The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 967 Old Man, Do You Lack A Son? (Two In One)

Chapter 966 Old man, do you lack a son? (two in one)

"Are you kidding me?"

Somewhere in the sea, riding on the back of Latios, looking at the Hoenn Region that was about to arrive not far away, Xia Yan shouted into the phone with a slight gaffe.


Seeing this, Sylveon hurriedly twisted the satin into the shape of a fan, stood at the other end of Latios, and fanned Xia Yan, signaling him not to be impulsive.

Xia Yan also realized his gaffe, and waved to Sylveon, indicating that he was fine.

Just a little surprised.

over the phone.

Sird's respectful voice sounded, and he didn't say anything because of Xia Yan's gaffe, just continued:

"Boss, according to the spies that our Rockets have placed in the Hoenn Region, the Hoenn Region is not peaceful now, Maxie and Archie from Team Lava and Team Aqua summoned Groudon and Kyogre.

Although the two ancient mythical beasts temporarily disappeared.

But that doesn't mean they have been completely subdued. "

Is the Hoenn disaster not over yet?

"Then how did you get those three gems?" Xia Yan frowned.

The red and blue gems were polished after the Red Orb and Blue Orb were broken, right?

Then the Rockets took advantage of the chaos.

"This is a transaction between the leader Giovanni and Maxie before. He was the first person to find the orb. The leader Giovanni didn't tell anyone the details of the transaction. What I was in charge of at the time was to seize the Meteorite, including the green one. gem.

But it is said that the two orbs themselves were also found in Meteorite and then polished, otherwise Hoenn Alliance would not have thought of Mimic to create another green orb.

Since it is Meteorite, there are fragments, right? "

Sird didn't hide anything from Xia Yan.

"That is to say."

Xia Yan looked at the seemingly calm sea outside the Hoenn Region.

One of his conjectures was correct.

This world, dominated by the characters of the special, does not follow the timeline of the special.

Come to think of it.

How can a region have a major event first, and then a major event will occur in the next region a few years later, and a major event will occur in another region a few years later?

If so.

It is impossible for each Region to fight on its own.

Although some mythical beasts and phantom beasts are difficult to deal with.

But if you can integrate all the power of the entire Alliance, no, even if it is only half of the power, it will not be difficult to pacify a Region.

It would be impossible for Steven to fight Kyogre and Groudon for 22 days.

As a result, apart from Wallace and the Hoenn Elite Four, no champions from the other Regions came to help.

Fighting for 22 days with flightless and fat-headed fish, and finally died of exhaustion.

Xia Yan's liver trembled just thinking about it.

It is precisely because of the frequent occurrence of such major events that each Region Alliance can only fight against each other.

Kanto and Johto Region are in a lot of trouble because of the Rockets and Masquerade.

The Hoenn Region has been rocked by the resurgence of Groudon and Kyogre.

So it's possible that Sinnoh Region Team Galactic is also working on something?

Are the rest of the Regions likely to happen, or are major events brewing?

Xia Yan involuntarily took a deep breath.

"According to some of the information I collected when I was stealing Meteorite and gems at the time. A few years ago, the Hoenn Alliance teamed up with the Grand Dukes on a secret mission, and they seem to have successfully captured a certain Pokémon. The orb is also made to control it."

That action is naturally the "Rayquaza Capture Plan".

And the special orb that Hoenn Alliance wants to forge is "Jade Orb".

Xia Yan is very clear about this.

Because one of the reasons he went to Hoenn was to investigate the weapon called "Flower" that made Rayquaza weak.

That is, the "∞ energy" that remains after the "final weapon" of the Kalos Region is used.

Xia Yan had a hunch.

This weapon "flower" must be related to the little white flowers embroidered on the people in his original world.

But now Hoenn

Should you go?

No wonder Hoenn's Evergrande Conference was forced to stop.

With all the Gym owners, Elite Fours and even champions out to deal with Kyogre and Groudon's awakening, who cares about hosting an Evergrande Conference.

Although dangerous.

But Xia Yan also had to admit that this was an opportunity.


No matter how good the relationship with Steven is, it is impossible to access that kind of confidential documents, after all, it is an operation under the cooperation of many parties, and the leader is the Hoenn Alliance.

However, now is indeed a good opportunity.

Be prepared to retreat at any time, depending on the situation.

Then he said to Sird: "I know the specific situation, continue to pay attention to Alliance news, any major incidents with Hoenn or Sinnoh Region, notify me as soon as possible."

"Okay, chief."

End the communication.

Xia Yan patted Latios and continued to approach the Hoenn Region.

And as the distance gets closer.

Xia Yan finally saw the devastated appearance of the Hoenn Region today.

The huge Hoenn Region is almost divided into two by Mt. Chimney.

On one side is the scorched earth as if it had dried up.

On the other side is the continuous torrential rain that seems to completely submerge a large area.

"Why does it feel like the Feifei and Fathead Fish in the special chapter seem to be stronger? Instead, Rayquaza's force has been lowered a lot."

Shaking his head to himself.

First of all, no matter how you investigate, you must first determine the specific situation of the Hoenn Region at this time.

Can't fly and Fathead Fish have started, and to what extent.

Or rather.

Steven had been fighting with those two for days before Norman woke Rayquaza.


It's all to be determined.

Otherwise, acting blindly will only put yourself in a dangerous situation.

Slateport City.

Slateport City Harbor, Shipyard and Beach.

Originally the most beautiful and lively beach in the Hoenn Region, it was a mess at this time.


However, there are also some people of all kinds who are taking care of and repairing the beach.

it looks.

It seems that the Hoenn disaster is over.

Xia Yan fell from Latios, and followed Sylveon and Latios step by step.

Sylveon satin wrapped tightly around Xia Yan's wrist, looking around curiously.


Seeing some people with injuries, they are all struggling to help repair the beach.

At the same time, some water Pokémon that were injured and stranded on the beach were returned to the sea.

The emotional little guy couldn't help but feel a little distressed, showing a pitiful look of sympathy.

Seeing its appearance, Xia Yan could only shake his head helplessly.

"Since you see it, let's help together without wasting time."

Saying that, he brushed his palms around his waist.

in the red light.

Togekiss, Infernape, Ice Ninetales, Onion Rangers and other little guys appeared one by one.

And as soon as he appeared, he seemed to understand what Xia Yan meant and threw himself into helping.

With the appearance of Xia Yan and his powerful Pokémon, some things that were difficult to deal with suddenly became a lot easier.

For example.

A dying Wailord stranded in the center of the beach.

For normal people, or even for normal Pokémon, there is no way to deal with it.

And some devices that can drive Wailord could not be activated in the previous disaster. Looking at the dying Wailord, the people on the beach were both unbearable and helpless.


With the addition of Latios and Sylveon, it becomes simple.

Latios' Psychic package, Infernape and Onion Rangers, two incredibly powerful Fighting-type Pokémons, directly lifted the huge Wailord abruptly.

This scene.

Let the busy people exclaimed.

One of them, a white-haired old man wearing a shirt and rolling up his sleeves, who was directing the crowd while also jumping into it, confirmed the existence of Xia Yan for the first time.

The old man's body doesn't seem to be in good shape, and it can even be said that he is a little weak.

Sweat profusely after moving a little.

There are many young and strong people around, while persuading him not to continue, while helping him deal with the things in front of him.

"Ninetales, the two Crawdaunts over there don't want to go, go and help. Togekiss, the one Gyarados over there is restless, go and let it go back to the sea in peace. Duck Duck, drive these troublemakers back."

With the addition of Xia Yan.

It seems that the processing speed of the beach is quicker in an instant.

Some of the wild Pokémon who were subjected to Astonish because of the violent movement before, also returned to the sea "obediently" under the "soothing" of them from Togekiss.

At this time.

The old man who noticed Xia Yan before, took some staggering steps, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and came to Xia Yan with a grateful face.

"Little brother, thank you."

In fact, Xia Yan has long noticed his existence.

Just a little curious.

It seems that the identity of this old man is not Normal, and the strong men around him are all bodyguards.

Why do people with such a status have to come to the beach to fuck themselves?

While thinking about it in my heart, I smiled and said, "As far as I can, I have nothing to thank you for."

"Yes." The old man wiped the sweat from his forehead again, "I don't know who the little brother is."

While speaking, he also glanced at the Pokémon summoned by Xia Yan.

The old man's eyesight is still very good.

At a glance, I can see that these Pokémon of Xia Yan are definitely not ordinary Pokémon. They are very powerful, and even compared to his son, they may only be slightly inferior.

Such a Trainer should not be anonymous.

Xia Yan thought about it.

He also doesn't need to be someone who does good deeds without leaving his name.

This time, although he did it casually, it can also be used in the public opinion propaganda of his impact on Elite Four in the future.

Then came the brand new national version of Pokédex.

With a smile, he said, "Sir, my name is Xia Yan, and I'm from Pallet Town."

"Pokédex owner?"

Seeing Pokédex, the old man's eyes suddenly lit up.

That's what Pokédex is all about in this world.

Xia Yan smiled again, put away the Pokédex, swept towards the slightly recovered Beach, and sighed:

"I just came to the Hoenn Region, and I don't know what natural or man-made disaster happened to make Beach what it is now."

After a pause, he took a deep breath.

"Fortunately, the matter seems to be over, as long as it is properly repaired."

Who knows, after listening to Xia Yan's words, the old man showed a bitter expression.

Sighing slowly, he said:

"I'm afraid. It's just the beginning."


Xia Yan looked at the old man with a little surprise.

After a little hesitation, he asked, "I don't know who the old man is?"

"This is Mr. Zvoch, chairman of the German company in the Hoenn Region."

Someone next to him stepped forward to answer the call, but was stopped by the old man.

He just said in an easy-going tone: "Old Zvitch Hibiscus, an old man with little ability."

Zvouchi Hibiscus? !

Chairman of Devon Corporation? !

Steven's father?

Xia Yan was also stunned for a while.

Only then did he carefully look at the old man again.

Remove the sweat and oil stains on the face, and replace the embarrassed shirt with a neat suit, it is really a Zvouchi hibiscus!

Xia Yan did not expect that he would meet this "big man" on the beach in Slateport City.

"Master Zvqi, you lack a son, why are you here?"

The old man shook his head with guilt on his face.

"Just like what little brother Xia Yan said, do what you can. At the same time, I hope to relieve the guilt in my heart."


The old man was even more helpless.

"It's a long story."

But he explained it briefly.

He originally wanted to send an important part to the curator of Slateport City, Kusnogi, to make the Dive boat "Sea Abyss 1".

And would like to close the "Seafloor Cavern" with this.

That's where Groudon and Kyogre slept.

Who knew it was attacked by Team Aqua.

Not only did he stole the parts but also seriously injured him.

It even took away the "Haiyuan No. 1" directly.

This led to Team Aqua and Team Lava awakening the two ancient mythical beasts from their slumber, wreaking such havoc on the entire Hoenn.

The seriously injured old man just woke up.

Seeing Slateport City's messy appearance, my heart is full of guilt.

Just gotta come to the beach to help.

I happened to meet Xia Yan who had just arrived in Hoenn.

If Xia Yan didn't stop to help just now, he would have missed it.

"Then what you said, sir, is not over yet"

Mr. Zvqi looked around worriedly, making sure no one was paying attention, and then continued:

"Kyogre and Groudon didn't subside, they were just... temporarily chained to Sootopolis City. Now, ten days have passed, but what's the result."

ten days.

It's about the same time as Xia Yan's estimate.

That is to say.

Steven is in command of the Three Gods, with Wallace and Elite Four, blocking Sootopolis City and blocking Groudon and Kyogre's continued impact on the Hoenn Region.

Still in fierce battle.

Only in order to appease the people in the Hoenn Region, the Hoenn Alliance had to temporarily announce the news that things had subsided.

But what about the real result.

It all depends on the battle in Sootopolis City.

After listening.

Xia Yan's expression froze.

Seriously: "Although it's my first time in Hoenn Region, as a Pokédex owner, I don't think I can just watch it here."

Then he apologized to Mr. Zvoch: "Master, I'm sorry I can't help you here. I think I'm going to Sootopolis City now, and I should be able to help."

Saying that, he reached out for Latios.

"Wait! Little brother Xia Yan."

Looking at Latios appearing beside Xia Yan, surprise flashed in Mr. Zivqi's eyes.

Mythical beast?

Then maybe. The Pokédex holder in front of him might really be able to help.

At this time, any bit of help is good for Hoenn Region.

He hurriedly speeded up his speech and said hurriedly: "Xia Yan, Kyogre and Groudon are not Normal Pokémon"

Xia Yan shook his head and interrupted him.

"It's a pity I don't have more time to learn about them. But that's okay, I have Pokémon Pokédex, which should work."

"The Pokémon Pokédex also cannot have information about ancient mythical beasts."

The old man looked at Xia Yan with a righteous face.

Then think of Xia Yan's behavior of helping out just after arriving in Hoenn, without thinking about it.

He continued: "It's not too short of time. Our German company has done some investigation and data analysis on the two ancient mythical beasts. I have it in the computer I carry with me. Why don't you go back with me, and I will send it to you now. , you can watch as you walk along the road.

At the same time, I also want to ask you to bring something for my son. "

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed, and there was a faint flash in his eyes.

At least from the previous situation, Mr. Zvqi should not have anything to do with that group of people.

Just like Zvqi Mujin recognized Xia Yan from his helping behavior.

Xia Yan also temporarily determined the camp he belongs to from the behavior of the old man who was the sensible chief of Dewen but personally went off to help.


To spread it out.

Or get some information cryptically?

"Can you make it?"

"Fast action, it's too late!"

Say it.

Mr. Zvqi grabbed Xia Yan's hand and walked straight towards Slateport City.


PS: Today's 1.1w, ask for a monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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