The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 914 Then I...Auxiliary? (Two In One)

Chapter 913 Then I'll Help? (two in one)

Mega MewtwoX!

Like Charizard, Mewtwo also has two Mega Evolution forms.

Charizard and Mewtwo are also the only two Pokémon known to Xia Yan that can have two Mega Evolution forms.

Mega MewtwoX is one of Mewtwo.

after evolution.

Mega MewtwoX's ability will become "Unyielding Heart".

On the basis of the original Psychic, Attribute added a Fighting Attribute to become a Pokémon with two Attributes.

Moreover, the appearance has also undergone major changes.

The original Mewtwo has a more rounded appearance, while the Mega MewtwoX looks stronger and has more muscular lines.

Especially at the end of the arm and the thigh, you can see the full muscles of the qiu knot.

Just at a glance, you can feel the explosive power contained in it.

The tail becomes shorter and more distinct in color.

Especially behind the head, a purple structure like a hood extends.

At first glance.

It gives a feeling of being full of power.

Mega MewtwoX, which has completed Mega Evolution, burst out with an extremely terrifying and oppressive horror atmosphere.

This Contest Condition can be seen at a glance, because it failed to control the energy of Mega Evolution and got out of control.

Or rather, runaway.

With Mega MewtwoX's eyes narrowed.

Suddenly terrifying Psychic burst out from it, as if the whole world could collapse at any time under the influence of this force.

A large number of Rock rubble fell crazily from the top of the cave, on the rock wall and many other places.

The magma in the lava cave is still violently surging, undulating, and dumping like sea water, and it is in a posture that it may completely engulf the place at any time.

Xia Yan's expression became extremely ugly.

Darkrai, who was beside him, was also completely tensed at this time.

It feels more pressure from Mega MewtwoX than when it faced Dialga and Palkia!

Beedrill, Togekiss, Duolong Bartto and other Pokémons all retreated to Xia Yan's side, looking at the surging Mega MewtwoX in horror.

Even Giovanni's Pokémon retreated to his side, staring at the bright and powerful presence in mid-air.

This Pokémon is what Giovanni is after.

And the strength it showed was far beyond his vision for Mewtwo.

I feel that it is not only them, but also the black-robed people who came from Mega MewtwoX.


They wanted to survive in death, so they were waiting for this moment.


Xia Yan shouted loudly.

He must first determine the Contest Condition of Mega MewtwoX at this time.

Although, Mega MewtwoX should be out of control, but there is no guarantee that there is a trace of reason.

answer him.

But it's an extremely tyrannical look from Mega MewtwoX.

In his eyes, a powerful Psychic shot out.

Mega Alakazam and Darkrai's expressions changed slightly, and they appeared in front of Xia Yan for the first time, blocking the extremely fast Psychic attack.

Seeing this scene, Mega MewtwoX's expression became more and more manic.

A wave of hands.

Suddenly powerful Psychic was scattered to every corner of the cave under the load of countless Psychic threads.

a time.

Those Pokémon who were originally under the protection of Mewtwo and belonged to the original Rocket Team members, as well as those Pokémon who had also undergone genetic research and were cloned, and most of the fire-type Pokémon living in the lava cave, are all in Mega MewtwoX's Psychic Under control, become violent.


Mega Alakazam drank lowly, and his own Psychic burst out, blocking the Psychic threads that were originally going to be scattered on Xia Yan and the rest of Pokémon.

Darkrai, Doron Bartto, and Alakazam cut these Psychic threads together.

Seeing this, Xia Yan immediately put away Larvesta, Shelgon, Sylveon, the little guys who were not strong enough.

the other side.

Giovanni's side circled the arc of his Beedrill, and countless psychic threads failed to fall on him.

But the situation on the black-robed man's side was not very optimistic.

The leading man and woman can still protect themselves, but the rest of the black robes, who are relatively weak in strength and ability, are also controlled by Mega MewtwoX.

Mega MewtwoX assists a black-robed man and growls.

like a signal.

All controlled Pokémon, launched Beat Up on them.

Countless moves are overwhelming.

Rao is that not all Pokémon are powerful, but under such a large-scale attack Smack Down, it is also full of danger.


The black-robed woman with Slowking grabbed the man beside her and drank in a low voice.

Attempt to escape the island of Cinnabar with "Teleport" by taking advantage of this unrest.


Not to mention the powerful Psychic of Mega MewtwoX filling the lava cave at the moment.

Even Xia Yan couldn't let them go.


Totally lost control of Mewtwo and wanted to leave after saying "go"?

Even if the Mewtwo incident can't be controlled this time, Xia Yan will keep these two guys here!

At least two pads on the back.

Keep Togekiss, Aegislash, Infernape, Latios safe from the common Pokémon rioting, and Doron Bartto and Darkrai from the Mega MewtwoX who may attack at any moment.

Xia Yan took Beedrill, Mega Alakazam and Zorua and went straight to the two who were not under control.

There is also Giovanni who has the same idea as Xia Yan!



The two tremors of the air still seemed so abrupt in the riotous space at the moment.

Giovanni's Beedrill took the lead, quickly wiped a short distance, and quietly appeared behind the two.

No nonsense, directly choose to attack humans.

Feeling the breath of death approaching, the expressions under their masks instantly turned hideous, and several Poké Balls were thrown out.

Command Pokémon to fight back hard.

A Houndoom swooped viciously towards the flickering arc of Giovanni's Beedrill, sharp and ferocious teeth entwined with flashes of fire.


The Houndoom just jumped in the air, failing to catch Giovanni's Beedrill.

But was rushed to later, Xia Yan's Beedrill stabbed with a long spear, knocking Feishuo and landing in the distance.

"Beer beer."

Giovanni's Beedrill stopped suddenly.

This is also the first time Xia Yan has seen the appearance of Giovanni's Beedrill.

At first glance, it does not seem to be much different from a normal Beedrill.

Neither his Beedrill's gleaming golden wings nor the ever-floating and expanding aura of a king.

If not for the speed it just showed.

Xia Yan might have thought it was just an ordinary Beedrill in the Vibrant Forest.

But if you look closely, you will find that its eyes are very bright, and there is a faint green light on its body, which makes people feel very comfortable green light, as if it is full of life energy.

This green light is likely to be the "power of Vibrant".

Seeing Giovanni's Beedrill, he shouted at Xia Yan's Beedrill.

After hearing the words.

Xia Yan's Beedrill was obviously stunned.

See again, Giovanni's Beedrill wings flapped frillishly twice again, and his figure suddenly disappeared from sight.


next second.

When Giovanni's Beedrill figure froze a little again, Malamar, who had used "Switcheroo" before, smashed to the ground under the sweep of his sharp long needle, losing his ability to fight!

Just a trick.

Just kill that Malamar!

Although, Malamar of Evil and Psychic is quadrupled by Bug Type moves.


Giovanni's Beedrill didn't show much destructive power either.

There is no fleeting energy fluctuation, no sudden bright halo, no powerful blow.


As if it was just one Frillish knock, Malamar collapsed.

But others couldn't understand it, but Xia Yan's Beedrill eyes shone brightly, looking at this scene with surprise.

Xia Yan also seemed to understand Giovanni Beedrill a little bit.

Is it teaching Beedrill?

In the face of pressure from Mega MewtwoX, Giovanni's Beedrill still has the heart to teach Xia Yan's Beedrill?

The point is.

One dares to teach, and the other really dares to learn.

It can be seen that Xia Yan's Beedrill figure is also flickering one after another, constantly jumping, the bright golden light on his body slowly converges, and the burst of energy gradually gathers.


When it swept the last Houndoom with one shot, instead of having the expected effect, the Houndoom seized the opportunity and a flame swept towards it.

Although Beedrill's reaction speed was faster than Flying's in the end, part of his body was unavoidably burned by the flames, leaving some scars.

But Beedrill didn't care, just frowned, thinking about the problem.


Just listened to Giovanni's Beedrill snorted again, with a stern Teacher scolding the students.

Then demonstrated it again.

A little enlightenment flashed in Xia Yan's Beedrill eyes.

I see.

In fact, Giovanni's Beedrill is not without bursts of energy.

Rather, it has completely run its own energy freely, and whenever it attacks Smack Down, it will suddenly explode in an instant.

That surging momentary explosive power is not something that Normal Pokémon can adapt and resist.


Xia Yan wanted to let his Beedrill learn to condense the energy to a point, and he thought he had done a good job.

It wasn't until I saw Giovanni's Beedrill today that I understood my inadequacies.


Xia Yan's Beedrill vibrated its wings again, the golden arc was no longer so conspicuous and dazzling, and the cyan Bug Type energy hovering around him became less and less.

Quickly wipe the abdomen of a Hypno.

Hit the nail on the head!

The energy of the Bug Type burst out, and the combination of "X-Scissor" and "Fell Stinger" directly killed Hypno, and its own momentum skyrocketed for a short time.

Giovanni's Beedrill stopped again and looked at Xia Yan's Beedrill in surprise.

It seems a little unexpected that its learning speed is so fast.

In the face of Mega MewtwoX, in the face of countless runaway Pokémon, in the face of two strong places.

A Trump Card Pokémon, the most powerful leader of the Pokémon world's underground world, is actually teaching Alliance Elite Four's Earl Dervish Pokémon how to fight more efficiently?

It is estimated that not many people will believe this scene.

The problem is, that's what happened to him.


No one saw it either.

Xia Yan and Giovanni maintained a tacit understanding and tacit understanding.

The other two people in black robes were too busy to take care of themselves, and they had no time to care about these things.


Such teaching did not last long.

Because the Pokémon of the two black robes have long been injured by the battle with Giovanni.

Suffering from Xia Yan and Giovanni's Beat Up again, it won't last long at all.

And Mewtwo, who had high hopes for them, after completing Mega Evolution, just controlled so many Pokémon riots without ending up on their own.

It completely cut off their chances of survival.


Since Giovanni had already obtained the information he wanted from them, he had no intention of leaving them for interrogation.

Xia Yan even more.

He has never had the habit of interrogation, and he believes more in what he sees than through other narratives.


Judging from the current situation, his self-protection is a problem, where is there any spare time to interrogate others?

Wasting an extra second on them could make him even more dangerous.


"I can tell you about Giovanni! Don't you an Elite Four want to know the secret information about Giovanni, the leader of the Rockets?"

The man in the black robe finally tried Struggle, trying to provoke the relationship between Xia Yan and Giovanni.

After all, in terms of identity, the two are the Alliance and the Rockets who are incompatible.

But he saw Giovanni grinning and jokingly watching him being stabbed in the throat by a sharp long needle and falling into the lava.

Even the black-robed woman swept the man who fell into the magma with some disgust.

Raising the corners of his mouth slightly, he said softly, "You guys can't stop Mewtwo."

Close your eyes slowly.

Choose to silently wait for death to come.

Xia Yan didn't hesitate at all.

There was no idea of ​​holding hands because the other party was a woman, even more thorough than Giovanni did.

Directly smashed her consciousness with Psychic blast, and fell into the gushing magma.

So far.

The people in black robes who picked things up finally all died.

Xia Yan and Giovanni looked at each other silently, looking at Mega MewtwoX in the air.

"Tell me."

After a long silence, Giovanni broke the silence.

Xia Yan did not hesitate.

After nodding slightly, he said:

"Mega MewtwoX, Psychic combined with Fighting, Ability. Should be unyielding heart."

"Super Fighting."

Giovanni frowned slightly.

This combination of attributes makes the Psychic Pokémon's original weakness in the Bug Type disappear.

And this, for Giovanni.

Not great news.

at the same time.

Mega MewtwoX seems to have finally adapted to the power changes and ability changes brought by Mega Evolution.

see you.

Its closed eyes suddenly opened.

For a moment.

The riots in the lava cave became more and more serious, and the oppressed air and Psychic became more and more solid.

next second.

The Cianwood halo in Mega MewtwoX's eyes burst out, and the Psychic surrounding it instantly solidified, and the Cianwood-colored Psychic appeared around its body like a real Psychic.

Constantly expanding, contracting, flickering, dimming.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan swallowed quietly.

good guy.

Up is the exclusive move "Psysstrike".

I saw that Mega MewtwoX waved casually, accompanied by a violent and raging breath, these large and small Psychic light spots, like falling meteors, and like the omni-directional fire suppression of countless bullets, swept towards the position of Xia Yan and Giovanni.

The expressions of the two were also serious for a short moment.

"This is a Psychic attack on the flesh!"

Xia Yan drank lowly and reminded Giovanni again.

Although Mewtwo's "Psysstrike" is a spiritual energy, it attacks the body, which means it is a physical attack.

Mega Alakazam opened "Reflect" for the first time, and Darkrai, Doron Bartto and Beedrill came out.

Being reminded by Xia Yan, Giovanni also changed his strategy.

Landorus and Nidoqueen shook the Ground at the same time, and a huge Rock shield rose from the ground covered with magma.

boom boom-

bang bang bang-

The beams of countless spiritual powers swept across the rock shield and "Reflect".

Xia Yan's Beedrill and Giovanni's Beedrill chose to match those spiritual energies that seemed to be stronger.

Duolong Bart is wearing a dragon-type energy coat, roaring and dragging his body out.

Mega MewtwoX leaping into the air.

Instead of just being defensive, it's better to switch from defense to offense.

"Are you looking for foreign aid?"

Giovanni suddenly looked at Xia Yan and asked.

In this regard, Xia Yan can only return a helpless bitter smile.

"I don't even know what's going on here, so I don't have time to call for foreign aid."

"Foreign aid" in Giovanni's mouth.

Naturally refers to the white dragon Reshiram and the black dragon Zekrom.

But let's be honest.

Even if Opelucid comes, facing Mega MewtwoX, the outcome is unknown.

Giovanni nodded slightly.

No surprises and disappointments.

He just loosened his neckline again, and said with sharp eyes and full of interest:

"I'm the main attack."

Xia Yan shook the corner of his mouth.

Can only add a sentence.

"Then I. Assistant?"


PS: As usual, if the battle has not started, it is not considered a broken chapter. Mainly, I went back to my hometown today. I didn’t sleep well last night, and I drove for a few hours, and my spirit was not very good, so I won’t write more. Today is simply 1.1w~~

(End of this chapter)

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