The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 917 Giovanni's Earth Legion (7K+!)

Chapter 916 Giovanni's "Earth Legion" (7k+!)

"Is this. Boss Giovanni's footprint?"

Xia Yan took off his muddy coat.

Seeing the footprints on the back of the small suit, the corners of his eyes twitched.

good guy.

When he turned his head to look again, he saw five Pokémon already in the Mega Evolution, staring around Mewtwo.

One by one was injured more or less.

Not just these Pokémon, but Heatran, Reggie Elech, Dragonite, Aggron, Lapras, Spiritomb, and more.

It seems.

In order to stop the runaway Mewtwo, Du, Cynthia and the others did their best.


The one who contributed the most was Giovanni's Pokémon.

Xia Yan dared to go straight into Mewtwo's dream without fear of being shocked to death by the aftermath, because he trusted his friends.

Calculate the time.

They should also settle the personnel arrangement on Cinnabar Island.

Of course there is also trust in Giovanni.

If Giovanni wanted to deal with him, he would have died in the first place.

But now Xia Yan still has a lot of doubts in his heart, and he can only wait until the end of the matter, and then find a chance to chat with Giovanni privately.


After he understood the current situation and his situation, he had to settle the final curtain call ceremony.

Seeing Xia Yan wake up.

His Pokémon were all surrounding him immediately.

Among them were Darkrai and Alakazam who had just woken up, and of course Beedrill who had fallen into a coma lying on Latios' back.

"Xia Yan!"

Seeing Xia Yan wake up, Du and others also reacted.

Only, after seeing Giovanni's Pokémon "eyeing" Xia Yan.

One by one they stopped, not daring to move forward.

Just as they were entangled with Mewtwo, they also deeply felt Giovanni's strength and the pressure from him.

The leader of the Rockets is terrifyingly strong.

Especially his Beedrill.

The traces of the whereabouts are unpredictable, it is almost impossible to capture the traces, and the offensive ability is also very outrageous.

If it wasn't for this Beedrill, I'm afraid. They really couldn't stop the Mega MewtwoX who ran out of control just now.

Xia Yan stood up and waved at them, indicating that there was no problem with him.

After a "warning" look at Giovanni.

Look up at Mewtwo, who has awakened and regained her senses in the air.

Noticing Xia Yan's gaze, Mewtwo also looked over.

Compared with the first time I saw Mewtwo, the current Mewtwo feels completely different to Xia Yan.

The first time I saw Mewtwo, I could feel its power, unparalleled power.

But that kind of power is very unstable, and it seems that it may explode at any time, like a time bomb.

But now it's different.

Mewtwo's breath became much more stable, although it still fluctuated, but fortunately it could be controlled.

And the biggest change.

Nature is Mewtwo's eyes.

When they first met, Mewtwo's eyes were filled with all kinds of negative emotions, doubt, anger, vigilance and sadness.

The overall color is dull.

but now.

Mewtwo's eyes, in the confusion and gloom, had a new look.

It is precisely because of this look that it makes it look a little more agile, more like a real Pokémon.

Xia Yan knew.

It was what he told Mewtwo in his dream that gave him a preliminary understanding of the world, Pokémon and humans.

And it can finally rely on this knowledge to take a good look at the world, understand the world, and understand the world.

"Mewtwo, did you take Manaphy's Pokémon eggs?"

Taking advantage of the fact that Mewtwo's mood has gradually stabilized, Xia Yan hurriedly heard the news.

Manaphy is still waiting.

If Xia Yan can't find its child after a while, Manaphy will incite all the water system Pokémon in the surrounding waters, and the damage may not necessarily be less than Mewtwo's runaway.


Mewtwo pondered for a moment, showing a look of surprise.

Immediately, a Pokémon egg with a faint blue halo flew out of its hand.

At the same time: "I'm just curious, why it can be born from a Pokémon egg, and I was born in that instrument."

Xia Yan was silent.

In fact, after going through the process of the birth of Mewtwo, Xia Yan understood.

At that time, it was just too curious about everything and very suspicious about everything.

Manaphy was probably the closest thing Mewtwo could feel at the time, and that's why he was so curious about Manaphy's children.

After catching the Pokémon egg that revealed a little warmth, after confirming that the Pokémon egg did not suffer any damage.

Xia Yan nodded again.

"I'll explain it to Manaphy for you, hoping to get his forgiveness."

A slight mood swing appeared on Mewtwo's face.

It could be gratitude, it could be guilt.

But anyway, it has gradually understood the emotion.

Because of this, it has feelings that make it a real Pokémon.

rather than a created tool of killing.

"I'm going to find the value and meaning of my existence."

Finish saying this.

With all the Pokémon around him watching vigilantly, Mewtwo once again had a Psychic halo.


in the ruins.

The Pokémon, previously controlled by Mewtwo, slowly floated up.


There are Pokémons that were also cloned under Team Rocket's genetic engineering.

There are also Pokémon that originally belonged to the Rockets and were used as tools.

There are also Pokémon that originally lived in lava.

With the backflow of sea water, the living environment of these fire-type Pokémon has been destroyed.

The reduction of survival resources will definitely lead to the competition between these Pokémons and eventually lead to a sudden decrease in the number of Pokémon, so it is better to follow Mewtwo.

a time.

There are three layers inside and three layers outside, and countless Pokémon and Mewtwo hover in the air together.

There were comatose, Smelling Salts, and wounded.

"Wait a moment!"

Xia Yan stopped Mewtwo again.

Under Mewtwo's slightly suspicious gaze.

Xia Yan pursed his lips and took out a large amount of healing spray and a lot of energy cubes from his arms.

"These are all for you. Pokémons are injured and need timely treatment. It is impossible for you to get enough food resources at the beginning with them. These energy cubes should also provide you with enough food support. "

After a brief pause.

Xia Yan continued:

"There are also two boxes of energy cubes that are more suitable for you. They should suit your taste. Take them and eat them together. If you still want to eat after eating, you can come to me at any time. I believe you should be able to find me. "

Looking at the healing spray and energy cubes spread all over the ground, Mewtwo's eyes became a little complicated.

"I have a little more here."

At this time.

Cynthia next to her also seemed to see Xia Yan's intentions, and pulled out a lot of healing sprays and energy cubes that she was carrying.

"We have quite a few here too."

Du, Steven and Lorelei also donated generously.

Although a second ago.

They are still fighting to death with Mewtwo, but Xia Yan and Mewtwo seem to have some communication in the next second, and the relationship between the two sides may not be as bad as they thought.

Out of trust in Xia Yan, they all followed Xia Yan's method.

There are five people in the group, and they are all five people with good identities and status. The resources and materials that a few of them can come up with are quite impressive.

Even if Mewtwo carried that many Pokémon, it was enough to live on for a long time.

Mewtwo's eyes swept over them slowly, and finally fell on Xia Yan's body again, and the gratitude in his eyes became more and more intense.

At the same time, it also noticed that on Xia Yan, there was still a faint aura related to it, and there were a few bright stars like starlight.

But the nebula seemed to be asleep, and Mewtwo called out a few times, but couldn't feel its conscious fluctuations.

Not much to say.

Just nodded slightly towards Xia Yan.

Psychic's eyes flashed again.

The basic props such as the healing potion spray and energy cubes on the ground were suspended one after another, surrounding Mewtwo's side.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Giovanni, who was standing beside him with a calm expression, but looked at the undisguised eager Giovanni deep in his eyes, and then at Alakazam, who had a complicated expression.

"Brother, if you run into trouble, come to me!"

Finish this sentence.

Mewtwo no longer hesitated.

With a powerful Psychic, take those Pokémon and flee to the sea to the south.

A few blinks of an eye.

disappeared from the sight of everyone.

It's just that it didn't notice that there was no movement on Xia Yan's faint nebula before, and after it left, there was a slight fluctuation.

Xia Yan didn't notice this.


On the field, only Giovanni and Xia Yan were left.

After a few moments of attention, he returned to Giovanni again.

One by one is full of vigilance.

Xia Yan naturally also took "alert".

But he was also suspicious.

Why did Giovanni watch Mewtwo leave without doing anything.

It seemed that he felt Xia Yan's doubts.

Giovanni didn't feel like he was surrounded by two Elite Fours and three outstanding young Trainers from Alliance.

Instead, he smiled and looked in the direction of Mewtwo's departure, as if talking to himself, as if he was answering Xia Yan and said slowly:

"I, Giovanni, want a full Pokémon instead of a machine, so why give it time to grow?"


The Mewtwo before the Mega Evolution Stone can be used as a robot.

But after seeing the Mega Evolution, Mewtwo's power, and then using it as a machine, it is too wasteful.

Such a powerful force should be fully presented and used by him.

The current Mewtwo is not enough to have the emotion and heritage to support Mega Evolution, so give it time to grow.


Even taking Mewtwo back.

If there were no means to limit it, Mewtwo could not be obedient now.


Xia Yan can't see Mewtwo anymore.

When he said this, Giovanni showed absolute confidence, even conceit.

I have seen the power of Mega MewtwoX, but I can still let the current Mewtwo go, and I have absolute confidence that I can conquer it. Is this not conceit?

But I don't know why, when I heard Giovanni's words, Duji's heart was tight.

May be an illusion.

But they just felt that Giovanni's words were convincing.

Perhaps this convincing power comes from his strength.

It may also be due to his powerful aura.


This aura is above them.

Alliance Elite Four and Alliance Outstanding Youth Trainer meet the leader of the Rockets, what else can happen?

"Dragonite, Outrage!"

"Heatran, Magma Storm!"

"Little Dian, Zap Cannon!"

"Lapras, Ice Beam!"

There is hardly any communication and eye contact.

After confirming that Xia Yan woke up and had a certain self-protection ability, several people attacked Giovanni without hesitation.

They were more or less angry.

just now.

Xia Yan is also a "hostage" in the hands of Giovanni.

Seeing this, Xia Yan twitched the corners of his eyes without a trace.

good guy.

But now that this scene Giovanni has taken the lead.

If one of the leading actors of him does not participate, it is indeed a bit unreasonable.

"Dragon Bartto, Dragon Rush!"

Beedrill was in a coma, Alakazam's Contest Condition was a little off, and Doron Bartto became the main attacker.

Facing the siege of the five men, Giovanni stood still.

And his Pokémon did not show any timidity in the face of overwhelming attacks.



The sound of roaring and shaking appeared again on Cinnabar Island, and the entire island shook slightly.

However, it can be clearly felt that the roar this time is not because of a violent energy shock somewhere, but from multiple directions and frequent movements in all corners at the same time.

see you.

The ground, which was already a ruin, shook, and Pokémon emerged from the ground.

Sandslash, Dugtrio, Excadrill, Golem, Onix, Krookodile

There are even Quagsire, Swampert, Whiscash, and Seismitoad with their heads emerging from the sea.

All-in-one Ground is a Pokémon.


There are strong and weak.

But when so many Ground-based Pokémon are gathered, and Landorus is in charge of deployment and command, the visual impact is completely different.

Countless Rock rubble rose out of thin air.

A lot of Rock is intertwined with the earth-yellow Ground energy.

Suspended in mid-air, it was like covering the sky with normal.

And Landorus, who was bathed in pure Ground energy, jumped into this energy.

next second.

One is completely piled up by countless Rocks.

A giant earth cat made of pure Ground energy.

appeared in their sight.

That huge sturdy body shot straight into the sky.

The rising air flowed in the dark and low clouds.

A large, spiral-shaped hole was broken.

The two front feet stepping on the clouds landed on Cinnabar Island.

The two hind feet are more like hovering above the sea.

The sense of oppression brought about by the huge body was barely comparable to the previous Mewtwo.

Roar--! !

Horrible growl.

The sound is mixed with strong Ground-based energy.

Even the dark, dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated in this sound.

The giant Landorus slowly crouched down and lowered his head.

That Baiyun Normal is both like a beard and like Baiyun's sharp fangs, which is two or three times bigger than Xia Yan and the others.

Bursts of sound waves swept through.

As a result, Xia Yan and their Pokémon had to turn the offensive into a defensive.

Du and the others looked at this scene in disbelief.

Even Xia Yan's face was full of astonishment at this time.

what is this?

Giovanni's "Earth Legion"? !


Or the Land Army with Landorus as the core!


Only Landorus, a ground-type beast, can accommodate such a huge army of Ground-type energy.

There are two forms of "incarnation" and "spirit beast".

Allow Pokémons like Landorus to maintain their own form after integrating a lot of energy.

It is no wonder that Giovanni had to go to the Unova Region in person to take Landorus in his pocket.

It turned out to be preparing for this move.

If it wasn't for knowing that this was not the Galar Region, Xia Yan would have thought that Landorus was a giant.


Precisely because it is not gigantic, the visual impact caused is quite terrifying enough.

That is, against Mewtwo, Giovanni couldn't assemble the Legion.

Because the energy of Legion Pokémon may not have gathered yet, it was first controlled by Mewtwo's powerful Psychic.

Even if it is integrated, Landorus is more like a living target for a Pokémon with too strong single combat capability such as Mega MewtwoX.

But in the face of so many Pokémons from Xia Yan and the others, the power of the legion can exert a considerable influence.

Giovanni also showed the real power of the name "Earth Giovanni".

Xia Yan's Teacher Agatha has a special status in the Alliance because she holds the "Ghost Legion".

Just didn't expect it.

Giovanni actually also has his "Earth Legion".


I don't know when he put so many Ground-type Pokémon here.

Xia Yan and others didn't even notice at all.

The five were close together.

Looking at the huge Landorus and the Ground-type Pokémon that kept popping up around him, I felt tremendous pressure.

Rockets leader Giovanni is stronger than they expected.

Xia Yan secretly stunned.

The best actor in today's scene is probably going to change hands.

"Giovanni is our Kanto's trouble. So, when I'm done, you go first!"

Du stared at the huge Landorus, made a decision, and took a step forward in a deep voice.

Landorus like this, plus Giovanni's Pokémon and so many Ground-type Pokémon, they're not Rivals.

One can go now is one.

"What, I'm not Kanto's anymore?"

Lorelei shrugged his nose, looking very unconvinced, and stood directly beside Wataru.

"What do you take us for?"

Steven also said angrily, and didn't mean to retreat at all.

Cynthia didn't speak.

Just taking a step forward explained what she meant.

Xia Yan, who was standing behind them, lowered his head and touched his nose.

Swipe towards Giovanni on the opposite side again.

Others, Giovanni integrated the Earth Corps but didn't do it the first time. Are you confused about the situation?

But soon his thoughts moved slightly, and he felt a familiar call.


Drink lowly.

see you.


Huge monstrous waves roared from above the sea.

Waves of tens of meters high.

Even more exaggerated than the gigantic Landorus.

And at the top of that wave.

A huge Wailord.

And a bunch of water-based Pokémon that play with the tide.

Among them is the champion Mantine that appeared in the depths of the sea before.

On Mantine's back, Manaphy's petite, rounded blue figure loomed.

Under the reflection of the sea water, it appears more and more bright and crystal clear.

The Surf formed by so many water-based Pokémon under the unified command seems to be a bit of a water-based army.


Manaphy's voice came from afar.

It waved hard at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan put away the Pokémon for the first time.

After a brief stunned time, they also understood what Xia Yan meant, stopped fighting, and put away Pokémon one after another.

Immediately under the Psychic package of Alakazam.

disappeared in place.

boom--! !

A huge wave fell, and Landorus had to resist.

Cinnabar Island, once again had to suffer from the impact of nature.

When the tide passes.

The dark clouds in the sky also dissipated, revealing a splendid crimson glow on the horizon, which dyed the Cinnabar Island after the tide with a red dress.

As the rays of light brushed over Giovanni's face.

You can see the smile on his face.

Wave your hand.

"Let's go."

The Ground-type energy that Landorus was driving dissipated.

back to the original appearance.

Quickly leave Cinnabar Island with Giovanni.

So far.

The chaos and chaos around Cinnabar Island gradually subsided.


After this incident, I am afraid that it will take at least a few years, or even longer, for Cinnabar Island to return to its previous appearance.

Wailord mouth.

Du, Steven, Cynthia, Lorelei recovered from the shock of Giovanni's great power.

Looking around curiously.

It's the first time they've ever been in a Pokémon's mouth.

This feeling is quite novel.

Xia Yan carefully returned the Pokémon egg to Manaphy.

see your own children.

Manaphy's eyes were instantly wet with crystal, and he hugged the Pokémon egg tightly, rubbing it lightly on his cheek.

I finally found my child.

The joy in Manaphy's heart could not be hidden.

The light blue halo gradually spreads around the red gem on Manaphy's chest as Manaphy comes into contact with the Pokémon egg.

The water Pokémon surrounding Wailord also dispersed after feeling the meaning in the halo.

Back to the sea where he used to live.

"Is this the 'Prince of Canghai' Manaphy?"

Cynthia looked at the petite and lovely Manaphy and couldn't help asking.

The legend of Manaphy in Sinnoh Region is still relatively common. As a scholar of ancient mythology, Cynthia, it is not difficult to recognize Manaphy.

"Well." Xia Yan nodded slightly.

Briefly explain the reasons for his previous contact with Manaphy and what happened in the waters around Cinnabar Island.

The crowd was stunned.

turn out to be.

Everything stems from the birth of Mewtwo.


Lorelei blinked, looking curiously at the petite Manaphy.

Isn't that a male Pokémon?

Can you still have children?

Long experience.

Xia Yan smiled and said:

"Gender itself is a very vague concept for most mythical beasts and phantom beasts, and calling it a 'prince' is just the subjective consciousness of ancient people."

"However, it is true that there are not many phantom beasts that can give birth." Du said with a slap in his mouth.

That's because you haven't seen the Eudemons group.

In the Galar Region, there are also a group of Sarods, which are large and large.

"That's why Mewtwo is so curious about Manaphy's Pokémon eggs."

"Super Mewtwo, its power is too terrifying, so does it belong to an illusory beast or a divine beast?" Cynthia asked curiously.

The Rockets have really created an amazing Pokémon.

Luckily the Rockets can't control Mewtwo either, otherwise Alliance would be in trouble.

"It should be a divine beast." Xia Yan said after a little hesitation.

He didn't know if Mewtwo had a priesthood or not.

But even if there is no priesthood, its strength is not inferior to that of most divine beasts.

If you count Mega Evolution.

Xia Yan rubbed the two Mega Evolution stones in his pocket.

Perhaps, there are only a few divine beasts that can compete with it head-on.

Hoenn's Mega Rayquaza, Primal Reversion's Flightless and Fathead, Unova Black and White Opelucid's Kyurem's Return to the Body, Kalos' Gundam.


Divine beasts are not simply measured by their strength. Including the priesthood, there is really no clear division between strength and weakness.


With Manaphy's exclamation, the attention of Xia Yan and others fell on Manaphy again.

as well as.

On a Pokémon egg in its arms.

see you.

On the Pokémon egg in the color of Cianwood, a light blue halo like a stream of water spread out.

In an instant, it seemed that the reflection of Wailord's mouth became more and more brilliant.

"This is."

"It's going to hatch!" Xia Yan said in surprise.



Marshadow and Victini stuck their heads out, watching the scene curiously.

They are also Eudemons, and it is also the first time that the Pokémon eggs of Eudemons are hatched.

"Mana, Mana!"

Manaphy is also a first-time parent.

Can not help showing the color of panic.

Xia Yan came to it and patted its head gently.

Softly: "Don't panic, we are all here, there will be no problem."


Manaphy looked at Xia Yan, with a bit of hope and help in her yellow eyes.

Xia Yan is relatively experienced in hatching Pokémon eggs.

Alakazam, Latios, Larvesta, hatched from Pokémon eggs in his presence.


Under the halo of Manaphy's Pokémon egg about to hatch, Xia Yan's heart suddenly moved.

Touch into the arms.

Carefully took out a mass of blue-like air mass that was compressed to the extreme.

air mass in the heart.

As if hiding a whole piece of brilliant starry sky.

As the halo of Pokémon eggs flickered.

This air mass is also slowly "living" over.

The airflow slowly stretches and stretches.

A misty body with a gradation of blue and purple.

The stars contained in it are also gradually expanding.

‘Cosmog? ! ’

Xia Yan was a little surprised.

Xia Yan was surprised when the Black stone given by Tapu Moo became Cosmog.

However, although the Cosmog was formed at that time, it was unconscious and was sleeping all the time.


‘Is it because of the special rhythm of life brought about by the imminent hatching of the Manaphy Pokémon egg, awakening it? ' Xia Yan secretly guessed.

I see.

Cosmog stretch molding.

The small blue star clusters that were like ears and arms stretched out vigorously.

It was as if after a long sleep, struggling to stretch out comfortably.

Two small orange eyes and a small mouth.

floating above the nebula.

Go, go, go-

His eyes blinked playfully.

"Gu-Gu Gu?"

A soft voice sounded.

"Is this a Pokémon too?"

Looking at Cosmog awakening in Xia Yan's palm, Du and others said that they had seen too many Pokémons they had never seen before.

Mewtwo, Manaphy, a Pokémon egg about to hatch, and this Cosmog.

It's all about what.

"By the way, where are we going?"

"Maybe. The Temple of the Sea, Yashak?" Xia Yan murmured.

Alola Region.

Tapu Koko in the altar, Tapu Butterfly in the forest, Tapu Moo in Rest on the tree branch, and Tapu Finni wandering in the sea all looked in the distant direction.


They all felt the awakening of Cosmog.

The patron saints of the four islands in the Alola Region are approaching each other almost subconsciously.

The first time it appeared in Altar of the Moone on Poni Island.

look at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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