The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 898 Infinitely Changing Defense And Adding Hats Trick (8K+!)

Chapter 897 Infinitely changing defense and adding hats Trick (8k+!)

The six Pokémon that crossed the field were Dragonite, Charizard, Salamence, Gyarados, Goodra, and Altaria.

And Xia Yan's Pokémon, it is Beedrill, Alakazam, Togekiss, Zorua, Latios, Dolong Bartto.

Looking at the configuration alone, the lineup of the ferry is obviously more luxurious.

But if various conditions such as adaptation are added, it is obvious that Xia Yan's lineup is more reasonable.


With Yidu's character and fighting habits, he was not the kind of person who relied on special tactics to fight.

Because with his strength, he can completely push or crush.

It's different from Steven, who's more of a defensive, counter-attacker.

Fall with the voice of the referee.


The first thing I heard was two dragon roars filled with strong threats.

Very oppressive.

It was Salamence and Gyarados.

Two Pokémons with the "Intimidation" Ability can give up their absolute aura advantage from the very beginning.

"Dragon Dance!"

Du waved his hand, and his voice was awe-inspiring.

Just skip the foreplay of temptation, and go big when you come up.

just ask.

Who has seen the picture of five Pokémon performing "Dragon Dance" at the same time.

And this time.

happened on the field.


The roaring sounds came and went, and the breath of the five Pokémon climbed to the peak again. The strong aura could be seen from the movement generated by the sweeping and raging airflow slapping the enchantment.

Except for Goodra who couldn't learn "Dragon Dance", the other five Pokémons performed "Dragon Dance" uniformly.

Watching this spectacular scene, the audience froze under the terrifying power.

But the next second, the cheers of Normal broke out in an instant.


Even Xia Yan couldn't help twitching his eyes when he saw this scene.

very good.

This approach is very dodo.

And Goodra, who couldn't perform "Dragon Dance", stared at Xia Yan's six Pokémon.

Its responsibility is to do a good job of protection when its companions bless itself.

If it was in the past, it is estimated that when there is no Goodra, it is really possible that only six "Dragon Dance" will come up and directly suppress the aura.

but now.

Facing Xia Yan, he was obviously a lot more rational.

But even so.

The suppression of the double "intimidation", coupled with the instantaneous explosion of five "Dragon Dances" by itself, under the circumstance that the situation is changing, it is necessary to establish a huge advantage from the beginning.

Xia Yan thought that Du would rush to attack, so he responded well.

I didn't expect him to start in this way.

And the advantage of such a uniform "Dragon Dance" is that

Can't stop it at all!

With Goodra's lead, even if Xia Yan can stop one or two in time, the other dragon dances can also be successfully completed.

And this leads to.

The previous "intimidation" suppression, the current "Dragon Dance" blessing, and the gain of Xia Yan's Pokémon have been opened up by a huge gap.


"Sword Dance! Nasty Plot! Dragon Dance! Psychic Terrain!"

Since Du wants to expand the battle, Xia Yan will naturally accompany him.


Centered on Alakazam, the spiritual stance spreads rapidly and covers the audience instantly. Numerous Psychic threads are intertwined, which can provide Alakazam with information in any direction.

The clanging sword formations surrounded him impressively, and the sharp humming vibrated the air, and the dark red aura was surging. Beedrill's physical attack ability suppressed by "intimidation" was able to restore the blessing, and his breath rose.

Togekiss and Zorua's eyes flickered with black light, the cunning color flashed away, and the energy around them became more active.

Not to be outdone, Latios and Duolong Bartto, dancing dragon poses, are not inferior to the opposing "Dragon Dance".

a time.

On the battlefield, the breath of Pokémon kept fluctuating and rising, and the shock and oppression brought about by the audience made it difficult for the audience to breathe.

A total of seven Pokémon performing "Dragon Dance"? !

I have never seen such a big battle in my life.

The blood in the audience's bodies seemed to be very active under the influence of Du and Xia Yan, and their emotions continued to rise.

Seeing Xia Yan's response, Du instead of hesitating, became more and more excited.

He held the Key Stone in his hands.

Drink loudly.

"Gyarados, Mega!"

The audience was shocked.

Go directly to Mega Evolution?

I don't know, I thought Du and Xia Yan had a lot of hatred and resentment.


Shimmering dragon scales are revealed beneath the fading Mega Evolution energy as Gyarados' Dragon Tail taps the Ground.

This Mega Gyarados, covered with sharp scales and fins like normal wings, made everyone look sideways and exclaim.

It's not enough to start with "Dragon Dance", but also to add Mega Evolution.


The battle has not yet fully started, but the audience's blood is boiling.

in the lounge.

"Du's aura is too strong, he is deliberately guiding or forcing Xia Yan into his rhythm." Steven couldn't help sighing.

Even for them, it was the first time they saw seven Pokémons doing the "Dragon Dance" enhancement.

"This is where he is smart, because he knows how to compare tactics, he is definitely not as good as Xia Yan, so he doesn't want to give Xia Yan a chance to use tactics, and he wants to make the battle hotter." Cynthia couldn't help but said.

From Xia Yan's point of view, there is actually no way.

after all.

Every Pokémon in Du, even Goodra, who is better at defense, has a very strong explosive power. If the opponent is allowed to strengthen, even if only two or three Pokémon have completed the strengthening, Xia Yan will be at a disadvantage.

The only way is to strengthen against Biao.

Only in this way, it is inevitable to enter the rhythm of crossing.

Lorelei pouted, "The match between Mr. Norman and Xia Yan Senior gave him a lot of inspiration."

In the battle between Norman and Xia Yan, if Xia Yan didn't hide his core Duolong Bart in the end, I'm afraid the final outcome would be hard to say.

And now.

Compared with Norman, Du's lineup attack power is even more than that.

"However." Cynthia blinked her bright almond eyes and looked at Xia Yan, who was calm on the field, even with a slight arc on the corner of her mouth, "I always feel that Xia Yan is not only prepared, but even quite happy to see this scene."

I don't know if it's an illusion.

"Salamence, Hyper Voice!"

The battle officially started.

As Du waved his hand again, a powerful roar shook the audience, and a terrifying corrugated sound wave quickly wiped a short distance from Du's backcourt and appeared on Xia Yan's side.

Although the "Hyper Voice" move is a special attack, it doesn't seem to be in line with Salamence's affinity, and it is contrary to the previous "Dragon Dance" blessing.

But this is a huge area of ​​damage, and the sound waves can't be blocked at all.

It's an excellent starter.

With the fall of this "Hyper Voice", the remaining Pokémons of Du shook their wings one after another, followed by the sound waves, and quickly swept towards Xia Yan's side.


here we go!

"Zorua, Snarl!"

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, feeling the cold air flowed by the Pokémon's full-scale Sucker Punch across his cheeks, and calmly commanded.


Although Zorua looks petite, she seems to have a lot of power inside her.

The milky roar of Growl, mixed with thick malice, and rapidly spreading sound waves, hedged against Salamence's "Hyper Voice" and rolled up a huge amount of dust.


If you look carefully, you will find it.

After Zorua roared, wisps of white mist gradually spread out around Zorua with Zorua as the center.


These Mist's aren't very visible under the veil of Alakazam "Psychic Terrain."

And there are very few people who can notice this.

Because most people's eyes at the moment fell on the dragons who had already rushed in front of Xia Yan Pokémon.

The first to rush to Xia Yan Pokémon was Dragonite.

I saw that it was surrounded by surging dark purple dragon energy, wearing armor constructed of dragon energy, like a roaring dragon, rushing towards Latios.

With the mutual restraint between dragons and dragons, Dragonite's hand, even if it can't kill Latios in seconds, can make it seriously injured and almost lose its ability to fight.


In the face of this battle, Latios did not show any timidity.


In the twisted and folded space, Duolong Bart stepped on Haze and rushed out, and two "Dragon Darts" shot out from the top of his head, replacing the pace of Dragonite's advance.

Then he swung his tail, and he hedged head-on.

Also "Dragon Rush"!

However, the dragon-type energy covering Dragonite seems to be a ferocious dragon.

But the dragon-type energy that covers Dolong Bartto is like a long dragon full of destruction, Giratina!


Facing this scene, Du seemed to be prepared and shouted loudly.

Instead of choosing to let Dragonite temporarily avoid the edge, the attack became more determined and fierce.

see you.

Du's cloak was suddenly raised, and without the rhythm of the wind, a surging dragon energy actually emerged from his body.

Dragon power!

In the seventh cave of "Dragon's Cave", Du benefited the most, not by subduing Goodra, nor by allowing his Pokémon to obtain an overall improvement in strength.

The biggest improvement for him is "Dragon Power"!

all of a sudden.

The "Dragon Power" on Du's body is consistent with the frequency of dragon energy fluctuations covering Dragonite.

As a result, the dragon shape constructed by Dragonite's "Dragon Rush" becomes larger and clearer.

When Dragonite and Duolong Bartto, the two Pokémons collided, the coat of dragon energy between each other seemed to have no advantages or disadvantages.

Using "Dragon Power" to assist Dragon-type Pokémon, the instant explosive ability obtained by Dragonite is actually comparable to the champion Doron Bartto!

boom--! !

A violent roar exploded.

The raging dragon energy swept the audience, slapped on the surrounding barrier, and kept making a muffled sound.


Although Du doesn't have a champion Pokémon now, with his unique combination of "Dragon Power" and Dragonite, he can compete against Doron Bartto in a short time.

In the dust created by the collision, the two figures quickly flew out backwards.

Looking at each other from a distance, they both saw solemnity in each other's eyes.

at the same time.

The rest of the Pokémon have also rushed to the front of Xia Yan's Pokémon.

Charizard's wings were completely enveloped in white light, and there was even a faint Cianwood-colored Flying energy surrounding it, extending his pair of wings.

Under the stare's gaze, Beedrill appeared in front of Beedrill as his wings vibrated.

"Wing Attack" plus "Dual Wingbeat"!

This is a combo move belonging to Charizard.


Beedrill's wings trembled slightly, lightning flashed, and his body turned into an arc, suddenly disappearing from the sight of the galloping Charizard.

Glide past the menacing Charizard with speed, then gallop towards the Mega Gyarados behind him.

As a Bug Type Pokémon, it is obviously not wise to face Charizard of the Fire and Flying types.


Charizard didn't mean to stop, and even the speed increased again, Sucker Punch came to Alakazam on Xia Yan's last side.

The sharp wings are like two sharp blades.

Pick up Fury Cutter.


click -

see you.

Alakazam's eyes shone with a Psychic halo, and the spoon he raised perfectly fit one of Charizard's wings.

The other wing was blocked by a transparent glass Barrier.



Charizard was not surprised by this situation, and from the clenched teeth, strands of flames escaped.

With its roar, the fiery breath surged up, and in an instant there was a tendency to cover Alakazam.


The Psychic on Alakazam suddenly erupted, and countless Psychic threads were interspersed and woven, and a Barrier completely constructed by Psychic blocked all the flames.

With a low drink from Alakazam, its Psychic burst out, and its powerful impact blasted it away under Charizard's unexpected gaze.

Alakazam today, Contest Condition Mega is excellent.

Its Psychic also showed a far more active activity than normal.

at the same time.

Mega Gyarados and Beedrill, who took the initiative to counterattack, are also about to face each other.

I saw that Mega Gyarados' huge tail slammed the Ground violently, and with the sudden cracking of the Ground, the Rock splashed in all directions, and its huge body bounced up at an extremely fast speed. Facing the galloping Beedrill, it didn't retreat but advanced. hit it.


Beedrill's scarlet compound eyes flickered, Twineedle crossed across his chest, and the cyan halo flickered. Finally, with the interlaced long needles, a sharp cross appeared out of thin air.

boom! !

Sonic bursts, Mega Gyarados Splash fast and fall fast.

However, at the moment when it was about to land, the fins like wings suddenly unfolded, slowing down the speed of its fall.

He swung his tail backwards, whipping up the surging Aqua Tail, and pumping it towards the Beedrill.


Togekiss turned into white light, and his wings split two arcs of bright white air, assisting from the flanks.

Brutal! !

However, he saw that Altaria suddenly appeared on the forward path of "Air Slash", fluffy and soft, or the normal wings of the clouds were folded, and cotton-like fluff quickly proliferated.

As a result, Togekiss's "Air Slash" landed on the pair of wings, and disappeared quietly without any effect.

Cotton Guard!

Behind him, Goodra, who had arrived late, burst into golden lightning, and a sudden lightning bolt shot out from him, approaching Togekiss in the air.

It's just that Togekiss's figure is blurred in an instant, and in the distorted space, Latios' bright white beam meets Goodra's "Thunderbolt".

The two energies dissolve in the constant collision, tearing, and interweaving.

a time.

The situation on the field was changing.

Xia Yan and Du's entire team collided, and they all exploded in the blink of an eye.

The eyes of the audience are a little overwhelmed, and it seems that every collision can produce results.

However, every collision was quickly counteracted by Xia Yan's superb command skills.

Just a few breaths of effort.

All Pokémons are exhausted.

"Beedrill, Mega!"

Facing the Aqua Tail of Mega Gyarados, Xia Yan no longer hesitated and shouted loudly.

I'm coming!

The audience was excited.

Now in this Masters, as long as you can see the showdown between Mega Evolution and Mega Evolution, the audience will be unable to hold back their shouts.


Facing the offensive of Mega Gyarados, Xia Yan finally sacrificed his Mega Evolution.


With a low voice, the long silver needle like a spear pierced out the wrapped Mega Evolution energy, already accustomed to the Mega Evolution's Mega Beedrill, and actively dispelled the Mega Evolution energy.

Facing the "Aqua Tail" who had already arrived in front of him, without any hesitation, the long needle faced the attack.

boom! !

The ferocious "X-Scissor" smashed the surging water, and the huge force made Mega Gyarados unable to balance itself and smashed to the ground.

With the emergence of Mega Beedrill, the balance on the field was broken in an instant.

Pokémon holding two champion-level strengths can already crush the group of Pokémon crossing.

However, it still suffers from the fact that Dragonite cannot Mega Evolution.


Seeing this scene of Du, not only did not show depression, but became more and more excited.

Finally waiting for you!

see you.

In addition to the dark purple "Dragon Power", a crystal green halo appeared on his body again.

In the interweaving of purple and green energies, the excited face flashed a touch of pain, and the complexion became a little pale, but it was quickly smoothed out by this green energy.

I saw him shouting in a deep voice:

"Charizard, Mega!"

As soon as this sentence comes out.

The whole place was silent for a moment.

next second.

There was an uproar.

The third Mega Evolution Pokémon? !

How could Duo be able to perform a double Mega Evolution? !

And their doubts were quickly dispelled by the facts.

I see.

Charizard, who was biting at the flames, burst into flames that suddenly turned into the color of Cianwood, and at the same time, endless Mega Evolution energy enveloped it.

next second.


The roaring dragon roar shook the audience, and a Mega Charizard covered with pitch-black scales shook its blue and black wings and flew out of the energy of the Mega Evolution.

Cianwood-colored flames surrounded its hideous mouth, and the moment it fluttered its wings, a fiery airflow swept away, and charged towards the Mega Beedrill in the air with a serious face.

Whoa-! !

Is it really a Mega Evolution? !

Can Du really make two Pokémons do Mega Evolution at the same time?

One Pokémon performing a Mega Evolution will put a lot of pressure on the Trainer. What about two Pokémon performing a Mega Evolution at the same time?

Does this contradict the reminder that Xia Yan gave them before?

Do not!

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his eyes and looked at the Mega CharizardX that spread its wings.

Suddenly something came to mind.

He has Psychic himself, the power of a wave guide, and a body that works hard enough to afford a double Mega Evolution.

It makes no sense to have the "power of the dragon" and the "power of the Vibrant" at the same time? !


The "power of Viking", which has a strong recovery ability, may even be less stressful for letting go.


Du, who frowned at this moment, also showed that the load he was carrying at the moment was not small.

Compared with Psychic to strengthen the spirit, the power of the wave guide strengthens the body, the power of the dragon of Du strengthens the body, and the power of Vivian strengthens the body and spirit, but it also focuses more on the body. He performs double Mega Evolution, and the pressure is definitely greater than Xia Yan.

But such a load.

Yidu's will, he can also grit his teeth and survive.

"Are you going to give me an explanation too?" Xia Yan said loudly.

respond to him.


"Fuck you!"

I have tried countless times of Xia Yan's routine, and after seeing Steven being tricked, can I be fooled by Xia Yan again?

With an angry scolding, he slammed back directly.

Moreover, at this time, he was under tremendous pressure to carry out the double Mega Evolution, and he fought with a breath of heart and perseverance in his mind. If this breath was relieved, he did not know how long he would be able to persevere.

Seeing that Steven in the lounge kept blinking his eyes, he seemed to understand.

"Stinky boy." Xia Yan couldn't help laughing and scolding.

It's just the smile on his face, but he can't hide it.

In this case.

No wonder then.

Psychic burst out in his eyes, and telepathy covered the audience.

bring it on.

Just let you taste, our real tactical system now!

I see.

The Mega CharizardX, who was driving the surging fiery flames, was already approaching Mega Beedrill while rolling up the heat.

As the Earl Dervish Pokémon of Duo, although Charizard's overall strength is not as good as Dragonite, he already has Elite-level top-level strength. Assisted with the blessing of Mega Evolution, he has also entered the championship level.

Such strength is enough to compete with Mega Beedrill.

Above the pitch-black Dragon Claw, Cianwood flames instantly entangled.

The "Fire Punch" swung out, hitting the Mega Beedrill's door.

Not afraid of being blocked by a Mega Beedrill, Mega CharizardX of the "Hard Claw" Ability is confident that its flames are strong enough to injure a Mega Beedrill.

Feeling the excitement and surging in Du's heart, the firmness in Mega CharizardX's eyes became more and more intense, and the flames above his fist became more solid.


It didn't notice.

An invisible misty Mist had already enveloped the audience at this time.


The distorted ripples of space are gradually rippling.

This is a symptom of the "Ally Switch" move, and if you look closely, you can still spot it.


Du didn't mean to stop.

It's the same for anyone.

Only Mega Beedrill or Doron Bartto can stop Mega CharizardX now.

If you switch to other Pokémon, you will not be able to withstand the attack of Mega CharizardX.


After the space was distorted, Mega Beedrill did not disappear, instead, it rushed forward with a long needle on it.


The momentary change was not enough to give Du and Mega CharizardX a lot of doubts.

It punched and met Mega Beedrill's long needle.


It was astonishing.

This fist swung out, and it actually failed to feel any bit of strength and obstruction.

It was as if a punch had hit the air.

Double Team?

And after smashing this "Mega Beedrill", another Mega Beedrill rushed straight towards Mega CharizardX.

What about this time?

real or fake?

Mega CharizardX, who had no time to think, clenched his fists again.


I saw that "Mega Beedrill" turned into a bubble and dissipated again.

Fake again?

at the same time.

Togekiss quietly appeared behind Mega CharizardX, turned into a white light, and rushed forward.

How did Togekiss show up here?

Mega CharizardX, who had just thrown a punch, had no time to turn around and could only wave his tail in an attempt to resist.

in its view.

Although Togekiss is not weak, it can't cause much substantial damage to the current it, and it can be properly defended.

There will be other companions to deal with Togekiss.

And its Rival, it's Mega Beedrill and Doron Bartto.


"Togekiss", which seemed little threat to it, caused it far more pain than expected.

At the moment when the "Togekiss" attack arrived, its shape changed for a while, and what followed was a sharp long needle and sharp narrow compound eyes.

Mega Beedrill!

Bang! !

"X-Scissor" brought great pain and trauma to Mega CharizardX.

what's the situation?

This Togekiss was made by Mega Beedrill?

And before Mega CharizardX figured it out.

See Togekiss galloping from another angle, and Mega Beedrill continuing to attack from behind it, and even Latios from the other side.

Too late to think.

Mega CharizardX turned around and sprayed the Mega Beedrill with a fiery breath, only to see it dissipated like a bubble again.

It's fake again!

Is that really Togekiss?

Do not!

It could also be Latios!

Which one?

Which one is it?

Immediately Mega CharizardX no matter what.

The flames swept across.

The surging Cianwood flames annihilated "Togekiss" and "Latios" in an instant.

all fake?

Mega CharizardX froze again.

But I only felt the pain coming from behind again.

Mega Beedrill appeared behind it again.

this moment.

Mega CharizardX is completely messy.

True or false, which one is the real one?

And it's not just Mega CharizardX that is messy.

There are also crossings.

At this time, his head was also like a mess, and he couldn't understand the situation.

what happened?

Not only him and Mega CharizardX, but the entire audience, including Host, were stunned.

In an instant, the arena was silent.

Even the host, who was blunt but barely able to keep up with the rhythm of the commentary, got stuck at this time.

"Mega Charizard defeated the Mega Beedrill, oh, it's fake. Wait! When did Togekiss show up? It's actually a Mega Beedrill! Fake again? Latios?! All fake?! Nope, the previous Mega Is Beedrill real, 'Double Team'? Fake, real, fake."

What about putting it off and changing it to Trick? !

And what the audience can see.

Just suddenly a Mega Beedrill appeared, and then a fake, and suddenly another Mega Beedrill appeared, and it was fake again.

Then there's the Mega Beedrill, and it's real!

a time.

The dazzling arena made them overwhelmed.

Originally, because of Xia Yan's tactical system, it was extremely difficult to fully understand the game.

Now so out.

Everyone said: I don't understand.

The most important thing is that, staring at these scenes, changing and changing, the audience suddenly feels that they are not enough, their heads are completely confused, and their stomachs are rumbling.

And to say who is the most difficult person at this time.

It was definitely over.

In front of his eyes, there seemed to be countless Mega Beedrills, but nothing seemed to appear.

a time.

Completely stunned.

It seems that all of Xia Yan's Pokémon are Mega Beedrill, but it seems that these Pokémon may be fake.

While the scene of Mega CharizardX was chaotic, the situation on the other side of the Pokémon was also completely chaotic.

It seems that Xia Yan's Pokémon may appear at any time, but any of them may be fake.

However, the Pokémon of the crossing did not dare to relax their vigilance, and it was not until they launched an attack that they could be sure that it was indeed fake.

But just when they thought it was all fake, the attack came out unexpectedly, and the Pokémon was a little bit unbearable.

messed up, messed up.

The scene was completely messed up.

Steven, Cynthia, Lorelei and others in the lounge were also in chaos.

They had never seen Xia Yan show such a side.

What tactic is this?

What about those phantoms.


Xia Yan's "infinite defense switch" is already difficult to target, so he can only passively defend and then counterattack.

But now.

The phantom that appeared inexplicably and the unlimited defense switching completely raised the difficulty of facing Xia Yan's system by several grades.

Only Professor Oak looked thoughtful.

Immediately after a sudden awakening, the fist clapped the palm of the hand.

"It was the Zorua!"


Professor Oak ignored them, and was caught up in his own excitement and thinking.

"It turns out that Zorua's ability in the Xizui period was also an 'illusion'? This Zorua's mastery of this ability is quite good.

Xia Yan also made good use of this, combining it perfectly with his defense system. "

"'Illusion' Ability?"

After Professor Oak said this, several people gradually reacted.

I see.

Those phantoms, are they actually hallucinations created by Zorua?

Think again.

Several people suddenly shuddered.

The already difficult "unlimited switching" system coupled with the illusion that may appear at any time.

and many more!

The original quad-core system, coupled with the illusion with this Zorua as the core, isn't it

Five cores? !

on the field.

Standing on one side, Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth, while the other hand kept rubbing his temples to relieve the pressure caused by the super-intensive brain use.

The running-in between Zorua and his lineup is not enough, so in order to achieve the current effect, Xia Yan must personally direct.

Use electrocardiography to reduce the stagnation caused by insufficient running-in.

But as long as he looked at Du, who was messy and sluggish at the moment, he was very happy.


Let you target me?

Let you take the lead and take them against me?

This may not be Xia Yan's strongest lineup right now, but it is definitely his strongest system.

Unlimited defense and hat Trick!


Ferry is worthy of crossing.

After experiencing the initial astonishment, he gradually recovered.

He widened his eyes and looked at Xia Yan in disbelief.


The Zorua, who has never had much presence.



His lips moved slightly, and he swallowed quietly, the disbelief in his eyes had not completely subsided, and he said hoarsely: "Five, nuclear?"

Is this the "surprise" that Xia Yan prepared for him?

Five cores? !

There was an uproar.

Is this a five-core lineup? !


PS: My hand was strained. I applied the plaster in the morning, and I had to change it in the afternoon. I wrote it here first, and I will continue to write when I come back after changing the plaster. I will definitely finish this one today.

Thank you "Dark Star Emperor", "Yan Ming", "Corn, Roar" for their great rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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