The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 930 Anecdotes Of The Ancient Battlefield (Three In One)

Chapter 929 Anecdotes of the Ancient Battlefield (Three in One)

As soon as you step in.

The door behind him slammed shut.

The first thing that appeared in front of the two of them were the broken walls and ruins that could be seen everywhere, as well as a large number of messy vegetation surrounding the broken walls and the ruins.

A breath of history filled the air.

As an "ancient mythology scholar", Cynthia became interested as soon as she saw these ruins.

Going to the nearest piece, there are still some patterns faintly engraved on it, but because of the passage of time, only some shadows are left in front of the broken wall.

After reaching out and rubbing it lightly twice, he said softly:

"At least, it has a history of more than three thousand years, but it will never exceed four thousand years."

"Three thousand years?"

Xia Yanzheng took off the Poké Ball around his waist, and was stunned for a moment when he heard Cynthia's words.

"What's wrong?" Cynthia asked rhetorically.

"No." Xia Yan shook his head, "I just think this time is a bit of a coincidence."


Xia Yan did not elaborate.

This time point of three thousand years is very special.

Because that's not the time when the Galar Region Wujitai released "Dark Night" for the first time.

Throw the Poké Ball.

appeared in front of him.

It was little Vulpix and Larvesta.

I don't know the situation of this ancient battlefield for the time being. For the sake of safety, I still use the little Vulpix as the main force, and Larvesta learn and exercise properly.

If there is a very powerful wild Pokémon, even at the Elite level, the little Vulpix can hold it back for a while.

If not strong.

Consider taking the opportunity to work out Larvesta, Shelgon, and Sliggoo.

after all.

Time is not very tight.

According to Tapu · Ming Ming them meaning.

In the ancient battlefield, if Cosmog can recover, it won't be long.

If you can't recover, it doesn't matter how long you stay.

There is still time until the total solar eclipse.

If you don't exercise at this time, the little guys will only have less and less exercise time in the future.

Seeing this, Cynthia also put away Garchomp, summoning her Milotic and a Braviary that spread its wings to the sky.

This is the second of the Pokémons she has been working on during this time.

"Cosmog, do you feel it?"

Xia Yan "pulled out" the Cosmog in his arms.

After eating the Dawn ball given by Lunala last night, the little guy has been in a daze and has not fully woken up from sleep until now.

However, in the fog-like nebula on its body, the particles like stars inside it are a lot brighter.

"Ancient, ancient."

Cosmog barely opened his eyes and let out a lazily cry.

Listening to Growl's magnetic and sleepless appearance, Cynthia couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling twice.

"Let the little guy sleep more, let's find out for ourselves first."

"Need not."

Xia Yan touched his pocket and took out an energy cube.

The other grabbed Cosmog's face and squeezed it so hard that it swelled up.


Cosmog called out "hard".

But as Xia Yan put the energy cube in front of it.



A delicate little nose appeared on Cosmog's face.

Slight twitching.

As Xia Yan approached, it suddenly opened its eyes suddenly, "Ah woo" and ate the entire energy cube in one bite.

In an instant, his mouth bulged, and he called out "woohoo".

Seeing this scene, Cynthia couldn't help but smile even more.

Xia Yan lightly tapped the little guy's head.

"Are you awake? Feel it when you wake up. Is there anything here that is important to you?"

After thinking about it, he added: "It may be delicious."


"Gu Gu!"

Cosmog was agitated in an instant, and regardless of the blush on his head from being played by Xia Yan, he propped himself up and looked around.

When he first saw the surrounding scene, Cosmog was obviously stunned for a moment.

Blinking his eyes twice, he didn't know why he reacted like this.

However, considering that what Xia Yan said might be delicious, he still tried his best to feel it.

Then his eyes suddenly lit up, his fingers pointed away, and he shouted a little excitedly.

"Gu Gu! Gu Gu!"

Looking in the direction it pointed, it was a forest with very dense vegetation, and nothing at all could be seen at a glance.

"It should be there."

Patting Cosmog's little head in encouragement, he tucked it back into his clothes again.

"Let's go."


Now that there is a direction, it is definitely much better than blindly looking for it.

The two walked in tandem, each with their Pokémon, towards the dense forest.

along the way.

Xia Yan was responsible for opening the road, while Cynthia pondered from time to time the broken walls she saw along the way, as well as the patterns and words engraved on them.

She has a very good foundation in ancient studies.

Really made her see something.

"Xia Yan, what remains on the broken walls says that in fact, the Alola Region's 'Beast Inviting the Moon' Lunala and 'Beast Devouring the Sun' Solgaleo both received the gift of Necrozma's power to obtain their current strength and power. "

"That's why 'Lucas God' is in charge of the light, and he gave Solgaleo the hot and fiery sun light, and Lunala, the moon light that represents the coolness and calmness, and they obtained their respective priestly authority."

After all, they derive from the Necrozma the authority of the priesthood, not the simple power.

And the ability to give authority to other Pokémon and divine beasts, Xia Yan has only seen in Arceus.

"Then if Necrozma absorbed both Solgaleo and Lunala, the world of Pokémon would end"

Xia Yan shrugged.

"I don't know anything else, but it is estimated that the Alola Region will be completely plunged into darkness."

As for the rest of the Regions, after all, there are divine beasts of their respective Regions guarding them.

The sun can't possibly be absorbed by Necrozma, can it?

We talked a little bit about the history and legends of the Alola Region, and talked a little bit about the training and training of Pokémon.

"Pokémon like Milotic are good at defense, or defensive counterattack, you can start from this angle, such as 'Recover', 'Rest', 'Aqua Ring', if you want to supplement its functions, you can also make it learn First hand 'Toxic', 'Scald', 'Mirror Coat'."

Xia Yan is still very experienced in the training of Milotic.

Besides Milotic, we also talked about some other Pokémon.

It's fairly harmonious along the way.

Wild Pokémon do.

But the threat brought by it is not big, mostly some wild spirits of the master level, and occasionally a few elites, all of which are solved by the four Pokémon sent by Xia Yan and Cynthia.

There has been a natural environment that has not been disturbed by human beings for three thousand years, and the environment is good, so it has naturally raised many wild Pokémon that are not weak.

Until it entered a fruit forest.

I see.

Between the green and dense forest leaves around, there are crystal clear fruit hanging.

For a while, the fragrant aroma poured into the breath of the two and the four Pokémons.

Little Vulpix's eyes lit up when he saw this.

The one who was most affected was Larvesta, who almost drooled.

With so many tree fruits, how many energy cubes can be made, and how many smoothies can be made?

Xia Yan and Cynthia were also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this ancient battlefield not only has lush vegetation now, and the life of wild Pokémon is prosperous, but there is actually such a large orchard?

Xia Yan's eyes swept across all the fruit trees.

The types and functions of various tree fruits quickly flashed in his mind.



When Xia Yan saw one of the fruit trees, he was stunned for a moment.


Cynthia also noticed that apparently special fruit tree.

It was a surprise to see a lot of apple trees growing interspersed in a field full of fruit that Pokémon likes to eat.


Those apples are full and round, and the smooth and shiny surface seems to be waxed, and it is impossible to resist.

But the two of them are still experienced, and they didn't rashly approach and step into the fruit forest, let alone the idea of ​​eating an apple.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Yan understood.

Revealed stunned.

Cynthia found that Xia Yan seemed to understand and asked, "What did you see?"

But I saw Xia Yan smashed his mouth.

"Found a Present for someone."


Cynthia was a little surprised.

Xia Yan pursed his lips and motioned Cynthia to take a closer look at the apple tree.

The strong and seductive fragrance it exudes attracts not only Xia Yan and Cynthia, but also the surrounding wild Pokémon.

I saw a Venipede squirming carefully on the Ground, passing through the crystal-clear fruit trees, and came to an apple tree.

Without hesitation, the delicate feet quickly climbed, and in a few blinks of an eye, they came to the apple tree.

Then he aimed at a crystal apple that looked big and round, couldn't hold back the Covet in his heart, tapped next to the apple, and took a bite.


Before Venipede's mouth fell, he saw the apple "alive".

An orange-yellow gum-like viscous liquid spurted out of the apple, followed by a head sticking out of it, so fast that Venipede couldn't react at all.

The jelly-like orange liquid is full of strong acidity, and even the rich aroma around it has the appearance of being faintly covered by sourness.


And this orange liquid with strong acid quickly covered Venipede.

Before Venipede could react, the acid melted and decomposed it, and finally changed back to its original appearance, except that there were a few scattered other hues in it.

The protruding head opened its mouth and Swallows the orange colloidal acid that it spit out.

After a long hiccup, his head was closed, and everything was calm.

The strong sour taste was quickly covered up by the sweet aroma again, as if the scene that happened before had never happened.

And that apple is still dripping on the tree.

"That apple is a Pokémon?" Cynthia said with a hint of disbelief.

She wasn't surprised by the survival of the fittest among the wild Pokémon.

After long-term field experience, she has long been familiar with the biological chain relationship between wild Pokémon.

after all.

Alliance has established corresponding bills for this purpose.

Predation between Pokémons in their natural environment is beyond the scope of human management.

Even professional rangers.

They are also responsible for preventing poachers, preventing hunters, not preventing wild Pokémon from attacking each other and Snatch territory.

This is the choice of nature. Too much intervention will only completely collapse the natural ecological chain.

So although the Venipede looks miserable, if you consider that the Venipede is likely to have eaten Pokémon like Rattata before this, it will not think so.

To Cynthia's surprise, the apple was actually a Pokémon.

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

"Fengmilong, the acid it spit out just now is its move 'Apple Acid', an exclusive and very practical move."


Cynthia blinked twice.

Suddenly I understood what Xia Yan meant by "present for someone".

I couldn't help but glance at him.

His eyes seemed to say.

Nice job.

Xia Yan grinned.

"Fengmilong is a grass-type and dragon-type Pokémon, which evolved from fruit gnawing insects."

"Is it really a dragon-type Pokémon?"

"if not?"

Glancing at Cynthia oddly.

I saw her stick out her pink and tender tongue slightly, revealing a rare playfulness.

"I thought it was just with 'dragon' in the name."

Xia Yan nodded and shook his head helplessly.

"Study is bad."

Cynthia clenched her fingers and whispered, "Grass and Dragon are four times weaker than Ice."

Xia Yan: "."

It was over, Cynthia couldn't look back.

Look at those apple trees again.

If nothing else, there should be Fengmilong, Pinggulong and fruit gnawing insects on it.

And this type of Pokémon has a pretty good exclusive Ability, which is "Mature".

Ripe: This Ability's Pokémon doubles the fruit's effect.

But its real role is not just in the battle.

In peacetime, "ripening" can accelerate the growth and ripening of the fruit, without affecting the quality of the fruit itself, and even improve the quality of the fruit to a certain extent.

This makes the role of this type of Pokémon come up all of a sudden.


After realizing it, Larvesta immediately shuddered.

Just now, it also wanted to rush over to eat an apple. It belongs to the aroma of Fengmilong, which is very attractive to Bug Type Pokémon.

Because one of the food targets of Fengmilong and Pingbaolong is Bug Type Pokémon.

And the movement made by Larvesta finally attracted the shaking and attention of the "apples" in the woods.


With a crisp sound.

I saw that the delicate "apples" fell off one after another, and some fell to the ground, turning into the appearance of Fengmilong before.

Some are hovering in the air, but the seemingly plump apples have only a few shells left, and the pulp in the middle has completely disappeared.

Instead, it was a small dragon with its hands attached to the husk, which became its wings.

This is another evolution of the fruit gnawing bug, the apple wrap dragon.

Fengmilong crawling on the ground, Pinghulong flying in the woods.

In just a short moment, a large number of Fengmilongs and Pingbaolong surrounded Xia Yan and Cynthia.

Treat them as invaders of the territory.

"Well, as expected, Pingzhulong is more suitable for crossing."

Xia Yan still had time to tease at this time.

Ping wrap dragon, grass type and dragon type Pokémon, can fly, and can master a large number of Flying type moves, which perfectly fits the requirements of crossing.

Cynthia said angrily, "Let's take a look in front of you."

Following her line of sight, Xia Yan noticed two more special Pinghulongs and Fengmilongs, which were larger than other Fengmilongs and Pinghulongs.

The most important thing is that the aura they bring is not comparable to ordinary Fengmilong and Pinggulong.

Elite level!


Elite wild Pokémon are still available.

And it is Fengmilong and Pingwulong sitting on such an abundant orchard.

Another long-lived dragon-type Pokémon.

Xia Yan would be surprised if there is no Elite level.

"One for each, and Solaceon for the rest."

While speaking, Xia Yan threw a few Poké Balls.

Then came Sylveon, Milotic, Shelgon, and Sliggoo.

Not a single Elite class.

However, facing the Elite-level Pokémon, there is no stage fright.

"Fairy venue, Toxic, absolutely freezing!"

Command Sylveon, Milotic and little Vulpix to face the Elite-level Applewrap, and the rest of the Fengmilong and Applewrap will be handed over to Larvesta, Shelgon, and Sliggoo.

And Cynthia welcomed the Elite-level Fengmilong.

The thin pink mist quickly filled the air, and nearly half of the dragon-type energy on the Pingzhulong wrapped in it instantly disappeared.

There is also a gap between Elite Pokémon and Elite Pokémon.

Just like this apple-wrapped dragon, it is obviously much more difficult to deal with than the honey dragon that Cynthia is dealing with.

Because Pingzhulong is faster and has stronger offensive ability, and can also learn a series of dragon-type moves such as "Dragon Dance".

And Fengmilong cannot learn "Dragon Dance".


Attribute being restrained is the biggest weakness of Ping Zhulong facing Xia Yan's three Pokémon.

Milotic swung its tail, and dark purple toxins flew out of the colorful scales on its tail.

Applewrap tried to dodge.

However, the little Vulpix instigated his own Ability, and the wandering Icirrus dispersed from the air, and the surrounding comfortable temperature suddenly dropped, resulting in the severe limitation of the Applewrap Dragon's mobility.

A pale beam of light shot out, swept towards Pingzhulong, blocking its dodging direction.


The ice energy released by Vulpix seems to spread the temperature to the surrounding area while falling snow and ice, covering an area.

Assisting its own ability "Snowfall", Vulpix has crossed the second stage of the "Glaciate" combo move, and is moving towards the direction of expanding the scope of the third stage.

This is also the result of its training during this period of time.


The surrounding green forest leaves were instantly frozen into crystal ice crystals.

The frequency of Pingzhulong's wings was greatly reduced, and it was four times weaker than ice-type moves, and it was immediately affected by such low-temperature ice-type moves.

You can even see frozen ice crystals on the ends of its wings.

In addition, the dragon-type energy is limited by the "Fairy Field", which makes its resistance in ice and snow even weaker.

As a result, Milotic's "Toxic" successfully hit the Applewrap, causing it to fall into the "poisoned" Contest Condition, which once again weakened the threat it could bring.

"Hyper Voice."


Sylveon drank tenderly, and the layers of sound waves overlapped, and the sound waves swept down. The blessing brought by the "Fairy skin" made Sylveon's "Hyper Voice" even more threatening.

Ping Wulong, who had finally taken over from Xia Yan's combination, seemed to have cut off most of his arrogance.

Resisting Sylveon's sound attack, enduring the pain that "Toxic" brought to his whole body, he reluctantly dashed forward with the dragon-type energy brought by "Dragon Dance".

As the wings swayed, an apple made of unknown material was thrown by it, and a rounded parabola was drawn in the air. Then, under the action of gravity, it quickly fell and fell.

It looks like it's just an apple, but it's actually the exclusive move of the Ping Wrap Dragon.

Grav Apple!


Milotic's body was swirling with water, bathed in Cianwood-colored water, his body "Coil" was tense, and his defense, attack, and hit ability after Stockpile all increased.


With a dull sound, Milotic's body bent slightly, tight and tighter.

The grass-type move "Grav Apple" doesn't do that much damage to the water-type Pokémon.

The water that surrounded Milotic's body submerged into his body, and the healing effect of "Aqua Ring" began to work.

While Mines resisted the attack, Vulpix also took advantage of the situation to launch an attack again.

The pale light beam spewed out of his mouth again, and the "absolutely deep cold" lowered the surrounding temperature again, and also seized the brief gap after the end of Pingzhulong's attack.

a time.

The thick ice crystals covered the Apple Wrapped Dragon in an instant, and it didn't have time to dodge, and the damage brought by Toxic was once again reflected on it.

Not to be outdone, Sylveon shouted "Hyper Voice" again.

With Milotic as the front row to resist damage, being limited by the "Fairy Field" makes it difficult for dragon-type moves to work, and grass-type moves can't cause real substantial damage to Milotic.

With the "Aqua Ring" and "Recover" double moves in hand, as long as Pinghulong can't lose Milotic in seconds, it can interfere from time to time and prevent Pinghulong from breaking through its defenses.

The two long-range turrets of Sylveon and Ice Vulpix have no pressure output throughout the process.

Rao is a certain disadvantage in strength, and the advantages in attributes and cooperation are enough to make up for it.

The end result is, of course, no surprise.

Under the "torture" of the three little guys, Pingzhulong was able to use two or three points of his strength, and he was exhausted to death and lost his ability to fight.

And Xia Yan did not hesitate.

Throw out the Poké Ball while the Apple-Wrapped Dragon falls to the ground.

Their "Mature" ability is just too useful.

Combined with Naganadel's venom, it can stimulate better growth and fruiting of some tree fruits.

With the cooperation of each other, Xia Yan is fully able to have an orchard of his own.

The kind of energy that keeps feeding him fruit.

In Solaceon Town, he already has such a slice.

But it's not big enough.

Assisting the power of the Hunter Guild, Xia Yan even has the opportunity to become the largest fruit merchant and the largest fruit farmer in the Pokémon world!

A top Alliance undercover agent who is about to become the boss of the Hunter Guild without planting fruit trees is definitely not a qualified Elite Four!

Cynthia knew Xia Yan's intentions and did not stop it.

It's a waste of time for this group of apple-wrapped dragons, honey dragons and fruit-gnawing worms to stay here.

They should go out and see the outside world.

Moreover, as long as Xia Yan has a Pokémon with the "Mature" Ability, it will not affect the ecology here too much.

How to make a delicious smoothie without a lush fruit forest?


When the apple-wrapped dragon, the honey dragon and the fruit gnawing bug are captured.

Suddenly a stream of light fell from the sky.

"Be careful!"

Xia Yan took a few steps back with a few Pokémons, and at the same time, he also stepped back with Cynthia who couldn't react for a while.

Wrapped in a thick dark red glow, like a meteor, wrapped in a ferocious momentum, one of the Poké Balls thrown by Xia Yan was slashed directly from the middle.

boom! ! !

The ground, which was quickly dented and cracked, scattered the raised dust.

As the dust gradually dissipated, a serious-looking Pokémon slowly walked out of it.

The hair on his body is neat and white as snow, his body is strong and straight as pine, his sword eyebrows are star-shaped, his eyes are sharp, the green sword tip is surrounded by wisps of energy, and the dark green shield is swirling with sand and dust.

One firm footstep.

Seeing this Pokémon, Cynthia was stunned.

murmured: "Farfetch'd?"

But he saw Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's a scallion soldier."

What attracted his attention was not only the onion wanderer, but also a pendant on its neck as a Decorate, a small ball exuding bright Cal.

"Gu Gu~~"

Cosmog seemed to feel something, and stuck his head out of Xia Yan's arms.

Pointing to the pendant on the scallion soldier's neck, he shouted in a milky voice.


The two small eyes glowed, unaware that the ball was in someone else's hand at this time.

"Onion Ranger?"

Cynthia has never heard of the name.

Another Pokémon she hadn't seen before.

Is this the ancient battlefield?


PS: 1.3w today! After the hot moxibustion, my wrist is almost healed. Today I will Slack Off a little bit 1.3w~~ I didn't forget to add more, "Thank you" everyone for reminding~~ Thank you "Yawn Han" for the three thousand rewards~~

(End of this chapter)

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