First of all, a bow to everyone here.

Thank you for your subscription support, and for your valuable comments and suggestions.

Maybe I didn't feel much when I wrote it myself, but when the friends in the group talked to the book review area, I also found it a little bit.

The plot arrangement is a bit too deliberate.


I summed up everyone's suggestions and then summed it up.

The first one is that all these supporting characters want to be the protagonist so much.

Well, I think this is influenced by my Pokémon complex. I think the trainers who really recognize each other are fighting with all their strength.

Second, the protagonist always divides things, and he can't get any benefits.

This point is actually mutual benefit, but some benefits are not so easily reflected, such as the support of the Du family, the support of Steven Devon and so on.

Of course, the reason is that there are too few descriptions of the supporting characters, and what adventures they have experienced are not written.

The third article is also the one that everyone talks about the most, the plot is deliberate.

Well, this is my fault.

It was me who took it for granted and substituted the plot of the special chapter too deeply.

After all, in the special chapter, the divine beasts are flying all over the sky, and everyone has divine beasts.

Then I thought, as Du, Steven, Cynthia, etc., it is normal to get one.

Of course, I also tried my best to give reasonable explanations and reasons.

However, it appears too often, causing some seemingly deliberate problems.

In the end, it was because the supporting roles were portrayed too little and had too little experience.

Article 4 is the explanation of my arrangement.


Careful friends may have found out that something big is about to happen, so pull them to support the scene.

Too much follow-up, I will not say more.

at last.

Deliberately take up everyone's time to explain.

Thank you for your comments and suggestions, and we will try our best to avoid this from happening in the future.

I will read all your suggestions.

If you can't see it in the book, you can add a group chat. There are still many friends who talk about the plot, and I often copy their ideas.

Mengxin writes books, ideas are easy to let go, and you really need everyone's advice.

20,000 pigeons, thank you~~

Oh, in the end, in fact, the protagonist already has something good, emmmm, do you still remember Little Nebula?

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