The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 945 Go, Please Xia Yan Elite! (Two In One)

Chapter 944 Go, please Xia Yan Elite! (two in one)

Night falls.

Opelucid City is lined with high-rise buildings, and the giant full moon overlooks the sky, and its pitted Meteorite crater is clearly visible.

"Grandpa Drayden, why is the moon so bright today."

Holding a broom, Iris held her head up in the courtyard of the Pokémon school, and the snow-white Moonlight shone on her body, making her feel a little cool.

Drayden, who was sitting on the rattan chair, sipped his tea and followed Iris' voice.

Sure enough, I saw the bright moon that had just poked its head out of the clouds.

While showing emotion, he said with a solemn expression: "Sweep your ground well! After you have figured out the difference between 'Dragon Pulse' and 'Dragon Breath', look at the moon."


Iris stuck out her little tongue involuntarily.

But still honestly continue to clean the ground.

This is not the first time something like this has happened.

Don't know when it started.

Drayden will call Iris here and ask her some questions about Dragon Pokémon. If Iris can't answer, he will be punished for cleaning the ground.

The Pokémon Academy Ground in Opelucid City is in large part due to Iris for how clean it is every day.


Under Drayden's "small stove" instructions, Iris's grasp of Pokémon knowledge has also advanced by leaps and bounds.

The only downside.

Maybe it's Drayden's age.

Although he still looks strong and burly, his mental head is far behind his youth.

Occasionally, if he is not careful, he may fall asleep directly on the rattan chair.

It doesn't matter if you drink tea or coffee.

rustling --

The constant rustling of the broom and the ground, as if it had a special magic power, caused Drayden's eyelids to fight again involuntarily.

Seeing this, Iris not only did not stagnate, but "intensified".

Make the sweeping sound more rhythmic and more hypnotic.

As the saying goes, there are policies and countermeasures, and Iris has mastered the skills in this area.



The movement of Iris's hand stopped, and the little face suddenly tense and became very serious.

And Drayden, who was about to fall asleep, recovered a little bit of energy because of the sudden stagnation of the voice.

With a tiger face, he was about to stare at Iris.

This little girl is so talented, but she is still young and doesn't have enough perseverance to insist on doing one thing. Drayden cherishes her talents, so she taught Iris in a half-coercive, half-threatening way.

But actually.

In the process of teaching, Drayden also gradually discovered the nature of Iris.

Think of what Xia Yan once said.

In fact, the idea of ​​letting Iris leave to play freely has taken hold.

But just thinking, teach a little more, let Iris learn a little more.

Even if it's just a little bit, it can save her a lot of detours in the future.


This night's "small stove" will appear.

Drayden wanted to try to teach Iris everything he thought was important before Iris left.

However, when he glared at Iris, he found that Iris' expression was tense at the moment, his face was white, and his biting lip was slightly trembling and trembling, and he was obviously stunned.

Immediately after.

He quickly got up and walked quickly to Iris' side, and took it into his broad chest. Iris' nervous expression eased a little.

"What's wrong? Iris?"

Drayden tried to soften his side and not Astonish her.

Iris pursed her lips and looked at Drayden.

"Xia, Grandpa Drayden, there is. There is a dragon, it is very angry, very Rage, its anger, as if it can annihilate the whole world."

Hearing Iris' shuddering words, Drayden froze again.

"You mean dragon?"

Iris can hear dragon Pokémon, which Drayden has known for a long time.

But even Iris didn't realize that he had this ability, and he didn't master it, and it always played on and off.

So Drayden didn't take Iris's words as a child's imagination, but took them very seriously.

Iris bit her lip and nodded vigorously.

The eyes are full of negative colors such as fear, fear, awe and so on.

"Grandpa Drayden is here, don't be afraid, come and tell Grandpa." Drayden continued to soothe Iris softly.

Iris never looked so frightened, even when faced with Drayden's Trump Card Pokémon.

What kind of dragon, just the transmission of Rage's thoughts, can make Iris so scared?

Under Drayden's comfort and relief, Iris's mood gradually stabilized.

But the fear in her eyes did not completely dissipate.

Just shook his head and said, "Come, come, Grandpa Drayden, it's coming!"


Drayden frowned.

Just then.

tuk tuk-

The sound of the propellers is from far to near, accompanied by the roar of the huge engine.

"Quick, look! What is that?!"

on the street.

Some pedestrians also noticed the roar of Soaring in the sky.

Many people were attracted by the sound and looked up.

But when they looked at the behemoth that appeared above their heads, their eyes widened in disbelief.

see you.

A huge ship was slowly sticking its head out of the black velvet-like clouds.

Then there is the huge hull, under which is installed the huge propeller that is Rapid Spin, the looming mast and sail are handled on the deck, then the Dual Wingbeat that expands like a bird, agitating the air, and finally the stern The huge turbine, spewing airflow.

And at the stern of the boat, in a cage made of an unknown material like transparent glass, a certain terrifying existence was roaring and roaring, but it seemed useless.

The round and bright moon was slowly obscured with the appearance of the ship.

The entire night of Opelucid City gradually became dark.

It was as if a total lunar eclipse Normal had occurred.

Iris' small eyes stared at the ferocious dragon shadow in the glass cage at the stern of the ship, clutching Drayden's clothes tightly and biting his lip.

Drayden's expression also became extremely serious at this moment.

This thing.

He knows.

Team Plasma's intermediate fortress, 【Plasma Frigate】!

But he never thought of it.

Some time ago, the "true hero" Xia Yan, the current Xia Yan Elite, rode the white dragon Reshiram to almost annihilate Team Plasma, who dared to appear in the Sky of Opelucid City so openly.

To know.

Just these two days.

Xia Yan Elite has just come to Unova Region, to Opelucid City!

But on second thought, Drayden's expression became slightly weird again.

He forgot.

After knowing that Xia Yan arrived in Opelucid City, he blocked the news according to Xia Yan's intention.


Xia Yan's current reputation is really too great.

Not to mention some fans who may do crazy acts, there are many who want to challenge Xia Yan.

If it was announced, Xia Yan would not even think about resting quietly in Opelucid City.

But did not expect.

Team Plasma would actually drive [Plasma Frigate] to Opelucid City at this time.

As the owner of the Opelucid City gym, Drayden needs to arrive at the scene as soon as possible, regardless of Xia Yan's presence or absence.

He just got up.

Only to find that Iris' hand was tightly grasped.

The palm of the small palm is full of sweat.

While his heart softened, he also said, "Iris, forget it, come with me."

It might be safer to follow him.

"Mr. Drayden!"

"Master Drayden!"

In the center of Opelucid City, the Sky of Opelucid Gym, [Plasma Frigate] stops here.

And on the square of the Opelucid Gym.

Officer Jenny led a group of Alliance police, as well as the resident trainers and apprentices of the Opelucid gymnasium, the trainers of the Opelucid City Trainer Association, and so on, all looking at Drayden who was striding forward.

in Opelucid City.

Drayden is the absolute backbone.

And his arrival will undoubtedly make more people breathe a sigh of relief.

But today.

Drayden does not represent the peace of mind of all Alliance members in Opelucid City.

Officer Jenny couldn't help looking at the house where Xia Yan temporarily lived.


This is the biggest confidence in their sudden situation today.

As long as he thought that this person was there, Officer Jenny and the people in charge of Opelucid City who knew Xia Yan's whereabouts secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Xia Yan Elite appeared in Opelucid City at this time, I’m afraid. From Interpol, I learned about Team Plasma’s whereabouts and strangeness? ’

Officer Jenny thought so.

Da da da--

Crisp footsteps.

Under such a huge roar of 【Plasma Frigate】, Rao is still very abrupt.

Vio, one of the Seven Sages of Team Plasma, dressed in a heavy and generous bishop's garb, brought several well-armed Team Plasma elites.

With a confident smile on his face.

In the face of the Alliance troops, there is no cowardice and awe.

Just step forward.

With a serious face, Drayden pushed Iris beside him to Officer Jenny and walked up to meet Vio.

Shen said: "Vio, you Team Plasma are not licking their wounds there, what are you doing here in Opelucid City."

It will directly expose the scars.

The smile on Vio's face also disappeared.

After staring at Drayden for a while, a smile appeared again.

"Drayden, actually what we want in Team Plasma is very simple. Give me the 'DNA Splicers' and we Team Plasma will leave now."

"DNA Splicers?"

Drayden slowly narrowed his eyes, and the depths of the gradually narrowing eyes flashed with a ferocious cold light.

Although he is old.

But even so, among all the gym owners in the Unova Region, he is still the top one.

He had the opportunity to hit the Elite Four when he was young, but he chose to give it up for some reasons.

Now he is undoubtedly stronger than when he was young.

Even in the face of Elite Four, I am confident that I can last for a while.


A mere Seven Sages of Team Plasma, dare to ask for "DNA Splicers" in front of him?


Haven't waited for Drayden to do anything.

But Vio pointed to the top of his head easily, as if he didn't feel any pressure from him.

I saw the [Plasma Frigate] hovering above the Opelucid Gym open the hatch, and a thick gun barrel with a silver luster slowly extended out of it.

In the dark muzzle.

It seems to contain extremely terrifying destructive power, making people shudder.

The roof of one of the tallest buildings in Opelucid City not far away.

The two figures were looming.

He is looking at all this on the Opelucid gym square at the moment.

And these two.

Naturally, Akroma and Yanxia met in the desert.


It was Akroma who was waiting for "Yan Xia" there.

at this time.

The two appeared side by side in Opelucid City, witnessing what was about to happen.

With a faint smile on "Yan Xia"'s face, he said slowly, "Team Plasma, you are so confident. Did you help them catch Kyurem?"

His sight fell on the [Plasma Frigate] airship.

In the transparent glass, enveloped by an unknown liquid, seven or eight catheters were submerged into Kyurem's body.

Hearing this sarcastic remark, Akroma's complexion darkened immediately.

"If I want to do it, of course I can! But now is not the right time. Ghetsis, this idiot, actually believed what others said!"

From the words, it is not difficult to hear Akroma's stupid contempt for Ghetsis and his uncontrollable anger.

He thinks that he is the number one genius in the world, but there is a day when he will be abandoned.

Just as the Alliance once abandoned him.

This annoyed Akroma.

But as long as he thought of the person who frustrated him, Akroma felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart besides being annoyed.

"Anyone else?"

"Yan Xia" raised his eyebrows, seemingly unintentionally.

Akroma spat.

"Yan Xia" didn't take it seriously, just said again, "Ghetsis doesn't know that Sinnoh, that Elite, has been in Unova for a while?"

Akroma knew who he was talking about.

Snorted softly.

"So what if you know? What if you don't know? Sooner or later, you will meet. Ghetsis's current ambitions are not just about controlling the power of a Kyurem."

Hearing this, "Yan Xia" shrugged.


Perhaps Ghetsis started this incident because he knew that Xia Yan was coming.


I just want to collect Kyurem and Reshiram at the same time.

at the same time.

Shame before the snow.

Slowly narrowing his eyes, he looked at Akroma.

"what about me?"

Feeling the eyes from "Yan Xia", Akroma couldn't help but tremble for some reason.

He had an illusion.

At this time, it seemed that he was not looking at a human at all, but an extremely powerful Pokémon.

But this idea was quickly abandoned by him.

It's just that the hostility and hatred for Ghetsis has become more intense.

What Akroma didn't notice was that every time he looked at [Plasma Frigate], the thin strands of Mist would penetrate into his body from all directions.

Filled with the breath of Spite, his negative emotions are slowly amplifying invisibly.

"Want 'DNA Splicers' unless you step over me!"

Drayden, with an unmistakable firm voice, refused Vio's request.

Vio was also surprised.

"Then I can only get it myself."

After a short pause, he continued: "However, before that, you must let the Drayden pavilion master understand the price of rejection."

As Vio's voice fell.

Suddenly, a pale light beam shot out from the barrel of the [Plasma Frigate].

Accompanied by ferocious arctic winds, and white mist billowing like a tidal wave.

next second.

Pale beams descended from the sky above the Opelucid Gym.

all of a sudden.

The huge Opelucid gym was frozen into a huge ice sculpture in an instant.


The energy didn't stop there.

The terrifying cold air quickly spread and expanded, and everything around was frozen and solidified by the cold air.

Just for a few seconds.

The bustling and bustling Opelucid City has completely entered the world covered by frost.


The icy cold air made the hairs of everyone who witnessed this scene stand up.

The defense line in his heart was completely defeated almost in an instant.

"This, this." Officer Jenny felt as if his throat was being choked by a strong hand.

Everything that happened in front of me seemed like I was dreaming Normal.

Opelucid City.

such a big city.

In an instant, it was frozen? !

And the cold air spreading from the soles of her feet told her all the time.

This is not a dream, it is reality.

Drayden's eyes widened at the moment.

Can't believe what Team Plasma actually dares to do.

Aren't they afraid that the Alliance will go out of their way to destroy them?

Aren't you afraid of that one?

Think of that one.

Drayden quickly calmed himself down.

A hoarse voice sounded.

"Go, please Xia Yan Elite!"


PS: Today's 1.1w offer~~

(End of this chapter)

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