The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 908 The Turbulent Undercurrent (5K+!)

Chapter 907 The turbulent undercurrent (5k+!)

Xia Yan and Du came to the edge of Cinnabar Island.

Looking at the turbulent scene outside, his expression became more serious.

The ocean is different from Soaring in the sky.

Diving into the bottom of the sea will greatly limit their performance, both for Xia Yan and for Du.

If you are attacked by wild Pokémon in the turbulent underwater turbulence, it will be more troublesome for Du and Xia Yan.

And both of them are also going into the water for the first time.

Xia Yan took out the Poké Ball and summoned Milotic.

With Milotic's water, Xia Yan is enough to sneak freely on the seabed with turbulent currents.

Seeing Milotic, Watari silently took back one of the two Poké Balls he had prepared.

At the same time, he flipped through the space backpack, ready to take out Dive's equipment.

"Need not."

Xia Yan stretched out his hand.

Psychic flickered in his eyes.

A barrier constructed entirely of Psychic envelops the two of them.

After learning the skills left by the "Sage Stone", Xia Yan's use of Psychic is no less than that of some Psychic Pokémon.

Seeing this, Du was relieved.

"Flying is a Pokémon, but it's not very easy to use." Xia Yan couldn't help but tease.

Du glared at him angrily.

But he also knew that Xia Yan was helping him adjust his mentality.

Going into the water, especially entering the deep sea, the pressure brought about by that environment may not cause a person's mentality to fluctuate.

Without transitioning, he scolded him.

"You're no less than me when it comes to flying Pokémon."

Xia Yan shrugged, "So I didn't say I was a Dragon Elite."

Ferry: "."


Walk towards the sea.

Xia Yan's Milotic, Du's Gyarados.

Surrounded by them, the water flowed.

Drive them to not be photographed by the raging tide.

Once in the water.

The Cianwood-colored environment instantly filled the surroundings of the two of them.

Although the sea is rough, the waves are getting higher and higher, and they are constantly beating on Cinnabar Island.

But when you get to the bottom of the sea, it seems much calmer than above.

At first glance, it doesn't seem that much different from normal.

However, if you feel it carefully, you will find that peace is only relative.

A stream of water continued to emerge from the ground, pushing Xia Yan and the others up.

Without Gyarados and Milotic, it would not be easy.

at the same time.

It can also be seen that many wild Pokémon in the Underwater are also brought to the surface by the undercurrent.

Among them, there are many powerful water-based Pokémon, such as the existence of the previous Gyarados.

But more are still weaker.


In the water, Xia Yan and Du are not very good, and their purpose is only to investigate, so they did not take the initiative to block.


There are also some Pokémon who have become very aggressive due to changes in the ocean and environment, and they take the initiative to attack after seeing Xia Yan and the others.

But Du's Gyarados is Elite, and Xia Yan's Milotic is quasi-Elite.

None of these aggressive wild Pokémon had much impact either.

As the depth of the dive continued to deepen, the surrounding environment gradually became dim, and the visibility in the field of vision gradually decreased.

Xia Yan had to summon Alakazam, Assist its "Flash" to make the visibility of the line of sight higher.


With such a light on the bottom of the sea, it's like telling the wild Pokémon that live in the water, there is food, come here.

That's why more and more wild Pokémon appear gradually.

"Xia Yan."


Master Du and Xia Yan did not stop communicating while observing their surroundings.

"To be honest, what Attribute do you think I should choose after I become Elite Four?"

There was a little confusion in Du's words.

Xia Yan looked at him with some surprise, showing an exaggerated expression.

"No, we usually say that your Flying is a Flying, just kidding, don't take it seriously."

If Du became an Elite and chose the Flying system, it would be really fun.

Really a dodo bird.

"Besides, your Kanto Alliance's Elite Four are the hardest. Mr. Bruno has been working hard for so long, and you seem to be playing casually."

But he saw a confident smile on his face.

"I still have that confidence."

His Dragonite is also nearing champion level, just a few months away.

When the time comes with Mega CharizardX, he is confident that he can pick one person to dismount.

Xia Yan shrugged.

"Xia Yan."


"You said Altaria can also Mega Evolution?" Du couldn't help asking.

Xia Yan glanced at him with a strange expression, and said with a smile, "Yeah."

Mito seemed happy about it.

I probably think that Xia Yan can perform the triple Mega Evolution, and with his ability and physical fitness, he can resist it with more exercise.

However, I heard Xia Yan add:

"Pokémons like Altaria are still very powerful, especially after Mega Evolution, they are simply the nemesis of dragons."

"Dragon nemesis?"

Du was stunned.

Xia Yan didn't look at him, he just said to himself:

"Yes, after my research and observation with Teacher, I found that after Altaria Mega Evolution, Attribute should change."

"Become what?"

It's no surprise that Mega Evolution changed Pokémon's Attributes.

After all, whether it's Gyarados or Charizard, things have changed since Mega Evolution.

I saw Xia Yan teasing: "Dragon and Fairy."

"Demon, Fairy type?!"

The exaggerated voice suddenly sounded with disbelief.

"Yes, not only Attributes, but also Ability will become 'Fairy Skin', which is my Sylveon's Ability, which is very powerful."

Ferry: "."

He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

In the future, he will be a dragon-type Elite, a dragon-type Pokémon in Mega Evolution, and a Fairy-type in exchange for it?

Because of the appearance of the Fairy type, the Dragon type Pokémon Trainer, intentionally or unintentionally, somewhat rejected this Attribute.

Although Du didn't reject the Fairy series, the result still made him a little... unacceptable.

"Isn't that Fairy's Pokémon? It's dragon, dragon."


Xia Yanyu patted his shoulder earnestly and gave him a look of "accept reality".

Du suddenly fell into the ego Struggle.

He's not going to give up Altaria because of this, and it's impossible not to let Altaria Mega Evolution because of this.

It's just a little bit about the name "Dragon Traitor"

An atmosphere of silence appeared between the two.

"Xia Yan!"

"What's wrong?" Xia Yan said angrily.

"Do you feel that the surrounding temperature is a bit wrong?"

Watanabe loosened the collar of his clothes and unbuttoned two buttons.

If he moved to another place, it would be very easy for people to guess whether Xia Yan ate something for him.

But now

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and moved his mouth, "It would be incompetent to wait until you remind me to react."

"You already found out?"

"Look at your feet."

Said, Du subconsciously looked down.

see you.

In the deep ocean trench, there was a little red light flashing, as if something was squirming Normal.

And with the surging of these red lights, the surrounding water flow became more and more turbulent.


Du was a little surprised.

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

"It appears that Steven was right in guessing what caused the massive Earthquake on Cinnabar Island, causing a huge fracture in the rock formation below the island and uncontrolled flow of magma.

The ocean currents that originally surrounded Cinnabar Island were blocked, and the surrounding water currents were boiled, causing the current to rise, causing rough waves around Cinnabar Island. "

"Then just plug the crack, right?" Du pressed his chin thoughtfully.

"I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

Before Du could raise his doubts again, Xia Yan put his hand on his shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, the scene scanned by Psychic's extension appeared again in his mind.

"Looking" at the bottom of the situation, Du was stunned.

"Those are"

"Wild Pokémon."

The magma appears in the sea, and for most wild spirits, it is also a disaster level of damage.

But for some powerful wild Pokémon, it's different.

The magma contains very abundant minerals.

Especially the living Volcano of Cinnabar Mountain, the magma below connects to the crust, and it keeps squirming, and there are more minerals in it.

And these minerals.

Not only good stuff for some Fire and Rock Pokémon.

The same goes for these mighty wild Pokémon that live on the complex seafloor.

But if that's the case, the scene that Xia Yan projected in Du's mind wouldn't appear.

Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes and said slowly:

"I feel like these wild Pokémon are being driven by something, judging from their movements and postures, it seems like they're trying to dash into the lava."

As to say, why not rush in.

On the one hand, it's because the water-type Pokémon restrains the fire-type attribute, but it is a bit embarrassing for them to rush into the magma.

What they can do is to continuously encourage the water flow to wash the magma, and strive to reduce the temperature of the magma.

This has further led to the situation in the waters around Cinnabar Island.

On the other hand, it seems that there are also some Pokémon active in the magma, resisting this group of water Pokémon.

One fire and one water, the two sides actually fought in the depths of the sea.

After thinking for a while, Du said, "Could it be Lugia?"

Lugia, the god of the sea, can also be called the god of ocean currents.

Because of the presence of the three divine birds Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres, ocean currents appear on the bottom of the sea.

And Lugia, who rules the three divine birds, is also equivalent to ruling all ocean currents.

Ocean currents are filled with a lot of energy and minerals needed for life. If the ocean currents are blocked for a long time, some areas will gradually become dead places.

This was explained by Professor Oak in the original book "The Birth of Lugia".

"It's not impossible."

Xia Yan calmly touched the inner pocket of his clothes and took out a slender feather.

Seeing this feather, the lower part is silver-white, the middle gradually shows a grayish color, and the top end is still as black as ink.

Lugia has not fully recovered from the dark energy.


The chances of Lugia driving these wild Pokémon aren't really high.

Who else can do it?

A not-so-good idea rose in Xia Yan's heart.

'Isn't it really the fat-headed fish? ! ’

Fighting the lava with water flow is in line with the style of fat head fish and flightless.


Xia Yan shook his head towards Alakazam.

Alakazam immediately extinguished the "Flash".

No matter what the reason is, if you want to stop the waves surrounding Cinnabar Island, this underground magma gap must be blocked, otherwise Cinnabar Island will be attacked by wild Pokémon all the time, and it is not weak. Wild Pokémon.

Rescue airships are not necessarily safe.

Also, Xia Yan didn't want to see so many wild Pokémon die innocently because of changes in the environment.

When the environment changes suddenly, it is often the wild Pokémon who suffer first.

"How?" Du looked at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

If it was on the shore, he might not hesitate and call directly.

Just dispel and defeat all those wild Pokémon.

But in the water, he was very constrained.

Can't be deployed.

Moreover, Xia Yan is not sure who drives the group of wild Pokémon for the time being. If it is really the fat-headed fish, if it angers it and seeks trouble, it is not something he and Du can deal with.

Even if Reshiram is called, Reshiram is helpless in the sea.


However, before Xia Yan could think clearly, Alakazam hurriedly reminded.

Xia Yan slightly raised his forehead.

"Well, don't think about it, they have already discovered us."

Flash was already very eye-catching before.

In addition, they are in the enchantment formed by the Psychic package.

A water-system Pokémon that is so sensitive to currents, it is too easy to detect strangeness in turbulent currents.

Hearing this, Watanabe's expression darkened.

The bottom of the water is a serious constraint on Xia Yan, and the same is true for him.

However, he is slightly better than Xia Yan.

Another Poké Ball was thrown, and another fiery red Gyarados appeared around them.

As soon as it appeared, the red Gyarados roared downward, stirring up a huge current of hedging water.

At the same time, Du's blue Gyarados, and Xia Yan's Milotic, also looked serious.

The water-based Pokémon coming up from below are not weak at all.


But fortunately.

Alakazam used Psychic to contact Xia Yan again. Its Psychic is very active, and its perception range and penetration ability are much stronger than Xia Yan.

Hearing Alakazam's words, Xia Yan's eyes brightened.

"There is a space below where you can move, go!"

Say it.

Direct the Pokémon to charge straight down.

And the first one was standing on the water and rushed towards them fiercely. It was a Sharpedo with red eyes, a hateful appearance, sharp teeth, and water jets constantly pouring out from behind him.

The move "Aqua Jet", coupled with the rising water, made Sharpedo go fast.


The speed of this Sharpedo is getting faster and faster.

"Accelerate" Ability!

Acceleration: During combat, the Pokémon's speed will continue to increase for each duration.

"Du, let your Gyarados 'intimidate' Milotic!" Xia Yan said quickly.

Hearing this, Du was a little stunned, and then he understood what he meant.

next second.

Crossing two Gyarados, one blue and one red, glared at Xia Yan's Milotic, the fierce and frightening momentum surged, causing Milotic's physical attack ability to plummet.

But soon.

Stubbornness appeared on Milotic's face, his clenched teeth whimpered, and brilliant ripples appeared on his body.

Its "competitive" ability was triggered, and its special attack rose sharply.

At the same time, Alakazam's eyes flickered next to Xia Yan, and he swept over Sharpedo, who was rushing straight from below, and a faint airflow swirled around his body, "speeding up" his ability, and perfectly "Role Play" Xia Yan.

Tight and pass "Skill Swap".

Changed Milotic's "Competitive" ability to "Accelerate".

Let its own Ability also become "competitive".

Following the same method as before, Alakazam's special attack ability has also been greatly improved.

Psychic, who had become more active after approaching Cinnabar Island, completely changed at this moment.

The strands of Psychic that were like threads seemed to have become real, and could be seen vaguely.

"Milotic, Disarming Voice!"

Following Xia Yan's command, Milotic's melodious and ethereal voice rang out, and ripples rippled out. Sharpedo was affected, and his speed suddenly decreased, revealing a look of pain.

Fairy-type moves have an Attribute advantage over evil-type Sharpedo.

Coupled with the special attack blessing that Milotic has obtained at this moment.

Even if this Sharpedo is a quasi-Elite Pokémon, it's actually a bit overwhelming for such a move.

The next moment.

Milotic flicked his tail like a fan, and his body was like a sharp arrow, shooting out.

All the turbulent water currents surround it at this moment, as if it does not exist.


Xia Yan also gave a low drink.

Together with Alakazam, he controlled the barrier and quickly fell downwards.

Seeing Du next to him, he couldn't help smashing his mouth.

"In terms of your knowledge of Pokémon Ability, few people in this world can compare to you."

This is also one of the reasons why Xia Yan can run "infinite defense" with Alakazam.

Even if.

Some Psychic people really want Mimic and Xia Yan to build the system.

There are some things they can't learn.

What Xia Yan can use is not only the characteristics of his own Pokémon, but also the characteristics of the opponent's Pokémon.

"Don't talk nonsense, here we go again!"

I saw the water flow below stirring again, and Pokémon of the water system appeared in their sight.

"Gyarados, Dragon Dance! Then Aqua Tail!"

The two Gyarados, one red and one blue, instantly turned into two surging waterspouts, and their momentum rose wildly in the constantly stirring water flow.

At the same time, Milotic was in the middle of the two Gyarados, protecting Xia Yan and they continued to dive quickly.


A huge shadow enveloped the two of Xia Yan, covering all their Pokémon.


A strong sense of oppression came from above, causing the movements of the Pokémons to be affected more or less.

And the most terrifying thing is that with its appearance, the undercurrent of the entire seabed is inevitably affected.

Xia Yanhe Du subconsciously looked towards the huge figure.

After barely seeing the silhouette of the other party, Xia Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


He almost really thought that the fat head fish was coming.

But Du's heart was raised.

"That's. Wailord?!"

Block the sun Normal like the giant Pokémon of the island.

Not the biggest Pokémon in the entire Pokémon universe.


Moreover, judging from the sense of oppression emanating from this Wailord.

Still an Elite Wailord who lives in the deep sea!

"Hurry up!"

Xia Yan had to make Pokémon speed up again.

As long as it is close to a certain distance, after Alakazam can clearly determine the location of the seabed space, he can go directly through the "Teleport".


Although this Wailord is huge and powerful, it doesn't seem to move fast.

There's the "accelerated" Milotic to open the way, two Gyarados to escort, and the Psychic's hyperactive Alakazam to guide.

Alakazam unleashes "Teleport" before Xia Yan and Tou are about to fall into the siege of wild Pokémon.

With them, they entered a certain space in the deep sea.


PS: It’s 1.1w today, please ask for a monthly pass~ I checked the information, and Wailord’s weight is only 398.0kg. Isn’t that a fool who can lift it with half a hand?

(End of this chapter)

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