The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 965 Shallow Fight? (Two In One)

Chapter 964 "Shallow" fight? (two in one)

With the green voice of the referee falling.

Xia Yan and Du threw the Poké Ball in their hands at the same time.


in the red light.

The Dragonite, covered with bright orange scales, appeared in front of everyone with an imposing roar.

"Mr. Lance seems to have more than one Dragonite, right?"

After seeing Dragonite, Chi Hong couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Lorelei rolled his eyes, "He has three main Dragonites, and even more non-main ones, pure Flying Elites."

"This one. Elite?" After a brief hesitation, Silver had an answer.

"Mr. Lance's Dragonite, the fighting spirit is very high."

Xiao Huang felt the aura of crossing Dragonite, and holding Qiuqiu, who was a little scared, couldn't help but express her opinion.


the other side.

Compared to Du's Dragonite, the Ninetales summoned by Xia Yan seemed less powerful.

But imposing is one thing, and it does not mean that Ninetales will have any timidity after seeing Dragonite.

"No matter how many times I see it, I think Teacher Xia Yan's Ninetales is beautiful."

Xiao Lan watched Ninetales, who had a slender body and showed a perfect posture, as her nine tails fluttered and fluttered.

Xiao Huang felt Ninetales' heart, "Well, Ninetales is also very strong."

Lorelei nodded.

"It's right to use the ice element to fight the Dragonite of Du."

Professor Oak's eyes lit up next to him.

"Ice Ninetales? It's really rare, is it Pokémon from the Alola Region?"

"Alola Region?" Crimson looked at Professor Oak.

"It's a Region that is very far away from us. It's just a newly developed Region. I happen to have a cousin who works in the Alola Region. He provided me with some information about the Alola Region."

Saying that, Professor Oak also signaled to everyone, "I have upgraded your Pokédex to the national version, and now there should be information about the ice-type Ninetales in it."


Several Pokédex owners have come up with brand new national versions of Pokédex.

as predicted.

Pokémon The Pokédex has received this massive boost and now contains almost all Pokémon stats.

Information about Xia Yan's Ninetales, that is, Alola Ninetales, a Pokémon, was also presented to everyone.

"Alola Ninetales Ice and . Fairy?"

Fairy department?

This is the first time they have heard of this Attribute.


They don't know, doesn't mean Lorelei doesn't know.

As an Elite Four, she still knows more information than Crimson and the others.

Her expression was instantly weird.

"Ninetales from Ice and Fairy?"

Muttering, the eyes looking at Xiang Du are also full of weirdness, most of which are joking and teasing.

"Tsk tsk, this becomes very interesting."

The exchange of several people did not pay attention to Du and Xia Yan in the battlefield.

With the flag in the hands of the blue and green, it fell suddenly.

"Battle begins!"


Immediately after the battle began, crystal Icirrus began to fall from the entire field.

And with almost just one breath, this Icirrus has expanded to a certain extent, and even has a lot of Hail mixed in it.

And the temperature of the entire site began to drop rapidly.

Crimson on the sideline folded his arms, his jacket was thrown off during the fight with Giovanni, and it's a bit cold to say now.

But the coldness on his body did not affect the heat in his heart.

"Xia Yan Teacher Ninetales' ice ability is very powerful."


Xiao Lan, who pursed her lips, nodded in agreement.

On the Higapro, it was because of Xia Yan's Ninetales that a large area of ​​the deck was frozen, and the black hole created by the Deoxys replica was frozen, and Xiaolan was saved.

She remembered that it seemed that even half of the beach was completely frozen, right?

What kind of powerful ice-type ability is that?

"'Snowfall' Ability?"

Du glanced at Ang Tian's low-pitched Ninetales, and immediately understood Xia Yan's ability of this Ninetales.


"After fighting with Lorelei so many times, I also learned something about ice-type Pokémon."

After speaking to himself, Du no longer hesitated and waved his hand.

"Dragonite, Dragon Dance!"

Dragonite is indeed a very powerful Dragon-type Pokémon, but it also has obvious weaknesses.

Speed ​​is flawed.


Dragonite roared in the sky, and its momentum continued to break through the limit and climbed to the peak. At the same time, the speed was also greatly improved. The airflow rolled up by the vibrating wings even repelled the scattered snow and Hail from the body.

The seemingly fat body, with a dexterous posture, assisted the blessing of "Dragon Dance" and quickly closed the distance with Ninetales.

"Is the use of airflow to reduce the impact of the weather on you?" As the referee, Qinglu can see the situation on the field most clearly.

He couldn't take his eyes off it.

On the one hand, it is the responsibility of being a referee.

On the other hand, he felt that he could learn something from the battle between Xia Yan and Du.

The influence of the "Hail" weather plummeted, and Dragonite, under the blessing of the dragon dance, looked hideous in both eyes.

He heard Du slightly raise his arms, his face full of confident smiles, and suddenly changed the rhythm of the battle.

He's going to grab the rhythm!

"Dragonite, Extreme Speed!"

I saw a white light on the Flying Dragonite under the dragon dance, and the speed was greatly improved in an instant, and a vacuum was torn apart in the surging airflow and scattered snow.

"Yulongdu, really domineering." Lorelei's expression was serious, his eyes narrowed, his eyes fixed.


For a trainer of their level, it's too important.

Seizing the rhythm often means occupying the absolute initiative.

Although there are some trainers who like to let the rhythm play the backhand.

But no matter how you look at it, Xia Yan's Ninetales don't look like Pokémon that focus on backhanding.

Crimson clenched his fists, but his opinion was different from Lorelei.

"Teacher Xia Yan. He is a 'tactician master'."

Have you ever seen a "tactician master" being robbed of the rhythm and the first mover?

see you.

A smile appeared on Xia Yan's face.

"Ninetales, Nasty Plot, Aurora Veil."

Standing on the spot, Ninetales' eyes were dark and cunning, and his special attack was greatly improved.

Following the "Nasty Plot" that Togekiss learned, and learning from Modan, it will not have any effect on the "Aurora Veil" that Ninetales casts.

next second.

In the pale white snow, a gorgeous curtain glowing with rosy colors appeared in front of Ninetales.

And at the moment when "Aurora Veil" appeared, the attack belonging to Dragonite was long overdue.

Even if the "Extrreme Speed" was very fast, the distance between the two sides gave Ninetales enough space to use it.

Bang! !

The ferocious Tackle made Ninetales whimper in pain.

The limbs plowed out four ice and snow ravines on the ground.


This attack does not deal much damage.

Because under the blessing of "Aurora Veil", the attack damage suffered by Ninetales will be halved.


Still got the first move?

Seeing "Aurora Veil", Du didn't have the feeling that he had taken the lead and controlled the rhythm.

Instead, he felt as if his hands were tied.

"Aurora Veil" is a Contest Condition-type move that lasts for a while.

During this period, the damage from Dragonite's moves suffered by Ninetales will be greatly weakened.

But at this time, it's hard to grab the first attack, and you can't be intimidated by the existence of "Aurora Veil".


Not only will you lose the first mover that you finally grabbed, but you may also be countered.

There is only one way now.

Onslaught to the end!

"Dragonite, Dragon Rush!"

Dragonite vibrated its wings and twitched its tail, and suddenly an extremely pure blue-purple energy surged up from its scales, completing its wrapping in an instant.

What appeared in front of everyone was like a huge roaring dragon.

Carrying the momentum of brilliance, he smashed towards Ninetales.

Facing the mighty "Dragon Rush", the smile on Xia Yan's face was even greater, and Ninetales couldn't help showing a bit of teasing.


Dragonite doesn't know why it can see this look in Ninetales' eyes.


Dragonite frowned and used every bit of dragon energy in his body.

The roaring dragon's coat became more vivid, and the terrifying momentum brought waves of surging airflow.


Xia Yan took Li's order, but let Du and Dragonite, including the surrounding Crimson Red and others, stunned.

"Next, Ninetales."


How to pick up?

As soon as this thought flashed through their minds, they saw a scene of stupefaction.

I see.

Ninetales arched his nine tails, woven into a net above his head, waiting for Dragonite's whereabouts.

Really, really ready for the next one?

Seeing this, Du couldn't help but frowned.

He didn't think it was Xia Yan who looked down on him.

There must be some reason for that, and Xia Yan must be sure.

What exactly is it?

Can't figure it out!

Can't figure it out, don't think about it!

The same blue-purple energy spread from Dragonite's body, and quickly merged with Dragonite's "Dragon Rush".

As a result, the dragon condensed by Dragonite "Dragon Rush" seems to be alive.

Played a key role in Dragon Ascent.

"This guy." Lorelei rolled his eyes angrily at this scene.

Under the suspicious gazes of the few people watching the battle, she continued: "That is the unique 'Dragon Power' of Tou, just like Xiao Huang's 'Virtual Pan's Power', it can strengthen Pokémon to a certain extent. It's just that it can only be used against Dragon Pokémon, but the effect is stronger."


Everyone was silent.

good guy.

They couldn't be more clear about how powerful Xiao Huang's ability exploded.

Du, are you taking it a little too seriously?

boom! !

in an instant.

The roaring ferocious dragon crashed to the ground with a terrifying momentum, accompanied by the scattering of a large Icirrus, and the violent shaking of the battlefield.




Chi Hong and the others who were sitting in the seat stood up one after another, watching this scene in disbelief.

I see.

In the drifting snow, the Dragonite of Du stared at the Ninetales below him in disbelief.

The nine icy tails that were soft and extremely resilient held its arms, preventing Dragonite from going any further.

And the condensed terrifying dragon energy, the moment it came into contact with Ninetales, was like an electric current being introduced into the ground, and disappeared in an instant.

Ninetales held his head up, his eyes filled with a sly smile, and under the corners of his mouth were clenched teeth.


Successfully caught the Dragonite's impact, the surging dragon energy didn't affect it in the slightest, but the impact of the fall made Ninetales almost thought it couldn't catch it.

Even with the blessing of "Aurora Veil", he slid a long distance on the ground again.

The awesome Dragonite Ninetales sighed in his heart.

Du also widened his eyes.

The hand just now.

Except that he did not send the strongest Dragonite, he has used all the means.


the next moment.

Like an electric shock, Du's heart trembled, and a very bold idea came to his mind.

Subconsciously said:

"Is this Ninetales a Fairy Pokémon?!"

Ice series plus Fairy series? !

How can there be a Pokémon with this Attribute? !

Xia Yan hooked the corner of his mouth, raised a wanton arc, glanced at Du with an unbelievable face, and gave the final command.

"Second it, Ninetales."


Ninetales, who had been prepared for a long time, overflowed from the gaps between their teeth along with strands of snow-white cold air.

Facing Dragonite, who was still in shock, he spit out a pale, extremely cold beam.

At the moment when the beam appeared, the scattered snow and ice seemed to be inspired by something Normal.

Converging frantically towards Dragonite.

The sudden drop in temperature made it almost too late for Dragonite to react.

It just launched an attack with the most ferocious attitude, the old force has gone and the new force has not yet been generated, and with such a short distance, it can't dodge at all.

ka ka ka-

Just a blink of an eye.

ding ding ding-

The Dragonite, which was transformed into an ice sculpture, slammed heavily on the ground, making a crisp "ding dong" sound.


"Second, second Mr. Lance's Dragonite?" Xiao Huang stammered.

Silver even widened his eyes and blurted out, "Glaciate?!"

Masquerade's "Glaciate"?

Xiao Lan held his shoulder, "It's different, think about it yourself."

After being reminded by Xiaolan, the image just now flashed in Silver's mind. After careful screening, he found that it was indeed different.

He let out a long sigh of relief.

He really almost thought that Xia Yan was sent by the masked man.

"Wait! Seconds?!"

Only with hindsight did Silver react.

Ice type quadruple restraint.

In addition, the move "Sheer Cold", which is already a second move, was used to correct the hit rate with "Ice Beam", supplemented by the environment of "Hail" weather, and it was so close.

It's not normal in seconds, right?

The words say so.

But this scene is really shocking enough.

other side.

But the strongest Yulongdu in the Elite Four!

Although it was only a shallow fight, the strongest Pokémon was not dispatched.

But Xia Yan didn't send the strongest Pokémon either.

Just the Beedrill that Crimson, Turquoise, Little Blue and others have seen once, and the Beedrill that can easily solve the Deoxys clone is more than one step better than Ninetales, right?

Everyone was immersed in the visual shock brought by the spike and could not recover for a long time.

Also green is sensible.

He raised the flag representing Xia Yan with difficulty.

"Mr. Lance's Dragonite lost the ability to fight, so the winner is Teacher Xia Yan!"

Du shook his head helplessly, showed a bitter smile, and took back the Dragonite.

"I lost."

Attribute was restrained so he lost so badly?

He Yulongdu is not someone who will make excuses from the pros and cons of Attribute.

When the real life and death battle in the wild.

Who cares if Attribute is restrained or not.

Isn't it fair.

It is estimated that there is no need to care about Rival, and it will be destroyed first.

To lose is to lose, there is nothing to say.

What gave him real headaches and frustration was Ninetales' Attribute.

He had already seen that Lorelei, who was sitting in the stands, looked at Ninetales with a strong and irrepressible interest.

Just think of if Lorelei captures an ice Ninetales in the future

good guy.

"Does this Ninetales from Teacher Xia Yan of the Fairy type possess the Fairy type in addition to the ice type attribute?" Qinglu couldn't help asking.

He knew a little more than Crimson and the others, at least he knew what the Fairy Attribute was.

Xia Yan nodded with a smile, "So, it's just taking the advantage of Attribute."

Wataru put his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't. If you lose, you lose."

Saying that, he pulled Xia Yan aside.

He lowered his voice and said, "Xia Yan, don't you want to challenge Indigo Alliance and then Elite Four?"

Du faintly guessed Xia Yan's intention.

"Did I say it was the Indigo Alliance? I didn't say it." Xia Yan's smile was meaningful.

at the same time.

Crimson and the others also learned about the characteristics of the Fairy type from the mouths of Lorelei and Qinglu, and they all showed a sudden look.


This match against Xia Yan took advantage of the Fairy department.

But the attack that kills Dragonite in one second is not a Fairy-type move, so its power is nothing to say.

is hard power.


PS: Today's 1.1w! Ask for a monthly pass~~ By the way, today's Father's Day, everyone remember to say a happy holiday to your father~~

(End of this chapter)

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