The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 935 Encounter Across Time And Space! (4.5K!)


Spear Pillar.

Diffuse flying in the sky of Icirrus.

An alpaca-like figure with a golden wrist, slowly showing its outline and shape in the wind and snow.

Its figure gradually fell, and its limbs stepped on the soft and cold snow, leaving four pits.

The emerald green eyes looked out, as if they could see the distant Alola Region.

And this Pokémon is naturally Arceus, the god of creation!

The direction it is looking at, if you look carefully, you will find that it is the distant Alola Region.

With the advent of Arceus.

The Icirrus scattered around it actually stopped falling, but began to float upwards, twisting and folding tightly and further, and a silver-gray dinosaur-like creature flew out of the twisted space.

Dragon of Space, Palkia!

at the same time.

On the other side of Arceus, the scattered Icirrus suddenly froze, and the time in the surrounding area stopped.

And in the stagnant time, the giant dragon standing on all fours of Cianwood also appeared silently.

Dragon of Time, Dialga!

The God of Creation, the Dragon of Space, and the Dragon of Time, the three divine beasts who hold the highest authority in the Pokémon world, actually appeared here at the same time.

That is to say, the wind and snow of Mt. Coronet Spear Pillar is too large, even the satellites cannot pass through, otherwise their appearance will inevitably cause an uproar.

But the three divine beasts stared into the distance at the same time.

Palkia: "That direction, this feeling, is order and light?"

Dialga: "So angry? Time and space are distorted."

Time and space each express their own understanding.

Arceus squinted Dialga.


Anyone can say Zygarde and Necrozma.

You two are not eligible.

What are you like, don't you have a hard time in your heart?

Would you mind talking to someone else?


Arceus's temper has also improved a lot recently, and it has begun to hear some myths and legends about it, and the number of people who believe in and believe in it is also gradually increasing.

It can be seen that the "Creation Temple" built by Xia Yan is slowly playing a role.

And its appearance this time is also related to the people who funded it to build the "Temple of Creation".

Xia Yan!

Palkia: "Wait? Why is he here?"

Dialga: "When have you seen it and it has nothing to do with him?"

Palkia: "That's true. But, he entered the gap between time and space?"

Dialga: "Well, that gap in time and space"

Feeling Xia Yan's situation, the expressions of Palkia and Dialga instantly became a little weird.

Looking at Arceus at the same time.

They also finally understood why Arceus was here.

For their sight, Arceus pretended not to see.

Just slowly said:

"The energy of the collision is too strong, which is an uncontrollable phenomenon."

Then he added:

"However. The rules are fixing themselves and that will be smoothed out soon."

Palkia and Dialga looked at each other.

Is that all right?

And call them over?

Seeming to see their doubts, Arceus didn't look back, still looking into the distance.

"That guy Kalos is about to wake up, you guys go have a look."


That rascal?


Palkia and Dialga seemed to have thought of something, and they were suddenly shocked.

"That rascal?!"

Although it is a question, it seems to be very sure of the identity.

Arceus nodded slightly.

The dragon of time and the dragon of space immediately understood.

One escapes into distorted space, the other dissipates stagnant time.

Arceus slowly narrowed his eyes and whispered to himself:

"Anyway, we will meet you sooner or later, so you can get used to it in advance, that's fine."

"Pickup, pickup?"

While Xia Yan was still trying to see the appearance of the person who came, a crisp and lively voice sounded in his ears.


A dexterous, full-body Saffron electric mouse with two rounded red spots on his cheeks appeared in front of him.

Standing obediently in front of Xia Yan, her two slender ears shook slightly, her head tilted, and she looked at Xia Yan's small eyes, mixed with curiosity and concern.

"Pikachu?" Xia Yan murmured.

The man squatting in front of him smiled and rubbed his nose.

"Yes, it's my buddy."


Xia Yan tried his best to raise his head and looked towards the figure.

The line of sight gradually became clear, and the silhouette of the other party slowly emerged in his line of sight.

The first thing that caught my eye was a red and white hat.

This kind of hat is actually very common in Alliance, which is a very common Trainer costume.

Many Trainers with relatively normal family conditions like to wear such hats, put on a simple jacket, and spend all their time, resources and energy on Pokémon.

For example, Ash.

and many more.

"Ash?!" There was surprise in Xia Yan's voice.

I glanced at Pikachu, who looked a little Jellicent but not abrupt at all.

And just looking at its coat color, Xia Yan, who has some experience, knows that this Pikachu has been cultivated quite well.


The person who heard the words was obviously stunned.

The expression of Pikachu with his head tilted beside him was also full of more intense curiosity.

Not Ash?

Xia Yan was also stunned.

Immediately, he reacted instantly and sat up from the ground.

The other party also seemed to see his difficulty and held his arm to help him sit up.

Xia Yan waved his hand.

His body is fine.

It's just that the situation makes him feel a little strange.

a second before.

Isn't he still riding the golden lion Solgaleo, commanding the Gundam Zygarde, and fighting the runaway Necrozma?

Why did it suddenly appear

Look around.

Gradually regaining his clear consciousness and sight, he finally let him see where he was at the moment.

It is an unknown cave.

And this one appeared in front of him.

Xia Yan, who had completely regained his sight of Qingming, looked at the man again.

Red hat, red jacket, backpack with a Jellicent's Pikachu on his shoulders

Xia Yan murmured, "So it's red?"


The young man on the opposite side also showed surprise again, and asked curiously, "Do you know me?"

It's really red!

Xia Yan's heart turned upside down.

What's the meaning?

Crossed again?

Apart from the time travel when he first came to this world, Xia Yan has experienced a lot of time travel since then.

Help Tapu · Mingming, went to another world, met the animated version of Ash, and returned to Guzzlord, the ultimate alien beast that was raging at the time.

At the request of Arceus, he returned to Sinnoh hundreds of years ago, which is also the Xicui Region, and saved the dark Arceus who was in another time and space and was eroded by dark energy.

It was these two experiences that made Xia Yan realize.

This whole big world is actually composed of very, very many worlds, which is somewhat similar to the meaning of the multiverse.

no way.

Who can make alpacas, and can send clones to manage various worlds.

It's just that high.

And he was in a world that combined animations, theatrical editions, special episodes, games and other elements, and the various characters and abilities were not exactly what he expected.

But Xia Yan knew.

In fact, there are also worlds such as the animation world and the special edition world.

That meeting with Ash was the best proof.

The view from the eighteen slabs of Arceus also bears witness to this.

in particular.

Akroma, who caused the Alola Region and the ultimate metropolis event, brought the Necrozma berserk.

Akroma, who is a "dark scientist", is a title that only Akroma of the special chapter has.

And Xia Yan even confirmed it with Joe Anna from the Hunter Guild.

At that time, Akroma of Unova Region Team Plasma was still researching how to integrate black and white Opelucid with Kyurem, and did not touch the level of integrating Necrozma with Lunala and Solgaleo.

There are two Akroma in one world?

Therefore, Xia Yan decided at that time.

Akroma in the Alola incident is most likely from another world.


The faction that infiltrated the Alliance, which even his Teacher Agatha, and Team Rocket's leader Giovanni valued, probably came from another world.

Because this can also prove why Xia Yan clearly met a legion commander, but in the end Agatha said that there was no such person.

more proof.

Although the Rockets have done such a good job of keeping secrets, there are still people who can discover the birth of Mewtwo.

All signs point to one point.


Specific things are yet to be investigated.

Boss Giovanni probably also discovered this secret, and even Mewtwo didn't care at that time.


I wanted to go to Giovanni's Xia Yan after the incident in the Alola Region was over, but I didn't expect to appear here inexplicably.


I also met the legendary "Man of Battle" Chi Hong Chi Ye!

If you say, Ash, it is the animation Ash barrier, the theater version of Zhiye.

That red is the red master from start to finish.

The "Man of the Fight" proclaimed by Professor Oak, is not a vain name.


Xia Yan is no longer so ignorant of space and time.

He thought about it for a while, and roughly understood the reason.


Alola Region Melemele Island has opened up so many Ultra Wormholes, a lot of Ultra Wormholes are wanton, and the space is extremely unstable.

And the collision of the ultimate Necrozma and Zygarde's complete explosion further stimulated the fluctuation and distortion of time and space, sending him to a gap in time and space.


"Man of Battle" Chi Hong appeared here for no apparent reason.

But Xia Yan knew.

When the collision between Alola Region, Ultimate Necrozma and Zygarde is over, and the time-space warp restores balance, he will be able to go back.


It seemed that Xia Yan was lost in thought, so Chi Hong could not get the answer, so his palm shook in front of Xia Yan.

"Pickup, pickup~~"

The red-red Pikachu also stretched out a small short hand and shook it in front of him.

"Are you OK?"

Xia Yan came back to his senses.

Smiling and shaking his head.

"Sorry. I'm fine, just suddenly thought of something."

With the recovery of consciousness, he also slowly regained control of his body.

Looking at Chi Hong who was relieved, he asked, "By the way, Chi Hong, where is this place?"

"Oh, I don't know where this place is. I just heard that someone saw an unknown Pokémon here, so I wanted to investigate and see. I didn't expect that as soon as I entered the cave, I met you in a coma." Crimson scratched her head, said with a smile.

It seems that because of the communication, Chi Hong forgot to ask Xia Yan how he knew his name.

Is he still collecting Pokédex?

Xia Yan looked up and down with red eyes.

how to say.

It's really hard to judge the age, and I don't know what the strength is.

after all.

Except for the special chapter, there is not much information about red.

In Pokémon Generations.

Chihong has six different regions, namely Viridian Forest, Yuanzhu City, Weather Institute, Xuefeng Temple, Ancient City and Terminus Cave, which means that he has appeared in at least six Regions.

At that time, the red, I feel that the age is not small.


Xia Yan doesn't think that the world of the special chapter is completely the world presented by the plot in the special chapter.


Some hangs are too much.

In the later stage, with a divine beast in hand, Xia Yan felt that the world could not function normally.


It's just that he thinks it's a special world, and maybe it's the same as the world he lives in, with a lot of other elements mixed in.

After all, no one has understood the multiverse thing.

"You are also a Trainer, right?"

Chi Hong saw that Xia Yan was fine.

Except that he has been thinking about some issues and is a little absent from time to time, the rest is normal, he noticed the Poké Ball around his waist and couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Xia Yan was stunned again.

Immediately he laughed again.

What do you think so much about?

If you want to understand the strength of Crimson Red at this time, isn't there an easier way?

This is. Crimson!

Fighting man!

Xia Yan held up his hat, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Yes."

The red eyes suddenly lit up.

The enthusiasm of the "fighters" for fighting and chasing is unmatched by even Ash.

"By the way, I don't know your name, sir."

It was only at this moment that Chi Hong realized that he was a little excited, and he forgot to ask the name of this trainer with a gentle smile and handsome appearance.

"Xia Yan. Well Xia Yan."

Xia Yan said truthfully.

"Mr. Xia Yan, although it's a bit abrupt, please come to a battle with me?!" Chi Hong said impatiently.

"I feel like we meet here, and we just need to have a battle!"

"Pickup pickup!!"

Pikachu on the red shoulders is also excited.

As a Pokémon "The Man of Battle", Pikachu also has a passion for battle.

Xia Yan scanned around.

Although it is a cave, the space here is quite large.

Just as he was about to agree, his expression suddenly froze.

It was only then that he remembered.

Beedrill sent them all to help Zygarde against Solgaleo.

It seems that only Sylveon, Little Vulpix, and Milotic are Pokémon that temporarily belong to the second echelon.

"What's wrong?" Chi Hong asked when she saw Xia Yan's expression.

Xia Yan rubbed his nose a little embarrassedly.

"That. Came out in a hurry, some Pokémon forgot."

Hearing this, Chi Hong waved his hand indifferently.

He grinned, with an excited smile on his face.

"Battle. It's just a process of enjoying the fit between Pokémon and Trainer, not for the so-called victory and defeat."

Xia Yan glanced at him in surprise.

Crimson, but the person who once said that "beating the underdog Rival is not something to be proud of".

It was not until later that he suffered a certain setback, his character gradually matured, and his conceited mentality slowly disappeared.

That is to say.

The crimson in front of him now is obviously not the crimson who has just left the Professor Oak Laboratory and has passed all the way but has an impulsive and reckless personality.


Is this Mt. Silver?

Xia Yan couldn't help thinking in his heart.

But it doesn't matter.

It is also very good to be able to have a fight with Chi Hong in this gap in time and space. Maybe I can learn something from him.

"You're right!" Xia Yan said in line with Chi Hong's words, and at the same time untied a Poké Ball from his waist.

And Crimson, who got Xia Yan's approval, seemed more excited than him.

Poké Ball in hand.

"Come on! Xia Yan!"


PS: It's a very embarrassing thing, let's start it, I can't finish it, and I can't finish writing it. After writing the update, it will be too late, so.

Well, it's almost 1.6w today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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