The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 929 Lucas Awakened (Three In One)

The ultimate metropolis.

Invite Moon.

The heads of the Yueyue Department were sitting at the conference table, and the door was slowly pushed open.

A man dressed in a black robe and a bronze mask like an ancient knight's armor and stomach, followed by Beheeyem, who looked like a clay doll and an alien, walked in slowly.

As he entered, the eyes of the people in charge of the Yueyue Department all fell on him.

Seeing this person, everyone in the Yueyue Department had different expressions, some were hostile, some were vigilant, some were welcoming, some were admired, and some were more ambitious.

The golden eyes under the man's mask were calm, and he could even see a faint smile in his eyes.

He didn't speak, just walked to the meeting table of the Yueyue Department, and put a palm-sized instrument with a black and gold halo on the table.

Immediately afterwards, he said softly: "The technology of the ultimate metropolis, but that's it."

Hearing this, the faces of the people in charge of the Yueyue Department became a little ugly.

He heard him say slowly again, "I've done the stuff, I hope you can use it."


Regardless of the expressions of these people in the Yueyue Department, they turned around and left.

Sun Eater.

"The Yueyue Department is too conservative. Necrozma's power has been reduced again and again, and if it continues, I don't know whether it can suppress Necrozma, but the halo emanating from the Metropolis Tower will definitely not be as good as before."

"I propose to try to contact the Pokémon Alliance in the Pokémon world according to the original plan, and strive for cooperation. The worst, but at least we must give the human beings in the megalopolis a chance to survive."

"Theo Nila has already made preliminary cooperation with an organization called Aether Foundation. According to him, Aether Foundation is working on something called 'Ultimate Sphere', and it has already paid off, which can be like capturing Pokémon. It's the same tool for conquering the ultimate beast."

"What we lack has never been a tool to conquer the ultimate monsters. What we lack is the resources to raise the ultimate monsters and the materials to cultivate them."



The door of the Sun Eater was pushed open.

Looking at the men in black robes who walked in from the door, the reactions of the people in charge of the Sun Devouring Department were much more intense than those of the Yueyue Department.

"How did you come?!"

"I don't need you here!"


The man in black robe didn't care at all, and walked into the conference table with his hands.

The same palm-sized instrument was placed on the table.

The words sounded, filled with laughter.

"I gave you the Present, I hope you like it."

After saying this, he turned around and left the meeting room of the Sun Devouring Department.

The black-robed people who went to the Yueyue Department and the Sun-devouring Department successively walked out of the command headquarters of the ultimate metropolis under the support of Beheeyem.

Looking at the mega-city tower with bright Lucas not far away, his confident eyes were slightly curved.

"The good show has begun. How far can the power of technology go? I really look forward to it."


Cynthia gently pulled the golden silk sash, and looked curiously at the one that echoed with the moon, the bright Pokémon whose shape was like a bat, with golden arcs wrapped around the edges of its wings, and whose head was held up by the cape's stand collar like a Leech Life ghost. …

It echoes with the moon, making Moonlight even brighter.

"'Inviting the Beast of the Moon' Lunala, the legendary lunar god in the Alola Region, represents the warmth and brilliance of the moon." Xia Yan said slowly.

Explained to Cynthia.

To be honest, Lunala appeared here, which Xia Yan didn't expect.


Looking at Cosmog who flew out of his arms and kept shouting "Gu Gu" happily, Xia Yan had a certain guess in his heart.

Lunala flapped her wings gently and fell slowly from the air.

Accompanied by the falling Moonlight.

Among them, most of them converge on Cosmog.

Let the little guy bathe in Moonlight to look even more dazzling.


Tapu Mingming called out in a low voice.

Lunala's movements stopped a little.

Glancing at Tapu Mingming, and Xia Yan standing on the balcony behind Cosmog.

at the same time.

Three streaks of color flow quickly from different directions outside Melemele Island.

Appeared beside Tapu Mingming and Xia Yan.

They are Tapu Moo, Tapu Butterfly and Tapu Fin.

All four island patron saints of the Alola Region appear.

After they arrived, Lunala's wings waved again, and three small balls of golden Cal emanated from its wings, flying out.

"Gu Gu~~"

Cosmog let out a cheer, like eating jelly beans, Swallow all the balls one by one.

The island guardian gods just watched this scene silently and did not stop it.


After seeing Cosmog eating the balls of light, Lunala gave a soft shout to the four island patron saints.


The expressions of the patron saints of the four islands suddenly became serious, and there was a lot of disbelief.


Tapu Mingming came forward on behalf of the four island guardians.

Lunala nodded slightly.

Its determination made the expressions of the patron saints of the four islands even more serious.

But Xia Yan and Cynthia said they couldn't understand what they were communicating.

Only the little guy Cosmog, after eating the three light balls, slowly fell from the air, lying quietly in Xia Yan's arms, curled up into a ball.

Fairy Yin Bu followed Xia Yan closely.

It's not just Cosmog that has received Moonlight benefits, it has also gained some benefits from the scattered Moonlights.

After glancing at Cosmog again, Lunala's wings vibrated slightly.

Turning around, he patted back an Ultra Monster that sprang out of an Ultra Wormhole that quietly opened beside it.

The ultimate beast?

Looking at the Ultra Wormhole that opened without warning, and the Ultra Wormhole that rushed out of it, it seemed that it didn't have any kindness towards Lunala, Xia Yan couldn't help but froze for a moment.


After Lunala shouted to the guardian angels of the four islands again, she rushed into the Ultra Wormhole that had just opened without hesitation.

Xia Yan could even faintly see that in the Ultra Wormhole, Lunala was preparing to fight in a group of the extreme beasts who rushed out one after another. …


When those ultimate alien beasts faced Lunala, they didn't seem to be much of a threat.


The opened Ultra Wormhole slowly converged and disappeared into the night sky.

From beginning to end, Xia Yan and Cynthia just looked at it, but they didn't know what happened.

always feel.

After the four island guardian gods communicated with Lunala, their expressions and mentality became extremely stressed.

And all Xia Yan can think of, there is only one reason for these guys to show their expressions.

God Lucas, Necrozma!


After seeing Lunala entering the Ultra Wormhole, the island guardians also returned to their senses and looked at Xia Yan.

"Tapu Mingming, what happened?"

Tapu Mingming blinked his golden eyes and seemed to be talking.

After a while, its voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

[Lucas is waking up. 】

The voice seemed a little heavy, accompanied by a little worry, and a faint memory.


Isn't Necrozma kept in the tower of the Ultra Metropolis, and its recovery has been suppressed time and time again by the people of the Ultra Metropolis.

Could it be that the people in the megalopolis can't be suppressed this time?

[Someone is eyeing Lunala. 】


Xia Yan was stunned.

Then he asked: "The group in the ultimate metropolis?"

But I saw Tapu Mingming shook his head slightly.

[It doesn't make it clear. 】

Xia Yan was silent.

Tapu Mingming continued:

[It needs Help. 】

"Who? Lunala?"

[Both Lunala and Necrozma. 】

Xia Yan tasted it carefully.

I also understood what Tapu Mingming meant.

They all want Necrozma to return to normal.


It seems more difficult to get it back.

"So, the key is Cosmog?"

Xia Yan looked down at the little guy in his arms.

If nothing else.

This little guy is the legendary Solgaleo, right?

That is to say.

Lunala needs Solgaleo's power to fight Necrozma?

Or rather Help Necrozma Recovery?

Failing to communicate with Lunala caused Xia Yan to only know a little about many things.

He can only make relatively reasonable guesses based on the information and circumstances he knows.

[Soon, there will be a total solar eclipse. 】

Tapu Mingming didn't answer Xia Yan's question.

[On the day of a total solar eclipse, Necrozma will be completely runaway. 】

"Manaro Festival?"

Xia Yan thought about it and asked.

A total solar eclipse is a special day for people in the Alola Region.


The Alola Region is dark, and neither Pokémon nor humans can survive.

Until one day, the "God Lucas" came and brought light to the whole world.

It also made the Alola Region become what it is now.

So to commemorate that day, on the day of the total solar eclipse, the Alola Region will hold the "Manaro Celebration", and "Manaro" in the Larolla language means "sharing". …

This corresponds to the original animation.

Tapu Mingming nodded slightly.

[So, we hope you can restore it before the total solar eclipse comes. 】

talking room.

His eyes turned to Cosmog in Xia Yan's arms.


Xia Yan was stunned.

and many more.

Why is the plot so wrong here?

Wasn't it your four island patron saints who helped Cosmog return to Solgaleo?

Tapu Moo came forward.

It should be the one with the best relationship with Xia Yan among all the island guardian gods.

Xia Yan finally came to understand with the explanation of its urn-like words.

turn out to be.

Once the Alola Region was restored to light with the help of the "Lucas God" Necrozma, after the legends that were well known, there is a story.

At first.

With the power of Necrozma, Lucas is enough to illuminate both the Alola Region and the ultimate metropolis.


In the end, someone in the megalopolis had an undeserved selfishness towards Necrozma's power.

In an attempt to control Necrozma, to take full control of Necrozma's power, they fought against it.

Eventually, Necrozma's body breaks down, and it can no longer retain the "light" in it.

As a last resort, in order to protect his Necrozma, he absorbed all the light in the entire metropolitan space and incorporated it into his body.

So Ultra Metropolis built the Ultra Metropolis Tower, barely suppressing Necrozma with artificial light.

Learned later.

To heal Necrozma's injury, the light energy of Solgaleo and Lunala must be fused, but Solgaleo and Lunala did not want their energy to be taken away, so they ran to the Alola Region.

Then, under the wishes of the ultimate metropolitan and Necrozma himself, he pursued the Alola Region.

In order to protect the light energy of the Alola Region, Solgaleo, Lunala and the four island patron saints fought a fierce battle with Necrozma.


Necrozma was sent back to Ultra Space, and while it was weak, the people of the Ultra Metropolis completely imprisoned it in the Ultra Metropolis Tower, in order to draw its light energy and prevent Necrozma's recovery.

But the price is.

Lunala was seriously injured and disappeared, Solgaleo was even more seriously injured, leaving only a few remaining Black crystals, the largest of which was brought back by the island guardians and kept by Tapu Moo, who was best at healing, and was frozen on Mount Inside Lanakila.

Later, Xia Yan appeared.

Received the Black crystal from Tapu Moo and managed to restore it to Cosmog.


At that time, Cosmog fell into a deep sleep, and no one could wake it up.

Until Xia Yan met Mewtwo.

In the Mewtwo gene of this world, there are not only Mew but also a number of rare Pokémon.

There is also the Black crystal that Xia Yan once provided, which was used as part of Necrozma's body at that time, that is, Solgaleo's gene, which successfully made Mewtwo wake up Cosmog.

If Xia Yan didn't provide the Rockets with Solgaleo's genes, maybe Mewtwo wouldn't be able to wake up Cosmog. …

This possible crisis will not assist Solgaleo's power either.

Everything, it seems, is the result of a dramatic coincidence.

"What do you mean, you want me to go back to the battlefield where you once were, to find the remaining energy of Solgaleo, and use it to help Cosmog recover?"

Xia Yan understood what they meant.

[Lunala has been looking for Solgaleo's power since disappearing all these years. A part of it has been returned to Cosmog, but it is not enough. 】

Tapu Mingming spoke again.

After Xia Yan pondered for a while, he slowly said:

"Isn't that. Necrozma won't fully recover without helping Cosmog recover? It's less of a threat?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the patron saints of the four islands froze.

Seems to make sense?

and many more!

The four island guardian gods of Tapu Mingming shook their heads one after another.

He was almost taken in by Xia Yan.

[It will definitely look for Lunala and absorb its power, then the violent Necrozma will definitely come to the Pokémon world to find the power of Solgaleo, and Necrozma, who has integrated the power of Lunala, can you stop it? 】

Xia Yan lowered his head and pursed his lips.

He asked tentatively:

"If I say, can I stop it?"

The expressions of the island guardians were blank again.

Although I don't know where Xia Yan's confidence comes from.

But how do they feel that this kid doesn't seem to be talking big?

Can you really stop it?

Xia Yan continued to test:

"If you tell Lunala not to go to Ultra Space and stay in the Pokémon world, will it not be absorbed by Necrozma? Then it will be better to deal with."

Hmm. It makes more and more sense.

[So, you mean you don't want to do it? 】

Tapu Mingming hesitated for a while and asked.

"No, no, I'm just making an assumption." Xia Yan waved his hands again and again.

If Necrozma does not reply, the light of Ultra Space will never be restored.

There, thousands of human beings can live there, as well as a large number of extreme beasts.

Although Xia Yan is not the Virgin.

But since he has moved his sympathy for the Naganadels and the idea of ​​wanting to subdue those Naganadels, he must take this aspect into consideration.

For enemies, he can be ruthless.

He can also be indifferent to irrelevant people.

But for his own people, Xia Yan has always been good.

What he put forward is just a preparation for the worst plan.


Cosmog can't fully recover, just as he planned.

After all, there is no guarantee that he will restore Cosmog and restore Necrozma.

The gods of the island looked at each other, not knowing what Xia Yan meant.

"I will go to that ancient battlefield, but give me a little time to prepare, I need to explain good things." Xia Yan said.

【Can. We are waiting for you tomorrow at Altar of the Moone. 】

Not bad for a day or two.

The ancient battlefield is not big.

If you can recover, you can recover. If you can't recover, it will be useless for a long time.

That's it.

After the four island guardian angels looked at each other, they left one after another. …

After they left, Cynthia, who had been watching from the balcony next to her, finally spoke.

"What's wrong? It seems like something serious happened?"

Because Xia Yan communicated with them using telepathy, Cynthia didn't hear it.

"It's not a big deal."

Then Xia Yan simply explained the matter again.

After listening.

Cynthia: "."

He looked at him strangely.

"Isn't this a big deal?"

Xia Yan shrugged.

He can't always say that he has experienced so many major events that he is almost lying flat, right?

Cynthia pursed her lips.

Immediately his eyes were firm.

"I'll go with you tomorrow."

Xia Yan's eyes paused slightly and looked at her.

Moonlight is still bright, reflecting Cynthia's face, looking more crystal clear.


With multiple people helping, maybe things will go a little better.

With Xia Yan's affirmation, Cynthia walked to the room to prepare for tomorrow.

Xia Yan shrugged.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"


Fairy Yin Bu gave a long Yawn, satin patted her mouth, and squeezed out two crystal drops from the corners of her eyes.

Glutinous coquettishly.

The soft and plush ears gently rubbed against Xia Yan's calf, and even through his pants, he could feel Fairy Yin Bu's ears as soft as cotton wool.

I couldn't help but jerk off.

It feels so much better than a cat.

Xia Yan grinned.

"Okay, okay—as usual, I'll tell you a story."

Inside the balcony glass sliding door.

Togekiss, little Vulpix, Zorua, Sliggoo and these little guys were all lying on it, waiting for Xia Yan one by one looking forward to the stars and the moon.

Go back to the room.

Xia Yan first took away the ice cream that Togekiss was holding.

"At night, eating ice is bad for your stomach."


Togekiss snorted twice.

Then he followed Xia Yan to the bed, blinking at him one by one.

Xia Yan shook his head and did not start immediately.

Just turn your head to look the other way.

The TV in the room flickered with various halos, and a dark figure was sitting on the sofa, with one hand on his head and the other holding the remote control, as if he was addicted and unable to extricate himself from it.

And when the plot on TV gets to the highlight.

The Haze on the black figure swelled violently, looking very excited and excited.

Xia Yan slightly raised his forehead.

"I said, Dak Lai Yin."

Hearing his call, the shadow turned his head, wasn't it the legendary "Nightmare God" Dak Laiyin?

Today's TV house, addicted to chase and unable to extricate themselves.

"If you follow dramas, follow dramas, and if you follow dramas, follow them. Can you not bring bad children?"

just see.

Next to Dak Lai Yin's plate.

Victini and Marshadow sat on the back of the sofa, dangling their feet, eating snacks, and discussing the plot on TV with each other, looking eagerly.

Not just them.


Shelgon and Larvesta were both influenced by TV dramas.

Although Xia Yan does not object to Pokémons relaxing and watching dramas during their breaks.

But this trend was brought up by Dak Lai Yin. …

[I think watching this plot is much more exciting than watching a dream. 】

Dak Lai Yin said truthfully.

"You have ruined the atmosphere." Xia Yan rolled his eyes angrily.

Dak Lai Yin pouted.

【I still use it? 】

Facing Dak Laiyin's eyes, Xia Yan was quickly defeated.

Originally, after the incident on Cinnabar Island, Dak Lai Yin should have left.


It heard that Xia Yan was going back to Sinnoh, so it went back together.

to Sinnoh.

Totally obsessed with drama.

In front of outsiders, it is a "nightmare god" who is "cold", "powerful" and "evil", and only in Xia Yan can it release itself.

Xia Yan shook his head, closed his eyes and thought about it for a while, and then said to the fairies Yinbu: "The last time Shinobu Village is finished. Let's start a new story this time. You think the big pirate is very common. The story of the second generation of the group who traveled to the sea and competed for treasures"


Little Vulpix covered his mouth and laughed.

The name is so long.

the next day.

Bring the supplies to Amamo and bring it back to the Great Valley to give to Naganadel.

Briefly told Anabel about the Grand Metropolis and Lunala last night to prepare her.

this matter.

Alliance can manage best, after all, it involves the ultimate metropolis and mythical beasts.

If Alliance doesn't care, or it's too late, then Xia Yan has to consider whether that group of people is also involved.

I wanted to have a good chat with Giovanni.

As a result, Mewtwo ran away, Giovanni couldn't be contacted, and Xia Yan didn't know what he was doing.


Latios and Garchomp fell slowly from the sky.

With their arrival, four island patron saints appeared one after another.

"She's here to help."

Xia Yan pointed to Cynthia, who had a cold face, and Garchomp, who was even colder beside her.

Tapu Mingming met Cynthia's gaze, and for some reason, he shrank his neck subconsciously.

[Alright. 】

Immediately after.

In the center of Altar of the Moone, a stone gate slowly opened.

What came over was a savage, stern aura.

[The ancient battlefield is not big, so if something that can restore Cosmog is in it, it shouldn't be difficult to find it. 】

Tapu Mingming said.

The Tapu Moo next to it adds again.

[However, the creatures in this dimension have been self-reproducing for a long time, and we don’t know what the specific situation is, you guys be careful. 】

Xia Yan nodded.

Lifted his foot and Cynthia walked in.

——PS: I had a hot moxibustion on my wrist in the morning, and I felt much better, so today’s update is a little late, my wrist should be able to recover tomorrow, and it will be dry~~

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