The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 915 Xia Yanjia Giovanni Vs Mewtwo! (7.5K!)

Chapter 914 Xia Yanjia Giovanni VS Mewtwo! (7.5k!)

The two determine the primary and secondary.

Giovanni, the main leader and supporter of Mewtwo, wanted to test the strength of Mewtwo.

And obviously.

Now the ability that Mewtwo has shown has made him very moved.

As an Alliance Elite Four, Xia Yan is also the first person in charge of this mission.

He also wants to stop Mewtwo's wanton destruction as much as possible.

If he was the only one here, he would never choose to fight against Mewtwo.

Because there is absolutely no need to go up and die when he knows he can't beat him, he wants to protect Cinnabar Island, the residents of Cinnabar Island and the surrounding wild Pokémon.

But it doesn't mean that these things can be built on his life.

But now.

And here is Giovanni.

There is a real top Trainer in front, not necessarily without the opportunity to try.

"You see the timing yourself."

Say it.

Giovanni took out three Poké Balls again and threw them.

in the red light.


A ferocious beast covered in cyan armor appeared in front of him, like the quasi-god Pokémon of the Johto Region, Sandstorm Tyranitar!

The real Sandstorm core!

Not at the Masters, the Sandstorm system built with Hippowdon as the core.

This time, it's the real "Sandstorm King" Tyranitar!

After Tyranitar, it was a Nidoking.

Standing with Nidoqueen, who followed Giovanni from the beginning, became Giovanni's two strongest fortresses.

The last Pokémon to appear made Xia Yan feel a little surprised.


Xia Yan blinked.

I didn't expect Giovanni to send a Kangaskhan in the end.

However, with Giovanni's identity and strength, coupled with the time and resources he has invested, it is certainly not like most people, there are only six main Pokémon.

Even Xia Yan.

He now has eight main Pokémons that can be rotated, including Doron Bartto and Zorua.

Giovanni is clearly more.

And he sent Kangaskhan at this time, he must have his intentions.

After all, this Kangaskhan doesn't look much worse than Tyranitar.

With the advent of Tyranitar.

In an instant.

The lava cave began to fill a large number of Sandstorms like crazy.

Moreover, under the high temperature of the magma cave, Sandstorm not only became more rampant, but also carried terrifying high temperature.

These Sandstorms, on Landorus, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, and Tyranitar, have constructed a thick layer of hard shells that are completely condensed by Sandstorm.

Although neither Beedrill nor Kangaskhan received Sandstorm's blessing.

But it didn't hurt either.

Giovanni's Tyranitar clearly has a strong grip on his own Sandstorm.

And the ravages of Sandstorm have officially become Giovanni's declaration of war on Mewtwo!

Mega MewtwoX also doesn't have any convergence anymore.

The raging Psychic burst out suddenly, dispelling Tyranitar's Sandstorm from his body.

At the same time, strands of Psychic spread rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, this place was completely enveloped in the "Psychic Terrain".

Numerous Psychics sprawled out of the "Psychic Terrain", further limiting Sandstorm's ravages.

next second.

Mega MewtwoX's figure suddenly blurred, a flash, and disappeared from the sight of Xia Yan and Giovanni.

Xia Yan's pupils shrank.

So fast!

Much faster than his Beedrill.


But being faster than Xia Yan's Beedrill doesn't mean it's faster than Giovanni's Beedrill.

It first appeared on the Mega MewtwoX's path forward.

Did not choose to fight, but hindered the speed of Mega MewtwoX.

This slight delay gave Giovanni the rest of the Pokémon plenty of room to play.

see you.

That Xia Yan didn't know why Giovanni chose Kangaskhan, and resolutely came to the front of Giovanni's entire team.

He tensed his muscles and looked serious, ready for Mewtwo's onslaught.

at the same time.

Giovanni, with a smile on his face, smiled even more.

He turned the drooping shirt collar slightly.

It can be seen that on the collar of his shirt, a very well-made collar pin is pinned.

The most attractive part of this exquisite collar pin is the stone inlaid in the middle that is exuding a colorful halo.

Key Stone!

Xia Yan's eyes hurriedly fell on Kangaskhan.


"Kangaskhan, Mega Evolution!"

Just listen to Giovanni's breathless voice.

Brilliant Mega Evolution energy burst from Kangaskhan.

Wrapping it up in no time.

And you can clearly see the change of Kangaskhan's shadow under the Mega Evolution energy package.

And just when Mega MewtwoX came to the front of Giovanni's lineup.

A pair of brown fists swung out with strong fighting energy.

Meet the attack of Mega MewtwoX.


at the moment of brief contact.

Another purple fist, more Arnold-looking, jumped out of it.

The two fists collided with Mega MewtwoX one after another.

boom--! !

Then suddenly there was a violent explosion, and the aftermath of the shock swept in all directions.

Ding Ding Ding-

The energy of Mega Evolution has completely faded, and after appearing, there are two existences, one big and one small. After hitting a fist with Mega MewtwoX, they keep staggering back.

Although it looks a little embarrassed.

But at least it blocked Mega MewtwoX's Sucker Punch this time.

And then what appeared in Xia Yan's sight was Mega Kangaskhan who completed the Mega Evolution!

Kangaskhan's appearance has hardly changed, but the little Kangaskhan in his pouch has changed.

The little Kangaskhan, who had no fighting ability at first, got the blessing of Mega Evolution energy, grew rapidly, stepped out of Kangaskhan's protection, and became a great help for Kangaskhan's mother.


Little Kangaskhan also inherited Kangaskhan's mother's ability and has a good fighting ability.

This is how Mega Kangaskhan is in form!

Two Kangaskhan, one big and one small, can also be regarded as a Pokémon, they share moves, abilities and abilities.

It is also the only one of all Mega Evolutions that can split Pokémon into two after Mega Evolution.

The ability of Mega Kangaskhan is the only one in the entire Pokémon world, which makes Xia Yan's eyes hot "parent-child love"!

Parent-child love: Pokémon with this Ability can make Pokémon use a move twice in a short period of time, but the second attack launched by young Kangaskhan will be much weaker than Kangaskhan itself.

The one Mega Kangaskhan used just now was the Fighting-type "Power-Up Punch"!

Coupled with the ability of "Parent-Child Love", it means that Mega Kangaskhan casts "Power-Up Punch" twice, and instantly obtains two blessings in physical attack.

Even repelled by Mega MewtwoX.

But Mega Kangaskhan's momentum has shown explosive growth.

And this is also the reason why Xia Yan has an Ability Flatter of "Parent-Child Love".

Because this is simply a Bug Ability.

Except for the "Power-Up Punch" that buffs itself.

Another example is to cast "Crunch".

Then there are two chances that Rival will lower defense.

Or cast "Rock Slide".

There are also two chances for Rival to fall into the "creeping" Contest Condition.

Greatly increased the probability of additional effects of moves.

As expected of Team Rocket, a few days after Xia Yan announced the Mega Evolution, he collected the Mega Evolution Stone, and it was the Kangaskhan Mega Evolution Stone that Giovanni could use.

At the same time, Xia Yan also understood Giovanni's intention to use Kangaskhan.

Since Mega MewtwoX has become a Psychic and Fighting Pokémon, there is a high probability that they will choose close combat.

And Mega Kangaskhan, as long as it can withstand the initial shock of Mega MewtwoX, it will only get stronger.

What Xia Yan saw was more than just these.

For example, in the Mega MewtwoX Sucker Punch just now, Giovanni's Beedrill was actually capable of intercepting.

It just doesn't do that.


No matter how strong Giovanni's Beedrill is, letting a Beedrill go head-to-head with Mega MewtwoX is not tough, it's stupid.

So, Beedrill just did the delay.

But the delay gave Giovanni's team plenty of time to react.

This made Xia Yan realize a little in an instant.

There was a thought in my heart that "it's still possible to fight like this".

In terms of delay ability, Xia Yan's system is the most suitable lineup for this kind of battle.

Achieve the ultimate goal at the least cost.

In Mega Kangaskhan, he kept backing away until he was supported by Tyranitar.

Although the momentum rose, but the injury was not small.


A faint green fluorescence soon appeared on Mega Kangaskhan's body, and the injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The power of Viking!

The attack was blocked, and Mega MewtwoX was somewhat surprised.

When it was about to attack again, it saw several jet-black "Shadow Balls" smashing towards it.

I don't know when, Nidoking and Nidoqueen on Giovanni's side have already cast "Double Team" at the same time and divided into three, and can throw six "Shadow Ball" at the same time.

Coupled with the mutual blessing of its own "Force" Ability and "Life Orb".

In addition, now that Mega MewtwoX is restrained by Ghost-type moves, it is impossible to ignore the baptism of so many "Shadow Balls".

I saw Mega MewtwoX carrying Rage, spread his arms, and a Psychic Barrier appeared around its body, wrapping it.

Boom boom boom! !

The roaring sound came one after another.

at the same time.

Giovanni took out a small mirror full of technology from his arms.

A strange halo was projected, shining on Landorus.

a time.

Wrapped in a strange halo, Landorus' appearance changed.

Become a tiger that steps on auspicious clouds with a yellow face and a ferocious face.

Spirit beast form!

Earth cat!

Giovanni and the Rockets were able to simulate part of the effect of the "Visible Mirror" with technology, allowing Landorus to enter the "Spirit Beast Contest Condition".

Xia Yan thought that with the destruction of the "Visible Mirror", Pokémons like Landorus would lose their ability to change their forms from now on.


Sure enough, it is a great help for human beings now.

However, as the mirror shot out the beam, Giovanni threw it aside, sending up plumes of black smoke.

Obviously, the Rockets' research and development of this technology is not mature enough, and it can only be a one-time consumable.

But for now Giovanni and Landorus, apparently enough.

The earth cat Landorus, who turned into a "spirit beast", swooped forward violently, and the Ground suddenly erupted with a violent roar.

You can see it next.

From the foot of Landorus, he suddenly left a huge crack, and the billowing hot magma burst out wantonly, carrying terrifying Ground-type energy, and rushed towards Mega MewtwoX, which was defending the Contest Condition.

Ground moves, Fissure!

This is the same move as "Sheer Cold", which has a certain chance of instantly killing the enemy when you hit it.

boom! ! !

The roar resumed.

But it seems that Giovanni didn't think that Landorus could kill Mega MewtwoX in one move, and his offensive did not stop there.


At the rear, Tyranitar, the core of Sandstorm, roared violently in the direction of Mega MewtwoX.

Huge sound waves carrying layers of black awns, mixed with undulating Sandstorms, enveloped Mega MewtwoX.


Just blocking an attack from Mega MewtwoX, Giovanni launched a series of counterattacks.

At first glance.

It seems that the suppression of Mega MewtwoX has been completed in a short period of time.

In other words, Xia Yan couldn't stop Mewtwo Mega Evolution from becoming Mega MewtwoX. If the current Mewtwo is a pure Psychic Type Mega MewtwoY, Giovanni's Pokémon moves will have a great restraint effect on it.


Seeing these moves fall one after another, neither Xia Yan nor Giovanni showed the slightest joy.

Did it work?

Do not!

see you.

When the dust of the attack and explosion gradually dissipated, Mega MewtwoX still held his arms and stood still.

Only the Psychic Barrier it opened was covered with dense cracks, but it did not have any effect on Mega MewtwoX.

All attacks were blocked!

Even its defense, Barrier, could not be completely broken.


Giovanni, who saw this scene, did not show any surprise and unacceptability, but the smile and excitement on his face became more intense.

Such a Pokémon is the powerful Pokémon that Giovanni is after!

Only such a Pokémon is qualified to be chased by his Giovanni!

Such a Pokémon is worthy of accomplishing that great ideal with him!

boom--! !

Mega MewtwoX's eyes full of Cianwood-colored Psychic halo flickered again, and its arms were slightly bent, tight and instantly spread again.

The solid Psychic Barrier shattered, carrying a powerful and terrifying Psychic swept around frantically.

The terrifying destructive power caused the environment in the lava cave to undergo huge damage again, and even the entire Cinnabar Island trembled violently like Earthquake.

The cracks that Xia Yan and Du had finally blocked shattered again, and the billowing lava poured into the sea.

The surging sea water also poured in frantically.

a time.

The waters off Cinnabar Island, which had finally stabilized, became more and more turbulent.

Of course, these are temporarily out of the scope of Giovanni and Xia Yan's consideration.

If Mewtwo is not stopped, the damage it will cause will only get worse.

and this.

It was just Giovanni's test of the current Mewtwo.

Xia Yan looked at Giovanni.

Giovanni also happened to look at Xia Yan at this time.

Neither of them spoke.

But moved at the same time.

Those rioting Pokémon controlled by Mewtwo are stopped and quelled by Xia Yan.

At the same time, he will also support Giovanni's offensive to a certain extent.

This battle has only really begun until now.

"Beedrill, Sword Dance!"

Xia Yan and Giovanni gave this almost identical order.

Two Beedrills, one left and one right, rang out.

Mega MewtwoX's attack is here again.

It flashed.

The speed blessing brought by "Agility" continued to increase, and it appeared again in front of Kangaskhan who had blocked its attack before.

Above the clenched fist, a fiery flame instantly rose and smashed towards Mega Kangaskhan's face.

"Counter!" Giovanni snorted.

Xia Yan's Mega Alakazam also moved at this time.

A "Reflection" entirely constructed by Psychic appeared in front of Mega Kangaskhan.

And, Xia Yan's palm rested on Darkrai's shoulder beside him.

And Darkrai has also spread its arms, a huge black hole, appearing in front of it, ready to go.

It can only be said that fortunately it is Mega MewtwoX. If it is Mega MewtwoY, then the ability will become "sleepless", and the effect of Darkrai has been weakened by more than half.

see you.

Mega MewtwoX's fist fell, and with a crisp "click" sound, the "Reflect" constructed by Mega Alakazam shattered.

The Mega Kangaskhan with his arms around his face looked serious, and the dark red Fighting energy quickly gathered in front of him, ready to resist the punch of Mega MewtwoX.

Latios' "Heal Pulse" and Togekiss's "Life Dew" dropped at the same time in an instant.

boom! !

Mega Kangaskhan, who was punched by Mega MewtwoX, was about to lose his fighting ability almost instantly, but because of the timely treatment of Latios and Togekiss, he took it down abruptly.

Giovanni didn't show anything strange to Xia Yan's timely treatment. He seemed to know from the beginning that Mega Kangaskhan might not be able to handle this, but he also believed that Xia Yan, who was an "assistant", would take on the assistance well. responsibilities.

This is his recognition of Xia Yan's ability after passing the Masters.

And Mega Kangaskhan who took a punch from Mega MewtwoX.

The eyes were red, and two figures, one big and one small, were like springs that were compressed to the extreme, and bounced towards Mega MewtwoX.

The effect of "parent-child love", even a move like "Counter", is a double blow!


As the Mega MewtwoX fights, its fighting instincts are fully activated.

Originally, it was a new Pokémon, even if its abilities were abnormally strong, its combat experience was seriously lacking, and it was its weakest link.

But maybe it's because Blaine and Dr. Fuji gave Mewtwo too good a genetic mix, or it was created to fight.

So, after just a short battle, Mega MewtwoX's fighting instinct made it aware of the threat that Mega Kangaskhan's "Counter" would pose to it.

He stepped back quickly, and at the same time, Cianwood colored Psychic balls of different sizes surrounded him.


"It's now!"

Both Xia Yan and Giovanni's eyes lit up at the same time.

Xia Yan also released the hand holding Darkrai's shoulder at the first time.

Darkrai, who knew it, immediately ejected the black hole that had been condensed for a long time.

Dark hole!

The huge black hole engulfed everything and shrouded towards the Mega MewtwoX package.

perceived threat.

Mega MewtwoX had to turn its attention from Mega Kangaskhan to facing the "Dark Hole".

Countless Psychic bursts, "Psysstrike" diverted to "Dark Hole".

Also at this time.

Both Giovanni and Xia Yan's Pokémon, who had a near-unanimous understanding of the situation, took action.

The fastest mover was Giovanni's Beedrill.

It vibrated its wings and left a slight trembling, and the long needles flickered and turned, and the use of energy even surpassed the word "pure".

Absolute speed plus absolute explosiveness.

If it weren't for Mega MewtwoX's various abilities being too perverted, and frontal combat is not what a Pokémon like Beedrill should do, perhaps Beedrill could have contained Mega MewtwoX to a certain extent in a short period of time.


The ability it is now bursting out has also greatly relieved Darkrai's pressure.

Countless "Psysstrike" Energy Balls, in its rapid flight, were constantly defeated.

And the second one that played a role was obviously Xia Yan's Beedrill.

Bathed in the energy of Mega Evolution, Mega Beedrill's speed has once again ushered in an increase, and the explosive power it exhibits has also undergone significant changes.

Although it is still not comparable to Giovanni's Beedrill, the changes presented are enough to make Giovanni's Beedrill look sideways.

This is a very worthwhile junior.

Immediately after.

Mega Alakazam's Psychic interference, Doron Bartto's "Dragon Darts" lasing, Landorus's "Earth Power" burst, Nidoking and Nidoqueen's "Shadow Ball" again, Tyranitar's "Stone Edge" and other moves have fallen.

Face to face with Mega MewtwoX, none of the Pokémon present are Rivals.

But if it is just to differentiate the moves of Mega MewtwoX, it is not difficult to do.

All Pokémon, now the goal is one, make Darkrai's "Dark Hole" hit Mega MewtwoX!

After this, the follow-up can be carried out.

And the Mega MewtwoX, who instinctively felt the danger coming, broke out again in Rage.

The endless Psychic doesn't seem to have any consumption Normal for it, and it is squandered.

The terrifying Psychic impact swept out one wave after another.



The lava cave beneath Cinnabar Island couldn't withstand such a powerful destructive force again, and began to collapse rapidly during the violent shaking.

Countless Rocks fall in chunks.

Hot and hot magma also overflowed crazily from the cracks of the Rock in all directions.

The entire lava cave seems to be submerged at any time.

But this didn't affect Xia Yan and Giovanni either.

No matter what, let Mega MewtwoX fall asleep first!

And this Psychic that broke out again also made Giovanni and Xia Yan's Pokémon feel the difficulty.


The toughest was undoubtedly Alakazam.

Mega MewtwoX's Psychic runaway has the greatest impact on its Psychic.

At this time, it kept beating its own head, and it seemed very painful.


What Xia Yan was most worried about still happened.

Mewtwo's influence on Alakazam, after all, is developing in a bad direction.

Grabbing Mega Alakazam's arm, a steady stream of "waveguide power" poured into it, trying to alleviate the effects of Psychic on it.

"Hurry up!"

Xia Yan couldn't help drinking in a low voice.

Giovanni gave him a sideways glance, his eyes became serious.

Darkrai gritted his teeth.

It also increased the output of the "dark hole" again.

Feeling the strangeness of Alakazam, Mega Beedrill and Doron Bartto, also withstood the impact again, rushed towards Mega MewtwoX.


The strength gap between them and Mega MewtwoX is still too obvious.

The huge Psychic weighed down the dragon and Bart was extremely difficult to move forward, and even if he was entangled with Ghost-type energy, he looked very tired.

The same goes for Mega Beedrill.


It seems to instinctively sense the hostility and threat emanating from them.

The Psychic that Mewtwo continues to burst.

Press towards them with a stronger stance.

Mega Beedrill gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with determination and unwillingness.

Continue to learn the ways and techniques of Giovanni Beedrill, wielding the long needle again and again to defeat Psychic.

But still a little overwhelmed.


From behind Mega Beedrill, a surging natural energy transformed into pure Bug Type energy, madly submerging into its body.

It is "Z Pure Crystal"!

Xia Yan finally performed the Z move.

And that's a huge boost to Mega Beedrill!

at the same time.


A flashing figure appeared beside Mega Beedrill.

It's Giovanni's Beedrill!

The two Pokémon looked at each other.

Neither spoke to each other.

But the tacit understanding is like Giovanni and Xia Yan.

One big and one small, one Mega Evolution and one regular, and two Beedrills holding up long needles at the same time.

Intense cyan Bug Type energy began to swirl violently around their long needles.

It instantly turned into a spiral drill.

And Giovanni's Beedrill, who has always restrained his own energy.

At this moment, a powerful and terrifying Bug Type energy also erupted.

Even more powerful than Mega Beedrill's explosion of "Z moves" in the form of Mega Evolution.

The rest of the Pokémon saw this scene and rushed up.

Make way for both Beedrills.


Giovanni's Beedrill led the attack.

But I don't know why, the unyielding heart in Mega Beedrill's heart became so excited.


Try to explode.

Once again caught up with Giovanni's Beedrill.

Seeing this, Giovanni's Beedrill did not compete with Mega Beedrill any more, but only showed a knowing smile.

As if from its body, I saw the shadow of myself.

that's it.

The two Beedrills were neck and neck.

With the help of all the Pokémon, he rushed to the Psychic's rampant Mega MewtwoX.

The sharp and long needles slammed into Mega MewtwoX's chest at the same time.

boom--! !


Let Mega MewtwoX's Psychic go wild again.

The terrifying power swept through again.

Giovanni's Beedrill glanced at the slightly dazed Mega Beedrill, felt the faint momentum fluctuations on its body, and showed a look of helplessness mixed with it.

The arms are crossed, and the long needle is cut out.

Stand in front of Mega Beedrill and meet Mega MewtwoX's counterattack alone.

boom--! !

The two Beedrills, one behind the other, quickly backed away.

Mega Beedrill fell to the ground.

Mega Evolution's energy fades.

changed back to its original form.

However, its momentum is constantly fluctuating.

This is a sign of reaching the limit!

And Giovanni's Beedrill hovered in front of it, constantly swinging two long needles.

Slightly numb.

But it must be said.

The effect of two Beedrills is positive.

Their burst of power smashed Mega MewtwoX into Darkrai's "Dark Hole"!

And Darkrai did not live up to Xia Yan's expectations.

After accumulating power for so long, Mega MewtwoX finally fell into a deep sleep the moment it was swallowed by the "dark hole".

Seeing this, all Pokémon breathed a sigh of relief.


The Mega MewtwoX fell to the ground, but floated up again.

Even with its eyes closed, the Psychic on it is still surging and powerful.

Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

good guy.

"Sleep Talk?"

Psychic coalesced again, and "Psysstrike" burst out again.


The previous Mewtwo was already out of control, fighting instinctively.

Falling asleep now, he is also fighting instinctively.

There's not much difference other than a waning of Psychic's riots.

Xia Yan and Giovanni looked at each other.

Giovanni nodded slightly towards him and said:

"Do your thing, leave it to me here."

The words "Here to me" came out of Giovanni's mouth, and it was reassuring.

Xia Yan retracted his gaze.

Catch Mega Alakazam and Darkrai.

"Dream Eater!"

Let's go and see, Mewtwo's dream!

Projecting reality from a dream, try to awaken the runaway Mewtwo.

(End of this chapter)

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