The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 934 Ultimate Necrozma! (1.1W+! First Send And Then Change!)

Chapter 933 Ultimate Necrozma! (1.1w+! First send and then change!)

boom! !

The collision of "Photon Geyser" and "A Thousand Arrows" brought an unimaginable giant Explosion and a roar.

The surging aftermath blew across a large tract of woods.

a time.

This area of ​​Melemele Island has experienced extensive collapse and damage.

"Alakazam, Mega!"

Without any hesitation, Xia Yan started the double Mega Evolution directly.

Under the blessing of Mega Evolution energy, Mega Alakazam instantly appeared in everyone's sight.

There is no doubt that the Zygarde of the 50% Contest Condition is not the Rival of Necrozma today.

And the longer it drags on, the more likely Lunala's power will be absorbed by Necrozma.

Although, in theory, as long as Zygarde takes its full form and Lunala doesn't have access to Solgaleo's powers, it can't be Zygarde's Rival.

But the existence of Akroma has added a lot of variables to things.


the most important point is.

At this time, the Alola Region seems to have entered the dark night.

Light energy is dimming at an extremely fast rate.

Necrozma ceases to absorb the light energy of the Alola Region at all times.

Once it absorbs the light energy of the entire Alola Region, then the Alola Region will be abolished, and it will become the same existence as the Ultimate Metropolis.


The current situation is actually very delicate.

Xia Yan neither wanted Necrozma to absorb the power of Lunala and Solgaleo.

But he didn't want Necrozma to absorb all the light energy in the Alola Region.

And to free it from Akroma's technological control.

That had to make Necrozma completely return to the form of "Lucas God".

"Beedrill, Alakazam, Doron Bartto, assist Zygarde."

While thinking about countermeasures in his heart, Xia Yan was also distracted by commanding the confrontation.


Mega Beedrill flickered and jumped, attracting Necrozma's attention.

Zygarde took the opportunity to cast "A Thousand Arrows" again.

Hit Necrozma head-on, only to instantly recover to the best Contest Condition under the care of "Moonlight".

Mega Alakazam wants to do the same.

But was forcibly suppressed by Necrozma's Psychic.

Even if Mega Alakazam after Mega Evolution already has champion-level strength, compared with the real beasts of this level of strength, the strength is still more than one step behind.


The dragon Bartto jumped out of the void, carrying a strong Ghost-type energy, tearing and biting off the Psychic thread of Necrozma, saving Mega Alakazam.

Another Zygarde attacked to force it down, giving Mega Alakazam and Doron Bartto a chance to stay away.

it looks.

It seems to be able to stand still.

But that's just looks.

Xia Yan's Pokémon and Zygarde can't do any substantial damage to Necrozma.

But once Necrozma's attack hits, it is a deadly threat to them.

"Mr. Xia Yan, the light energy in the Alola Region is rapidly fading! This is irreversible."

Amamo's complexion was slightly pale.

Only those who have lived in the ultimate metropolis will understand how covetous and passionate they are for light.

Now that Alola Region is about to enter the same outcome as the ultimate metropolis, Amamo's panic is inevitable.

"Xia Yan."

Cynthia also knew the situation of the megalopolis from Xia Yan's mouth a long time ago.

If the Alola Region also falls into darkness, there will be no sufficient light energy.

Not to mention whether the lush and fertile natural environment of the Alola Region can be maintained.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the entire Alola Region will be in ruins.

The Alola Region, where the Pokémon world maintains the best natural environment, will disappear completely.

Xia Yan frowned.


It is now necessary to completely restore Necrozma to "God Lucas".

Can a restored Necrozma restore sanity?

This is a problem.

But there is no way.

Since the island gods joined forces with Lunala and Solgaleo to defeat Necrozma 3,000 years ago, now with Zygarde, the grasp should be even greater.

Rescue Lunala first.

Xia Yan just thought of this.

I saw Akroma take out a precise instrument again with a smile.

And with his simple operation of the instrument.

A silent special radio wave spreads and spreads.

a time.

Wild Pokémon on Melemele Island start a riot.

at the same time.

Even some Trainers who don't have enough control over their Pokémon, their Pokémon are starting to spin out of control.

"Lycanroc, what's wrong with you?!"


"Tsareena, don't scare me"


From time to time exclamations sounded.

In addition to the turmoil brought by the ultimate alien beast, the Pokémons have gradually lost their reason and self-control under the baptism of this radio wave.

Melemele Island's out of control, further bursts.

"Cynthia, go save people!"

Realizing the importance of what Xia Yan said, Cynthia gave him a worried look.

"Leave it to me here, go!"

Xia Yan was decisive.

Cynthia pursed her lips, her eyes instantly firm.

"it is good!"

Immediately, he turned his head and shouted, "Garchomp!"

Carried by Garchomp, Cynthia took her Pokémon and rushed in the direction of the Trainers where the Pokémon were out of control.

Guided by such a powerful and prestigious person as Cynthia.

The Trainers, who became overwhelmed after Pokémon lost control, finally calmed down.

Follow Cynthia, commanding their sane Pokémon, trying to suppress the runaway Pokémon.

Anabel leads a group of Interpol against the ultimate monster.

Cynthia led the trainers to deal with the runaway wild Pokémon on Melemele Island after quickly subduing and suppressing the runaway Pokémon.

There are both of them.

At least in terms of the general situation, it can still be stabilized.

Xia Yan looked at Akroma again.

I saw that he was also staring at Xia Yan, and his palms gently brushed his waist.

The Poké Ball on his body flickered, and in the flashes of red light, his Pokémon was summoned.

In addition to the Beheeyem summoned at the beginning, he also summoned Metagross, Magnezone, Klinklang, Muk in Alola form, and a Porygon-Z!


Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.


This Akroma is not from this Pokémon world, nor should this Porygon-Z be in this world.

And with Porygon-Z's Help, it's no wonder Akroma was able to quickly conquer the entire metropolis with technology, and was able to learn so much information and master it.

Although he is a mad scientist, Akroma also has a lot of strength.

This is also the basis for him to dare to enter Ultra Space alone and plan everything.

Of course, coupled with his technological blessing

He didn't take the initiative to attack.

Summoned so many Pokémon, just wanted to tell Xia Yan.

It's not so easy to find a breakthrough in him. If you have this time, it's better to think about how to deal with Necrozma.

He took a deep look at Akroma again.

Xia Yan turned his head and said, "Amamo, something!"

"oh oh."

Amamo had long lost her mind in the face of such a big scene, and when she heard Xia Yan's words, she immediately took out her things.


It was given to her by Zorua, who transformed into a high-ranking member of the Yotsuki Department.


Part of it was given to Zorua by Lunala in Ultra Space before being captured and fused by Necrozma.

There is also a part that Zorua found from the warehouse of the Yueyue Department.

It's all Solgaleo's energies scattered around after the last war.

Xia Yan took the energy light ball and used Psychic to hold up the sleeping Cosmoem.


The island gods, who realized what Xia Yan was going to do, couldn't help but look here.

Even Necrozma in mid-air paused briefly.

Akroma also guessed what Xia Yan was going to do.

But he didn't stop it.

Instead of stopping Xia Yan, he wanted to see Necrozma's ability after merging with Solgaleo.

that's it.

Xia Yan integrated the balls of energy light into Cosmoem's body.

And as more and more photospheres are injected.

Cosmoem's body also began to burst out bright golden Cal.

The Alola Region, which was gradually dimmed and lost its light because of Necrozma, also briefly illuminated an area in the Cal emitted by Cosmoem at this time.

Countless splendid Cals surged.

Xia Yan's hands.

It's like holding up a sun.

All those who were originally shrouded in the haze of despair because the world gradually became dark, when they saw this group of Cal and Xia Yan bathed in a golden luster, the haze in their hearts was once again dispelled a lot.

"Xia Yan Elite."

People's hearts could not help but chanted the name.

at this time.

Xia Yan, standing on the top of the mountain, is already the only spiritual support in the hearts of everyone who is fighting hard.

As long as Xia Yan does not fall.

They will always have hope.

The diffusion of the golden light group has caused Cosmoem to gradually lose its outline and appearance.

And the light group slowly wriggled.

A new silhouette is gradually taking shape.

Bathed in golden light, that outline also looks gorgeous.

When Cal slowly dissipated, a brand new existence appeared in everyone's sight, and also in front of Xia Yan.

The first thing I saw was a huge lion with a snow-white body standing proudly, surrounded by a thick mane shaped like the sun around its head, interspersed with strands of golden hair, and the top of its forehead was a gorgeous Cianwood color, with starlight embellished. .

A pair of blue eyes slowly opened, and the momentum on his body erupted.

Sleeping lion.

Wake up!

finally presented to everyone.

It is "the beast that devours the sun".


As soon as Solgaleo opened his eyes, his eyes kept falling on Xia Yan.

The aura of being a king and a divine beast instantly faded, revealing an intimacy.

The huge head slowly approached Xia Yan, and his cheeks gently rubbed Xia Yan's cheeks twice.

Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.


It seems that Solgaleo, who has fully recovered, has not forgotten the existence of Xia Yan, and is still very close to him just like in the Cosmog period of Little Nebula.


Necrozma in Soaring in the sky immediately roared when he saw Solgaleo's appearance.

The bursts of sound waves swept in.

Solgaleo's expression became solemn, and he moved his footsteps slightly, stopping in front of Xia Yan.

Without hesitation, he roared back at Necrozma.


The roar of the sky echoed in the sky.

In the echo of Solgaleo's roar, Soaring in the sky, which had become obscure and dim, suddenly appeared a crack, a huge gap.

A ray of golden sunlight broke through the layers of haze and shone on Solgaleo and Xia Yan.

Bringing Cal to the dim environment.

"That is."

"The legendary 'beast that devoured the sun', Solgaleo!"

"Xia Yan Elite called Solgaleo!"

"As expected of the 'true hero' Xia Yan Elite!"


There are many legends about Solgaleo circulating in the Alola Region, so many people recognized it at the first time.

Immediately felt excited.

Xia Yan had already called Zygarde, the "God of Order" from the Kalos Region, and Solgaleo, the "Beast Devouring the Sun" from the Alola Region.

No matter how powerful that unknown existence in the sky is, it is not Rival, right?

"Ming Ming."

Compared with the excited ordinary people, the patron saints of the four islands are relatively less optimistic.

They are clear.

It's not just all ordinary people who want to see Solgaleo appear, but Necrozma itself.

If it wants to recover, it must draw on the power of Solgaleo.

Together, three thousand years ago, they stopped the Necrozma from escaping energy.

This time.

Lunala has been captured, can Solgaleo resist Necrozma's capture?

What's more, there is also a mad scientist who uses technology to play the beasts with applause.

"This is it, Solgaleo?"

Akroma did not show any panic, but was rather excited.

He has shown great prowess by merging Necrozma and Lunala.

Now he still wants to see how powerful the Necrozma and Solgaleo can be after absorbing the power of Lunala.

Involuntarily, a wanton smile appeared on his face.

After roaring at Necrozma without showing weakness, Solgaleo looked at Xia Yan again.

Seeing this, Xia Yan understood what Solgaleo meant.

The look moved slightly.

"it is good."


Xia Yan turned over and rode on Solgaleo's back.

Have to admit.

Solgaleo's broad back and soft, lush mane make it much more comfortable to ride than Rayquaza and Giratina, the dragon-type beasts covered with hard scales.

Gently patted Solgaleo's back.

Solgaleo understood instantly.

In an instant.

Solgaleo's body once again burst out with the golden light like the sun just now.

In the tumult, Solgaleo's body was also rendered in the color of pure gold.

Rising Sun Contest Condition!

With Solgaleo's limbs jerking.

Tackle, like the sun, charged towards Necrozma in the sky.

Sunsteel Strike!

"Gah?! (Fuck! So handsome!)"

Not far away, the duck and duck onion trooper riding on Naganadel's back saw this scene, and his eyes were once again covered with deep worship and yearning.

It is also a move headed by "Meteor", why is the gap so big?

Ya Ya looked down at the green onion sword in his hand, and then looked at the Naganadel under him, and instantly felt bad.

I just feel that the grade gap between the two sides is indeed a bit too big.

But it recovered quickly.

His eyes became firmer.

Set a small goal, first exercise "Meteor Assault" to the power of Solgaleo "Sunsteel Strike"!

Brave ducks are not afraid of difficulties!

Thinking of this, he stimulated the energy of his whole body, and the green long sword in his hand suddenly threw out, like a meteor flashing, piercing the void, and instantly killing an ultimate alien beast.

After riding the Naganadel across the ground and pulling out the long onion stuck on the ground, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

The difference is still obvious.

at the same time.

Solgaleo, wrapped in golden energy, once again drew a gorgeous Cal in the dark Soaring in the sky, tore through the barriers of space, and rushed to it.

In the face of Solgaleo's majestic "Sunsteel Strike", Necrozma also responded without showing weakness.

That included the flickering Splash pure white laser on Lunala's Black Prism, which erupted suddenly after a frantic pulsation.

Prismatic Laser!


In this battle, Solgaleo was not the only one fighting.


Solgaleo, who was rushing, suddenly blurred, and his golden body disappeared in a flash.

The one who appeared in front of Necrozma's "Prismatic Laser" was already a speechless "Z God" Zygarde.

Using it to block a knife, Zygarde didn't expect it.

However, Xia Yan at least gave it reminders and warnings.

Therefore, the "Thousand Arrows" condensed by Zygarde also met Necrozma's "Prismatic Laser".

boom boom-

In violent collision.

Zygarde was unavoidably downwind.

Some of the laser light that could not be blocked by "A Thousand Arrows" passed through the roar and dust raised by the explosion, and shot towards Zygarde.


at this time.

The air trembled slightly.

The Mega Beedrill, dragging its golden wings, finally no longer restrained the eruption of its own energy.

In the interweaving of gold and cyan, the stern spear slammed into the attack, the sharp edges gathered at the tip of the long needle, and rushed straight up in the face of a laser beam.

While holding his breath, he quietly entered the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition.

The strength of the whole body converges to one point.

"Giga Impact" plus "Fell Stinger"!

Ending thorn!

boom! ! !

If the fireworks are scattered, the dots of laser light are scattered like petals, and eventually disappear.

at the same time.

The Void pierced the black hole, and Doron Bartto burst out of it covered in hazy Haze.

That Haze seemed to annihilate everything, and the surrounding air quickly disappeared in the interweaving with Haze.

And in Haze, it was like pulling a cocoon out of a cocoon, drawing out a lot of dragon energy to wrap it up.

In a trance, Zygarde seemed to see a familiar figure, the shadow of Giratina.

"Phantom Force" and "Dragon Rush" condensed in one blow.

boom! ! !

The three energies converge in an instant, entangled, torn apart, and destroyed, and in the end, everything is annihilated.

Mega Beedrill and Doron Bartto, while not strong enough to face Necrozma head on, help Zygarde stop the aftermath of the energy.

Zygarde nodded slightly towards the two Pokémons in front of him.

What two reliable companions.

For such companions, Zygarde is even willing to give his back to them to guard with complete confidence.

the other side.

Solgaleo disappeared because of Mega Alakazam's "Ally Switch".

When the light appeared again, it was already in the night sky behind Necrozma.

The splendid splendid sun is shining in the sky, and the thick and bright lights are coming!

Burning light, meteors pierce the night sky.

Even the dark night of Necrozma cannot hide Lucas from the scorching sun!

"The beasts will be tactical, and no one can stop them."

The handsome guy in the brown trench coat muttered to himself while looking at this scene.

"Is this the correct way to unleash the power of the divine beast? Compared to Akroma's rough manipulation, it is only by fitting in with the Trainer that the power of the divine beast can be maximized."

In Anabel's lavender pupils, brilliant shooting stars were reflected.

"Gah!! (This is a shooting star! This is a real shooting star!)"

The scallion soldier vigorously waved the scallion sword in his hand, which strengthened his inner thoughts.

"Go, Xia Yan!"

Cynthia gently pulled the blown strands of hair, her eyes twinkling with affirmation.

boom! ! !

The meteor did not disappear in a flash, and its glory was always eye-catching.

Behind the shining "Sunsteel Strike" Sucker Punch Necrozma, the tough armor and shackles suddenly cracked in the sound of "click", and the beam of light rose into the sky.

Everyone on Melemele Island looked at the unparalleled power, and their lips were dry.

Is this the power of Pokémon and Trainer?

Is this the most reasonable way to fight?

Is this, Xia Yan Elite? !

boom! ! !

Necrozma crashed to the ground again, and Melemele Island let out an overwhelmed groan again, a huge crack that almost spanned the entire huge island.

This terrifying attack has convinced countless people.


The face of Mega Alakazam, who was sitting cross-legged, folded through the space again and again, and when he appeared next to Xia Yan again, the Psychic beside him was already wrapped in a coma Pokémon intertwined with purple and gold.



The desperate Lunala raised her eyes and glanced at Xia Yan and the recovered Solgaleo, her eyes flashed with relief, and after shaking her wings twice, she passed out completely.

Although he saved Lunala, he forcibly broke Necrozma's fusion with Lunala.

But Lunala's power has almost been absorbed.

The power of Necrozma will not be weakened much.

"Alakazam, feed it."

Xia Yan threw a cloth bag.

That's "Sacred Ash", left over when Enjou and Ho-Oh were fighting.

Mega Alakazam understands.

Falls to Ground with Lunala in a coma.

And in the big hole that was smashed out, the black Necrozma lifted up again and appeared opposite Xia Yan and Solgaleo.


Necrozma hissed and roared, showing its Covet to Solgaleo in full force.

In the face of Necrozma's devouring aura, Solgaleo tensed and felt a strong threat.

Can not help but say.

After Necrozma roared, he lunged at Solgaleo.

Whoosh whoosh—


Before Necrozma could get close to Solgaleo, countless sharp arrows shot from the ground.

Zygarde learned of Necrozma's goal from Xia Yan, so he blocked it decisively.



Mega Beedrill and Duolong Bartto also came to Xia Yan's side, one left and one right.

Necrozma is less of a threat as long as Necrozma isn't kept close to Solgaleo.

But he was caught in a very embarrassing and passive situation.

If Necrozma does not fully recover, it will continue to absorb the light energy of the Alola Region, and it will continue to be in the Contest Condition, which is running out of control.

And to restore Necrozma, Solgaleo's power seems to be indispensable.

There is also an Akroma eyeing it.

Xia Yan couldn't help looking at Zygarde.

"Your brother hasn't come yet?"

If Gundam doesn't come out, if Necrozma keeps attacking, Solgaleo should be able to keep it, but Melemele Island and even the entire Alola Region suffer.

[I have been in touch with it all the time, but things in the Kalos Region are more complicated than I imagined. 】

Zygarde was also helpless.

It is now in an embarrassing situation of looking after the head and the tail.

It cannot ignore the matter of Kalos Region.

But things in the Alola Region are also urgent.


Xia Yan didn't know what happened to Kalos.

May be an emergency.

Also a possibility

Xia Yan looked at Akroma with a smile on the ground not far away.

It's more likely that their group is doing things in the Kalos Region.


It's not just the Kalos Region.

The rest of the Regions were also affected to some extent.

For example, Xia Yan tried to contact Black and White Opelucid early on.

But the black-and-white Opelucid, which was all unfavorable to him, came very late this time, and obviously couldn't catch up.

It can be seen from this.

This action was not an emergency, but Akroma and the group of people behind him attacked at the same time.

But what is their purpose?

Xia Yan didn't know.

I don't want to know for now.

When Xia Yan cast his gaze, Akroma took out an instrument again.

It's the same instrument that was thrown on the ground after controlling the Necrozma after Fusion Lunala, but with a slightly different color on it.


Magic card, fusion!


Necrothal Combination!

"Continue to show the power of technology! Fusion! Necrozma, Solgaleo!"

With Akroma it is easy to operate the instrument.

Necrozma growled and lunged at Solgaleo.

Under Xia Yan's body, Solgaleo trembled, as if attracted by an inexplicable invisible force. Standing in the air and letting it work Struggle, he couldn't break free from the attraction brought by Necrozma.

Akroma has been lurking for an unknown amount of time in the ultimate meeting, and Porygon-Z has already known everything about Necrozma and Lunala and Solgaleo.

Even, the people in the megalopolis are still very mindless, and provide him with part of the body structure and energy structure of these three animals for their research.

In this regard, Akroma has the experience of blending Kyurem and black and white Opelucid, and it is really good.

"Fusion of the fusion of sisters!"

Feeling Solgaleo's trembling body under him, Xia Yan swears.

He also completely gave up the idea of ​​catching Akroma and having a good "talk" after this incident was over.

Originally, he also wanted to get some information from the mouth of this Akroma.

Now he gave up.

"Zygarde, smash him!"

Decide decisively.

Didn't you summon the Pokémon to show that you were not easy to deal with?

Then you block Zygarde and talk.


Zygarde, who had been displeased with Akroma for a long time, did not hesitate, and summoned his strength.

With it as the center, the ground-based energy ripples like Earthquake repeatedly vibrated, and large tracts of Rock rubble were reclaimed.

Thousands of waves!

Layers of sound waves blasted out, sweeping towards Akroma.

The ground energy that was stirred up wave after wave, like the oppression of a tsunami Normal, made Akroma's voice abruptly stopped, and the smile completely stiffened on his face.

Seeing the ground-type energy pouring in like a tide, Akroma opened his mouth.


He knew that Xia Yan wanted to do something to him, but he also knew that Xia Yan wanted to learn some key information from him.

So he has no fear.

But he couldn't think of anything.

Xia Yan didn't play cards according to common sense at all.

A talent like him, even if he is heinous, will be cherished, right?

In his opinion, he has completely grasped Xia Yan's weakness and needs. As long as Necrozma is fine, he will be fine, but Xia Yan's seemingly reckless behavior of flipping the table is completely crushed.

flip the table?


Just flip the table!

What's wrong?

Not convinced?

Xia Yan's heart flashed with anger.

He had roughly guessed the identities of Akroma and the group of people behind him, leaving him to interrogate information was not essential.

Big deal.

Let's go to unite with Boss Giovanni!

I can always find out your bottom line!

Amidst the huge roar, Akroma's Pokémon were not ready to defend against Zygarde's attack, and they all targeted Xia Yanna, Togekiss, Aegislash, Infernape, these coveted Pokémons.

Zygarde's attack is indeed quite sudden.

and unstoppable.

Boom--! !

The mountain crumbled and roared.

Akroma, who appeared briefly and showed his excellent scientific level, fell very weakly under Xia Yan's "lifting the table" behavior.

Also destroyed along with it were Akroma's instruments.

The runaway Pokémon can't stop immediately, and the Necrozma of Covet Solgaleo won't stop either.

But Solgaleo gained mobility.

It stirs up energy immediately.

Fight back.

But Necrozma took the attitude of attack and fusion, and his body was split in an instant. After avoiding Solgaleo's attack, he reunited again and continued to pounce.

Look at the posture.

Solgaleo was unable to escape.

And this scene made everyone feel their hearts, clenched their palms, and sweated nervously.

Can't stop it?

Necrozma is going to merge with Solgaleo?

Necrozma, which has already absorbed the power of Lunala, will become stronger and more difficult to stop, right?

So, Alola Region.

Ruined? !

Xia Yan Elite, who had high hopes for them, could not stop such a situation?

Despair seemed to overwhelm everyone's hearts once again.

But this time.

A roar sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

"Grandma's! Using Lao Tzu as a coolie again, I want ten sets of discs! Plus ten top energy cubes!"

Xia Yan also roared:

"I will give you a hundred times more!"

A hundred times?

Darkrai: "Ooooooooooooo!!!!"

From the shadow, Darkrai appeared quietly, Haze expanded and enveloped in an instant, and a darker hole suddenly appeared.

In the face of Necrozma's crazy attack, the black hole devoured all the baptism of energy and engulfed Necrozma in a flash.

Cynthia raised her head blankly, and Anabel was also shocked by this crucial scene.

All those who raised their heads to pay attention to this scene, listened to the roaring sound echoing in their ears, felt their hearts beating violently unsatisfactorily, and were in a daze for a long time.

Whoa-! !

Cheers all over the place.

"How can Xia Yan Elite, who has never failed, fail?!"

"Fuck, I'll wipe it!"

"Darkrai! It's the Darkrai who has a very close relationship with Natsuhiko Elite!"

"It scared me to death"


Today, in a short period of time.

The residents of Melemele Island only feel that life is up and down too fast.

The interweaving of despair and hope makes them both painful and happy.

The spouting blood vessels are about to jump out of the heart of the throat, and something called "hot blood" flows in their bodies.

this moment.

Everyone just wanted to say one thing.

Who else? !

In the future, whoever doesn't believe in Xia Yan Elite's ability, just doesn't believe in them, and will attack them in groups!

"Damn! This kid can't dream!"

Darkrai's angry complaints resounded in Xia Yan's mind again.

boom! ! !

The collision of darkness and light caused a huge roar and aftermath.

Darkrai is Xia Yan's last trump card.

It was also the reason why he wanted to keep Akroma and dared to revive Solgaleo.


Darkrai played the biggest role at this most critical time.


Xia Yan has all his cards.

The golden light on his body dimmed quietly, and Solgaleo was smashed from the air, crashing to the ground.

Fortunately, there is Darkrai, so don't worry about Xia Yan's safety.

After the attack ended, Necrozma shook his head, feeling a little dazed.

But he soon cheered the Contest Condition again and continued to pounce on Solgaleo, who was Smack Down.

But Zygarde, along with Mega Beedrill, Doron Bartto, and Mega Alakazam, stopped him.

Solgaleo is also not incapacitated by such an attack as long as the energy is not absorbed.

It gritted its teeth and stood up.

He looked up at Necrozma with his head held high.

clang clang-


Tapu Moo Moo shakes the bell, and the emerald green energy baptizes Lunala.

Coupled with the "Sacred Ash" that Xia Yan reluctantly took out, Lunala finally recovered the Smelling Salts at this time.


Gritting his teeth and flapping his wings.

Lunala finally flew again.

The situation seemed to be on their side again.


Neither Solgaleo's escape from Necrozma's clutches, nor Lunala's awakening, nor the appearance of Darkrai, could stop Necrozma's devouring of the Alola Region's light energy.

And, it is still irreversible swallowing.

The only way.

Or restore Necrozma.

And way.

Xia Yan has it!


Reached out and took the new "Z-Ring" that Tapu Mingming threw.

Take out the "SolgaleoZ" that Solgaleo just gave him.

"Cynthia!" Xia Yan shouted.

Hearing this, Cynthia, who managed to appease the rioting wild Pokémon, subconsciously caught the "Z-Ring" thrown by Tapu Die Die, and the "LunalaZ" thrown by Lunala.

In an instant, I understood what Xia Yan meant.

Then Xia Yan looked at Tapu Mingming, the patron saint of the four islands.


They nodded together towards Xia Yan.


Xia Yan took a deep breath and put a hand on Solgaleo's back, feeling the pulse of the veins under his skin.


Solgaleo nodded without hesitation.

Get everything ready.

Clamping Solgaleo firmly with both legs, rotating SolgaleoZ in the Z-Power Ring clockwise, Solgaleo instantly shone bright golden light again, and even enveloped Xia Yan together.

Terrifying energy burst out suddenly.

The golden light shot up a fireball like the sun, Normal's gorgeous Lizzy color, an Ultra Wormhole appeared in front of him, jumped into it, and quickly stepped out on the other side.

Searing Sunraze Smash!

at the same time.

On the opposite side, Cynthia and Lunala also took a stance. Lunala entered the "Full Moon Contest Condition", its wings spread out like a full moon, six beams of light circled around it, and the moonlight suddenly fell.

Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom!

Two terrifying energies slammed into Necrozma with the blessing of "Z moves".

at the same time.


The four island guardian gods, including Tapu Mingming, also instigated energy and scattered on the dark Necrozma.

And the trainers who saw this scene seemed to realize what Xia Yan was going to do.

They mobilized their own "Z moves" one after another.

Anabel, Handsome Guy, Barnett, Hala, etc., have also performed "Z moves" one after another.

Including Naganadel, Poipole, these extreme beasts, also contributed their own ultimate energy.


Being hit by so many "Z moves", the ultimate energy, the ultimate aura, and the natural energy poured into Necrozma's body.

"Not enough!" Xia Yan frowned.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at Tapu Mingming again.

And Tapu Mingming, who understood what Xia Yan meant, hesitated for a while.

But he still chose to obey Xia Yan.

The halo scattered on Xia Yan.

The sequelae of performing "Z moves" were instantly erased, and the shackles of only performing "Z moves" once also dissipated.

In the original book, when Tapu Mingming finally used the hands of Professor Kukui to fight against Zhiye, he allowed both of them to perform Z moves again.

"Beedrill! Alakazam!"

Xia Yan drank lowly.

With four island guardian gods, Xia Yan can cast four more times.

He felt that today was destined to be a day to be hollowed out.



Mega Beedrill and Mega Alakazam responded successively, infused with natural energy, and Z moves burst out.

"Come again!"

Xia Yan drank again.

Anabel throws "Evil Z" and "Dragon Z".

"Darkrai, Zygarde!"

Darkrai and Zygarde looked serious at the same time.

The evil-type Z moves and the dragon-type Z moves are performed by phantom beasts and divine beasts, respectively, and the effects are completely different.

The terrifying energy shock is second only to Solgaleo and Lunala.


With the addition of Darkrai and Zygarde's energy, Necrozma's body finally changed.

On the pitch-black prism, dots of pale golden light slowly emerged, and the jet-black color gradually faded.

At this moment.

People finally realized.

This unknown dark creature is actually the legendary "Lucas God" in the Alola Region!

turn out to be.

Is it the god Lucas? !


Under the baptism of constant energy flushing, Necrozma roared again.

But gradually.

Its body color became lighter and lighter, and its appearance gradually became hazy.

The dark night that enveloped the entire Alola Region slowly faded away, and a crimson sunset hung over the Soaring in the sky in the west, rendering the Soaring in the sky and also printing and dyeing the ocean.


Ultimate Necrozma, the divine form of the Lucas dragon, appeared in everyone's sight.

Four holy wings exuding refreshing Lucas.

That's it, Lucas!

Xia Yan, whose body was hollowed out, lay on Solgaleo's body and panted violently, his forehead covered with sweat.

"Who will bring me a cup of wolfberry"

But Solgaleo and Lunala frowned.

Then Zygarde and Darkrai also felt the same.

Xia Yan felt it after them.

Looking at Ultimate Necrozma in disbelief, Nie Nie said, "Why haven't you recovered from the rampage?"


In its full form, the ultimate Necrozma vibrated its huge wings, and dots of light lit up on it again.

Prismatic Laser!


At this time, all Xia Yan could do was call Zygarde.

【coming! 】

Zygarde finally lived up to his expectations, once again shooting a large number of cyan beams from all corners of the world.

Among them, there is another core.

a time.

The final form of Gundam, which was densely covered with blue light, appeared in front of Xia Yan.

In the face of the ultimate Necrozma's attack, Zygarde in full form has no reservations.

In the "Z" shaped light mirror on his chest, a beam of energy mixed with various brilliant light beams of cyan and purple was ejected.

Core Enforcer!

The collision of terrifying energy like the destruction of the world, the whole world seems to be completely divided into two halves at this moment.

The final chapter of the collision between the god Lucas and the god of order!

Melemele Island failed to withstand such a collision after all.

A "click" sound.

Melemele Island is split in half from the middle!

Soaring in the sky.

It also seems to be divided under the catharsis of this endless energy.

Even the entire space is constantly collapsing and collapsing.

But that's not the most important thing.

Most importantly, why did Necrozma still fail to Smelling Salts?

【It's energy! Necrozma lacks Solgaleo's energy, its body still can't be fully repaired, and the energy will still overflow! 】

Lunala's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

Hearing this, Xia Yan suddenly realized.

No matter how much energy or less, the ultimate Necrozma is missing the key to filling itself!

The "Z moves" that Lunala and Solgaleo used just now were more about the ultimate energy and the ultimate aura, rather than their energy itself.

Xia Yan raised his brows and shouted: "Solgaleo, go!"

Solgaleo didn't hesitate either, he stretched out his limbs, and "Sunsteel Strike" used it again.

It was wiped out in the collision of Ultimate Necrozma and Zygarde energy, and came to the front of the huge Ultimate Necrozma.

Open your mouth.

Release your energy without reservation.

As long as it is not completely absorbed by Necrozma, Solgaleo's energy will only weaken it for a while.

boom! ! ! !

Terrifying energy collision energy burst.

Solgaleo, who vented his energy, fell out of force.



When Xia Yan's Pokémon saw this scene, they all rushed towards him, who was falling, regardless of his whereabouts.

"Xia Yan!!"

in a trance.

Twisted space, folded time.

Xia Yan slowly opened his eyes.

The dazzling Cal made it hard for him to see.

But before Cal, a figure slowly emerged.

He clutched his hat in one hand and smiled brightly.

Crouch down.

"You are?"


PS: I'm in a hurry, I'll post it first and then change it~~ I apologize~~

(End of this chapter)

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