The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 937 Want To Learn? I Teach You (Two In One)

Chapter 936 Want to learn? I teach you (two in one)

There is no limit to the number of Pokémon moves.

There is too much room for the tactic of "poison defense".

"What other Pokémon do you have?"

The fight stopped halfway through.

After all, you can continue fighting anytime, but the opportunity to learn is different.

When Chi Hong heard Xia Yan's question, he threw the Poké Ball without any hesitation.


Both are his main Pokémon.

In addition to Blastoise, who was defeated before, and Pikachu, who is now hypnotized by Milotic, there are Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras, and more.

Among the main Pokémon of Crimson, there is a Pokémon that is very suitable for this tactic.

Like his Venusaur, or his Snorlax.

Venusaur has excellent dual defense, and grass-type Pokémon have relatively strong survivability. It can also be used with "Sleep Powder", "Worry Seed", "Leech Seed", "Synthesis" and other moves that can be used around "Poison Defense". .

Not to mention Snorlax, abundant stamina, high defense, and thick HP are the characteristics of this Pokémon, not to mention the red Snorlax is a "thick fat" Ability, and it is not easy to be killed in seconds.

As long as the "poison defense" tactic is not killed in seconds, the operating space is relatively high.

In addition to the "Rest", "Amnesia" and other auxiliary moves that Snorlax can learn, it can also be developed around "Poison Defense".


There are still some weaknesses, such as being "Taunt", being "Imprison" and so on.

Another example is "Safeguard" moves, "Sync" Ability, or encountering Steel Pokémon, etc.

But this is just a tactic.

You can't hang yourself from a tree, you have to learn to be flexible.

Like Snorlax, there is more than one tactic available.

It is also a good choice to start with a strong attack type "bulging belly".

A professional master Trainer cannot have only one tactic.


"Poison Defense" is more suitable for rotating singles or doubles, and the relative threat is not so great when the whole team is fighting.

As Xia Yan spoke, he wrote and drew on the ground with stones.

Crimson listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

When I hear the wonderful place, I can't help but applaud.

I just feel that Xia Yan understands tactics too thoroughly.

Any Pokémon, any Ability, any Contest Condition, he can say one, two, three.

This knowledge of Pokémon alone makes Scarlet feel ashamed.

Even Chihong felt that even his good friend Qinglu's understanding of Pokémon was far less than that of Xia Yan, and perhaps only Professor Oak after that.

"In short, 'poison guarding' is a way of thinking and a core. But since it is the core, it can't be too bare. You have to find ways to enrich it, fill it up, and know how to be flexible and flexible." Xia Yan said. .

"I understand, Teacher Xia Yan."

After preaching and being deceived by karma, Chi Hong's teacher's cry didn't go against his heart at all.

Xia Yan's real strength is not known to Crimson.

But just in terms of the level of understanding of Pokémon, the familiarity with tactics, and the flexibility of the battle, it is enough to learn.

Teacher Xia Yan?

Hearing Chihong's name, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

His expression became a little weird.

He just wanted to make Crimson stronger so he could deal with those guys better.

Unexpectedly, the title of "Teacher" was confused.


The feeling of being called Teacher by "The Fighter".

not bad.


Xia Yan coughed lightly.

Don't worry too much about this.

Continued: "In addition to this 'poison defense' tactic, in fact, your Lapras also has a tactic that is very suitable for it."


The red eyes lit up.

The "poison defense" tactic just now, coupled with its tactical derivatives, has already benefited Crimson a lot.

And after listening to it, how to operate and use it in actual combat, how to be flexible and changeable, it all needs to go through a certain amount of running-in training before it can be realized.

These things are enough for Crimson to try for a long time.

did not expect.

Xia Yan also has tactics that fit the rest of his Pokémon.

"I call it the 'Song Killing Tactic'."

"'Song-killing tactics'?"


Xia Yan took out the tactics of "Destroying Song" that had been handed over to Lorelei, and took it out to tell Chi Hong again.

When he heard that "Perish Song" was used as the tactical core and combined with the rest of the moves to delay, Chi Hong was stunned.

After a while.

Only then did he ask embarrassingly: "Teacher Xia Yan's tactic. Will it be a little bit."

"Dirty?" Xia Yan added the red words with a smile.


Crimson smiled awkwardly.

Well, it's definitely a good strategy.

But he felt that the previous "poisonous defense", coupled with the current "song elimination tactics", seemed to be used in actual combat with others, and it was easy to be beaten.

Will you be beaten?

Xia Yanyu patted the red shoulder earnestly.


"Teacher, you said."

"Does the Alliance stipulate that these tactics cannot be used?" Xia Yan asked.

"Uh, that's not really." Chi Hong scratched his head.

"Are these tactics beyond the scope of Pokémon battles, using techniques other than non-Pokémon moves?" Xia Yan asked again.

"It seems. Not at all."

"Certainly, remove the word 'ba'."

"Well, no!"

"So, why don't these tactics work?"

Chi Hong pursed his lips, he knew that Xia Yan was right, but he just thought that it was easy to spoil the children.

However, Xia Yan shook his head and said solemnly: "Red, when these tactics appear, there will definitely be a lot of people doing Mimic and learning, but doesn't this improve the overall strength of the Alliance and the fighting ability of the younger generation of the Alliance?

At that time, in order to crack these tactics, someone will definitely come up with more targeted plays.

You are not teaching bad children, you are contributing to the progress of the Alliance! "

"Really?" Crimson asked in a low voice.

Xia Yan's face paled.

"You count, how many years have the Alliance been established, and how many years have Pokémon and humans coexisted peacefully. But after so many years, most people are still immersed in the simple command of Pokémon, and they are often keen on those powerful, Moves with high explosive power ignore the diversity of Pokémon and the variability of moves.

This is already a very abnormal development direction of the deformity. "

After a short pause, Xia Yan raised the sky forty-five degrees and said slowly:

"Think about it again, if ten years from now, fifty years from now, the younger generation of Alliance is using various tactics, blooming with a hundred flowers, and each family is prosperous, will it be more exciting and meaningful than the current rigid fighting style? ?"

And at that time, the person who created these tactics and promoted them is to Alliance, who has made a huge contribution to the entire Pokémon world.

to be frank.

There is nothing wrong with what Xia Yan said.

Whether it is the world where Crimson is located, or the world where Xia Yan is.

The ability to develop tactics can't really be said to be very strong.

The problem of self-purification of the broom exists in both worlds, and it is very serious.

After listening.

Crimson was completely fooled, no, completely persuaded.

"Teacher, you are right!"

Professor Oak has spent his life thinking about how to contribute to the entire Pokémon world, Help Alliance and the Pokémon world moving forward.

Crimson was heavily influenced by Professor Oak.

This kind of behavior that can "benefit" the entire Pokémon world, he realized the gap between his own level of knowledge and that of Xia Yan.

He also stayed in battles, gym competitions, Indigo Alliance, etc.

Xia Yan's sight has already covered the entire Alliance.

That is.

Xia Yan is an Elite Four of a Region and a famous Pokémon Professor.

The gap between Young Chi and his knowledge and cognition is still huge.

Xia Yan nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, then I'll tell you about the derivation of the 'Song Suppression Tactic', which can be executed together with your Blastoise, called 'Song Suppression in Rain'."

Crimson listened more seriously.

Should say or not.

Learning these tactics, it is really "exciting".

If one is not careful, the whole situation will be illuminated by Xia Yan's sudden move, tactics, and strategy, giving people a sudden realization, a sense of relief, and then can't help but call "Fuck".

That is, the red Pokémon, which limits Xia Yan's play.


He can talk about seventy or eighty tactics.

Moreover, the current Crimson has not yet involved the knowledge of all-combat battles.

Xia Yan felt that it was necessary for him to remind him when he was still young, so that he could prepare early.

It would be too much trouble to avoid refilling later.

One of them spoke and the other listened.

The Pokémon also stayed silent.

People from two worlds, or even two timelines, were chatting at this time, and they had a common topic.

After the crimson "New World" door was opened by Xia Yan, he once again showed his talent and ability as a "fighter".

Sometimes, they can even list some unique tactical arrangements.

Time passed in the exchange between the two.


"Pickup! Pickup!"

The red-red Pikachu had already woken up, and it was looking at Xia Yan's hand with a shocked expression.

I see.

Xia Yan's palms, even ankles and legs, have become hazy and illusory, as if they may disappear at any time.

"Teacher Xia Yan, you"

The crimson who saw this scene was also shocked.

Looking down at himself, Xia Yan was not panic at all.

He knew that it was because the collision of Necrozma and Zygarde produced an energy shock so great that it even affected time and space, and he appeared here.

When time and space are smoothed out, they will naturally go back.

With his expression calmly brushing the dust off his body, Xia Yan said with a smile:

"Let's stop here today. It seems that I should go back too. When we meet next time, we will continue the unfinished battle."

"Go back?" Chi Hong was a little unclear about the situation.

Xia Yan wanted to pat his shoulder, but found that his arm went directly through the red body.

Showing a little helplessness.

You can only say: "Come on, I believe you will be able to achieve excellent results in the Indigo Alliance. But don't forget, the higher the position you are in, the greater the responsibility you take, and strive to make the world a better place. All right."

"Teacher, I will!"

The red face was firm.

Originally, his level of knowledge had not yet reached this level.

But because of what Xia Yan said just now, Scarlet Hong was deeply aware of the existence of this aspect, and there will be more and wider things to consider in the future.

"Then. See you next time."

This sentence is finished.

Xia Yan's figure gradually faded, and in the end it seemed as if it had never appeared before, disappearing into the crimson sight.

"Teacher Xia Yan"

Crimson murmured.

In a trance, he felt that Xia Yan had never appeared before. Everything before was an illusion and his imagination.

"Pikachu, you said. Does Teacher Xia Yan really exist?" Chi Hong couldn't help but asked Pikachu on her shoulders.

"Pickup pickup~~"

Pikachu also looked puzzled.

It rubbed the chin.

But he quickly reacted, pointing to the chaotic and dilapidated Ground around him, Blastoise, who was detoxified but not yet awake.

These are the best proofs that Xia Yan has been here.

Seeing this, Chi Hong was stunned for a moment before finally showing a smile.

"you're right."

Turning to look at the words and patterns left by Xia Yan Tu Tu painting before.

Should I say it or not, Xia Yan painted this well

If it weren't for his explanation, Chihong wouldn't even know if it was a painting or a word.

Take a deep breath.

Clenched fist.

His expression instantly became excited, "Next time. Next time I meet Teacher Xia Yan, I must let him see my progress! The battle with Teacher Xia Yan is not over yet!"

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu and a group of Crimson Pokémon joined in.

three days later.

Crimson and Qinglu met again at the gate of the gym they were about to challenge.

And they meet.

Often a battle is inevitable.

Under normal circumstances, the win rate of cyan is much higher than that of red.

Of course, with the growth of Crimson, this win rate is also constantly tilted.

But this time.

"Damn! Crimson, when did you learn such a dirty tactic?!" Turquoise with brown-yellow hair stared, gnashing his teeth at the smiling blond and Rival.

This time.

He was really disgusted by the crimson tactics.


He could see that Crimson was not skilled enough to use this tactic, and there were many flaws.

But even if it was just like this, Qinglu felt a little unacceptable.

If you can improve it.

Green liver tremors.

Obviously not good at studying tactics, and I don't like the crimson who ponders tactics. When did you start fiddling with this aspect?

Seeing this, Chi Hong showed her snow-white teeth, licked her nose, and laughed "hehe".


He knows turquoise too well.

Such a good sparring partner for practicing tactics, Chi Hong didn't want to let it go.


Qinglu, who had always been calm, almost didn't jump up after hearing the words of Crimson.

"Afraid? Go, Blastoise!"

Crimson smiled again.

Blastoise, Venusaur combined with the "poison defense" tactic, but it was too restrained.

"It's this tactic again! Crimson, you're almost done."

Crimson blinked and shrugged, "Okay. Let's switch to Lapras this time."

Green was slightly relieved.

But after a while.

Qinglu roared again, "What tactic is this?"

Chihong pretended to be lofty, imitating what Xia Yan looked like a few days ago, and said with a smile, "What? Do you want to learn? I'll teach you."


PS: Let’s make a 4D update today, my wrists start to feel numb again, so I did hot moxibustion

(End of this chapter)

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