The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 924 The Ultimate Metropolis! (Two In One)

Chapter 923 The ultimate metropolis! (two in one)

"This is the fifth one. Codenamed UB06: Needle, Naganadel, the ultimate monster of the poison and dragon types. It is the only known and evolved ultimate monster. Its toxin is very strong, and it is said that the body may There are hundreds of liters of venom hidden, so be careful."

Anabel is in the headset, conveying the message.

Naganadel, evolved from Poipole.

It is also the only one who has a stage of evolution among all the extreme beasts that Xia Yan knows.

But actually.

Naganadel is not that outstanding compared to other extreme beasts.

For all the extreme beasts, if their own stats are based on ordinary Pokémon and converted into Species Strength, most of the extreme beasts have Species Strength of 570 points, while Naganadel's Species Strength is only 540 points, which is a weak point of them. place.


Species Strength doesn't quite represent anything.

Pokémon with low Species Strength but strong fighting ability abound.

What really makes Naganadel special is the dragon attribute it has and the dragon moves that it can master.

At least, it can learn and master top dragon-type moves like "Dragon Dance", "Outrage", and "Draco Meteor".

And Guzzlord, another dragon-type extreme beast, cannot learn the "Dragon Dance" move.

Moreover, Guzzlord belongs to the evil and dragon type moves, and the weakness of the four times weaker Fairy is too obvious.

In addition, Guzzlord is lost on the way to eat from beginning to end, and has little ability to think for himself, so the threat is not particularly big.

Xia Yan didn't speak yet.

The Poké Ball around his waist opens.


Latios flashed out of it.


Even Xia Yan can feel the infinite energy fluctuations on Naganadel, and Latios can naturally feel the energy fluctuations on it.

And after seeing Latios, the originally ferocious Naganadel was obviously stunned for a moment, and his eyes were a little stunned and surprised.



Inside the opened Ultra Wormhole, a crisp and melodious special flute sounded.

And Naganadel, who heard the flute sound, immediately recovered from the surprise. After taking a deep look at Latios, he quickly swept to the Ground and threw the four extreme beasts defeated by Xia Yan back one by one. Check out Ultra Wormhole.


Seeing Naganadel's action, let alone Xia Yan, Anabel and all the Interpols were obviously stunned.

This is the first time they have seen that the ultimate alien beast was actively recovered.

Xia Yan's palm gently rested on Latios' neck, feeling the beat of its heart veins.

Finally make a decision.

Whispered to Anabel:

"I'm going in and have a look."


The Interpols on the same channel were shocked.

Not so long ago.

Anabel has been in once.

But that time, Anabel went in fast and came out fast.

But it was also eroded by the ultimate energy particles, and the Contest Condition was severely affected.

But this time.

Research Ultra Wormhole is clearly closing.

If you go in this time, you won't know what's going on inside Ultra Wormhole. If you get lost, you won't be able to come back.

"Calm down, don't be impulsive, Xia Yan."

Anabel hurriedly said.

Listening to Anabel's dissuasion, Xia Yan couldn't help but grin.

"I have it in my mind."

The voice fell, and he no longer hesitated.

Flip over onto the Latios, stow them in the Infernape, and swiftly fly towards the dramatically shrinking Ultra Wormhole.

"Xia Yan!!"

Anabel's voice echoed in everyone's earphones.

And the Interpols of the UB Countermeasures Department, one by one, were speechless at this time.

How come the leaders of the UB Countermeasures Department are all like this?

The other day, Minister Anabel rushed into the Ultra Wormhole.

This time, it was Vice Minister Xia Yan who rushed in.

the most important is.

Yesterday, Vice Minister Xia Yan scolded her after learning that Minister Anabel had entered the Ultra Wormhole without authorization.


Now Deputy Minister Xia Yan is more thorough, rushing in before Ultra Wormhole closes.

Doesn't he know that ordinary humans can't withstand the baptism of the ultimate energy in Ultra Wormhole?

From amnesia to coma, or from being directly squeezed out of energy, he died.

And Anabel has entered once, and has a little resistance.

What about Xia Yan?

"Nonsense! This stinky boy!"

Anabel rushed out of the tent dragging her tired body.

Just in time to see the Ultra Wormhole slowly closing.

Hearing these vaguely familiar words, the handsome guy who stood not far from the tent to guard against wild Pokémon had a strange expression.

Just yesterday, he heard Xia Yan say that Anabel was "fucking".

The handsome guy looked at the pale Anabel's face with a little Rage's blush, and opened his mouth to comfort him.

But I heard Anabel say: "Forget it."

"Forget it, forget it?"

The handsome guy's previous words got stuck in his throat, and his eyes changed immediately after staring.

Anabel gave him a sideways glance.

"What else can I do? Can you stop him?"

"But. Ultimate energy it."

Anabel waved his hand.

"You think he doesn't know the threat of ultimate energy? He told me yesterday that he never left the ultimate energy in just three sentences."

After a short pause, he continued:

"Don't worry, didn't he say it before? He is an Elite now, don't worry too much, he knows it. I guess he found some information. When the Ultra Wormhole is opened next time, pay attention to whether he will come out."

The handsome guy looked at Anabel as he stretched back to the tent.

Wiped his forehead.

He finally understood why he couldn't be promoted for a long time.

good guy.

Minister and Deputy Minister, are all doing this?

The ultimate energy particles of Ultra Wormhole are, of course, threatening to ordinary people.

Even human beings living in the Ultra Wormhole have to wear equipment if they want to pass through the Ultra Wormhole.

But that's ordinary people.

For a Psychic like Xia Yan, the threat is actually not that big.

No matter how bad, he still has Little Nebula.

Whether Little Nebula is the ultimate beast or a Pokémon is hard to say.

But it is certain that investigating the ultimate energy particles in Ultra Wormhole will not only do no harm to the small nebula, but even have a lot of benefits.

Of course.

Ultimate energy particles also pose no threat to a Pokémon like Latios.

After entering Ultra Wormhole, Xia Yan opened his Psychic position.

It turns out.

Ultimate energy particles can't penetrate his Psychic Barrier.

At the same time that Xia Yan was relieved, he was finally able to relax and look around.

at this time.

He is in an endless special passage, both in front and behind, leading to unknown directions.

The surroundings of the passage are filled with colorful special energy halos.

And the Ultra Wormhole, which opens to the world of Pokémon, actually opens a gap on this channel.

"Gu Gu~~"

After entering the Ultra Wormhole, it was the little Nebula that was huddled in Xia Yan's arms and eating energy cubes, and became alive again Splash.

A very happy look, floating around Xia Yan.


Latios asked aloud.

Xia Yan shook his head.

"I don't even know where the Naganadel went."

Immediately, he looked at the small nebula again.

"However, Cosmog, can you feel those extreme beasts just now, where are they going?"

"Gu Gu?"

Cosmog tilted his head and blinked his eyes.

Xia Yan rubbed the little guy helplessly.

Round and flatten Solaceon into any shape it is like a foggy nebula.

"You little guy, they learned badly from Togekiss."

Cosmog, who escaped from Xia Yan's "clutch", immediately puffed out his mouth.

"Cough Cough"

Just wanted to say something.

Xia Yan blocked his mouth with an energy cube.

Feeling the delicious food, Cosmog's face changed very quickly, and all of a sudden he rolled his eyes and showed a smile.

Then, without a word, it landed on Latios' head.

Nebula turned into a palm and pointed it from a distance.



Latios also doubted him.

Carrying Xia Yan and Little Nebula.

Immediately toward the direction it points, gallop away.

I don't know how long Flying has been.

In Ultra Wormhole, there seems to be no concept of time.

But in the Ultra Wormhole, in addition to the threat of the ultimate energy particles, there is also a substantive ultimate energy that is gathered together.

That energy scale, even Latios had to dodge.


Along the way, Xia Yan also saw many openings in the passage, leading to completely unknown places.

Through these gaps, you can see.

Some are blue in color, as if the whole world is flooded with sea water.

In some places, there are dense and complex unknown vegetation everywhere, like a Primal forest.

What's more, on the other side of the gap is a space full of golden thunder, and countless thunders are fine and terrifying, falling madly without any regularity.


Although Cosmog was curious about these places, he did not let Xia Yan and Latios in.

Just flashed by.


When a gap filled with bright and warm halo appeared in front of him, Cosmog finally cheered Splash.

"Gu Gu-"

Signaling to Xia Yan and Latios, this is it.


Latios stopped in front of the gap and looked back at Xia Yan on his body.

"go in."

Since he believes in Cosmog's ability to judge, Xia Yan will not doubt whether it has the possibility of mischief.

"Gu Gu~~"

Cosmog let out a cheer and threw back into Xia Yan's arms.

And with Latios carrying Xia Yan through this gap.

A new world that had never been seen before appeared in the sight of Xia Yan and Latios.

The first thing that appears in front of you is a small alley.

And what constitutes this small alley is a structure that looks like an ice crystal prism, the surface is black but extremely smooth like a mirror, and you can completely reflect the appearance on it when you walk by.


It would be more appropriate to call it a "house".

Look up.

It was pitch black above Soaring in the sky, as if there was a bottomless abyss black hole above it, as if there was no end to it, it swallowed up all the darkness.

There is neither the sun nor the moon nor the stars, as if the world has been completely forgotten by the light.


In the small alley where Xia Yan and the others were, the visibility was very high, and there were hardly any dark corners.

So, where does the light come from?

Latios lifted off, carrying Xia Yan for a distant view.

In the distance, countless houses like ice crystal prisms surround the center, and there is a huge tower.

And this tower, at this time, is emitting dozens and hundreds of Cals that are as bright as the sun, illuminating the central area.


Under the constant refraction, refraction and refraction of all the houses like ice crystals, these light rays spread to every corner of the city.


Because of the loss of light refraction and propagation, and the different materials of these prism-like houses, the light in the central area is the brightest, and the closer to the edge of the city, the dimmer the light.

And all the light in the whole world seems to come from this tower.


Xia Yan also noticed.

There are all kinds of human beings who pass by, they have very pale skin color, which is obviously a manifestation of lack of black pigment due to the lack of sufficient light for a long time.


Most of their eyes are light blue, which is why they are able to adapt to the different lighting here.

Because in Xia Yan's view.

Although the central tower emits enough Cal to prevent this area from being completely swallowed by darkness, the constantly refracted light is obviously light pollution, which is not something that Normal people's eyes can bear.

By observing.

Xia Yan obviously recognized this place.

"Plasma Ember Tower, this is the light of the M78 nebula. Well, well, it's the ultimate metropolis."

Noticing that Latios' eyes gradually became strange, Xia Yan stopped the second.

There are also some legends about the "Land of Light" in the little stories he told Togekiss and Sylveon.

The ultimate metropolis.

It is also the largest gathering place for humans in Ultra Space.

And the tall tower in the center is the Ultimate Metropolis Tower, and it is also the only source of light here.

It is said.

It is a light source obtained by imprisoning Necrozma.

And the Grand Metropolis was once a place of peace and tranquility like the Pokémon world, because they had the care of the "Lucas God" Necrozma.

Just suddenly one day.

After Necrozma went mad with the loss of part of his body, the ultimate city lost its light.

Humans in the ultimate metropolis possess extremely advanced science and technology, but they have not developed in the direction of harmonious coexistence with Pokémon like in the Pokémon world, that is, they have not found a way to coexist harmoniously with the ultimate alien beasts.

Therefore, in the ultimate metropolis, the relationship between humans and the ultimate alien beast is extremely tense.

Humans use the power of science to resist the invasion of the ultimate alien beast.


The failure to develop harmoniously does not mean that the people in the ultimate metropolis do not have a certain method to control the ultimate alien beast.


This extreme method not only did not bring much benefit to the human beings in the ultimate metropolis, but on the contrary further stimulated the relationship between humans and the ultimate alien beast, causing the contradiction to become irreconcilable.

simply put.

Humans in the ultimate metropolis, and humans in the Pokémon world, light up different technology trees.

However, it is also because the living environment and conditions of the ultimate metropolis are worse than the humans in the Pokémon world.

As far as Xia Yan knows.

The Ultra Metropolis is committed to the leap of Ultra Space, and constantly wants to find the possibility to restore the light of the Ultra Metropolis from other places.

The Ultimate Investigation Team was established under such circumstances.

Xia Yan motioned for Latios to fall.

Mimic followed the flow of people passing by outside the alley, and Xia Yan began to change his appearance.

As a senior undercover.

Moreover, he is still the kind of senior undercover who will become the boss of the Hunter Guild if he does not accept the net. Coupled with the teachings of Mo Dan, Xia Yan has sufficient camouflage skills.

Although the human appearance in the megalopolis is very different from the human appearance in the Pokémon world.

But with the assistance of Psychic and Zorua's "illusion", this is not too difficult for Xia Yan.


A Xia Yan, who combined the appearance of a lot of the most cosmopolitan human, appeared on the street.

In his hand was a crystal that exuded a thin colorful halo.


Still have to find the trace of Ono.

After entering the ultimate metropolis, Ono's "Infinite Crystal" has returned to the normal flashing Contest Condition.

this means.

Ono really got into Ultra Wormhole.

And, came to the ultimate metropolis.


PS: First of all, congratulations to RNG! Then, 40w words have been updated this month, how come there are still two days? Exceeded the target.

Finally, today's 1.3w offer~~ ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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