The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 946 Transform In The Wind And Snow, Ninetales! (Triple)

Chapter 945 Transform in the wind and snow, Ninetales! (triple)

"It's the same whoever you invite."

Vio smiled sullenly.

As his voice fell, three dark shadows joined together and quickly swept towards Drayden.

In the dark night, the blocked Moonlight became their best cover.

It's Team Plasma's "Dark Triangle"!

As if feeling an inexplicable threat, Drayden's muscles tightened.

Although he is old and looks similar to Grandpa Kentucky, the knotted muscles are not a decoration, it is the proof of strength obtained after fighting with dragon-type Pokémon every day.

But Drayden is more adept at facing head-to-head enemies and Rivals.

Dealing with people like the "Dark Iron Triangle" who like to hide in the shadows and play tricks and Nasty Plot seems to be somewhat restrained.

"Master Drayden, be careful!"

Officer Jenny vaguely noticed the movement trajectory of the "Dark Iron Triangle" and subconsciously reminded him.

Drayden's waist flashed red.

A very strong and powerful Haxorus appeared beside him, guarding against attacks that might appear at any time.


Facing Beat Up from three directions, Haxorus also seemed a little stretched.

"Haxorus, Dragon Dance!"

Drayden drank quietly.

Hearing the words, Haxorus immediately understood what Drayden meant, his body swept rapidly, and his own momentum accelerated at the same time, and afterimages appeared around Drayden's body.

With the confusion of the afterimage and the powerful strength of Haxorus itself, it is enough for the "Dark Iron Triangle" to be a rat-killer.

Seeing this, Vio on the opposite side did not show any surprise, and even couldn't help but admire:

"As expected of Drayden."

But just one Pokémon can make the "Dark Iron Triangle" helpless, and this strength is definitely powerful.

But Drayden's heart skipped a beat when he saw Vio's smile.

He turned his head sharply and shouted at Officer Jenny and Iris: "Be careful!"

His voice just fell.

Seeing the "Dark Iron Triangle" who was aggressively rushing towards him before, it seemed that he was not going to start with Drayden from the beginning, and rushed directly to Officer Jenny.


He rushed to Iris, who was being held behind by Officer Jenny.

They weren't going to start gnawing on Drayden, the hardest bone, but Lock On Drayden's soft underbelly from the very beginning, Iris!

Whether or not Drayden has Iris with him this time, Team Plasma will find her.

a time.

Iris' tensed pretty face turned white.

She is now, not a star and a half away from the future dragon champion of the Unova Region.

Officer Jenny also had a sullen face, and summoned her Arcanine for the first time.


Compared to the threat posed by Drayden Haxorus, Officer Jenny's Arcanine seemed insignificant in their eyes.

Officer Jenny gritted his teeth.

She knew that the "Dark Triangle" was going to use Iris as a threat against Drayden.

And now.

Drayden is the backbone of all Alliance personnel present, and must not become an existence that is held hostage by the other party, nor can Team Plasma obtain the so-called "DNA Splicers"!

"Arcanine, Flamethrower!"


After a roar, a roaring tongue of fire spewed out of Arcanine's mouth.

But the next second.

A sharp metal blade suddenly appeared from the flames, and a sharp long knife slashed Arcanine's flame directly from the middle.


With the strength displayed by "Slash", Bisharp rushed to Officer Jenny in the clanging sound of the armor.

The blade carried on his arm slashed towards Officer Jenny's delicate neck without hesitation.

Before the blade was even close, the strong wind blew Officer Jenny's neck.

And Officer Jenny's result was almost what everyone expected.

At the moment of near despair, Officer Jenny still firmly protected Iris behind him, straightening his body while his pretty face was pale.

As a Jenny family, she knew such a day would come since she became an Alliance policeman and shouldered the security of Opelucid City.


When despair comes.

But I heard the faint sound of Soaring in the sky.

"Duck Duck, Meteor Assault!"

The familiar voice made Officer Jenny's heart suddenly tremble.

next second.

The bright golden starlight flickered in the dark night sky, and a hot meteor mixed with a little firelight suddenly slipped from the sky.

The sound of breaking the sky resounded in everyone's ears.

The fierce energy rolled up by the falling meteor tearing the air also made everyone narrow their eyes unconsciously.

In a trance.

All I saw was a dazzling meteor that flew across a long distance in an instant and crashed to the ground.

boom--! ! !

A turbulent beam of light rose from the ground, a huge roar and a ferocious offensive, directly smashing a huge pit on the ground that was completely frozen.

In the rising smoke.

The serious-looking scallion wanderer, holding its scallion long sword, carried the Bisharp who had come straight to Officer Jenny but was now in a coma, and walked out of the ruins.

"This is. Xia Yan Elite's Pokémon?!"

in the crowd.

There were still people who visited Xia Yan's temporary residence with Drayden that day.

Just no one thought of it.

The green onion soldier who was kicked out like a ball back then had such a powerful strength.

It seems that it is just a reserve ration.

And just that one.

People looked at the fine cracks that spread to their feet, and the pits that appeared after the huge roar.

He swallowed involuntarily.

So strong!


The crisp voice sounded again.

A figure slowly fell from the sky, stepped on the ice, and stood in front of Officer Jenny.

Familiar Black courtesy, Black small suit.

"It's Xia Yan Elite!"

In the crowd, someone couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Many people even clenched their fists directly, their faces flushed.

Officer Jenny stared blankly at the back that appeared in front of him. He only felt that the back at this moment was so tall and majestic, and it was so safe.

The thin white lips moved slightly, and she said softly: "Xia Yan, Elite?"

I saw Xia Yan, who was holding the hat, turned his head slightly, and the corner of his mouth raised an Attract arc.

"Sorry for being late. But it's all right."

never mind.

This sentence came out of Xia Yan's mouth, and in Officer Jenny's ears, he only found it so convincing.

Xia Yan Elite said it was all right, then it must be all right!

bang bang bang-

in the dark shadows.

Three masked figures were thrown by Aegislash and slid in front of Vio on the ice.

It's Team Plasma's Dark Triangle!

Seeing this sudden appearance, Vio's expression was also a little stiff.

Throat is dry.

"Xia Yan Elite."

The shadow of the tree of names.

Even if Vio knew that Xia Yan would appear.

But when he really saw Xia Yan again, his heart still trembled in disappointment.

The figure who was riding on Reshiram's back at the beginning has become a nightmare in the hearts of all Team Plasma members.

Iris stuck his head out from behind Officer Jenny, staring at Xia Yan who suddenly appeared, and the Latios beside him.

do not know why.

It could still hear the voices from Kyurem Rage before, but with the appearance of Xia Yan, those voices all disappeared.

Is Kyurem also feeling the appearance of Xia Yan?

Or did Xia Yan isolate her from Kyurem's voice?

While Iris was wondering, she suddenly saw Officer Jenny doing something strange.


I don't know when Officer Jenny took out his phone.

His face was still pale, but there was a bright blush from it.

Without hesitation, I pressed the shutter button.

Take Xia Yan's back, together with the completely frozen Opelucid City, Team Plasma's [Plasma Frigate], the "Dark Iron Triangle" discarded like garbage, and the opposite Viona's face that is clearly scared but still strong , all included in the lens.


She sent this photo to the "Unova Region Jenny Internal Group" and added:

[Xia Yan Elite, my superman! 】

Iris: "???"

The first second was so tense and exciting, and the next second was so calm.

Is this the influence of Xia Yan Elite?

After confirming that Officer Jenny and Iris were all right, Xia Yan walked to Drayden's side.

Looking at Vio on the opposite side, and the huge ship hovering above the night sky, he squinted his eyes.

"Xia Yan Elite."

Drayden also cried out gratefully.

If it weren't for Xia Yan's timely appearance, he knew that Team Plasma would definitely use Iris as a breakthrough to blackmail him.

By the time.

"DNA Splicers" are sure to be taken.

And the role of "DNA Splicers"

Xia Yan nodded slightly, "Mr. Drayden, leave it to me here."

"sorry to bother you."

Drayden didn't mean to back down either.

Xia Yan took over the command of the scene directly from his hands.


A red light flashed.

The Poké Ball on Xia Yan's waist opened on its own, and little Vulpix appeared from it.

Aiming at the frozen surroundings, he unconsciously shook the hair on his body and stretched his body.

Seeing Vulpix appearing, Xia Yan did not reprimand it for coming out without authorization.

It was only after a brief stunned moment that a smile appeared.

"Really? You feel it."


Little Vulpix Cianwood-colored eyes blinked twice, then looked towards the [Plasma Frigate] in the sky.

In the transparent cage, Kyurem also stopped Struggle and looked down.

"Xia Yan Elite, even if you come, you can't stop it."

When Xia Yan looked at [Plasma Frigate], Vio, who had slowed down, finally spoke up again, with a little sweat on his forehead, and his expression was a little uncontrollable.

"Absolutely cold."

Xia Yan ignored him and just said to Vulpix.


see you.

Vulpix wiggled his tail, spit out a pale beam of light, and landed directly on Vio, who was still in the noise.

No one could have imagined that Xia Yan would kill him if he disagreed.

It is estimated that even Vio, one of the Seven Sages, did not expect it.

When Vulpix's extremely cold beam fell on him, Vio, who had only finished speaking, was frozen into an ice sculpture with frightened eyes.

Xia Yan didn't give him the chance to resist.

When Vio was frozen into an ice sculpture, Xia Yan still looked at the sky.

With the help of Psychic, he said loudly: "Ghetsis!"

After a brief silence.

[Plasma Frigate] projected a huge screen.

Ghetsis was black with a cane.

What happened to Vio was something he didn't expect.

However, he remained calm enough, and after a long while, he suddenly smiled again.

"Xia Yan Elite, long time no see."

Xia Yan waved his hand, "I thought you would settle down for a while. Now I'll save my time and find you."

After a short pause, he held on to his hat and showed a sunny smile.

"Tell me, are you going to follow me directly, or will I beat you up and then follow me?"

In the face of the extremely confident Xia Yan, Ghetsis was directly laughed at.

"Take me away? You can deal with Kyurem first."


Ghetsis pressed a button directly on the console.

Kyurem, who had finally calmed down in the transparent cage, let out a roar of Struggle again, but to no avail.

The light blue energy was transported into the [Plasma Frigate] along the catheter inserted into Kyurem's body.

With the huge roar of the turbo.

The terrifying Ice Beam that froze the entire Opelucid City before erupted again.


Compared to before, the extremely cold air carried by the beam this time is more infiltrating.

The expressions of Drayden and the others who saw this scene changed suddenly.


It's just that Opelucid City is frozen.

If Team Plasma continues to output frost, I am afraid that Opelucid City, including all the surrounding areas outside Opelucid City, will be frozen.


If Team Plasma decides a little further.

It is not impossible to freeze the entire Unova Region.

Kyurem, definitely has such strength!

This is the power of the beast!

Ghetsis standing in the [Plasma Frigate] control room, rubbing his cane lightly, staring at Xia Yan on the screen.

"Summon Reshiram? Only Reshiram can stop this crisis. Summon now! Let me experience the power of the 'True Dragon' once again!"

There was a hint of madness and fiery in his eyes.

what he was waiting for.

It is the appearance of Reshiram!

"Team Plasma's technology advances so quickly, Kyurem's power can be used so easily."

"Yan Xia" standing on the roof looked at the [Plasma Frigate] in the air and said slowly.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

Only when Ruo Ruwu's eyes fell on Xia Yan in the center of the square, a flash of worry flashed.

But quickly disappeared.

Akroma next to him gritted his teeth.

"Give me time and I can do it too, and do it better!"

"Yan Xia" glanced at him and said with a smile:

"Of course, this is what 'you' did."

"I'm not him!"

Akroma growled.

It looks like a cat jumping up when its tail is stepped on.

How could he, who claims to be the first genius, admit to losing to another person in technology.

Even if that person is the "he" of another world.

Whether or not they have the same name, the same appearance, the same experiences and encounters.

But some trifles they have experienced, some seemingly trivial things, still give them different perspectives and perspectives.

And the impact of these trivial things piled up has also created two people with completely different ideas.

Since the thoughts are different, it is naturally impossible to be the same person.

Akroma from another world is someone who has experienced Team Plasma's disintegration and reunion.

He eventually became the leader of Team Plasma.

With Akroma, who is still a mere Team Plasma scientist, it is impossible to have a completely unified mind.

not to mention.

Akroma hates taking shortcuts!

He enjoys the creative process and the surprise of seeing his results.

I don't like to directly apply other people's results.

Because it lacked the results of the intermediate process, he didn't feel the slightest joy.

Can be biased.

All Ghetsis needs are those results.

Like this action.

If the "DNA Splicers" are available, Akroma will study it to create a better product.

And Ghetsis only thinks about using "DNA Splicers" directly.

That Akroma from another world did directly give Ghetsis a better product after researching "DNA Splicers".

But that's not what the Akroma of this world did.

If the joy of enjoying the results is taken away by another person, what is the meaning of his existence?

This is the disagreement and contradiction between Akroma and Ghetsis, and Akroma in another world.

"Then change the platform to show your talent." "Yan Xia" said with flickering eyes.


Akroma fell silent.

This was one of the reasons why he wanted to contact "Yan Xia" through the Hunter Guild.

"Fixing it is my first test for you."

talking room.

"Yan Xia" stuffed the Poké Ball with Porygon-Z into Akroma's hand.

Looking through the surface of the Poké Ball, watching Porygon-Z without a movement in it, Akroma clenched her hands.

Take a long breath.

When looking at [Plasma Frigate] again, I happened to see it spit out a pale beam again.

Slowly said: "Unstoppable, Ghetsis wants to see Reshiram appear."

A smile appeared on "Yan Xia"'s face.

Can't stop?

"No, he can't stop it."

Using only the voice he could hear, he murmured in a low voice.

"Is Kyurem's power only used to this extent?"

How strong is Kyurem?

That is an existence that can completely freeze an entire area, even if it is just an unconscious release of energy.

Opelucid City is frozen.

It looks spectacular and powerful.

But this is still far from Kyurem's true power.

this point.

Maybe others don't know.

But Xia Yan, who had really seen the power of Kyurem, knew it all too well.

did you see.

Even the little Vulpix, who was an ice-type Pokémon by his side, did not show any fear or awe, but faced the pale light beam that was about to fall.


The Sky of Opelucid City began to flutter the crystal Icirrus.

It added a bit of anger to the entire frozen city.

The surrounding environment, as well as Kyurem's frost power, made the "snowfall" ability of the little Vulpix to show vividly.

The fluttering snow soon turned into a large piece of goose feather Icirrus.


Slowly, round Hails appeared.

And little Vulpix's snow-white and crystal clear body also showed a faint light-colored fluorescence, and the bulging ice-type energy spread and spread along its body.

The falling pale light beam and the flying snow Hail raised by the little Vulpix seem to complement each other.

However, the two forces did not assist each other, but produced a lot of confrontation.

But obviously.

Although Team Plasma did not fully utilize Kyurem's power, for little Vulpix, it was also an insurmountable mountain, not an existence that it could fight against.

The snowstorm is getting bigger and bigger, but the pale light beam is still unstoppable.

"Xia Yan Elite wants to block this force with that Vulpix?"

In the crowd behind, those who saw this scene couldn't help but speak out, with unconcealed surprise.

Block Kyurem's power with a quasi-Elite Vulpix?

Even if the other party is Xia Yan Elite, it is too much.

"Believe in Xia Yan Elite!"

Officer Jenny said firmly.


"He's creating an opportunity for his Pokémon." Drayden, who had been looking at Xia Yan, had a flash of enlightenment on his face.


"Fighting ice and snow against ice and snow is a challenge of disparity in itself. But did you see any fear or fear in that Vulpix's eyes?" Drayden said again.

Following his words, everyone looked around.


From Xia Yan's Vulpix eyes, all they see is hard work, hard work and hard work.

"So. Xia Yan Elite is using Kyurem as the pedal of his Vulpix?"

The person who said this was in disbelief.

Use the beast as a pedal?

Few people in the entire Pokémon world dare to be so big, right?

a bad one.

You might hang up first.

Drayden's eyes were also fixed on Xia Yan and Vulpix.

He had to admit that Xia Yan was really bold.

But for some reason, he felt that Xia Yan had enough confidence for him to make such a bold attempt.

"Fighting the ice element against the ice element and finding your own way?" Drayden murmured.

The pale beams fell fast.

Everything seemed to happen in an instant.

Seeing to fall.

Instead, Xia Yan turned to look at Vulpix and asked with a smile, "How is it?"


Little Vulpix raised his head, and called out with no weakness at all.

Kyurem, there is a trick called "Glaciate"!

And Xia Yan learned a combination move from Pryce, also called "Glaciate".

The Opelucid City at this time was the frozen "world".

Little Vulpix integrated the combination of "Ice Beam" and "Sheer Cold" early on.

But it has been slow to find the entry point to integrate into "Blizzard", and has been stuck.

but now.

Little Vulpix figured out the trick from Kyurem's most intuitive energy.

Right in the midst of Blizzard's collision with the pale beam.


The smile on Xia Yan's face was even bigger.

At some point in my hand, a pure white gem appeared, Ice Stone!

Top quality Ice Stone!

Without hesitation, he pressed it on the little Vulpix's head.

"Transform in the wind and snow, Ninetales!"

As the Ice Stone came into contact with the little Vulpix, a dazzling pale light burst out from his whole body, completely covering the Vulpix in an instant.

at the same time.

The pale beam of light falling from the [Plasma Frigate] was already in sight.

But on Xia Yan, a huge black hole appeared.

Directly meet the beam.

The handsome figure of Haze dragged and appeared in front of Xia Yan.

The raised arm has the power to face the pale beam.


This is why Xia Yan dared to let Vulpix try so boldly.

Facts also prove.

The benefits Kyurem gives Vulpix are pretty intuitive.

【I want to go back to Sinnoh! Don't try to pull me to do white jobs again! ! 】

Darkrai's helpless roar resounded in Xia Yan's mind.

"Buy you a cell phone."

Darkrai: "Ooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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