The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 925 Ono's Problem (Three In One)

Chapter 924 Ono's Problem (Three in One)

The ultimate will have a defense against the ultimate beast.

But for Xia Yan, a human who came in through Ultra Wormhole, and a Pokémon he had never seen before, he had no defense.

Xia Yan didn't impulsively want to approach the Ultra Metropolis Tower to find out.

Take a look at the idea of ​​what Necrozma is imprisoned in.

Even if.

After coming to the megalopolis, the Contest Condition of the small nebula Cosmog became very strange.

Sometimes excited, sometimes depressed.

Xia Yan asked, and Cosmog couldn't say why.

Therefore, Xia Yan guessed that it should be affected by the incomplete Necrozma in the tower of the ultimate metropolis.


As it moved away from the core area of ​​the megalopolis, Cosmog's Contest Condition slowly returned to normal.

And on the way out of the ultimate metropolis.

Xia Yan saw too many mega-urban human beings of all shapes and sizes in a hurry.

The level of technology here is very high, and even Xia Yan has seen a lot of advanced equipment such as transportation and communication tools that far exceed the technology in the Pokémon world.

But the high-tech exchange is not all comfortable and comfortable life.

but a faster pace of life.

A person like Xia Yan who walks slowly on the street is a bit like an outlier.

Not many people paid attention to him.

After all, everyone has their own busy business, maybe for life, or for rights, or maybe for some great goal for them.

Xia Yan did gain a lot of insights from the first time he came to the Ultimate Metropolis.

When he came to the edge of this huge city, he didn't even remember how long he had been walking.

This city is too big.

The light of the entire planet disappeared, causing all the human beings in this world to come together.

Even if.

In the early days of the disappearance of the light, many people were lost.

But the human base is already large, and with so many years of development, it is conceivable how crowded it will be.

Perhaps, it's not that the people of the ultimate metropolis don't want to coexist peacefully with the ultimate alien beasts, but the conditions they have do not allow them to have an equal opportunity to coexist with the ultimate alien beast.

When most people are busy for food, where are there more resources to supply them to domesticate the ultimate beast?


Only a small number of people with the highest power and the greatest resources have such room for manipulation.

And as Xia Yan got closer to the edge of the city, the light here became dimmer.

The human beings living here are all low-level residents of the ultimate metropolitan city.

The light intensity that can be enjoyed is the best proof of the division of the ultimate metropolitan class.



When Xia Yan was about to leave, he was stopped by two members of the Metropolis wearing security costumes.

One of them was thin, with blue hair, and light blue eyes looked Xia Yan up and down.

The other held a small computer in his hand and seemed to be looking for something.

"Name! Number! You don't know that the outside is the wilderness of the ultimate beast, can't you just go out?" The thin man asked sharply.

Xia Yan looked at the two of them.

There is no immediate answer.

The only thing that is more fortunate is that the language of the ultimate metropolis is not much different from the world of Pokémon.

The two worlds may have some sort of connection themselves.

"Captain, there is no such person."

At this time, the person holding the computer looking for Xia Yan's information suddenly said.


Hearing this, the captain was also momentarily stunned.

But he quickly reacted, turning his head to transmit information to the special communicator on his shoulder, and at the same time touching the weapon equipment on his waist with his palm.

But I saw Xia Yan open his hand calmly.

A burst of Psychic instantly wrapped the two of them.

With the wisps of Psychic under the superb control of Xia Yan, the two were instantly hypnotized to varying degrees.

Xia Yan is no longer the little white who just woke up to Psychic.

With the filling of two "Sage Stones", he has mastered a lot of skills for Psychic.

There are also some Hypnosis among them.

Although his Psychic is not strong, it is not comparable to Sabrina and Cattleya.

But the Psychic that is not too strong also allows him to master his own Psychic very thoroughly.

Now, it is no exaggeration to say that the Psychic of Normal's curator-level Psychic department Pokémon may not be as powerful as him.

Against two ordinary people.

It's too easy to be unprepared.

After completing the hypnosis of the two, Xia Yan did not leave immediately.

Instead, he asked, "What unit do you belong to? What is your responsibilities?"

The skinny captain from before, with dull eyes and a stiff expression, said slowly, word by word: "We belong to the Guard Team of the Invitational Moon Division of the Ultra Metropolis, and are responsible for monitoring the extreme alien beast wilderness outside the Ultra Metropolis. situation, be alert at all times.

It is also responsible for guarding against the intrusion of foreigners. "

"Yue Yue Department?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, "Tell me."

"Yes. The Grand Metropolis will be jointly managed by the Invitation Moon Department and the Sun Devouring Department.

The idea of ​​Yueyuebu is to jointly defend our ultimate metropolis, with the basic goal of slowly finding ways to survive.

The philosophy of the Sun-devouring Department is to find and break the inherent way of survival while protecting the existing situation of the Metropolis, in an attempt to completely restore the light. "

Xia Yan nodded secretly.

Isn't this a realistic conservative and an ideal radical?

"And you said to be vigilant against the invasion of foreigners, and there will be foreigners in most cities?" Xia Yan asked again.

The man's voice was still stiff.

"According to the plan proposed by the Sun Eater, they are going to invite the existence of other worlds to jointly find a way to restore the light and try to resolve the existing crisis in the largest city.

And we invite the Moon Department to think that their ideas are too dangerous, but we can't guarantee whether the Sun-devouring Department will bring in outsiders privately, so we need to be prepared. "

"Existing crisis?"

"I don't know the specifics. But it should be related to the Ultimate Metropolis Tower."


For the question raised by Xia Yan, that person also knew everything.

"In the beginning, the Ultimate Metropolitan Tower would be closed for one day every other year for renovations. But in recent years, the closing time of the Ultimate Metropolitan Tower has changed from the original one year, to six months later, to three months, and now closed once a month.

Most people speculate that the Ultimate Metropolitan Tower may not last long, which is why the Sun-devouring Ministry is so impulsive. "

Xia Yan looked back at the dazzling, dazzling, ultimate metropolis tower that illuminated the entire emptiness of the night sky.

Is the city's control over the crippled Necrozma gradually declining?

"Then the ultimate metropolis, which department is responsible for the control of the ultimate alien beast?"

"I don't know." The man shook his head and said honestly.

Xia Yan did not continue to ask.

After all, he is at most a squad leader of the garrison, so he must not understand such confidential and important information.

But Xia Yan guessed.

If it is true that a certain department has spent a lot of money to control individual extreme beasts, then the possibility of the radical sun-devouring department is the greatest.

It's just that the purpose of Xia Yan's trip is not to investigate the metropolis, nor to get close to Necrozma.

He was just looking for Ono.

Therefore, after continuing to briefly understand some basic conditions of the ultimate metropolis, Xia Yan let go of the Psychic control of the two.

"I haven't been here, you haven't seen me, everything is as usual, no situation."


Xia Yan crossed the two of them and strode towards the extreme beast wilderness gradually shrouded in darkness.

Two minutes after Xia Yan left, the two who were hypnotized slowly woke up.

"team leader."

"What's wrong?"

"It feels like something happened, and it doesn't seem like I'm too tired?"

The slender captain gave him a sideways look, "It's an extraordinary period, stick with it, and I'll give you a break next month."

"All right."

outside the megalopolis.

The most active Ultra Beasts are Poipole and Naganadel.

Of course there are other extreme beasts, but not so many.

The rest of the extreme beasts are more living in their own Ultra Space.

For example.

Ultimate Forest, Ultimate Ocean, Ultimate Desert, and more.

And as Xia Yan walked out of the ultimate metropolis, the light became dimmer, and the "infinite crystal" in his hand flickered more and more brightly.

also proved.

The direction and goal he was looking for was not wrong.

Although Ono strayed into Ultra Space, he did not come in through people from the Ultra Wormhole, but followed the Ultra Wormhole that opened the Ultra Wormhole unintentionally.

That's why she didn't encounter the danger posed by the human race from the ultimate metropolis.

As for saying.

Poipole and Naganadel outside the Grand Metropolis.

On the contrary, Xia Yan felt that their threat to Ono was not as great as the threat posed by human beings in the megalopolis.

after all.

Whether it is Pokémon or the ultimate beast, they are at least much simpler in thinking than humans.

It was very difficult to find someone in the vast wilderness outside the megalopolis.

But for Xia Yan, who holds "Infinite Crystal", it is much simpler.

According to the flickering frequency and fluctuation fed back by "Infinite Crystal".

Xia Yan soon came to a barren big Valley area.

And here, the light is extremely dim.

It was almost impossible to see the surroundings.

But for Xia Yan, whether the environment is dark or not has little effect at all.

Xia Yan closed his eyes.

The "waveguide power" spreads and spreads around him with him as the center, and the reverberating energy constantly projects the surrounding scene and possible biological fluctuations to him.


After Xia Yan approached the Valley, a clear voice sounded.

The power of the waveguide projected in Xia Yan's consciousness was a petite but very fast-moving purple extreme beast, Poipole.

It looked at Xia Yan vigilantly, full of alertness.

The holding Poison Barb locked on Xia Yan firmly.


The kindness released by Xia Yan through the "Power of Waveguide".

Let Poipole not attack right away.

But the sound it made brought a lot of movement to the entire valley.

The air flow quickly climbed up, and a breath full of stench came from the nostrils.

Immediately after.

What appeared under Xia Yan's perception was a huge and sturdy extreme beast, Poipole's evolutionary Naganadel, and a large number of petite Poipoles.

Naganadel and Poipole are the ultimate gregarious beasts.

And Naganadel is similar to the quasi-god Pokémon Kommo-o of the Alola Region, they instinctively take care of the weak Poipole and protect Poipole.

When Poipole grows up and evolves into Naganadel, he will also take care of the weak clansmen in this way.

at this point.

They do look a lot like Pokémon.

But it also gave Poipole and Naganadel the possibility to communicate with each other, not wanting to be as brutal and cruel as other extreme beasts.

【Who are you? 】

Among the Naganadel that flew out of the valley, the leading voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

It is the leader of this Naganadel group, the oldest and the strongest one, and has the ability to telepathically.

Xia Yan looked at it up and down for a while before slowly saying:

"I'm looking for someone."

【Find someone? ! 】

Naganadel's voice gradually became serious, slowly rising to a touch of hostility.

Its emotions, under the power of the waveguide, were clearly captured by Xia Yan.

Xia Yan was a little surprised.

When the Naganadels saw him at first glance, they were still sensible and did not attack. Instead, they were angry when they heard that he was looking for someone?

Xia Yan touched his waist with his palm.

But his actions attracted the attention of Naganadel and Poipole.

One by one, they aimed Poison Barb at Xia Yan.

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill will."

Xia Yan's expression remained calm.

He touched the palm of his waist and opened the Poké Ball.


As soon as Latios appeared, he saw so many Naganadel and Poipole, showing a vigilant and serious look, and guarding Xia Yan in front of him.

Gently pat Latios on the neck.

"take it easy."

Seeing Xia Yan summoning Latios, all Poipole and Naganadel were stunned for a moment.

They haven't left Ultra Space or the Pokémon world, but they're not too surprised that Poké Ball can summon Pokémon.

Also, the Naganadel lead, after seeing Latios, had a distinctly different expression than Mikey.

Xia Yan, who had been paying attention to the one led by Naganadel, obviously also noticed this.

said with a smile:

"Now, do you know who I'm looking for?"

The lead Naganadel gave him a deep look, then turned his head and said:

【follow me. 】

Say it.

He took the lead and flew under the Valley.

Xia Yan didn't hesitate, turned over and sat on Latios' back, motioning for it to follow.

A group of Naganadel and Poipole, surrounded by Xia Yan and Latios, flew down together.

on the way.

Xia Yan also did not let go of his observation of the surrounding environment.

The valley where Naganadel and Poipole lived was far more barren than Xia Yan imagined.

He was actually a little curious too.

Humans in the Ultra Metropolis can at least maintain basic production and food security by relying on the light brought by the Ultra Metropolis Tower.

How did Poipole and Naganadel survive?

The Valley is deep.

But with their Flying speed, they soon reached the bottom of the Valley.


The lead Naganadel landed, followed by Xia Yan and Latios.

Then Xia Yan noticed.

The Naganadel group was much bigger than he had imagined.

The one who came up to lead before is not the leader of the entire Naganadel tribe.

Their real leader is an extremely huge Naganadel lying in a lair at the bottom of this valley, almost twice the size of an ordinary Naganadel.

But its Contest Condition doesn't seem to be good.

Seeing Xia Yan and Latios fall, he just raised his head and swept them, with no other action.

What the Naganadel that was headed before said something in the ear of that huge Naganadel.

That huge Naganadel leader really began to look at Xia Yan and Latios.

Finally, his eyes fell on Latios.

[They are inside. 】

The old and warm voice with a little magnetic sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

It seems that the age of this Naganadel leader is a bit old.

While Xia Yan secretly thought, he looked at a cave at the edge of the Valley.

Inside, there is a faint fire and movement.

'This little girl seems to be getting along well with this group of Naganadels. ’

Xia Yan smiled and shook his head.

Under the watchful eyes of Naganadel and Poipole, Xia Yan took Latios to the cave.

As he approached, Naganadel and Poipole's expressions became more serious, and they seemed to be ready to attack at any time.

They didn't have to let their guard down until the limpid Naganadel chief roared.

Sensing the nervousness of Naganadel and Poipoles, Xia Yan stood at the mouth of the cave and did not go in, just shouted:


The voice echoed in the cave.


"elder brother?!"

A voice full of surprise and joy came from it, the faint fire inside shook for a while, and the sound of hurried footsteps was heard.

Feeling the vitality of Ono, Xia Yan's hanging heart was finally put back in his stomach.

Although he believed in Ono's ability in the wild, as well as her on-the-spot adaptability and survivability, this is Ultra Space after all, surrounded by extreme beasts.

And the ultimate alien and Pokémon are still different after all.

It was not until now that he heard Ono's voice that Xia Yan was finally completely relieved.


Xia Yan quickly raised his eyebrows.

More than one footstep!

Is there anyone else in the cave?

"Xiaoye! Xiaoye! Slow down! You have to make sure that the person outside is really your brother."

Another slightly clear female voice sounded.

"No, that's my brother's voice, I know it very well."

"Just confirm, the technology here is beyond your imagination." The man said again.

".All right."

Seemingly realizing that this is not the Pokémon world, Ono hesitated, but replied.

As for their vigilance, Xia Yan was not angry.

Instead, it was a bit of a surprise.

From their brief exchange, Xia Yan learned several pieces of information.

First, Ono and the outspoken Stephanie know each other and have a good relationship.

Second, this Stephanie should be a person from Ultra Space, or in other words, a person from a large city, who has a certain understanding of the technological capabilities here.

Third, Stephanie's vigilance shows that she is not an ordinary Stephanie.

"Cough, brother, I will ask you a few questions. If you can answer it, it will prove that you are my brother."

Ono's voice came again, with a little playfulness and teasing in his voice.

"it is good."

Xia Yan replied with a smile.

Now that Ono's safety has been confirmed, he doesn't need to be so urgent.

"First question, who is the smartest of all Pokémons?" Ono blurted out.

This question, if you change it, it is estimated that the answer is either Alakazam, Slowking, or Oranguru.

But to Xia Yan's mouth

He raised the corner of his mouth and said slowly:

"The Marshtomp of Detect Everything.

"Eh? That's right."

"Ono, the problem can't be too common, otherwise there's no point in testing."

That Stephanie couldn't help but reminded.

Obviously, she didn't know Pokémon, so she couldn't hear the "question" in Xia Yan's answer.

Otherwise, you'll understand that this is definitely not a "common" problem.

"Well, that's fine. Second question, who is the White Devil?"

Xia Yan couldn't help rubbing his chin and said casually:


"What about the only king?" Ono quickly asked again.


"Can't fly?"


"What did Rayquaza evolve from?"


"The most famous TV Station?"

"Ho-Oh TV."

A question and answer, very smooth.

That is to say, there are no real people in the Pokémon world now, otherwise the question and answer of Ono and Xia Yan will definitely make him doubt life.

Doubt whether the knowledge you have is correct.

"Eh? All right."

Ono grabbed his head with a worried look on his face.

The snow-white Stephanie next to her grabbed her arm and asked carefully:

"Ono, are you sure that these questions are not common sense questions?"

"Of course not, this is all... my brother's valuable experience." Ono confirmed.

Then his eyes suddenly lit up.

Speak again.

"I'll ask the last question. If you answer it, it will prove that you are indeed my brother."

"Go ahead."

Xia Yan shook his head with a smile.

good guy.

Whether it's Ultra Space or the Pokémon world, no one can answer your questions, right?

And finally confirm?

"Uh, did Groudon go back to Hoenn for the last time?"

Ono blinked his dripping eyes and asked crisply.

There was slyness in his playful eyes.

Xia Yan grinned.

"Wait a minute."


"Let Groudon go a little longer."

As soon as these words came out, the voice in the cave fell silent.

Immediately after.

Another footstep sounded.

I saw a figure rushing out of it, pounced straight on Xia Yan, and shouted at the same time:

"elder brother!"


Xia Yan saved Ono and rubbed her head vigorously.


Latios stared at Ono blankly, still can't believe it, she could be Latias?

"Little Ou!"

After Ono got down from Xia Yan's arms, he also saw Latios.

Bend your eyes to greet it.


Latios nodded slightly and looked at Xia Yan.

Do you want to tell Ono about this?

Xia Yan knew something.

"Brother, let me introduce you, this is Amamo, a person I know in the Alola Region, she said she is from the ultimate metropolis."

Ono pulled a Stephanie to Xia Yan.

She's pale skin and light blue eyes, like all Ultra Metropolitan humans.

However, her hair is orange, which is different from most people in the ultimate metropolis, and it is very rare.

"Mr. Xia Yan."

After Amamo saw Xia Yan, she bowed and shouted very politely.

"You know me?" Xia Yan was a little surprised.

Amamo showed a slightly shy smile, "I have been to Alola before, where I heard about you, Mr. Xia Yan, and Ono has introduced me more than once. She has a very powerful brother, Sinnoh Elite. Xia Yan Elite, one of the Four."

Hearing the words, Ono stuck out his tongue.

Grabbing Xia Yan's arm, Charm shook it.

She seemed worried that Xia Yan blamed her.

Xia Yan shook his head helplessly, and tapped Ono's head lightly with his index finger.

She winked slyly at Amamo again.

It also relieved Amamo's nervousness when facing Xia Yan.

"Brother, why are you here?" Ono asked.

Xia Yan glared at her angrily, "You're embarrassed to say it? What are you doing with Ultra Wormhole? Do you know how dangerous Ultra Space is? Also, what are you doing here?"

A series of questions were asked that Ono didn't know how to answer.

However, the concern he felt from Xia Yan was very real.

But thinking about why she came here.

Ono's face showed a complex expression of sadness, bitterness and helplessness.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother, can you help Poipole and Naganadel?" Ono pleaded slightly.

Xia Yan didn't answer right away, but smiled slowly, "Tell me about it."

"Brother, come in with me."

Saying that, he took Xia Yan's hand and pulled him into the cave where they came out before.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Naganadel and Poipole couldn't sit still again, but they were still called to stop by the Naganadel leader.

And as we entered the cave, the faint orange flames scattered in it spread.

Xia Yan finally saw the scene in the cave, and the reason why Ono and Amamo were busy just now.

There was a hint of shock on his face.

"Here. Is the Naganadel's hatching dragon's nest?"


Ono's sad voice sounded.

I see.

In this so-called "Dragon's Nest", the only one with fire.

Filled with tons of Poipoles.


Most of the Poipole Contest Conditions are very sluggish, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there is only one breath left.

Some of them have long since lost their vitality.

Where is the "Dragon Nest"?

This is clearly the "Dragon Tomb"!


PS: I just came back from my hometown today, I drove a car for a long time, and the update is late, sorry~~

(End of this chapter)

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