The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 936 Xia Yan Vs The Fighter Red! (6.5K!)

Chapter 935 Xia Yan VS "The Fighter" Red! (6.5k!)

as a challenger.

As a courtesy, Crimson needs to summon the Pokémon first, which is an unwritten rule between Trainer and Trainer.

However, before the battle begins, the rules that should be said are still to be said.

Xia Yan thought about it and said, "How about three Pokémon per person?"

Chihong agreed, "No problem."

However, Crimson was also a little surprised.

Xia Yan said before that he didn't bring his main Pokémon, but he could still fight with three Pokémon.

It shows that Xia Yan is at least a relatively good Trainer.

Although he collected Pokémon according to Professor Oak's intention, collected Pokédex information, and captured a large number of Pokémon.

But no matter how a person's energy is limited, it is impossible to really cultivate all the Pokémon he has captured.

At least.

In his current situation, he doesn't have time to cultivate that many Pokémon.

Combined with the temperament shown by Xia Yan.

And the strong confidence that Chi Hong felt from Xia Yan.

Although Xia Yan's self-confidence was much worse than Chihong's little green hair, Chihong felt that Xia Yan's confidence was only more restrained, but it was no less than Qinglu's.

So Xia Yan left a deep impression on Chi Hong for the first time.

This is a very powerful Trainer!


The stronger Xia Yan's strength, the more excited he will undoubtedly be for Chi Hong.

Considering the impression given by Xia Yan, Chi Hong threw out the Poké Ball in his hand after hesitating for a while.

"If that's the case, I'll leave the first game to you!"


Red light flashes.


Blue strong body, thick tortoise shell, two gun barrels full of metallic luster extending from the tortoise shell, plus the imposing Growl.


As one of Crimson's main Pokémon and one of the three royal Pokémon in Kanto Region, this Blastoise gives Xia Yan a very good sense.

He deserves to be a "fighter". Although he is not as good as green in cultivating Pokémon, he also has his unique understanding and method.



Blastoise is definitely the main Pokémon of Crimson, but only the quasi-Elite level, does that mean

The one in front of you, or the young red?

Without thinking about it, Xia Yan also threw the prepared Poké Ball.


In his soft and lively voice, there is a bit of smart playfulness.

Sylveon, swinging the bow and waving the satin, landed in front of him.

When he saw Sylveon, his red eyes instantly lit up.

"The Sylveon of the Flash? Well-bred."

Crimson sighed subconsciously.

This Sylveon gave him the illusion that it was very similar to his own Pikachu.

‘Xia Yan is indeed a powerful Trainer. ’

At the same time, Crimson also felt the strength of this Sylveon.

Non-main Pokémon can have quasi-Elite-level strength.

Doesn't that mean that Xia Yan's real strength will be stronger?

I have never heard of Xia Yan.

So Crimson regarded Xia Yan as a powerful Trainer who came to Kanto from the rest of the Region.

"Huh? You know him?"

Xia Yan blurted out subconsciously.

Hearing this, Chi Hong fiddled with her hat a little complacently and a little embarrassedly.

"Yeah, since the last time I lost to Qing. Since the last time I lost to a good friend, I have made up for this knowledge."

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

Through simple communication with Crimson.

He understood something.

Although the world in which Crimson lives is dominated by special chapters.

But it's not exactly as exaggerated as the special chapter, otherwise many things can't be explained.

The existence of Crimson alone is a BUG level.

Not to mention what turquoise, the little yellow, the little blue, the silver and so on.

Just like the world in which Xia Yan lives.

Except for the Galar Region, which has not yet been opened, there are almost not many types of Pokémon that have not been recorded.

But Professor Oak has only just started making Pokémon Pokédex.

And the world in which Crimson lives cannot be exactly like in the comics. From the beginning to the end, he only has contact with 150 kinds of Pokémon in the Kanto Region.

There must be people from other regions coming to Kanto to challenge the Alliance, and contact and communication are also essential.

The so-called Pokédex collection is just to obtain more detailed information, it does not mean that those Pokémon have not been discovered.

Even, it can be seen as a test of Professor Oak's "Pokédex people".


Without enough information base and data reserves, how could Pokédex get all the information of that Pokémon after scanning Pokémon?

But there is no doubt about that.

Even if the world in which Crimson lives has made up for the exaggerated elements in the special story, the "Man of Battle" Crimson is still a BUG-level existence in this world.

"Are you going to challenge the Indigo Alliance?" Xia Yan asked calmly.

"Yeah. Isn't it?"

Chi Hong answered naturally, and couldn't help but ask.


This is childhood red.

But it seemed too anxious.

But training the young red. Ahem, battle.

Xia Yan smiled and didn't answer, just said, "Let's start?"

"it is good!"

As the challenged, Xia Yan took the lead without a referee.

This is also an unwritten rule.

"Sylveon, Hyper Voice!"

Xia Yan waved his hand.


A hint of slyness flashed in Sylveon's eyes, a roar that seemed to be delicate, but rolled up layers of sound waves with pink lines.

Wave after wave of sound waves rolled away in the air.

Just looking at this posture, Crimson and his Blastoise felt a strong threat from it.

"Blastoise, Withdraw! Also Stockpile Rocket Headbutts!"

bang bang bang-

The sound waves slapped against the hard shell of Blastoise, making a muffled sound.

Blastoise, huddled in the turtle shell, gritted his teeth and silently endured the attack from Sylveon.

That seemingly weak and petite guy, this attack is not normal.


Xia Yan commanded calmly.

"Blastoise, don't look!"


Seeing that, Sylveon blinked his big, dripping eyes, with crystals brewing in their sockets, and called out to Blastoise pitifully.

Blastoise could have subconsciously avoided looking at Sylveon's pitiful appearance.

Growl just hearing it, almost subconsciously forget the past.

Suddenly my heart softened.

What a poor little guy.

Chi Hong also secretly stunned, Xia Yan's Sylveon, too, will control Rival's heart too much, right?

this hand.

Sylveon is under the tutelage of Togekiss, and he still has a firm grip on Rival, especially the male Rival.

Blastoise relented, making his attacks less determined.

at the same time.

The sound waves dissipated quickly.

Crimson also showed his excellent ability to control timing, and waved his hand at the moment when the sound wave dissipated.

"Blastoise, Shell Smash, Rocket Headbutt!"

click! !

He heard the crackling sound of the tortoise shell on Blastoise's back, and an extremely strong force emerged from it.

In an instant, Blastoise's momentum increased tremendously, and at the same time, the speed suddenly accelerated.

That huge body was like a terrifying cannonball, charging towards Sylveon.

"Sylveon, Psych up."

Facing Blastoise's "rocket headbutt", Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Crimson made an unexpected command.

Hard way to take damage in exchange for ability improvement?

Crimson doesn't understand.

But Sylveon had 100% trust in Xia Yan's command.


Sylveon's eyes were fixed on the rapidly ejected Blastoise, and its outline was completely projected in his eyes.

Its own momentum is also like Blastoise Normal, and it has rapidly climbed and gained a huge increase.

Special attack, speed greatly increased.

Psych up: Give up your own ability changes and completely copy Rival's ability changes.

Abbreviation: Bring it to you!

Sylveon's body movements have also become more dexterous.

But Blastoise is already close at hand.


Xia Yan shouted: "Baton Pass!"

Sylveon, with a speed boost, once again outpaced Blastoise.

As it was about to hit him, the figure flickered into a white light and disappeared from Blastoise's sight.

next second.

boom! ! !

The huge force bombarded the Ground, sending out scattered Rock rubble and leaving a large crater.

It was not until Blastoise's attack Smack Down that the Pokémon from Sylveon "Baton Pass" appeared beside Blastoise.

The surprise in the red heart was even stronger.

Good timing control ability, and control of rhythm.

The use of the "Baton Pass" was somewhat beyond his expectations.

But it's not that he hasn't seen this move before.


The operation of using the "Baton Pass" to evade attacks is something I have never seen before.

This is too much for the tacit cooperation between Trainer and Pokémon.

Just now.

If Sylveon uses the "Baton Pass" too early because he is afraid of Blastoise's attack, perhaps "Psych up" may not be successful, and it may even make the replaced Pokémon suffer from Blastoise's attack.

And if Sylveon hesitated a little bit about Xia Yan's choice to use the "Psych up" move, he would not be able to replicate Blastoise's ability, and he would be hit by Blastoise at the last minute.

It can be said.

The choice and command of the moment just now, Xia Yan and Sylveon achieved a perfect cooperation, showing enough tacit understanding.

With such a tacit understanding and control of timing, Chi Hong faintly saw his own shadow from Xia Yan.

Coupled with the excellent Contest Condition shown by Sylveon, Crimson saw the shadow of his best friend Qinglu from Xia Yan.

This Xia Yan is really strong.


It's Milotic!


Because it is the "Baton Pass" appearance, Milotic perfectly inherits the ability blessed by Sylveon.

Special attack and speed are greatly increased at the same time.

After Milotic came on stage, Xia Yan's first choice was impressively


see you.

Milotic's peacock opened Normal's fan tail and swept towards Blastoise, with a strong toxic swell on the scaly tail.

Crimson's face changed, trying to get Blastoise to dodge.

But it didn't work.

The venom successfully hit Blastoise's arm, which was immediately covered in purple.


Blastoise narrowed one eye in pain.

can be seen.

That piece of toxin is spreading at a faster and faster rate, and the hurt and pain it brings will also become stronger and stronger in the toxin spread.

Hit Toxic!

Crimson knew it had to be done quickly.

Otherwise Blastoise won't last long.

Gritting his teeth, he shouted, "Blastoise, Hydro Pump!"

The physical attack bonus that Blastoise received after "Shell Smash" is offset by Sylveon's "Charm".

Now special attack is its strength.


With two crisp sounds, Blastoise, who was suffering from pain, bent down slightly, and the huge black muzzle was aimed at Milotic.

next second.

Muzzle Spit Up, two turbulent, thick water columns, surging towards Milotic.

The water tore the air faster and faster.


Xia Yan's voice rang in Milotic's ear.

Immediately, he saw that the crystal green energy Barrier appeared beside Milotic and protected him tightly.

boom! ! !

Blastoise's "Hydro Pump" hits with precision, but fails to deal any substantial damage to Milotic.

It's just that the water droplets scattered after the eruption and explosion of the water flow washed away Milotic's body, making the already beautiful forehead even more agile.

"Blastoise, Encore!"

It's actually "Protect".

This made Crimson unable to do anything.

But "Protect" cannot be used continuously.

This time, let the Blastoise unleash its full power!

Let Xia Yan see the true strength of Blastoise!


Blastoise, who was gritting his teeth in pain, roared again, and two turbulent currents rushed out of his gun barrel, and the power even seemed to be a point or two stronger than before.

Seeing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh.

It is worthy of being "the man of battle".

Changes in mentality and emotions can completely affect Pokémon, so that Pokémon can overcome its own problems and burst into more powerful power.

Just a pity.

His Rival this time is Xia Yan who has completely turned on the "serious" mode.


Like a golden cicada shedding its shell.

Maines' figure flashed back quickly.

Those water droplets that originally stayed on it maintained their original position, forming another "Milotic", which looked like a water body.

boom! !

"Hydro Pump" collided with Milotic's "Substitute", another splash.

Failed again.

Substitute: Consume part of your stamina to create a Substitute that can withstand the opponent's attack.

With the use of the three moves "Toxic", "Protect" and "Substitute", Xia Yan's tactical core was revealed this time.

Poison guard!

The disgusting "poison defense" tactic that pays for the life of the dead!

For Xia Yan, this is a very common and practical tactic.

But for juvenile red

How could there be such a way of fighting? !


The toxin of "Toxic" expanded and spread again, covering nearly half of Blastoise's body.

The intense pain caused also made Blastoise's body shake violently.

When the poison erupts again, it must be the time when Blastoise falls.

Crimson had to suppress the uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

Both "Protect" and "Substitute" are used.

Now Milotic can't do anything, right?

It is unrealistic for Blastoise to defeat Milotic, who is also a water system.

That also has to let Blastoise deal enough damage to Milotic to create opportunities for the Pokémon behind!

Crimson took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"Blastoise, Hydro Cannon!"

This is Blastoise's strongest move.

It is also the last insistence of Crimson and Blastoise.

Along with Blastoise's roar, all the water energy in his body was concentrated in the gun barrel.

Yingying's water-based energy is even like substance, and the Cianwood-colored halo is shining, and the energy is accumulated in an instant.

next second.

From the two gun barrels, a stream of water burst out again.

And this attack is obviously more terrifying than the previous two "Hydro Pump".

The huge water column was thicker than even Blastoise's broad frame.

The impact of the water flow is also more turbulent than before.

In the entire cave, the sound of "rushing" water is echoing.

The core of the tactic of "poison defense" is indeed "Toxic", "Protect", and "Substitute".

But that's in the game.

In the real world, because there is no limit on the number of moves that Pokémon can master.

It also makes this tactic more diverse, and more things can be derived.

Of course, more compensation can be obtained.

In the case of Milotic, the Pokémon, "Drug Guard" is simply tailor-made.

Xia Yan pursed his lips, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Mirror Coat!"


Are you a turtle?

Who is the turtle?

Why is there so much in this bastard?

A piece of transparent glass appeared in front of Milotic out of thin air.

Blastoise's turbulent "Hydro Cannon" continued to frantically wash the seemingly fragile glass, but it shattered it no matter what.

But the huge force still pushed Milotic back, and plowed out a deep ravine on the Ground.


Milotic, tense all over, persevered.

And at the moment when Blastoise's "Hydro Cannon" disappeared, a more terrifying water column suddenly blasted out of that mirror.

In an instant, it hit Blastoise on the body, blasting it directly, and smashing it hard on the wall of the cave, in exchange for a large area of ​​cracks and a collapsed Rock.

Wait until the water has completely dissipated.

Blastoise Struggle, whose body was covered by toxins twice, was finally unable to hold on, and fell heavily to the ground.

Blastoise, incapacitated!

Crimson stared blankly at Blastoise who fell to the ground.

It's not that he hasn't lost in battles.

Wins and losses are very normal for the "Battle Man", and he will continue to absorb lessons from various battles and improve himself.

But once.

Blastoise's defeat made Chihong really not know how to crack Xia Yan's tactics for a while.

turn out to be

Can you fight like this? !

turn out to be

What he had experienced before should not be called a battle, it should be called mutual recklessness.

turn out to be

Such a tactic!

Crimson seems to feel the door of a new world that is slowly opening and is waving at him.

Is this the tactic? !

Put away Blastoise and look at Xia Yan with a burning gaze.

this moment.

He finally realized.

Xia Yan is not only a powerful Trainer as he thinks, but also a master!

Tactical master!

Whether it was the previous "Baton Pass".

It is still the current "poison guard" and derivatives.

All showed Xia Yan's tactical ability.

The red eyes made Xia Yan look a little hairy.

What's going on?

Wouldn't it be that the "poison defense" tactics were too disgusting, making the "fighters" angry, right?

Crimson didn't speak.

He just looked at Pikachu over his shoulder.


Pikachu nodded vigorously, jumped down, and jumped into the field.

Serious look.

It looked at the tactics of Mines and Blastoise before.

This Rival is not only powerful, but also proficient in clever tactics, so be careful.

But Pikachu also clearly felt the excitement and excitement of the red.

This is the mentality that will only be shown when encountering a Rival that is very worthy of attention.


Pikachu was only felt when the red faced the turquoise.


Pikachu felt this seriousness and seriousness from Crimson again.


Even if this Rival is a water-type Pokémon that is restrained by it, even if he has been injured more or less before, Pikachu can't take it lightly.

Crimson tried to control her excited heart.

He has already regarded Xia Yan as a Rival whose strength is comparable to the Elite Four level.

Even if the opponent does not send the main Pokémon.

But it is precisely because of this that he can learn more things.

"Mr. Xia Yan, please don't hold back, I can feel that your tactics should be more than that." Chi Hong said.

From the title, you can feel the change in Chi Hong's attitude towards Xia Yan.

Hearing this, Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

this character.

It's quite similar to Doo.

It belongs to the more frustrated and braver, the stronger the Rival, and the more powerful the temperament can be.

And the red Pikachu.

Xia Yan nodded solemnly.

"it is good."

Since Crimson's ability to accept is so strong, Xia Yan is relieved.

The second round of battle continued.

Xia Yan did not choose to replace Pokémon.

"Milotic, Toxic!"

"Pikachu, Quick Attack!"

Xia Yan still chose "Toxic" to start.

And Crimson chose fast break, which is also in line with the characteristics of Pokémon like Pikachu.

see you.

The electric mouse Pikachu ran quickly on all fours on the ground, leaving behind a folded "Z"-shaped route, and dashed in front of Milotic in the blink of an eye.


Close the distance, increase the hit rate of the move, and Crimson shoots decisively.

Milotic didn't impulsively choose to release the toxin when Pikachu was running, but waited until Pikachu appeared in front of him and burst out to attack before capturing its location.


The golden light suddenly appeared, and countless thunder lights covered Pikachu's whole body, and the rushing fine electric current converged into a golden light beam, which was split into Milotic.


That rich Spark had undoubtedly baptized Milotic's body, causing huge damage to him.

But at the same time.

Milotic's "Toxic" also hit Pikachu at such close range, sending it into the "Toxic" Contest Condition.

Chi Hong had long expected Xia Yan's move.

So he didn't have any hesitation, and he didn't have any reservations.

Choosing Pikachu is to hope that it will be able to attack Milotic in seconds.

"Pikachu, Encore, Thunderbolt!"

Enduring the pain from the poison, Pikachu did not hesitate to stir up the current again.

It has feeling.

Milotic takes another "Thunderbolt" and it's time to go down.

The red eyes stared at Pikachu and Milotic, and instinct told him that this tactic of Xia Yan should be more than that.


Xia Yan's voice was still calm and stable, and there was no panic in his warm voice, showing the bearing of a "master".


Milotic squinted and endured the pain caused by the electric current, blue lines appeared on his body, and the pain and consumption were restored in the blink of an eye.

Pikachu's "Thunderbolt" fell again, but failed to produce the desired effect.

next second.

Xia Yan took the lead and commanded: "Milotic, Hypnosis."

Toxic, Protect, Substitute, Mirror Coat, Hypnosis


Crimson was dumbfounded.

That is to say.

Milotic does damage, just rely on a Toxic?

But the point is.

Even relying on only one "Toxic", he fought so red that he constantly doubted the fighting skills he had learned.

It's not that redness isn't strong.


Crimson, who is still in a period of rapid improvement in strength, is just like Du when Xia Yan first met. The battle is more reckless, and tactics are secondary.

Looking at the red eyes with wide-open eyes.

It seems that he was finally "dirty" by his "poisonous defense" tactics and derived tactics.

Xia Yan spoke in a timely manner.

"Want to learn? I'll teach you."

If you guessed correctly, this Crimson should be in the same world as the group of people who came to his world.

Now let him meet Juvenile Chi, there is a high probability that time is also distorted.

If it can make Crimson stronger, wouldn't it also be a blow to those people?

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

This is also one of the reasons why Xia Yan wants to show the "poison defense" tactic.

He's going to teach "Man of Battle" tactics!

Speed ​​up his growth!


Bright red eyes gleamed.

"is it okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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