The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 912 It's Your Brother (Three In One)


The majestic Arcanine stepped on the flames, and the hot air flowed around her body.

The roaring sound has a strong deterrent effect, and the surrounding wild Pokémon who were still trying to get close because of curiosity, all scattered because of Arcanine's roar.

"Intimidate" Ability!

Just then, Arcanine turned into a white light, the mane on his body rattled, and flashed a short distance in the blink of an eye.

Extreme Speed!

Alakazam opened the "Psychic Terrain" stance in an instant.

Limit Arcanine's speed with Psychic.

Meanwhile Togekiss flaps its wings.

Also cast "Extrreme Speed".

First come first.

He rushed to the front of Arcanine, preventing it from rushing into Xia Yan's formation smoothly.

boom! !

The collision of two "Extrreme Speed".

Togekiss, who is not good at physical attack, fell behind and was pushed out of position by Arcanine.

at the same time.

The crisp sound of hoofs came.

Rapidash is clothed in fiery flames.

Under the scorching of the small sun in the sky, the flames on his body became more and more surging, as if he was wearing a flame coat, circling and slamming into Togekiss.

Flame Wheel!

But see you again.

Infernape trotted fast and quietly appeared beside Togekiss.

Double palm shot.

Fake Out!


The sound echoed in the lava cave, and Rapidash's movements stopped abruptly.

next second.

Infernape's figure blurred, and Latios appeared in his place.

A mouthful of "Luster Purge" swept toward Rapidash.


What should have been a surprise blow was interrupted by a fiery breath of fire spitting out from behind Rapidash.

I saw Magmortar's indifferent face, his arms raised.

At the mouth of the gun barrel, wisps of white smoke slowly rose.

Xia Yan glanced at Blaine on the opposite side in surprise, and the Psychic in his eyes still flickered under his sunglasses.

It seems that with the power of Psychic, he captured the traces of Xia Yan's change.

Mewtwo again.

Xia Yan shook his forehead.

Too much.

Mewtwo also involved his Psychic in the fight.

Take a breath.

The attack didn't work, and Mewtwo's Blaine showed a commanding ability that matched his strength.

Combined with Mewtwo's own Psychic, it's no less difficult than most Rivals he's encountered at the Masters.


The trial is almost over here.


Beedrill's feathers trembled slightly, and the sharp sword array was surrounded by sonorous circles, turning into a golden arc flashing out.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared beside Arcanine who was rushing forward.

The "Drill Run" surrounding the khaki halo suddenly fell in the surrounding dark red airflow.

Arcanine reacted, flames overflowed from the gaps between the teeth, and the dazzling flames surrounded the sharp teeth, and "Fire Fang" attacked.


With Mewtwo's Psychic around, Blaine and its Pokémon react a lot faster.

The speed of the Beedrill isn't an elusive presence in front of them.

boom! !

The collision of "Drill Run" and "Fire Fang".


Beedrill still relied on his own hard power, move Attribute and "Sword Dance" blessing to take advantage of Arcanine to fly. …

Just the next moment.

A dazzling beam of light shot from behind Arcanine, and the light seemed to carry a lot of heat.

It's Parasect's "Solar Beam"!


Beedrill is blurred.

Aegislash quietly replaced in Twisted Space.

"King's Shield" thwarted Parasect's "Solar Beam".

But after hearing a whimper, the slender Ninetales swung nine tails, his toes lit up with flames, and attacked Aegislash with a nimble and light body.


Togekiss flapped his wings and cut out the "Air Slash" to block Ninetales' path, giving Aegislash time to escape into the shadows.

"Doron Bartto, Phantom Force!"

Xia Yan frowned and drank.

Blaine at this time was much more difficult to deal with than he had imagined.

Blaine's commanding ability, coupled with Mewtwo's Psychic, has enhanced Blaine's ability to play.

But it doesn't matter, since it's not a competition, Xia Yan doesn't have to stick to the number of Pokémon.

Doron Bartto's strength is also enough to be an absolute force to crush the opponent's lineup.

However, as soon as Xia Yan spoke, he heard Blaine on the opposite side:

"Don't you pay attention to fairness in your human battles?"

Xia Yan: "."

Seeing that Blaine's eyes fell on Duolong Bartto who was about to make a move, Xia Yan hurriedly reached out to stop it.

good guy.

Saying "no malice" you don't know.

I know very well about "fairness".

If Xia Yan didn't know that Mewtwo was really just born, he would have thought that Mewtwo was playing with him.

Listen to what Mewtwo means.

It seems to want Xia Yan and Blaine to have a full 6v6 battle, rather than crushing the number of Pokémon.

Xia Yan couldn't disagree.

The current Mewtwo is a ticking time bomb, one that doesn't go with its will, may explode in place at any time for no reason.

"it is good!"

He answered affirmatively.

It doesn't matter, even with only six Pokémons, he's confident he can win.

At most it will take a little longer.

Just buy them time.

Commanding six Pokémons, Xia Yan spent Arnold points.

Use Psychic, Assist telepathy to command.

The fight continues.

this time.

The first to attack was Aegislash, who had previously escaped into the shadows.

When it reappeared, it was already in the shadow behind Parasect.

In Blaine's lineup, there are many long-range turrets.

Among them, Parasect, which focuses on "Solar Beam", is one of them.


When Aegislash first appeared, Mewtwo seemed to have anticipated that the Magmortar, which was the same rear battery as Parasect, became an existence that could look after it.

The muzzle spewed flames again.

The target is directed at Aegislash, who has quietly appeared in Parasect's shadow.

However, this time Xia Yan also predicted this move.

Just as Magmortar's "Flamethrower" was about to hit Aegislash, its figure blurred for a moment.

After a series of flashes.


It's Infernape.


Xia Yan subtly assisted the alternate dislocation of the "Ally Switch" in this hand, avoiding Magmortar's "Flamethrower". …

The Masters, for Xia Yan and his Pokémon, is also a competition to test and improve themselves.

After the Masters, Xia Yan clearly felt that his grasp of timing was more accurate, and he was more fluent in the flexible use of moves.

Infernape's sword eyebrows and star eyes, which appeared instead, were sparkling with fire in his eyes, and on his clenched fists, flames lingered, and dark red energy was wrapped.

Instantly entered the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition.

The combined move "Rage Power-Up Punch" of "Power-Up Punch" and "Great Indignation" smashed down.

This time, no Pokémon can hold back Infernape's fist.

Although Parasect tried to keep the mushrooms on its back, spraying Stun Spore with Poison Powder and Spore, trying to protect itself.

It's a pity that the flames that Infernape surrounds him because of his "enthusiasm" blocked most of the powder and spores, and they were burned up by the flames before they got close to it.

Even if he was lucky enough to get close to Infernape, he was blocked by the "Safeguard" that Togekiss had given him.

The powerful fist quickly enlarged in Parasect's eyes.

In the end, it hit it hard.

boom! !

The platform Ground was cracked layer by layer, and large swathes of Rock rubble burst out.

The pain instantly invaded consciousness, and Parasect was deeply embedded in the Ground.

One punch.

Immediately lost the ability to fight!

Infernape's momentum rose, roaring excitedly.

A smile appeared on Xia Yan's face, not only for the powerful power of Infernape's punch, for Infernape's progress, but also for his own judgment.

Just as she expected.

Blaine's Parasect is a Bug Type and Grass-type Pokémon. It is not only a long-range battery for the team to use "Solar Beam", but also plays a role in joint defense.

The grass-type Attribute allows it to take part of the damage from Ground-type, Rock-type, and Water-type moves for a group of Fire-type Pokémon.

In particular, the water type is too restrained against the fire type Pokémon of the Sunny team.

Therefore, Parasect's Ability is very likely to be "dry skin".

Dry skin: When attacked by rain or water-type moves, it can recover its own stamina, but when facing attacks from fire-type moves, it will take more damage.

This ability can make Blaine's lineup less passive when facing Rival, who is good at water.

But accordingly.

Bug Type and Grass-type Parasect are quadrupled by Fire-type moves.

Coupled with its own Ability, it becomes a rare five-fold restraint when it is attacked by fire-type moves!

Five times the restraint, the weather blessing of "Sunny Day", plus the "craving" Contest Condition that Infernape entered.

It is expected that the Parasect will be dropped in seconds with one punch.

And Mewtwo, who saw this scene, was obviously stunned.


It doesn't understand, doesn't understand.

Why is Xia Yan so confident about Infernape's attack?

It doesn't seem to worry at all about Infernape's attack on Smack Down, but it doesn't have enough effect and will be beat up by another Pokémon.

It looked at Infernape and Xia Yan, and happened to see the brief eye contact between Infernape and Xia Yan. …

From Xia Yan's eyes, he saw appreciation and trust.

From Infernape's eyes, there is absolute trust.


this phrase.

Mewtwo's heart trembled inexplicably.

What it has to admit is that through the brief contact just now, it has developed a stronger interest in Xia Yan and his Pokémon.

Lose a Pokémon.

It didn't put any pressure on Mewtwo, and it didn't bring much downside, just wanted to see Xia Yan show more things.

Flareon "Quick Attack" rushes towards Infernape.

However, Beedrill appeared and resisted by the arc flashing halfway.

Arcanine flashed "Extrreme Speed" again and was defended by Togekiss with the same move.

Rapidash is also wearing flames, but the Latios dancing "Dragon Dance" quietly appears beside it.

The Magmortar surged with terrifying fiery heat, Aegislash reappeared in the shadows, purple satin wrapped around Magmortar's ankles, and the short-lived psychic effect affected its breath of fire.

Ninetales' eyes were firm, and powerful Psychic shot out, turning into sharp "Psyshock".

However, Alakazam stepped out of the space and landed in front of Infernape, driving the spoon to activate the Psychic surge, not only resisting Ninetales' Psychic attack from the front, but also counterattacking, attacking Ninetales with "Psychic".

Seeing this scene, a little enlightenment flashed in Mewtwo's eyes.

turn out to be.

Xia Yan dared to let Infernape do this, partly because of his trust in Infernape's strength.

On the other hand, also trust in the rest of the Pokémon.

Make sure they create enough offense for Infernape to have no worries.

It's not just the trust between Pokémon and humans, it's the trust between Pokémon and Pokémon.

This trust has become a bond called "tacit understanding" between them.

So, for Infernape, it doesn't even have to think about what's going on behind the scenes.

Behind it, there are always companions.

Mewtwo noticed this at the same time.

Once again, I felt the breath of Alakazam up close, and its Psychic fluctuations.

This familiar feeling.

I saw the Psychic burst out in Blaine's eyes, and innumerable strands of Psychic blessed Ninetales.

a time.

A flash of pain and Struggle flashed across Ninetales' face.

But soon returned to the dull and indifferent appearance before.

But there was a little more agility in his eyes, which was Mewtwo's consciousness.

The point is, Ninetales' Psychic, completely runaway!

Nine tails waving.

Defeat Alakazam's "Psychic" with ease.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's temples throbbed.

good guy.

You asked us to be "fair", but ended up on our own? !

Blaine lost support and fell heavily to the ground.


Ninetales screamed in the sky.

He moved his limbs again, surrounded by Psychic.

For the Psychic on Ninetales at the moment, Alakazam was also stunned for a moment.

Just as Mewtwo will feel familiar with its Psychic, Alakazam will feel familiar with the Psychic being unleashed on Ninetales at the moment.

Ninetales, who already have no weak Psychic. …

Plus the blessing of Mewtwo.

It seems that it has become an existence that has to be treated seriously on the field at this time.

Infernape stepped out from behind Alakazam, punching Ground hard.


On the Rock platform, a huge crack suddenly burst, and a huge sharp column mixed with magma rose from the ground.

However, he saw that the flames on Ninetales' body had quietly turned into light blue, and he stepped on the rising rock pillars step by step.

Leaping forward again, with an extremely graceful posture, he lunged towards Alakazam.


Alakazam let out a low moan.

Infernape nodded heavily.

Go to the other Pokémon and help the other Pokémon take down the Rival first.

At the same time, the spoon in Alakazam's hand was quietly bent, and the surging Psychic surged out like a normal tide, one wave after another, sweeping towards the falling Ninetales.

Two powerful Psychics collide, creating a massive heat wave and scattered aftermath.

Alakazam retreated a distance uncontrollably.


Xia Yan shouted involuntarily.

Also burst out with Psychic, merging with Alakazam's Psychic.

After receiving Xia Yan's Psychic blessing, Alakazam's Psychic also ushered in an improvement again.


In the face of Ninetales who were blessed by Mewtwo, he still seemed a little weak.

But the good news is.

With the number of Pokémon dominant and Mewtwo focusing on Alakazam, the rest of Blaine's Pokémon were losing ground and looked about to lose.

Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes.

Make a decision now.

Gao shouted:

"Alakazam, mega!"

I see.

Xia Yan and Alakazam, assisting the Mega Evolution Stone and the Key Stone, are connected to each other, and the power of Mega Evolution is turned on.

Under Mewtwo's gaze, Alakazam was instantly enveloped in the energy of Mega Evolution.

the next moment.

The tyrannical Psychic exploded in the energy of Mega Evolution, and the Mega Alakazam, who was wearing a purple robe and hovering in the air, appeared in Mewtwo's sight.


Ninetales' pupils narrowed.

Mewtwo could feel it.

A peculiar ability that transformed the trust, tacit understanding, affirmation, etc. between Xia Yan and Alakazam into something substantial, controlled that energy, and blessed Alakazam.

And Alakazam, who has completed Mega Evolution, is also more and more familiar with the Psychic on Ninetales at the moment.

Five tablespoons are bent at the same time.

The tide of Normal's Psychic swept toward the Ninetales.

But Ninetales had no intention of resisting, and just kept mumbling to himself.

'Is this what you want me to see, the relationship between humans and Pokémon? Pokémon. Isn't it a tool? ’

Xia Yan frowned slightly.

After consciousness shifted to Ninetales, Mewtwo couldn't understand anything he said.

But soon, Mewtwo's voice was assisting Psychic, reaching every corner.

【Pokémon, isn't it a tool? ! 】

boom--! !

Ninetales are knocked into the air.

Couldn't stand up again.

But Mewtwo's voice didn't stop.

Repeat what you just said.

【Pokémon, is it really not a tool? ! 】

Xia Yan looked around, looking for Mewtwo's true figure. …

Shout out loud.

"Pokémon, why be a tool?"


Mega Alakazam drank low, his eyes locked tightly to a dim cave in the corner.

see you.

A handsome silver-white Pokémon with Psychic in his eyes, supported his body, and slowly floated out of it.

A strong sense of oppression.

In an instant, Xia Yan and his Pokémon's breathing stagnated slightly, and their bodies were tense.

Immediately surrounded Xia Yan's body, watching the guy who appeared vigilantly.


at the same time.

Xia Yan's shadow surged, and Darkrai also felt the "sense of oppression" from Mewtwo and appeared beside Xia Yan.

Darkrai looked serious, and the dark mist on his body was drifting without wind.

To Xia Yandao:

【Be careful, it is very strong! 】

Darkrai, who is a villain Pokémon, is so afraid of Psychic Mewtwo.

It can be seen how strong the Mewtwo in this world is.

Mewtwo, on the other hand, had a serious expression, and there was an inexplicable hesitation and doubt between her brows.

Its gaze swept across Xia Yan and the Pokémon beside him, paused for a while on Mega Alakazam and Darkrai, and finally stared at Xia Yan.

Screaming again.

[If, Pokémon are not tools, what are they? ! 】

Xia Yan's heart throbbed uncontrollably, and most of the "pressure" from Mewtwo fell on him.

See this situation.

Beedrill, Mega Alakazam, Togekiss, Darkrai and many other Pokémons were all in front of Xia Yan and took the pressure from Mewtwo for him.

Mewtwo's brows furrowed even more.

A wave of hands.

I only saw that all kinds of Pokémon with different appearances slowly walked out of the cave behind Mewtwo.

With different expressions, it doesn't seem to be controlled by Mewtwo.

And among these Pokémon, some of them are normal, but some of them are obviously different from ordinary Pokémon.

Seeing these Pokémon, Xia Yan's temple jumped again.

clone? !

Do not!

It is a special clone created by Team Rocket by combining different genes.

And the rest of those.

Xia Yan didn't have to think about it to know that it was the Pokémon of the Rockets who were originally stationed on Cinnabar Island.

For those Rockets, Pokémon really are no different than tools.

It also explains why Mewtwo has the inherent idea that "Pokémon is a tool".

Xia Yan felt a little bitterness in his heart.

Good guy, Mewtwo has entered the counterattack period ahead of schedule.

[I ask you, if Pokémon are not tools, what are they? ! 】

Mewtwo's stern and low voice resounded in Xia Yan's mind again.

Without waiting for Xia Yan to answer, Mewtwo's mood swings became more obvious, and even Psychic became more and more turbulent.

Mega Alakazam gritted his teeth to resist.

[I ask you again, if Pokémon is not a tool. Then me, what is it? ! 】

[If I am not a tool, what is the meaning of my existence? ! 】

[If I am not a tool, why am I here? ! 】

[If I am not a tool, where should I go? ! 】

This time, it was Mewtwo's perception of herself that had gone wrong. …

When around it learns from surrounding Pokémon that they are all tools.

You will naturally use yourself as a tool.

But Mewtwo, who has extraordinary abilities, feels that even if it is a tool, there is no matching human who can use it as a tool.

That's why it can't find the meaning and value of its own existence.

【tell me! Humanity! 】

The last sound seems to be a question, but in fact, it is not a request for help.

Fall with this sentence.

Even though it is a magma cave at this time, the atmosphere seems to have condensed to freezing point.

The pressure on Pokémons is also not small.

At this time, what they are facing seems to be not just a Pokémon, but a super bomb that may be detonated at any time.

This explosion, perhaps Cinnabar Island, is gone.

Xia Yan's face gradually returned to calm, and he patted the shoulders of the Pokémon in front of him.

With the huge pressure from Mewtwo, he slowly walked to the front.

Looking straight into Mewtwo's eyes.

After a long silence.

Slowly said:

"I don't know what the purpose of your existence is, and I don't know where you should go."

As soon as these words came out, the whistling Psychic suddenly fell down like a toppling mountain.

Xia Yan's Pokémon changed their expressions one after another and got ready to do it.

But Xia Yan stopped him.

His forehead and back were instantly wet with sweat.

But still looked at Mewtwo calmly.

It was difficult to speak, but the tone remained calm.

"I don't even know the meaning of my existence and the direction I should go, so how can I tell you the answer?"

After a short pause, he took a breath and continued: "This is the meaning of the value of life. How much is your value should be explored and pursued by yourself."


Mewtwo's eyes narrowed slightly.

[You don't know the meaning of your existence? 】

Xia Yan laughed softly.

"How many people can clearly state the meaning and value of their existence? This may only be answered at the moment when life ends. Because as long as life continues, everything is unknown."


Mewtwo's eyes flashed again.

【Then why am I here? What exactly am I? 】

Xia Yan slowly grinned.

"I said, you are a Pokémon. A unique Pokémon, your very existence is actually a meaning."

"Of course, if you have to retroactively say there are parents, it's a Pokémon"

Breathing out again, he patted Mega Alakazam on the shoulder.

"Then it, genetically speaking, is your brother."

Alakazam: ? ? ?

Mewtwo: ? ? ?


ps: 1.3w for today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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