The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 957 Lorelei? Old Woman! Ferry? Dodo! (4.6K!)

Chapter 956 Lorelei? old woman! Ferry? Dodo! (4.6k!)

"I told you, don't get excited, first figure out the relationship between the enemy and ourselves, and then do it, why don't you believe it? Huh?"

Xia Yan looked at Lorelei with a smile.

Maybe it was because he was used to getting along with another world, Lorelei. Facing such a Lorelei, Xia Yan subconsciously took out a preaching tone.


Lorelei flushed.

I don't know if it was because of Xia Yan's tone.

Her Pokémon immediately surrounded her, but Xia Yan didn't have to worry about being attacked under the protection of Ninetales, Aegislash, and Volcarona.

These are all beings that can fully entrust their backs.

"Is that how you show kindness?" Lorelei asked hard.

Xia Yan slightly loosened the restrictions of Psychic.

Lorelei was also able to gain breathing space.

I saw Xia Yan shrugged and said, "There's no way. If you don't agree, just start the fight. In order to ensure your own safety, I have to quiet you down first."

Listening to his words, Lorelei's face was ugly.

But it is undeniable that the strength shown by Xia Yan has been recognized by her.

And people with such strength should not lie.

Just being one of the Alliance Elite Four and being overpowered so easily, Lorelei couldn't hold his face.

At the same time, he cursed inwardly.

Not to scold Xia Yan, but to scold the person whose name was mentioned by Xia Yan before, Yulongdu!

If Xia Yan hadn't suddenly called out Du's name, Lorelei would never have been fooled.

Just change the name, and Lorelei will not be able to win.

Only the name of crossing makes Lorelei feel uneasy.

That damn Flying Elite!


Lorelei is also puzzled.

Looking at Xia Yan's appearance, he seems to know a lot about their Elite Four?

Although the conflict between Lorelei and Watanabe is no secret in their Elite Four.

But usually on the surface, under Spotlight, the Elite Four often show enough tacit understanding and cooperation.

"Although it is difficult for me to explain to you in words why I am here. But doesn't my current actions just prove my goodwill?"

While pinching Lorelei's neck, Xia Yan conveyed his kindness without blushing.

But don't say it.

He caught Lorelei but didn't try to deal with her, which was enough to prove that he was not Lorelei's enemy.

at this point.

Lorelei already believed it.

"Then what are you looking for?" Lorelei asked sullenly.

"Team Rocket." Xia Yan raised his eyes slightly.

"Team Rocket?"

Lorelei frowned. "Are they here?"

The reason why she returned to Shinoshima was to hear that the Rockets were active in the Sevii Islands.

"What are you talking about, are we?"

At this time.

A slightly sharp voice sounded.

With the rumbling vibration of Ground, a huge Steelix appeared in the sight of Xia Yan and Lorelei.

And standing on the head of Steelix, with two short young men from Forretress beside him, was the one who spoke.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity. Why didn't you get rid of this so-called Elite Four?"

The short young man slapped his mouth with sarcasm on his face. He had also observed the collision between Xia Yan and Lorelei for a while.

I thought I could see a great fight.

Who knew that Lorelei was easily subdued.

It doesn't live up to the Elite Four title at all.

Xia Yan released Lorelei's neck directly.

"Look, didn't this find it?"

Lorelei rubbed his neck lightly, glared at Xia Yan, temporarily put down the effort to care about him, and looked at the opposite side.

"They're the Rockets? The ones who destroyed the Sevii Islands?"

The short young man pouted and glanced at the wild Pokémon on the ground that was easily defeated by Xia Yan's Volcarona.

Steelix's thick, terrifying tail twitched.

Shot all these wild Pokémons who had lost their ability to fight and fell into a coma, and slammed them into the ice wall.

"Trash is trash."

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan was unmoved, but Lorelei's face became more and more ugly.

If it was somewhere else, maybe she could ignore it.

But Shinoshima is her hometown, and this cave is a very important place to her.

With the wild Pokémon inside being trampled like this, it's no wonder Lorelei's face looks good.

"Don't play games, just work, Carr."

Accompanied by the sound of slow footsteps, two figures walked out of the hazy cold air in the cave behind Steelix.

And the short young man called Carr turned his head back with displeased expression, "I know, you talk too much, Sird!"

Lorelei frowned.

And accomplices?

Then the sound of the urn sounded.

"Yeah, don't forget our business, Carr."

"Really, Orm can't even trust me?"

As they approached, the two figures gradually revealed their appearances.

Appearing in the sight of Xia Yan and Lorelei.

It was a tall, slender woman without eyebrows, and a tall and burly man with a Shuckle on his head and a Shuckle in his hand.

"That's not true, just don't forget what the leader told us." The burly man Orm's dull voice sounded again.

With the appearance of three people.

The three beasts of Team Rocket's special secret unit, Chuck LS Qi and Orm, have officially appeared.

"Three beastmen? I'm even more curious about what's in the cave."

Xia Yan looked at the three and said slowly.

Regarding the establishment of the department of the three beasts, Xia Yan actually felt quite speechless.

None of the three were safe.

Carr has strong technical ability, and believes in the "art of explosion". He likes to use "Self Destruct" as the core of his tactics. It is his pursuit to directly kill Rival Pokémon and Trainer together.

But this man is ambitious.

After Giovanni disappeared completely, Carr tried to rule the Rockets, claiming to be the boss of the Rockets, but was beaten up by the four generals and thrown into prison.

Not to mention Sird.

Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic, is an undercover agent sent to Team Rocket and has connections with the leaders of underground forces in various Regions. Various conspiracies run through almost the entire world of the special chapter.

She has the same characteristic as Cyrus, that is, she has no eyebrows.

And Orm.

On the contrary, Xia Yan was not very impressed with him.

But being able to get along with Carr and Sird wouldn't be a good thing.

"You know us?" Sird looked at Xia Yan with surprise in his eyes.

Xia Yan calmly pressed his hat.

He didn't answer Sird's question, but just said, "Just communicate, don't think about it!"


I saw Aegislash turned into a shadow and disappeared in front of Xia Yan.

next second.

boom! !

Accompanied by the crisp metal collision sound, and the sound of a lot of Rock rubble shooting and scattering.

A Forretress silently hiding in the Rock pile was directly chopped out by Aegislash's "Sacred Sword".


The expressions of the three beasts and warriors changed slightly.

Special is Carr.

Self-proclaimed as the smartest person in the Rockets, the usual camouflage sneak attack tactics were actually used by Xia Yan Foresight, which made his face not very bright.

He showed a little bit of grimness.

"Anyway, let's kill you first."

The voice fell.

His hands are out.

Dozens of Poké Balls flashed away, red light flashing one after another.

A group of Forretress smashed towards Xia Yan and Lorelei.

And Carr Power Trip shouted: "Explosion!"

a time.

Dozens of Forretresses had faint flames.

Although this cave is not small.

But with so many Forretresses, and the impact of the Elite Forretress explosion, even a Champion Pokémon couldn't stop it.

Even if it was a fluke.

This collapsed cave will also bring a lot of threats and obstacles.

Lorelei is not sure about Xia Yan and her Pokémon, how many of them will remain in combat after this explosion.


She made a decisive choice.


Without waiting for Xia Yan to speak, Lorelei grabbed his shoulder without hesitation, and then disappeared into the cave under Slowking's "Teleport".

boom! ! !

A terrifying explosion sounded in the cave.

Not all Forretresses exploded, though, just one.

Carr finally stopped the explosion.

"Running really fast." Carr looked disdainful.

"It's an Elite Four after all, so don't underestimate it."

Sird said don't underestimate, but from her eyes and expression, she looked very relaxed.

"Let's hurry up and complete the task assigned by the leader." Orm reminded the two of them.

Carr gave him a sideways glance.

Turn around and walk into the cave.

He muttered in his mouth, "If both clones failed, why would there be so much trouble. It seems that the rubbish one is really not worth much use."

the other side.

A room in Yoonoshima town.

Xia Yan and Lorelei fell to the ground with the distortion of space.

"I said, can you ask me if I want to run before you run? Do you know how much waste it will take to go back?"

Xia Yan was speechless.

Suddenly stopped halfway through.

Look at the house full of cute Pokémon dolls, Eevee, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Slowpoke, Clefairy.

And the pink tones in the room.

Pink desk, pink leaflet and quilt, pink soft carpet

The whole room was filled with one word.

girly heart!

"this room"

Lorelei, who used to look like a cold iceberg beauty before, was now occupied by crimson.

But he still held his head high and said, "This is my house, do you have any opinion?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no."

Xia Yan waved his hands again and again.

This hobby, the Lorelei of the two worlds are exactly the same.

What Xia Yan didn't expect was that as Lorelei's age increased, not only did it not mean to converge, but it "intensified".


Ninetales' eyes lit up when he saw these cute dolls in the room.

Stretching out a tail, while looking at Lorelei calmly, he quietly touched an Eevee doll next to him.

Seeing that Lorelei had no objection, he rolled his tail and rolled up Eevee's doll directly.


He rubbed hard in his arms.

And this behavior of Ninetales obviously greatly relieved Lorelei's embarrassment.

"Do you like it? I'll give you a few later."


Ninetales raised his head sharply, his eyes full of surprise, his head was like pounding garlic.

Lorelei liked Ninetales and nodded lightly on the head.


The delighted Ninetales immediately wandered the room, looking for a doll that he liked.

"Now, can you tell me who you are?" Lorelei sat opposite Xia Yan and looked directly at him.

Xia Yan didn't hesitate and said bluntly, "I'm from another world."

Who knew that Lorelei rolled his eyes and said in a bad mood, "Forget it."


Xia Yan couldn't help smashing his mouth secretly.

No one believes the truth now.

Compromise: "Okay. I'm from another Region, a Region you don't know yet. Ninetales is our Pokémon over there."

Having said that, Lorelei believed it.

Pushing his glasses, he nodded slowly, "Then why did you come to Shinoshima? Are you still looking for Team Rocket?"

"That's a long story."

Immediately, Xia Yan briefly recounted what happened to him and the three of Chihong, Qinglu, and Xiaolan.


Some key parts are definitely skipped.

After hearing that Xia Yan knew Crimson, Qinglu and Xiaolan, Lorelei was much less wary of Xia Yan.

"So, the Rockets are going to do something big in the Sevii Islands?" Lorelei said solemnly after listening.

"It's not preparation, it's already."

Xia Yan emphasized it again.

Lorelei did not refute and fell into contemplation.

"I think you should call the guy who plays Flying at this time." Xia Yan said again.

"Flying department?"

Lorelei blinked.

Immediately from Xia Yan's eyes, he read a meaningful meaning.

He pursed his lips, a smirk appeared on his face.

She suddenly found out.

Although it was only the first time to see Xia Yan, she had already completed the transition from suspicion to trust.

without him.

It's because they all think that Du is a Flying Trainer.

"Hmm." After rubbing his chin, Lorelei nodded.

"Although I don't really think about it, I have to admit that that guy is still very powerful.

And since it is related to the Rockets, if he doesn't tell him, he will inevitably find trouble with me afterwards. "

in this world.

The grievances between Du and the Rockets are still quite deep.

In the previous Kanto Alliance, Du was responsible for most of the Rockets-related matters.

"Also, Professor Oak is very likely to be caught by the Rockets. If your Alliance really didn't say anything at all, it would be too unqualified?"

Hearing that, Lorelei's expression was a little unnatural.

But he didn't explain anything, just took out the communicator.

After searching for a long time in the communication, I finally found Du's number.

This scene.

Had it been published by Reporter Media, there would have been headlines like "Kanto Elite Four Broke Up" tomorrow.

The dial key was pressed.

beep - beep - Doduo beep

First there is a rather intermittent waiting tone, and the next second it becomes a rapid blind tone.

A black line appeared on Lorelei's forehead.

Xia Yan had a weird expression, holding back a smile.

good guy.

Du actually hung up Lorelei's phone directly, what a tough girl.

Lorelei's chest heaved violently, and after doing some mental work for a while, he called Du's number again.

He gritted his teeth and muttered, "Don't you dare to hang up my phone again."

The coldness in those words made Xia Yandu subconsciously distance himself from her.

But fortunately, Du also knew the proportions, and did not hang up Lorelei's phone twice in a row.

It was only the first sentence of Du's mouth that made Xia Yan sweat a little on his forehead.

"Hey, old woman, why are you calling me?"


This sentence directly set the suffocating Lorelei on fire.

Yelling at the communicator:

"What a dodo you are! Who are you calling an old woman?! I'll give you one day to get to the Sevii Islands! Otherwise."

"Huh? Hey! The phone is out of signal, hey! Can you hear me?"

On the other end of the phone came Du's exaggerated acting skills.

Lorelei snorted coldly.

"Hmph, it's alright if you don't come, then I'll take care of the Sevii Islands' Rockets myself."

"Wait! Team Rocket?!"


As soon as the word "Rockets" came out, the signal that Du had just lost was restored immediately.

He quickly said again: "Has Team Rocket appeared again? They are in the Seventh."


Lorelei hung up the phone directly.

Facing Lorelei with a frosty face.

Xia Yan "truly" gave a thumbs up.

The contradiction between Lorelei and Du in this world is much more exaggerated than what Xia Yan imagined.

It's no wonder that Du has not been able to become a champion.

To be a champion under the guard of Lorelei of this Contest Condition?

I'm afraid I'm not dreaming.

Seeing Xia Yan's thumb, Lorelei's expression recovered a little.

Slowly said: "Don't worry, as long as the Rockets are mentioned, the bastard will rush over immediately, no matter where he is."


Xia Yan nodded "honestly".

Intuition told him that at this time, he must not go against Lorelei's thoughts.


Before the crossing arrives, Xia Yan may have to bear a wave of critical blows from the Ice Element Elite for him.

Wait until Lorelei recovers a bit.

Xia Yancai slowly learned some of the current status of the World Alliance and the extent of its development from the chat with her.

By the way, let's see if I can learn about that group of people from Lorelei's cognition.


PS: 1.2w today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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