The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 939: Hitting? (5K+!)

"Xia Yan Elite, everything is here."

Alola Region Ula'ula Island, Alola Alliance headquarters in Mount Lanakila.

The staff of Alola Alliance looked at the handsome young man in front of him with respect, and even in his eyes, he could see a touch of fanatical worship.

What happened on Melemele Island the other day almost shocked the entire Alliance.

The scenes that were filmed by people with mobile phones at that time are still very popular on the Internet.

And the core of this event, once again, is the young Alliance Elite Four, who is also the youngest Pokémon Professor.

So many ultra beasts have broken through and Ultra Wormhole has come to destroy Melemele Island.

When everyone was helpless, it was the young Elite Four who brought in a large group of Naganadel and Poipole to confront the ultimate monster head-on.

The out-of-control "Lucas God" Necrozma descended, and it was also the young Elite Four who brought in Zygarde, Solgaleo, Dak Laiyin, and rescued "the beast of the moon" Lunala.

The ultimate Necrozma, who eventually led Pokémon and the beasts to fight against the final form, shook off the entire Melemele Island, and finally awakened Necrozma.

Restored light in the Alola Region.

various deeds in this incident.

Whether it is against the beasts with his own Pokémon, or summoning the beasts to wake up the Necrozma, he has gained a huge reputation.

Many young trainers in the Alola Region regard it as an idol.

It is respected and admired by many veteran Trainers in the Alola Region.

Even the newly established Alola Alliance has treated the young Elite Four with courtesy.

When it was heard that he wanted to see the "loot" collected at the time, the Alola Alliance opened the door.

That's why Xia Yan's trip to Alola Alliance is now.


Xia Yan politely thanked him.

The young and beautiful staff blushed and waved their hands.

Xia Yan didn't say much.

I just glanced at the things that the UB Countermeasures Department confiscated and handed in.

Among them is Akroma's Pokémon.

"I want to apply for this Pokémon, can I?"

Xia Yan's finger was placed on the Poké Ball of "Porygon-Z".

The staff member looked at the Pokémon that Xia Yan wanted.

He quickly said: "Of course, the president and the champion have already explained it. It's just."

"Just what?"

"This Pokémon is not recorded in the Pokémon Atlas, but Xia Yan Elite will be fine if you take it away. The main reason is that it was injured too badly. When we recovered it, we found that it was no longer active."

The staff spoke very fast, but it seemed that they were too excited to face Xia Yan, and the logic was a little confusing.

Still expressing clearly.


Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Porygon has now been created by the Rockets without Xia Yan not knowing.

But what is certain is that the current Alliance must not know much about Pokémon like Porygon.

If other Pokémon inactive means death, it doesn't do much. …

But if it is Porygon-Z, this kind of Pokémon composed of data, but not necessarily.

"It doesn't matter. I just want to study it, I'm a little curious." Xia Yan said.

"Okay, Xia Yan Elite, you can register here, that's it."

Under the guidance of the staff, Xia Yan made a simple registration and got Akroma's Porygon-Z Poké Ball.

Through the glass on the surface of the Poké Ball, Porygon-Z can be seen lying still, motionless.

But no movement does not mean dead.

Porygon-Z can even think of it as a computer made entirely of data.

As long as the correct method is found, at least the part that Xia Yan wants can be extracted from its database.

Akroma, who controls Necrozma, is from another world.

If the data of this Porygon-Z can be decrypted, Xia Yan may be able to obtain the information he wants from it.


Maybe you can find some people who are hidden in this world, or in the Alliance, who are also from another world.


If this Porygon-Z can be activated again and its kernel programming can be rewritten, it may still be used by Xia Yan.

It is not needed to fight.

Just its functionality is enough for Xia Yan to take a moment to try it.

"Xia Yan, how is it?"

Inside the Alola Alliance building.

"Mr. Champion, thank you very much."

Xia Yan looked at Kuku Yin who was shirtless and wearing an exaggerated hood, and said hello with a twitching mouth.

The one in front of him is the current champion of the Alola Region, the Royal Masked Man.

That is, Professor Kukuyin.

Kukuyin waved his hand and said gratefully:

"If it wasn't for you this time, not only Melemele Island, but the entire Alola Region would not be spared.

Although we rushed over as soon as we received the news, it was estimated that it was too late. "

Xia Yan scratched his head, "No, no."

"Young, Xia Yan."

At this time.

Stepping on his slippers, with a lazy look on his face, he could even be said to be decadent, and playing with the kendama in his hand, he kept making a "da-da-da" sound that echoed in the corridor.

"Mr. Merdan."

Xia Yan still respects Mo Dan.

Xia Yan also learned very practical makeup and camouflage skills from Mo Dan, which made the identity of "Yan Xia" more three-dimensional and not easy to be discovered.

"It's okay, I'm just passing by, you can talk."

Mo Dan hit Yawn for a long time, two tears squeezed from the corner of his eyes, obviously he didn't sleep enough.

As the Island kahuna of Ula'ula Island, and the Alola Alliance is located on Ula'ula Island, Merdan has a pivotal position in the Alola Region.

But it is.

Mordan, who is lazy and like Tapu Moo, is reluctant to take up the position of Elite Four.


It is quite appropriate that the four Island kahuna serve as Elite Four respectively.

But Ula'ula Island's Island kahuna Modan was unwilling to take the position, the Poni Island's Island kahuna Sofuwu was an old man, and the temporary island queen Hapuwu was not strong enough. …

As a result, Alola Alliance has two vacancies for the Elite Four.

Seeing that Alola Alliance's first "Island Tour Contest" is about to begin, the Elite Four candidates have not yet come together.

As the champion of the Alola Alliance, Kuku Yin, was heartbroken.

"Wait, Mr. Merdan!"

Kuku Yin quickly stopped him.

How do you know.

As soon as Mo Dan heard Kukuyin's words, not only did he not stop, but he also accelerated.

Xia Yan supported his forehead.

Is the Alola Alliance so weird?

Kuku Yin hurriedly chased after him, and finally stopped Mo Dan.

Merdan looked helpless and distressed.

"Champion, I'm such a lazy person, do you really think that being an Elite Four will have a good impact on our Alola Alliance? Don't bring out a bunch of lazy people like me."

Mo Dan, who usually doesn't talk much, talks a lot at this time in order to avoid taking office.

However, what he said was more or less true.

"It's better than this, I'll recommend someone to you, Acerola. It's the captain of our Ula'ula Island, you should know it." Mordan rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"I know Acerola, but." Kukuyin opened his mouth.

He was no stranger to Acerola.

Participated in a lot of competitions, and has a lot of fame in the Alola Region.

But compared with Merdan, the famous Island kahuna for a long time, Acerola is not a little bit worse.

Seeing this, Mo Dan showed a rare serious look, and said solemnly: "I watched the child of Acerola grow up. With her strength, ability, and sense of responsibility, you can rest assured."

Immediately, he glanced at Xia Yan, who was watching the play on the other side, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Xia Yan."


Xia Yan was stunned.

How did you get involved with him?

Who knew that Ku Ku Yin really looked over.

"Xia Yan, you and Acerola have participated in many competitions together, how do you feel about her?"

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

"That. I'm Sinnoh Elite Four. It's not appropriate for you to ask me this question?"

But he saw Kuku Yin shaking his head with a serious look on his face.

"No, I believe in your ability and character."

Xia Yan looked at Modan.

I saw him winking at him.

All right.

Acerola is really capable.

Other than being a little younger, there is nothing wrong with it.

In the original book, Acerola did finally become an Elite Four in the Alola Region under the recommendation of Merdan.

Then he said, "Okay. I think she's pretty good."

"Since what you said, can I trouble you to help me with one thing?" Kukuyin said after hesitating for a while.


Xia Yan blinked.

how to feel.

Something doesn't seem right?

But given that Kucuin is now the champion of Alola Alliance anyway, a little face is always given.

"you say."

But seeing Kuku Yin smiling, "I want you to help test Acerola's strength."


Xia Yan glanced at Kukuyin, and then looked at Mo Dan. …

The feeling that is not right is becoming more and more obvious.

Xia Yan also raised vigilance in his heart.

He asked tentatively:

"How to check?"

Kukuyin patted Xia Yan's shoulder, "Don't worry, it won't take too much time for you, I'll let you know when I discuss the details and methods with Mr. Modan."


Regardless of what Xia Yan wanted to say, he strode away.

With him left, and Merdan.

Only Xia Yan was left standing silently in the corridor, watching the backs of the two leaving, and fell into contemplation.

how do you feel


"Mr. Merdan, thank you very much."

After Kukuyin and Modan "get rid of" Xia Yan, Kukuyin said bluntly.

Mo Dan curled his lips, "That's what you think of it."

Hearing this, Kuku Yin's helpless smile was a little bit more bitter.

The Alliance in the Alola Region has just settled in and encountered the Necrozma incident. It can be said that everything is waiting to be done.

As the first champion of the Alola Alliance, it can be said that his heart is broken.

"Although this incident has a great impact, the progress of the 'Island Tour Contest' cannot be stopped. The more this is the case, the more the contest is needed to inspire people.

At that time, I will also announce the current Elite Four candidates in our Alola Region at the competition. "

Merdan nodded, "Apart from Hala and Lizi, and the Acerola I recommended, who else?"

"Kahiri," Kukuin said.

Moran showed a stunned look.

"Is that the golf Stephanie who won the Archipelago Tour Championship before and, like Yin Lima, got the Alliance's approval to leave Alola in advance and participate in the other regional tournaments?"

"Well, Kahiri's growth rate is very fast, which can make up for the vacancy of Mr. Sofuwu."

Merdan blinked, "Then who did you invite Kahiri to be her Rival?"

Kuku Yin grinned.

"Cynthia Elite."

Merdan silently gave a thumbs up.


It's really high!

Very reasonable and efficient way to "take down" Sinnoh's two Elite Fours in quick succession.

Just this one hand.

Mo Dan is about to write two big characters to Kuku Yin, be convinced!

Although Acerola and Kahiri are slightly weaker than Island Kahuna.

But for Alola Region, being an Elite Four is enough.

The important thing is that they are still young.

As long as it continues to grow, it will be the backbone of the Alola Region in the future.

And let Xia Yan and Cynthia be the two Rivals.

It not only showed the strength of the two to the people of the entire Alola Region, but also used this as a gimmick to promote the first "Island Tour Contest" organized by Alola Alliance.

after all.

The fame of Xia Yan and Cynthia is not as big as Normal now.

Coupled with the fact that Xia Yan solved the Necrozma incident a few days ago, the name in the Alola Region can even be compared to his champion.

Using his name as a gimmick to stimulate the economy of the Alola Region, accelerate the development and speed up the recovery of Melemele Island.

This is a one-shot plan.

After a while, Mo Dan looked at Ku Ku Yin with a complacent face, hesitated for a while and asked, "…

"That. Cynthia Elite is easy to say, she is a good talker. Xia Yan is good at talking, but have you considered his character?"

Kukuyin's proud expression suddenly froze.

But soon he lay flat.

"The big deal is to be beaten by him."

Mordan's mouth twitched.

good guy.

You really don't think of yourself as a champion.

After thinking about it, Mo Dan still reminded: "However, I still recommend that you prepare some substantial benefits for him, so that he can buy it more easily. After all, he is a 'true hero'."

The word "true" was highlighted by Merdan.

"I've already thought about this."

Kuku Yin is really not the kind of person who wants to take advantage of someone.

Considering Xia Yan's character, things were already ready.

I just thought of such a solution because I was worried that Xia Yan was too busy, or found a reason to shirk.

after all.

More than one Region has already invited Xia Yan to hold events.


Not a single response has been received yet.

That's why Kuku Yin made this decision.

Here comes a first cut and then a play.

"Then it's fine." Moran sighed in relief and shrugged.

Although he didn't have much contact with Xia Yan, he was quite good at grasping Xia Yan's temperament.

In a word.

The money is in place, the beast is dead!

"What did you prepare for him?"

Kukuyin didn't speak, just looked at Mo Dan and blinked his eyes.

And Mo Dan seemed to understand what he meant from Ku Ku Yin's eyes.

Eyes narrowed.

"You're quite a bloodbath."

Kuku Yin is also very frank.

"It's not mine anyway."


Merdan turned and left.

"Don't tell anyone that I know about the plan."

Seeing Mo Dan, who fled away, Kuku Yin pressed his forehead.


Not really a good place to sit.

"Thank you for four colorful ice creams."

Cynthia pulled her hair back and politely ordered the store manager.

"You are Cynthia Elite?!"

And the big and fat store owner's mother's eyes lit up when she saw Cynthia.

Immediately, he looked at Cynthia's side, the young man whose half face was blocked by the hat, and the fairy Yin Bu next to him.

"Then you must be Xia Yan Elite?!"

Having said that, he ran directly to the two of them, pulled off his work jacket, and revealed a T-shirt with a print of Xia Yan's handsome holding a hat inside.

However, because of her body problem, Xia Yan on the T-shirt has also gained weight to varying degrees.

And seeing this dress, and the "Xia Yan" on it.

"Boo Eevee~~"

Fairy Yin Bu, whose ribbon was wrapped around Xia Yan's arm, was so happy that she could not stand still.

Even Cynthia couldn't help laughing, and hurriedly covered her mouth so as not to be too rude.

Under the brim of the hat, Xia Yan's cheeks twitched, eager to find a slit to get in.


The workmanship of this T-shirt, why does it feel so inferior, so familiar.

just like.

Seems like some very familiar team cut corners.

"Xia Yan Elite, I'm your loyal fan! Can you sign me? This order is mine!" The aunt shop manager said slightly hopefully. …

Xia Yan slowly raised his head, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"My signature is worth four ice creams?!"

"Double!" The auntie store manager patted the counter, quite domineering.

"make a deal!"

Xia Yan grinned.

After a few minutes.

The two walked out of the store eating ice cream with their respective Pokémon.

Looking at the advertisements about the "Island Tour Contest" posted all over the street.

The point is.

A photo of him and Cynthia is also clearly printed on the promotional poster.

"So, you already knew?" Xia Yan asked sideways.

Cynthia took a small bite of the ice cream and narrowed her eyes in happiness.

Nodding his head slightly.


Xia Yan was silent.

After a while.

Roll up your sleeves.

"Royal Masked Man! You give it to me"

"This, he asked me to hand it over to you, saying it was a reward."

Before Xia Yan finished speaking, Cynthia handed over something and interrupted him.


Fairy Yin Bu, who rolled up the ice cream and enjoyed it excitedly, saw what Cynthia handed to Xia Yan, and the ice cream fell to the ground instantly.

Diluo blinked his big eyes.

Xia Yan immediately put down his sleeves.

Then came a round and bright white bead with a light pink halo.

It is filled with strong Fairy energy.

"This is the Pearl from Tapu Fin Fin?"

Cynthia licked the ice cream again.

"It is said that only one Tapu Fin Fin has been produced so far, and the Royal Masked Man Champion is a bloodbath."


Fairy Yin Bu's attention was completely focused on the beads.


PS: I wish the college entrance examination to the students of the university! I also wish myself the best of luck in the college entrance examination! Brothers, go!

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