The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 954 Talents Are Born In Pallet Town, The Folk Customs Are Simple And Special (7K+!)

Chapter 953 Talents are born in Pallet Town, the folk customs are simple and special (7k+!)

"What more dirty cough, quality tactics?"

Qinglu asked hesitantly.

Looking at Qinglu's "humbly studying" expression, Xia Yan paused briefly and said slowly:

"There must be a lot of them, such as the 'Heart of Justice Quality Triad', the 'Quality Reduction Rock Slide' tactic, and the 'Curse Destiny Bond' tactic, etc. Different entry points have different tactics.”

Looking at Xia Yan, who was talking eloquently, Qinglu swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

Although the name of each tactic sounds like "quality".

But Qinglu already understands what is behind this so-called "quality".

But don't know why.

Just a little excited what to do?


Let the arrogant Qinglu take the initiative to go to Xia Yan to study, he seems to be a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Xia Yan quickly opened the topic.

"By the way, what are you looking for Chi Hong?"

After confirming Xia Yan's identity, Qinglu's hostility to him instantly dissipated.

Considering the relationship between Xia Yan and Chihong, Qinglu pondered for a while before saying, "My grandfather, it's Professor Oak, let me and Chihong go back quickly."

Professor Oak?

Xia Yan touched his chin.

"Then I think, you may not have to wait for Crimson, maybe he has already received the news from Professor Oak and went back?"

Say so.

It's not entirely impossible.

"Also, do you think that with the strength of Crimson, do you need to worry about his safety?"

Although according to the current strength of Qinglu, Crimson should not have reached the level of Ultimate Crimson.

But it is estimated that it is comparable to or even surpasses the Elite Four, so it is not a big problem, right?

"Makes sense."

After thinking about it for a while, Qinglu nodded.

Xia Yan smiled, stretched out long, and made a few crisp sounds from his body.

"Exactly. I also want to talk to Professor Oak about something, why not join us?"

"Teacher Xia Yan knows my grandfather?" Qinglu looked at him slightly surprised.

Xia Yan shrugged.

Who doesn't know the famous Professor Oak?

It's just that Professor Oak in this world, only Xia Yan knows him, but he doesn't know Xia Yan.

But he still felt the need to get in touch and have a look.

If this world is really just a pure special world.

Then Professor Oak's power and status in the Alliance should be very high in this world, and the Pokémon Pokédex he created is also something Xia Yan felt necessary to touch.

"Really?" Qinglu whispered.

He had no doubts that Xia Yan knew Professor Oak, and then added: "Alright."

Just on the way, he can also "research" tactics with Xia Yan.

Say it.

Turquoise put away Arcanine, who had simply dealt with her injury, and threw the Poké Ball to summon his Charizard.


Same as red.

Among the main Pokémon of the green and green, there are also three Pokémon of the Kanto Region.

Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise are all strong.

Among them, Blastoise is his Earl Dervish Pokémon.

Xia Yan threw the Poké Ball and summoned Latios.



When Qinglu saw Latios, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Although in the world of the special chapter, it is not an exaggeration to say that divine beasts are flooded.

But after all, there is still not much contact and experience, so it is inevitable that there will be some surprises.

Xia Yan smiled and said nothing.

The two rode their respective Pokémon and galloped away in the direction of Pallet Town.

on the way.

Xia Yan couldn't help but ask: "Qinglu, I heard that you seem to be the champion for five minutes after challenging the Indigo Alliance?"


Being poked into a sore spot, Qinglu couldn't hold back and uttered a foul language.

Then he emphasized: "It's obviously five minutes and thirty-seven seconds!"

"Good guy."

Did you hold the stopwatch as the champion?

Leave Mt. Silver.

All the way through Nibi City, Vibrant City and arrived at Pallet Town.

Today, Qinglu also serves as the head of a gym in Vibran City.

It's just that after he became the gym owner of Vibran City, he did not give up the road of traveling and becoming stronger.

As a result, Nibi City often makes many trainers run for nothing because the owner of the museum is not there.


After Qinglu served as the gym owner of Joban City, Joban City has always ranked first in the difficulty factor of gym challenges in the entire Kanto Region.

The name of green and green has also made many trainers who think they have strength come to challenge.

The result is often a failure in most cases.

It can be said.

By one's own power.

Green and green have raised the quality of each subsequent "Indigo Alliance Competition".

Made an "outstanding" contribution to the development of the Alliance.

When Charizard and Latios landed in Pallet Town, Xia Yan also learned a lot about the world from Qinglu's mouth along the way.

This world, although it is mainly a world constructed by the characters of the special chapter.

But it doesn't quite follow the plot in the special chapter.

For example.

The Kanto Elite Four experienced during the Xiaohuang plot in the original book is an idle private organization, but this is not the case here.

Elite Four represents the highest official combat power of a Region Alliance.


There are also many of the same as in the special chapter.

Simple explanation.

It is a world mainly built for the special story, but it has undergone certain world revisions and improvements.

It doesn't seem so abrupt and contradictory.

And among them.

Xia Yan mainly confirmed one point.

That is the Rockets, were they disbanded by Crimson?

And Qinglu's answer was that he didn't know.

The leader of the Rockets, Giovanni, is indeed missing, and many members of the Rockets have been arrested by the Alliance.

But it doesn't mean that the Rockets have completely disappeared.

Occasionally, it is still possible to obtain and learn some information about the Rockets' activity.

It's just that Giovanni's trace has become a mystery.

through these.

Xia Yan also roughly understood the timeline of this world.

"Xia, Teacher Xia Yan?!"

When Xia Yan and Qinglu approached Professor Oak Laboratory chatting, they happened to meet Crimson who had also just returned.

It was just that when Chi Hong saw Xia Yan, the whole person was stunned.

Some even rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

"Yo, Crimson, long time no see." Xia Yan smiled and waved his hand.

Crimson was very surprised by Xia Yan's appearance.

But there are more surprises than surprises.

He didn't expect it.

The two will actually meet again one day.


"Eh? Teacher Xia Yan, why does it seem like you haven't changed much after a few years?" Chi Hong looked at Xia Yan, who was almost exactly the same as in his impression, and couldn't understand the situation.

Xia Yan pressed his hat slightly.

With a smile, he said, "Men, until death is a teenager."

"Is that what you said?" Chihong looked at Qinglu.

But I saw Qinglu lowered his head and muttered and repeated Xia Yan's words.

"Men. Are you a teenager until death?"

Immediately it made sense.

Crimson didn't bother too much about this matter.

"By the way, Teacher Xia Yan, how did you and Qinglu meet?"

"That's a long story." Xia Yan replied with a smile.

Afterwards, while chatting, the three of them walked in the direction of Professor Oak Laboratory.

Along the way, I saw a lot of young kids playing.

Attempt to capture a Nidorino.

Crimson and Turquoise couldn't help but sigh, Pallet Town was still the same.

"I heard that there have been many young and outstanding trainers in Pallet Town these years." Chi Hong looked "old-fashioned".

Green nodded slightly.

"I did see quite a few at the Victory Gym. One of the young men left a deep impression on me. He is very similar to you." As he spoke, he looked at Chi Hong.

"Oh?" The red eyes lit up, "Who?"

"A kid named Ash."

"Ash." Chi Hong showed a stunned expression, obviously having been in contact with Ash as well.

Their seemingly bland communication made Xia Yan feel that something was wrong.

"Wait, wait. Who are you talking about? Ash?" Xia Yan couldn't help interrupting their communication.

Why does Ash still appear in the red and green plot?

Isn't that messed up?

"Yes. Has Teacher Xia Yan seen him too?" Qinglu asked Xia Yan, who was a little surprised.

Xia Yan: "."

Head up forty-five degrees.

Let me take it easy.

He finally thought that he had figured out the situation in this world.

Now, because of the appearance of the name "Ash", his mind was confused again.

Then he looked at Qinglu and asked thoughtlessly, "Qinglu, do you have a younger brother?"

"No. I do have a sister."

That is to say.

Master Zhi's first rival, Gary, was harmed like this?

Isn't that a lot of fun missing from Master Zhi's growth path?

Will the Rockets trio still keep an eye on his Pikachu?


And the Rockets trio?

The red and green looked at each other.

I don't understand what happened to Xia Yan.

Suddenly it became a little strange.



When the three approached Professor Oak Laboratory, Latios, who was following Xia Yan, suddenly became serious and drank lowly.

Xia Yan also immediately recovered from his contemplation, Psychic spread instantly, and his eyes became sharp and glanced around.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Xia Yan who suddenly became serious, Chihong and Qinglu asked subconsciously.

But as soon as they made a sound, their expressions changed immediately.



A white light bounced from somewhere, and the speed was so fast that the red and green were a little unable to react.

Charizard, who followed Qinglu's side, and Venusaur, who followed Crimson's side, were inexplicably attacked by this fierce white light.

"Latios, Ally Switch!"

But Xia Yan, who had warned earlier than the two, responded.

As he rubbed his palm across his waist to summon Pokémon, Latios' eyes flickered with psychic fluctuations.

After a brief twist and fold in space.

The red and green were exchanged to Xia Yan's side for the first time.

"Luster Purge!"

A mouthful of milky white rich light spewed out of its mouth, and under Psychic's Lock On, it swept towards the extremely fast source.

boom! !

But he saw that the figure's speed increased again, causing Latios's attack to miss.

"Scallion Ranger, Hell Pierce!"

Xia Yan was not surprised.

The summoned duck duck immediately felt the threat from that figure, the green onion sword wrapped in the dark light, and Latios blocked head to tail.

at the same time.

After the initial attack, both Crimson and Green also reacted.

"Charizard, Flamethrower!"

"Venusaur, sunshine flames!"

Attacks from four directions directly surrounded the white light.

Under Xia Yan's Psychic perception.

The extremely fast existence finally paused slightly, allowing Xia Yan to see its appearance clearly.

The orange-red body is interspersed with a few touches of light blue.

His eyes were sharp and fierce.


Xia Yan's heart trembled slightly.

Although he had roughly guessed the identity of this guy, when he was really sure that it was Deoxys, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel surprised.

Is this the world of the special chapter?

Deoxys are starting to run all over the place?

Is Rayquaza eating dry?

In addition to being shocked, Xia Yan knew that it was impossible to fight against Deoxys with Latios and the onion wandering soldiers alone.

Adding red and turquoise Charizard and Venusaur doesn't help either.

At least.

From speed theory alone, there is no real threat to Deoxys.


Beedrill can compete with it in speed.

And Deoxys, whose figure paused for a while, looked at Xia Yan, but couldn't help but have some doubts in his eyes.

It felt a familiar feeling from Xia Yan's body.

However, Deoxys didn't stop. After taking a deep look at Xia Yan, he quickly disappeared from the sight of the three of them.

"what is that?!"

It wasn't until Deoxys left that the red and turquoise reacted.

Just now.

The two of them were also caught off guard, otherwise they wouldn't be so embarrassed.

The two looked at Xia Yan at the same time.

Because just now, only Xia Yan reacted, and also made a certain response.

In their opinion, maybe Xia Yan can know its identity.

But Xia Yan fell into contemplation again.

This scene.

How does it feel so familiar without him?


Qinglu suddenly reacted.

He hurriedly ran in the direction of Professor Oak Laboratory.

The red face also changed slightly, and immediately followed.

Looking at the two who walked into the Laboratory, Xia Yan slowly recalled this episode.

His expression was a little weird.

Shaking his head slightly mockingly, he whispered to himself, "It's true, there are so many talents coming out of Pallet Town, and the folk customs are simple and honest."


The onion wandering soldier who had failed with his "Throat Chop" just now returned to Xia Yan's side.

Xia Yan squinted at it, "I still have a lot of doubts."

Said and walked to the Laboratory.

The onion soldier scratched his head.


Latios tapped it on the shoulder, motioning it to follow.

As soon as he walked into the Laboratory, he saw an ugly face of red and green.

On the research platform in front of them, there are three envelopes with "RED", "GREEN" and "BLUE" written on them.

and three special recording devices.

After opening the envelope, there was a S.S Ticket inside.

It says "Vermilion Ship Association".

See this S.S Ticket.

Xia Yan completely confirmed it.

It is the plot of Giovanni's first comeback after the first comeback.

I couldn't help but narrow my eyes.

At the same time, he thought to himself: 'Also, if you can get in touch with Professor Oak and Boss Giovanni at the same time, you can understand this world faster, and figure out which group of people is causing trouble in the other world. ’

At least.

Originally, Xia Yan guessed that the option of Team Rainbow Rockets after the event "RR" was excluded.

"To confiscate the Pokémon Pokédex from all of you!"

Professor Oak's voice sounded from the recording device held up by Qinglu.

That's why Qinglu is in a hurry to find Crimson and return to Pallet Town.

Pokémon Pokédex is still rather special in this world.

It is not only a very useful tool, but also a status symbol, representing a person valued by Professor Oak and has a special status in the Alliance.


They were still a step too late.

Professor Oak is missing.

And ask them to return the Pokémon Pokédex.

After some debate, the two finally decided to believe Professor Oak's words and put Pokédex into the "Item Storage System" device.

Looking at the two Pokédex, disappeared from their eyes.

And Xia Yan.

Then I observed the Professor Oak Laboratory.

However, like his Teacher Professor Oak, this Laboratory is not very Contest repaired, but looks a bit shabby.

But many of these devices are readily available.

Go to the main computer where the data is stored.

Xia Yan calmly took out his phone.

Porygon-Z dived directly into it as current data.

But soon came back.

Xia Yan learned through telepathy.

A large part of the data in the database is missing, as if it was forcibly erased and formatted, and what it has gained is not much.

But it's better than nothing.

Xia Yan silently put away the phone.

And Crimson and Green finally discussed a result.

Either way, they're going to Vermilion City, and check it out on the cruise named by Professor Oak!

"Teacher Xia Yan, we are going to Vermilion City, you" Chi Hong looked at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan waved his hand.

"Let's do it together, I'm also curious about what happened to the guy who attacked us just now."


Crimson and turquoise suddenly showed joy.

In the face of Deoxys' attack just now, Xia Yan's flexible coping ability and reaction ability are enough to prove his strength.

Crimson didn't forget that he still had an unfinished battle with Xia Yan to fight.

When this matter is resolved, you must have a good fight with Xia Yan.

"But S.S Ticket."

Qinglu showed a little hesitation.

Professor Oak only left S.S Tickets for the three of them, but not Xia Yan's.

"It's ok."

Xia Yan smiled mysteriously.

Vermilion City.

Port Vermilion.

The huge passenger ship Higarop, docked in Harbor.

That somewhat exaggerated ship, almost just one, completely occupied the entire Harbor.

The goal and direction of the Higarop voyage this time are the Sevii Islands, which belong to the Kanto Region but are located in the vast sea.

Xia Yan riding on Latios, turquoise sitting on Charizard's back, and crimson flying flying by Aerodactyl.

All three were very fast.

Before sunset, we finally arrived at Vermilion Port from Pallet Town.

As the three fell from the sky.

A wide and fat sailor greeted him immediately.

"Are you two also passengers of the Higapuro?" The sailor wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"You two?" Chi Hong blinked, looking at Qing Lu on his side, and then at Xia Yan on the other side.

There are obviously three of them.

However, after the sailor checked the S.S tickets of the two, they pushed them up the gangway without saying a word.

It was as if he hadn't seen Xia Yan at all.

to this.

Xia Yan just chuckled twice.

He walked up the gangway in a leisurely manner.

Looking at the port of Vermilion here, it was not much different from the port of Vermilion he had been to in his impression.


Zorua, who had appeared in his arms at some point, arched her head slightly.

Flickering eyes with curiosity.

It is also the first time to take a cruise ship, and the curiosity of the little guy is still quite heavy.

After Crimson and Turquoise boarded the ship, the Higapuro immediately put away the gangway and sailed out of Vermilion Harbor.

The two of them were the last passengers.

And Xia Yan.

Just a smuggler.

"Huh?! Both of you are Trainers from Pokémon Pokédex given to Pokémon Pokédex by Professor Oak, right? Good luck this time!"

The fat sailor finally recognized the crimson and turquoise after the Hijapoulo had sailed out.

But the way they are called is not a champion or a champion.

Rather "Pokédex holders".

It can be seen from this.

How special is Professor Oak's place in this world?

The gift of Pokédex alone can make the Trainer's status aloof.

This makes Xia Yan want to contact Professor Oak more to see if he can get a Pokémon Pokédex.

On the one hand, it can be copied back to the original world and re-engraved.

on the other hand.

The identity given by Pokédex allows him, a stowaway from another world, to have an official identity.

start his investigation.

The fat sailor chatted with Crimson and Qinglu for a while, and then went to work.

After that, the two finally had the opportunity to look at Xia Yan.

"Teacher Xia Yan, why can't he see?" Chi Hong was curious.

"This Pokémon is"

And Qinglu noticed the Zorua in Xia Yan's arms.

Since losing to Crimson, Green has shifted its main focus to research.

Although he used to look down on his grandfather Professor Oak, after enough social beatings, Qinglu finally understood the importance and significance of research.

Xia Yan smiled without explaining, just said:

"I'll go shopping."

Immediately went to the deck.

Not surprisingly.

You should still meet Xiao Lan here.

The Higapuro is a huge passenger ship not inferior to the San Annus.

The number of passengers on it is also very impressive.

However, it is not recommended for passengers to go to the deck to prevent wild Pokémon attacks due to safety reasons when sailing fast.

After the relatively peaceful sea area, there will be a large number of tourists pouring into the deck.

So Xia Yan went all the way.

Apart from seeing the sailors with serious and alert faces, no one was encountered.

And those sailors.

can't see his existence.


boom--! !

The sound of collision was heard in the distance.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Throw the Poké Ball without hesitation.



After a slight tremor in the air, Beedrill disappeared directly from Xia Yan's line of sight, accompanied by a small amount of current that gradually dissipated.

And the other side.

in the corner of the deck.

Here is a delicate and delicate-looking Stephanie with a backpack and a hat on his back, commanding Pokémon to fight a white light.


No matter how the girl is Struggle, she still doesn't seem to have much ability to resist in this white light.

And this girl is naturally the "BLUE" Xiaolan that Xia Yan was looking for.

If the red and blue are here, it can be confirmed.

The white light was identical to the one that had struck them outside the Professor Oak Laboratory before.

"Little Turtle, Hydro Pump!" Little Lan's face was a little flustered, but her eyes were very firm.

She can't fall here.

She will soon see her long-lost parents!


No matter how powerful Xiaolan's Blastoise "Hydro Pump" is, it is futile not to hit the opponent.

And under the opponent's attack.

Little Blue's Pokémon are falling one by one.

Ditto, Clefable, Snubbull.

Little Lanbei clenched her teeth, but a hint of helplessness rose in her heart.

The opponent is too strong.

She couldn't even see each other's silhouette, and the Pokémon quickly lost their ability to fight.

boom! !

Even Blastoise, who Xiaolan relies on most, lost his ability to fight under the successive attacks of the white light, and fell heavily on the deck.

Seeing the white light rushing towards her directly, the white light rapidly expanded in the pupil.

Xiaolan wanted to dodge.

But found that an invisible force directly strangled her throat.

Not to mention moving, even breathing is extremely difficult.

Her eyes gradually widened, and her pupils narrowed.

Are you going to fall here?

I haven't seen my parents yet, I haven't said my final goodbye to Silver.



There was a slight trembling in Xiao Lan's ear.

Immediately after, a gust of air blew through her hair.

Just saw a touch of golden Cal, shot out from behind her.

In terms of speed alone, it was comparable to that white light.

What is it this time?

This thought flashed through Xiao Lan's mind subconsciously.

next second.

boom! ! !

The white light collided with the golden light, and with the surging cyan energy, the white light that could not be stopped in the little blue eyes was forcibly prevented from moving.


Under the stagnant figure after the movement stopped, the white airflow that wrapped it slowly dissipated, and the exposed appearance made Xiao Lan even more surprised.

What is this? !

And after the golden light stopped, it was Xia Yan's Beedrill!



Suddenly, Xiao Lan felt a slight weight coming from her shoulders, and the inexplicable force that was choking her throat disappeared.

Xiao Lan fell to the ground.

She saw a figure dressed in black, holding a hat, and slowly walking out from behind her.

Looking at the existence on the opposite side that he had never seen before, he joked slightly: "I said so many Deoxys, but it turned out to be just an imitation."


Is it the name of the thing on the other side that has never been seen before?

Then who is this person?

Xiaolan, who was sitting on the ground, looked up at Xia Yan's back.

With gratitude in his eyes, there was also a strong curiosity.

Just listen to Xia Yan speak again.

"Beedrill, there's not a lot of chance against Deoxys, although it's just a fake."


Feeling the pressure from Deoxys, Beedrill whispered softly.

The smile on Xia Yan's face was even bigger.

"I got one just now, not this time. So. Beedrill, Mega!"

(End of this chapter)

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