The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 900 Mt. Silver Turmoil (Three In One)

Chapter 899 Mt. Silver Turmoil (Three in One)


Mt. Silver.

The rumbling sound came and went.

A large number of wild Pokémon quickly shuttled through the dense Primal jungle, charging towards the outer foothills of Mt. Silver.


"The Fourth Army, the Seventh Army, line up!"

"Be careful not to release fire-type moves! Fourth Army, Water Gun! Seventh Army, Discharge!"

all of a sudden.

Countless Aqua Jets of almost the same size came out, and the uniform movements and release speed made all the water flow quickly converge.

Immediately, a surging wave was formed, rushing towards the Pokémon who were rushing in from Mt. Silver.

next second.

The sudden bright golden light burst out suddenly, and the flocculent current was everywhere, quietly blending into the turbulent wave.

All wild Pokémon that come into contact with the current will also be hit by the current and paralyzed.


The commander in charge of commanding, seeing this scene is still not very good-looking.

There are simply too many wild Pokémon.

And the wild Pokémon inhabiting the inner foot of Mt. Silver is not as powerful as the Pokémon outside.

The strength of each is quite strong.

Especially some powerful ones.

This range of damage is fine against Normal's wild Pokémon, but it doesn't pose much of a threat against the stronger ones.

A set of Legion combo moves down, just washed away those Normal wild Pokémon.

The stronger ones were screened out and formed the vanguard.

"Commander! The vanguard on the opposite side has taken shape."

The scouts riding on the eagles immediately informed the commander at the scene of the information they had observed.

The expected commander looked solemn.

"Wait for what?"

A hoarse, low voice came from behind the commander.

Hearing the voice, the commander suddenly smiled.

Hastily said respectfully:

"Agatha Elite."

Agatha with a cane had a calm expression, and glanced at the wild Pokémon attacking from the opposite side.

"Fourth Army, Water Pledge. Eighth Army, Grass Pledge."

The crutches slammed on the ground, and Agatha commanded in a deep voice.

Follow her orders.

Among the two legions, a few elite troops came out.

The only Pokémon that can use vow-type moves are those Pokémon of the three families of water and grass types.

And all the Trainers with this kind of Pokémon are members of the rank of lieutenant or above in their respective legions.

Immediately after.

A group of three Pokémon from the water-based royal family moved.

Most of them are Blastoise and Feraligatr.

I saw them crouch down and slap the Ground with their hands.

One after another, Cianwood-colored ripples formed a water curtain with a shimmering radiance, which spread and spread around.

As a result, everyone and Pokémon seem to be in a vast ocean.

next second.

A group of legion members who led the three grass-based royal families also acted.

Among these Pokémon, Venusaur and Meganium are mostly.

And in the "Water Pledge" to form a spreading vine Quash, they also agitate the leaves or plants on their bodies one by one.

Emerald green halos spread rapidly with their movements.

Grass Pledge!

Wherever it went, all the wild plants in Mt. Silver became more emerald green, and countless new shoots were drawn out under the diffusion of this force.

A large number of vines also grow wildly, forming emerald green Barrier.

And at the moment when "Grass Pledge" and "Water Pledge" came into contact.

A chemical reaction between two strange forces takes place.

The blue energy halo is combined with the green energy halo, and the moisture in a large area instantly rises, and the plant emits a dense purple mist with some toxins.

the most important is.

In this area, the originally dry and sturdy Ground turned into a muddy swamp in an instant.

And from these bubble-filled swamps, a large number of dark green vines were drawn, bound to the feet, claws, and wings of the wild Pokémon who were rushing.

As a result, the seemingly turbulent wave of wild Pokémon suddenly slowed down.

Seeing this scene, Agatha nodded secretly.

"Behead the troops, dispatch."


A group of true Legion elites.

Step out of the queue with their respective Pokémon.

All of them looked serious, tightened their equipment, and resolutely brought their own Pokémon to meet the vanguard of these wild Pokémon whose speed was limited.

As long as these powerful wild Pokémon can be defeated, other relatively normal wild Pokémon will not pose a threat.

At this time.

Several Pokémons, carrying scouts, sprinted from within Mt. Silver.

"Report sir! Those lords are also dispatched!"

"Report sir! From the northeast, a large group of Flying Pokémon are coming, very fast, and they are expected to arrive in three minutes!"

"Report sir! Then, that guy is here!"


One bad news came.

This made the commander's expression so dark it was almost watery.

Even Agatha's expression became a little dignified.

"Has the Alliance notified you?"


The commander's voice was a little dry.


The troops over there want to rush over, and it is estimated that it will take a long time.

Among the many scouts, the last piece of news was the one that put the most pressure on him.


"What's the matter, Agatha."

"What happened, Agatha."


Although the Alliance's troops could not arrive at the first time, the senior leaders of these Alliances can still arrive at the first time.

Many of them are very old Trainers.

Some, stepped down from Elite Four positions.

Some came down from a high-level position in the Alliance.

Some are active duty.

These people, especially those old people, are the real valuable wealth of the current Alliance. With the existence of these people, the Alliance can lead the entire world in terms of top combat power and make the Alliance's position unshakable.

after all.

These Trainers are just getting old.

Not dead.

Although some Pokémon are limited by lifespan, their strength will also decline as they get older.

But there are also some Pokémon that are not affected by lifespan, or are less affected.

Take Ghost Pokémon, for example, and Dragon Pokémon.

Don't underestimate the heritage of Alliance.

Since it exists and has been maintained for such a long time, the resources it can obtain and the accumulated human and financial resources are immeasurable.

Hear these words.

Agatha gave them a sidelong glance, too lazy to speak.

If she knew why, she wouldn't be here.

The turmoil in the inner foot of Mt. Silver happens every year. After all, sometimes the competition for resources between wild Pokémon is prone to turmoil.

If you are unlucky, the scope of influence will be larger, and the turmoil will become larger.


Alliance will have a legion sitting here.

However, the legion sitting in the town is not big enough.

I just didn't expect such turmoil to break out in Mt. Silver during the Masters.

The first figure that flashed in Agatha's mind was Giovanni.

'What did that guy do to make Mt. Silver riot like this? ’

Agatha couldn't understand.

And this time.

boom! !

A sudden fire rose to the sky from the jungle not far away.

Huge red light, rendering the distant night sky.

The fiery heat wave spreads towards this side one after another, and the moisture in the air is quickly pulled away. The swamp formed by "Water Pledge" and "Grass Pledge" is also in this surging heat wave. dry up.

Those wild Pokémon who have been restricted from moving have gradually regained their ability to move.

Seeing this firelight, the commander only felt his throat dry up.

The faces of those Alliance executives who were long overdue also sank.

"Why did this guy come out?"

"Trouble, this guy has moved."

"It's troublesome now."

Naturally, they all knew who the owner of this firelight was.

"Agatha, let's stop it together. If it rushes out, there are so many people in the City of Silver, and they will suffer."

One of them suggested.

Immediately received the support of many other people.

Neither of them can deal with that Pokémon alone.

After all, even if some Pokémon are not affected by lifespan, they are not all Pokémon, and some will decline in strength with age.


They are older, and their thinking is not as active as the younger Trainer, which also limits their ability to play.

But adding Agatha, with her Ghost Legion, would be a lot easier.

Hearing this, Agatha raised his head slowly, gave them a sideways glance, and revealed a penetrating smile.

This smile made several people a little confused.

But I heard Agatha say:

"No, I'll stop it, and you can deal with the rest."

"you alone?"

I don't know who it is, and subconsciously raised a question.

Agatha didn't care, nodded and stepped out, and countless dark shadows quickly spread out from the shadows under her feet.

Supporting her, she flew towards the fire.

next second.

After hearing Agatha chuckle lightly, he said:

"Gengar, Mega!"

"Jie Jie-!!"

I saw a colorful halo burst out from the Key Stone on the end of the handle of Agatha's crutch, and accompanied Agatha, Gengar, who was huge but light in movement, was immediately enveloped by the energy of this Mega Evolution.

Under the light of the dim moonlight, Mega Gengar, whose appearance had completely changed, appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Jie Jie~~"

The excitement on Mega Gengar's face, the power of Mega Evolution, made it stagnant for a long time and the strength has been improved again, and he was immediately excited.

Weird laughter.

spread throughout the Valley.

Looking at the Mega Gengar who appeared, feeling the momentum emerging from Mega Gengar at this moment, the expressions of all the Alliance executives were slightly stagnant.

Surprised Ground looked at each other.

After a long while, someone finally recovered from the shock.

"This is Mega Evolution?"

"I heard that it is the latest research result just discovered by a little guy named Xia Yan."

Among them, some of them are aging in the Alliance, and they usually grow flowers, water them, and live a leisurely life with the Pokémons, so they don’t know much about the outside world.

But there are also some who are still working in the Alliance, and they have a clearer understanding of this matter.

It could almost be said that Mega Evolution shook the entire Alliance.

This special evolution that makes the already powerful Pokémon even stronger has attracted great attention from the Alliance.


No one could have imagined that while Alliance was still groping and looking for Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone, Agatha actually had the ability of Mega Evolution.

Moreover, it was her strongest Gengar who performed the Mega Evolution.

With Agatha's current strength, plus her Ghost Corps, and Mega Gengar, that strength

"Agatha Elite is this Xia Yan's Teacher."

someone said.

This time.

Many people responded.

"No wonder. I heard that Agatha accepted a student, and it seems that the strength and ability are good. Occasionally I hear Agatha brag about his student. How could Agatha praise someone? I thought it was wrong at the time. It seems like her student Are you on the verge of becoming an Elite Four?"

The person who spoke before said helplessly:

"The student of Agatha Elite is that Xia Yan, and he has become the Elite Four of Sinnoh, and he is also a professor of Pokémon. He also discovered the previous Fairy department."

For a time, the old people were speechless.

"No wonder even Agatha, who has always been eccentric, has learned to show off."

"She's showing off this time, right?"

Another moment of silence.

These people are starting to think, are they a bit out of the way with society?

Do you want to go out and take a student or two?

So that there is no bragging capital when you have afternoon tea with old friends in the future.

Inside the Silver City.

In the courtyard of the villa that Steven bought.


Sylveon Charm's voice sounded, and the satin was wrapped around Xia Yan's wrist, shaking gently.

The flickering pink pupils, under the illumination of the light, are bling.


The little Vulpix lying on Xia Yan's shoulders, with soft and cool snow-white hair, rubs against Xia Yan's cheeks, and from time to time sticks out her pink tongue to gently lick it, expressing intimacy and Charm.

In this regard, Xia Yan can only pat their little heads dotingly.

"Okay, well, you all train well, if there is another game next time, I will definitely give you more opportunities to play."



Hearing this, it wasn't just the little guys Sylveon and Vulpix who jumped up excitedly.

The rest of the little guys also showed excited expressions.

In fact, the little Vulpix is ​​not bad, this time he got the chance to play, although only once.

But the other little guys really didn't play.

no way.

The further back the Masters is, the stronger Rival is.

Especially when facing people like Steven and Du, all the cards that had been hidden for so long were revealed one by one. I wish I could press Xia Yan to the ground and rub against them. The little guys really didn't have a chance to play.


Sylveon rolled his eyes and said slyly.

'How about. Let's go to a normal tournament? ’

It also knows.

With Xia Yan's current identity and strength, it is unlikely that he would want to participate in the competition again.

Maybe it's the "eight masters" that Steven mentioned, but I don't know when it will be.

But yeah.

There are few competitions at that level, but there are quite a few competitions held in each region.

Sylveon usually sees those competitions live on TV.

Although the popularity is not as high as the Masters, there are actually quite a lot of people watching the game.


Little Vulpix's eyes lit up instantly, and his little head twitched continuously along with its curled bangs.

‘That makes sense! ’

Shelgon, Sliggoo, Milotic, and Larvesta, all showed emotion.

Listening to their advice, Xia Yan was dumbfounded.

"What? You still want me to be a dignified Elite Four and play the baby cup?"


'Baby cup? ’

The Sylveon satin fluttered, blinking.

It likes this name.

The satin immediately wrapped around Xia Yan's wrist again and started the Charm stunt.

Along with it, there is the little Vulpix.

"Next time, definitely next time."

Xia Yan rubbed the heads of the two naughty little guys.


The little guy pouted.

Seeing that Togekiss next to him was so happy, he carefully ate the ice cream one by one.

to be frank.

It also moved a little bit.


That has to wait until the end of the Masters. It might be another battle tomorrow.



Xia Yan was taken aback for a moment, his expression became serious, and he looked in the direction of Mt. Silver.

Although it was far apart, he still vaguely felt that something special had happened in Mt. Silver.

The night sky dyed by the dense firelight appeared in his sight, like an aurora normal.

"What happened to Mt. Silver?"

At this time.

Cynthia with wet hair hanging down on her shoulders, dressed in black casual clothes, also came to the courtyard.

Xia Yan glanced at her and shook his head.

"do not know."

But certainly not a good thing.

"Are we going to take a look?" Cynthia asked, pursing her lips.

"There seems to be something wrong with Mt. Silver."

at the same time.

Steven and Lorelei also came to the courtyard.

The expressions of the four of them were not very good.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan still said: "Alliance should be able to handle it, otherwise they will notify."

This is Mt. Silver, where the Alliance is located, and the Kanto Alliance.

Arguably the safest place in the entire Pokémon world.

If it's something that even the General League can't handle, it's useless for them to go.


What really happened, it must be the first time to evacuate millions of ordinary people in Silver City to notify the end of the Masters.

There is no notification at all now.

It just means that things are completely within Alliance's control.

They don't need to worry.

"Mt. Silver, what's wrong?"

Holding the door frame, his face was still a little pale, and asked while squeezing his temples.

"Are you awake too?"

Due to the battle between Xia Yan and Xia Yan in the daytime, Du almost exhausted all his "Dragon Power", and his spirit was also very lethargic. He passed out directly and never woke up before.

I didn't expect to be woken up by this incident.

"Well, it's almost recovered."

Du rubbed his temples while walking to their side, looking up at the fiery red aurora in the night sky in the distance.

Smashed his mouth and continued: "This movement is a bit big."

Xia Yan stretched his waist.

"Forget it, let's not worry about it. In short, Alliance will definitely solve it."

Hearing this, several people nodded in agreement.

This is still during the Masters, the champions at Mt. Silver have Elite, and there are many older trainers.

"Right now, there are only Xia Yan and Cynthia in the top eight, right?" Steven suddenly said.


Xia Yan nodded, he knew what Steven wanted to say.

Glancing at Cynthia, whose eyes were slightly moved, she showed a helpless smile.

"The game won't get it to the end, will it? Let me fight Cynthia tomorrow?"

"Is it bad?"

Cynthia blinked her almond eyes and asked back.

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

it is good?

Great hammer!

His trump cards are almost empty, Du, Steven, Cynthia are all still hidden.

One by one, waiting for a "surprise" when they fight with him.

Once or twice is fine.

Every time this happens, he can't stand it.

"Hehe-" Xia Yan smiled.

The ghost knows what else Cynthia is hiding.

Even if she pulls out another divine beast tomorrow, Xia Yan will not be surprised.

As far as the background is concerned, the Yulong family of Du is stronger.

But in terms of inheritance time, even the Royal Dragon Clan can't compare to the Celestic Town where Cynthia is located.

Who knows if there's any overly powerful Pokémon lurking in the Tomb of the Dragon.

After all, it is the space debris that came out of the same place as "Meteor Nostalgia", originating from Palkia and Dialga in ancient times.

Cynthia laughed without saying a word.

She also wanted to fight Xia Yan, but she was not as eager as Du and Steven.

Moreover, it is not something she can meet if she wants to fight, and it depends on the schedule of tomorrow.

"Speaking of which, Xia Yan, why did you come up with such...then?" Du opened his mouth, unable to think of a suitable adjective.

"Dirty." Xia Yan woke up with a smile.

"Yes, why can you come up with such disgusting tactics?"

As long as Du thought of Xia Yan's "infinite defense switching" and "hat trick" tactics during the day, his scalp was somewhat numb.

That is, he attacked in such a wave, and happened to have a way to limit Xia Yan.

Otherwise, it is estimated that if you change someone, you will be disgusted to death.

"Is it disgusting?" Xia Yan's smile remained unchanged.


Watt nodded.

Not only him, but also Steven and others agreed.

Finally, everyone has seen some signs of Xia Yan's "infinite defense switching" tactics through this Masters, and as a result, he added another change.

it's good now.

Can't keep up with the rhythm at all.

"It's good to be disgusting." Xia Yan nodded again with satisfaction.

Ferry: "."

"Fortunately, you didn't take it out when you fought with me." Steven looked relieved.

"Your Sandstorm is heavy on space, and you can't use it to fight. Sandstorm is still very restrained against phantoms."

Xia Yan glanced at him.


Steven nodded thoughtfully.

"But after Zorua is fully integrated into the system, you can try it out." Xia Yan added immediately.

Steven: "."

Now Xia Yan can only be regarded as a pseudo-five-core, or the kind that is far from the real five-core.

Xia Yan looked at Du again with a playful expression, "Are you still fighting?"

Du froze for a moment, then shook his head hesitantly.

Seeing this, Xia Yan immediately showed a winner's smile.

very good.

The "Anti-Xiayan Alliance" was officially disbanded a few days after its establishment.

Because the leader Du was beaten and "feared".

But he listened to Du thoughtfully: "Wait a little longer, give me your physical strength, how about three days later?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan's smile froze.

Seeing Xia Yan's expression stiff, the rest of the people immediately showed satisfied smiles.

Will they be beaten?

Think more.

The "Anti-Xiayan Alliance" is still unbreakable.

"The Great Devil" Xia Yan's plan failed, the heroes were always enthusiastic, and Covet could one day pick the "Great Devil" off his horse.

the next day.

"Cynthia, you today"

When they went to the Silver Arena, everyone saw Cynthia's outfit today, and they all felt that their eyes were bright.

She actually changed her black trench coat from the past, with her blond hair falling.

Instead, he put all his hair up, leaving a golden bone on his head, and his clothes were changed into short ones, revealing a capable appearance.

Maggi set Cynthia.

Xia Yan secretly stunned.

This is really to be serious, to do something?

Cynthia rolled her eyes and stroked her golden hair that spread out like petals.

"Let's go."


Take the lead in the direction of the silver arena.

Along the way, the rate of return is very high.

(End of this chapter)

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