The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 910 Mind Invasion! (Two In One)

Chapter 909 Mind Invasion! (two in one)


Petite like a doll, the whole body is blue.

At first glance, it looks like a blue water polo, with two blue tentacles extending from the back of the head, with spherical ends.

The eyes are round, and if it weren't for the anger in them, they might be more cute.

A bright red gemstone on the chest is exuding dazzling light, and the halo continues to spread out, spreading toward the surrounding area, spreading into the sea.

And this Pokémon is the legendary "Prince of Canghai" Manaphy.

A kind of phantom.

It seems that the strength is not strong, but it has the ability to control the ocean.

Along with Kyogre and Lugia, it is a Pokémon that has a great impact on ocean energy.

Although Manaphy is a water-type Pokémon, its innate magical ability allows it to communicate with any Pokémon.

With this ability coupled with its identity in the sea, it is easy to understand that it affects and even controls the water system Pokémon in the ocean.

Xia Yan originally thought that it would be Kyogre or Lugia who were controlling those water Pokémons and constantly attacking the magma.

But forgot about this little guy.

Because Manaphy was originally a very mild-mannered Pokémon, indifferent to the world, only guarding his own one-third of an acre of land.

It was not until after the Alakazam Mega Evolution that the Psychic perception was further strengthened, and finally, from Wailord's mouth, he sensed the strangeness and the existence of this little thing.

But at this moment Manaphy's Contest Condition is obviously abnormal.

Whether it is its expression or its voice, it shows its Rage at this moment.

And this Rage mood also affects those water-based Pokémon.

In fact, Xia Yan was very curious.

Obviously it's just a broken thing for the Rockets to create Mewtwo.

How did you provoke Manaphy?

Could it be that Manaphy has been living in the waters below Cinnabar Island all this time?

Seeing Manaphy, Xia Yan was somewhat at a loss for a while.

at the same time.

In the shadow behind Xia Yan, Haze kept tumbling, and three outlines, one big, two small, and three slowly emerged.

It was Darkrai, who also had some doubts and a grim expression with his arms folded.

Marshadow tilted his head curiously.

And Zorua who jumped into Xia Yan's arms.


As soon as Marshadow saw Darkrai, he moved to the side in disgust, not giving it a good look.


Marshadow, Aegislash, and Zorua were staying in Xia Yan's shadow, and they just got together for a table.

Now there's a Darkrai in the mix.


Darkrai is cold-hearted and doesn't play well with the lively Marshadow and Zorua.

So Marshadow didn't like Darkrai very much.


Darkrai doesn't care about the little guy Marshadow either.

And after Manaphy saw Darkrai and Marshadow, Rage's eyes flashed a little bit of surprise.

It can feel that Darkrai and Marshadow are also Eudemons, and they are not easy to deal with.

But it also surprised me.

"What about Mi?"

Sitting on Xia Yan's shoulder.

Victini, who was shaking his little feet, also blinked his big eyes.

Looking at the Rage-faced Manaphy, I don't know what it's mad at.

Three phantom beasts?

Why are there so many phantom beasts around this human being?

And, there's the one who brought him here

Manaphy's eyes fell on Mega Alakazam for a second.


next second.

Manaphy, who had regained his senses a little, was engulfed in anger again.

A crystal-clear Cianwood-colored water stream emerged from its body, continuously surrounding its body, condensing into a circle of water.

It soaked its body, making it look even more splendid.

Aqua Ring!

Immediately after.

Its palm wiped from the water around it, and a surging water column burst out.

It was surging in the direction of Mega Alakazam.

Attack without a word!

Xia Yan's complexion changed slightly, and he shouted in a low voice: "Alakazam, Light Screen!"


Mega Alakazam's expression was also instantly serious, and the five spoons instantly constructed a transparent light curtain in front of it, blocking all the "Hydro Pumps" shot by Manaphy.

Da da da--


From behind Manaphy, there was a sound similar to that of the joints of the Bug Type Pokémon rubbing against each other.

see you.

A Crawdaunt with an indifferent expression walked out from behind it.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yanmei's heart skipped a beat.

good guy.

Manaphy isn't just using the Wailord as his car.

Also consider it a mobile fortress.

There are so many Crawdaunts hidden inside.

But don't say, this way makes Xia Yan's eyes shine.

He was suddenly a little interested in this Wailord.

The strength of this Wailord is not weak, it has reached the Elite level.

But its strength is not the key.

The point is, it can really be a moving fortress.

It is still a fortress that is not weak in flexibility and has a very low ability to be found.

This is much more reliable than the pirate ships of those pirates, the airships of the Alliance, the Rockets, and the Dives of Team Aqua.

Although Wailord can only become a living target because of his size, participating in battles can only be a living target, but this ability alone is unmatched by other Pokémon.

And Xia Yan also found that this Wailord seems to be much larger than the normal Wailord.

No wonder he was picked by Manaphy.

If it can be subdued, it may become a very good hiding place that the Hunter Guild can use.


With the group of Crawdaunt came to Manaphy's side.

One by one they opened their huge, hard pincers.

the next moment.

There was a drizzle of rain in Wailord's mouth.

Infiltrating all of their Crawdaunt's bodies, making Manaphy's aura even brighter.

Psychic rainproof.

Xia Yan glanced at these Crawdaunts, and there were quite a few.

Twelve in total.

Two of them are Elite, and ten are quasi-Elite.

Perhaps because of the evil Pokémon, Mega Alakazam didn't perceive them before.


Manaphy Rage waved.

Twelve Crawdaunts rushed towards them at once.

Xia Yan's expression became solemn, and his palms wiped his waist.

Beedrill, Doron Bartto appeared in front of him, plus Zorua who had come out of the shadows earlier.

The rest of the Pokémon, Togekiss, Latios, Aegislash, etc., all stayed in the lava cave to help cross.

Although Xia Yan handed over there to Du, he still left some support.

Here, now, are all his Pokémon.


It's not hard to deal with these twelve Crawdaunts.

The hard part is how to appease Manaphy.

If there is no way.

Xia Yan could only choose to let Darkrai "sleep" it.

But this also has a disadvantage.

That is to treat the symptoms rather than the root causes.

Maybe when Manaphy wakes up, it will cause even more damage.

You must know that Manaphy, who is the "Prince of Canghai", is very popular in the water Pokémon.

Lugia and Fathead Fish, more or less give it a little face.

If you really want to do something, you may have to suffer somewhere else.

"Beedrill, Sword Dance, X-Scissor!"

"Dragon Bartto, Dragon Rush!"

"Zorua, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw!"

Consecutive orders are issued.

Give the Crawdaunt a uniform first.

see you.

The flocculent electric current flickered and flickered, and the clanging sword array surrounded, Beedrill took the lead.

The cross blade turned into a cyan slash, and an Elite-level Crawdaunt Slash was thrown into the air.

Then the long needle was lifted horizontally, and the other quasi-Elite Crawdaunt flew away, directly making it lose its fighting ability.

Fell Stinger!

A dark red airflow surrounds and surges.

Beedrill's momentum quickly climbed.

Bug Type moves have an Attribute advantage over evil-type Pokémon.

Seeing this, Crawdaunt immediately put down her original target and moved towards Beedrill to encircle it.

But it was pushed and smashed into the air by a roaring giant dragon bathed in rich purple dragon-type energy.

Immediately afterwards, it was seen falling down again.

Two extremely fast "Dragon Darts" tread the milky airflow.

Like a homing missile Normal.

Hit the two Crawdaunts that were ejected with precision.

Seeing Zorua with a dark and cunning look in his eyes again, with a "bang", he suddenly disappeared in place like an explosion of fog.

As Mist gradually spreads.

The figure suddenly appeared behind a Crawdaunt in the corner.

Sharp claws wiped.

It seems petite, but its strength is not small at all, and it slaps Crawdaunt directly.

Before the rest of the Crawdaunt came around, the figure twisted and changed.

It has also become the appearance of Crawdaunt.

Collision with a few Crawdaunts rushing over.


The Crawdaunts looked at each other, unable to tell which one was Zorua and which one was a companion.


One of the "Crawdaunts" responded immediately, pointing at the one opposite it.

Look serious and serious.

The Crawdaunt who was pointed at had a slightly dull expression.

And its affirmation has also gained the support of two other Crawdaunts.

As if looking at each other, wave the pliers at the same time.

Agitate the water flow.

"Baker's Blade" smashed out.

Smash the foggy Crawdaunt into the air.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But they didn't see it.

"Crawdaunt" who pointed out "camouflage" earlier had a sly look in his eyes.

"Bang Bang" two punches.

It directly smashed the two relieved Crawdaunts into the air again.

In their disbelief, the "Crawdaunt" blinked playfully, and Mist wriggled, morphing back into Zorua.

good guy.

This scene sees Beedrill and Doron Bartto calling out "good guys".

And just as the three Pokémon quickly harvested Crawdaunt, Manaphy found Mega Alakazam very "persistently" again.

The combat power of Pokémons like Eudemons is very vague.

Some are very strong, such as Darkrai.

Can even compete against Dialga and Palkia in a short period of time without falling behind.

There are others who don't like fighting.

For example, Victini, who seldom showed a hand with Xia Yan, didn't know if it was as powerful as Elite-level Pokémon.

Manaphy is not a Pokémon who is good at fighting, but it does not mean that he is not combative.

Coupled with the anger in its heart at this time, it showed a strong aggressiveness.


There was a Psychic halo in Manaphy's eyes.

Eyes close to Lock On Mega Alakazam.

As if to imprint Alakazam's appearance in his eyes.

And as it watched, the Psychic surrounding Mega Alakazam's body suddenly burst into waves.

Mega Alakazam's action was also briefly stagnant.

next second.

The momentum of Mega Alakazam gradually weakened.

All the special attack blessings obtained because of "Role Play" Milotic's "Competitive" ability were all transferred by Manaphy.

Heart Swap!

Swap all power changes with Rival!



Mega Alakazam gave a low drink.

In Cianwood's deep eyes, Psychic burst out wanton.

Actually got entangled with Manaphy on Psychic.

Xia Yan standing next to Mega Alakazam.

You can even see that the blue veins are constantly jumping on Mega Alakazam's head at this moment.

Defend Manaphy's "Heart Swap" with Psychic!

The two sides stalemate for a while.

As Mega Alakazam continues to control Psychic, more and more Psychic pours out of its body, and it seems that even its original Psychic strength is gradually breaking its own limit.

Psychic Pokémon.

In fact, there are not many powerful moves.

Compared with other attributes, the power of Psychic-type moves is often inferior.

But Psychic Pokémon have a feature that no other Pokémon can match.

That is the flexible use of Psychic.


The use of Psychic can vary depending on the skills the user possesses.

And as the strength of Psychic Pokémon continues to grow stronger, Psychic is more and more comfortable to use, and the concept of moves is likely to be gradually blurred.

For example, a common move such as "Confusion" may be derived from a variety of skills.

And this time.

What Manaphy uses is the power of the mind and the special use of Psychic.

But Mega Alakazam can rely on his own understanding of Psychic to fight against it spiritually.

This is also a flexible use of Psychic.


It also has something to do with Alakazam's unusually active Psychic during this time.

Xia Yan glanced at Mega Alakazam and Manaphy.

A bold thought came into my mind.

He raised his right hand, revealing the Z-Ring worn on it and the "Super Z" embedded in it.

To Mega Alakazam:

"Alakazam, let's take a look inside it!"

Hearing this, Mega Alakazam froze for a moment, then nodded tightly and solemnly.

Xia Yan and Mega Alakazam's Psychic fused again.

The "Super Z" on the wrist burst out with dazzling natural energy, which instantly poured into Mega Alakazam's body.

As a result, its Psychic became stronger and stronger, and suddenly overwhelmed Manaphy.

Xia Yan flashed a lot of skills about using Psychic in many aspects such as mind and thinking.

He didn't know whether the "Sage Stone" that Agatha gave him had been chosen or just chosen randomly.

The first "Sage Stone" he obtained at the time.

It was recorded by the old king and used the technique of psychic to build a barrier.

And this time this "Sage Stone".

Recorded are techniques such as hypnosis, psychological suggestion and even psychic intrusion.

Although, he is still learning, and it is the first time to use it, so he is not skilled enough.

But with Mega Alakazam's Psychic base, and Manaphy himself using "Heart Swap" to unlock his own mind, now is the best time.

next second.

Xia Yan and Mega Alakazam's Psychic no longer resisted Manaphy's "Heart Swap". Instead, they took advantage of it and "stabbed" into it.

Mind Invasion!

Feeling the influx of foreign Psychic, Manaphy wanted to stop, but it was too late.

And with entering Manaphy's spiritual consciousness space.

Xia Yan "sees" Manaphy's real Contest Condition at this time.

A pure consciousness space filled with Cianwood-colored water currents, but these water currents present a boiling Contest Condition, with bubbles constantly rising, leading to unknown directions.

This represents Manaphy's Rage, and it's Rage on the outside.

And in this pure space.

Petite Manaphy huddled helplessly in the corner.

The crystal teardrops were like pearls with a broken thread, and they kept falling from the corners of his eyes.

This is the true portrayal of its heart.

I saw its hands stretched forward, and a phantom-shaped Pokémon egg loomed in front of it.

see this scene.

Xia Yan instantly understood all the reasons.

turn out to be.

Is Manaphy's child.


It's no wonder that Manaphy, who was originally mild-mannered, has become so irritable.

Although Manaphy is an Eudemons and belongs to Pokémon of uncertain gender, it can actually breed Pokémon eggs.

And its children.

It is a special existence between phantom beasts and divine beasts, named Phione.


Manaphy itself is one of the few eudemons that hatch from Pokémon eggs.

Once it hatches, it will swim to the "Temple of the Sea" Yashak in an unconscious way.

Looking at Manaphy's appearance, it seems that its children were taken away by some existence without hatching.

Combined with what happened on Cinnabar Island.

Plus Manaphy's tantrums after seeing Alakazam.

Xia Yan's expression became slightly weird.

This egg thief, shouldn't it be Mewtwo?

Because Mewtwo "stealed" Manaphy's eggs.

So Manaphy kept guiding Pokémon to attack Cinnabar Island in order to get his child back?

Xia Yan felt that he seemed to have finally caught the key to this incident.


Manaphy looked at Xia Yan and Mega Alakazam who appeared in his consciousness space with tears in his eyes.


PS: I feel a little weak in the past two days. Let’s keep the 40w update this month. Today’s 1.1w, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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