The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 956 Ice Element Elite, Lorelei! (7K+!)

Chapter 955 Ice Element Elite, Lorelei! (7k+!)

A luxurious private room on the Higapuro.

As the richest Qinglu in the family this time, due to the number of people and Xia Yan, a stowaways, he had to be upgraded to the highest standard.

This made Qinglu have to sigh.

Except when he was young and ignorant when he just left Pallet Town, driving a sports car with a group of beautiful cheerleading girls, he has never been so extravagant.

Not the conditions do not allow.

but because

People who are tired of "delicacy of mountains and seas" always think that roasted sweet potatoes are very delicious.

This time, for Xia Yan's exception, Qinglu showed enough respect.

As for saying.

Xia Yan, Chihong, and Xiaolan were three.

In Xia Yan's own world, he is quite rich, but in this world

Possibly he was poorer than the glowing red eyes staring at the luxurious food on the table.

Not to mention Little Blue.

At this time, she was selling a pair of "phantom perspective mirrors" made by herself to Qinglu, trying to earn a little pocket money.


This group of people, except for Qinglu, are all very poor.

Xia Yan had to think about whether to find a way to make some money.

But not now.


Ninetales, who was lying comfortably on the sofa with his nine tails spread out, squinted happily.

With a comb in his hand, Xia Yan gently took care of the knotted and messy hair on Ninetales' tail.

Togekiss was holding an ice cream in his wings, sitting on the back of the sofa and licking it leisurely.

Xia Yan always summons some strange Pokémon that they have never seen before, and they are all used to it.

This time Ice Type Ninetales, and a Pokémon that looks like a delta plane.

Last time there was a very perverted Farfetch'd, and the legendary beast Latios.

They have already blamed all this on Xia Yan's mysterious identity.

But Xiao Lan, who likes cute Pokémon, was immediately attracted to him after seeing the appearance of Ice Ninetales.

The girl's heart suddenly overflowed.

"This is the energy cube made by Teacher Xia Yan?"

Relying on the wall, the green hand was holding a crystal clear energy cube, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Such high-quality energy cubes are rare even in the hands of some top Breeders.

"Well, do it casually."

Xia Yan responded casually, and patted Ninetales' butt, indicating that it was finished grooming.

After the little Vulpix evolved into Ninetales, it seems that he was promoted from a little loli to a royal sister, but in fact, his temperament is still the same, just as clingy.


Ninetales replied obediently, stretched his body, looked at the smooth and supple hair of his tail, and licked Xia Yan's cheek affectionately.

Do it by hand?

The green eyes twitched.

Obviously Xia Yan doesn't look very old, at most four or five years older than them.

But at such an age.

Not only is he a powerful top Trainer, but he also has incredible tactical reserves. Now he even knows that he can make top energy cubes like the top Breeder family.

Qinglu became more and more curious about Xia Yan's identity.

After thinking about it, he hesitated a little: "Then Teacher Xia Yan, can I entrust you to help customize some energy cubes?"

Xia Yan glanced at him in surprise.

Suddenly reacted.


After he came to this world, he had no other means of making money, and it was still possible to make energy cubes.

In addition, Qinglu also helped him carry the damaged pot of the cabin before.

Nodding his head, "Yes."

The voice fell.

Xia Yan felt the eager eyes from Chihong and Xiaolan.

He couldn't help but be dumbfounded and said with a smile, "You can too."

Then he added, "But you have to bring your own materials."

[Dear passengers, my ship is about to arrive at Ichinoshima and will be docked for five hours. Please be prepared. 】

At this time.

On the broadcast of the Higapuro, a sweet broadcast sounded.

As soon as she heard the broadcast, Xiao Lan, who was still enjoying Ninetales, immediately froze.

He turned around tightly and ran out.

"She is this?"

Looking at the back of Xiaolan leaving quickly, Chihong couldn't help but wonder.

"Let's go have a look together."

Xia Yan stood up with a smile, and walked out of the room with Ninetales and Togekiss.

With a little Mist from Zorua.

Except for some people who Xia Yan had instructed, no one else could see his existence.

The huge Higapuro directly occupied the Harbor of Ichinoshima.

As the gangway fell, many passengers strode down.

Some people's destination is an island, while others are simply because they have been on the boat for a long time and go down to breathe.

At this time.

Harbor on Ichinoshima, a young couple in decent clothes, holding a photo in their hands, looking around eagerly and apprehensively.

It seemed that he was looking for someone among the people who got off the ship.

And Xiao Lan, who ran quickly to the deck to get off the boat, saw the couple almost immediately.

a time.

Hot crystals filled his eyes, blurring his vision.

The couple also seemed to have sensed it, and looked in the direction of Xiaolan at the same time.

With surprises in his eyes, he compared Stephanie's appearance in the photo again, and found that Xiao Lan was exactly the person they were waiting for.

"Mom and Dad!"

Xiaolan choked and shouted.

When she was five years old, she was kidnapped by the masked man and imprisoned in a place full of children for training.

The talent she showed was valued by Masked Man and became one of his children.

Afterwards, she and Silver who were caught together successfully escaped, and stole the Earl Dervish Pokémon Squirtle from the Professor Oak Laboratory, and finally met Crimson and resolved the conflict.

Now, she has been in captivity for more than ten years.

How could I not be excited to see my parents again.

And the couple who confirmed Xiao Lan's identity could no longer wait in place, and ran up to the deck directly against the flow of people.

This scene.

Naturally, Xia Yan and the three who were followed out saw them.

"Professor Oak said to help Xiaolan find her parents, but I didn't expect to find them." The red face sighed with emotion.

He is very clear about what happened to Xiaolan.

Seeing Xiaolan and her parents getting together now is somewhat gratifying.

This means that Xiaolan has completely bid farewell to her past and will have a new beginning.

Even the turquoise, which has always been cold, has softened a lot.

Xia Yan, who was leaning on the railing, smiled unconsciously.

Xiao Lan is a smart, cunning, naughty and cheerful Stephanie. She has not been brainwashed by the masked man, which also proves that she is talented.


Xia Yan's smile soon subsided.

He frowned.

"So entangled?"

"Ninetales, Glaciate!"


I saw Ninetales' serious expression and a growl.

Large swaths of goose feathers Icirrus condensed and formed in an instant, covering most of the huge Hijapoulo in an instant.

For the sudden appearance of Icirrus, everyone was stunned.

This is a tropical island in the south of Kanto Region. Except for Shinoshima, when has it snowed?

For the sudden scene, most tourists feel very novel.

Crimson and turquoise also felt the sudden drop in temperature after Icirrus fell.

They looked at each other and looked at Xia Yan at the same time.

I see.

The coastline and Jiabang, which were originally warm under the sunlight, were almost instantly covered with a thick layer of ice crystals.

Even the sea surface, which was still full of waves, was frozen with ice crystals and the waves still looked lifelike.

ka ka ka-

The pale-colored ice crystals quickly diffused and spread, and nothing could escape the condensation of this layer of ice crystals.

And the scattered Icirrus, the gathering center of the spreading ice crystals, is the deck where Xiao Lan and her parents are at the moment.


While the couple ran towards Xiaolan, a huge black hole suddenly appeared at their feet.

An invisible and familiar force appeared again, restricting Xiaolan's actions.

She widened her eyes, seeing her parents, whom she had finally seen again, about to fall into that black hole unprepared, and helplessness and fear swept through her heart instantly.

I shouted "No" in my heart, but I couldn't open my mouth.

It's that guy!

That guy is at it again!

Xiaolan regrets it.

Knowing that the current situation is so dangerous, why do you choose to recognize your parents at this time?

She should endure it a little longer.

After rescuing Professor Oak and completely solving this trouble, I will come back to my parents.


It seems that everything is too late.

ka ka ka-

At this time.

Pale ice crystals had already covered Xiaolan's feet.

And she noticed it too.


Xiao Lan's complexion became even paler.

She subconsciously believed that these ice crystals came from the masked man who deeply feared her, from the masked man who kidnapped and tried to manipulate her.

Because of this hand.

It's so similar.


Not only have to face the damage of the mysterious enemy to the parents, but also face the pursuit from the masked man?

Xiaolan was full of despair.

just soon.

She felt surprised.

The ice crystal bypassed her and did not freeze her into an ice sculpture as she had imagined.

Instead, it quickly spread and accumulated, covering the black hole that appeared at the feet of her parents.


No harm was done to her parents.


This thought flashed through Xiao Lan's mind.


next second.

As the couple stepped on the hard, condensed pale ice crystals, they came to her and hugged her into a warm embrace that they hadn't felt in more than ten years.

Xiao Lan was stunned.

Leng Leng Leng did not know what happened.

But she reacted quickly.

After the invisible power restraint disappeared, he immediately took his parents behind him and said solemnly, "Mom and Dad, be careful!"

Touching his waist, he remembered that the Pokémons were still waiting for treatment at the Pokémon Center on the Higapuro.

His expression immediately became tense again.


She saw a bright white figure of Contest jumped over her head.

The unfolded nine tails were as gorgeous as a peacock with its screen open, and strands of cold air spread out from its body, staring closely at the black hole.

It's Teacher Natsuhiko's Ninetales!

Xiaolan suddenly realized.

turn out to be.

The ice crystal just now did not come from the masked man, but from Teacher Xia Yan!

And Xia Yan's sudden intervention made Xiao Lan heave a long sigh of relief.

With Teacher Xia Yan there, there will be no problem.

Feeling the warm embrace from her parents again, Xiao Lan's strength was instantly destroyed by this warmth, and her crystal tears, like a broken Pearl, kept sliding down her smooth cheeks, and in turn just grabbed her parents' clothes.

Sobbing softly.

"Charizard, Flamethrower!"

"Venusaur, sunshine flames!"

at the same time.

Crimson and Cyan, who also reacted to it, also came to support immediately.

boom! ! !

The layers of ice crystals were broken and scattered, Charizard and Venusaur fell in front of Xiao Lan and stood beside Ninetales.

"Little Blue!"

Qinglu and Crimson also came to Xiaolan's side with serious expressions.

However, Xia Yan's figure slowly disappeared on the deck under the wrapping of a thick mass of Haze.

In a corner that Xia Yan and Chihong, Qinglu and others didn't notice, an old woman wearing a goddess costume with a tin stick was witnessing all this.

In the dark four-dimensional space.

Xia Yan saw another clone of Deoxys.

And at this moment, what was around him.

It is Darkrai.

Xia Yan held the Meteorite in his hand, and his eyes flickered.

"Darkrai, the dark hole!"

Thick Haze floated, Darkrai stretched out his five fingers suddenly, and a dark black hole suddenly appeared in the fourth-dimensional space, wrapping up towards Deoxys.

Feeling the threat from Darkrai, Deoxys quickly changes shape.

The limbs became extremely slender and switched to the speed form.

The red and blue staggered figure disappeared in a flash, avoiding the "dark hole" that hit the front.


Darkrai, who had a cold face, hummed softly.

I saw that the huge black hole changed, and dozens of smaller black holes were continuously shot out again.

The dense "dark hole" directly blocked Deoxys' dodging range.


Deoxys, eroded by the "dark hole", fell heavily to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

[It has no self-awareness. 】

Feeling Deoxys' Contest Condition, Darkrai frowned, and the voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

"Normal. It's just a clone."

As Xia Yan explained, he walked in front of Deoxys.

The faint Cal emanating from the Meteorite in his hand became even more brilliant.

The invisible "cosmic virus" converged towards Meteorite.

"However, since it is a clone, it must be related to the main body. Can you feel its position?" Xia Yan asked.


Take Clay to slowly close his eyes.

"Nightmare God"'s mastery of dream ability is unmatched by most existences.

After a while.

Darkrai suddenly opened his eyes and nodded slowly towards Xia Yan.


Xia Yan smiled.

"If that's the case, then go see the real Deoxys."

Completely defeated the replica of Deoxys, and once again turned into a large number of cosmic viruses and integrated into Meteorite.

Makes the active fluctuations emanating from Meteorite even more pronounced.

There seems to be something in it.

After quickly eliminating the Deoxys, Xia Yan returned to the deck again.

I saw Xiao Lan who was hugging tightly with her parents, as well as red and green with serious expressions.


It seems to have a feeling.

Xia Yan looked sideways.

At the corner of the deck, I saw the old figure, and from her body, I could feel some threats faintly.

"Mother Kimberly?"

Xia Yan secretly thought, pretending not to see.

Recall Ninetales.

Then he said to the three of Crimson: "I have found some traces, and now I will investigate and keep in touch at any time."

Say it.

Without waiting for the three of them to reply, they put away the Pokémon and summoned Latios, and left.

Chi Hong opened her mouth and looked at Xia Yan's leaving figure, she didn't know what to say for a while.

A long time passed.

Only then did he look at Qinglu and whisper, "Are we holding back Teacher Xia Yan?"

The blue-green expression is also not very good-looking.

Although he is arrogant and unwilling to admit it, the actual situation now seems to be like this.


At this time.

Mother-in-law Kimberly, who was hiding in the corner to observe silently, finally came out.

He calmly glanced at the direction where Xia Yan was far away, his eyes were a little dignified and serious.

But when he turned his head to look at the three of Crimson Red, the smile on his face returned.

Holding a tin cane.

"Seeing the two of you lifts my spirits, maybe you two can inherit my -- the ultimate trick!"

Crimson, Qinglu, and Xiaolan looked at this old woman who suddenly appeared, feeling inexplicably happy.

"We still have to hurry. If it's a prank, please find someone else, old lady."


Granny Kimberly suddenly looked angry.

Two red lights flashed around him.

Immediately after.

A flaming beast and a Meganium appeared beside her, charging towards Charizard and Venusaur.

The sudden attack did not alarm Charizard and Venusaur.


From Fiery Beast and Meganium, they felt a lot of pressure.

but when

boom! ! !

The terrifying explosive power sounded behind the two Pokémons, smashing the cabin, showing a dull expression.

Crimson, Turquoise, and Little Blue also secretly stunned.

Seeing them surprised, Kimberly's mother-in-law showed a satisfied look.

He raised his head slightly and glanced at them sideways.

"Want to learn?"

Crimson and Green looked at each other again and nodded at the same time.

Who knew that this time, Kimberly's mother-in-law suddenly became arrogant.

Turn your head.

"beg me?"

However, what Mother Kimberly didn't expect was that the Red and Red people turned around and left.

Crimson: "I think Teacher Xia Yan is stronger."

Qinglu nodded, "Teacher Xia Yan should do the same, just ask him."

Xiaolan: "How should I thank Teacher Xia Yan? Do you want to make him an exclusive item?"

Then mother-in-law Kimberly was dumbfounded.

The script is not right.

"Crimson, turquoise, little blue?"

At this time.

Someone shouted their names again.


Island of Four.

Icefall Cave.

Xia Yan, who was riding Latios, slowly landed.

Stepping on the hard and cold ice, he frowned slowly.

"In my impression, the Meteorite obtained by the Rockets gave birth to two Deoxys. In the end, Giovanni caught the two Deoxys, and the one that was discarded was the one who lost the Transform ability."

Looking at the extremely cold cave in front of him, Xia Yan analyzed himself.

"Those avatars were created with Individual One as the prototype, right?"

Excessive digging and exploration leads to the loss of the Transform ability of individual one.

After being abandoned, it also made the individual pair of Rockets have grievances.

After returning to the universe, Meteorite accumulated in the stockpile, posing a huge threat to the entire Pokémon world.

"So the individual is hiding here?"

Xia Yan summoned Ninetales again.

In such an environment, Ninetales is better able to exert its own strength.

Walk silently towards Icefall Cave.

This is the only place in the entire Sevii Islands with ice-based Pokémon, and the coldest place in the Sevii Islands.

Because there were rumors that Lapras was active, many Trainers came to hear the news.

But later learned that the rumor was false.

It has gradually become one of the places that people do not want to be near.

Mainly because the environment here is too bad.

along the way.

However, I did meet a lot of ice-type Pokémon.

Swinub, Delibird, Sneasel, and more.

However, they could not pose any threat to Xia Yan.

And in depth to a certain extent.

Suddenly, these wild ice-type Pokémon became irritable and swept towards Xia Yan.


Ninetales doesn't care about this level of Beat Up.

Nine tails swayed gently.


At the moment when it was about to repel the group of wild Pokémon, Ninetales suddenly felt something, and suddenly turned around and appeared behind Xia Yan.

A mouthful of extremely cold pale beams spit out.

A cold wave was coming from behind Xia Yan at this time.

Ninetales anticipated the attack of the cold wave in advance, ignoring the Beat Up of the group of wild Pokémon, and turned to defending against the cold wave with a significantly stronger threat.

As for those wild Pokémon.

A golden fiery light suddenly appeared on Xia Yan's body.

After a surging heat wave.

The group of ice-type wild Pokémon were all consumed by golden flames.

Volcarona, flapping his wings, appeared beside Xia Yan.

Squinting his eyes, he slowly turned around and looked towards the direction where the hazy cold air was gradually fading behind him.

I saw a pretty figure walking out slowly with a few Pokémon.

"Seeing you guys trample my hometown with your dirty feet."

Reflecting Cal's lenses, there are a pair of angry eyes.

"I'm full of anger right now."


It is the Elite Four of what is now Kanto Region.

Ice Elite, Lorelei!

The four islands are Lorelei's hometown.

Thinking about it, she got the information from nowhere, and learned that the Rockets were wreaking havoc on the Sevii Islands, and rushed back as soon as possible.

But it is.

She obviously regarded Xia Yan, who she didn't know, as a member of Team Rocket.

Xia Yan's expression was also a little weird when he saw Lorelei, the royal sister Fan Manman, who appeared in front of him.

In terms of looks, the Lorelei of the two worlds are almost identical.

It's just that the Lorelei that Xia Yan knows well has just become an Elite Four, a girl who shouts "Xia Yan Senior".

And this one in front of him.

It is the real Ice Element Elite Lorelei, revealing a coldness from the inside.

Xia Yan couldn't help touching his nose, "If I say, I'm here to investigate the situation, do you believe it?"

"Trust you, big head!"

Lorelei shouted angrily.

"Cloyster, Icicle Spear!"

The huge Cloyster following Lorelei immediately condensed a sharp and sharp Icicle Spear, which made it easier to condense ice energy in Icefall Cave.

The Icicle Spear, surrounded by wisps of white cold air, rang out, and a strong wind blew across my face.

Xia Yan pressed his forehead with a headache.

He admits, though, that the mature Lorelei looks more like an Elite Four.

But he still prefers the elementary school girl who shouted "Xia Yan Senior".

Facing the offensive from Lorelei.

Xia Yan also had to take it seriously.

"Ninetales, Blizzard."


Icefall Cave has a good blessing for Cloyster, and the blessing of Ice Ninetales is no less than it.

all of a sudden.

The terrifying ice and snow filled the cave in an instant, and the raging Blizzard blocked his sight.

This tyrannical power made Lorelei's face change involuntarily.

As an Ice-type Elite, she is most aware of Ice-type moves.

Although she didn't know why this Ninetales was an ice-type Pokémon, the moves she could perform and the power she displayed surprised her.

Although Cloyster's "Icicle Spear" could be fired five times directly because of the "Continuous Attack" ability, it quickly disappeared into the slow snowstorm in the face of the surging "Blizzard".

"Jynx, Blizzard!"

The strength displayed by Ninetales made Lorelei have to pay attention.

There was also a turbulent snowstorm immediately behind her, meeting the attack of Ninetales.

Two tyrannical Blizzards raged wildly in the Icefall Cave, eroding, colliding, and tearing each other.

But it was quickly frozen in this extremely cold temperature.

And this time.

There was a sudden space fluctuation behind Xia Yan.

After twisting and folding.

A serious-faced Slowking appeared with his hands on his back.

The tyrannical Psychic wave burst out, turning into a sharp spear and hitting Xia Yan's back.

clang! !

A crisp sound burst out, and Aegislash, holding a shield, pressed against Xia Yan's back, blocking the "Psychic" from Slowking firmly.

Xia Yan secretly stunned.

On this hand alone, the field ability of Lorelei in this world far exceeds the Lorelei that Xia Yan is familiar with.

And the way of fighting in the world of the special chapter is also more decisive and ruthless than the way of fighting in the world where Xia Yan lives.

Directly attacking the Trainer itself is more like a conventional method.

even in some competitions.

The competition will also encourage attacks on Trainer himself, and include Trainer as one of the objects of the battle.


This is quite in line with the impression of "the special chapter of simple folk customs".

"Lorelei, I'm really not Team Rocket!" Xia Yan's slightly helpless voice sounded again.

Lorelei pushed his eyes, unmoved.

"Even if you are not the Rockets, the strength you show and your unknown identity are also very dangerous. I will not allow my hometown to suffer."

"Cross!" Xia Yan suddenly shouted, interrupting Lorelei's words.


Lorelei suddenly froze and looked behind him subconsciously.

When she realized something was wrong, Xia Yan appeared in front of her with a smile on her face.

A pair of invisible hands gently grabbed Lorelei's throat.

Ignoring her wide eyes.

Smashing his mouth, he said, "Sure enough, if you want to deal with Lorelei, you still have to use this name."

Lorelei: "."


PS: Sorry, I'm sorting out the outline, so the update is a little late.

(End of this chapter)

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