The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 916 Relying On Xia Yan To Make Alliance? (6K!)

Chapter 915 Relying on Xia Yan to make Alliance? (6k!)


Around, filled with green viscous liquid.

Although it does not affect breathing, it makes the movement sluggish.

Moreover, wrapped in so many unknown liquids, it gave people a feeling of extremely depressed suffocation.

It's mental suffocation, not physical suffocation.


It's Mewtwo's dream.

The subconscious space where consciousness and reality are intertwined.

Assisting Darkrai and Alakazam's abilities, Xia Yan entered Mewtwo's dream.

He frowned and looked around.

Looking for traces of Mewtwo.

But here, there is a thick green liquid everywhere, except for some bubbles that pop up from time to time, nothing can be seen.

And looking at it with extreme eyes, it seems to be endless, and there is no end in sight.

"What kind of dream is this?"

Xia Yan had thought about it and guessed it.

Because Mewtwo was just born, he has insufficient awareness of many things, so it is likely to be an empty dream.

It is also possible that the dream can be violent and chaotic because too much incomprehensible information has been collected in a short period of time.

But I never imagined that it would be like this.

Except for water, it is water.

Not even special water.

Xia Yan suddenly froze.

Looking down at the palm.

You can see his five-fingered palm, when he gently brushed it, the viscous green liquid flowed along the gaps between his fingers, creating faint ripples.

Pupils gradually dilate.

"This is an incubator?!"

Xia Yan's expression was slightly stunned.

He finally knew what these green liquids were.

That is the incubator that needs to be used for special experiments. The reason why it is sticky is because it is filled with a lot of nutrients and rich in minerals.


"Did Mewtwo dream about his days in the incubator?"



Alakazam called out softly.

Looking at its fingers, Xia Yan finally saw a small black spot in a distant place.

Approach quickly.

The black spot gradually enlarges.

The outline also gradually appeared in the line of sight.

It's Mewtwo!

I saw it with its eyes closed and curled up at the moment.

From its back, especially at the neck, a large number of transparent conduits extend, leading to the top and extending to an unknown direction.

can even be seen clearly.

The tubes are beating slightly.

like a heartbeat.

Among them, more special liquids are flowing.

Maybe feeling Xia Yan's approach, or maybe something bad happened to me, Mewtwo slowly frowned.

After getting close.

It can be felt that Mewtwo at this time is like a sleeping and docile cat, without the slightest danger.

It's a stark contrast to Mewtwo, who is caught in an out-of-control frenzy in real life.

When Alakazam saw Mewtwo at this time, he couldn't help but look unbearable, and felt a little guilt unconsciously in his heart.

Beneath this seemingly peaceful surface, there is actually helplessness and confusion.

The emptiness of the mind is not terrible.

What's scary is that I realize the emptiness in my heart and want to fill it up as soon as possible, but I can't find any clues and angles to cut in.


Only by stuffing all the obtained information in one go, will it cause Mewtwo's emotionally unstable situation in reality.

Alakazam is thankful.

It is fortunate that it has met Xia Yan since its birth.

He grew up under Xia Yan's careful care and earnest teaching.

There are also Pokémons from Beedrill, Togekiss, Aegislash, and more.

Usually this feeling may not be obvious, but after seeing Mewtwo in the dream, I unconsciously compared with it, forming a sharp contrast.

But the more fortunate it was, the more pitiful it felt for Mewtwo.



Even if he possesses the top power in the entire Pokémon world, in front of the emptiness in his heart, this power seems so pale and has no support.

What would happen if you swap places with Mewtwo?

Coincidentally, Alakazam, Darkrai, and Xia Yan all had such thoughts in their hearts.

And with this idea came.

Several transparent tubes fell from above, binding Xia Yan, Alakazam, and Darkrai all together.

Not giving them Struggle time at all, nor the ability to resist.

Just like the Mewtwo in front of him, the tube was extended into the blood vessel.

It was obviously just a dream, but I felt the piercing pain, the kind of pain that came from the bone marrow.

Xia Yan opened his mouth to say something, but found that his body was gradually out of control, his consciousness became chaotic, his thoughts became slow, and the whole person entered the hazy Contest Condition.

His vision gradually blurred, and he could see less and less.

Xia Yan was shouting in his heart, but he couldn't make any sound.

Fear inevitably came to mind.

But nothing could stop the abnormally heavy eyelids from closing slowly.

At the moment when the light completely disappeared from the eye socket, consciousness also stagnated.

In the vast green liquid, four figures were suspended here like puppets.

Except for the occasional bubbles, the whole world seemed to be completely silent.

At first glance, it was like seeing a completely forbidden painting.

Cinnabar Island.

Lava cave.

Giovanni frowned, one command after another.

Even his Pokémon were exhausted after a long and intense fight.

That is to say, with the "power of Vibrant" as support, and Xia Yan's Pokémon has enough self-fighting awareness to contain and assist, otherwise Giovanni won't be able to last long.

Mega MewtwoX can't seem to be beaten.

Fall to the ground again and again, and stand up again and again.

With a "Recover" swipe, the Contest Condition will be restored to its original state.


Giovanni also had to take into account that Xia Yan fell into a deep sleep and entered the Mewtwo dream.

Evade and disperse the gradually crumbling cave of Cinnabar.

Fortunately, although Mega MewtwoX can splicing subconscious minds to fight with "Sleep Talk", it is not as fast as subjective moves.

The most important thing is that Mega MewtwoX, who fell into a deep sleep, is not as violent as before.

Boom-! !

With another violent shaking of Cinnabar Island, the partially collapsed Rock above the Cinnabar Cave finally couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed suddenly.

At this moment, it was as if Soaring in the sky had collapsed.

Giovanni couldn't help spit, appeared beside Xia Yan, and carried him.

Together with Xia Yan's Pokémon, protect him from the collapsing Rock and lava, and at the same time fight against the sleeping Mewtwo and keep approaching Ground.

And when the wet rain air appeared on the face and condensed into water droplets.

They finally returned to the Ground on Cinnabar Island.

"Xia Yan!"


There was a sound of surprise, worry, and consternation mixed together in the distance.

"Xia Yan!"

Accompanied by a few cracks.

Riding Dragonite, Flash Metagross, Garchomp's Ferry, Lorelei, Steven, and Cynthia, they appeared in front of the ruins where the slightly embarrassed Giovanni stood.

When he saw Giovanni carrying Xia Yan, Du's pupils shrank suddenly.


The people who fell one after another were also full of stunned expressions after hearing Du's words.

They finally completed the task assigned by Xia Yan with the fastest speed.

The residents of Cinnabar Island were evacuated, and the surrounding wild Pokémon were dispersed as much as possible.

It was too late to rest, and under Du's call, he was ready to support Xia Yan together.

I also felt the violent shaking of Cinnabar Island and the boiling water again halfway, so I had to speed up again.

Can never think of it.

When they saw Xia Yan again, it was actually on the broad shoulders of the Rockets leader Giovanni.

this moment.

Of course they wouldn't think that it was Giovanni who was protecting Xia Yan.

just feel.

Xia Yan was captured by Giovanni.

Immediately, one by one's expressions became tense to the extreme.

Seeing Du and the others appearing, Giovanni couldn't help raising his eyebrows, somewhat surprised.

Immediately glanced at Xia Yan on his shoulders, and suddenly smiled.

boom--! !

Xia Yan was thrown to the ground by Giovanni.

"Xia Yan!"

Seeing this scene, Du and the others exclaimed.

The Poké Ball in his hand flew out quickly.

Dozens of Pokémon appeared in front of them.

Even if they are facing at this time, it is the "notorious" Rocket leader Giovanni, the rumored "Earth Giovanni".

The one who existed before them.

The existence that even the older generation of powerhouses such as Agatha, Drake and others are very afraid of.

But after seeing that Xia Yan encountered "danger", he didn't have time to think about who Rival was, and just chose to attack boldly.

Just listen.

"Charizard, Gyarados, Mega!"

"Slowbro, Mega!"

"Metagross, Mega!"

"Garchomp, Mega!"

In an instant, the five Pokémons were enveloped in the energy of the Mega Evolution.

That is, there is no Reporter and no camera now.

Otherwise but this one scene is enough to make the headlines of tomorrow.

Seeing the four of them Mega Evolution in succession, ready to look for himself desperately, Giovanni couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

He swept away Xia Yan, who was thrown into the mud by him.

‘I didn’t expect this kid’s friends to be pretty good. ’

Not everyone dared to shoot after knowing that Rival was Giovanni.

Not everyone can be willing to risk their own life in an instant for a friend.

Although, it is impossible for Giovanni to attack Xia Yan at all.

But when the unknowing Du four saw the inevitable Rocket Leader and the Alliance Elite Four, and also saw the Elite Four being carried by the Rocket Leader, many things didn't need any explanation.

Declaring war on Giovanni is a necessary way for them to rescue Xia Yan!

The thunder light suddenly appeared, and Reggie Elech hung in the air.

Billows of magma poured out, and Heatran rode and manipulated the magma in Cinnabar Mountain.

Dragonite, Salamence, Lapras, Cloyster and many more Pokémon.



Didn't wait for them to start.

boom--! !

The ruins exploded, and the figure of Mega MewtwoX rushed out of the Ground.

Huang Huang Psychic surrounded his body, the rain falling from the sky, the strong wind blowing, and the pounding waves were all unable to get close.


With the appearance of Mega MewtwoX, Du and others' Pokémon instantly became highly concentrated, and their muscles were tense, as if they had encountered a terrifying existence, Normal.

what is that?

This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

I just think. What a strong Psychic!

Giovanni grinned.

"Want to save this kid?"

talking room.

Giovanni stepped on Xia Yan's body.

The dark leather shoes, with mud, left a footprint on Xia Yan's body.

Du almost couldn't help rushing up, but fortunately he was stopped by Steven.

"What do you want to do?"

In Giovanni's smile, there was a little more sternness.

"If you want to save him, deal with Mewtwo first. Otherwise."


Everyone followed his line of sight.

I saw that Giovanni's Pokémon, and Xia Yan's Pokémon, were already entangled with the sleeping Mewtwo.

If Xia Yan was still awake and saw this scene, he would definitely applaud.

Giovanni boss, good acting.

And Du and the others finally felt the power of Mega MewtwoX.

Is this the Pokémon that Giovanni wants to fight or conquer?

If such a powerful Pokémon is conquered by Giovanni, the Alliance.

"Xiaodian! Thunder Cage!"

Cynthia strode forward, the pattering rain had soaked her blond hair, dangling wetly on her clothes, but her expression was very serious, suppressing the anger in her eyes, she shot out brazenly.

The target, of course, is Mega MewtwoX!

With Cynthia's decisiveness, Du and the others also recovered from their brief astonishment.

There was no longer any hesitation, and they all shot.

"Charizard, Flamethrower!"

"Slowbro, Psyshock!"

"Metagross, Meteor Mash!"

See them take a shot.

The smile on Giovanni's face deepened a little again.

Glancing at Xia Yan, who was still asleep on the ground.

The shoes twisted on his clothes, leaving more mud, making Xia Yan look even more embarrassed.

Well, this is more realistic.

‘Speaking of which, if I hadn’t seen this scene, and only used the Masters as a reference, I would have thought that they were plastic friendships. Ah--'

These little guys in front of them, with the talents they have now realized, are enough to be a Region Elite Four.

Might be able to go further.

But for a Xia Yan, listen to his Giovanni's arrangement.


When they become the champions of each Region in the future, won't they be able to directly Instruct the four Regions if they catch Xia Yan?

Relying on Xia Yan to make Alliance?

Interesting, interesting.

at the same time.

"We cannot help Giovanni achieve his goals."

Several people also communicated.

"But Xia Yan Senior is in his hands."

"So we just need to help stop this unknown Pokémon, don't think about defeating it, although it is very strong, even if we work together, it is not like we can defeat it."

"See if you can get close to Xia Yan, or contact Xia Yan's Pokémon, be sure to rescue him first!"

"One thing for sure. That is, regardless of the outcome, the first and most important goal is to rescue Xia Yan!"

"it is good!"

Several people quickly settled on a simple plan.

Xia Yan rescue plan!

I don't know how long it took.

Maybe just for a brief moment.

It could also be an extremely long period of time.

Consciousness gradually returned, and the body gradually regained control.

With the trembling of the eyelids, Xia Yan in the dream space slowly opened his eyes.

What he saw was the same scene that Mewtwo saw when he just woke up.

'I'm Mewtwo? No, I'm Xia Yan! ’

Xia Yan was slightly in a trance.

After a few brief slide-like pictures.

His vision returned again, and he saw Mewtwo, who was also hanging in the air, with his eyes open.

"How do you feel?"

At this time, Mewtwo, looking very calm, suddenly asked.

Xia Yan first glanced at Alakazam and Darkrai beside him.

Can the Nightmare God be controlled by others in a dream?

But I saw Darkrai open his eyes and look at Xia Yan.

[I don't feel its malice. 】

Xia Yan was silent.

Nodding slightly, he looked at Mewtwo again.

I recalled the feeling of being restrained for a while.

Although, at that time, his consciousness was already chaotic, and he couldn't see anything, and he couldn't even notice the passage of time.

But I can feel that there is an inexplicable force that is constantly controlling it.

Make yourself what the other person wants to be.

That kind of fear, which is called Tian Tian's refusal, and the earth's impossibility, is constantly eroding him.

Is this what Mewtwo feels like?

After a while, Xia Yancai said slowly: "It's very uncomfortable, very confused, very helpless, and very scared."

Mewtwo nodded slightly, didn't speak, and didn't even change his expression.

Maybe it didn't even realize it, when it looked at Xia Yan again, there was a little more recognition in the bottom of its eyes.


This is the recognition that comes after suffering together.

Xia Yan also experienced the same experience as Mewtwo.


Also includes Alakazam.

It's Darkrai, it doesn't matter.

At this time, Alakazam also slowly opened his eyes.

I looked around for the first time, saw Xia Yan, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

Only then did the same complex emotions as when Xia Yan woke up flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Mewtwo couldn't help showing a little envy.

It said again: "Can you tell me about you?"

Xia Yan looked at Alakazam, and Alakazam also happened to look at Xia Yan.

Seeing this, one Pokémon looked at each other and smiled.

"Yes, not only can I tell you what happened between me and Alakazam, but I can also tell you what happened to me and each of my Pokémons."

Mewtwo nodded, no objection.

Xia Yan didn't say any more, and said casually: "I remember, I met Weedle at that time on a hazy rainy day"

Afterwards, Xia Yan talked about the process of his encounter, acquaintance, acquaintance and stay with all his Pokémon.

When it comes to Weedle training hard for Xia Yan and her to survive, Mewtwo's expression became serious.

Mewtwo's expression turned sad when Alakazam's mother, Yongjira, used Psychic to warm her Pokémon eggs to protect him before she died.

When talking about Togepi erasing the road signs left by Xia Yan in the underground cave, Mewtwo showed a little joy.

When it comes to Honedge being timid and over-cautious, but having a grumpy side, Mewtwo is stunned.

Speaking of Chimchar leaving the Groudon space with Xia Yan, and training hard to become stronger and catch up, Mewtwo showed admiration.

When it comes to Latios' first fight, when he was injured and cried, Mewtwo showed his doting.

Speaking of how many years Doron Bartto was locked up in a laboratory in the otherworld of Regigigas, Mewtwo expressed his sympathy.

When talking about the fact that little Eevee sticks to Xia Yan's body and doesn't want to let go, and often sticks to Xia Yan's hair, Mewtwo shows her envy.

When it comes to that little Vulpix slowly walked out of the protection of his mother and can now be alone in the hands of Xia Yan, Mewtwo revealed Covet.

Speaking of Zorua, who waited for Xia Yan for decades without evolving, and when Xia Yan finally arrived, Mewtwo showed respect.

Speaking of

One by one, one by one, Xia Yan and Pokémons related things, he remembered very clearly.

And each one is precious.

The more popular the way of speaking, the more seriously Mewtwo listened.

Unconsciously, a melancholy smile appeared on Xia Yan's face.

turn out to be.

He looked back and realized that he had been through so much with the Pokémon.

Even Darkrai next to him, after hearing these words, looked at Xia Yan with a special halo in his eyes.

And it was Mewtwo who was really mesmerizing.

The void in its heart slowly fills up with what Xia Yan tells, and gradually becomes full.

Ups and downs, ups and downs.

It seems to have simply walked Xia Yan's short life.

Xia Yan reshaped Mewtwo based on what he and the Pokémons have experienced.

Are you not ignorant?

Then I will use myself as a mirror to clarify your heart.

I don't know how long it took.

After listening to this, the dream space fell into a calm that had not been broken for a long time.


It wasn't until Mewtwo's calm "thank you" that everyone came back to their senses.

Mewtwo looked at Alakazam with uncontrollable envy in his eyes.

"Brother, I really envy you."

"Hu Di." Alakazam said sincerely.

Mewtwo let out a sigh of relief, the curled body slowly stretched, and the tubes on her body fell off one by one.

Head up.


Although both are "thank you", it seems that the two "thank you" before and after have different meanings.

However, as Mewtwo's words fell, the entire dream space began to disperse quietly.

Consciousness, slowly returning to the body.

Xia Yan, who fell in the mud, slowly opened his eyes.

Subconsciously looked up to the sky.

Mega MewtwoX has changed back to Mewtwo again, hovering in the air with closed eyes, and also stopped the output of Psychic, as well as the irritable mood.

Xia Yan supported Ground and sat up.

I don't know why I fell into the quagmire and said with a little pain in my back.

But after he sat up, he looked down.

I don't know when, in my hand, there is a bright and crystal Mega Evolution stone.

Exactly Mewtwo's Mega Evolution Stone X!

Counting the piece that Alakazam had cut off before, Mewtwo's two Mega Evolution stones had already fallen into his hands.

And Xia Yan also understood what Mewtwo meant.

These two Mega Evolution stones are temporarily handed over to him for safekeeping.

I won't try Mega Evolution again until Mewtwo can't figure out the meaning and value of its existence.


PS: Today is nearly 1.4w! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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