The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

#913 Out Of Control (Three In One)

#912 out of control (three in one)

"You've already felt it, right? It actually has genes similar to yours, that's why you're so familiar with each other's Psychic."

Under the pressure from Mewtwo, Xia Yan told it the reason why Alakazam had a connection with it.


Psychic sparkled in Mewtwo's eyes.

For the first time, I took myself as the starting point, and stopped assisting Blaine, Ninetales and other media, and observed Mega Alakazam.

Mega Alakazam also stared at it calmly, not rebelling against Mewtwo's Psychic.


Mewtwo felt inexplicably familiar with Alakazam.

Although the familiarity is a bit vague, making it uncertain at first.

But now through personal observation, it is clear that they are similar to each other.

Mewtwo fell into an unknown silence.

The wings of Togekiss, flying beside Mega Alakazam, arched it lightly.


‘Big fox, your Oudoudou feels so strong. ’

Alakazam didn't answer, just nodded silently.

As a Psychic Pokémon, it feels much clearer.

The kind of repressive force that belongs to Mewtwo is the most restrained.

"Chucky?" Togekiss winked playfully at Alakazam.

‘You try what Xia Yan said? ’

That sentence?

Alakazam thought that after training, the little guys like Togekiss would pester Xia Yan to tell them bedtime stories.

At the beginning.

The stories told by Xia Yan are more intellectual.

But slowly.

As the stories are told.

Xia Yan began to tell some long stories.

For example, in a story called "The Legend of Ninja Village Fighting Glasses".

There are a pair of brothers.

Among them, the elder brother likes to call his younger brother "My Stupid Oudoudou".

For this sentence, Togekiss and other little guys find it very funny.

So every now and then, Togekiss jokes about Latios.

Because among these playful little guys, only Latios can be a younger brother, and the others are sisters anyway.


Alakazam spends most of his time in Calm Mind, but that doesn't mean it hasn't heard what Xia Yan told.

Now Togekiss's meaning is obvious, just want it to be called Mewtwo.

After all, the current Alakazam is the only one known to have a "younger brother" in Xia Yan's Pokémon.


Alakazam glared at the little guy Togekiss.

Don't even look at the current situation.

What if this sentence makes Mewtwo run wild?

Alakazam won't admit it, it's because he thinks this sentence is too middle-of-the-road, and it's a bit unacceptable.


In the end.

The way Mewtwo was born is very different from Alakazam.

Although they are both derived from part of Mew, Mewtwo is created by combining the rest of Mew's genes with clones.

And it, Alakazam, has parents.

It's just that its parents couldn't bear the changes brought about by the Mew gene, and both died in the end.

Strictly speaking, although Alakazam was born earlier than Mewtwo, they are not actually the same generation.

But these, Mewtwo obviously did not know.

Xia Yan ignored the communication between Togekiss and Alakazam, just took a few steps forward and continued:

"You said, you can't be a Pokémon without parents, so how do you explain your similar genes with Alakazam? So, you are a Pokémon without a doubt."

The powerful words entered Mewtwo's mind.

It murmured:

【I am Pokémon. I am Pokémon, so I am Pokémon! 】

With constant babbling.

Mewtwo's eyes brightened.

Xia Yan's words helped it determine its identity and positioning.

It doesn't really matter what it is, what matters is that Mewtwo is clear about its position.

After that, it can use this as a basis to understand this new world for it.


If you don't even know what you are, how should you look at the world from what perspective?

There may even be constant self-doubt and questioning, more and more confusion.

With the identity clear, Mewtwo at least has the groundwork.

Then come to see the world from the perspective of Pokémon, and come to know yourself further!

As a Pokémon, the meaning of its existence seems to have a direction, and it seems to have an outline of where it should go.

【So. You are my brother? 】

Mewtwo looked at Alakazam again, and her eyes changed a lot.


Mewtwo is always a world-weary person, ready to destroy the world at any time.

but now.

When it looked at Alakazam again.


So much more cordiality and tranquility.

Alakazam, the basis for its identity and existence.

And the word "brother" came out.

Mewtwo pressed against his chest involuntarily.

His palms rested on his chest, and his fingertips swayed slightly.

It can clearly feel that its heart is beating vigorously and vigorously.

I don't know why, after identifying myself as a Pokémon and even having a "brother".

It feels that the black and white world in its eyes has become bright and bright.

It can even feel the scalding heat and fiery heat carried in the blood flowing in its body.

This feeling, it has thought about it for a long time, and finally found a word that can match it from the lack of vocabulary.


Yes, this is what it feels like to be alive.

At this moment, it finally felt that it was a life and lived well.


Hearing this word, Alakazam couldn't help but be touched.

It was only the first time that they met Mewtwo, and they were still fighting each other a second ago. It was obviously just an ordinary word, but it made it feel that there was a connection between it and Mewtwo.

Is this what it feels like to have a loved one?

Alakazam turned his head to look at Xia Yan, his complicated eyes instantly became calm, and deep in his eyes were full of dependence and trust, as well as unbreakable affection.

If it is said, it is only related to Mewtwo because of one word.

Then the connection between it and Xia Yan is no longer something that can be divided or erased.

'My family is always by my side. ’

Xia Yan, who is also a father and mother, and a brother and sister, is an existence that Alakazam is willing to give up and protect.

It also came to understand why Mewtwo could have such mood swings just because of their little connection.

The freezing atmosphere is relieved.

The pressure from Mewtwo gradually dissipated.

After confirming his identity, Mewtwo began to wonder, Alakazam and Xia Yan are obviously different races, one is Pokémon, the other is human, but they can produce such a strong bond.

This kind of cross-racial connection is something Mewtwo can't understand for the time being.


It still has many, many doubts.


Before he could raise these doubts, Mewtwo suddenly turned his head and stared at a certain direction in the lava cave.

Alakazam and Xia Yan also frowned slightly.

Look towards that rock wall.

You can faintly feel that the rock wall has a faint roar and a slight trembling.

【Who? ! 】

Mewtwo drinks hard.

With a flick of the palm, the rock wall instantly burst.

Pieces of huge rocks collapsed and fell into the magma, splashing a lot of magma Mars.

Seeing this, Xia Yan's Pokémon all guarded him.

Larvesta even spit out a few threads and used the splashed and sprayed magma as food.

As the hazy dust gradually dissipated.

A few embarrassed figures, with a few Pokémons, hurriedly ran out of the rock wall struck by Mewtwo.

One by one dressed in black robes, the two leading people also wore pale prism masks.


Beedrill's body trembled slightly, his wings vibrated vigorously, and a few dodges appeared in front of Xia Yan.


The men in black robes, and their Pokémon, felt no small threat.

But Beedrill's scarlet eyes were still staring at the depths of the cave, where the dust had not completely dissipated.


A familiar slight tremor, mixed with the vibration of the air.

That is

Xia Yan's pupils could not help shrinking.

Against the last figure walking slowly out of it.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, his steps were slow and steady, with a confident smile on his face.


Xia Yan's heart trembled slightly.

It turns out that Giovanni, who he has never been able to contact, is actually on Cinnabar Island?

Also in the intricate magma caves under Cinnabar Volcano?

Who are those people in black robes?

To be able to fight Giovanni and even have Giovanni summon his Beedrill? !

Giovanni walked out slowly, followed by a Nidoqueen and a Landorus.

There is also a Pokémon around him, who can only see a little blue light flashing, but can't see his true appearance, Giovanni's Beedrill!

After Giovanni walked out, his eyes didn't fall on the people in black robes. Instead, he looked at Xia Yan for the first time.

When Yu Xiayan looked at each other, the smile on Giovanni's face was even bigger.

But they both quickly looked away in tacit understanding.

Giovanni's eyes flashed with fiery heat as he looked at Mewtwo, who was hovering in the air with a grim expression.

"Is this Mewtwo?!"

Blaine and Dr. Fuji informed him that Mewtwo's research was complete, and Giovanni rushed to Cinnabar Island immediately.


Blaine and Dr. Fuji have misjudged Mewtwo's waking time.

Mewtwo, who was supposed to sleep for at least a week, actually woke up on the day it was formed.

Also brought such destruction to Cinnabar Island.

It can be seen that even Blaine and Dr. Fuji, who created it, have made a lot of misjudgments about the strength of Mewtwo.

The born Mewtwo is much stronger than they expected.

So when Giovanni arrived, Mewtwo was out of control.

He was the first to notice the possible location of Mewtwo.


Before finding Mewtwo.

First met this group of black-robed people who shouldn't be here.

But because of this, Giovanni had a more accurate guess about the identities and origins of these black-robed people.


It is also possible that from the beginning, it was a trap, a plan, that Giovanni designed for these people to know what he wanted to know.


Not only did Giovanni see Mewtwo now, but the black robes also noticed Mewtwo's existence.

"found it."

Followed by Slowking's masked woman, looking at Mewtwo with a frenzy in his eyes, and an undisguised awe.

"But it's not very good."

And surrounded by three men who were seriously injured Houndoom, there was a little irritability in the hoarse voice.

"As expected of Giovanni."

The woman glanced at Giovanni, her eyes full of fear and mixed emotions deep in her eyes.

【who are you? ! 】


Under Xia Yan's "mouth escape", and relying on Alakazam's connection with Mewtwo, his mood has gradually stabilized.

But with the appearance of this group of black-robed people and Giovanni, the stable Mewtwo became violent again.

Seeing this, Xia Yan's heart sank.

When is it bad to come out.

Rather now.

Moreover, the communication between the two men in black robes did not escape his ears.

He felt strange.

Why do they seem to know the existence of Mewtwo from their mouths?

Isn't this a Rockets secret?

He Xia Yan also knew about Mewtwo's existence by relying on the information he had learned in his previous life.

Even if he and Giovanni had enough tacit understanding, Giovanni did not disclose to him the project the Rockets were working on.

"Mewtwo, don't pay attention to them, Alakazam has something to tell you." Xia Yan said to Mewtwo.


Mewtwo looked at Alakazam, and the irritable momentum on his body eased a lot.

Giovanni glanced at Xia Yan and Alakazam beside him unexpectedly, and suddenly realized a lot.

Xia Yan must stabilize Mewtwo.



Before Mewtwo approached, he heard the voice of the black-robed woman.

"Mewtwo! Do you want to know how you were born? Do you want to know what you should do?"

【Um? 】

Mewtwo was taken aback.


Xia Yan scolded angrily in his heart, and immediately waved his arm lightly, "Resolve them!"


Beedrill, Togekiss, Aegislash, Infernape and other Pokémon rushed towards the group of black robes.

And Giovanni also had enough tacit understanding with Xia Yan. While Xia Yan's Pokémon moved, Giovanni's Pokémon moved first.

Giovanni's Beedrill's feathers trembled slightly, and the speed was much faster than Xia Yan's Beedrill.

And most importantly, its instant burst of attack power.

In order to resist Giovanni's Beedrill, the black-robed people had to stop at the expense of Pokémon.


Landorus drank low.

In an instant.

A large amount of hot lava surged up in the magma.


Nidoqueen's mouth twitched, and a mouthful of hot flames gushed out.

Although there are only three Pokémon, the momentum brought by it is much stronger than the momentum brought by Xia Yan Pokémon.

These three are the real main force of Giovanni!

This thought flashed through Xia Yan's mind.

"One Giovanni can destroy our entire army, plus a Xia Yan Elite. Damn!"

The black-robed man's gaze was splitting.

One of his three Houndooms was picked up by Giovanni's Beedrill in an unnoticed moment.

Almost lost the ability to fight with one move.

This is also when Houndoom is blocked in flames.


It made him even more uncomfortable.

It was when his Houndoom was being picked up that there was another quiver in the air.

A golden arc flashes.

Xia Yan's Beedrill is also the first of his Pokémon to arrive.

One trick "Fell Stinger".

Harvest is complete.

in a brief moment.

Xia Yan's Beedrill and Giovanni's Beedrill briefly staggered in the air.

Part of Xia Yan's cultivation of Beedrill is due to Giovanni's cultivation of his Beedrill.

Therefore, the two Beedrills, Wulu, are more or less similar in the way of fighting and the use of moves.

This makes both Beedrills feel a little weird.

However, Xia Yan's Beedrill can also clearly feel that the Beedrill on the opposite side is much stronger than it.

But that didn't prevent them from having the kind of subconscious tacit understanding that originated from the fighting instinct in their first cooperative battle.

It feels weird.

An Alliance's Mega star Elite Four, and Rockets leader Giovanni, will have a tacit understanding in the Trump Card battle.


Only Xia Yan and Giovanni noticed this, but the two still maintained their initial tacit understanding.

The people in black robes who were attacked had no time to pay attention to this.

"Bastard! Don't follow any bullshit plan! We'll all die if we go further!"

The black-robed man shouted to the black-robed woman beside him with ferocious eyes.

Obviously, although the black-robed woman was yelled at, she also knew that the current situation was very unfavorable.

Giovanni and Xia Yan attacked them at the same time, and they definitely didn't have the ability to resist for a long time.

Her eyes finally fell on Mewtwo, who was suspended in the lava cave Sky, and her mood became unstable again.

Grit your teeth.


Finally, she made a decision.

see you.

Dumb Wang Qiang's Psychic exploded in an instant, condensed into a ball, and the space was briefly distorted.

A certain thing was used by Slowking with the "Trick" move, trying to pass it on to Mewtwo by exchanging items.


Xia Yan, who was always paying attention to each other's behavior, drank lowly.

Mega Alakazam, who has been following him without doing anything, is waiting for this moment.

Psychic burst out in an instant.

After getting close to Mewtwo at this distance, Alakazam's Psychic was also active to the extreme, and the power that burst out in an instant, with "Trick" to "Trick", forcibly interrupted Slowking's behavior.


Appeared in the hands of Mega Alakazam.

As its palm slowly opened, Xia Yan's pupils contracted violently when he saw what was in his hand.

In the end, he failed to achieve self-control and blurted out subconsciously, his voice full of disbelief and shock.

"Mega Evolution Stone?!"

More precisely, Mewtwo's Mega Evolution stone!

Be more precise.

It's Mewtwo's Mega Evolution Stone Y!

in their hands.

How could there be a Mega Evolution stone from Mewtwo? !

This is what Xia Yan can't figure out the most.

But fortunately.


The defense he left in advance was still very effective.

If this Mewtwo's Mega Evolution Stone Y falls into Mewtwo's hands, it will be subconsciously attracted by the power of the Mega Evolution Stone and invoke the power within, and things will really go out of control.

Mewtwo of the normal Contest Condition.

Whether you use the Mega Evolution Stone X or the Mega Evolution Stone Y, you can switch Solaceon and get a huge boost in power.

But now Mewtwo, is it a normal Contest Condition?

Obviously not!

Given that Mewtwo has just been born and has an unstable mood, and because there is no strong enough bond to stabilize its control over the Mega Evolution energy, the most likely situation is that .

Mewtwo runs out of control!

Because of Giovanni and Xia Yan, this group of people in black robes was completely rushed.

They had to break the current unfavorable situation in this way.

Even if this way is to let Mewtwo get out of control, they are very likely to become one of the affected members.


If not, they are doomed to be surrounded by Giovanni and Xia Yan until they all fall.

But not necessarily if Mewtwo riots.

At least, there is a small chance of being alive.

On the one hand, there are ten deaths and no life, and on the other hand, there are nine deaths and one life.

How to make a choice is still a good judgment.


Mewtwo's Mega Evolution Shi Y was cut off by Xia Yan.


The temper of the man in black robe seems to be much more violent than that of the woman.

Only to see him take out the Poké Ball and open it.

A Malamar appeared beside him.


Mega Alakazam sensed the strangeness again and extended Psychic again, trying to stop it.

But this time.

The countless Psychic woven nets that Mega Alakazam stretched were passed through by a black awn, which failed to cause the slightest impact.

Evil moves, Switcheroo!

No matter how strong the current Mega Alakazam Psychic is, it cannot break the evil system's restraint on Psychic.

Once "Trick" failed, he actually used "Switcheroo" again.


This time it worked!

When the thing fell into Mewtwo's hands, Xia Yan's heart sank.



He also wanted to make up for it, and hurriedly said to Darkrai: "Darkrai, Thief!"

At this time, Darkrai also felt the seriousness of the matter from Xia Yan's emotions.

So don't hesitate.

The figure suddenly burst and dissipated like a mist, turning into a shadow, and quickly swept towards Mewtwo.

But a pity.

Emotions and Contest Condition, who had become extremely unstable due to the sudden outbreak of the battle, suddenly looked at his hand when he suddenly sensed the extra thing in his hand.

A round Mega Evolution stone that exudes magical energy is already lying quietly in its palm.

this stone.

It recognizes.

Because just now, Xia Yan and Alakazam performed the Mega Evolution stone, and the energy that wrapped Alakazam and caused it to produce a special evolution was emitted from such a small ball carried by Alakazam.

That energy represents the bond between Xia Yan and Alakazam.

And now.

It also has one in its hand.


Somewhere, Mewtwo can feel that this Mega Evolution stone belongs to it!

This made Mewtwo think of the relationship between Xia Yan and Alakazam. Although it can't be said, it is actually a relationship that I am very envious of.


Using Psychic, Mewtwo hooked this Mega Evolution stone.


The rich and surging Mega Evolution energy completed the package of Mewtwo in an instant.

At this time, Darkrai, who was trying his best to get close, was long overdue.

With the means used by "Thief", they were completely blocked by the surging Mega Evolution energy.

"Darkrai, come back quickly!" Xia Yan had to shout.

after all.

Still didn't stop Mewtwo from reaching its Mega Evolution Stone X.

Had a Mega Evolution.

And after Mega Evolution, Xia Yan couldn't predict or judge what Mewtwo's Contest Condition was like.

In order to prevent Darkrai from becoming Mewtwo's first target, Xia Yan had to call him back.

Darkrai glanced reluctantly at Mewtwo, who was enveloped in Mega Evolution energy.

Feel the more and more terrifying power that makes it even a little palpitating.

Step back quickly.

Although the idea is a bit absurd.

But Darkrai just feels that Mewtwo after Mega Evolution may be more terrifying than Dialga and Palkia!

The raging breath filled the lava cave in an instant.

In Huang Huang's Mega Evolution energy, Mewtwo's form gradually changed.

Everyone and all Pokémon couldn't help but look at Mewtwo in the sky at this time.

The group of Pokémon, who were originally protected by Mewtwo, were trembling all over at this moment, and one by one, they were crawling on the ground uncontrollably.

Xia Yan could clearly hear the "thumping" sound of his heart beating violently beside his ears.

This time.

Things seem to be really out of control.

Even Giovanni, the smile on his face faded by this time, frowned at Mewtwo who was in the midst of a Mega Evolution.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Xia Yan, who had the same serious expression.

He seems to know a lot of things.

And after this brief silence.

boom--! !

A violent roar suddenly sounded.

The halo of Mega Evolution collapsed and scattered like scattered stars.

In the dim light of the stars, Mewtwo in a new form appeared in everyone's sight.

Mega MewtwoX!



PS: I went back to my hometown today, so the update is a little late. Do you have any clues in your heart for this group of mysterious people?

(End of this chapter)

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