The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 931 Duck Ya: Master! (1W+! Add More Words To The Leader After Shang Yang)


After landing, the green onion soldier looked serious.

Look around.

His eyes became sharper.

The Onion Ranger is an evolution of Farfetch'd.

More precisely.

An evolution of the Galar form Farfetch'd.

And the requirements for evolution are extremely high. It needs to end the battle after hitting Rival three times in a battle to meet its evolutionary conditions.

To know.

Hit Rival three times without killing Rival in seconds, which only shows that the Rival challenged by Farfetch'd is far superior to it.

Moreover, hitting the key once or twice can be said to be luck, so hitting three times is definitely an ability.

Farfetch'd needs to have enough combat experience, and the control of the battle and the understanding of Rival need to reach a certain level to do it.


Every scallion soldier that has successfully evolved is bound to be a heroic warrior.

They believe in valor, and fight with dignity as their creed.

And in the Galar Region.

Onion Rangers are also very popular.

Their heroic demeanor in battle is extraordinary, and many artists or poets in the Galar Region regard them as a symbol of courage and integrity.

It turns out.

At this time, the scallion soldiers who appeared in front of Xia Yan and Cynthia have a good strength.

His own momentum is also quite majestic.

Seeing it step out one step, the sharp green long sword in his hand pointed at Xia Yan and his Pokémon.

"It is?"

This is the first time Cynthia has seen "Farfetch'd" in such a posture.

Although Xia Yan called it a scallion soldier, in fact, apart from the fact that his hair and the Onion Stick in his hand have turned into a long sword and a shield, there is really not much change in appearance from the ordinary Farfetch'd.

Therefore, the preconceived notion even made Cynthia feel that the onion wanderer in front of him was actually a little cute.

From the beautiful food with its own ingredients in the eyes of others, into a heroic warrior, the contrast is a little bit big.

And because Cynthia made a sound, the sight of the onion wanderer also fell on her.

When he saw Cynthia, the green soldier's eyes suddenly changed.

Full of admiration.

He put away his long sword tightly, and performed the etiquette of a knight.

Xia Yan's expression was weird.

Slowly said:

"It seems to have seen you."

Cynthia gave it a sullen look.

"It won't be the real lord of this area."

Xia Yan shrugged.

"It may also just want to challenge the strong."

With that said, he untied the two Poké Balls from his waist and threw them out.

Red light flashes.

Togekiss and Infernape appeared before him.

The strength of this onion wanderer is obviously much stronger than the previous Fengmilong.

Although they are all Elite level, the momentum given is not of the same level at all.

And every onion trooper is very experienced in combat and can be underestimated.

"Exactly! (Duck Duck!)"

As soon as Togekiss came out and saw the onion wanderer, his eyes instantly lit up.

That look was like seeing some fun toy.

And the onion wanderer felt a strong threat from Togekiss's eyes. For some reason, he almost subconsciously took the green sword in his hand behind him. …

This Togekiss is dangerous!

very dangerous!

In addition to Togekiss, the onion wanderer also felt a strong threat from Infernape, as well as the illusion of sympathy.

It can feel it.

The Infernape on the opposite side is a fighter just like it, a battle-hardened and experienced fighter.


Infernape let out a low growl and stood with his feet one behind the other in a stance.

It is clear.

It also felt the same charm from the onion wanderer.

Xia Yan's eyes swept across Togekiss and Infernape, and quickly made a decision.


Although Togekiss is also very interested, Xia Yan has absolute reasons to believe that Togekiss is definitely more interested in the Onion Stick in the hands of the onion soldier than he is in the green soldier himself.

On the contrary, Infernape, already full of fighting spirit.

Hearing the words, Infernape nodded without hesitation, the flames on his body rose wantonly and his momentum was high.

The scallion trooper hangs around his neck. It should be the same light ball that Lunala fed to Cosmog before, which is the energy that can help Cosmog recover.

The Onion Ranger also seems to have recognized Infernape as its Rival.

Serious look.


The scallion soldiers moved, carrying the scallion long sword, the cyan Bug Type energy condensed on it, shuffling and rushing fast, and a fierce and fast strike went straight to Infernape's face.

First Impression!

At the same time, the left foot stagnates indistinctly and moves laterally.

With just this one hand, Infernape clearly felt the rich combat experience of the Onion Rangers.

The short-term stagnation in the footsteps not only made the long sword pierced by the onion wanderer more explosive, but also left a possibility for it to turn back and retreat.

And once the scallion soldier's sword took advantage of it, it was Hurricane's fierce assault like a shower.

Infernape didn't panic, he was highly focused, took a deep breath, and the flames instantly rose from his body.

Its response also surprised the onion wanderer.

Seeing that Infernape took a step to the left, it happened to coincide with the stagnant foot of the onion wanderer, his left fist slightly bent his body forward, and while holding the green wanderer's long sword, his feet simultaneously exerted force, and a vigorous step rushed forward, The right fist was clenched tightly, and the fiery flames overflowed the gap between the fingertips, and a fist wrapped in the entanglement was thrown out.

The action and speed of this dexterous ghost Normal surprised the green soldier, and it was the first time he encountered a Rival that could rival it in Fighting skills.

The competition between the two sides was not only the trick of the fight, but also calculated each other's subsequent moves.

boom! !

The scattered sparks are accompanied by charred fist marks.

The scallion soldier's scallion leaf shield was dyed with a thin layer of charred black, but it also successfully resisted Infernape's "Enhanced Fire Punch".

The trial of the first collision gave both Pokémon a simple understanding of each other.

looked at each other.

They all saw a strong excitement in each other's eyes.

That was the excitement of meeting Rival.

After a brief separation, the two Pokémon moved almost simultaneously.

The fierce and green long sword is surrounded by dark fighting energy, and the powerful sword falls from the air, applying the "Brick Break" to swordsmanship. …

But Infernape was not afraid, and lifted a foot up to Jump Kick, like a rocket jet with the speed of flames surging recklessly.

Blaze Kick!

boom! !

The two sides collided again, and the two sides did not separate again. Seeing that the sword was ineffective, the onion soldier Horacio Shower Normal's sword skills fell madly.

Brutal Swing!

Infernape stood still, "Mach Punch" transformed into a boxing shadow from his debut, and slapped on the long sword of the onion wanderer with precision again and again.

And in the interval when the attack frequency of the scallion troopers gradually slowed down, Infernape let out a low voice, and the flames all over his body erupted instantly, and the flames in his eyes were wanton.

Great indignation!

Instantly entered the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition.

The onion wanderer seemed to feel the change in Infernape, felt the threat from Infernape, his muscles were tense, and his hair stood tall.

Raise the shield horizontally.

Quick Guard!

boom! !

In an instant, the flames filled the sky, sparks splashed, and the surging flames dyed the surrounding jungle red.

The onion soldier staggered back two steps.

Some looked at Infernape in disbelief.

I don't understand why it can increase its explosive power so much in such a short period of time, which has already made the onion wanderer have a tendency to be unstoppable.


At this time, Infernape, who has entered the "enthusiasm" Contest Condition, is absolutely focused on the battle, but he doesn't care what the onion wanderer is surprised by.

The legs were slightly bent, and the force suddenly burst out.

The turbulent dark flames covered the whole body in an instant, and the scalding heat wave was higher and higher than the other, and one wave covered the other. The speed was blessed again, and the power was multiplied.

Flare Blitz!

In the heat wave, the onion wanderer's throat dried up but he didn't realize it, he could just feel that this attack by Infernape was no trivial matter.

If you can't stop it, it could be seriously injured.

But "Quick Guard" couldn't stop his previous punch, this time?


Onion Rangers make a quick decision to fight offense with offense!

The green onion sword swung wildly.

The snow-white noble white knight, the lance in his hand shone with golden light, wrapped his body, and stabbed straight out.

this wave.

It was the frontal collision of the magma flame and the meteor spear.

The surrounding world seems to be dim at this moment, and two streamers cut through the darkness.

Meteor Assault!

boom! ! !

The aftermath of the collision that swept wantonly, the surging flames suddenly surging.

The pillar of light soared into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan, who was beside her, squinted her eyes while pressing her hat. The messy wind blew the golden waterfall of Cynthia flying, but her eyes were staring at the center of the collision, and her eyes were full of surprise.

A Farfetch'd was able to burst out with such combat power, which was somewhat beyond her expectations.

It has to be admitted.

Cynthia was very interested in this onion wanderer.

And the most exciting is undoubtedly Togekiss.

Amid the wild wind, Togekiss shouted excitedly.

"Just yay!! (So hard onions!)"

When the impact of the collision gradually dissipated, Infernape stepped on the Ground and slipped out, leaving two black marks from the plow.

The green onion soldier also staggered out with a long green onion with a black tip.

"Isn't it affected by the 'shake after casting'?"

Xia Yan was finally a little surprised. …

After the "Meteor Assault" was used by this onion wanderer, there was not much sign of being stagnant and unable to move.

The move "Meteor Assault" is very powerful, and currently only the onion rangers can use it, but similar to the moves "Hyper Beam" and "Giga Impact", there is a serious "swing after casting".

That is, after casting, it will fall into a certain period of body rigidity.

But it seems that this onion trooper has undergone special training, which greatly shortens the time of this rigidity.

at the same time.

This onion trooper also showed its good combat effectiveness.

"Infernape, Close Combat!" Xia Yan, who pressed his hat, decided to see if the onion wanderer was really unaffected.

see you.

After standing firm, Infernape bounced out again, with fierce energy surrounding the fist, and scorching flames circling around.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the onion wanderer.

It turns out.

It's not that Onion Ranger is not affected by the "Meteor Assault" post-swing, it's just that it breaks free from this post-swing to the maximum extent possible.

In the face of Infernape, who was close at hand, the onion wanderer had to put up his shield and calm down.

In the eye sockets, a scarlet color appeared.


bang bang bang-

Horacio's fist fell like a shower of bullets, and the onion soldier gritted his teeth and insisted.

But every time the fist slammed heavily on the shield, the dark red Fighting-type energy accumulated by the onion wanderer became more and more high-spirited.

Convert Rival's attack into its own power, and finally explode it all, this is "Counter".


In the face of "Counter", there is actually a very practical tactic.

When the last punch of Infernape's "Close Combat" fell, the Gao Jie Bai Cavalry Ranger was already rendered in a dark red color.


With a roar and roar after its Bide came down, all the attacks it suffered broke out.

Xia Yan waved his hand.

"Infernape, we also Counter!"

I saw Infernape raised his arms and crossed his face, and greeted the "Counter" of the onion wanderer.

This is the classic tactic.

Counter your Counter!

Nesting doll tactics.

Bang! ! !

The terrifying force squeezed on Infernape's arm, and the explosive force made it a little hard to breathe, and the severe pain made Infernape's will stretch into a string that could break at any time.


Infernape got in the way!


Facing the onion wanderer, it will be Infernape's "Counter" after defending against "Counter"!

boom! ! !

The onion wanderer stared, his face smashed into the air in disbelief by the terrifying power that erupted from Infernape.

Fruit trees were smashed uncontrollably by it, and the tidal wave of pain engulfed its consciousness in an instant.

Standing still, Infernape shook his hand slightly.

The strength of this onion trooper has been recognized by it.

"This Onion Stick is no, onion wanderer, very strong."

Even Cynthia gave it a very high rating.

She knows Xia Yan's Infernape, and she is definitely not weaker than the top Elite Pokémon.

And a wild onion trooper can fight Infernape to this point, obviously the strength is not weak. …

Wild Pokémon can have such fighting awareness and experience, which shows how many battles it has gone through, big and small.



The onion wanderer, who should have lost his fighting ability, leaned on his long sword and staggered to his feet again from the bushes in the distance.

His eyes narrowed and he looked very tired, but his body was straight.

The shield in his hand is broken.

But the raised hand still gestured towards Infernape.

This scene made Infernape awestruck.

"Really tenacious willpower." Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh.

Since facing such a Rival, it must be given enough respect.


Infernape, who understood what Xia Yan meant, nodded silently.

As the fist was clenched again, the flames above his head quickly rose to a height of dozens of meters, and even passed through the dense forest leaves.

Tight and fisted.

In the swing of the fist, all the flames gathered in the fist and slammed into the Ground.

In an instant.

A column of fire quickly spread over the Ground along Infernape's fist and headed straight for the onion roamers.

boom! ! !

The moment the flames touched the scallion roaming soldiers, they rose to the ground, and the violent fire column accompanied by the fire all over the sky devoured the scallion roaming soldiers in an instant.

Blast Burn!

This is now Infernape's strongest fire-type move.

And "Blast Burn", like "Meteor Assault", drains Infernape's flames when cast, causing it to briefly freeze.

However, this move is also the main direction of Xia Yan's recent assault training Infernape.

Xia Yan is ready to integrate this move into Infernape's "Little Precipice Blades" and make it the last card of Infernape's Final Gambit.


Wait until the flames dissipate and the flames fade away.

The onion wanderer fell straight to the ground and completely lost his ability to fight.

And around it, everything seemed to have been burned by the flames, turning into a charred black nothingness.

After doing this, Infernape felt a little frivolous.

Xia Yan hurriedly fed it some energy cubes.

He approached the incapacitated Onion Ranger again and gave him a brief treatment of his injuries.

Such a Rival is still worthy of respect.

"Gu Gu~~"

Cosmog happily ate the pendant that Xia Yan took from the neck of the scallion wanderer.

The Cosmog, which has once again obtained the energy of the past, looks more full and solid, and the stars in the nebula are more and more brilliant.

The stars in it are dazzling and unusual, exuding a faint halo, as if something is being conceived.

After eating, Cosmog hiccupped and retracted into Xia Yan's arms again.

"Things went a lot smoother than expected." Xia Yan said slowly.

Cynthia nodded slightly.

Looking at the green onion soldier on the ground, "What are you going to do with it?"

Xia Yan smiled and shook his head.

"This Onion Ranger is very strong, but it has its own fighting rhythm and habits, and it clashes with Beedrill and Infernape in position."

Plus there are so many Pokémons he needs to develop.

There is really no time to help the onion wanderer to correct its shortcomings, so that it can better integrate into Xia Yan's tactical system. …

What's more, Xia Yan and Duolong Bartto, and the growing Shelgon.

That would eventually be a Pokémon that would take on the same aggressive role as Beedrill and Infernape.

Offensive Pokémon, don't need that much.

If Cynthia is not here, Xia Yan may consider subduing it to become a Pokémon with hunter status, after all, hunter status does not require high tactics.

But now

Having said that, Cynthia understood what he meant.

"Yeah. And a wild Pokémon with such a strong autonomy as Normal is not very willing to obey the Trainer's orders."

After the two simply cleaned the place, they went to find the rest of the light balls again.

And not long after, the onion wanderer who was treated by Xia Yan woke up leisurely.

It subconsciously touched the side.

His expression suddenly froze.


The hoarse roar startled the Pokémon, a bird that had been quietly foraging in the surrounding forest.

Fluttering his wings vigorously.

From the loud roar, they seemed to hear the grief of a "deep grievance woman".

The spring onion soldiers jumping up from the ground hurriedly frantically searched for something in the surrounding bushes.

Finally, it sat slumped on the ground.

He seemed to have found his target quickly, his nose twitched slightly, his eyes gradually firmed, and he stepped forward resolutely.

And at the same time.

Xia Yan, who was on his way, looked at Togekiss speechlessly.

"Cha Keyi~~~ (So baby~~)"

I saw Togekiss holding an Onion Stick longsword with a slightly blackened tip.

A look of love.

The corners of Cynthia's mouth that raised her eyebrows never came down.

This little naughty, hobby is really unique.

The ultimate metropolis.

"Lights out" time, the dark street Sky is empty.

"Trouble. The riot of 'Lucas God' is stronger this time! The third and fourth squads, go up!"

"I can't stop it! I can't stop it!"

"Quick retreat!"

"Don't withdraw! Push it all up for me, be sure to stop it and push it up!"

Inside the Grand Metropolis Tower.

A human being dressed in elite equipment, as well as many extreme beasts that they can barely control under their command, are constantly attacking the pitch-black thing in the cage at the bottom of the extreme metropolis tower.


Whether it is the weapons evolved by human technology in the extreme metropolis, or the ferocious attacks of the extreme alien beasts, they cannot cause much damage to the creatures in the cage.


The creature in the cage suddenly let out a roar.

And from its body like a jet-black prism, a series of unusually sudden white beams shot out.

The sudden light of the beam caused the ultimate metropolis combat troops with night vision goggles to temporarily lose their vision.

Greater panic arose.

"Damn, it's actually a 'Prismatic Laser'! It didn't absorb any light, why can it cast a 'Prismatic Laser'?!"

The commander-in-chief of the Sun Devouring Division, who was in charge of the battle, roared.

Logically, Necrozma, which has not been able to absorb light energy again, cannot use "Prismatic Laser".

It is precisely because of this that the ultimate metropolis can stably suppress Necrozma,…

But this time.

Not only is Necrozma's riot more powerful than ever, it even unleashes its ultimate "Prismatic Laser"!

Boom boom boom! !

The very solid Ultra Metropolis towers swept across Necrozma's highly compressed beam, exploding and billowing with smoke.

And most importantly.

The characteristic cage that restricted Necrozma also opened a small gap under the sweep of these laser lights.

But this gap, for Necrozma whose body can be deformed, is no different from opening.

Seeing this scene, the commander-in-chief of the Sun-devouring Department was stunned.

He had to wear armor that could absorb light, rode Naganadel off the field, and rushed to the forefront.

"Stop! Be sure to stop! This is the only hope for our ultimate metropolis!"

At the moment when the ultimate city is truly alive and dead, there are always heroes who appear one after another.

One by one, regardless of their own safety, they rushed to the gap in the cage, trying to defend themselves with their bodies, preventing Necrozma from coming out.

I also have to admit that the technology in the megalopolis is indeed developed, and their understanding of Necrozma is deep enough.

All equipment and equipment are deliberately arranged to deal with Necrozma.

And their efforts paid off in the end.

Necrozma was briefly held back in the cage.

"Quick! Fix the equipment!"

The commander-in-chief of cloth blood roared hoarsely.

at the same time.

The Ultra Metropolis is second only to the top floor of the Command Headquarters of the Ultra Metropolis Tower.

Several figures stood on the rooftop in the darkness.

In the distance, Cal, who occasionally flashed by the Metropolitan Tower, illuminated their figures.

The leader is Rand, the general manager of the Yueyue Department, and beside him, in addition to the people from the Yueyue Department, there is the black-robed man with the mask of the Bronze Knight.

Everyone's eyes fell on the ultra-large city tower in the distance.

There was a little teasing in the eyes of the bronze masked man, "It seems that they can really stop it."

"I can't stop it." But Rand, the general manager of the Yueyue Department, said it decisively.

Hearing this, the banter in the eyes of the bronze masked man became even stronger.

"Oh? It seems that you not only replenished the 'Lucas God' with light energy from time to time, but also moved some hands and feet on the instrument."

Rand clenched the special instrument in his hand, and there was a flash of unbearableness in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by firmness.

"The power of Necrozma is so powerful that it shouldn't be kept in such a small cage. How can the Pokémon world enjoy the warm sunshine, while we keep sinking in the endless darkness?"

Hearing the bronze masked man beside him laugh without saying a word.

If it wasn't for the ancestors of your mega-urban human beings who had the idea of ​​conquering Necrozma, would it have withdrawn the light energy in Ultra Space?

And now.

In the ultimate metropolis, there are people who try to conquer Necrozma again.


These are good things for the bronze masked people.

Because only in this way, his great scientific ability can get the opportunity to show, to reflect his great talent.

Rand turned his head slightly and looked at this mysterious man who didn't know where he came from, but his unique science and technology made the top scientists in the metropolis overshadowed. …

It is precisely because of the appearance of this bronze masked man that Rand's ambition has the possibility to be realized.

He tightened the instrument in his hand again and raised his head to look at the nothingness of Sky in the Grand Metropolis Tower.

"this instrument"

"Absolutely no problem!" The Bronze Mask man knew what Rand was worried about and interrupted him with great certainty.

Rand nodded slightly.


If the instrument fails to function, not only will the ultimate metropolis perish, but this bronze masked man will inevitably become one of the burial objects.

He stood here calmly, which is Rand's greatest confidence.

At this time.

Combatants dressed in Yaoyue's combat uniforms trot forward.

"Lord Rand! The bait cast worked, and Lunala's whereabouts were caught!"

Rand's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth rose slowly.

"Knowing that Lunala won't let go of Solgaleo's residual energy."

After whispering a sentence, with a positive expression, he said solemnly: "Bring it here! Everyone prepares for the first-level battle!"


Rand turned his head to look at the senior officials of the Yueyue Department behind him, and said loudly: "You are all ready."

The senior officials of the Yueyue Department nodded their orders one after another.

It is not only the Sun Eater who has mastered the ability to control the ultimate alien beast.

In the dark environment, the inconspicuous strands of Mist are hidden in the darkness.

Among the people who lowered their leader's life, there was also a senior member of the Yueyue Department with a slightly strange expression.

Out of the corner of his eye, Rand and the man in the bronze mask were brought into view.


The onion wanderer with an angry face, after Xia Yan and Cynthia defeated a Lycanroc holding a light ball, it came out again.

Xia Yan supported his forehead.

A helpless smile appeared on Cynthia's face.


The last time Togekiss "taken" the Onion Stick from the Onion Ranger, it completely caught up with them.


Togekiss lowered his head and muttered, standing on the ground, his wings and the ends of the wings pointed back and forth like fingers.

As for the Onion Stick.

It found that it was no different from an ordinary Onion Stick after it got out of the hands of the Onion Ranger.

It rotted away in a few days.

But the onion troopers have their eyes on them.

I don't know where it dug up another green onion, but compared to the previous one, this time it was obviously shorter and thinner.

This is also the reason why the onion soldiers are so angry.

Is it easy for him to find an Onion Stick that looks powerful and fits his temperament?

If you lose the battle, you lose.

As a result, the Onion Stick was lost.

Onion Rangers have never seen such a battle.

Even if others treat it as food, the onion soldier has never been so angry.

What's the meaning?

The meat of its scallion is not as attractive as an Onion Stick?

It has this body, this meat, and it is baked and rolled on a piece of pancake, added with some shredded onion and cucumber, and dipped in some special sauce.

Isn't it fragrant?


In short.

Since being targeted by Onion Rangers, Infernape and Togekiss have played against it many times.

Especially Infernape.

In the battle, it even learned a lot of fighting skills and the skills of using moves from the onion wanderer. …

Even Cynthia is off the field, and her Garchomp and Lucario have both played against the Onion Rangers and earned their approval.


The onion wanderer fully demonstrated what is called chivalry, the character of the more setbacks the more courageous, and the repeated defeats and battles.

It made Xia Yan want to solve the trouble completely, and wanted to conquer it.

But yeah.

Conquering this onion wanderer is indeed not in line with Xia Yan's team system, and adjusting its battle rhythm and habits is also very time-consuming, and he doesn't have so much time to do thankless things.

the most important is.

With Togekiss's special hobby, the onion wandering into the team, isn't it completely out of whack?

The kind that can't be stopped.

"I'll do it this time." Cynthia shook her head and threw the Poké Ball, summoning Lucario.

And Lucario, who saw Rival or this scallion soldier, suddenly felt a headache.

Why is it again?


But the scallion soldier was full of fighting spirit and waved to Lucario.

Is it really because of an Onion Stick that has been pestering Xia Yan and the others?

While that's part of the reason, it's not all.


It found that it could hardly find many Rivals in this ancient battlefield, but it actually encountered so many amazing Pokémon here in Xia Yan and Cynthia.

It has a strong desire to fight, and Covet fights head-to-head.

So I kept following them.

Moreover, it also found that both Xia Yan and Cynthia are good people.

Every time I defeated it, not only did I not solve it because of its relentless pursuit, but I also dealt with it because of its heroism.

One to two to go.

The onion wanderers are getting more and more courageous, and they like to fight with them more and more.

This free top thug is rare in this small ancient battlefield.

"No no no."

Xia Yan waved his hand and stopped Cynthia and her Lucario.

"Eat, eat."

Have a meal?

The scallion soldier's eyes lit up instantly, and the corners of his mouth left a slap in the face.

Continued high-intensity battles are also huge for it.

And the food eaten by Xia Yan and Cynthia's Pokémon is simply the best food he has ever eaten in his life.

It might even taste better than itself.

It can also quickly restore physical strength and restore Contest Condition.

As for how it got into the team of Xia Yan and Cynthia to eat and drink, it has to be said that on a dark night

Xia Yan also found out.

Eating is the best means of truce.

Cynthia smiled and nodded with a chuckle.


Lucario breathed a sigh of relief.

"Just 咿~~ (Yes! Duck, eat and eat~~)"

Porksky fell familiarly beside the onion trooper, took it by the shoulders and led it to join the feeding force.


Togekiss's sly and playful little eyes always landed on the new Onion Stick of the green wanderer from time to time, and the bottom of his eyes was just about to move.

Fortunately, the onion troopers have enough vigilance.

While "Paki" sat on the ground, he also sat the new Onion Stick under his butt, giving Togekiss no chance. …

Sylveon's soft satin, quietly arched Togekiss.

"Buyi~~ (Big sister, I heard that Onion Stick is more compatible with energy cubes~)"

"Chaco? (Really?)"

Togekiss's eyes lit up instantly.

dong dong——

Xia Yan directly knocked two small heads on the heads of the two whispering little guys.

"Buy~~ (pain~)"

Sylveon satin covered his head, suddenly showing a pitiful look.


Togekiss' wings has a fork on his chest, making sure he won't touch the Onion Stick of the onion trooper.

Xia Yan said angrily: "I can't stop your mouths when you eat."


Togekiss laughed out loud.

Glancing at Sylveon.

Then the two little guys looked at the little Vulpix on the other side at the same time.


Little Vulpix murmured and winked at them, as if "don't worry, leave it to me".

The onion wanderer didn't realize at all why it was invited to join the dinner.

I also didn't realize that what it needs to guard against is not just a naughty egg like Togekiss, but many!

Moreover, this team has a growing trend.

This is not.

Cynthia's Togekiss was successfully inspired by Xia Yan's Togekiss.

After all, they have known each other for a long time. At that time, Cynthia's Togekiss was just Xia Yan Togekiss's little follower.

Naughty and mischief were brought out by Xia Yan Togekiss.

A few little guys are waiting for an opportunity.

Under a seemingly peaceful dinner, there was a "dark tide".


The "dark tide" does not originate from the inside, but from the outside.

The fragrance that Xia Yan and the others emit every time they eat will inevitably attract wild Pokémon.

And this time, no exception.

It's just that the wild Pokémon from Sucker Punch this time is probably one of the strongest in the entire ancient battlefield.

Whoosh whoosh—

Several small black feathers passed through the barriers of layers of forest leaves and trees, approaching where Xia Yan and others were.

Ding Ding Ding! !

But at the moment when these black needles pierced, the Aegislash in Haze instantly condensed and formed, and the hard shield resisted all these thin needles.

Xia Yan and Cynthia also reacted.

"Spirit Shackle?"

After sweeping his eyes and slowly dispersing after landing, Haze revealed the neatly arranged sneak attack move of brown feathers, and Xia Yan recognized this move.

Follow the source.

see you.

A Pokémon in a scorpion with a green cloak on his head, a cold face, and sharp eyes stood on a tree branch not far away.

And on the neck of this Pokémon, there is also a ball of light.

Moreover, this ball of light is brighter than all the balls of light collected by Xia Yan and Cynthia before.

"Decidueye?" Cynthia murmured.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Cosmog said that the last remaining light ball, which attracted the strongest attraction to it, but whose position was constantly changing and could not be accurately positioned, turned out to be on the body of this Decidueye."

Decidueye is a registered grass-type Pokémon in the Alola Region. It can completely remove its own breath and attack when Rival can't see itself. …


Seeing Decidueye, Onion Ranger was the most excited.

He stood up suddenly, with a serious expression, with a strong sense of alertness and vigilance.


Onion Rangers don't have a good relationship with this Decidueye.

It's normal for Fighting-type Onion Rangers to fall behind against Grass-type and Ghost-type Decidueye.

Seeing the onion wanderer stand up, the little guys from Togekiss rolled their eyes.

But see.

Decidueye jumped and jumped off the branch. The dark Ghost-type energy instantly wrapped around him, and after a brief space distortion, his figure suddenly disappeared.

Phantom Force!

However, Xia Yan and Cynthia didn't panic.


Doron Bart drank lowly, and disappeared like Decidueye.

boom--! !

when it reappears.

With a little disbelief, Decidueye looked at Doron Bartto who rushed out of the space warp together.

Didn't expect "Phantom Force" to be interrupted too.

"After collecting this one, this mission is successfully completed."

At the same time, it can be considered to get rid of the onion wanderer.

Xia Yan twisted his neck slightly.

I have been wandering in this small ancient battlefield for three days, and I haven't been able to capture the shadow of Decidueye for a long time.


Cynthia responded softly.

Quick fight!

Xia Yan decided to leave immediately!



The air trembled slightly, and Beedrill, who was eating quietly, suddenly disappeared, turned into a golden arc, and shot towards Decidueye.

Seeing this, Decidueye's expression was stunned.

It is also good at speed, but for a while it is not able to capture Beedrill's position?

What the hell is this speed? !

"Beedrill, mega!"

Xia Yan drank lightly.

This Decidueye can hide its breath very well. He can't tell whether it is Elite or Champion, but it is very likely to be Elite.

But to be on the safe side, Xia Yan decided to fight quickly and never let go.


Among the colorful Mega Evolution energy, the Mega Beedrill holding a spear ripped open the air.

Spark appeared in front of the stunned Decidueye between the flints.

Scarlet narrow compound eyes, sharp-edged spear.

A puncture that seems to have almost no features except for speed, a simple provocation.

Before even blinking his eyes, the Mega Evolution energy on Mega Beedrill quickly faded away.

Decidueye's expression stiffened, and he slowly lowered his head in astonishment.

The severe pain came a little late.

Instantly swallowed its consciousness.

fell to the ground.

"Gah?! (Second, second?)"

The onion wanderer widened his eyes and looked at Beedrill, who turned around slowly, as if he had done something trivial. His eyes were instantly covered by admiration.

That spear, that speed, that action, that turn

The onion soldier's body trembled slightly.

As if from Beedrill's body, he saw the shadow of his dreams.

Xia Yan picked up the last and largest ball of light.

To Cynthia:

"Hurry away!"


Cynthia was amused by Xia Yan's cold-hearted one second, and the next second's hilarious transformation.

But seeing the onion wanderer immediately ran in front of Beedrill.


"Quack!! (Master!!)"


ps: I will not separate chapters for the addition of the leader, can it be counted in the total number of words? This chapter has ten thousand words, here it is~~

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