The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 933 Fighting Magic With Magic! (9.2K+!)

Chapter 932 Fighting magic with magic! (9.2k+!)

The emergence of Necrozma.

Let the ultimate monsters that descended on the world of Pokémon become extremely violent.

Because they instinctively felt a strong threat from Necrozma.

It is the kind of threat that can completely absorb the ultimate aura from them.

It is a deadly threat like a natural enemy.

They become very violent.


With the oppression of Necrozma's aura, except for the ultimate alien beast that came to the Pokémon world under the control of the human beings of the Invitation Moon Department.

Another Ultra Wormhole that leads to different spaces is opened.

Ultimate Forest, Ultimate Ocean, Ultimate Desert, Ultimate Building, and more.

A large number of Ultra Wormholes appeared along the opening of these Ultra Wormholes.

Under inexplicable pressure.

The ultimate alien beasts began to destroy frantically.

The situation took a turn for the worse.

The event has been upgraded from the invasion of the ultimate metropolis to the invasion and destruction of the Pokémon world by the ultimate alien beasts of the entire Ultra Space.


This has brought some benefits.

With the arrival of so many extreme beasts, the ultimate aura of the Larolla Region has been restored.

even more full.

People who had become lazy because of the sudden change in the environment finally returned to normal at this time.

"Xia Yan!"

Anabel led a group of Interpol from the UB Countermeasures Department to arrive immediately.

"Deal with those extreme beasts first." Xia Yan said to Anabel without looking back.

Because of the difference in Rival and position, Xia Yan had already taken over the absolute command of the scene at this time.

"Okay!" Anabel gritted his teeth and chose to trust Xia Yan.

at the same time.

The Trainers scattered all over Melemele Island also had to resist to stop the ravages of the ultimate alien beasts.

This seems to be a good sign.

But the number of extreme alien beasts is too many, and they are still coming.

There seems to be a trend to turn the Alola Region into the realm of the ultimate beast.

The people of the ultimate metropolis want to forcibly occupy the Alola Region and turn it into their new home.

"Garchomp, Dragon Rush!"

Cynthia, who was standing beside Xia Yan, gritted her teeth and sullen, and directed her Pokémon to attack Necrozma.

Along with them, there are Xia Yan's Beedrill.

see you.

Cynthia's Mega Garchomp surged with surging dragon energy, turning into a blue-purple dragon with outstretched wings, roaring towards Necrozma.

The Necrozma, which merged into the form of "Wings of Dawn", just spread its wings gently, and countless stars were dotted on the wings, like the stars in the night sky hanging high and falling everywhere.

Photon Geyser!

Mega Garchomp had to attack as a defense, but was unable to resist and was smashed from the air, leaving a big hole in the ground.

Boom--! !

The scattered light can baptize Melemele Island on a large scale.

In an instant, a large number of broken walls and ruins were left, and countless rocks, dense forests, and buildings collapsed and collapsed, and the ground was in disarray.

Even the entire Melemele Island shook slightly.

This huge roar and endless explosions naturally attracted the attention of a large number of Melemele Island residents.

Xia Yan won the first prize in the "Island Contest" in Alola Region.

Coupled with the excellent performance at the Masters some time ago.

Almost all the inhabitants of the island recognized him.

Many people even used mobile phones and other tools to shoot videos, live broadcast, and put them on the Internet, which immediately attracted the attention of the entire Pokémon world and Alliance.

That attack, like the falling of the moon, made many people look sluggish.

My heart was instantly filled with fear and helplessness.

With so many powerful and extreme beasts, and such an unknown terrifying existence, can they really stop Alola Region?

While fear breeds, it is also rapidly passed from person to person.

Even the Trainers, who were struggling to fight against the ultimate monsters, were instantly shrouded in a haze.

Cynthia Elite's Trump Card Pokémon Garchomp has no ability to fight after Mega Evolution, what should they do?

Feeling powerless is even more harmful and impactful than fear.


A rampage like Mega Garchomp isn't mindless, and it manages to grab Necrozma's attention and attention.

Created opportunities for Xia Yan's Mega Beedrill and Duolong Bartto.


Mega Beedrill's wings fluttered, Spark relented, and after switching places with Togekiss, he appeared behind Necrozma.

The sharp and long needles are cold and starry.

In the excited shouting of the onion wandering soldiers on the ground, it turned into a meteor and tore through the sky, and suddenly fell from the sky.

A combination of "Giga Impact" and "X-Scissor".

It is quite a bit of a "Meteor Assault" stance, but the momentum does not seem to be that big, but the damage caused and the sudden burst of energy shock are not comparable to the current onion troopers.

boom--! !

Necrozma had just pushed back Cynthia's Mega Garchomp, and Mega Beedrill's speed and timing didn't give Necrozma a chance to react.

Huge roar.

A wave of air waves centered on the collision point rippling from the air, and even the members of the Yueyue Club standing in the Ultra Wormhole were a little unsteady.

"Is this the strength of Alliance's youngest and strongest Elite Four?"

When Rand, the general manager of the Yueyue Department, saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh while his face was solemn.

Since they had the idea of ​​invading the Pokémon world, they naturally did a lot of investigation and preparation.

Xia Yan, a young and popular Elite Four, knows a lot about it.

The bronze masked man standing behind Rand, his eyes flickered, his eyes closely following Necrozma who was downed by the Mega Beedrill Smack.

"Linoma Sona!"

The falling Necrozma roared, and the power of the Mega Beedrill was beyond its imagination.

Before hitting the ground, it tries to control its shape.


At this time, the space beside the falling Necrozma opened up, and in the void, the dragging dragon Bartto wrapped his body in a thick Ghost-type energy and slammed into Necrozma suddenly.

Phantom Force!

boom! !

Necrozma, who originally wanted to turn around, suffered a huge Tackle again, and the speed of his fall increased again.


In terms of Attribute alone, Ghost-type moves have four times the restraint on Necrozma in the form of "Wings of Dawn".


Necrozma's ability "Prism Armor" can reduce the damage of a quarter of the effect of excellent moves, so it is only three times the restraint.

But to have such an effect, it is already very good.

boom! ! !

Necrozma fell on the hillside where the UB Countermeasures Building was, and smashed a huge pit.

The fine and cracked texture even spread all the way to the front of the UB Countermeasures Building.

At the moment Necrozma landed, Xia Yan and the rest of Cynthia's Pokémon also broke out.

Boom--! !

The huge magma column was pulled up outrageously, and the flaming magma was like a spurt, Infernape's "Little Precipice Blades".

Togekiss's bright white "Air Slash", Aegislash's roaring "Shadow Claw", Latios's "Dragon Pulse" wrapping itself, Reggie Elech's countless thunders turned into cages that instantly shrouded the area, countless thunder lights Flush the Ground.

Countless attacks followed.

And this picture appears.

The effective counterattack by Xia Yan and Cynthia under the tacit cooperation also injected a booster into everyone's heart and boosted their spirits.

The more at this critical moment, the more people who stand up and have a good reputation, the easier it is to become the spiritual pillar of others.

"Xia Yan Elite and Cynthia Elite are fighting that existence!"

"Come on, Xia Yan Elite!"

"Did you make it?"


In addition to these ordinary residents, there are many Trainers.

"Hold on! Xia Yan Elite will definitely come to save us, we must persevere!"

"Damn! The two Elites are still struggling to resist, how can we give up?"

"Incineroar, Flamethrower! Fight them back with Xia Yan Elite!"


The performance of Xia Yan and Cynthia has become a spiritual support for them to continue their efforts.

The trainers on the island fought back, and the attack seemed to be quite ferocious.

But there are too many extreme beasts.

Even with the four guardian angels of the island taking action together, it is impossible to clear so many extreme beasts in a short period of time.

the most important is.

The "Beast Boost" Ability of the Ultra Beasts allows them to improve their strength in constant battles.

Ordinary Trainers struggled to block, as if to become their best "ration".


There are also some extremely powerful beasts among them.

Everything that happened at this moment.

It seems to be bigger than the conflict and battle between the island guardians and Necrozma a thousand years ago.

"Clean it up! Send them back to Ultra Wormhole!"

Anabel, the commander-in-chief of the UB Countermeasures Department, while commanding Pokémon to fight the Ultra Beasts, also directs the Interpols of the UB Countermeasures Department to execute the battle plan.

At the same time, it is necessary to separate a part of my heart to pay attention to the battle between Xia Yan and Cynthia and Necrozma.

she knows.

This time, Necrozma is the key.

If they can't beat the Necrozma, it's useless to fight off all the Ultra Beasts.

Necrozma will absorb all the light energy from the Alola Region, and even the entire world of Pokémon.

Out of the corner of Anabel's eyes, he has been paying attention to Xia Yan and Cynthia standing on the top of the mountain.

At any time, he was ready to sacrifice some infrastructure on Melemele Island to help Xia Yan.

Because of Xia Yan and Cynthia's hard counterattack, the horn for the counterattack of the Trainers on Melemele Island was sounded.


The counterattack this time came and went quickly.

The gap in hard power cannot be made up by simply cheering up.


Seeing this scene, the Duck, Duck and Onion Ranger only felt blood surging, and the Onion Stick in his hand was unbearably thirsty.

Unable to contain the restlessness in his heart, he charged up with his sword.

"Meteor Assault" shone with golden light and charged across.


"Let's Leona——!!"

The Necrozma in the form of "Wings of Dawn" vibrated its wings, and the surrounding Rock rubble exploded.

Breaking through Reggie Elage's "Thunder Cage" with ease, spread his wings and reappear in Sky.

The onion soldier was stunned for a moment.

And with the bright Moonlight on it, the whole Soaring in the sky seems to have dimmed.

Night is coming!

The full moon is already hanging in the night sky!

"It didn't work?"

Anabel's heart sank when he saw this scene.

Although, from what she knew about Necrozma, she understood that it was impossible for Xia Yan and Cynthia to defeat it.

Katrina also wants the duo to do their best to block Necrozma for a while.

At least.

Wait until they deal with hordes of ultimate alien beasts.

Wait until the Alliance support from each Region arrives.

Wait until the arrival of the Alola Alliance troops on Mount Lanakila.


It seems that even the full strength of Xia Yan and Cynthia did not cause much substantial damage to Necrozma, but it only made it seem that the riotous heart could not be suppressed.

Cynthia, who was standing beside Xia Yan and commanded Pokémon, also sank.

The strength of Necrozma is too strong!

Rao had already had the experience of facing the first-level mythical beast Mewtwo, but Cynthia still felt a little powerless.

If, give her another five years, no, three years.

She was confident that even if it was just one person, if she couldn't stop Necrozma, she would be able to hold back for a while, long enough to last until the arrival of the Alliance army.

But now.

She is still in a period of rapid rise in strength, and the gap between Necrozma is still too large.

The last time I faced Mewtwo, and it was Mega MewtwoX after Mega Evolution, it was because Giovanni stopped at the front.

There are also Watanabe, Steven, Lorelei and others.

But this time, it was only her and Xia Yan.

"Is this what you call Present?"

Rand laughed unkindly.

He thought that Xia Yan had prepared something amazing, but he didn't expect it to be an assault on Necrozma.


If such a strike could be effective against Necrozma, he wouldn't be so keen on Necrozma's power.

To know.

The current Necrozma, but the fusion of Lunala's power.

Xia Yan grabbed the back of the neck of the onion wandering soldier who was stunned in place, and put it on the ground.

The expression did not change, but he raised his eyes and looked at Rand in the Ultra Wormhole.

"Come down and talk?"

Rand was stunned for a moment, and then his smile became more wanton.

"Although I admit that you are very strong, let alone stop Necrozma, you can't even stop this group of beasts running wild."

He's not stupid, and of course he won't go down.

Although he looks relaxed now, when he saw Xia Yan and Cynthia's Pokémon constantly attacking Necrozma, he was still a little nervous and uneasy.

It wasn't until I saw that Necrozma reappeared in Soaring in the sky without much damage.

"Xia Yan."

Cynthia gave him a slightly worried look.

Xia Yan just shook his head. On his open palm, the cyan halo was still flashing, and it was even brighter than before.

I couldn't help muttering in my heart.

'Is it so slow? ’

At the same time, he grinned and said to Rand: "Then I will achieve two small goals first."

He let go of the onion wanderer's hand and raised a finger.

"Stop this group of extreme beasts!"

The voice fell.

Before Rand could laugh, he heard a roar from Soaring in the sky.

A huge Ultra Wormhole suddenly opened.

"elder brother!!"

"Mr. Xia Yan!!"

Ono and Amamo excitedly waved to Xia Yan.

Under them are two sturdy Naganadels.

The appearance of Amamo, a member of the ultimate investigation team of the Sun-devouring Department, and the Naganadel under him did indeed bring a little surprise to Rand and other senior officials of the Inviting Moon Department.


With just two Naganadels?

Available soon.

Rand's face froze.

I saw that the size of the Ultra Wormhole expanded rapidly, and a large number of Naganadels came out.

There are also a lot of Poipoles in it.

They are fast.

In just a few blinks of an eye, he appeared behind Xia Yan.

The densely packed Naganadel and Poipole are definitely no less than the extreme beasts that appeared on Melemele Island.


Ono and Amamo landed at the same time and appeared beside Xia Yan and Cynthia.

Ono also winked at Xia Yan playfully, with a "please praise me" expression.

On the other hand, Amamo, although not as cautious as when she met Xia Yan for the first time, did not relax too much.

Xia Yan smiled and patted Ono's head.

Praise again and again.


Suddenly, Ono held his head up like a peacock who had won a fight, his face full of pride.

Xia Yan was also a little surprised when he glanced at Naganadel and Poipole behind him.

"There are more than I thought."

"That's right. In the past few days, several ethnic groups have come to seek refuge, and now the Great Valley has become the largest and strongest ethnic group in Naganadel." Ono said truthfully.

Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction.

at the same time.

The next Naganadel of the Great Valley slowly landed and crawled beside Xia Yan with a very respectful look.

Whether it is Xia Yan's strength, or his help to Naganadel, it is enough to make the arrogant Naganadel look like this.

【We are late. 】

Xia Yan pulled it up.

"It's not too late, it's just right. That group of extreme weirdos for you?"

Naganadel nodded heavily.

【it is good! 】

And the screen presented at this time.

The four of Xia Yan stood on the top of the mountain, with a large group of Naganadel and Poipole behind them.

The purple figure formed a large area, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it blocked the sun, as if half of the Soaring in the sky was rendered purple.

That solid aura, even Necrozma couldn't completely suppress it.

And such a picture falls in the eyes of all the people in Alola Region, and those who follow the news live broadcast, and there is only one left.


How could Xia Yan Elite attract so many extreme beasts in a short period of time? !


It seems that these extreme beasts still respect Xia Yan Elite very much, and their majestic appearance does not look like a weak existence.

This can be said to be a legion, right?

Still a very terrifying dragon legion!

I believe that after this incident, Xia Yan will get another title.

Dragon Legion Commander!

So, Xia Yan Elite is really a Dragon Elite?

The Elite title of this "Dragon Elite" seems to be fine, but I feel like there is something wrong with it.

But one thing is certain.

That is, in the future in the Alola Region, don't provoke Xia Yan Elite!

next second.

The thunderous cheers sounded from Melemele Island.


The previous efforts of Xia Yan and Cynthia to counterattack, let everyone see a glimmer of light in the dark night.

Well now.

Now, with a wave of his hand, the Cal of the dawn has been enlarged several times.

shines on everyone's heart.

Even Anabel stared blankly at the group of Naganadels behind Xia Yan.

She could feel that some of the Naganadels were very strong, not inferior to her Pokémon.

The same is to enter the Ultra Wormhole.

She only went in for a while, and then she suffered a physical injury.

Xia Yan has been in for ten days, can he attract so many extreme beasts for his use?

"Deputy Minister Xia Yan he." The handsome man beside Anabel swallowed softly, his face full of shock.

"Ga (Fuck.)"

Onion wanderer, who learned new vocabulary with Togekiss not long ago, soon found that he could use it.

It raised its head and looked up at Xia Yan's back.

only feel.

At this time, Xia Yan's back looks so tall and so majestic.

As if there was a light that cut through the night created by Necrozma, it shone on him, making it even more attractive.

From Cong Yubing's point of view, I am afraid that only such a Trainer is worthy of being his master's Trainer.

"Duck, you also help." Xia Yan said.


The onion wanderer immediately stood at attention, and it took a while for him to react. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he stared at Naganadel beside him.

I duck, I will finally be a real knight one day?

And the dragon knight? !

The excited duck duck put down the sleeping Cosmoem, put the gun on the horse, no, Shanglong.

Come to Naganadel's back.

Immediately, I felt that the spirit of the entire Pokémon was different.


Please call it.

Meteor Gun Riding Duck!

Xia Yan waved his hand.

For a time, all the Naganadels received instructions as Poipoles, and fluttered their wings in an instant, aiming at the extreme alien beasts that were out of control.

With Xia Yan's help, the Naganadels, who were already able to eat well and live a prosperous life, immediately showed their great strength.

On Melemele Island, countless residents were rescued.

Even the island guardian gods, who were tired of running around, finally had time to breathe.

Can help Xia Yan and Cynthia against Necrozma.

Cynthia couldn't help but look sideways at this calm and calm companion beside him, looking at his angular profile with a confident smile on the corners of his mouth.

As if all of this was what he expected.

Xia Yan just turned his head and looked at Cynthia.

Softly: "Don't take it lightly, be prepared."

Cynthia's eyes were complicated, and she pursed her lips.

Responded: "Yeah!"

As for the appearance of the Naganadels, the most difficult to accept is undoubtedly the senior members of the Yueyue Department, especially the general manager Rand.

He would never have thought of it.

Xia Yan, an "ordinary" Elite Four in the Pokémon world, can actually pull so many Naganadels and Poipoles from their Ultra Space.

Use the ultimate monster to deal with the ultimate monster?

Using magic against magic?

Rand said it was not acceptable.

With a hideous expression on his face, he roared, "It's useless! Even if you stop this group of extreme beasts, they are just ordinary extreme beasts after all! You can't stop Necroz."

Not finished yet.

boom--! !

A sudden kick kicked out from behind him.

Rand's half-hearted words were abruptly interrupted.

And it fell straight from the Ultra Wormhole.

Cynthia, Anabel and others in Ultra Wormhole did not expect this result, not to mention the high-level executives of the Yueyue Department.

The person who kicked out that kick showed disdain on his face and pouted.

The senior officials of the Yueyue Department avoided it as if they had seen the God of Plague, and emptied it.

Even the mysterious man with the bronze mask immediately summoned his Beheeyem, his face full of alertness.

what's the situation?

Are there traitors?

Looking at Rand, who fell from the air, but because of the high-tech equipment of the megalopolis, he was not injured much, but with a stunned face, Xia Yan showed his white teeth and raised his second finger.

"I told you to come down and chat."

"Rand!! Invite the Moon Department!!"

at the same time.

Rage-filled roars came from the Ultra Wormhole behind them.

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone in the Yueyue Department suddenly changed.

I see.

He was also wearing the costume of the ultimate metropolis, but most of the "Sunday" Badge was printed on his chest, chasing after him.

"Sun Eater?"

"how is this possible?!"

All the senior officials of the Yueyue Department widened their eyes.

The Sun Eaters, if not all dead, should have been maimed by the out-of-control Necrozma.

One unexpected event after another made the senior officials of the Yueyue Department have no time to react.

Why did the situation suddenly take a turn for the worse?

"Grab it!"

The head of the Sun Devouring Department, Castle, waved his hand.

The mysterious man in the bronze mask couldn't help but smacked his mouth.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of Xia Yan Elite."

Saying that, he directly ignored everyone in the Yueyue Department, took his Beheeyem, and jumped down from the Ultra Wormhole.

The pitch-black cloak rattled in the falling wind, revealing the white coat he was wearing under his black robe.

Landed smoothly beside Rand.

Ignoring the somewhat bewildered Rand, he glanced down at the controller in his hand.


When it was kicked down just now, it was destroyed together.

But that's okay.

The bronze masked man smiled and took out a more sophisticated instrument from his arms.

It seems that what he has in his hand is the real one, while what Rand has in his hand has always been fake.

From start to finish, Rand seemed to be in his calculations.

Rand, who understood everything, only felt his head dizzy and passed out.

"But it doesn't matter, I'll take over from now on."

With a wave of the bronze mask, Necrozma in the form of "Wings of Dawn" in the sky made a high-pitched voice, and the momentum exploded, even more terrifying than before.

Even the patron saints of the four islands surrounding it felt great pressure.

The current Necrozma is stronger than before!

The instruments in the hands of the man in the bronze mask seemed to be able to not only affect the Necrozma, but also stimulate and strengthen the Necrozma with the special wave rhythm frequency band emitted.

Seeing him open his hand, his eyes are full of madness.

"This is the power of science!"

Looking at the slightly familiar posture.

Xia Yan still didn't feel the pressure.

"Yeah? Akroma."


Everyone was stunned when they heard this name.

Hearing Xia Yan continue: "Should I call you, 'Dark Scientist'?"

It's okay to be called a person with a broken identity bronze mask.

But when he heard the title of "Dark Scientist", the figure of the man with the bronze mask froze.

He looked at Xia Yan with some complicated eyes.

After pondering for a while, he let out a long breath.

Silently took off the hood on his head, revealing neatly combed gold, and a strand of blue hair that circled like a satellite.

The bronze weight-bearing mask was gently removed.

Underneath it was a picture of a middle-aged man with glasses who seemed to be gentle and graceful.

It's Team Plasma's Chief Scientist, Akroma!


It is also Akroma, whether there is the title of "Dark Scientist", the meaning is different.

He looked at Xia Yan for a while before the corners of his mouth slowly rose again.

"I didn't expect Xia Yan Elite, you even know this."

Xia Yan shrugged.

How many times has he been affected by that organization from beginning to end, intentionally or unintentionally?

After he caught a little clue this time, it would be too incompatible with his character Xia Yanjai must report, not counting him coming back once.

"Anyway, you won't tell me what to ask you. Let's talk after the fight?"

"Okay, it's exactly what I want." Akroma nodded with a smile.

Just looking at the communication, the two seem to have a good relationship and know each other very well.

But only they themselves knew that it was the first time the two had played against each other and met for the first time.


Xia Yan really knew him very well.

And Akroma has also done enough homework for Xia Yan.

After obtaining Akroma's consent, Xia Yan looked at the palm of his hand.

There, the blue light finally converged and formed.

In the palm of his hand, there was a small group of soft things like plant cells.

And on the chest of the little thing, there is a hexagonal red prism-shaped object.

【Xia Yan. 】

A familiar voice resounded in his mind.

Xia Yan also responded with telepathy.

"I said that the aura of Alola Region is a bit abnormal, the balance is out of balance, you are a bit late."

And the little thing in his palm is naturally

Zygarde's Cell Core!

[You also know how unstable the Kalos Region is after Yveltal's recovery, and there have been some more thorny things recently. 】

Zygarde Cell Core said truthfully and made a certain explanation.


Xia Yan remembered that Arceus seemed to have mentioned it to him, and went to Kalos to have a look when he was free.

"Where's your brother?"

[Coming soon, Kalos is far from here. 】

"Then please cooperate with my friends to fight first."

Looking at the warlike Beedrills, Xia Yan said.

[It is my duty to order and balance! 】

Isn't Necrozma "armed to evolve"?

Then we will summon Gundam!

This is true, magic against magic!

"Let's go Liona!!"

Under Akroma's control, the Necrozma roared, and bright beams shot from it.

Photon Geyser!

Xia Yan raised his palm slightly.

Zygarde cell core jumps out.

Countless thin cyan Dawn beams converged towards it from all directions.

The "Z God" who suddenly appeared shot out a large number of fine arrows, wrapped in a strong Ground-type energy, and shot towards the Necrozma in the sky.

Thousands of arrows fired!

ten days ago.

The ultimate metropolis meets the wilderness.

Xia Yan's appearance as a human being in the mega-city has changed back to his original appearance.

Said to the little guy Zorua in his arms:

"Zorua, I'm curious about Necrozma's Contest Condition, please help me investigate."


Zorua nodded without hesitation and fell from Xia Yan's arms.

After the body shape changed and blurred for a while, what appeared was the appearance of a human in the ultimate metropolis.

He waved his hand towards Xia Yan and walked back to the ultimate metropolis.

Day two into the great valley of Naganadel.

"Amamo, I have a way to make the people of the Ultra Metropolis and the Ultra Beasts coexist peacefully, but I need your help."

Amamo with a reserved face heard the words and raised her head suddenly, her eyes full of surprise and excitement.

Xia Yan said with a smile: "How is your relationship with the Sun Devouring Department?"

Amamo scratched her head in embarrassment, and said with a smirk, "The commander-in-chief of the Sun Devouring Department is my father."

Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

Day 4 into the Great Valley of Naganadel.

Xia Yan, holding the Amamo communicator, was talking.

"Mr. Castle, I think Amamo has spoken to you almost. I promise you as Alliance Elite Four that Alliance can cooperate with your ultimate city."

"No, no, it's up to you to decide whether to join the Alliance or not."

"Don't you want to completely quell the hidden dangers of Necrozma?"

"My request is simple."

Seventh day into the Great Valley of Naganadel.

"Really? A mysterious and powerful scientist? I wonder if you can describe what he looks like and how he behaves? Of course, it would be better if there was a Pokémon description."

"I'm sure. What the Invitation Department did to Necrozma."

"Why don't you play a show with me?"

Tenth day into the great valley of Naganadel.

"Yes, I'm going back, Amamo will come back with Alliance's sincerity."

"Mysterious scientist? I think I probably know who he is, but I need to go back and confirm his identity."

"Although there will be dangers, it's all worth it in order to maximize the future of human beings, isn't it?"

The first day after leaving the research Ultra Wormhole and returning to the UB Countermeasures Department.

on the balcony.

Xia Yan called Qiao Anna, the head of the Unova Region Hunter Guild.

"it's me."

"How is the person who put you in Team Plasma now?"

"Very good. I want to know everything about Team Plasma Chief Scientist Akromah now."

"Did you still conduct unknown research at Team Plasma's secret base two days ago?"

Xia Yan slowly narrowed his eyes.

"I see."

"I want the information as soon as possible. And I will send a batch of supplies."

The morning of entering the ancient battlefield.

"Amamo, you give these things to your father, and he will understand." Xia Yan, who was eating breakfast, said with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Xia Yan." Amamo swept into Xia Yan's eyes from time to time with admiration.

"Then Lunala should have been captured by them. But it must go in to find something about Solgaleo, and then there will be someone from the Luna Ministry for you."

"Invitation to the Moon Department?"

"Your father knows a little about this."

"I understand."

"Also, if nothing else happens, when you go to deliver supplies to the Naganadels, you need to summon them. They should choose to help me, but this will test your eloquence. For the sake of the ultimate, you will be able to make peace with the ultimate alien beast. Coexistence, this is the time to test you."


Amamo's expression suddenly became serious and solemn.

"I will definitely finish it! Mr. Xia Yan!"

Xia Yan patted Amamo on the shoulder, "I believe in you. And let Ono go with you and help me watch her."

Only then did Amamo smile, "Okay."


PS: This chapter plus yesterday's first chapter is almost 20,000, which is considered as a reward for the leader of the alliance~~

Then some special instructions are in the author's words, so I won't repeat them here.

Finally, ask for a monthly pass!

1. "Dark Scientist" is the title of the special chapter Akroma~~

2. In the special chapter, a large number of extreme alien beasts invaded the Pokémon world.

3. In the special chapter, Zygarde and Necrozma fought, and they won. Gundam did not win Armed Evolution.

(End of this chapter)

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