The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 969 What I Did Today Was Rayquaza! (Two In One)

"Thousand, Mr. Norman?"

Wally looked at the huge gap that went straight into the sky, swallowed and shouted softly.


A huge rock smashed from the cave and fell into the ruins again, and Wally was startled again by the huge movement.

Norman opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

If he knew there was such an easy way, what was he doing with Wally these days?

at the same time.

Just because of this, Xia Yan's impression in his heart was instantly raised more than once.

It soared directly to a height similar to that of champion Steven.

Someone who can attack with such a move should at least have the strength of a champion, right?

Feeling the dust particles blowing towards his face, Norman reacted.

He hurriedly said, "Wally, wear a mask."

"Oh, oh oh!"

Wally also reacted and hurriedly put on a special mask to assist breathing, which prevented him, who was already frail and sick, from being wrapped in a large piece of dust.

Don't fall under the dust before you can contribute to the Hoenn Region.

"Go! Let's go up and see too!"


With the help of Flygon, Norman and Wally also followed the big hole made by Mega Beedrill and soared into the sky.

Passing through the thick structure, upon reaching the top floor of the Sky Pillar, there is an abundance of misty Mist.

In the shadows, Norman and Wally saw Xia Yan shaking his arms to brush away Mist.

chased up.

"Xia Yan, what are you going to do?"

Norman asked.

With just one display, Norman decisively relinquished command.

"Mr. Norman, and Young, Jinmu."

Wally: ? ? ?

"Xia, Mr. Xia Yan, my name is Wally." After thinking about it, Wally emphasized it again and again.

"Sorry, it does look too similar, especially this mask." Xia Yan smiled with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Does Mr. Xia Yan also know Trainer who is as weak as me?"

Wally was suddenly curious.

To know.

With his body, it is really difficult to be a trainer.

"Hezi" is also a kind of pet, right?

"That's right." Xia Yan patted Wally's shoulder.

Then he looked at Norman again.

"Mr Norman, is Rayquaza there?"

Pointing to the center wrapped by the hazy Mist.

Norman nodded solemnly. "When Rayquaza is asleep, the body naturally emits ozone, which is its favorite environment. But ozone is toxic to humans."

Not finished yet.

I saw Xia Yan walked straight in.

Directly penetrated into the thick ozone layer.

Norman's expression froze.

Wally also looked at Norman suspiciously.

It seems that since Mr. Xia Yan appeared, Mr. Norman's theory has been completely subverted?

Under the wrapping of Psychic, Xia Yan walked into the ozone layer and saw Rayquaza, who was curled up, lying on the ground quietly, with his eyes closed.

"Oss (Sora is at Rest)?"

Latios looked at Rayquaza and couldn't help saying.

"Beer (wake it up)?"

Mega Beedrill asked.

However, Xia Yan showed a helpless smile, and then raised his hand.

Goose bumps stood up on his arms, and the hair on them also stood up.

"There's no need to shout, it's already woken up."



As Xia Yan's voice fell, those huge eyes slowly opened.

In the dark eyes, a golden eye appeared in front of Xia Yan, Latios and Mega Beedrill.



Both Latios and Mega Beedrill were taken aback.

However, Mega Beedrill landed in front of Xia Yan for the first time, staring at Rayquaza with his eyes locked.

next second.

Rayquaza's huge body suddenly moved, like a whip Normal whipping the air, accompanied by the explosion of the ozone layer.

Feeling the breath from Rayquaza, Xia Yan's face tightened.

Not too careless.

Several Poké Balls flickered, and Pokémon appeared out of thin air, surrounding Xia Yan.

Feeling the threat from Rayquaza, all of their little faces were tensed and serious.

Except for Alakazam who was still training with Mewtwo and failed to come back for a short time, the rest of Dolong Bartto, Togekiss, Aegislash, Infernape, Fairy Yinbu, Ice Ninetales, Onion Rangers, and Mega Beedrill and Latios who were on Xia Yan's side before .

All main Pokémon appear.

And the huge movement brought by Rayquaza also frightened Norman and Wally.

Looking at the terrifying existence in the air, quickly dragging his body, a cold sweat appeared on Norman's forehead, and Wally's face turned pale.

"Thousand, Mr. Norman."

Norman stared at Xia Yan surrounded by Pokémon, his mouth was slightly dry: "He Rayquaza is angry."



A terrifying roar of filial piety shook the sky.

In an instant.

All the airflow and ozone surrounding the top of the Sky Pillar were instantly emptied.

Like a wave of air, with Rayquaza as the center, it spreads and disappears around.


The next moment, Rayquaza looked down at Xia Yan and Pokémon standing beside him on the platform.



Another roar.

In Rage's dragon roar, the rolling air waves swept in with a strong momentum.

Hyper Voice!

"Damn it! Such a big urge to get up?!"

Xia Yan didn't expect that, why did Rayquaza get up so much and hit Yawn when he got up?

Norman's face also sank, and he threw the Poké Ball out of his hand. A Slaking appeared in front of him, and then shouted to Wally:

"Squat down!"

"Slaking, Focus Punch!"

Even Norman, who was only affected, reacted like this. It can be seen how much pressure Xia Yan was under when facing the attack from Rayquaza.

Faced with this situation, Xia Yan couldn't make a joke.

With the flickering of Psychic in the eye sockets, commands were issued one by one.

At this time, the Pokémons did not dare to have any luck or hesitation.


The first to roar in response was Doron Bartto.

Seeing its tail swaying, rolling Haze spread out from its body, mixed with strands of pure dragon energy, and instantly weaved the outline of a giant dragon outside its body.

Faced with the attack from Rayquaza, he rushed forward without hesitation.


And the second one to move is naturally the Mega Beedrill, which has not yet released the Mega Evolution.

As its wings trembled, golden flocculent electric currents rose and fell, and energy intertwined with white and cyan emerged from its body, but in the next second, all the energy disappeared at the tip of the raised long needle.

this moment.

Mega Beedrill is like a normal Pokémon.


That speed is not ordinary at all.

Like a sharp arrow, it shot straight into the sky, and with the screeching air and long needles rubbing like metal friction, Mega Beedrill surpassed Doron Bartto in an instant and came to the front of resisting the attack from Rayquaza.

Rao is the air that Rayquaza instigates, all divided in two under the extremely sharp needle of the Mega Beedrill.

Immediately after.

The rest of the Pokémon jumped into action immediately.

"Fairy Yinbu, Ninetales, Misty Terrain!"

now that.

The weather can't play a role, so maximize the effectiveness of the venue!



Under the care of the two little guys with Mega Beedrill and Doron Bartto as the main force against the pressure of Rayquaza, they did not suffer too much pressure from Rayquaza.

boom! boom!

Yu drank it twice, and the pink and hazy mist instantly expanded and spread.

Immediately spread out, covering the entire top of the Sky Pillar.

Seeing this, Togekiss immediately spurted out the Fairy energy from his whole body under Xia Yan's gesture.

The sharp corners of the top of the head exude a bright and bright Cal, hanging like a full moon.

The "Misty Terrain" released by Fairy Yinbu and Ninetales was inspired by Togekiss and its top horns, circling like a small tornado.

As a result, Togekiss's offensive became more powerful.

It has become another attack that can affect Rayquaza after Mega Beedrill and Doron Bartto.


Infernape's whole body burst into flames, and there seemed to be flames burning in the eye sockets, in the dark red firelight. Clenching its fist, it slammed into Ground hard.


The entire top of the Sky Pillar shook, the Ground broke open, and the scalding lava watered the terrifying rock pillars that rose from the ground, approaching Rayquaza itself.


In the clanging metal collision and the trembling sound, Aegislash holding a shield is the first line of defense of the guardian Xia Yan, and it is also the most reassuring line of defense!

"Duck, slaughter the dragon!"


Onion Ranger: (ω)

"Meteor Assault!"

It is another dazzling meteor, holding the will of "better for jade than for tiles", stepping on the rising rock pillar and soaring into the sky.

a time.

Under Norman and Wally's wide-eyed gazes.

There are frequent moves of various colors.

Almost in an instant, all Pokémon responded to the attack from Rayquaza with unusual tacit understanding.



The air waves from Rayquaza burst with a bang.

The vigorous figures flew up and down, trying their best to attack and defend.


Successfully blocked!

not only that.

After resisting the "Hyper Voice" from Rayquaza, Xia Yan's Pokémon not only didn't want to stop, but rushed towards Rayquaza in a uniform manner.

Quite a pair, really going to have a fight with Rayquaza.

"How dare he?"

Xia Yan and his Pokémon's behavior once again broke Norman's perception of him.

It also refreshed Norman's understanding of the word "bold".

Wally, who was protected by Norman, changed his eyes from initial shock, astonishment, and disbelief to shock, astonishment, admiration, and fanaticism.

When is he.

In order to face an existence like Rayquaza like Xia Yan, instead of retreating, he put on a desperate posture.

the most important is.

Wally looked at Xia Yan with his head held high.

Poker face!

Facing the ancient mythical beast Rayquaza, he was able to be expressionless!

How confident is this?

What kind of courage is this?

What kind of strength is this?

False Xia Yan: Rayquaza? What I do today is Rayquaza!

The real Xia Yan: Special! What's wrong with this Catterpie? Dak Layin, Dak Layin!

【Could it be. That piece of Meteorite on your body? 】

In Xia Yan's shadow, Dak Lai Yin twitched the corners of his mouth.

Did you really work with Rayquaza?


Xia Yan suddenly reacted.

Rayquaza and Deoxys were at odds in the first place, and it's very likely that the Meteorite he carried on him, which gave birth to Deoxys, made Rayquaza hostile.

"Dak Lai Yin, help me block Rayquaza for a while." Xia Yan said hurriedly.

Dark Laiyin in the shadow rolled his eyes angrily.

"The network signal in this world, I'll connect it to your mobile phone when I look back!"

Dak Lai Yin: Merely Rayquaza!

Haze rose in an instant, condensing into the appearance of Dak Lai Yin.

Beneath the windless Black body, Dak Laiyin's eyes were serious, and he rushed straight up.

The arms spread out, and the "dark hole" appeared.

And the appearance of Dak Lai Yin finally made Rayquaza's expression become so serious.

Immediately after.

Xia Yan rummaged through his backpack and found a dark green palm-sized scale and a turquoise sapphire gem, which was emitting a gleaming green light.

This emerald was crafted by the Hoenn Alliance to be crafted into Jade Orb to control Rayquaza.

Certainly not as great as the effect of colorful Meteorite.

But at least it can have some impact on Rayquaza.

"Mr. Norman!"

Xia Yan shouted again.


Norman brought Wally, Flygon and Slaking to Xia Yan's side.

Looking at the things in Xia Yan's hands, with a little doubt.

"Mr. Norman, how did you plan to ask Rayquaza to help?" Xia Yan asked quickly.


Norman looked helpless.

There was an emerald gemstone similar to Xia Yan's in his hand.

It's just that the gemstone in Norman's hand seems to be more polished than the one in Xia Yan's hand, and the green halo lingering in it is also purer.


Norman also has such an emerald in his hand.

It was given to him by the Alliance.

The purpose is to bring Rayquaza back after finding Rayquaza.

On the basis of the incomplete Jade Orb prototype such as Emerald, and the forced control of Rayquaza by his own will, Norman will die after exhaustion.


With that said, he grabbed the emerald from Norman's hand, turned and strode towards Rayquaza.

"Xia Yan! This emerald"

Norman reached out and grabbed it, but it was empty.

But he still shouted anxiously:

"Xia Yan! Control Rayquaza like this, you will. You will die!"

Hearing this, Wally's eyes widened.

Looking at Norman in disbelief.

"That's what you meant, Mr. Norman."

The corners of Norman's mouth twitched bitterly, nodded and said:

"Yes. I originally planned to trade my life for Hoenn's peace."

"Then Mr. Xia Yan, isn't he?"

Wally turned his head and looked at Xia Yan again.

Just saw him jump on Latios' back, turned around, with a sunny smile, pressed his hat and said:

"Don't worry. Hoenn's disaster is over."

Then, under the load of Latios, he rushed directly into the air.


The two emeralds slowly merged under Xia Yan's Psychic, and the scales belonging to Rayquaza in Xia Yan's hands were also contained together.


It is combined into a less solid Jade Orb appearance.


With the fusion of the orbs, Xia Yan exactly felt the inner fluctuations from Rayquaza.

False Xia Yan: Rayquaza, Dad is here!

The real Xia Yan: "Shut up! Eat it!"

After influencing Rayquaza with the orb, coupled with the restrictions that Dak Laiyin reluctantly achieved, Xia Yan threw several boxes of energy cubes into Rayquaza's mouth with a flick of his arm.

This was originally prepared by the Rayquaza in Xia Yan's original world.

did not expect.

That Rayquaza has not had time to taste, and it has become the ration of the special world Rayquaza.

Rayquaza was just about to get angry.

Kacha Kacha -



PS: Today's 1.1w, ask for a monthly pass~~

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