The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 899 He Fell It Himself (5K+!)

Chapter 898 He fell it himself (5k+!)

Five cores? !

Xia Yan actually has a five-core system?

Moreover, is this a five-core system that is extremely difficult to operate and can hardly be copied by others?

The voice of the crossing spread throughout the audience.

In fact, many people do not know the so-called "five cores".

What exactly does it represent.

It is only from the shock seen on the faces of those who know that this so-called "five-core" system is not simple.

after all.

Right now, when Xia Yan was dealing with Du, the dazzling level of complexity presented people couldn't help but feel so powerful.

Many people are also curious.

Five cores?

That's not every Pokémon is a core.

Does it mean that there is no core?

Not so.

Otherwise, why divide the so-called first core, second core, and third core.

Although they are both the core, but in fact the focus is different.


It doesn't mean that having six cores means no cores.

Take Sandstorm for example.

If in the Sandstorm system.

Sandstorm is flying, so any Pokémon in the Sandstorm system will get the blessing of Sandstorm when it launches an attack. This is the most basic single-core system.

But if join "Trick Room" again.

It constitutes the Sandstorm heavy space system.

The Pokémon that can attack is not only blessed by Sandstorm, but also blessed by "Trick Room".

This is called a dual core.

What if you add an Alakazam such as the "Magic Defense" Ability?

As a relay, copy the abilities of different Pokémons to the attacking Pokémon.

Then this Pokémon has obtained the triple blessing of Sandstorm, "Trick Room", and Copy Ability, which is three cores.

If you add one more.

For example Pokémon like Oranguru.

Apply "Instruct".

Let the attacking Pokémon not only explode, but also launch a double strike.

And Oranguru can also take on the second space hand and fill in the "Trick Room".

This is called a quad core.

In the same way, Alakazam is the first Trick core, Oranguru is the second Trick core, and they have different responsibilities and focuses.

Simply put, if a six-core system is formed, any one of the Pokémon will be able to enjoy the care of the other five Pokémon when attacking or defending, plus its own complementarity, it is the so-called six-core.


Xia Yan can't do it now. When one Pokémon attacks, enjoy the blessing of the other five Pokémon.

For example, Beedrill, all it can get is Alakazam's Psychic blessing, Zorua's phantom blessing, Togekiss' Help, or Latios Light Screen Reflect and so on.

But he can do it, and when Beedrill attacks, he can attack on behalf of the other five Pokémon at any time.

Therefore, Xia Yan's set cannot be regarded as a real five-core, but only a pseudo-five-core.

It's like a pseudo-quad core.

Because its blessing to the attacker is actually not that big.

But if it's on defense.

Not the same.

For example, Beedrill, defending, can link up with the other five Pokémon at the same time, and enjoy the help of the other five Pokémon.


Xia Yan's system is called "infinite defense", not "infinite rotation attack".


Xia Yan's goal is not actually on the real four-core and five-core.

His goal is to build a legion system like Agatha.

Regardless of the four-core and five-core, it will be the core of the legion system in the future.

at the same time.

The conference room on the top floor of the Silver Arena was also terribly quiet at this time.

When Xia Yan showed the pseudo-quad-core before, all the Alliance executives present were shocked.

Seeing the five-core system at this time, it seems that the movement is smaller?

Do not.

It's just because they don't know how to express their emotions in a short period of time.

For a normal lineup, the theoretical upper limit is naturally six cores, and the six Pokémon complement each other and achieve each other, so that every Pokémon in the lineup can explode far beyond the normal level of strength.


Who can build a true six-core system in the entire Alliance?

As far as they know, no.

Although it is said that the number of cores in a lineup does not completely determine the strength of this lineup.

For example, the group of Pokémon in Du, after all erupted, are they weak?

Obviously not weak.

What about his specific core?

The positioning seems to be vague.

To say that Pokémons are the core, it is better to say that the "Dragon Power" is the core.

In the case of similar strengths, the more cores there are, the more Pokémon will be able to perform beyond the norm and show stronger strength, so the advantage will be greater.


Even if the overall strength is relatively weak, as long as the lineup is reasonable enough and the configuration is good enough, it is possible to win the weak against the strong.

The match between Xia Yan and Giovanni is the best proof.

Although Xia Yan won, his overall Pokémon strength was definitely weaker than Giovanni's.


Now Xia Yan is among the many bigwigs, and his strength is only relatively outstanding.

But if you give him a little more time to grow.

If this pseudo-penta-core body shape is fully formulated, at least it has the potential to become the Region champion, or even become the Region champion.

And such a young Trainer with super potential.

All the bosses in the conference room turned their attention to the president of Kanto Alliance.

Schadenfreude looks mostly.

This caused the Kanto Alliance president's expression to be extremely ugly.

And compared to it.

Igor, the president of Sinnoh Alliance, was full of spring breeze at this time. Facing the envious glances, he responded with a smile one by one.

It can be said.

With a young genius like Xia Yan, Sinnoh Alliance will be very stable for at least 30 years in the future.

"Congratulations, Igor." Someone said with lemon.

"Although it is a pseudo five-core system, as long as he is given enough time, the complete five-core system can already see the direction."

Some people also lamented the rapid progress of young people's strength.

Igor smiled and waved his hand.

"Where, in fact, I also have a headache."

In the face of many doubtful gazes, the smile on Igor's face was even greater.

"After all, there is still Cynthia, and I can't be too partial to Xia Yan."

Everyone: "."


Does this speak human words?

Kanto Alliance President's complexion immediately turned black.


The reason why these Alliance executives value Xia Yan so much.

On the one hand, it is indeed because his potential is quite outstanding, and he has already fulfilled this part of his potential. He even saw the word "first-class" in the scratch prize. Is there any suspense in the last word?

On the other hand, because Xia Yan is not only an excellent trainer, but also a very good researcher, he has made many outstanding contributions.

And the most important aspect.

It's because of Xia Yan's origin!

Whether it is Du, who was born in the Yulong family, or Lorelei, who came from the Silver Academy, or Steven, who came from the Zvoch Devin family.

Compared with them, Xia Yan's background was like a piece of white paper, so clean that no hue could be seen.

It is this identity that makes Xia Yan not constrained by his own power or the Alliance even if he becomes a high-level executive of Sinnoh Alliance.

So these people are so sour.

Even a black-haired middle-aged man with a calm and indifferent expression looked at Igor, who was arguing with Frillish, and wondered whether he should do something to the disabled, and whether it would have a bad influence.


Just when they were all immersed in the five-core system shown by Xia Yan, the black-haired middle-aged man headed suddenly changed his face.

Get up suddenly.

The expression became extremely ugly, and a cold light appeared in the dark eyes.

His strangeness was also seen by the others.

What's wrong?

on the field.

Du, who was confused by Xia Yanyi's "infinite defense" and "hat trick" tactics, and his Pokémon.

They were all traumatized and traumatized.

Du never thought of it.

Xia Yan, who has fought against top trainers such as Norman, Jianwu, Will, and Steven, can still show a hidden trump card when he is fighting against him?

the most important is.

This complex combination of "Infinite Swap" and "Hat Trick"

I vomited!

How could anyone really come up with such a system that people simply can't adapt to?

Why would anyone actually put such a system into action?

Relying on Psychic's flexible mind and strong mental strength, they can do whatever they want, right?

Du glared deeply at Xia Yan, who was squeezing his temples.

Just wanted to say.

What a good brother!

Xia Yan seemed to understand Du's eyes, raised his eyebrows and returned one.

Would you mind saying that?

Pass silently.

Take a deep breath.

Suddenly, on the field, Mega Evolution energy fluctuations appeared on Mega Gyarados again.


It's not about any reinforcement.

Instead, the Mega Evolution was directly lifted, and it became the original appearance.

Unlock Mega Evolution?

The audience was stunned when they saw this scene.

Is the burden too large to hold on?

Or, simply choose to give up?

Only the smile on Xia Yan's face slowly subsided, and when he looked at Du's expression, his heart tightened.

Will Ferry give up?

Do not!

He is not the kind of person who would choose to give up!

With the end of Gyarados' Mega Evolution, the pressure on Watari plummeted.

at the same time.

The "Dragon Power" on him became more and more surging, almost like a substance.

Let him be like a dragon standing there with its teeth and claws, Normal.

I saw his expression was very serious.

Drink suddenly.

"Draco Meteor!"

As soon as the order comes out.

Facing Xia Yan's hat, Trick could only choose the Pokémon who were surrounded by them, and finally moved again.

I saw that from Du's body, four "dragon powers" were separated.

Injected into Dragonite, Salamence, Altaria, and Goodra respectively.

And these four dragon-type Pokémon, the dragon-type energy fluctuations on their bodies also burst into surging in an instant.

In an instant.

Dragonite, Salamence, Altaria, and Goodra all looked up at the same time.

The hot Dragon Breath spit out from their mouths, and four huge magma fireballs wrapped in surging dragon-type energy rushed straight to the enchantment dome.

When it was about to touch the top of the enchantment, it exploded again.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

What is the picture of four powerful dragon-type Pokémon casting "Draco Meteor" at the same time?


The audience witnessed it.

That huge movement, that surging momentum.

With the sound of the explosion, countless Meteorite meteors fell madly from the sky.

Huge Meteorites filled with surging flames, mixed with strong dragon-type energy, tore through the barrier of the air in an instant, and landed tightly and crashed.

Each one is full of terrifying aura of destruction.

This was prepared for Xia Yan, the real last hand.

It is also Du, the last trick used to crack Xia Yan's "infinite defense" system.

now that.

With Infinite Swap, your Pokémon can be everywhere and switch positions at will.

Then, I will attack with a full range of baptism!

Have to admit.

Du really knew Xia Yan the most.

For Xia Yan's system, he also conducted in-depth research and pondering.

Because, in Xia Yan's system, the most feared thing is not "Taunt", because he prepared "Mental Herb".

What he is most afraid of is this kind of large-scale attack.

Under the large-scale attack, no matter how the Pokémon changed their positions, they also had to withstand the attack.


Xia Yan will prepare to develop in the direction of the legion.

boom boom-

One after another, the sound of explosions and roars sounded in the arena.

a time.

the entire arena.

As if the end had come.

God punishes the earth.

But there is one missing place.

That is the small area where the six Pokémons are crossing at this time.

Xia Yan also instantly understood the meaning of crossing.

He seems to be saying:

Xia Yan, stop being bells and whistles, just come to the front!

thought here.

Xia Yan couldn't help grinning again.

Look at Toto who is standing opposite.

At the same time, Du also stared at Xia Yan with a burning gaze.

Since you want to be positive, come on!

Anyway, Revenge took the lead in fighting the revenge, and has already reported more than half of it.

It's disgusting, and it's disgusting.

How confused and aggrieved his previous expression was, how happy Xia Yan's heart was.

That now.

It's for this best friend.

Sending one last decent finish.

Xia Yan waved his hand.

The Pokémon instantly understood.

The six Pokémon that were heading towards Watari dashed away.


Xia Yan drank high, raised his right hand high, and "Insect Z" burst out with dazzling natural energy.


Du's actions are also almost the same as Xia Yan.

It's just that what he showed was "Dragon Z"!

The perverted ability endows Du with a strong physique comparable to Xia Yan, making him barely able to use Mega Evolution and Z moves together.

In an instant.

A strong blue light suddenly appeared, and it poured into Mega Beedrill's body.

The surging purple natural energy also disappeared into the body of Mega CharizardX.

I see.

On the originally pitch-black scales of Mega CharizardX, there were strands of purple lines, and with the "thump" sound like a heartbeat, these lines suddenly floated up and enveloped Mega CharizardX's body.

With more and more dragon energy filling.

A huge dragon with a ferocious face.

Impressively came into view.

The monstrous power, just a roar, shook the entire arena.

Under the violent vibration of the huge wings, it rushed towards the Mega Beedrill.

Sun-covered dragon.

Makes Mega Beedrill look so small.


Mega Beedrill showed no signs of fear.

The breath of the whole body is restrained, and the energy fluctuations are completely absorbed.

There is only an arc of green and yellow intertwined, passing through the countless falling "Draco Meteor" Meteorite, straight to the huge dragon shadow face door.


The towering dragon shadow roared and roared.

The ferocious dragon head is arrogantly high.

Everyone only felt a numbness in their buttocks, and the silver stadium vibrated.

I saw Mega Beedrill, swallowed by the huge purple dragon shadow.


Do not!


A subtle movement suddenly appeared in the huge dragon shadow.

Mega Beedrill, rush in!

Appeared in front of Mega CharizardX in the blink of an eye.

A little chill.

Bursts in the center of the giant dragon shadow.

next second.

boom--! !

Fragments built by countless dragon-type energies scattered.

The dust raised by the huge movement.

cover everything.

The audience once again saw the head-to-head collision between the Mega Evolution Pokémon and the rivalry of the championship-level Pokémon.

The collision between Mega Beedrill and Mega CharizardX also sounded the horn for the two Pokémon to officially start a head-to-head melee.

Duolong Bart was like no one, Alakazam turned into the most powerful long-range fort, Togekiss fell bright moonlight, Latios pure white beams swept in all directions, Zorua phantoms frequently appeared.

the other side.

Dragonite wears "Outrage" armor, Gyarados rides the waves, Salamence covers the sun with blood, Altaria cotton splashes, and Goodra metal shines all over the body.

The terrifying air waves collided, and the tide was higher than the tide.

until the end.

boom! ! !

The barrier has been strengthened for an unknown number of times.

Or burst out overwhelmed "pain" moan.

The audience stared wide-eyed one by one and dared not blink, for fear of missing any detail.

Just feel the whole body blood.

All boiling, all burning.

Even if the terrifying air wave has already washed in front of them.

Also unaware.

But the danger of battle has already spread to ordinary audiences.

The team had to intervene.

But Du and Xia Yan, who have been completely red-eyed, have no time to pay attention to the competition?

until the end.

When the top trainers prepared by the competition wanted to intervene strongly, the movement on the field stopped abruptly.

After the thick dust dissipated.

The scene on the field made one's breath stagnate.

The stadium, which was completely in ruins, and even the surrounding spectator stands were damaged to varying degrees.

There were a total of twelve Pokémons, and the last one stood, but only three remained.

Doron Bartto, Alakazam and Zorua.

Even Xia Yan's Beedrill fell on the field for the first time.

Has the advantage of hard power, but can be replaced by three Pokémon at the end.

In terms of power attack ability, Du is the strongest trainer Xia Yan has seen so far.

He has two abilities: "Dragon Power" and "Victorian Power".

It's like opening and hanging.

"Dragon's Power" boosts attacks, and "Vivian's Power" grants recovery.

One attack and one defense, complement each other.


Even the Trainer fell one.

I see.

Xia Yan was no longer in his position.

He looked pale.

Appeared on the side where the ferry was.

And the owner of the arm on his shoulder is his Rival Yulongdu.


The successive Mega Evolutions and Z moves, coupled with the excessive consumption of "Dragon Power", made Tou unconscious.


Even in a coma, with his head drooping, Du's face was filled with a smile at this time.

It was a satisfied smile.

And Xia Yan, who was supporting him, looked helpless and "disgusted".

He pouted and said to himself, "He fell by himself."

Fighting against people who put themselves on the ground, will it be over?

Although he disliked it, he held Du's hand, but he didn't mean to let go.

So far.

In this battle belonging to Xia Yan and Du, Veilstone finally fell.

And the strength shown by the two is enough to make everyone look at them.


PS: I found that some people were confused about the five-core and six-core thing, so I spent a little bit of ink and nagging, everyone forgive me (bow). Also, Xia Yan is a pseudo five-core, which is far from the real five-core. Finally, let's go to 1.3w today, my hands are sore, and we will fight again tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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