The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 902 Suffocating Rhythm (1W+!)

Chapter 901 Suffocating rhythm (1w+!)

The extras of these few people, I will make up for them one after another, and they will not be included in the main text. The content of the important supporting roles should be handed over to the extras, which will be added in the future.


Elite-level Reggie Elage!

Xia Yan recovered after being stunned for a while.

without him.

Whether it's Cynthia's Reggie Elecki or Steven's Heatran, even if they are subdued and they have contact with each other very early, the degree of running-in is still the same.

Like the previous Heatran, for Steven, it only strengthened the strength of Sandstorm, but did not bring about qualitative changes.

It is not something that can be achieved overnight.

Even Xia Yan's Duolong Bartto, who has been with him for a few years, has long been accustomed to his habits and fighting style.

But when you really want to integrate into the system, you will find problems here and there, and it has only recently begun to slowly integrate into the system.

For Steven's Heatran, its biggest role is actually to contain Doron Bartto.

Cynthia's Reggie Elech, the same.

In the end.

It was Xia Yan's champion Duolong Bartto, who put too much pressure on them.


For these Pokémons from Cynthia, Xia Yan finally set his sights on Garchomp.

It's the key.

After Mega Evolution, you can have the strength of a champion.

Take a deep breath.

Xia Yan summoned his last Pokémon.


"Please replace the Pokémon." The referee signaled to the two of them.

But this time.

Neither Cynthia nor Xia Yan moved.

After confirming that the two would not be changing Pokémon, the referee nodded and took off on the Aegislash as the flag dropped.

"Battle begins!"

"Xiaodian, Thunder Cage!"

Cynthia's expression instantly became serious, and she gave instructions immediately.

see you.


Reggie Elleqi burst out hundreds of thunder lights, and in an instant, a cage completely made of thunder and lightning was constructed.

This is Reggie Elage's exclusive move.

Ability to imprison Rival's Pokémon.

make it impossible to break free for a short period of time.

And Cynthia's goal, of course, is the champion Doron Bartto.

In fact, when she summoned Reggie Elech, Xia Yan roughly guessed her intention.

Reggie Ellich also doesn't have much run-in with her lineup, and being able to limit Doron Bartto alone is its biggest role.

Can rely on speed, try your best to entangle.

"Doron Bartto, Phantom Force!"

Xia Yan frowned and drank.

"Limit it!"

Cynthia knew that Doron Bartto had the hand.

Do not dare to let Doron Bart ask Solaceon to perform.

I saw Reggie Ellich resolutely rushed into the "Thunder Cage".

Trying to suppress it with his own burst of lightning, or to limit Doron Bartto's moves.

How do you know.

Reggie Elage rushed into "Thunder Cage".

But I saw Doron Bart suddenly turn around.

Abandoning the use of "Phantom Force", he turned his head and rushed towards Reggie Elek.

In an instant.

The purple dragon-type energy entwined wisps of black mist, and in the interweaving of the two energies, it covered and wrapped towards Reggie Elech.

at the same time.

The rest of the Pokémon moved as well.


The feathers on the top of Togekiss's forehead glowed with a soft Moonlight, and with a dazzling moonlight falling, it swept towards Garchomp.


This is something that Cynthia's Togekiss doesn't have.

"Garchomp, Mega!"

Cynthia drank.

The Key Stone in his hand burst out with colorful rays of light.

In an instant, Garchomp was enveloped.

Seeing this scene, the audience immediately cheered.

Come up and go directly to Mega Evolution!


With a shark fin like a scarlet scythe.

The colorful Mega Evolution energy wrapped around Garchomp was instantly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious purple Mega Garchomp with sharp teeth all over his body stepped out, roaring and stunned the audience.

Panic Longwei swept over.

At the moment when the "Moonblast" of the Fairy line is about to fall.

Cynthia's side was suspended in the mid-air Gardevoir, and suddenly a large amount of complex Psychic silk threads were drawn out, and they were connected and wrapped around Mega Garchomp's body.

The Psychic thread suddenly tightened and flickered.

Ally Switch!



When Gardevoir is about to switch positions.

A "Psychic Terrain" stance covering the audience suddenly expanded.

Several Psychic were drawn from it and intercepted on Gardevoir's Psychic.


Gardevoir's Psychic thread snapped.

The failure of "Ally Switch" also caused Mega Garchomp, who had just completed Mega Evolution, to endure Togekiss's "Moonblast" head-on.


Cynthia wasn't too surprised.

It seems to have long been aware of this situation.

Serious face.

"Gardevoir, copy Beedrill's Ability!"

Gardevoir, who has the "Copy" ability, locked his pupils on the opposite Beedrill for an instant.

A strange light flashed in his eyes.

The whole body exudes a fierce breath similar to Beedrill.

Just a look.

Copy Beedrill's Ability.

She's going to be transferred to Mega Garchomp!

Then once Mega Garchomp hits the key, it's an instant kill!

"Infernape, stop it. Fake Out!"

Super high priority for Assist "Fake Out".

Infernape suddenly shot out like a fiery red glow, and soft white light appeared on both palms.


Between Spark and the flints, a fierce force rushed towards Infernape's face.

It's "Extrreme Speed" by Cynthia Togekiss!

Although "Psychic Terrain" limits the priority of Rival moves.

But "Extrreme Speed" is still too fast.

Almost on par with Infernape.

And Cynthia's Togekiss is closer to its own, so even if it starts slower than Infernape, it catches up.

And occupy the air superiority, the angle is more tricky.

the most important is.

Alakazam who previously broke Gardevoir "Ally Switch".

At this point its Psychic, in turn, is restricted by Gardevoir.

Since the last "Island Contest" ended.

Lessons from Cynthia Absorb.

Gardevoir's role in her system is similar to Alakazam's role in Xia Yan's system, so Gardevoir knows how to make Alakazam uncomfortable.


Alakazam's Psychic is stronger, breaking free from Gardevoir's grip in an instant.


Whether it was Infernape or Togekiss's attacks, they were all carried out in an instant.

This short time difference is too late.


at this time.

The air trembled suddenly, accompanied by strands of flocculent golden arcs.

Beedrill swept the distance between each other's fields at great speed.

Even faster than two Pokémon with high-priority moves.

boom! !

Precisely intercepts Togekiss' "Extrreme Speed".

Allowing Infernape enough time, he ran to Gardevoir.


Lucario's voice came quietly.

See it folded its hands.

A Bone Club constructed entirely from the power of the waveguide appeared in his hand.

Hit the ground hard.


The dark red stance spread instantly and intercepted in front of Infernape, but Infernape's "Fake Out" was thrown into the air.

Quick Guard!

the other direction.

Cianwood-colored beams shot towards Infernape's face as the air was covered in frost.

Glaceon's Ice Beam!


From behind Infernape, a soft, pure white light spewed from Latios' mouth.

Block it.

all of a sudden.

While Doron Bartto is entangled by Reggie Elech.

The two sides saw the tricks, and all of a sudden, the battle entered a white-hot.

Cynthia here.

Paid for Mega Garchomp to be swept by Togekiss "Moonblast".

And Xia Yan here.

It pays the corresponding conditions for Beedrill Ability to be copied by Gardevoir.

Xia Yan glanced at Cynthia and her Gardevoir unexpectedly.

when fighting against others.

Everyone is concentrating on their own systems and colliding with systems.

But Cynthia doesn't do that.

She wanted to tear down Xia Yan's system.

Or as limited as possible.

Gardevoir has only one goal.

Focused on Psychic entanglement with Alakazam after transferring the "Snipe Shot" ability to Mega Garchomp.

Just don't make Alakazam comfortable.

Because Alakazam is Xia Yan's first and most important core.

Togekiss, Doron Bart and their "Ally Switch" are based on Alakazam's Psychic.

As long as Alakazam is uncomfortable, Xia Yan's system will not run smoothly.

If it is not smooth, there will be flaws.

at this point.

Steven couldn't do it.

Because his Metagross can't focus solely on limiting Alakazam, but also taking responsibility for launching the offensive.

Neither does Steven's Bronzong.

Because Bronzong's Psychic is not enough, and he has to play the role of zone defense.

But Cynthia's Gardevoir is different.

It completely leaves all offensive and defensive tasks to the rest of the Pokémon.

Interfere wholeheartedly.

Still effective.

Latios was not affected much.

You can only use Latios for position conversion.

Xia Yan's system function is equivalent to being cut off a lot.

Actually this.

It is indeed the defect of Xia Yan's current system, as well as the defect of the pseudo core.

No one else noticed, only Cynthia, who had played against Xia Yan once, noticed.

But this shortcoming is only temporary.

Because whether it is Togekiss or Doron Bartto, they are only pseudo cores at the moment, and when they can reach the level of Alakazam, no, as long as they can reach the level of Latios, there will be no such problems.

Moreover, Cynthia already knows, can Xia Yan know?

He is the one who is most familiar with the system.

Naturally, a solution has been figured out for a long time.

That is.

"Alakazam, Mega!"

Whoa-! !

Another Mega Evolution for a brand new Pokémon.

Viewers didn't know that Alakazam was actually a Mega Evolution Pokémon.

Xia Yan's Alakazam appears in almost every game, and it doesn't seem to play a big role. I didn't expect it to be able to Mega Evolution.

Although they didn't understand why Xia Yan let Alakazam Mega Evolution instead of Beedrill Mega Evolution this time, it didn't stop them from cheering.

Only the true top trainers will see Cynthia Gardevoir in action.


Finally, Cynthia found the shortcomings of Xia Yan's system for everyone, but he made up for it in an instant.

The brilliance of Mega Evolution gradually receded.

Mega Alakazam in a purple robe.

Sitting cross-legged in the air.

Five spoons were lined up behind its head, forming a fan shape.

And Alakazam who got the blessing of Mega Evolution, Psychic broke out completely.

Barely Champion-level Mega Alakazam!

Coupled with its Psychic during this time, it is very active.

After Mega Evolution, it's even more exciting.

Not just a complete break from Gardevoir's Psychic entanglement.

It even suppressed Gardevoir in turn.


Mega Alakazam also has enough autonomy.

Can connect the whole team.

Cynthia also blinked somewhat unexpectedly.

She knew that Xia Yan's Alakazam could also do Mega Evolution.

I just didn't expect that Xia Yan's Alakazam actually reached the championship level after Mega Evolution?

Have to admit.

Steven, Du, and Cynthia are very attentive.

A system that collides with a "Sandstorm heavy space" system.

A storm response with absolute violence.

The last one tries to crack at the root.

Unfortunately it didn't work.

And after completing Mega Evolution.

Xia Yan's counterattack also began.

Double palms into fists.

Infernape let out a low sigh of flame wrapping his body.

Unleash "Great Indignation" and enter the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition with absolute concentration.

Catch the gap where Glaceon "Ice Beam" is defended by Latios "Luster Purge" and cast "Sword Dance" enhancement.

In the clanging sound, the iron fist wrapped around the flame, mixed with dark red and fierce energy.

With clever and swift steps, Lucario's face was cut in an instant.

Cynthia's Togekiss slashed two "Air Slash", Infernape decisively chose to turn around to avoid.

Use the flames all over your body to block briefly to gain space for yourself.

However, Lucario threw his hands in response.

"Aura Sphere" came out, and Lock On Infernape evaded the foothold.

However, I saw that Infernape's body had not completely fallen, and his figure was blurred in the air.

The Beedrill needle that rushed out of the twisted space waved, and the cross-blade slashed out.

In the roar, "X-Scissor" hedged against "Aura Sphere".

But right now.

Stepping on the quicksand, Mega Garchomp wielded a scythe and a sharp blade that glowed with cold light, wrapped in rich dragon energy, and slashed from the other side of Beedrill.


Beedrill smack down, did not stop, and did not intend to fight against Mega Garchomp.

Fluttering and body shape burst back.

Mega Garchomp tries to chase.

The "Moonblast" that could fall from the air and the "Dragon Pulse" of Latios forced Mega Garchomp to stop.

the other direction.

Infernape, who had swapped places with Beedrill before, landed, smashing Ground with a furious fist.

Along with the roar, the Ground trembled violently, and the Ground under Glaceon's feet burst open in an instant.

Cynthia's complexion changed slightly.

"Glaceon, Quick Attack!"


The priority of "Quick Attack" is limited by "Psychic Terrain".


Mega Alakazam's eyes flickered behind Infernape, and a spoon on top of his head was slightly bent.

Huge emerald green vines stretched wildly from Glaceon's feet, completely blocking its dodging space.

next second.


A huge rock pillar filled with rich fiery red Cal rose from the ground, against Glaceon's belly, and soared suddenly.



When Cynthia made Glaceon try to dodge, Mega Garchomp turned to rescue.

The powerful scythe not only chopped off Mega Alakazam's "Grass Knot", but also slightly slowed the rise of the rock pillar.

The two huge scythes rubbed violently against the rock pillar, and the sparks and the piercing sound of sore teeth burst out, and you can tell how much strength Mega Garchomp used.

As it stepped out, the Ground wriggled, and layers of quicksand completely restricted the climb of the rock column.


Glaceon was saved.

What about the other Togekiss and Lucario?

Losing the threat of Mega Garchomp, Beedrill flickered, surrounded by clanging swords, and his momentum continued to rise.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Lucario.

Lucario waved Bone Club to try to resist, but Beedrill's figure suddenly blurred.

Latios, who flew out of the twisted space, approached Lucario with "Psychic".

No way, Lucario can only choose to resist.

But Beedrill appeared behind it, and a sharp long needle pierced a green light, suddenly leaving a gap in Lucario's back.

Cynthia's Togekiss tries to rescue, but is entangled by Xia Yan's Togekiss.

Two planes swung "Air Slash" in the air.

Gradually, Xia Yan's Togekiss seized the upper hand.

And once Cynthia's Togekiss showed a flaw, Infernape swapped places with Xia Yan's Togekiss, and the flames shot directly at him with a "zealousness".

off the field.

Watching the fast and constantly changing battle on the battlefield at this time, the audience did not dare to blink.

Even breathing stopped.

This time, it wasn't that they were shocked by a wonderful and exciting scene.


The pressure of the rhythm is too strong!

Even if they only saw some scattered pictures, they all felt that the rhythm from Xia Yan was too oppressive.

The pressure was so strong that they only felt that something was pressing on their chests.

A little breathless.

Du and Steven in the lounge could see it much better than the audience.

But the sense of oppression that can be felt is also stronger.

"The rhythm is too tight, and the ability to seize opportunities is too strong." Steven's expression was serious.

Although he has also fought with Xia Yan, he has not been able to feel such a strong sense of oppression from the battle with Xia Yan.

And this sense of oppression mainly comes from rhythm.

To put it simply, Xia Yan's rhythm is too tight.

"Is it because of Alakazam's Mega Evolution? Alakazam after Mega Evolution is what his lineup really should be."

Against Steven, Alakazam focused on limiting Metagross and Bronzong's Psychic.

When fighting with Du, Du's storm grabbed the rhythm.

The bottom line, of course, is that Alakazam is not doing a Mega Evolution.

But this time is different.

Xia Yan, who chose Alakazam Mega Evolution, showed his strongest system.


This leaves Xia Yan without a Pokémon that can go head-to-head with Cynthia's Mega Garchomp.

But Xia Yan didn't choose to go straight ahead at all.

If you Mega Garchomp can save one Pokémon, can you save all Pokémon?


Mega Beedrill is Xia Yan's strongest spear at the moment.

Then Mega Alakazam can bring Xia Yan's strongest system right now.


"The rhythm is too suffocating."

Steven said helplessly.

"Cynthia has to figure out a way to break it, otherwise once Doron Bartto breaks free from that Electric Pokémon, the battle will be over," Watari said.

He looked at "Thunder Cage", and Reggie Elage was completely suppressed by Doron Bartto.

The change that Mega Alakazam brought about was something they had never felt before.


In their opinion, Alakazam's Mega Evolution is more difficult to deal with than Beedrill's Mega Evolution.

after all.

Alakazam as the first core.

After it becomes stronger, it represents the strengthening of the entire lineup system.

A system that is good at seizing opportunities.

Now fully deployed.

Of course, Cynthia on the court felt the most clearly about the content of the exchanges between Du and Steven.

Gardevoir was suppressed by Mega Alakazam, the rest of the Pokémon were beat up by Xia Yan's system, Mega Garchomp had nowhere to go, and Reggie Elech was about to be defeated by Doron Bartto.

It's all in a situation that's not good for her right now.

must be broken.

And Cynthia's method is also very simple and straightforward.

"Mega Garchomp, Breaking Swipe!"

see you.

Mega Garchomp roared, and it hit so far, it was very aggrieved, and it felt like there was nowhere to use it, it was too uncomfortable.

Hear Cynthia's order.

Vigorously wield a huge scarlet scythe.

The strong dragon-shaped energy, with its swing, chopped out a huge arc-shaped blade with a wide coverage, and slashed all the Pokémon towards the opposite audience in a sweeping posture.

at the same time.

The quicksand spread under Mega Garchomp's feet, allowing it to step on the sand faster and rush straight towards Mega Alakazam behind Xia Yan.

Although there were Xia Yan Togekiss' "Moonblast" and Latios' "Dragon Pulse" blocking halfway.

But that didn't slow down Mega Garchomp in the slightest.

Even these pains were only exchanged for its gradually congested and red eyes, and the increasingly fierce and wanton dragon energy fluctuations.


In the roar, the faint black mans surrounded Mega Garchomp's teeth, tore off all the Psychic barriers of Mega Alakazam on the way, and rushed to the front of Mega Alakazam.

now that.

Xia Yan didn't choose to have Pokémon and Mega Garchomp just head on.

Then Cynthia took the initiative to approach the door very aggressively.

Whether Mega Alakazam chooses to fight, or choose to dodge.

Mega Garchomp has to give enough threats.

At least Mega Alakazam can no longer run the team so comfortably.

Otherwise, for Cynthia, it's chronic death.

And for Mega Garchomp, Cynthia gave enough confidence.


Facing the rushing Garchomp, after Mega Alakazam's eyes fell on it, the five spoons moved together to form a Barrier in front of him.

at the same time.

Transparent "Reflect" emerges.

Bang! !

"Crunch" collided with "Reflect", in exchange for a muffled sound, and after countless broken and scattered crystal fragments, Mega Alakazam burst into Psychic, shooting a Psychic into Mega Garchomp's body.

Future Sight!

In the eyes of Mega Alakazam.

The action after Mega Garchomp emerges.

While Mega Alakazam has degenerated limbs.

But under the Psychic's load, it is enough to do any action that the limbs can or cannot do.

The spoon rested on Mega Garchomp's blade, and Psychic continued to flash in his eyes.

One mind and two uses!

It not only stalled Mega Garchomp's offensive with "Future Sight", but also continued to dominate the field.

The only regret.

It was Cynthia's Gardevoir that was released.


Gardevoir recovered.

Beedrill, who was waiting beside it, gave a severe blow.

In a hurry, Gardevoir blocked Beedrill's best "X-Scissor" move.

But it was hit by Latios who suddenly appeared behind it with an "Energy Ball".

Although Gardevoir was released.

However, Xia Yan's Pokémon seized the last chance to cause trauma.

Bang Bang Bang! !

Fist to flesh, the collision of Infernape and Lucario seems to have reached its final stage.

Infernape, who was absolutely focused, threw a punch, and the flames erupted like a pillar of flame. Lucario raised his arms to resist.

When the flames were dispelled, Infernape was nowhere to be seen.

Glaceon spits out "Ice Beam" and sweeps towards Latios.

Clear Gardevoir.

However, I could only feel the sound of a slight current jumping in my ears, and the Icirrus movement around my body when the air vibrated.

Glaceon knew right away that Beedrill was coming with speed.


When it turned to look, where was Beedrill's shadow?

Infernape, who was already covered in flames, slammed into it at a speed that Glaceon couldn't even react to.

Flare Blitz!

boom--! !

Glaceon, who was already suffering a lot, faced the trick of Infernape, who was "loving" Contest Condition.

The intense pain instantly overwhelmed its consciousness.


Incapacitated to fight!

at the same time.

Beedrill, who had swapped places with Infernape, appeared beside Lucario.

Facing the waving Bone Club.

The figure is blurred again.

In its place is Togekiss wrapped in a Cianwood halo.

Brave Bird!

Bang! ! !

Lucario was slapped directly into the air and slammed into the barrier Barrier, unable to catch his breath in a short time.

And Cynthia Togekiss's "Brave Bird" was blocked by Latios' "Reflect" a little, and then used Psychic to resolve it.

After turning around, Beedrill returned to Gardevoir's side again.

The long needle that seemed to be waving, was about to hit Gardevoir, but it disappeared again.

Appearing in front of Gardevoir is Mega Alakazam, who has condensed the surging "Shadow Ball".

And Beedrill, wielding a long needle, took its place when Mega Alakazam was about to stop Mega Garchomp.

Resist, take the blow of Mega Garchomp's fury, and fly upside down.

But Gardevoir was already lying on the ground.

So far.

Gardevoir, also incapacitated!

Cynthia already has two Pokémon, incapacitated.


But this time came another bad news.

Reggie Ellich let out a painful cry, and Doron Bartto, who was wrapped in golden thunder light, broke free from the "Thunder Cage" while breathing heavily.

Dorron Bartto was held down well by Reggie Elage, the electricity god.

But it didn't last until the end of the battle.

Reggie Elage, incapacitated!

Cynthia wasn't too surprised that Reggie Elage was incapacitated.

It itself is what Cynthia wants to send to contain Doron Bartto.

Cynthia didn't expect it.

It was Xia Yan's Alakazam who brought changes to the entire team and system after Mega Evolution.

It's a completely different feel to what Beedrill Mega Evolution has had before.

But have to admit.

Mega Alakazam changed the whole team too much.

The overall fluency of Xia Yan's lineup is more than one degree more comfortable for Pokémon in the system.

But for Cynthia's Pokémon.

The pressure on the rhythm is too suffocating.

"Is this the real 'unlimited switch'?"

Lose three Pokémon.

But it did not let the stubborn Cynthia give up.

After all, she gritted her teeth and raised her right hand.


Seeing Cynthia's actions, Xia Yan hurriedly spoke up.

This crazy woman.

Mega Evolution and Z moves.

Is her body enough to bear it?

Do you really think she is crossing that perverted physique?

While speaking, Xia Yan also raised his right hand and gestured.

I saw the pink "Super Z" inlaid in the "Z-Ring" on his wrist.

tell her.

Even if he uses Z moves, he has to deal with it, don't go crazy.


What responded to him was a smile like a bright blooming flower.

"Okay, I admit defeat."

Cynthia rolled her eyes and said softly.

Appears very calm.

She was not like Du and Steven, who had such a strong desire to defeat Xia Yan.

It's not so much that she wants to defeat Xia Yan.

Rather, she wanted to see how far apart she was from Xia Yan now.

Xia Yan, who owns Duolong Bartto, believes that she can't win.

Because after watching the battle between Steven and Du, she was sure that she and the two were in the same league.

But she wanted to try again.


Chose to limit Doron Bartto with Reggie Elage.

A mode of 5v5 full battle with Xia Yan.

So it's the same whether you tell Xia Yan before the game or not.

Because even if told, once the battle begins, the plan will continue as usual.

after all.

Reggie Elage and her haven't gotten along enough yet.

Also different from Steven's Heatran.

Heatran and Steven's system fit well enough, and even if the run-in is not enough, they can barely be used, even if the subsequent presentation is not very good.

Therefore, the moment Reggie Elage was defeated and Doron Bartto was released, the end of the battle was already declared.


She also has one last fight, a Z move with Mega Garchomp.

Not to mention a complete turnaround.

But at least a few of Xia Yan's Pokémon can be replaced.

She still has this confidence.

But it really isn't necessary to do that.

Xia Yan also has a way to deal with it.

Performing Mega Evolution plus Z moves won't do them any favors.

It's better to let Xia Yan nourish his spirit and go to the next round.

The subsequent quarterfinals.

Each is not a good Trainer to deal with.


Cynthia calmly chose to end.

After the referee made a decision again and again, he announced:

"Cynthia player chose to give up, so the winner is Xia Yan player!"

Whoa! !

The audience still cheered.

Although I didn't see the frontal collision between Mega Evolution and Mega Evolution Pokémon before, Xia Yan and Cynthia also saw the tricks, and they gave enough excitement.

As for admitting defeat.

This is actually quite common in the Masters.

Just like Norman before, he chose to admit defeat.

Because this is a full battle, it is a 6v6 mode.

The loss of a Pokémon by either side means that the lineup is missing, and in fact, it has already fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

5v6, less wins more is not so easy.

Everyone is a top trainer and will not make such mistakes.

And when two Pokémons are lost, the battle is basically over.

All-hands battles are the most prone to differences in the number of Pokémons between the two sides.

This is not the same as a 6v6 rotation battle.

The entire team lost one or two Pokémon in the battle, and the cooperation between Pokémon caused a gap in the lineup, and it was too easy to be defeated one by one by grasping the weakness.


After the three Pokémon lost their ability to fight, Cynthia chose to stop. In the eyes of the audience, it was the most normal end.

And this game.

What was presented to the audience was the suffocating sense of oppression brought about by the rhythm of Xia Yan's battle.

If playing against Steven shows Xia Yan's hard power, and playing against Du shows the potential of Xia Yan's system, then playing against Cynthia shows his rhythm.

But in the previous game, the most outstanding is undoubtedly Xia Yan's Mega Beedrill.

But this time, a hundred flowers bloomed, and the blessing of Mega Alakazam made every Pokémon show an excellent side.

The two put away the Pokémon.

Under the illumination of Spotlight, I walked to the center of the field.

Smiling and shaking hands.

Cynthia said not to release water, but Xia Yan didn't.

Xia Yan said to stop, and Cynthia also stopped.

As Sinnoh's two Elite Four, they are relatively tacit.

"The rhythm is stifling."

Cynthia praised.

Compared to Du being disgusted by Xia Yan's "hat Trick", she felt that she was lucky.

At least, they are all head-on defeats.

Xia Yan scratched the back of his head.

"If your Reggie Elech can also be integrated into the system, maybe the outcome of the battle will be different."

Cynthia raised the corners of her mouth and shook her head.

The result is the same.

She is clear.

Even if Reggie Elleqi can fit into her lineup, Xia Yan's Duolong Bartto will be released.

By the time.

But it was Mega Garchomp against Doron Bartto and Reggie Elage against Mega Beedrill.

But in terms of system, Xia Yan is undoubtedly much stronger.

"this is for you."

Saying that, Cynthia took out a palm-sized purple pure crystal and sent it to Xia Yan.

see this thing.

Xia Yan was stunned.

"Dragon Crystal?"

The palm-sized dragon crystal, he had only obtained it once in the secret library of Sinnoh Alliance.

Even if the resources were tilted in the later stage, he could not find the same one from the resource list of the secret library.

See how rare it is.

Cynthia smiled, "Your Latios will need it."

Glancing at her deeply, Xia Yan nodded slightly.

"Okay, I'll take it."

I didn't say thank you because it wasn't necessary.

When Xia Yan gave her something, she would not say thank you to Xia Yan.

Seeing that Xia Yan took the "Dragon Crystal", Cynthia gently smoothed the hair that had been blown a little by the colliding airflow.

He said again: "I have time to go to the 'Dragon's Tomb' with me, Garchomp is looking for you."

The Garchomp she was talking about was, of course, the one in the "Dragon's Tomb".

"I see. Let's go back this time."

Xia Yan nodded.


The two smiled and waved to the surrounding audience, then turned around and walked towards the player channel.

And the Host, who fell from the sky, held a microphone in his hand.

The expression was a little embarrassed for a while.

I saw that the two were communicating just now, but he didn't bother.

Now the two left without even looking at him, and he froze in place.

"Cough! Wonderful battle! Let's prepare for the next one!"

"Fantastic battle."

The two returned to the lounge and repeated Host's words.

Du and the others greeted him.

Before Xia Yan chose to let Alakazam Mega Evolution.

Cynthia has the upper hand.

After Alakazam Mega Evolution, Xia Yan's system fluency has improved a lot.

It is Xia Yan's upper hand.

Cynthia put on the black trench coat that Lorelei handed over and cast a grateful look.

Said: "The Pokémon break-in is not enough, and the gap is also clear."

Steven was dumbfounded.

"Me too, it's normal. Otherwise, we wouldn't take it out when we're fighting against others, and deliberately hide it when we run into Xia Yan. It's because we have to give it a try."

They all know that if there is nothing new for Xia Yan, the probability of losing the game is too high.

Compared to the lineup, they are not perfect enough.

Compared with hard power, Xia Yan's Duolong Bartto came out on top.

And Mega Evolution, everyone has it, so there's not much to say.

I don't take it out against others because I know that the running-in is not enough, and I don't worry that I won't be able to beat it.

Only in the face of Xia Yan, I have to try.


Ferry attached.

Xia Yan stabbed him "annoyed".

"Everyone is a beast, what should you be with?"

Ferry: "."

Can't chat anymore?


Rarely did he not "fight" back.

Actually they all know.

In the past few days, Xia Yan has indeed been "targeted" a bit miserably.

They are wrong.

So don't dare to choke him now.


in the corner.

Protecting the food, little Vulpix, who was afraid of being "stolen" by Sylveon, saw Xia Yan and immediately wanted to rush up.

But was stopped by Sylveon.

looked at it suspiciously.


Sylveon waved the silk in his hand and explained it carefully to the ice Vulpix.

'Can't you see it? Xia Yan did it on purpose. Think about it carefully, Xia Yan won the three rounds of battles, right? ’


Little Vulpix's head connects the dots.


‘But look now, who is accommodating whom? ’

Hearing this, little Vulpix looked at Xia Yan again.

see you.

Xia Yan with a straight face was on the sofa, and the rest of the people looked at him a little flatteringly.


Little Vulpix immediately showed a shocked look and widened his eyes.


Obviously they are the losers.

Xia Yan noticed Vulpix's sight and even blinked at it.

Sylveon held his head up, and Satin rubbed little Vulpix's head lightly.


'You are still young, see more, learn more, and talk less, this is "Routine". ’


Little Vulpix nodded again and again.


Sylveon pointed to the energy cube at little Vulpix's feet.

Seeing this, Little Vulpix hurriedly handed it over.

'The cauldron, the mud. ’


Sylveon gave a satisfied, sly look of victory.


Little Vulpix scratched his head.

I always feel that something is not right, but there is something I can't tell.

The conference room on the top floor of the Silver Arena.

Kanto Alliance President took out the communicator and connected it.

"President! The reason for the change in the southeast waters has been found, and the problem lies in Cinnabar Island"

"Cinnabar Island? Where's the gym owner Blaine?" Kanto Alliance President asked in a deep voice.

"Can't get in touch."

"I see."

"And the president, we received an anonymous letter from Cinnabar Island, but the content on it is incomprehensible and needs to be deciphered."



Put away the communicator.

"What's wrong?" asked the black-haired middle-aged man sitting in the first seat.

After a little wording, the president of Kanto Alliance said: "The turmoil in the inner foot of Mt. Silver is not over yet, and an unknown cataclysm has occurred in the waters near Cinnabar Island."

"Cinnabar Island?"


PS: Sorry for making you wait for a long time. Because of yesterday’s topic, there was a little problem with my mentality. I sat for four hours during the day and didn’t write half a word. It’s much better now, and I will try my best to adjust it~~

Thank you for your support, and thank you for your comments and suggestions. In the future, please pay attention to the process of passing the few Pokémon they captured. I will stay in the show~~

(End of this chapter)

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