The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 947 And You, Will Become The Sun! (5K+!)

Chapter 946 And you, will become the sun! (5k+!)

[Plasma Frigate]'s frozen cannon, the little Vulpix, can't be stopped.

But the frozen cannon that couldn't fully exert Kyurem's power was not too difficult for Darkrai, who had "the money is in place and the beasts were destroyed".

at the same time.

Xia Yan also took this opportunity to let the little Vulpix have a good experience. The power and power of the world's truly top-level terrifying ice energy has broadened its understanding and vision of ice energy, and it also allows it to " Glaciate" this move, have a more in-depth understanding.

And what Xia Yan really wanted.

Obviously it is the opportunity to make the little Vulpix evolve.

The time is right now.


With the scattering and fluttering of countless flying snows, the rich ice-type energy exploded.

The scattered ice energy, almost in an instant, turned into sharp and hard Icicle Spears around Xia Yan.

Immediately after.

One after another, snow-white tails like satin stretched out.

In the misty and illusory flying snow, under the mist, it adds a bit of beauty and mystery.

Appearing on Xia Yan's side again is the ice Ninetales that has completed the evolution!

Pure blue pupils, like two Sapphire of the highest quality, the body is well-proportioned, and it looks noble and elegant.

The flowing hair at the back of his head swayed gently in the wind and snow.

Turning his head to the side, his cold and soft tongue licked affectionately on Xia Yan's cheek.

Xia Yan also smiled and enjoyed the intimacy of Ninetales.

The effect brought by the "Top Ice Stone" is quite remarkable. The evolved Ninetales not only reached the Elite level in one fell swoop, but also gained a full baptism of its own ice energy, which makes Ninetales look so noble and elegant.

And after the evolution of Ninetales, it became the Pokémon of Ice and Fairy.

At this point, Ninetales with these two attributes can truly be called dragon nemesis!

"Congratulations, Ninetales."


A brisk and melodious sound from Ninetales raised the sky, and the originally very dense snow became even more wanton.

It seems to have a posture that completely blocks the sight of everyone around.

The temperature in the already cold Opelucid City dropped a few degrees again.

Afraid of the cold, Iris curled up in Officer Jenny's arms, his upper and lower rows of teeth fighting.

very cold!


"It's so pretty," Iris murmured.

She dislikes ice-type Pokémon the least, and after seeing the appearance of Ninetales, she is completely conquered by it.

Not a single Stephanie can escape the capture of the Ice Ninetales.

Officer Jenny, who heard her words, also nodded without hesitation.

"All right."

Xia Yan stroked Ninetales' long flowing hair lightly, and said with a smile, "If we go further, Opelucid City will really be frozen."

Ninetales stuck out his tongue cutely, and immediately stopped using his "Snowfall" ability.

In an instant.

All the snow and ice disappeared.

It can be seen from this.

The evolved Ice Ninetales has a good grasp of its own energy.

"It's time to solve the problem."

【Have you finished talking? 】

Darkrai looked at each Pokémon angrily, and at the same time Knock Off the ice crystals and stubble stuck to his body.

They are comfortable, but it is the hardest.

Looking at its appearance, Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.

Even Ninetales couldn't help but chuckle twice.

Xia Yan reached out and brushed off some of the ice crystals on Dakley's head that he didn't notice.

Then he looked at [Plasma Frigate] again, his expression became serious.

His palms brushed his waist.

In the red light one after another.

Beedrill, Alakazam, Togekiss, Aegislash, Infernape, Sylveon appear one by one.

Plus the Latios, Onion Rangers and the newly evolved Ninetales.

A total of nine Pokémons of Elite rank or higher.

Around Xia Yan's side, they all looked at the [Plasma Frigate] in the air.

This scene.

Watching Officer Jenny's group of Alliance Trainers from Opelucid City secretly stunned.

So many powerful Pokémon?

As expected of the famous Xia Yan Elite.

Plus that Darkrai, which is strong enough to resist Kyurem's "freeze cannon".

Xia Yan alone can solve this Team Plasma attack, right?

Ghetsis on [Plasma Frigate] didn't expect their attack to be used by Xia Yan.

While Rage punched the console, he saw the Pokémon summoned by Xia Yan.

Eyebrows twitched.

"Think you don't need to summon Reshiram because you have a Darkrai?"

Ghetsis gritted his teeth.

Then he yelled at the person sitting next to the console: "Turn up the power to the maximum for me!"

"Lord Ghetsis, but so"

"To shut up!"

In the face of the raging Ghetsis, the average Team Plasma member didn't dare to get in trouble.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he pushed the lever on the console to the very top.

Ghetsis had a hideous look on his face.

Without hesitation, the launch button was pressed again.

"I see how you block this time!"


This time.

Even through the transparent glass cage, Kyurem's painful roar could be vaguely heard.

Iris covered her ears for the first time, curled up tightly, and kept shouting, "Stop! Stop! Stop!!"

And Kyurem's reaction, as well as Iris's reaction, were seen by Xia Yan.

His face suddenly sank.

At the same time in the building.

Akroma's face was not very good-looking, but he still said: "Although I don't want to admit it, I can't deny that his technical understanding is indeed better than mine for the time being. The technology that stimulates and strengthens Pokémon has been used in on Kyurem."

Tight and serious.

"This time, I'm afraid the power will be stronger than one."

The "Yan Xia" who heard the words also cast a vague worry towards Xia Yan on the ground.

Darkrai's expression froze as he looked at Kyurem's pained expression.

[Really. Are you going to fight this guy? 】

From Kyurem, Darkrai felt a sense of oppression not inferior to that of Opelucid.

Xia Yan did not answer.

But he still looked directly at the movements of 【Plasma Frigate】, which undoubtedly gave the best answer.

Seeing this, Darkrai took a deep breath.


Just heard the tremors from above the night sky, and the thick gun barrel spewed out a more surging pale light beam.

And Xia Yan's choice was also decisive.

"With people, run as far as you can!"

After shouting to Drayden and the others, he rolled over and sat on Latios' back.

This shot.

Can't take it!


Alakazam's eyes flickered with Psychic, and he instantly wrapped Xia Yan and all the Pokémon, directly cast "Teleport", and appeared on the deck of [Plasma Frigate].

Can't get that one.

Too much pressure on Darkrai.

It's impossible for Xia Yan to really ignore Darkrai's safety completely.


The current Opelucid City has been frozen, the big deal is that the freezing is a little more serious, and it will be more troublesome to deal with at that time.

Compared to this, we should solve Team Plasma first, destroy [Plasma Frigate], and release Kyurem.


It can only be passively beaten all the time.

But when Xia Yan led a group of Pokémon on the deck of [Plasma Frigate], the members of Team Plasma were already waiting.

All of them looked at the Elite Four in front of them with serious and nervous expressions, which made them even dream.


Xia Yan didn't even glance at the trash fish of Team Plasma, and walked directly towards the control room.

"Damn! Stop him!"

For Xia Yan's ignorance, Team Plasma members felt humiliated, and one by one directed Pokémon to step forward to resist.

But listen.


Nine slender and detailed tails spread out, and in this area on the deck, there was actually a heavy snowfall of goose feathers.

After a low cry from Ninetales, the members of Team Plasma suddenly found out.

As long as you touch the falling Icirrus, that part will be completely frozen into ice cubes!

And the number of Icirrus on the deck at the moment.

Someone looked up and there was despair in their eyes.

Da da da--

With the crisp footsteps and kicks, Xia Yan entered the [Plasma Frigate] cabin without any obstruction.

And on the deck.

There are various ice sculptures standing there.


This is "Glaciate" by Ninetales!

After Kyurem's stimulation and evolution, Ninetales finally mastered the entry method of Pryce's ultimate trick "Glaciate".

Only used for the first time.

It showed enough terrifying power.

And when Xia Yanfu walked into the cabin, he saw Ghetsis waiting for him here, as well as a group of high-level Team Plasma.

As long as Xia Yan doesn't summon Reshiram, Ghetsis doesn't really care about him.

Even if it is a champion, Ghetsis will not lose his mind, let alone an Elite?

Even if there is that Darkrai.

But he, Ghetsis, also has his means.

But in between.

Ghetsis smiled and waved.

"Xia Yan Elite actually came to our [Plasma Frigate], then I must give you a big gift."

The voice fell.

A virtual screen fell between the two.

Immediately after.

On the screen, the picture of today's Opelucid City is presented.

see you.

After the freezing cannon that Xia Yan had to avoid before landed, the terrifying ice energy spread wildly again.

The already frozen Opelucid City was frozen even more tightly.

This was within Xia Yan's expectations.

But when he saw another scene, he couldn't help frowning.

I see.

The extremely cold ice energy swept away like a normal tide. It not only strengthened the ice block of the entire Opelucid City, but the most important thing was that some ordinary people or trainers who were not strong enough were swept away by this force. , also slowly frozen into ice sculptures.

Then I heard Ghetsis gesturing his fingers, and said quietly:

"We have increased the power of freezing a little bit. Xia Yan Elite also likes to freeze people into ice sculptures. This should suit your taste. Is it a good Present?"

While speaking, he also glanced sideways at the group of Team Plasma members who were frozen into ice sculptures by Xia Yan on the deck.

Xia Yan took a deep look at the complacent Ghetsis.

Step out of the cabin.

Have to admit.

Still underestimated the technological capabilities of the full body Akroma.

He wasn't just able to use Kyurem's Power Assist technology.

It can even reconcile and strengthen a certain ability of Kyurem.

The freezing effect on humans and Pokémon this time was something Xia Yan did not expect.

Come to the bow.

Looking at the misty cold air that spreads like a Mist.

There is quite a sense of sight in "The Day After Tomorrow".

Accompanied by all kinds of desperate, mourning, Struggle noises.

[Knowing this earlier, it should be stopped. 】

Darkrai sees it more clearly than Xia Yan, and it has a complicated expression.

If it had known that this kind of damage would be done to humans and Pokémon, it would have stopped it even if it was hurt.

Xia Yan shook his head.

Throws a Poké Ball again.

Larvesta appeared in front of Xia Yan.

"Infernape, Ninetales, Larvesta, Duck Duck, go and help stop the cold from spreading."


The four Pokémon immediately nodded solemnly.

[Leave it to me. 】

At this time.

An ordinary Poké Ball on Xia Yan's body split, and a Volcarona waving three pairs of fiery red wings appeared behind him.

Because he was using an ordinary Poké Ball, Xia Yan didn't plan to do anything to Volcarona.

More, maybe hope it can become Larvesta's Teacher.

I just didn't expect that Volcarona broke the Poké Ball directly.


Its Contest Condition.

"You" Xia Yan shrank when he saw Volcarona.

[Three thousand years. 】

Volcarona looked up at the night sky, at the stars dotted in the thick dark clouds.

[It has been enshrined as a 'sun' for three thousand years. 】

It turned to look at Larvesta, who was lying on the railing.

said with a smile:

[Little guy, you have to keep this in mind. We, Volcarona, are the personification of the sun. And you will be the sun! 】

Say it.

Volcarona vibrated its wings, and along with a fiery airflow, spread its wings in the surging flames that rose in an instant.

The raging flames continued to rise from its body, and bits and pieces of scale powder were scattered.

Like a real sun Normal, Volcarona slowly lifted into the sky.

The dense dark clouds were dispelled, the rolling cold current was repelled, and Cal and temperature were brought to every corner of Opelucid City.

this moment.

Opelucid City enters midday!

Those scattered scale powder also turned into fiery red flames in midair.

The cold snap, bit by bit, was dispelled by Volcarona's power.

People are grateful and eager for Volcarona to appear in Soaring in the sky.

"That's. Volcarona of the Alder Champion?!"

"No! That's not it!"

"That's the Volcarona summoned by Xia Yan Elite!"

The bow of [Plasma Frigate].


Larvesta stared blankly at the burning Volcarona and whimpered.

Xia Yan couldn't help pressing his temple.

He doesn't understand.

Why do these Volcaronas, one by one, always want to bloom with the last light and heat and become the sun when there is nothing to do?

Even if it has lived for so long, its lifespan is not long.

Even though, 'Night Meteorite' caused irreversible damage to its body.

Even if it wants to set an excellent example with Larvesta.

But you don't have to sacrifice your life at every turn, right?

Feeling the Cal and temperature brought by Volcarona, watching Larvesta's lost face.

Xia Yan gently put his palm on it.

He chuckled lightly and said:

"Don't worry, it was impossible before. Now, it has to ask me if it wants to die."

"Woooo?! (Really?!)"

Larvesta's eyes lit up instantly.

Xia Yan nodded firmly.

"No way, I'm a saver. Saving electricity is my habit. There is just one less light bulb at home, so I think it's good."


A group of Pokémon couldn't help looking towards Xia Yan.

Volcarona, light bulb?

Xia Yan coughed lightly.

"Cough cough. However, after all, this is Volcarona teaching you a lesson with what it thinks it's last life, take a good look."


Larvesta nodded firmly.

A golden flame also rose from his body, and it flashed in response to Volcarona in mid-air.

a time.

While people were grateful to Volcarona, they saw another golden fire flickering on [Plasma Frigate].

This golden Cal seems to have the ability to heal, making everyone and Pokémon irradiated feel a little comfort.

In the fierce fire, Volcarona looked at Larvesta with a look of relief in his eyes.

Flutter again.

The flames flew and turned into a huge crimson butterfly.

next second.

On the [Plasma Frigate], the wings constructed by a pair of golden flames also unfolded.

Xia Yan seemed to feel something.

Take out 'Night Meteorite'.

I saw this piece of Meteorite that contained terrifying energy, exuding a faint halo at this time.

A steady stream of energy converges towards Larvesta.

at the same time.

Larvesta's pair of golden flame wings suddenly contracted, turning into a golden cocoon.

Innumerable flames are like silk threads Normal, wrapping Larvesta.

The last baptism did not change Larvesta.

The flame that Volcarona bloomed at the end of his life this time finally made Larvesta usher in a qualitative change at this moment.

Inside the cocoon, a miracle is happening.

I don't know how long has passed.

Hearing a crisp "click", a crack appeared on the cocoon.

Immediately after.

The cracks became more and more dense, and the huge cocoons slowly opened.

A pair of golden-red wings slowly stretched out from it.

Followed by the second pair and the third pair.

A dark speck slowly appeared on the wings.

The fiery airflow also swept the entire [Plasma Frigate] at this moment.


Accompanied by a high-pitched chirping.

A brand new Volcarona appeared in everyone's sight.

And its appearance also successfully took over the role of "sun" from the hands of the elderly Volcarona.

Continue to bring light and heat.

Seeing this scene, the elderly Volcarona showed a look of relief.

The light on his body gradually dimmed.

fell from the sky.


Volcarona spread her wings and tried to rescue, but saw a row of extremely fast and neat flying saucers shooting from a distance.

Pick up the fallen aged Volcarona.

And it landed on [Plasma Frigate].

Just listening to the crisp metal clang, those "flying saucers" turned into Pokémons.


[Chief, are we not late? 】

Genesect Xiaohuo asked cautiously.


PS: Today's 1.1w, ask for a monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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