The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 907 Cinnabar Island Cataclysm (Three In One)

Chapter 906 Cinnabar Island Cataclysm (Three in One)

Head south from Mt. Silver to Cinnabar Island.


In the waters before Cinnabar Island, Xia Yan and the others had to stop.

Sitting on Latios' back, Xia Yan, who was holding the "Sage Stone" given by Agatha, slowly opened his eyes. His face was still a little pale, but his spirits were much better.

Most of the "Sage Stone" is about the use of Psychic skills, but it also has the effect of improving Xia Yan's Psychic to a certain extent.

Although Alliance is not very old, the heritage of Psychic in the Pokémon world has a long history.

Various techniques and methods for using Psychic are also becoming mature.

A half-way monk like Xia Yan lacked the most skills in this area.


After nibbling on two precious "Sage Stones".

It also made up for his lack in this regard.


When he woke up from Calm Mind and saw the scene in front of him, he froze uncontrollably.

Cinnabar Island.

It is an island located in the southernmost part of Kanto Region and occupies a large area of ​​Ground.

The island is round as a whole, and there are many ancient trees growing, like petals unfolding piece by piece, plus the living Volcano in the middle of the island, it is named "Cinnabar".

Its main function is actually the Sunyshore resort island in the south of Kanto Region. As long as you take a boat from Cinnabar Island, you can quickly enter the Orange Islands area.

But on Cinnabar Island, there is actually a not-so-small gym, Cinnabar Gym.

The owner of the Cinnabar Gym is named Blaine.

He is a very powerful Fire-type Pokémon Trainer, and he is also a well-known Pokémon Researcher, whose research direction is Pokémon Fossils.

But Xia Yan also knew that Blaine had another identity.

That's one of the Rockets' top executives, and one of the principals of the "Mewtwo Project" that's most important to the Rockets in recent times.

And some of Blaine's research results are not only supported by the Alliance, but also have the shadow of the Rockets.

However, this identity is not known.

Following the unrest on Cinnabar Island, Blaine, the owner of the Cinnabar Gym, lost contact.

This is one of the reasons why Xia Yan and the others were sent by Alliance to investigate the situation on Cinnabar Island.


At this time, where is the appearance of the Sunyshore holiday island in front of everyone?

The towering Volcano kept spewing flames, the falling magma brought a large area of ​​forest fires, and the black smoke of the continuous Spit Up rendered the whole Soaring in the sky, black and low, as if it might collapse at any time Normal.

In the dark clouds, countless golden and blue thunders swelled up and down, falling from time to time, causing huge damage on the island, slashing in the sea, and washing Pokémon's belly with a lot of water.

The waters around Cinnabar Island are even more turbulent, as if the undercurrent under Cinnabar Island was completely broken, and the rising sea water turned into a monstrous wave, constantly impacting and slapping the land of Cinnabar Island.

At a glance, you can see countless wild Pokémon, photographed on the beach by the sea, and have lost their vitality.

This is like the scene of Inferno Normal, which is the appearance of Cinnabar Island at this moment, and it is also the reason why Xia Yan and the others are stunned and lost.

After seeing this scene, Du's complexion instantly darkened.

"How did Cinnabar Island become like this?!"

As a Kanto person, and a person of integrity full of integrity, Watanabe never saw such a scene.

The faces of Lorelei and Cynthia were not very good-looking, but in their eyes, there was more pity and distress.

Stephanie son, always have to be a little more emotional.

Turning on Steven, although his face was sullen, he pressed his chin slowly and said:

"It is very likely that a huge Earthquake was encountered, which caused the magma of Cinnabar Volcano to leak downwards, cutting off the ocean currents under Cinnabar Island, causing the sea to overturn and swell, causing waves."

What he said still had some basis.

Because at a glance, there are several huge black cracks on Cinnabar Island, and at a glance, it is known that it is caused by Earthquake.

Xia Yan said solemnly: "What about the residents of Cinnabar Island?"

At this time, one of the Alliance investigators who came with them stepped forward with a look of disbelief:

"Xia Yan Elite, the current Cinnabar Island is filled with a large number of highly destructive magnetic fields, and the surrounding waters also make it impossible for ships to navigate. Some of the island's residents have been evacuated, but some of them are missing."

Xia Yan's face sank a little again.

But held back not getting angry.

As the inspector said, the sky of Cinnabar Island is densely covered with thick thunderclouds, which accumulate the magnetic field brought by lightning, making it impossible for Flying tools and other Flying tools to approach.

Not to mention the surging sea water, which is obviously not a place where ships can sail.

Therefore, if you want to disperse the residents of the island, you can only take some trainers one by one.


With the current situation on Cinnabar Island, it is very difficult for ordinary trainers to approach.

If you are struck by a thunderbolt in the sky, you might even be in danger, so how can you save others?

And Cinnabar Island is a tourist island, how many Alliance top trainers are stationed in it?

The closest land to Cinnabar Island is Pallet Town.

There aren't many Alliance Trainers stationed there.

Going further, it is Vibran City.

There are indeed quite a few Alliance troops stationed there.

But Joban City is one of the most active areas for the Rockets, how many Alliance troops can dare to leave?

Compared to Cinnabar Island, the crisis in a big city like Joban City is a real huge loss for Alliance.

As a result, the rescue mission on Cinnabar Island was slow.

If you let Agatha know the current situation of Cinnabar Island, it is estimated that he will jump up and turn his face immediately.

Xia Yan estimated.

Those in charge of the Cinnabar Island area deliberately lied about the situation on Cinnabar Island in order to reduce their responsibilities.

They just didn't expect that the situation on Cinnabar Island was far beyond their expectations, and now it was difficult to ride a tiger, so they had to ask Alliance for help.

But Xia Yan has no time to hold these responsible persons accountable now.

The key now is to rescue all the residents of Cinnabar Island first.

as the person in charge of this task.

Xia Yan took the four people along with him, as well as a team of investigators assigned to him by Agatha, about 30 people.

But with such a number of people, the investigation is more than enough, and the rescue is

"Where is the airship closest to Cinnabar Island now?" Xia Yan asked.

"It should be in Joban City." The person in charge of the investigator hesitated.

Hearing Xia Yan's tone become very serious, with no doubt.

"Now! Immediately contact the person in charge stationed in Vibran City and ask him to drive an airship to rescue me!"

"But." The person in charge of the investigator opened his mouth.

However, Xia Yan blocked him back directly with his eyes.

"I'm discussing with you? This is an order!"

The person in charge of the investigation officer and Xia Yan looked at each other so quickly that they quickly took their eyes back.

I heard Xia Yan add:

"Tell him that in less than two hours, I will talk to him in person."


The person in charge of the investigator who saw the situation on Cinnabar Island at this time was still a little overwhelmed, but seeing that the general person in charge of this mission, Xia Yan, had such a tough attitude and calmly commanded, he had the backbone in his heart.

Although Xia Yan is young and has only become an Elite Four, he is not even an Elite Four of Kanto Alliance, but it is very convincing.

Maybe it's because there are too many reports about him on the Internet, maybe it's what he has done in Yuanzhu City, or maybe it's the results he has achieved in the Masters, which has made him look like the old Elite.

At least, from the aura, there is not much difference.

"But, the magnetic field."

The inspector sent someone to contact the Alliance unit in Vibran City, and came back hesitantly.

Xia Yan slowly narrowed his eyes and looked at Cynthia beside him.

Cynthia understands.

He pursed his lips and said:

"let me try."

After that, she flipped her palm sitting on Garchomp's back, and a special Poké Ball appeared in her hand and threw it out.


With a cry like an electric sound, the lightning god Pillar Reggie Elecki, whose entire body was made of lightning, appeared in the air.

And after Reggie Elech appeared, the thunder slurry surging in the dark clouds seemed to feel a little bit, and there was a faint tendency to approach it.

Just listen to Cynthia: "Little Dian, let's absorb the thunder and lightning in the thunder cloud!"


Hearing this, Reggie Elleqi screamed cheerfully, dragged her arms, surrounded her body with a current magnetic field, and flew towards the sky.

a time.

The magnetic field that originally permeated around Cinnabar Island gradually weakened.

The frequency of those falling thunderbolts has also gradually decreased in frequency.

can be seen.

Among the dark clouds that day, a golden figure was extremely bright, flashing back and forth.

Wherever he passed, the trace of Lei Ju gradually disappeared.

Xia Yan nodded, in this way, the effect of the magnetic field should not have much impact on the airship.

But in this way, the symptoms are not cured. To find the source of this phenomenon can completely cut off the appearance of thunderclouds.

Otherwise, Reggie Elage will always have a moment when he is full and full.

However, for rescue, it should be enough.

Xia Yan spoke again.

"Cynthia, you are here waiting for the airship from Vibran City to come over and escort them in. Let's go to Cinnabar Island to see the situation first."


Cynthia nodded. Although they were all Elite Four, she didn't raise any objection to what Xia Yan meant.

Just say, "Be careful."

Xia Yan grinned.

With his current strength, as long as a fat-headed fish doesn't suddenly jump out of the sea, he doesn't need to worry.

Immediately after leaving a team of investigators to Cynthia, Xia Yan patted Latios on the neck and flew quickly in the direction of Cinnabar Island.

Du and the others also gave Cynthia a reassuring look and followed closely.

"Everyone! Back off!"

At this time, Cinnabar Island.

In the town, because of the surging of the sea tide, the town was already submerged by the sea water.

On the second floor of a Breeder house that occupies a fairly spacious ground, there are many residents belonging to Cinnabar Island.

It's just that they looked very embarrassed at this time, all wet and curled up in the corner of the second floor.

And the wall on one side of the Breeder house has collapsed, and countless seawater and rainwater poured in from outside the wall.

But that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that three Gyarados with red eyes, a ferocious appearance, and a fierce look appeared at the huge gap.

What happened around Cinnabar Island caused the weak wild Pokémon to die directly in such a disaster, and the powerful wild Pokémon also fell into a frenzy because of their fear of nature.

In particular, Gyarados, who originally lived in the sea, completely lost his mind at this time.

But okay.

A purple-haired youth with his Pokémon stood in front of all the ordinary residents, resisting the onslaught of the three Gyarados.


During this time, the youth had fought countless times to protect ordinary people, and his Pokémon had been injured to varying degrees.

With no recovery potion and no effective treatment, his Pokémon Contest Condition is already sluggish.

But now he can only fight hard to defend against these three Gyarados.

He must persevere.

Whenever he wanted to give up, as long as he saw the fearful expressions in the eyes of the children curled up in the corner behind him, his heart trembled uncontrollably.

Gritting his teeth, he shouted, "Drapion, Thunder Fang! Bibarel, Ice Beam!"

see you.

A wounded Drapion, with its double tongs swept away the water raised by Gyarados, its teeth glowing with golden lightning, biting hard on one of the Gyarados.


The intense pain, far from making Gyarados flinch, further aroused its anger.

From the other direction, another Gyarados tore from.

But he was blocked by the serious Bibarel who spat out "Ice Beam".

Only, there is a third Gyarados!

Seeing it roar, a huge water column surged out, swept across Drapion's body, and smashed it heavily against the wall, forcibly smashing a huge pit.


The young man who saw this scene couldn't help exclaiming.

But he had to turn his attention back to the three Gyarados again.

He was bitten by Drapion before. As the strongest of the three Gyarados, Rage twitched his tail and straightened his upper body. The scales looked extremely hideous in the wash of water.

The gurgling sea water, under its control, continued to climb, as if surpassing the height of the house.


With this move, even if the youth and his Pokémon are not defeated, the people in the house will not be able to escape this disaster.

Once washed into the water, none of the Pokémon that was still active in the waters of Cinnabar Island at this time remained calm.

There was a hint of despair on the young man's face.

The crowd behind him also turned ashen, and they could only choose to accept their fate in this way.

Especially the children, held by their parents, whimpered.


At this time, the young man's ears seemed to only hear the sound of rushing water.

He really tried his best.

Although, the experience of this period of time made him finally understand what was wrong with what he had done before.

But it seems that there is no chance for him to correct himself.

"Vulpix, absolutely cold!"

But at this moment, with a clear voice descending from the sky, it was a serious low roar.

Pale light beams fell, sweeping across the raised waves.

In an instant.

In the sound of the ice rubbing "kaka", on the monstrous wave that was about to fall, Icirrus of Cianwood-colored ice crystals actually appeared, and the wave with terrifying energy was just a blink of an eye. The effort was completely solidified.

Even Gyarados, who were active in the water, were all frozen into ice with the current, like three living ice sculptures.

His eyes full of anger and his hideous appearance also solidified at this moment, emitting strands of cold air.


The ice crystals continued to spread, and the waters surrounding the second floor of Breeder's house were also frozen into ice.

Everyone in the room stared blankly at this scene.

Seeing that the ice crystal was about to spread to the feet, it stopped just right and did not cause any harm to them.

Except for the chill that pervaded the surroundings, which made them shiver subconsciously.

When they finally recovered from the shadow of death, the joy of being alive and other complex and intertwined emotions.

I saw a figure jumping off Latios's back holding a petite and cute Pokémon.


Stepping on the hard ice, the crisp sound made people completely wake up from their astonishment.

Holding his hat, his serious but handsome face appeared in their sight.

"It's Xia Yan Elite!"

The voice of the immature child sounded, full of surprises.

At the last moment, Xia Yan finally caught up with Latios' fast enough straight-line Flying speed.

"It's really Xia Yan Elite!"

For a time, everyone in the room recognized the person, and complex expressions such as shock, joy, grievance, and gratitude appeared on their faces.

They had also been watching the Masters at home.

Who knew that one day, there was a loud noise on the island, and the environment of the entire Cinnabar Island changed completely.

But it never occurred to me.

A few days ago, I saw Xia Yan, who was recklessly showing his style in the Masters, on TV, but he actually appeared in front of them.

In the form of such a savior.

this moment.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that Xia Yan Elite is here, their danger is completely over.

Whether it was Xia Yan's previous actions in Yuanzhu City or his status as an Elite, it was enough to bring such a sense of security to these ordinary people.

"Xia Yan Elite! You are finally here!"

A child seemed to be a loyal fan of Xia Yan, broke free from the restraints of his parents, rushed in front of him, and hugged his thigh tightly.


The little Vulpix in Xia Yan's arms lowered his tail, wiped it lightly on the child's face, made a playful face at him, and blinked his eyes.

It made the little guy who was still scared burst into laughter.

Xia Yan rubbed his head, his eyes swept across the room, and finally landed on the purple-haired youth who was sitting on the ground exhausted and panting violently.

A little surprise flashed in his eyes.

But when he noticed the Pokémon lying on the ground, he fell silent again.

After a long while, he said slowly, "Well done, Lei Si."

This young man seems to have played against Xia Yan in the "Ling-Ran Youth Competition", and will give Ash the brother of Infernape's rival Shinji, Lei Si in the future.

He was actually here, which really surprised Xia Yan.

Hearing this, Lei Si, who was sitting on the ground, had a bit of bitterness on his face, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Xia Yan, Elite."

Xia Yan took out some healing spray and handed it to him.

Lei Si didn't refuse either, his personality seemed to have changed a lot compared to before.

Ka-! !


The frozen layer of ice burst out with a cracking sound.


Along with the thick layer of ice that burst open, Gyarados, which was stained with many ice crystals, broke free from it. Rage's roar seemed to make the whole house tremble.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Quasi-Elite Gyarados?

This is because the ocean currents under Cinnabar Island have been cut off, causing the powerful wild Pokémon that originally lived in the depths of the sea to swell up, right?

No wonder Lei Si became so miserable.

It's no wonder that the Alliance's rescue could not be carried out.

If the wild Pokémon currently flooding Cinnabar Island have such strength, and a Trainer with a slightly more ordinary strength comes in, it is really no different from being sent to death.

After one broke free from the ice crystals, the other two escaped from the thick layer of ice.

With that hoarse roar, the people who were so frightened that they finally showed the expressions of the rest of their lives turned pale again and looked at the three Gyarados in horror.

But only Xia Yan's cold voice sounded quietly.

"Vulpix, absolutely cold."


The little Vulpix, who was held in Xia Yan's arms, immediately stood up, a gleam of light flashed in his snow-white pupils, and a pale beam of light spit out.

It was just a brief contact, and the three Gyarados, who were still full of rage a second ago, turned into ice sculptures again.

However, before they were blocked by water flow and escaped, this time they were directly hit by Vulpix, completely turned into ice sculptures, and lost their ability to fight.


Or kill three vicious Gyarados in an instant!

People stared blankly at this scene and truly felt the power of Elite.

Don't look at the Masters on TV, Xia Yan showed a very strong strength.

But there is still a big gap between what you see on TV and what you see with your own eyes.

Just the vivid appearance of the three hideous Gyarados at the moment is enough to shock.

Is this the Elite?

Lei Si also watched this scene and deeply felt the gap between him and Xia Yan.

At the "Ling Lan Youth Contest", he still had the qualification to play against Xia Yan.

But now, the seemingly weak Vulpix in Xia Yan's arms alone makes Lei Si doubt whether he can win.

Not to mention the relaxed Latios hovering beside Xia Yan.

He knows that Vulpix is ​​not Xia Yan's current main Pokémon.

at the same time.

Du and the others finally arrived, long overdue.

But fortunately, Xia Yan felt that the strangeness came first, otherwise these ordinary people in this house would probably suffer.

Du glanced at the scene in the room, his face still serious.

"Xia Yan."

After them, the troop of investigators also arrived one after another.

"Xia Yan Elite!" they shouted respectfully.

Xia Yan nodded slightly and said solemnly:

"Send two people to protect everyone, and the rest go out to search for survivors."

"I know where it is."

Lei Si braced his knees, gritted his teeth and stood up.

Xia Yan glanced at him. Although he looked a little embarrassed and had many scars on his body, his eyes were very bright.

"Okay, take him to search for survivors, then find a high place to gather, wait for the airship to arrive, and evacuate as soon as possible."


The investigators stood up and responded loudly.

"Lorelei, you work with them to deal with the powerful wild Pokémon. The ocean current is blocked, and the powerful wild Pokémon from the depths of the sea are all coming up, be careful." Xia Yan explained again.

"Don't worry, Senior Xia Yan."

Lorelei pushed his glasses seriously.

Then Xia Yan looked at Steven again.

"Steven, try and see if you can stop the Volcano eruption on Mount Cinnabar, at least, to the extent of Arnold."

Heatran, should have that ability.


Steven also nodded solemnly.

After seeing the appearance of Cinnabar Island and Cinnabar Island at this time, they all felt heavy pressure in their hearts.

"What about me, Xia Yan?"

Seeing that Xia Yan was assigned tasks one by one, Du couldn't help asking.

"Come with me and investigate the cause of such an accident on Cinnabar Island. First, find Blaine, the gym owner of Cinnabar Island." Xia Yan said.

Du's eyes flashed, and he nodded, "Okay."

Xia Yan knew that Cinnabar Island became what it is now, most likely because of the birth of Mewtwo.

It's just that he's suspicious.

Even if it was because of Mewtwo, Mewtwo should be gone by now, why the natural disaster on Cinnabar Island did not mean to calm down, but intensified.

"Report the situation every half an hour." Xia Yan looked around the crowd, "Let's go!"


A group of people took action.

After everyone left, Du Cai asked, "What's wrong, Xia Yan?"

He felt Xia Yan's strangeness.

But Xia Yan just shook his head, his eyes flickered, and his thoughts surged.

Tightly and on the ice, strode out of the dilapidated Breeder house.

"I don't know what the problem is, but I think the most likely possibility is in the sea. You go down with me."

Du was stunned for a while, then smiled and said, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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