Chapter 954 Deoxys (4.5k)

With the fall of Xia Yan's voice.

The Key Stone in his hand immediately burst into a strong colorful color, turning on the Mega Evolution stone on Beedrill.


With a low shout, a sharp long needle pierced out, and the Mega Beedrill, who was once again evolved, appeared in front of Deoxys.

And Xiao Lan, who also saw this scene, widened her eyes.

Can Beedrill evolve again? !

For Mega Beedrill, who has become more handsome and hideous, Xiao Lan is not only surprised, but also has a little girl's appreciation for handsome things.

very handsome!

and also.

Who is this person who suddenly appeared in front of him?

The strength is very strong!

He was taken away and trained by the masked man since childhood, and won the third runner-up in the Alliance competition. Xiaolan still has some ability to judge strength.

All six of her Pokémon were abused by this white light, and this person stopped it with just one Pokémon.


Listening to this man's tone, it seems that he wants to defeat it.

Who is this person?

Why never heard of it?

Just when Xiaolan's heart kept growing doubts, Xia Yan and Beedrill's attention were already completely on the Deoxys opposite.


This Deoxys is a knockoff.

It is a semi-finished product made by the Rockets based on the cosmic virus. Although it has various abilities of Deoxys, it has not been able to obtain the same strength as the real Deoxys.

To know.

Real Deoxys, but able to harden the existence of Rayquaza to a certain extent.


It is precisely because it is a semi-finished product that Xia Yan has the idea of ​​fighting it head-on.

Eyes narrowed.

Psychic flickers in his eye sockets.

Mega Beedrill has already communicated with Xia Yan's thoughts, and at the same time as Xia Yan's thoughts appeared, his body shot out.

A sharper golden light, accompanied by a faintly woven electric current, rushed straight towards Deoxys.

On the way of Flying, Mega Beedrill's body also faintly glowed with a Psychic halo, as well as a milky white airflow surrounded by strands.



And the Mega Beedrill, which is already extremely fast, has reached a very terrifying level after gaining another speed improvement.

So fast!

Xiao Lan was shocked in her heart.

She thought that the speed of the white light before was already very terrifying, but she didn't expect how long it had passed, and she actually saw a faster existence than the previous white light!

And all she can do is to wipe the eyeballs quickly in the eye sockets, so that she can barely keep up with the arc of metal.

Even Xiao Lan understands the terrible speed of Mega Beedrill, and Deoxys can feel the threat from Mega Beedrill even more.

next second.

Deoxys' body had changed, and it was fairly well-proportioned, but now it looked very heavy.

The four cylindrical arms became flat like crawlers, and the orange cells on the body swelled up, as if wearing a heavy armor.

Defensive Form!

Four arms crossed across his chest.

"What does it look like?!" Xiao Lan exclaimed.

But in the face of Deoxys, who had changed into a defensive form, Mega Beedrill had no intention of stopping.

It's just that on the sharp and sharp needles, the green Bug Type energy becomes more obvious.

boom! !

Xiao Lan covered her ears subconsciously.

this sound.

Like an extremely sharp spear, Fling rests on a shield forged from precision metal.

The whole air trembled because of this collision, and the harsh and violent sound shook the screws fixed on the deck constantly shaking, which might bounce at any time.

tuk tuk-

Deoxys took three or four steps back.

It has become the strongest defensive form, and it will fall into an absolute disadvantage in the attack of Mega Beedrill?

A look of surprise also flashed in Mega Beedrill's eyes.

What a strong defense!

As an assassin's unstoppable explosive attack, it only made the opponent take a few steps back?

What kind of turtle shell is this?

However, Xia Yan was not very surprised.

Deoxys that can change form, if it really counts, as long as its reaction speed is fast enough and its changing ability is skilled enough, it can be regarded as a Pokémon with all the other points above 150 except for the health attribute value.

But obviously.

It's just the one in front of the clone, it doesn't have such ability.

Its defense is strong.

But only on the positive side.

What Beedrill does best is not the front!

Xia Yan's eyes flickered.


Mega Beedrill vibrated its wings again, and illusory figures appeared beside it.

Double Team!

Completely surrounded Deoxys.

And Deoxys swept his eyes around, Psychic spread, but still couldn't find Mega Beedrill's real body.

The thinking consciousness of the replica is relatively simple.

Are all Mega Beedrills real? !

Looking for one at random, Deoxys' appearance changed again, returning to his normal form.

The two cylindrical orange and blue arms quickly twisted and rotated, turning into a palm like a normal human.

And at the moment when the palm was formed, an extremely tyrannical Psychic erupted from its palm in an instant.

Immediately, a spherical energy flashing with many colors of light was formed in his hand.

Dash towards one of the Mega Beedrills!


At the same time that Deoxys launched the attack, dozens of Mega Beedrills surrounding it also immediately closed towards Deoxys.

boom! !

The Psychic Energy Ball created by "Psycho Boost" quickly defeated the body of "Mega Beedrill" and dissipated in a bubble.

Is a clone!

So, the real body is still in these shadows?

Bang! !

Suddenly, Deoxys stumbled, and the "Mega Beedrill" behind him turned into a Bubble and disappeared again.

But it is only a shadow, why can it bring substantial harm?

Deoxys doesn't understand.

Little Lan, who was watching the battle next to him, also didn't understand.

But soon.

Xiao Lan opened her mouth slowly, showing a stunned expression.

see you.

Deoxys continued to make dull noises, followed by the dissipation of "Mega Beedrills".

But every attack is a real attack.

bang bang bang-

The sound of hitting Tackle constantly sounded, and Deoxys' body inevitably revealed one after another hideous wounds.

It wants to change form.

Take defensive form to fend off attacks belonging to the Mega Beedrill.

But Mega Beedrill's control of timing and location is quite in place.

Whenever Deoxys attempts to change form, Mega Beedrill's blistering attacks leave a cross-shaped damage on him.

And, forcibly interrupting Deoxys' cellular changes.

And in the eyes of Xiaolan.

It was as if Deoxys were being beat up by dozens or even more Mega Beedrills.

There is no fighting back!


There is almost no chance or ability to resist at all!

As if it were a living target.

He stared blankly at this scene.

Xiaolan's heart suffered a lot.

She has no ability to resist in front of Deoxys.

Deoxys, on the other hand, has no ability to resist in front of Mega Beedrill.

Doesn't that mean that she is scum in front of Mega Beedrill?



Deoxys burst into a frenzy of Psychic, and the Double Team belonging to Mega Beedrill suddenly dissipated.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Out of control?"

I saw Deoxys' four arms wrapped around his chest, a mass of Psychic energy that was even more terrifying than before.

The same is "Psycho Boost", but this time it has a stronger power.

Xia Yan put away his joking look and said seriously: "Beedrill, solve it!"

Say it.

Mega Beedrill nodded slightly.

The scarlet long and narrow compound eyes flickered, he took a deep breath, felt the burning sensation of his lung lobes, and entered the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition with absolute concentration.

Feather fluttered.

The figure disappeared from Deoxys' sight again.


This time, the speed of Mega Beedrill is much faster than before.

As if the shackles that were originally imprisoned on its wings, it broke free at this moment.

And the most obvious one is Xiao Lan.

Before, she could catch a trace of the Mega Beedrill Flying's trail, but this time, she couldn't even notice the trail.

"What is this?!"

at the same time.

Because the battle between Mega Beedrill and Deoxys was too loud here, Crimson and Turquoise rushed over at the same time.

And some sailors who also noticed the strangeness.

Crimson and Turquoise exclaimed when they saw Deoxys.

"Don't get close!"

Xiao Lan, who was sitting on the ground, hurriedly shouted loudly.

"Little Blue?!"

Only then did Crimson and Qinglu notice her, with a little stun in their eyes.

But I heard Xiaolan say seriously: "Don't approach, don't approach, or you will die."

will die?

Everyone's eyes finally focused on Xia Yan.

"Teacher Xia Yan?"

Crimson and Turquoise subconsciously said.

"You know each other?" Xiao Lan was also surprised.


Soon their communication was interrupted.

Because Deoxys has gathered the full power of the "Psycho Boost", and Mega Beedrill's figure has completely disappeared.

when it reappears.

Already in front of Deoxys.

The soft white light is intertwined with the fierce Bug Type energy.

Combination moves of "Giga Impact" and "Fell Stinger" after entering the "Crazy" Contest Condition.

That long needle radiating bright white, with absolute speed and power, directly hit the Energy Ball of the "Psycho Boost" that Deoxys had condensed in the front.


Without Deoxys comprehending it, pierced right through.

Deoxys only reacted when the energy condensed in his hands began to spread uncontrollably.

But it was too late.

I just felt a sudden pain in my chest.

click -

With a crisp sound.

The jewel inlaid on its chest, representing the cosmic energy, was quietly shattered under the attack of Mega Beedrill, turning into powder and scattered.

boom--! ! !

Immediately after.

A huge roar suddenly sounded.

The scattered aftermath blew the surrounding sailors flying backwards one by one.

Crimson and Turquoise have stood their ground under the protection of their respective Pokémons.


When they saw that the aftermath of the collision dissipated and a huge hole appeared in the cabin of the Hijapoulo, they were all stunned and stunned.

To know.

This is the Higapro!

Passenger ships purpose-built to navigate dangerous waters, rigid enough to hold any race without worrying about much damage.

But this time.

That huge hole


The sailors, who finally recovered, swallowed.

Only they knew how hard the cabins and decks of the Higapuro were.


Accompanied by another trembling.

"Beer beer."

Beedrill who disarmed Mega Evolution, returned to Xia Yan's side.

His chest rose and fell, but his eyes remained sharp.

Looking at Xia Yan, who witnessed the whole process, he nodded slightly, "I saw it."

After the energy crystal in the center was shattered, the replica Deoxys lost the source of energy, and his whole body turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

It's been a long time.

Crimson and Green finally reacted slowly.

"Teacher Xia Yan, that was just now."

The two walked up to him, and out of the corner of their eyes they kept paying attention to Beedrill.

Just now.

The terrifying power displayed by Beedrill made them have to look at him.

"Deoxys." Xia Yan also put away Psychic and said calmly.

But soon added.

"A replica."

"Deoxys?" Turquoise frowned.

The Pokémon he had never heard of.


Crimson's focus was on this aspect, reminding him of some not-so-good things.

"The one who attacked us outside the Professor Oak Laboratory before was also a Deoxys, and there is a high probability that it is also a clone." Xia Yan said again.


The red and green looked at each other.

Before Deoxys attacked them, this time Deoxys attacked Xiaolan again.

Tell them intuitively.

The disappearance of Professor Oak is likely to have a lot to do with the so-called Deoxys.

if it is like this.

The S.S Ticket that Professor Oak gave them this time probably had a deeper purpose.

At this time.

Xiao Lan, who got up from the ground, also came to Xia Yan.

Bowing slightly, he said gratefully, "Teacher Xia Yan, thank you very much this time."

If Xia Yan hadn't appeared in time.

Little Blue didn't know what was going to happen.

Xia Yan waved his hand.

in the original.

Xiao Lan was attacked by a Deoxys and was powerless to resist. In the end, she watched her parents get taken away, causing her to fall into a coma of self-doubt.

And now.

Because of Xia Yan's intervention.

It seems that the process has changed.

"Just a replica. Unexpectedly, there should be more than one replica of Deoxys."

As soon as these words were spoken, Crimson, Qinglu, and Xiaolan all felt the pressure.

Just one replica can have such a thing, what if there are two, three or more?


If the ontology of Deoxys appeared, what would be the result?

Apparently Professor Oak's disappearance has something to do with Deoxys.

Then they will definitely meet again.


At this time, the captain of the boat who was sweating profusely came up and rubbed his hands together, his expression a little hesitant and tangled.

He glanced at the cabin with the big hole open, and then glanced at Beedrill with sharp eyes beside Xia Yan, sweating like rain.

Don't know how to speak.

Xia Yan understood what he meant.


After glancing at the green, he turned around and left.

The figure slowly disappeared, and once again disappeared in the sight of everyone.

There were so many sailors, but one did not dare to stop them.

The captain of the boat who stood up opened his mouth, wondering if he should speak.

Qinglu patted his forehead, his face full of helplessness.

"Let me do it."

Among the few people, if you don't count Xia Yan, he seems to be the richest, right?

And Xia Yan, who disappeared from everyone's sight.

Flip your palm.

A bumpy piece of Meteorite appeared in his hand.

can be seen.

A few faint dots of light floated over from where the Deoxys clone had just disappeared.

Finally integrated into this Meteorite.

It began to faintly emit a gorgeous faint halo.

"Can you really absorb cosmic viruses?"

Wait until all the blips are inside the Meteorite.

Xia Yan could even vaguely feel that this piece of Meteorite had no movement after his hand, and there was some faint vitality in it.


PS: Today's 1.1w, ask for a monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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