The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 938 It Will Be Family In The Future (Three In One)

Chapter 937 It will be family in the future (three in one)


Xia Yan, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes, the white ceiling and the familiar smell of disinfectant.

"you're awake."

A warm and familiar voice came.

Looking sideways.

On the chair beside the bed, was sitting a pretty blond woman, holding a fruit knife and a half-cut apple in her hand.


When Xia Yan's eyes fell on the poor apple, Cynthia's white cheeks couldn't help but flush.


How can a girl who doesn't touch the spring water with her hands peel an apple?

Xia Yan grinned involuntarily.

"Are you going to give me apple peels? Or are you going to give me apple cores?"

I saw the half-shaved apple in Cynthia's hand, pitifully only the thick peel and the bare core were left.


Cynthia flushed even more.

Glancing at him angrily.

Put the apple beside the bed.

Holding a fruit knife in his hand, he gestured up and down.

Xia Yan's expression stiffened.

Because he not only saw five or six "good" apples on the cabinet beside the bed, but the one in Cynthia's hand just now was considered her "excellent" work.

I also saw the gleaming cold light of the fruit knife reflected in the light.

Immediately grabbed the apple core that Cynthia had just put down, there was barely some pulp left on it, and took a bite.


The taste is not bad.

What a pity for such a good fruit.

"Cough, how many days have I been in a coma?"

Efforts to look away from the fruit knife, look around, it should be in the ward of the Pokémon Center.

"Two days." Cynthia said slowly with a satisfied look on her face.

two days?

Xia Yan rubbed his chin.

The flow of time is indeed a problem.

"Looks like Necrozma has recovered?"

"Hmm." Cynthia nodded slightly.

Then he briefly told Xia Yan what happened after he comatose and intervened in the crack of time.

After obtaining the power of Solgaleo, Ultimate Necrozma finally repaired his broken body and regained his sanity.

The light of Alola Region was returned, and the light of Ultra Space was also returned, and the two worlds were completely restored.

It's just that Ultra Space may need more time to recuperate.

And now the Inviting Moon Department of the megalopolis has been completely cleaned up, and the Sun Devouring Department is in control of the overall situation.

Amamo's father, Castle of the Sun-Eating Department, supports mutual trade with the Pokémon world, and opens up the sharing of technology with each other.

But Castle demanded that Xia Yan was needed as an intermediary between the two worlds.

And Zygarde left immediately after confirming that Ultimate Necrozma had completely recovered and Xia Yan's Contest Condition.

It seems that the troubles in the Kalos Region are not over yet.

As for those who say Alola Region.

Everyone, including Anabel, went to help with the restoration of Melemele Island.

This is a big project.

in particular.

Because of the head-on collision between Necrozma and Zygarde, Melemele Island was divided into two, and a large strait appeared in the middle, which completely changed the ecology of the sea around Melemele Island.

Many water-based Pokémon become sluggish or irritable because they cannot immediately adapt to the drastic changes in the environment, and they also need someone to appease them.

Towns, forests, and land on Melemele Island were also damaged to varying degrees.

Alliance did not hesitate to use a large force, and even the Aether Foundation joined the help island restoration work.

Anabel led the UB Countermeasures team to search for any remaining Ultra Beasts.

The Naganadel group summoned by Xia Yan also returned to the Great Valley under the leadership of Ono and Amamo.

Amamo was appointed as the first person in charge of Ultra Space to build harmony and friendship.

In short.

Everything seemed to have completely returned to calm.

After listening, Xia Yan nodded secretly.

"What about Beedrill?" Xia Yan asked.

"They." A smile appeared on Cynthia's face. "This collision made them feel their own inadequacy and went to the beach for training."

Xia Yan smashed his mouth.

Pokémons are so self-conscious that he's comfortable as a Trainer.

Cynthia glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Count the time, it's time to come back."

The voice just fell.


The familiar Growl pushed in.

The leader was actually the duck, duck and onion wanderer who hugged the Onion Stick and talked and talked.

Then came Togekiss, Beedrill, Alakazam, and Pokémon from Cynthia's Garchomp and Lucario.


The scallion soldiers seem to have gotten to know Xia Yan's Pokémon well, and they are all training together.

And when Togekiss saw that Xia Yan had woken up, they were all excited.

"Quite yea!!"

Togekiss was the most excited and threw himself directly on Xia Yan.

Lying on Xia Yan's body, his head rubbed hard.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine, I just slept." Xia Yan patted Togekiss's head with a smile.

He didn't feel any discomfort in his body.

"Cha Ke Ya~~ (Give it to you.)"

see you.

Togekiss did not know where to conjure a small orange flower, and sent it to Xia Yan like a treasure.

A posture that he wants to put Xia Yan on his head.

Seeing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but look embarrassed.

It made Cynthia and the rest of the Pokémon burst into laughter.

"Yes, it was just a dream."

Evening breeze.

Xia Yan, who was sitting on the rattan chair in the yard, looked at Sylveon who was entangled in him, couldn't help but took off his hat and pressed it on the little guy's head.

a time.

Sylveon's two furry bunny ears were instantly bent by his hat and folded into an "L" shape.


The little guy's mouth bulged, and he suddenly felt that Xia Yan was perfunctory.

It was obviously not a dream, it felt the pain in the body at that time.

Wrinkling his nose towards Xia Yan, he ran towards Milotic with light steps.

It also gave Milotic the "Baton Pass".

Looking at its naughty look, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

Stretching and standing up.

He looked up at the full moon hanging in the night sky.

A few days ago, Lunala pretended to be a full moon.

But today's moon is really round.

Even faintly, you can see that there are pits of different sizes on the white moon.

Stopped and looked around.

It seems that Lunala and Solgaleo can still be seen.

After the event, Lunala and Solgaleo both went to Ultra Space.

Ultra Space, which has been barren for so long, needs their power to help restore.

Sunlight and moonlight are very important things to all living things.

Although Solgaleo was somewhat reluctant to leave Xia Yan.

But when it reverted to Solgaleo, the "Beast Devouring the Sun", on its shoulders, it once again assumed the responsibilities it needed to bear.

It is also inescapable.

Cynthia, who was sitting next to Xia Yan, looked at him with her chin against her chin, the gentle evening wind blowing through his hair.

"What do you think?"

Xia Yan returned to God and shook his head.


The smile on his face was even bigger.

"Little guys, do you want to have supper?"

As soon as this word comes out.

There was a brief silence in the yard.

next second.

"Just yah~~ (Oh yeah!!)"

"Os Oss~~ (I want to eat grilled fish!)"

"Boooooooo!! (I want to eat baked pudding!)"

"Ow~~ (I want toast!)"

The little guys screamed.

It's been a long time since I've eaten BBQ, and as soon as I heard that I had a late-night snack, I immediately reported what I had in Covet for a long time.

Xia Yan looked at Cynthia beside him.

"What about you?"

As soon as the words came out, Xia Yan couldn't help but want to give himself a mouth.

It's not good to ask, what do Cynthia want to eat?



Hearing Xia Yan's question, Cynthia immediately fell into contemplation.

The patient with the difficulty of choosing has fallen ill again.

In the corner of Xia Yan's line of sight, he saw the onion wandering soldier who was looking down and thinking about "night supper", and he immediately had an idea in his heart.

Showing his snow-white teeth, he said loudly, "These are all available, but today's staple food is still barbecue!"


The Pokémon's eyes suddenly lit up, sucking the saliva that was quickly secreted.

Xia Yan continued: "Farfetch'd, haven't you eaten in a long time?"


Have you eaten?


I heard that Farfetch'd Mega is delicious.

Togekiss rolled his big eyes and couldn't help showing a lunatic smile, with an exaggerated and creepy arc on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the onion wandering soldier who was standing aside and hadn't reacted, he laughed "hehehehe".

And Togekiss's behavior and actions seem to be a signal.

The Pokémons also reacted.

Farfetch'd is so rare that it's almost impossible to find it, and it's impossible to catch Farfetch'd in the Alola Region.

But that's okay.

Farfetch'd doesn't have Pokémon with its own seasoning, and Farfetch'd is not the only Pokémon.

"Buybuy~~ (Hey hey hey.)"

Sylveon reacted the second time, and when he looked at the onion wanderer, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Beer beer."

Beedrill rubbed the Twineedle lightly, making the clang of metal rubbing.


Alakazam played with the spoon in his hand, his hands kept moving, his eyes swept up and down the onion wanderer, as if he was thinking about where to start.

a time.

The sight of "like a wolf like a tiger" all fell on the onion wandering soldiers.

And the scallion soldier who just realized that "night supper" is the food eaten in the middle of the night, felt those malicious gazes, and suddenly his whole body was tense and agitated.

When he frowned and looked around, he saw the Pokémon licking their lips and slowly approaching.


The onion soldier cried out in horror.

The expression froze on his face.

It just seemed to hear, to eat Farfetch'd?

And although it is no longer Farfetch'd, the Onion Ranger itself is not much different from Farfetch'd in form.

the most important is.

The scallion soldier has long been deeply aware of how fat its meat is and how smooth its taste will be.

Are they going to eat themselves?

The onion soldier staggered and turned around.

boom! !

But he slammed his head into a shield that was as hard as iron, knocking himself into a mess.

Look up.

I saw Aegislash's sinister red eyes.

"Jie Jie!"

The infiltrating voice made the feathers of the onion soldier stand up in an instant.


The scallion soldiers are all white, this time.

Frightened even more white, the feathers seemed to fade in an instant.


Onion Youbing's next reaction was somewhat beyond Xia Yan's expectations.

Seeing the Onion You Bing reacting from the shock, his face turned pale, his spear stood up, his head held high, his eyes closed, and he stood in the yard.

"Quack! (I Duck Duck, I will never be a slave!)"

That momentum, that fearless stance, made the Pokémons a little stunned.

The green soldier's eyes opened a gap, and after confirming that the Pokémons were no longer surrounded, he secretly relieved.

"Quack! (If I give in to power, then my knighthood means nothing, and I will never leave regrets in my life!)"

For a time, he really looked like a martyr who was ready to go to justice at any time.

Xia Yan couldn't help reaching out and arching Latios beside him.

"Where did it learn these words?"

Latios whispered:

"Os Oss. (It's been watching a lot of TV shows with Darkrai lately.)"

Xia Yan: "."


He guessed right.

"Quack! (Come on! Shoot me!)"

Xia Yan supported his forehead.

He waved his hand, "Alright, alright."

He originally wanted to scare the onion wanderer to see if he could scare it away.

after all.

Xia Yan's idea of ​​subduing it is actually not that big.


Onion Yubing's efforts in the previous incident and his efforts after he was in a coma also heard some from Beedrill's mouth.

Although Duck Duck's brain circuits are sometimes relatively straight, but hard work is really hard work.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to grow to his current strength in the wild alone.

Of course there is talent.

But there are so many talented Pokémon, hard work is the most important thing.

Since he wasn't scared away, Xia Yan stopped teasing it.

If it wants to follow it, follow it, and if it wants to learn, it will learn.

Xia Yan suddenly wanted to see what Onion You Bing could learn in the future.

Seeing Xia Yan signaling the end, the Pokémons also returned to their gentle looks.

It's fun to tease ducks like this occasionally.


The onion soldier blinked twice.

Don't eat?

Immediately, the onion wanderer only felt that.

The plot on the TV series, this special mother works, this TV is not in vain!


The most important thing is that the ducks, ducks and scallions did not feel any malice from Xia Yan's Pokémon.

It can grow to this level in the wild with such a "delicious" body, and it still has the ability and judgment it should have.

This is also the reason why the onion soldiers did not resist.

"Okay, get ready."

As a result, the Pokémons took action one after another.

Beedrill and Alakazam did the cleaning and Infernape and Aegislash built the grills.

Togekiss led a kind of little guy to find firewood, talking and laughing seemed quite leisurely.

"Duck duck."

"Gah! (In!)"

The onion soldier who was slumped on the ground immediately got up.



The green onion soldier's face turned pale.


But saw a cleaned sheep being thrown in front of it by Alakazam with Psychic.

Not cut yourself ah?

The onion wandering soldier suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and slapped his chest again and again.

Scared the duck.

But soon, its eyes narrowed, and the whole Pokémon's momentum changed.


With a green onion sword, the cleaned mutton was immediately picked up by it and flew into the air.

Then I saw the onion soldier closing his eyes.


In the stern voice, he jumped up, and the snow-white body looked extraordinarily delicious under the illumination of Moonlight, bah, vigorous.

I see.

Countless bright white sharp blades flew up and down, and one after another sharp sword energy blades flickered out from the green long sword.


With his eyes closed, the onion wanderer held the hilt in one hand and the blade in the other, and landed handsomely sideways (Yasuo shape).

Onion Ranger: (ー`′ー)


Pieces of minced meat of different sizes fell from the air, smashing the scallion wanderer all over.

"Gah? (_)"


Cynthia couldn't help laughing.

The Pokémons, who were watching the handsome actions of the scallion soldier, were also speechless after being stunned for a while.

Togekiss: (﹁﹁)~→

The onion soldier suddenly laughed dryly.

But in the TV series, it's obviously like that.

Beedrill sighed silently.

Flying over to the green onion soldier, he patted it on the shoulder.

"Sizzle beer. (Optimistic.)"


Without waiting for the onion wanderer to answer, Beedrill's scarlet compound eyes jumped and flickered, and a golden arc suddenly erupted.

I only felt a brief tremor in the air, and a fierce wind blowing across my face.

The fragments scattered on the ground were immediately rolled up by the air current.

next second.

Countless blue and sharp lights flickered and dimmed.


Meat and meat, bones and bones were separated cleanly.


Each piece of lamb is almost exactly the same size, perfect for grilling and for putting on skewers.

It's all done in seconds.

Beedrill landed.

Beedrill: (Д`)y━~~

"Gah?! (ω)"

The onion wanderer looked at Beedrill, full of admiration.

As expected of a teacher.

Togekiss: ε≡(><)

Excitedly, he lunged at Beedrill, his wings honestly pressing on Beedrill's shoulders.

"Extra Spicy, Cumin, Onion Stick, and Bing Kuo Luo live together."

Xia Yan clapped his palm.

The grill master Infernape, wearing an apron, has already placed the first grilled kebab on the table.


The Pokémons held cups and collided with each other, and Xia Yan and Cynthia also looked at each other and smiled and then touched the cups.

"How is it? Infernape has done my best, and has a better control of the heat than I do."


Cynthia was so hot that she fanned her mouth with her palms and got caught.

But after taking a mouthful of Bingkuo, he continued to pick up a bunch of jerk off without any intention of stopping.

Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.

Hand over a glass of moo milk.

"Milk is the solution to the spicy food."


Cynthia heads sideways.

Golden waterfalls spread down her cheeks with her movements.

Xia Yan took a sip of ice Coke and sighed comfortably.

"Of course. However, in the evening, barbecue is definitely more suitable for Bing Kuoluo."

Cynthia smiled lightly.

Pokémons are also similar.

Spicy and happy.

And the most excited is obviously the scallion wanderer who eats barbecue for the first time.

His face was flushed from the heat, and the white hair on his face was stained with a layer of red oil, but he still ate the shiny grilled skewers frantically, and he didn't even feel bad when he saw the chopped green onion sprinkled on the grilled meat. .

just feel.

This Onion Stick is worth it.

turn out to be.

That's what it means to bring your own seasoning.

The green onion soldier was thinking while eating.

This kebab is so delicious, what does the meat taste like?

"Chucky! (Eat slowly, no one is vying for you.)" Togekiss stood beside Duck Duck, one wing curled with tongs and one wing patted Duck Duck's shoulder.

"Gah? (Really?)"

The onion wanderer turned his head to look at the other Pokémon.

When I saw Cynthia's Garchomp eating volume and eating speed, the whole person was not good.

No one robs it?

But seeing Togekiss, who was still comforting it a second ago, he didn't know when he had already rolled up the few skewers of barbecue left in front of him.

Tilt his head to avoid looking at Farfetch'd, and jerk off to himself.

In his full mouth, he muttered.

"Chucky~~ (Moonlight is lit up today.)"

Onion Ranger: (_)

"Beer beer."

Fortunately, Beedrill handed over a bunch.

"Gah~~ (Master.)"

The onion soldier was moved.

Beedrill waved his hand indifferently, still looking dashing.

"Quack? (Master, this barbecue is delicious, what kind of meat is it?)"

This is the first time to eat meat, a scallion roamer who has been full of fruit in the wild all the year round.

Beedrill pondered slightly.

"Beer. (I don't know, maybe a braided sheep? Maybe a woolly horned sheep.)"


The onion soldier's expression froze.

Or Pokémon?

Beedrill laughed and said nothing.

Sometimes, it can still see the shadow of its past from the body of the onion wanderer.


It's fun to tease it occasionally.

However, the reaction of the onion wanderer was not within the range of Beedrill's expectations.

I saw it take a bite of the barbecue fiercely, and slammed a sip of Coke.

hateful! There is actually a Pokémon competing with it for the title of "Pokémon World's Best Tasty Meat"!

Ya Ya, who is brave to fight for the first place, will never be reconciled.

"Duck duck."

Xia Yan, who was half-eaten, beckoned to the onion wandering soldiers.


Hearing Xia Yan's call, Cong Youbing immediately put down the coke in his hand, and ran to Xia Yan in a frantic manner.

"You want to follow us, right?" Xia Yan asked.

Hearing this, the onion wandering soldier looked straight and nodded heavily.

It can feel that following Xia Yan and his Pokémon, he can grow better and faster.

Whether it's the Beedrill, whose mastery of the spear makes it convincing.

It was also Xia Yan who rode the pure gold lion Solgaleo and turned into a meteor and fell into Necrozma that day.

It's all it desires.

Seeing its expression, Xia Yan also knew that Onion Youbing was determined.

After a brief hesitation, he nodded and said, "Then you can follow."


The scallion soldier suddenly showed ecstasy.

Then I heard Xia Yan add: "But I'm going to say the ugly thing in front. My requirements for Pokémon are very high and very strict. If I can't keep up with my training pace and requirements, or I find that you can't achieve what I need the height of"

The fighting habits of the onion troopers are very fixed, and it is very troublesome to adjust.

This is also the reason why Xia Yan doesn't want to let the onion wanderer waste time with him.


Give the onion wanderer a little more time, and then let it burst into a wave of luck. If you encounter any benefits, you may go further.


But the onion wanderer slapped his chest again and again, his eyes firm.

"After that, we are family."

Xia Yan bent his eyes, squinted the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand to the onion wandering soldier.



Ling Youbing stared blankly at Xia Yan, it was the first time he heard the word "family" used on him.

Looking at Xia Yan's gentle and warm smile, and the palm of his hand, Ling Yubing suddenly felt his body warm, and his thumping heart seemed to be injected with something he had never felt before.

The surrounding Pokémons also stopped their movements one by one, looking at them one by one, showing a knowing smile.


Looking at the onion soldier who was about to burst into tears but did not move, Xia Yan coughed lightly.

The green onion soldier reacted immediately.

The oil-stained palm immediately wiped it hard on the back.

Then he tightly grabbed Xia Yan's hand.


Xia Yan's expression changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Stinky boy, take it easy!"

The onion wanderer didn't care about this, his eyes were completely filled with crystals, and his vision was blurred.

One head plunged into Xia Yan's arms.


"Don't wipe my tears, bastard! Why is there still snot?! Don't! Don't!"

(End of this chapter)

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