the Pokémon, and walked towards the door.

And today's Du, like yesterday's Steven, couldn't contain the eagerness in his eyes.

Xia Yan couldn't help grinning.


You all hide your cards and want to deal with us, right?

this battle.

It is necessary to let you live, live, difficult and forget!


PS: Today is Pigeon's wife's birthday. She broke out under great pressure. Now it's 1.9w, and there is still at night~~

(End of this chapter)

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