The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 966 Be Confident, You Are A Villain (Three In One)

Chapter 965 Be confident, you are a villain (three in one)

That night.

A room in Vibana Gym.

Xia Yan temporarily lived in the room arranged by Qinglu.

"Darkrai, let them out."

Xia Yan, who was sitting in a chair, said slowly.

As his voice fell, a strong and surging Haze quickly spread and expanded in the room, until it completely enveloped the entire room, turning it into a pitch-dark world.


As Haze spread, two figures fell out of Haze.

It is the three beasts Orm, who is naive but with surprise and curiosity in his eyes.

Another three beasts, Sird, who frowned with tattered clothes and was interrupted to think.

"Carr has been handed over to the Alliance by me, and the Alliance will recognize me for this achievement in the next few days."

Xia Yan, who crossed his arms and crossed Erlang's legs, looked at the two and said lightly.


Both of them raised their heads suddenly and looked at Xia Yan who couldn't see any expression or read any information from his eyes.

Orm sat cross-legged on the ground, smacking his mouth, and sighed in a loud voice: "It's a pity. Carr is a talented guy."

at this point.

Xia Yan did not object.

In the Sevii Islands incident, Carr not only served as an important task of combat and intelligence collection, but also served as a mechanic engineer. He was able to develop many high-tech weapons, including the manufacture of "Gundam".

It's a bit like Meowth in the Rockets trio.

But his ambition is too great, but he does not have the strength and power to match it.

Even if Xia Yan didn't appear, he destroyed Team Rocket's ship, killed Orm, and with Giovanni's disappearance, he took the position of Team Rocket's leader.

It will soon be overthrown by the four generals of the Johto Region.

"What do you want to say?"

Compared to Orm's sensibility, Sird is much calmer.

It can be said.

The failure of the Rockets' action this time was largely due to Xia Yan.


Even if Giovanni loses to Deoxys and Crimson and Mewtwo, her Sird can turn the tide at the end.

Maybe even take out Crimson and conquer Deoxys.

"From now on, the leader of the Rockets"

While speaking, Xia Yan took out a fiery red "R" medal from his pocket and pinned it to his chest lightly.

With sharp eyes, he stood up and looked down at the two who fell on the ground.

"It's me."


Sird almost couldn't help laughing.

But when she looked carefully at the red "R" medal on Xia Yan's chest, her pupils shrank suddenly.

"This is. Boss Giovanni's medal?"

Orm was also full of surprise, explaining the reason for Sird's surprise.

This "R" is no ordinary medal.

It's actually a chip developed by Team Rocket's highest technology.

Represents the identity of the leader of the Rockets.

At the same time, the chips are all secrets of the Rockets.

These include the Rockets' important Executive list, important research project data information, the Rockets' secret base addresses and passwords, and even the Rockets' huge reserve funds.

And this thing.

Sird actually had his eye on it very early.

Compared with the wealth brought by the Rockets' penetration of the two major regions of Kanto and Johto Region, Team Galactic, which has always been relatively low-key in Sinnoh Region, has always been very short of funds.


This medal Giovanni never left his side, and Sird didn't dare to do anything to Giovanni at all, and he didn't even have the intention of coveting.

Unexpectedly, this medal actually fell into Xia Yan's hands!

"Giovanni gave it to you?"

Sird stared at Xia Yan closely, trying to see something from his face.

The result was still nothing.

The chips in this medal can only be used by Giovanni. If Giovanni's permission is not obtained, even if Xia Yan has it, it will be useless.

In the original book, why was Carr overthrown by the four generals so easily after he became the leader of the Rockets?

It was because he had extremely low control over the Rockets, and he didn't even know that the Rockets in the Johto Region had such a huge executive organization as four generals, so he was not prepared at all.

Moreover, Carr, without a medal, cannot be recognized by anyone.

He became the leader of the Rockets, but he was just arrogant.

However, Xia Yan, who received the "R" medal representing the top secret of the Rockets, was almost equal to being recognized by Giovanni and became the next leader of the Rockets.


Why? !

Sird couldn't understand.

The person in front of him.

Isn't the relationship with the red and green people very good?

Also called "Xia Yan Teacher" by them.

How did you become the leader of the Rockets?

Xia Yan sternly lowered his eyes, "I will inherit the will of Boss Giovanni and develop the Rockets into the largest organizational force."

After a brief pause.

Sitting back in the chair, he put a hand to his head and looked at the two again.

"Now, there are two choices in front of you. One is to continue to serve as the top executive of the Rockets and follow my orders. Two."

Xia Yan's eyes flashed with Sen Han.

To control the Rockets, you don't have to shout "I'm going to be the leader" like Carr.


As a leader, at least not a bare commander.

There must be subordinates who can help to share, or even take full responsibility.

for most leaders.

The ability of subordinates is not the key, the key is to be loyal enough.

For Giovanni, the ability of his subordinates is the key, and he doesn't care if he is really loyal.

Anyway, as long as he is here, there is no need to worry about betrayal.


But see.

Sird stood up, with a smile on his face, his right hand on his chest, and bowed respectfully and shouted.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

To be honest, Sird's reaction was a bit more than he expected.

He thought.

Orm should be the best to conquer, and this is his real goal this time.

Unexpectedly, Sird is more decisive than Orm.

He sat up slowly and looked directly at Sird with a respectful face.

Suddenly he laughed softly.

"Team Galactic Executive Sird, runs around the Pokémon world for Help Team Galactic leader Cyrus to complete his 'build a new cosmic world', looking for all things cosmic related, joins Team Rocket after learning about Pokémon Deoxys from the universe, becoming The three beasts."

Xia Yan directly revealed Sird's true identity.

In this regard, after Sird showed a little surprise, he quickly returned to his original state.

He lowered his head and said, "The leader knows very well."

Xia Yan continued to say lightly: "However, you are not completely loyal to Cyrus. What is the purpose of your plan?"

in the original.

When Cyrus realized his ultimate goal, Sird did not choose to resist Cyrus to the end, but decided to retreat, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Sird pursed his lips, looking slightly complicated.

She had an illusion.

The new leader of Team Rocket in front of him, this Teacher Xia Yan, seems to know her very well.

After a short silence, Sird said slowly: "I don't know what I'm after. I'm just curious about everything."


I saw Sird open his arms, showing an intoxicated look.

"Yes, curious. I'm curious, what exactly is a Pokémon? What's the difference between a mythical beast and a normal Pokémon? I've heard that Professor Oak's Pokédex is all-encompassing, so I want to get it.

The ancient ruins of the Sevii Islands, the seven ancient stone chambers, the Oliver stone chamber, the Anuze stone chamber, the Kedou stone chamber, the Aliboka stone chamber, the Yuge stone chamber, the Nazang stone chamber, the Iles stone chamber, including the Tanoby Key of all the stone chambers, It's all unraveled by me.

The secret is Unown, and I've used it.

Deoxys? Heh - Pokémon from the universe is amazing, but it's not all. I want to know more, and I want to know more.

I'm also curious, what's different about super ancient Pokémon left over from ancient times, and how much power they can display?

I'm more curious, how exactly will Cyrus' so-called 'new world' be established, and when? space? Or overthrow after annihilation? What a mighty force that is!

I am curious. I explore. I am aimless. "

After speaking in one breath, Sird's chest rose and fell, with enthusiasm in his eyes.

This is the first time she has spoken out about her purpose.

Purpose never disclosed to anyone.

Xia Yan pressed her head against her head and looked at her silently.

Feedback of Waveguide Force.

Sird is full of malice.

However, this maliciousness is not aimed at Xia Yan, but she is willing to do anything in the process of exploring and pursuing the truth.

And what she said did not lie, it came from the heart.


Even in the original book, Sird's identity and purpose have always been a mystery.

There are even many people who regard her as the mastermind behind the scenes.

She is the Executive of Team Galactic, infiltrated the Rockets and became an undercover agent, but she was very respectful to Giovanni and gave Giovanni a huge help.

Giovanni disappeared after the accident.

Obviously more capable and qualified than Carr to compete for the position of the Rockets leader, but left without hesitation.

when it reappears.

She uses "Eternal Armor" and "Sword of Instant" as bait.

Seduction seduces Maxie and Archie after their first defeat.

Let the two fight within each other.

In the end, the two artifacts were handed over to the victorious Archie, turning him into an armored man.

After that.

She returned to Sinnoh.

Help Cyrus by manipulating superiors and inferiors.

Raised funds for Help Team Galactic to make a galaxy bomb, tried to kidnap Platina, and took her daughter as a "hostage" to blackmail Platina's father.

But after the fundraising was completed, she told Plantina the whole truth about Team Galactic's plan while she was asleep.

In the end, when facing Ya Xuan, who possessed the power of the waveguide, he did not hesitate to fight and retreated decisively.

in that conversation.

She finally explained the reason for her actions during that time:

Research what causes Pokémon moves to petrify Pokédex holders.


If there is no Xia Yan intervention.

In this incident, not only Giovanni disappeared, but also five Pokédex holders, Crimson, Turquoise, Little Blue, Little Yellow, and Silver, will be petrified by an accident.

She just wanted to figure out the reason for the petrification.

in the original.

Sird is a dark phantom wandering around the leaders of major evil forces.

Help is often given at critical moments.

Because she knows a lot of secrets.

For example, how to let Deoxys have the ability to change his form freely, how to get the three gems of red, blue and green, how to open the secret stone room of Sevii Islands, how to find the "Eternal Armor" and "Sword of Instant", how to Lock On Lake Gods and more.

Even Sird owns a Darkrai.

It's just that she always retreats when the person she follows is about to lose.

He is a key character who can connect most of the plot.

Also, he is a very capable person.

"So, what about now?"

After listening to Sird's story, Xia Yan asked.

Sird also looked at him without flinching.

Staring at Xia Yan with burning eyes.

The corners of the mouth arched.

"Now, I'm curious about you, the leader."

Suddenly appearing, from another world, powerful and capable, and now he wants to be the leader of the Rockets, which is indeed enough to make Sird curious.


Well, that's really Sird.

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

For Sird, he actually thinks the same as Giovanni.

It's talent, why not?

According to Sird's law of action, as long as the person she follows does not fail, she will not betray.

Giovanni is confident that he will not fail, so he dares to use it.

And he, Xia Yan, will fail?


Sird is a person who has no heart for power.

She had a chance to take control of the Rockets, and she gave up.

She had the opportunity to integrate Team Lava and Team Aqua, which she didn't do either.

She had the opportunity to integrate Team Galactic after Cyrus' failure, and she just quit.

Just a natural second-in-command.

"And you?"

Xia Yan turned his head to the side and looked at the simple and honest Orm.

Orm is a Frankenstein, but his IQ is not very high, but if someone can lead him and direct him, he can still play a very important role.

Orm glanced at the medal on Xia Yan's chest, and then at Sird, who was very respectful beside him.

Slowly he got up from the ground.

He bowed and said, "Leader."

His idea is much simpler than Sird.

Since Giovanni gave the position of leader to Xia Yan, he can follow Xia Yan.

As for what purpose and why, he didn't have so many ideas to think about these things.

have this time.

It's better to have a good relationship with his Shuckle and Jumpluff.

The process of conquering two people.

It was much simpler and smoother than Xia Yan imagined.


Xia Yan flicked his palm.


Sird caught the Poké Ball thrown by Xia Yan.

When casting doubtful eyes, Xia Yan said slowly: "Your Darkrai has chaotic energy and abnormal thoughts. I think it has suffered some psychological trauma. I helped it suppress it a little, and it can save your life at the critical moment."

At the same time can kill me at any time. Sird secretly added.

She understood what Xia Yan meant.

It is also clear that Xia Yan cannot have 100% trust in her.

But such a tacit arrangement with each other can minimize the estrangement between the two.

"Thank you boss." Sird respectfully said.

"Several things." Xia Yan raised his finger.

When Sird and Orm's eyes came to him, Xia Yan slowly said:

"First, tell all the top executives about me becoming the leader of the Rockets, and I will give you the list, focusing on the four generals in the Johto Region, who are Giovanni's secret armed forces, and I need to get them.

Of course, if anyone is not convinced, they can tell me and I will solve it myself. "

Sird and Orm looked at each other and nodded.


Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, "Send me an undercover agent to the Alliance. At the same time, all our undercover agents in the Alliance have been activated. I will tell you what to investigate."

Investigating Alliance?


"Third, I will try to challenge the Alliance during this time, and then directly challenge the Elite Four. I need the public opinion to be correct."

In the original world, Xia Yan played with public opinion clearly. He knew too well the importance of correct public opinion, which was an indispensable part of building momentum.

Challenge Elite Four? !


The new leader of the Rockets in front of him has to compete to become the Elite Four?

Rockets leader becomes Alliance Elite Four?


Orm was stunned, Sird's eyes filled with curiosity after a brief surprise.

Interesting, so interesting!

The new Rockets leader seems to be more interesting than Giovanni.

Sird can't wait to uncover all Xia Yan's veils and explore his true identity and purpose.

And she believed.

As long as she shows enough ability, plays enough role, and is valued and reused by Xia Yan, she can get the information she wants bit by bit.

"Fourth. Sird, I know you can get in touch with Maxie and Archie and help me locate them."

"Okay, Chief!"



Sird and Orm bowed again, slowly backing away, disappearing into the shrouded Haze.

Darkrai used his power to send the two of them away from the Joban Gym without a sound.

And from this night.

The Rocket Team, the largest underground force covering the two major regions of Kanto and Johto Region, has ushered in the biggest change.

Because their leader has been replaced!

And this process is bound to be unsettled and even full of struggle and bloodshed.

But none of this has much to do with Xia Yan.

All he needs to be responsible for is to deal with those top executives.

With the "medal" given by Giovanni, most of them are relatively easy to appease.

Looking out the window.

The bright and soft Moonlight scattered down, covering the lush Vibrant forest with layers of hazy clothes, adding a bit of mystery and purity.

"How? Do I look like a villain?"

Xia Yan asked with a smile.

Haze soars, and a figure emerges.

【picture? Be confident, you're a villain. 】

Darkrai said angrily.

After coming to this world, the games on the mobile phone have no time to play, and it feels cheated.

Hearing its words, Xia Yan couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Long stretched.

"We're going to the Alliance tournament in a few days, do you want to show your face?"

When it comes to challenging Elite, he and Darkrai haven't gotten to that level yet.

Although Darkrai's strength doesn't seem to need that kind of tacit understanding.

But the victory in exchange for such a challenge gave Xia Yan no sense of accomplishment.

Even if he doesn't assist Darkrai's power, Xia Yan is confident that he can pick an Elite off his horse.

But if it's just a baby cup.

Who is not on the ah.


Darkrai's eyes flickered, more or less moving.

"Then it's settled."

Xia Yan walked to the bed and saw that there were already Pokémon all over the place, and there was nowhere for him to sleep.

He twitched his eyes involuntarily.

"Let's also be a divine beast man."

the next day.

"Sinnoh?" Biting the bread, Xia Yan, who arranged breakfast for the Pokémons and made today's training plan, listened to Professor Oak's words and was stunned.

What's the matter, it's inseparable from Sinnoh, right?


Professor Oak kept his white "beard" after drinking milk, nodded and said:

"I happen to know that a trainer with good ability is going to Sinnoh Region to prepare for the Lily of the Valley Competition. This should be the closest Alliance competition to the start."

Xia Yan's expression was weird.

"That person, isn't that called Ash?"

Professor Oak's eyes lit up.

"Xia Yan, do you know Ash?"

"No." Xia Yan shook his head, "I just heard Chihong and Qinglu mention it."

Professor Oak suddenly said, "I see. Speaking of which, Ash and Crimson have similar personalities, but his talent is a lot worse than Crimson. But I am still optimistic that he can become an amazing Trainer in the future. "

Xia Yan rubbed his chin lightly.

Ash's first nemesis, Gary, was harmed by turquoise.

Is that Sinnoh rival Paul still there?

Is the Rockets trio still in this world?

Xia Yan always felt that the more he knew about the world, the more he felt that it had been revised a bit completely unexpectedly.

"Actually, it should be the time of the Evergrande Conference. It's just because something happened in Hoenn some time ago, so the competition was stumbled. It should have started smoothly now, right?"

Hoenn just recently broke out in the turmoil of Groudon and Kyogre, and it is unexpected that the tournament can go smoothly.

"Hoenn Alliance Evergrande Conference?"

Xia Yan nodded thoughtfully.

As things stand now, has Steven become the Hoenn Alliance champion?

So why hasn't Du become a champion yet?

Xia Yan looked at Du, who was also having breakfast.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Du noticed Xia Yan's gaze and looked at him suspiciously.


Xia Yan looked at Professor Oak again, "Thank you Professor, I see."

Professor Oak waved his hand.

"But Xia Yan, if you can really meet Ash, you can teach him a little bit. He is a good learner."

Xia Yan was dumbfounded.

"If it happens, I will."

In fact, as long as Pishen doesn't play Ash, and if he uses all the Pokémon he has conquered before, at least the ranking of the competition can be improved.


At Sinnoh's Lily of the Valley contest, Ash called out Charizard and them all, right?

Fight with Paul for three full episodes and finally win.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the beast man, Ash might have won the cup for the first time.

and many more.

Beast man?

Xia Yan was thoughtful.

at the same time.

Crimson, Xiaolan, and others sitting beside them all pricked up their ears.

eye contact.

Crimson: Did you hear that? Teacher Xia Yan is going to challenge Sinnoh Alliance.

Xiaolan: What, do you want to try it too?

Qinglu: Anyway, as the gym owner, I have no chance to challenge Alliance.

Xiao Huang: Senior Crimson, are you going to Sinnoh?

Silver: What would that bastard, Akin, choose at this time?


Before going to Sinnoh, Xia Yan should go around Hoenn first.

The Evergrande Conference doesn't look like it's over yet.

Champion Steven also needs to get in touch.

No matter which world the Devon company is in, it has a very important position.

Lava Team and Team Aqua are dead but not dead, maybe they can learn some information about that group of people from Maxie and Archie.

and also.

It seems that a long time ago, the "Rayquaza Capture Plan" led by the Pokémon Association and participated by the Berlitz Family, Devon Corporation, and the Big Mauville Holding Company successfully captured Rayquaza in the Burial Tower.

And what they used at that time was a tool called "Flower".

at this point.

Xia Yan has always kept it in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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