The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 897 Each Other's Backhand (7K!)

Chapter 896 Each other's backhand (7k!)

Xia Yan and Du walked out of the lounge together.

"Why do I feel that the Flying trainer and teacher seem to be a little malicious?"

Ash looked at the backs of the two leaving, smashed his mouth, and said somewhat naively.

And his words.

It also made everyone look at it.

As if feeling these sights, Ash asked stumblingly:

"What, what? Did I say something wrong?"

"No." Steven smiled and gave him a comforting look.

"Children, they like to tell the truth."

Lorelei shrugged his nose, smiled, pushed his glasses and blinked at Ash.

"I don't know if I'm in good shape."

As long as Ash calls Du a "Flying Trainer".

Lorelei was very satisfied with Ash.

However, considering the temper of Xia Yan and Du, he spoke ill of them behind their backs, and he was also Xia Yan's student.

Couldn't help but remind.

"Our family, Ash, is absolutely in good health. When I was a child, I could run in the wind with only diapers and not catch a cold."

Delia did not understand the situation at the scene at all, and said with a little pride and pride.


Ash frowned.

Why do you say anything?

Gary rested his forehead next to him.

He knows what Ash looked like when he was a child.

Cynthia covered her mouth and chuckled.

No wonder Xia Yan took this child named Ash as a student, it was really interesting.

And Xia Yan and Du, who left, obviously didn't know what happened.

But in fact, in Ash's words, the two did indeed "have bad intentions" for each other.

As for the expectation of fighting against Xia Yan, Du Na is no less than Steven, or even more.

"Xia Yan."

Du suddenly said.


"When the Masters is over, I will challenge Elite."

Wataru said that without thinking.

"Didn't Johto Region Alliance invite you?" Xia Yan asked rhetorically.

But he saw Du grinning.

He showed a very confident smile.

"The invitation is an invitation, but that kind of Elite Four is boring, and I don't like leaving Kanto very much."

As the spokesperson of the younger generation of the Du Yulong family, coupled with his strength, he is fully qualified to become the Johto Region Region Elite Four.

After all, even if Kanto and the Johto Region are not separated, the Royal Dragons have a very special status in the entire Kanto Alliance.

And once Kanto and Johto Region are separated, then as a royal dragon clan in Blackthorn City of Johto Region, they will definitely transfer their direction to Johto Region Alliance.

At that time.

The Johto Region Alliance, which lacks upright talents, will definitely use the people of the Royal Dragon Clan.

It will make the Royal Dragon family more and more influential in the Alliance.

And with such an identity, it is definitely better to go back to the Johto Region.

Perhaps under the operation of the Yulong clan, coupled with the improvement of Duo's strength, they can become champions earlier than Steven and Cynthia.

But for the crossing.

Such family paving is not what he wants.

Even if he wants to go back to Johto Region, he will only get Elite Four status after he has achieved certain achievements, not in the shadow of the family.


Challenging the Kanto Alliance Elite Four is something he is bound to do.

It fits his temperament.


"Lorelei will also challenge Kanto Alliance?" Xia Yanruo pointed out.

"should be."

"If you want to become the champion, it seems that you have to defeat it, and you should defeat the other three Elite Four in a row, right?" Xia Yan said again.

Du's expression stiffened.

He kind of understood what Xia Yan meant.

Glancing at him angrily.

"What, do you think I can't beat Lorelei?"

Xia Yan shrugged.

"Then I don't know, it's up to you to keep your hands."

Now that Lorelei's Mega Evolution is scarce, it may be a good opportunity to pass.


Even if Watari can beat Lorelei, he can't beat Agatha.


"Tell you a secret."

Xia Yan suddenly lowered his voice.


Seeing Xia Yan's cautious look, Du's footsteps gradually slowed down, and he also showed a bit of seriousness.

Seeing that Xia Yan's expression also became serious.

It's just that Duo didn't notice the joking that flickered in his eyes.

He continued to lower his voice and whispered in Du's ear:

"After my investigation and research, I found that Dragonite, there is no Mega Evolution."


Du was stunned for a moment.

When he looked at Xia Yan again with disbelief, he found that he had already walked towards his player channel.

Waving his back to him.

Watanabe stood there stunned for a few seconds.

"Dragonite doesn't have a Mega Evolution?!"

Du said it was a little unacceptable.

Why do Tyranitar, Metagross, Salamence, Garchomp all have Mega Evolution, but Dragonite doesn't?

and many more!


Looking at Xia Yan's back, Du laughed.

"Stinky boy, it's too insidious, and you even play psychological tactics with me. You want to mess up my mind before the battle? I believe in your evil!"

Want to understand this.

Watanabe breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Steve gave you the 'surprise' yesterday, so are you ready to see my 'surprise'?"

talking to himself.

Towards his own player channel.

Xia Yan doesn't have Dragonite, how can you be sure that Dragonite doesn't have Mega Evolution?

That's right.

Dragonite, how could there be no Mega Evolution?

Ferry expressed disbelief.

Xia Yan didn't know, he said a truth, but he was not believed.


In the future, Du will know about this after all.

Of course, that's another story.

Du wanted to show his determination that he would challenge Kanto Elite Four. In fact, he wanted to tell Xia Yan that he was confident that he could challenge and win, so Xia Yan should be careful.

And Xia Yan decided not to eat him.

Tell him the fact that Dragonite doesn't have a Mega Evolution.


This fact was taken as Xia Yan wanted to disturb his heart at the moment, and he did not choose to believe it.

"Let's wait for a long time! The next battle is also the one that everyone expected!"

Host worked hard to maintain the lively atmosphere of the scene.


As long as Xia Yan participates in the game, there is no possibility of a cold field.

The heat brought by Mega Evolution is really too high.

Yesterday they saw not only Mega Metagross, but also three new Mega Evolution forms, Mega Gyarados and Mega Slowbro.

And this one today.

Watari with Mega Gyarados will play against Natsuhiko with Mega Beedrill.

Yet another collision of Mega Evolution and Mega Evolution.

The audience was already nervous.

"Following, first of all, let us welcome the 'Dragon Envoy' Yulongdu player from our Kanto Region——!!"

Mountains and tsunamis Normal cheers.

As a home game, the supporters of Live Duo are no less than Xia Yan.

The young and outstanding investigator who frequently appeared in the headlines of television, newspapers and more.

It has long been a household name in the Kanto Region.

His handsome and upright appearance is also one of the reasons why Du has so many supporters.

see you.

As the lights dimmed, under the illumination of Spotlight, Tou walked out of the channel with a confident smile on his face while swinging his cape.

"Ferry! Ferry! Ferry!!"

"Next, let's welcome, Elite Four from Sinnoh Region, the discoverer of our Mega Evolution, Xia Yan Elite——!!"

Whoa-! !

"Xia Yan Elite! Xia Yan Elite! Xia Yan Elite!!"

Under Spotlight, Xia Yan, wearing a small black suit and holding a top hat, walked slowly out of the player passage on the other side.

In terms of appearance alone, it is not inferior at all.

Under the long and narrow brim of the pitch-black top hat, in the reflection of Yu Xuanhe's Spotlight, a pair of brown pupils glowed with a little fluorescence, and the deep eyes fascinated many girls.

"Ferry." Xia Yan nodded.

"I've been waiting for this scene for a long time." Du said solemnly.

"It's a coincidence, so am I." Xia Yan chuckled.

The cheers were like a tide, coming from all directions in the west.

"It's finally going to start."

Lorelei, who was standing by the floor-to-ceiling window in the lounge, was in high spirits. She wanted to see what cards Du had, and she wanted to see how Xia Yan "bullied" Du.


Sylveon rolled the satin into the shape of a trumpet and cheered Xia Yan loudly.

Little Vulpix, Larvesta, Milotic, and other Pokémon all watched the field with gleams in their eyes.

When will they be able to set foot on such a highly anticipated arena?

Now they are not strong enough, they can only watch Beedrill and their big brothers and sisters wreak havoc, but in the future, they will also stand on such a stage with Xia Yan.

And in order to be able to fight side by side with Xia Yan, they will train and grow even harder.

Cynthia gently bundled the scattered golden waterfalls behind her ears, pursed her lips, and her cold and elegant eyes also moved with intention.

"You guys, what else are you hiding?"

Only Steven is the easiest.

He had already played a game with Xia Yan yesterday and felt comfortable.

So now you can watch the battle with ease.

"Please summon the Pokémon to the player."

The referee who stepped on Aegislash and stood far away said with a twitching corner of his eyes.

As long as it is Xia Yan's game, the referee presided over is in personal danger.

It was the first time for him, because several colleagues had already called for sick leave after learning that this was Xia Yan's game.

He asked for leave late, so he was forced to help.

I can only pray that this Aegislash's "King's Shield" is more reliable.

Hearing this, Du's cloak flicked, and there was an Ultra Ball in his hand.

After smiling towards Xia Yan, he opened it.

The red light flickers, and the bright scales reflect a gorgeous multicolored halo under the illumination of the Spotlight.

The somewhat plump Dragonite stepped on the hard and reinforced field, spread out those seemingly short wings, and roared.


"Player Watanabe's first Pokémon is Dragonite!"

Not to mention, even Dragonite, who looks a little chubby and a little cute, is completely serious and Snarl, and actually has a bit of the majesty of a dragon-type quasi-god.

And after seeing this Dragonite, the enthusiasm of the audience was a little higher again.

They look forward to it.

Maybe Du, like Steven, is also hiding a hand of Mega Evolution?

In case, waiting for Dragonite Mega Evolution, that scene is absolutely shocking enough.

Seeing Du's Dragonite, Xia Yan smiled knowingly.

When Host saw the Pokémon summoned by Xia Yan, he immediately shouted excitedly:

"Xia Yan's first two Pokémons are Trump Card Beedrill capable of Mega Evolution, and Pokémon Doron Bartto, a quasi-god from the distant Galar Region!"

Seeing this, Du raised his eyebrows.

To show Doron Bart so early?

But that's fine.

With a flip of his palm, two shrunken Ultra Balls were sandwiched between Wataru's fingertips.

Throw it out.


The fiery pillars of fire soared into the sky, like flames Normal orange body, waving thick tail and spread out huge wings covered with scales.

It's Earl Dervish Pokémon, Charizard!

Another dragon roared.

What followed was a full-body Cianwood, his limbs fell to the ground, his blood-colored wings vibrated lightly, a little dust was rolled up, and his dragon eyes stared slightly.

Quasi-Dragon-type Pokémon in the Hoenn Region.


Just look at these three Pokémons.

Two pure Dragon Pokémon and three Flying Pokémon, perfect.

"The second and third Pokémon of the player are Charizard, a fire Pokémon, and Salamence, a quasi-dragon Pokémon from Hoenn!"

With a total of five Pokémons on the field, there are already three quasi-god Pokémons.

And who, can Mega Evolution?

"Are you still hiding?"

Xia Yan lowered his eyes, waved and threw two Poké Balls.

Then came Togekiss and Alakazam.

It's actually pretty clear what's going on with each other's Pokémon.

The competition system of the Masters, for them, is more of a transition, a form.


But it also added a bit of suspense to what Du had hidden.


Seeing Beedrill and the three cores, Du had an "expected" smile.


A roar full of strong aura, this is already the fourth majestic dragon roar.

With the appearance, Gyarados covered with blue dazzling scales, with a ferocious face plate, rose straight, and the sound of roaring was deafening.

Although Du accepted Xia Yan's red Gyarados, the Gyarados was only quasi-celestial, and he had not had time to cultivate and run in, so Du's "ordinary" Gyarados still appeared.

However, this Gyarados is also one of the first Pokémon to follow the crossing, second only to Charizard and earlier than Dragonite.

So the strength is also very strong.

The dust was flying, and the wind was blowing.

The fierce ancient Pokémon, once the king of Soaring in the sky, came on stage with a strong sense of oppression.

Exactly, Aerodactyl!

"The fourth and fifth Pokémon of the runners are Totem Gyarados in the water! And Totem Aerodactyl in the air in ancient times! The aura of the two Pokémons is terrifying!"

"And Xia Yan's last two Pokémon are the mythical beast Latios known as the 'Infinite Pokémon'! And the king sword Pokémon Aegislash with many ghost legends!"

The host's voice rang out one after another.

It shows that the two hands behind this, Xia Yan's choice did not hesitate at all.

"Not using Infernape? Smart choice."

Seeing Xia Yan's six Pokémons, Du nodded secretly.

The Fire and Fighting Infernape really doesn't take much advantage of the five Pokémon he's posing now.

Even that Infernape has a very strong move.

And Xia Yan's eyes also fell on Du's body tightly.

His last hand.

There's always going to be a change, right?

I see.

Watari throws the Ultra Ball.


Finally, it is no longer the voice of the dragon.

What appeared in everyone's sight was a sky-blue Pokémon, and its pair of wings were like soft clouds Normal, which made people want to go up and ravage it twice.

"Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! The last Pokémon of Ferry is actually the Pokémon he never sent out, Altaria!"

Seeing Altaria, Xia Yan was stunned for a while, and then his expression became a little weird.


The first reaction is, do you want to be a dragon traitor?

On second thought, the Dragon Traitor has a half-money relationship with the Flying Elite?

The second reaction is.

That's it?

Although the strength of this Altaria does not seem weak at all, it even seems to be stronger than Salamence and Aerodactyl.

But it didn't reach the championship level.

To be honest, the shock was not as great as Steven's.

But see Du smiled and said:

"I remember once, Xia Yan, you told me that Pokémon like Altaria actually suits me very well."

Xia Yan did say that.

Although it was mostly a joke at the time.

But in fact, if you think about it, you will find that Altaria is really suitable for crossing.

Let's not talk about the attributes of the Dragon and Flying types.

Just perfect for him.

The most important thing is the ability Altaria has and the moves that he can master.

First of all, this Altaria is definitely a hidden ability of "unrelated to weather".

This allows Duo to have some countermeasures against Steven's "Sandstorm Heavy Space" team, and against Lorelei's "Snow Team".

Although it is not as strong as Rayquaza's "airlock", it cannot directly invalidate all weather.

But if you cultivate and exercise this Ability well, a small-scale impact is still possible.


All the moves Altaria can master are pretty good.

The Pokémon that cross are all aggressive Pokémons like Dragonite, Salamence, and Gyarados, which are more ferocious but less compatible.

What about Altaria?

Whether it's "Feather Dance", "Tailwind", "Power Swap", "Cotton Guard", "Sing", "Perish Song" and other moves, they can all be good supports.


Altaria can also master Fairy-type moves such as "Moonblast", "Play Rough", and "Dazzling Gleam".

Make up for some of Du's blows.

In addition, Altaria itself is also a pure dragon-type Pokémon that can learn dragon-type moves such as "Dragon Dance", "Outrage", and "Draco Meteor".


Altaria also features Mega Evolution.

"Dragon Traitor" is just a joke.

Strong is really strong.

"After contacting and trying, I found that Altaria is really suitable for me." Du said frankly and continued.

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

very good.

Both Du and Steven listened to his advice and applied it to him in reverse.

Xia Yan just wanted to say.

I will give you advice later, I am a dog!

So far.

All six Pokémons of the two appear.

"Please both players choose to replace Pokémon."

Here comes the main event.

Xia Yan took out the Poké Ball and took Aegislash back.

Watari also took out the Poké Ball and put the Aerodactyl away.

All of a sudden, seeing each other's actions, both of them were stunned.

until the referee reminds you.

They both took a deep look at each other and pulled out their new Poké Ball.

Summoned by Xia Yan.

It is a petite and cute little guy who looks a little weak.

There are pale hairs all over, and at the ends of these hairs, there are a few crimson colors, and when there is no wind, it shows a bit of mist.


Nuo Nuo's voice sounds like there is not much momentum.

"What a cute little guy!"

"How did Xia Yan Elite finally change to a Pokémon he didn't know?"

"What Pokémon is this?"

"It's kind of like Zorua."


Seeing Zorua in the form of washing green, the audience immediately talked about it.

Some expressed their love, some were curious, and even more, they felt the slightest spite aura from the petite Zorua.

"Xia Yan chose to replace Pokémon and replace Aegislash. Yes."

Host was dumbfounded.

What is this Pokémon?

Rao is that he has decades of hosting experience and has seen countless large and small competitions. Even the Pokémon in the Galar Region, he obtained a brief information through the relationship of the Alliance.

But after seeing this little guy, he was still stunned.



Xia Yan reminded.

Host hurriedly threw it towards Xia Yan as a gesture of gratitude, and said loudly, "It's Zorua!!"

Really Zorua.

The audience was quite curious.

"Hehe - it turned out to be Zorua from Sinnoh's Xizui period. It's the first time I've seen it."

Professor Oak in the lounge couldn't help but be amazed when he saw Xia Yan's last-hand Pokémon.

It stands to reason that Zorua during the Xicui period had long since become extinct because of changes in the ecological environment and the exclusion of humans.

Du was also a little surprised when he saw Xia Yan's last Pokémon.

But the movement of his hands did not stop.

Red light reproduces.


Ground shuddered slightly.


see you.

The Pokémon that appeared in place of Aerodactyl is a Pokémon that looks like Kalos Region Goodra, but with a hunched waist and a huge metal shell like a snail shell on its tail, which is actually made of its tail curled up.

Milky white liquid dripped down from its chin and the end of its palm.

"And the Pokémon who replaced the last player on the stage, it is."

Host, who hadn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief, was once again dumbfounded when he saw Du's last Pokémon.

Is this Goodra?

What's with that shell?

Host is messy.

Even if a Zorua doesn't know each other.

Why didn't he know the Pokémon they summoned at the end?

Xia Yan was also a little stunned.

A little astonished.

A bit of a surprise.

But fortunately, he was ready to be startled by Du, and quickly reacted.

"It's Goodra."

Xia Yan reminded Host again.

"Oh, the last Pokémon replaced by Watari is Goodra!"

Immediately, Xia Yan looked at Du who was rubbing his nose.

"You captured it in the 'Dragon's Cave'?"

Watt nodded.

Neither hide.

"The seventh cave, the level of complexity inside, to be honest, I didn't expect it at first."

Xia Yan was silent.

The Yulong family has been passed down for thousands of years.

The Johto Region Region is most closely related to the Xicui Region during the Xicui period.

The last batch of ancient Sinnoh people who could not bear the harsh environment of Xicui Region and moved out of Xicui Region went to Johto Region.

And in the Johto Region Region Ingrain, even with the people of Johto Region at that time and built "Sinnoh Ruins".

These are all traceable.

At that time, the Yulong family already existed.

From the hands of these ancient Sinnoh people, it is also possible to obtain the Sliggoo in the form of the shicui.


Assisting the Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce in the Xicui Region at that time, and trading with the Jubilife Village at that time, it is not without opportunities.


In the Dragon Cave of the Yulong family, there lived Goodra from the Xicui period, which Xia Yan could accept.


Take another look at the lineup.

Dragonite, Salamence, Xicui's Goodra, the three quasi-god Pokémon, just looking at Pokémon, you can feel the unprecedented power of the lineup.

the most important is.

Goodra, the green-washed form of dragon and steel, completely made up for Duo's weakness in ice and Fairy.

And Goodra's outstanding double defense has also transferred this lineup to become both offensive and defensive.

Plus Altaria mediates from it.

All of a sudden, the rationality of the lineup has been improved by more than one grade.

I have to admit that Altaria didn't give him enough "surprises", but this Goodra in the form of a jadeite did it.

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

Shen said: "Du, you have changed, you no longer love the Flying department."

Several black lines appeared on Du's forehead.

"Fuck off!"

in the lounge.

Professor Oak was also surprised.

"Goodra in the Xizui period, are there still Pokémons of that period living in the "Dragon Cave" of the Yulong family?"

Sure enough, it is a family that has passed down for thousands of years, and its background is terrifying.


Zorua in the Xizui period, against Goodra in the Xizui period.

It sounds interesting.

It is estimated that no one would have thought that the two Pokémons, who have both disappeared in the long river of history, would collide here.

This makes Professor Oak, who is keen on studying Pokémon, very excited.

Can't wait to see these two Pokémon up close after the match.

"Professor Oak, you know them?" Lorelei asked curiously.

Regarding the last two hands of Du and Xia Yan, Lorelei said that he could not understand it.

I don't even know the basic information.

"Is it the time of washing jade?"

On the contrary, Cynthia, who wrapped her arms around her, thoughtfully.

She is a scholar of "Ancient Studies", and her grandmother is a professor of ancient legends. Others don't know the existence of the Xicui period, but Cynthia still knows it.

Professor Oak explained with a smile:

"While chatting with Professor Rowan once, he mentioned it.

His ancestors went through the Xicui period, and they seem to have a good status during the Xicui period, so they left a lot of Pokémon documents at that time, and I have the luck to see some. "

The ancestor of Professor Rowan, but the leader of Team Galactic during the Xicui period, Ma Jiamu.

"Goodra of steel and dragon?"

Steven's eyes light up.

And on the field.

The referee standing in the corner, the flag is raised and then dropped.

"Battle begins!"

——————PS: Sorry, it seems a little too late. Today's wife's birthday has indeed delayed a lot of coding time, so the complete battle will be reserved for tomorrow, and I will continue to chapter.

This chapter is 7k! 2.6w today! Exceed the target, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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