The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 911: Magical (Three In One)

Chapter 910: Magical (Three in One)

That helpless look inexplicably made Xia Yan's heart soften.


Manaphy is only for its children.

And for a parent.

Children may be their biggest spiritual support and support.

Especially for a Pokémon with a near-infinite lifespan like Manaphy.

"Manaphy, I have no ill will."

Xia Yan spread his palms.

Slowly walked towards Manaphy's consciousness.

Mega Alakazam stood still.

Because it knows that Manaphy has an inexplicable disgust for it, although it has guessed the reason more or less.

Just because it doesn't move doesn't mean it doesn't act.

Alakazam doesn't care why Manaphy is rioting, it only knows to be responsible for Xia Yan's safety.

Once Manaphy showed any aggressive intentions, it would take Xia Yan away as soon as possible.

After all, they were invading the Manaphy consciousness space anyway.

In Manaphy's consciousness space, it has great autonomy, and it is even more dangerous than when facing Manaphy outside.

It is like the different space of Reshiram and Zekrom that Xia Yan had been to.


Everything is up to Opelucid.

Although Manaphy is not as good as Opelucid, it is still a powerful phantom beast that has survived for an unknown number of years.

On Xia Yan's open palm, the power of a blue wave guide appeared.

He found that even in the space of consciousness, the power of the waveguide can be used.

Continue to spread goodwill.

Why didn't apply before.

It was because Manaphy was completely engulfed in anger, and it was not something that ordinary waveguide power could soothe.

Otherwise, the power of the waveguide would be too powerful.

but now.

The boiling water representing Rage flows around the consciousness space, Xia Yan saw the most fragile consciousness in Manaphy's heart, and the power of the waveguide can also play a role.


As the power of the waveguide gradually spread, Manaphy's sobbing eased slightly.

Just looking at Xia Yan with doubt and curiosity.

this human.

Why is it here?

In such doubts, Xia Yan walked up to Manaphy.

But it can only go here.

Getting closer, Manaphy was a little wary and wanted to step back.

Crouch down.

Look straight into the little guy's eyes.

The yellow sclera, the dark blue iris, seem to contain a deep mystery, as bottomless as the sea.

But at this moment, its emotions are very intuitively expressed.


It looked at Xia Yan suspiciously.

After removing the surface of Rage, Manaphy showed a more kind and friendly side.

Has the influence of the friendly aura emanating from the power of the waveguide.

Manaphy was also able to communicate with Xia Yan.

"Your child, in the Volcano lava?"

Xia Yan tried his best to control his tone so as not to make the words seem so sudden.


When Manaphy heard the words, the water around the consciousness space became more and more boiling.

And its face also showed more intense sadness and helplessness.

It looks like this, which makes Xia Yan more certain about his guess.


He still pursed his lips, and tentatively asked:

"Isn't it taken by this guy?"

While speaking, a phantom silhouette appeared in the consciousness space.

The projection is the appearance of Mewtwo.

If it's Mewtwo, then this matter is not very easy to handle.

What makes Xia Yan even more puzzled is that Mewtwo still has time to grab Manaphy's eggs?

Didn't Giovanni fool Mewtwo in the first place?


Manaphy simply glanced at the "Mewtwo" projected by Xia Yan.

Hesitantly shook his head.

It's not sure.

It doesn't know who took its child, it just feels that its child is in the lava of this Volcano.

And the only thing it can be sure of is to take away the existence of its children, a wisp of Psychic that remains.

Xia Yan was silent.

In this way, it seems that Mewtwo did it.


Mewtwo still on Cinnabar Island?

Xia Yan's heart suddenly suddenly suddenly.

But think carefully.

If it's just the current Mewtwo, like a blank piece of paper, there should still be the possibility of communication, right?

In short.

Stop the chaos in the waters around Cinnabar Island first.

So he said:

"I'll help you find your child, can you stop all those Pokémons first? If you continue to entangle them, the ones who suffer will be ordinary Pokémons and innocent humans."


He presented to Manaphy what he had seen when he first came to Cinnabar Island.

See the picture that is like Doomsday Normal.

Countless images of wild Pokémon losing their lives under turbulent waves, boiling lava, and rushing thunder.

a time.

Manaphy was dumbfounded.

There are complex emotions such as surprise, disbelief, and intolerance in its eyes.

to be frank.

It didn't know that the things it did would cause such damage.

Although, the problem wasn't originally with it.

But it did not allow the magma fissures to be filled, causing the natural disaster to worsen in the area around Cinnabar Island.

The mild-mannered and kind-hearted Manaphy just wanted to get back his children, never thinking that so many wild Pokémon would be devastated by this incident.

Xia Yan hesitated, put his hand on Manaphy's head, and said softly:

"Let me help you."

Manaphy blinked.

Recovering from the shock brought by the picture just now, he looked into Xia Yan's eyes.

In Xia Yan's eyes, it saw seriousness and commitment.

in the space of consciousness.

Emotions cannot be faked.

Seeing Manaphy's hesitant look, Xia Yan continued:

"You saw Darkrai, Marshadow and Victini just now too, I think they should add some weight to my words."

Hearing this, the three guys from Darkrai flashed in Manaphy's mind.

Indeed, these three Pokémons made Xia Yan's words more credible.

"And, even if I still fail to find your child in the end, you can continue, but it may make you wait a little longer."

Although this time for Manaphy, every minute and every second may be a torment.

But waiting a little longer will keep so many wild Pokémon alive.

This choice is actually not difficult.

But Manaphy's heart was still Struggle for a long time.

at last.

It looked straight at Xia Yan and nodded vigorously.

The kind-hearted one finally chose to compromise, even if it was itself a victim.

Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Hastily said:

"You wait here for my news, and I'll go find you now."

The voice fell.

Xia Yan and Mega Alakazam exit Manaphy's consciousness space.

When he opened his eyes again, he returned to Wailord's mouth. Manaphy's group of Crawdaunts had all lost their ability to fight.

Xia Yan didn't speak any more, just nodded slightly towards Manaphy.

Manaphy, who was furious before, also became very quiet at this time, but looked at Xia Yan and his Pokémon who quickly disappeared from sight with a complicated expression.


"Xia Yan!"

Seeing Xia Yan returning to the lava cave again, Du let out a long sigh of relief.

Although it was dangerous for him to stay here to face the Beat Up on both sides, he felt that it was even more dangerous for Xia Yan to find the reason for those water-based Pokémon to riot alone.

Now that he has returned safely, he is relieved.

Also quickly added:

"The water Pokémon have stopped."

Xia Yan nodded, without explaining too much, just said:

"The problem on the Pokémon side of the water system has been temporarily solved, but the root of the problem lies in the depths of the magma. You sealed this crack."

"And you?"

Xia Yan looked into the depths of the red-hot magma, squinted his eyes and said:

"I've got to go inside and fix the problem, or things at Cinnabar Island won't end."

"I will go with you!"

With a serious face.

"Do not."

But Xia Yan rejected it directly, looked at him seriously and said:

"You need to seal off this place as soon as possible, then evacuate the residents of Cinnabar Island as soon as possible, and let the Alliance disperse the Pokémon in the nearby waters as soon as possible."

"then you."

Du hesitated.

Xia Yan slowly twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry. Isn't this another task for you? After the evacuation is completed, you can call Cynthia, Steven, Lorelei, and come down to help me."

"Is it in time?"

Du opened his mouth, and all the words finally turned into such a problem.

Xia Yan patted his shoulder.

"It's too late to act."

After he finished speaking, he didn't stop, shouted to the Pokémons, and walked towards the depths of the magma Volcano.

Now there's an 80 to 90 percent chance that Mewtwo did it.

There should be a chance to communicate with the newly born Mewtwo.

But there are many people.

Might cause Mewtwo's rejection and distaste, not necessarily.

He has some connection between Alakazam and Mewtwo.

So it's reasonable.

But it's hard to say if Mewtwo's rejection of him is too heavy because of the crowd.

Once Mewtwo goes berserk.

The damage is far worse than the damage that Manaphy can cause.

Creatures on Cinnabar Island must be evacuated to prevent this from happening.

Du pursed his lips and looked at Xia Yan's back who gradually disappeared into the magma.

He knew that Xia Yan knew more than he did, and there must have been his intention to make this arrangement, so Du didn't force it.

Just said something silently.

"Wait for us!"

Immediately greet his Pokémon.

Begin to seal the fissure of this magma overflow.

The crack is huge, not a small project.

The main thing is to be firm.

So as not to be directly washed away by the infiltration of seawater.

at the same time.

Giovanni, who had one inch of hair, had a little perspiration on his forehead, and Black's suit had been taken off at some point, revealing a white shirt.

The buttons at the neckline were already unbuttoned, and the sleeves were rolled up.

A little less of the calmness and composure of the past, and a little more rough and heroic.

In front of him stood Nidoqueen and Landorus.

Look at the mysterious people in black robes on the opposite side.

With a grin, he said:

"You sure know."

However, those mysterious people did not respond to his words.

Giovanni didn't care either.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and straightened his clothes a little, looking very calm.

"But that's fine. It confirms my suspicions."

Although my suspicions were confirmed.

But Giovanni's eyes could not help revealing a bit of surprise.

It was because he learned the real information that he was surprised.

It can be seen how unbelievable the information he knows.

"You probably didn't expect me to be here, did you?" Giovanni muttered to himself.

A Poké Ball appears in his hand.

Even before summoning the Pokémon inside, you could faintly hear a slight tremor in the air.

And seeing this Poké Ball, the people on the opposite side couldn't help but take two steps back.

The smile on Giovanni's face was even bigger.

"Very well, it seems that you even know this, so I'm more interested."

talking room.

The Poké Ball in his hand slipped slowly.

The few people on the opposite side saw this scene, and one of the leaders hurriedly shouted: "Slowking, stop him!"

Another person beside her followed, "Houndoom, Flamethrower!"


Even though Slowking's extremely powerful Psychic swept past the Poké Ball, trying to restrain it from opening, it still couldn't stop it, and the red light flashed.

The three Houndooms that followed, also spit out terrifying flames.

Instead of spreading into a sea of ​​fire, it condensed into a bunch and swept towards the red light flashing from the Poké Ball.


next second.

The surging flames burst out like fireworks.

A bright blue light suddenly appeared.

A figure that could not be captured at all appeared here.

Just because of the speed.

It's hard to capture it at all.

Yes, just a slight "buzz" that keeps flashing.

The wind blows.

Two pale but halo-reflecting, angular masks were revealed.

Glancing over the two masks, the smile on Giovanni's face grew a little richer.

"I was curious, how on earth did you secretly cultivate so many top Trainers. Now, I think I almost know."

"Why can't I get through all the time?"

Xia Yan frowned and put away the communicator.

Giovanni's phone, which he tried after he learned that Mewtwo might be born.

After receiving the mission of the General League from Agatha, Xia Yan tried again, but still couldn't get through.

Just now, he tried again, but the result was the same.

Judging from the fact that he usually knew that Giovanni would answer the phone even in a meeting, he must have encountered some trouble now.

But how many people in the entire Pokémon world can make Giovanni feel difficult?

In Xia Yan's view, there are almost no people he knows.

Maybe his Teacher Pryce and Agatha, barely.

"Does it have something to do with Mewtwo being stranded here?" Xia Yan secretly thought.


Larvesta breathed out scorching heat.

Push back a Heatmor trying to jump out of the lava to trouble Xia Yan.

Xia Yan retracted his thoughts and patted the little guy's head.

In the magma cave, Larvesta is very active.

Rewarded it with an energy cube, and was also given a Swallow by the little guy.

There was a golden glow on his body.

After devouring Ho-Oh's "Sacred Fire" last time, the life energy in Larvesta became more and more surging, and it was almost completely integrated with its flame.

The temperature of the flame it spit out every time was extremely high, and even some ordinary fire-type Pokémon could not resist such a scorching flame.

Seeing that it is so active, the rest of the Pokémon will not snatch it, as long as the Pokémon that Larvesta can defeat, they will be handed over to it.

Of course, if the Pokémon Larvesta spewing out of the lava can't deal with it, they'll do it too.


Neither will affect the speed of Xia Yan's progress.

Can also play a role in exercising Larvesta.

Suspended behind Xia Yan, Alakazam, who had released Mega Evolution, kept his eyes closed, and the halo of Psychic was flowing.

It was trying to find the location of Mewtwo, but to no avail.


Its Psychic, on the contrary, became more active and surging as it got closer to the depths of the lava cave.

So Alakazam had to devote a part of his heart to trying to control and accommodate this inexplicably active and powerful Psychic.

This kind of Psychic enhancement is better than the pure "Calm Mind".

It is also a good opportunity for improvement.

"Darkrai, do you feel it?" Xia Yan asked.

in the shadow.

Darkrai slowly stuck his head out and shook his head hesitantly.

It caught the impending crisis early, so it found Xia Yan.

But this time it really doesn't know where the crisis came from.

After it saw the situation of Cinnabar Island, it roughly reacted, and the abnormality of the dream world may come from Cinnabar Island.

But getting it to find Mewtwo was a bit of a quandary.

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

Still need to find a little bit, to explore.

After seeing Larvesta spit out golden flames again, defeating a wild Pokémon that was trying to attack, Xia Yan thought slightly.

Said: "Larvesta, Mr. Alder's Volcarona fight that day, did you see it too?"


Larvesta's little head nodded, and there was a longing look in his eyes.

"Try to see if you can build a 'Fiery Dance' with the 'fire of life'."

"Fiery Dance" is a move that only Volcarona can learn.

But that didn't stop Larvesta from exploring in advance.

This will give it a certain amount of advance for the "Fiery Dance" move after it evolves into Volcarona.

"It doesn't matter if you can't build it. This can increase your control over the fire energy and the 'fire of life'." Xia Yan added.

The environment here is perfect for Larvesta.

On the premise of not affecting the forward speed, Xia Yan doesn't mind training it more.

"Vulpix, give Larvesta a demonstration."


Little Vulpix, who was a little sluggish in the Contest Condition, nodded, his mouth slightly open.

A little coldness condensed in front of him, and pale ice crystals condensed in front of him, which could actually bring a bit of coolness to Xia Yan in such a scorching environment.


When the little Vulpix stopped the output of energy, the ice crystals soon began to melt, turning into droplets of water, which fell into the magma and turned into water vapor.

Seeing this, little Vulpix pursed his lips in annoyance.


'It's so hot. ’

Xia Yan patted its head.

"Go back to rest first."

Vulpix no longer insists, and enters the Poké Ball.

And with its demonstration, Larvesta also slowly began to learn and master further exercises on the Fire of Life.

In fact, it usually asks Vulpix for advice, but it has little effect.

But today, in this magma cave filled with fire energy, the learning speed is many times faster than before.

"Fiery Dance" it can't learn, but it's trying to adapt.


Sylveon, whose ribbon was wrapped around Xia Yan's wrist, shook Xia Yan's arm slightly.

Some timidly pointed to the front.


Looking in the direction Sylveon pointed, Xia Yan saw a platform above the "river" where the magma was flowing freely.

On the platform, a figure stood.

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

After a brief pondering, Xia Yan decided to go and have a look.

"Be careful."

The Pokémons immediately raised some spirits.

As it approaches.

Xia Yan finally saw the figure standing on the platform, and there was a little surprise in his eyes.


Wearing a researcher's white robe, his shiny bald head, round black sunglasses blocked his eyes, and his two white beards trembled slightly.

this person.

It's not Blaine, the gym owner of Cinnabar Island, one of the Rockets' top executives, and one of the two main people who researched and created Mewtwo.


Blaine's Contest Condition seems to be a little less right now.

Before Xia Yan was still in the future, he just stood silently on this platform, and when Xia Yan approached, he slowly retreated.


Alakazam, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, and the surging Psychic converged and shouted towards Xia Yan.

Xia Yan nodded slightly and frowned.

"I feel it too, the Psychic in him."

Blaine is abnormal because he is being manipulated by Psychic.

And the source of this Psychic.


No wonder Blaine could not be reached.

It turned out to be controlled by Mewtwo.

The power of Mewtwo is unimaginable.

It is not only created based on the Mew gene, but also combines the powerful genes of many other Pokémons.

Mewtwo in the original book had manipulated Nurse Joy to take care of it in "Counter Attack".

And the Mewtwo of this world.

Because Xia Yan collected and provided to the Rockets in exchange for some of the beast genes that Giovanni trusted.

Coupled with the beast genes collected by Team Rocket, it becomes even more powerful.

It may be much stronger than what Xia Yan expected.

As Blaine stepped back.

Xia Yan successfully landed on the platform.

No trace of Mewtwo has been found, but seeing Blaine is about halfway there.

Blaine's eyes swept across Xia Yan and the Pokémon around him, and finally fell on Alakazam.

"what are you?"

Blaine's voice was stiff and jerky, but the content of the words could still be heard.


Alakazam frowned too.

It has long known the existence of Mewtwo from Xia Yan's mouth.

But for Mewtwo, Alakazam couldn't say how he felt about it.



Or are they sympathetic to each other?

do not know.

Hearing Alakazam's words, Blaine said slowly:

"You're a Pokémon, he's a human, so what am I?"


At this time, Mewtwo was still immersed in a process of self-recognition.

It's just that its ability to recognize is much faster than the Pokémon cloned by Normal.

But it also caused it to have more doubts.

Countless doubts piled up.

It made Mewtwo's cognition of himself more and more blurred.

"You are Pokémon."

Xia Yan stepped forward and said loudly.

"Pokémon?" Blaine frowned.

But he quickly shook his head stiffly.

"Pokémon have parents, who are my parents? What is the meaning of my existence? Why am I here? Why was I born? Where should I go?"

Listening to Blaine's words, Xia Yan's heart sank a little again.

Mewtwo in the process of self-recognition is more difficult to communicate than he imagined.

"Who are your parents?"

Blaine glanced at the Pokémon beside Xia Yan again.


this problem.

For a while, Xia Yan's Pokémons really didn't know how to answer.

"Why are you with humans?"

This time, I didn't wait for an answer.

He continued: "You humans seem to like to fight with Pokémon?"


Several Poké Balls appeared in Blaine's hands.

As soon as one turned on, the red light flashed continuously, and Blaine's Pokémon appeared on the platform.

Ninetales, Magmortar, Flareon, Rapidash, Arcanine, Parasect, six Pokémons are here.

Xia Yan hurriedly said:

"Listen, we have no ill will!"

"Malicious?" Blaine murmured.

"What is malice? Isn't that what you humans want to do? Isn't that so?"

talking room.

In the sockets under Blaine's sunglasses, Psychic burst out.

Immediately after.

I saw his arm lift.


The golden-haired Ninetales looked exceptionally gorgeous under the light of the lava fire, spread its nine tails, raised its head and let out a long cry, and the end of the tail like silky satin burst into flames.

The nine groups of flames finally gathered together to form a small fireball, like a small sun, hanging high on the top of the cave.

"Sunshine" Ability.

Sunny Day!

"Pokémon, a tool?" Blaine murmured, commanding.

"Then am I also a tool? I exist to fight?"

Xia Yan's expression darkened.

This guy, Mewtwo, was completely stunned.

Confront Arcanine who gallops after opening "Sunny Day".

Xia Yan also had to temporarily put down communication with Mewtwo.

Blaine's strength is very strong, and among the pavilion owners of Kanto Alliance, he is definitely a top-notch existence.

It's not even inferior to the Koga.

The "Sunny Team" lineup system constructed is also very reasonable,

In addition, the current environment is more like a home court for him.

The main thing is that Mewtwo controls Blaine without affecting his control of the fight at all.


But maybe.

The battle is an opportunity for Mewtwo to truly understand the relationship between humans and Pokémon.

make it understand.

Pokémon are not just tools.

(End of this chapter)

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