The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 932 That's It! I See! (5K+!)

Chapter 931 That's it! I see! (5k+!)


The dusty door opened again.

Before the Altar of the Moone, four island guardian gods, including Tapu Mingming, were waiting here.

Seeing Xia Yan and Cynthia walking out of it, they immediately greeted them.


Seems like something is messed up?

The green wandering soldier holding the green long sword carefully walked out of the quaint gate, looking left and right, looking cautiously.


Hearing the sound of the door closing again behind him, the green soldier suddenly shuddered and turned to look, the world he was familiar with had disappeared from his sight.


Xia Yan and Cynthia held their foreheads at the same time, looking at its sad look, they didn't know what they were getting excited about.

Ever since the onion wanderer saw that Mega Beedrill killed Decidueye in a snap, he has been completely conquered by Beedrill, pestering him to teach "swordsmanship".

to this.

Xia Yan didn't know how to chase it away, so he could only bring it out in confusion.

But seeing it now looks like it has never been seen in the world, I feel more or less regretful in my heart.

Wouldn't this get me out of trouble?

"Leave it alone."

Xia Yan waved at Tapu Mingming, and then took the sleeping little Nebula out of his arms.

"We have collected all the light clusters in the ancient battlefield, but Cosmog seems to be no different except that it is more sleepy."

Seeing Cosmog's Contest Condition, Tapu Mingming, the four island guardians, looked at each other a few times.

Both saw disappointment in each other's eyes.

And its expression didn't hide much.

Xia Yan understood in an instant.

It seems that just the light group in the ancient battlefield is not enough for Cosmog to complete the transformation.


Soon, the four island guardians of Tapu Mingming took action again.

Surround the Cosmog and spin it slowly.

And as they rotate, strange energy rises up from them, forming a ring full of golden light.

at the same time.

The Cosmog held by Xia Yan's palm gradually floated up.

The golden auras released by the four island guardian gods gradually gathered and circled around Cosmog's body.

Immediately after.

The halo became more and more solid, and Cosmog's body also emitted a flowing halo, and the starlight in its nebula flickered and splashed, and then became solid again.

For a moment.

The golden light flashed and closed instantly, becoming a golden rounded edge that wrapped the Cosmog.

When the golden light dissipated, it appeared in Xia Yan's sight again.

The appearance of the Cosmog has completely changed.

Do not.

At this time, it may be more appropriate to call it Cosmoem.

The new appearance, the body is no longer a hazy nebula, but divided into three layers.

The innermost black ball is the core, with facial features growing on it, but the eyes are tightly closed, the mouth is closed with a slight movement, and it looks like it is sleeping.

The middle layer is the same nebula as Cosmog before, surrounded by bright starlight, but it is more gorgeous than the small nebula.

The outermost layer is composed of nine golden objects, which are very hard at first glance.

The little nebula Cosmog has evolved!


After completing the evolution, Cosmoem fell from the sky immediately after losing the support of the island guardian gods.

Xia Yan subconsciously reached out to pick it up.

Just at the moment of encounter, his expression suddenly changed.


It was only then that he remembered that only the real Mega Rookie could lift the weight after the evolution of the small nebula Cosmog with one hand.

It is completely different from the weight of the small nebula Cosmog.


Xia Yan's reaction speed was relatively fast, and after a little effort, he immediately started Psychic.

With a Psychic backing, he finally lifted Cosmoem and let out a long breath.

"Duck duck." Xia Yan beckoned.


The onion soldier walked over with a puzzled look on his face.

Xia Yan handed Cosmoem over, "Help me take it for a while."

"Quack! (Small idea!)"

The scallion soldier's chest clapped loudly.

Upright, brave and kind, it likes to help others the most.


Just after receiving Cosmoem from Xia Yan, Onion Youbing's expression was instantly sideways, his arm muscles were tense, his back slowly bulged, and his forehead was slightly sweaty.

After a long breath, I finally got used to it.


It looked at Xia Yan in shock.

He just picked up such a heavy thing with one hand?

what the hell!

Xia Yan patted Cong Yubing on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Yaya, do you want to chase Beedrill? This is your first training."


Onion Youbing's expression suddenly became solemn, and his eyes firmly nodded towards Xia Yan.

"Gah! (The onion is in the egg!)"

Xia Yan smiled with satisfaction.

very good.

In this way, the scallion soldier should not be able to interfere with him in a short time.

at this time.

The communicator on Xia Yan rang.

Take it out and see that it is Anabel.

Connect at will.

"Xia Yan, you are finally back. Something big happened! Come back soon!"

Anabel's voice is not small.

So next to Cynthia also heard.

The two looked at each other.

At the same time, Xia Yan also discovered that Tapu Mingming, the patron saint of the four islands, stared at each other in disbelief.

Xia Yan couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Tapu Mingming was silent for a while and seemed to finally wake up slowly.

Heavy tone.

【Necrozma is here! 】


Xia Yan's expression froze.

Not to mention a total solar eclipse.

The Manaro Festival is done.

Have you agreed to become light together?

Melemele Island.

UB Countermeasures Division Headquarters.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Yan and Cynthia, who hurried back, came to the central command room.

I saw that everyone in the command room had a bad expression, or it was ugly.

Barnett's fingers jumped on the keyboard.

"I project on the big screen."


On the big screen in the command room, a peak and valley map appeared, showing the peak and valley values ​​of the ultimate energy.

But this time.

The originally fluctuating ultimate energy has risen sharply at a very fast speed, far exceeding all the previous peaks.

Even, it is still climbing, a trend that is far from reaching its peak.

And this is just the case.

The Alola Region will usher in an unprecedented research Ultra Wormhole opening scale!

The immeasurable ultimate beast may come at any time.


Xia Yan didn't know what to say.

The ultimate city wants to use the power of the entire city to invade the Alola Region?


The resurgence of Necrozma made the extreme alien beasts run wild.

"and many more!"

Barnett suddenly shouted again.

When everyone's eyes fell on her, she inexplicably gave a long slap to Yawn, then held back her spirits and tapped her fingers again quickly.

"The ultimate aura of the Alola Region is receding like crazy!"

The foreign ultimate energy is rapidly rising, and the local ultimate energy is rapidly decreasing.

There is only one reason for this phenomenon to be explained by the resurgence of Necrozma and its arrival in the Alola Region.

"Have you notified Alliance?"

Xia Yan looked at Anabel.

But I saw that Anabel's eyelids drooped down at some point, and slapped Yawn lazily, squeezing two crystal drops out of the corners of his eyes.

"Although I should notify Alliance immediately, but I don't know why, I feel like I can't get enough strength."

Xia Yan's heart sank slightly.

Look up again.


Not only Anabel and Barnett were in the command room, but they all turned into a sleepless appearance.

"Xia Yan, what happened to them?"

Cynthia couldn't help asking.

Except for the two of them, everyone else looked lazy.

Xia Yan frowned.

"Necrozma is revived, and it needs the power of Lunala and Solgaleo to fully recover, so it will definitely come to the Pokémon world.

But with its resurgence, the ultimate aura of the Pokémon world is fading fast.

And sudden changes in the environment, resulting in human beings whose ability to adapt is not so fast, is like entering a low-oxygen environment, becoming lethargic and unable to lift their spirits. "

After listening to Xia Yan's explanation, Cynthia was also dumbfounded.

Xia Yan continued:

"Because we were not active in the Alola Region, we went to the ancient battlefield for a few days, and we have not fully adapted to the ultimate aura of the Alola Region, so this energy change has no effect on us.

Besides, there are”

Turning his head to look behind him, Cosmoem is holding his teeth.

Small things will give them help even if they don't realize it.

"Then we can only notify Help outside of Alola Alliance?" Cynthia asked after a pause.

Xia Yan shook his head and looked at the big screen.

After the ever-rising ultimate energy value reached a peak, it stopped abruptly.

"I'm afraid. It's too late."

His voice fell.

Barnett, who was lying lazily on the table, also said slowly:

"Xia Yan is right, they are here, right here."

After slowly tapping the keyboard twice.

Study the position of Ultra Wormhole to determine the opening.


Melemele Island!

Seeing the location, Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, turned around and strode out.

After hesitating for a while, Cynthia also walked out with him.

"Gah! (Slow!)"

The onion troopers struggled, but they followed closely.

"What do they do?"

Xia Yan did not look back.

"Although they have become lazy, they still have the ability to protect themselves. And Necrozma will not absorb it endlessly. Give them a little time and they will soon get used to it."

Since Xia Yan said so, Cynthia is no longer worried.


Now is not the time to worry about people like the UB Countermeasures Department.

Even the physique of Anabel and others will become so lazy, it is estimated that the entire Alola Region has become the same.

And this time, let alone the invasion of the ultimate alien beast.

Even a riot of wild Pokémon can bring deadly damage.

Wait for the two to leave the UB Countermeasures Building.

When he saw the scene outside at this time, his eyes widened, and he looked unbelievable.

I see.

Sky at Melemele Island.

One by one the giant Ultra Wormholes were open.

And in these Ultra Wormholes, the extreme beasts of different shapes and shapes are trying hard to squeeze out of the Ultra Wormholes.

This scene.

Even more spectacular than the picture of Cinnabar Island the two saw a few months ago.

Almost don't even think about it.

With the landing of these extreme beasts, people who have become lazy because of the dissipation of the ultimate aura cannot form much resistance.

Melemele Island, the streets of Hau'oli City.


"what is that?"

"Huh—I don't know why, I suddenly feel so sleepy."

"But looking at this situation, it seems that something special will be drilled out."

"Although I think it might be dangerous not to run, what should I do if I'm too lazy to run?"

"It's tiring to stand"


And this scene even gave Xia Yan a feeling of deja vu.

That's right.

It was the same scene when reinforcements arrived during the final battle of the Avengers IV.


At this time, the devil of the purple potato essence became Xia Yan.

thought here.

Xia Yan laughed heartlessly to himself.

Cynthia didn't have the leisurely interest he had, and couldn't help but ask with a sullen face:

"How to do?"

In the special chapter, there have also been incidents of a large number of extreme alien beasts wantonly invading the Alola Region.

But at that time, the people of Alola Region still had the ability to resist.


Because of Necrozma's unexpected recovery, Alola Region's resistance was instantly reduced to a minimum.

"Actually, I have always wondered about one thing. But I think I should get the answer this time."


Cynthia didn't know why Xia Yan suddenly said something so thoughtlessly.


The calm attitude shown by Xia Yan made Cynthia's slightly anxious heart gradually calm down.

He looked at the tall man in front of him.

Cynthia couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of herself.

The two are both Elite Fours, and they are also Elite Fours at the same time. Xia Yan's mentality in the face of major events is much better than hers.

If Xia Yan knew what Cynthia was thinking, she would definitely tell her.

Some things, after a lot of experience, will lie down.

When Xia Yan experienced a big event for the first time, he was much more nervous than Cynthia.

"follow me."

The two took Latios and Garchomp respectively and flew towards the sky.

"Gah!! (And me!)"

Standing on the roof, the onion wanderer shouted, but unfortunately Xia Yan and Cynthia flew farther and farther.

We have come to Soaring in the sky, the entrance of the largest research Ultra Wormhole.

And in this huge Ultra Wormhole mouth, there are figures standing tall, wearing exquisite clothes, so that they don't have to worry about the erosion of the energy in Ultra Wormhole.

Glancing at the moon emblem printed on their clothes, it was identical to the moon emblem at the Altar of the Moone.

"Invitation to the Moon Department."

Xia Yan slowly grinned.

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows.

Looking at Xia Yan, he said with some surprise: "It seems that Xia Yan Elite and Cynthia Elite still have a certain understanding of our ultimate metropolis."

Xia Yan shrugged indifferently.

"You guys are the ones. Everyone thinks that the Sun Devouring Department is the radical faction, but they don't know that your invitation to the Moon Department is the reason for everything."

"You don't seem surprised?"

The man who led the team.

Naturally, it is Rand, the general manager of the Invitational Moon Department of the Ultimate Metropolis, a careerist who has been holding back for decades.

"No, I'm actually surprised. I thought it would take at least another half a month for you to act. I didn't expect it to be so early."

Xia Yan said truthfully.

Rand laughed.

"Xia Yan Elite, Cynthia Elite, you are the Elite Four of Sinnoh, this time the matter is only related to the Alola Region, it has nothing to do with you Sinnoh, right?"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, showing a bit of joking, "What? You want us not to interfere?"

"Although your intervention may not decide anything, as a piece of advice, I suggest you leave now." Rand ignored Xia Yan's jokes.

It's just that while he was talking, one after another, the Ultra Wormhole fell from the Ultra Wormhole.

Just the movement caused by the landing is enough to threaten the human beings in the Alola Region on Melemele Island at this time.

Rand told Xia Yan their determination with practical actions.

"What if I said. No?"

Xia Yan didn't even look at the falling extreme beasts, staring at Rand, his voice gradually became cold.

And as his voice fell, four beams of light suddenly appeared on Melemele Island.

Bathed in the beam of light, four island guardian gods including Tapu Mingming appeared, and a large number of extreme beasts instantly retreated in the field formed by the island guardian gods.

The human beings on Melemele Island cannot recover temporarily, but the reason why the island guardian god is called the "patron god" is to play a role at this time.

But for this scene, Rand was unmoved.

It's just that the smile on his face is even bigger.

"Then I also prepared a big gift for the two Elites."


He turned sideways.

The members of the Yueyue Club behind them also stepped aside to the unknown.

Xia Yan's face changed slightly.

A low drink.

"Be careful!"

Immediately throw two Poké Balls.

Beedrill and Doron Bartto appeared at the entrance of Ultra Wormhole in red light, and he quickly pulled away with Cynthia.

I see.

One is almost the same as Lunala's appearance, except that Lunala's color has changed from black and purple to a light color like the moonlight, and quickly rushed out of the Ultra Wormhole.


It can also be noticed that around Lunala's body, there are pieces of black prisms interspersed, as if wearing a dark armor.

Of course, the biggest change was Lunala's face, which was completely covered by a white screen inlaid with red, blue, green and other triangular plaques.



In the face of this terrifying existence that suddenly rushed out, Beedrill and Doron Bartto were all tense, not daring to hold back at all, and the strongest attack slammed into it.

But their strongest attack was blocked by the opponent lightly.

"Lunala it"

Cynthia looked at the presence of Beedrill and Doron Bartto's attack with ease.


Xia Yan's words helped Cynthia determine the conjecture in her heart.

"Or more precisely, Necrozma's 'Wings of Dawn' form, fused with Lunala's form."


Cynthia was stunned.

Xia Yan looked past Necrozma and looked at the Ultra Wormhole entrance again.

Rand's hand held an extremely precise instrument.

Necroluna Combination Device!

After seeing this thing, Xia Yan's eyes moved quickly, and soon in the crowd behind Rand, he found the man in black robe and bronze mask.

In the face of Necrozma's threat, Xia Yan turned a deaf ear, but the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a big smile.

Happy smile.

"So it is! So it is!"

No wonder Boss Giovanni ignored Mewtwo the last time he was on Cinnabar, and still had that happy smile on his face.

turn out to be.

After the doubts accumulated in the heart are completely removed from the fog, it will be such a feeling.

Mastery of ideas.

Looking at Xia Yan who was laughing, Cynthia couldn't understand what he was excited about for a while.

Softly: "Xia Yan?"

Xia Yan waved his hand, indicating that Cynthia himself is fine.

The smile restrained a little, looking at Rand opposite.

"Coming and not being indecent, since you have prepared a present for me, how can I not prepare a copy for you?"

talking room.

He raised his palm slightly.

The little blue dots gathered in the palm of the hand.


PS: Today's share is almost 1.6w! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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