The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 970 Darkrai: You Don't Want To Kill Them, Do You? (Triple)

Chapter 969 Darkrai: You don't want to kill them, do you? (triple)

"How is the situation in Sootopolis City?"

Hoenn Region, Alliance headquarters ship.

There was a dead war room, with a depressing and uneasy atmosphere lingering in it, everyone just worked hard and silently doing what they should do, without making any unnecessary noise.

The news of the return to calm in the Hoenn Region is also under their control.

But only they know best.

What is the situation now.

The "bomb" wasn't completely dismantled, it was just quashed.

And the deadline for this Quash

When everyone is busy, they will unconsciously look at the huge screen in the center.


In the constantly roaring Sootopolis City, under the extremely tough protective cover, several figures were fighting hard.

That is their Hoenn's hope, and it is also their Hoenn's greatest confidence.

The chairman of Hoenn Alliance, who stood with his hands behind his back, looked serious and stared at the screen.

"Not ideal."

A researcher's forehead was full of sweat, and his fingers were constantly tapping on the keyboard. Looking at the various data displayed on the computer in front of him, a look of despair appeared in his eyes.

"The values ​​of Gu, Groudon, and Kyogre are still rising, and their strength is getting stronger as the awakening time continues, and there is almost no peak in sight."

The researcher swallowed.

"And, and the values ​​of Regice, Registeel, and Regirock, after reaching a peak, have begun to fall back"

Hearing these contents, everyone in the war room sank.

The hands that the President of Hoenn Alliance carried were even more tightly clasped together.

But this time.

Everyone can panic, but he can't.

"How's the retreat planning going?"

Another staff member stood up and reported: "The residents near Sootopolis City have been completely evacuated, and the rest of the city is also actively and secretly sending evacuation troops and airships, but."


"However, the population of our cities in Hoenn is too large, even if all the Alliance's airships are dispatched, I'm afraid..."

One by one bad news came.

In the already heavy atmosphere of the war room, it added a bit of deadness.

The Hoenn Alliance president has already prepared for the worst.

If Steven, Wallace, and Elite Four can't stop them, they will dismiss all Hoenn Region residents as soon as possible.

But it depends.

It seems that even the whole staff can't be dismissed.

"Yes, President!"

At this time.

The researcher sitting in the other corner stood up abruptly.

His eyes widened, his eyes full of shock and astonishment.

"What's up?"

President of Hoenn Alliance looked at the prestige with a serious and heavy expression.

"South, South! Found a huge energy fluctuation signal! Compare according to the data."

He stumbled, "Yes, it's Rayquaza!"

! !

Rayquaza? !

Everyone was shocked.

Some of the researchers and staff present here are all elite members of the Alliance, and many of them have participated in the "Rayquaza Capture Plan".

Some of you know exactly what Rayquaza is about.

It's on humans today.

The level of favorability may not be comparable to that of Groudon and Kyogre.

At the very least, Groudon and Kyogre ignored most of the people and just focused on each other's collisions.

And Rayquaza.

That's an existence that can't wait to take a Dragon Breath to annihilate all human beings.

Now Rayquaza appears?

"Tune up the satellite image for me!" President Hoenn Alliance was obviously the one who knew the matter best, and hurriedly shouted.


The picture projected on the big screen changed.

In the not very clear picture, there is still a lot of hazy white mist, like clouds and ozone.

In this Mist, a slender figure flashed by at an extremely fast speed, and the speed was so fast that the images captured by the satellite were even more difficult to capture.

But you can tell just by looking at the silhouette of the figure and the speed displayed.

It's Rayquaza!

Rayquaza is really here!

Will it deal with humans?

Or quell the anger of Groudon and Kyogre first?

Everyone was anxious.

"Wait!" President Hoenn Alliance suddenly shouted, and the screen image stopped abruptly.

Looking at the screen, President Hoenn Alliance frowned and said, "Zoom in! Zoom in on Rayquaza's head."

As the already blurry picture continues to stretch.

When I saw the smaller and more indistinct standing figure on the head of the Rayquaza figure.

Whoa-! !

The entire war room was in an uproar.

"Yes, is it a person?!"

Even though they were blurred, they would definitely not be able to recognize the silhouette.

There is a person standing on that Rayquaza's head!

Humans, standing on Rayquaza's proudest head?

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you won't believe it if you tell it.

"Call me Norman, quick!"

However, the president of Hoenn Alliance's eyes lit up, and he commanded.

But soon.

He got a piece of news that surprised him too.

"Not you?!"

Sootopolis City.

An ancient city inside the huge mouth of Volcano.

It is said that the Volcano where Sootopolis City is located was originally a huge Volcano located on the bottom of the sea. With the eruption of Volcano and the surging of magma, the mouth of Volcano extended out of the water.

After Volcano went out, people found that the climate was very warm and very suitable for living, so the Sootopolis City was built at the mouth of Volcano.

But there are also legends.

A thousand years ago, a huge Meteorite smashed the Ground, and the pit created by Meteorite is the center of the annular depression where Sootopolis City is today, very much like a Volcano.

At the same time, the fall of the Meteorite at the time caused the ground to crack, and also caused the Primal Reversion of the super ancient Pokémon.

The residents living in Sootopolis City call themselves "the people of Sootopolis", and the representative figures are Juan, the master of the gymnasium in Sootopolis City, and Juan's disciple, Wallace.

Wallace is responsible for guarding the Shrine of Awakening in Sootopolis City, which is the mission of the people of Sootopolis.

But at the moment.

This once prosperous and prosperous Sootopolis City, one of the most important cities in the Hoenn Region, is now a mess, with ruins all over the place.

A huge energy shield that wraps the entire Sootopolis City.

And this energy shield is constantly flickering and agitating Cal, a trend that may break open at any time.

only because.

Among them, there are two extremely terrifying super ancient Pokémon, who are fighting each other.

in addition.

There are also six truly top Trainers in the Hoenn Region, who are trying their best to contain the collision of energy generated by the battle between these two super ancient Pokémon, causing damage to the surrounding area.

But even if that's the case, these six Trainers are required to work hard at the risk of their lives.


Standing on the head of the ancient giant Registeel, a man with silver hair and a smart black suit, his face covered his chest in pain, and his body staggered and squatted down.

This person.

It is the champion of the Hoenn Region, no, it should be the former champion, Steven Stone!

He took part in the battle at the risk of his life, and before the action, handed the cape representing the Hoenn Alliance champion to Wallace, the gym owner of Sootopolis City.

And the person who saw Steven kneeling down in pain and the dragging cloak falling on Registeel was the current champion of the Hoenn Alliance, Wallace!

Wallace helped the embarrassed Steven.

Wallace has never seen Steven so embarrassed since getting to know the young owner and champion of the Devon Company.

"I'm fine."

Steven frowned and waved.

"Their energies continue to intensify as they collide, we," Wallace said dryly.

They are the ones who know the Groudon and Kyogre Contest Condition the most.

Steven didn't show any dejection at Wallace's words.

He adjusted his slightly worn bow tie a little.

Looking at the two giants with the power to destroy the world in the distance.

Resolutely said: "Even so, we have to stop them! Hoenn Region, a calm and stable environment!"


Steven waved his hand, "Registeel, Flash Cannon!"

Now that Groudon and Kyogre's abilities are still growing, it's no longer enough to just contain the aftermath of their battle.


Step in!


Following Steven's order, the seven light spots of the steel god pillar Registeel flashed rapidly, and a bright light burst out from the center of the raised arms.

A silver-white light beam, like a cannonball Normal, quickly passed a short distance, leaving a ravine that was neither deep nor shallow on the ground, and slammed directly on Kyogre.

at the same time.

the other two directions.

"Ice Beam" from Regice and "Stone Edge" from Regirock also landed on Kyogre and Groudon respectively.


The attack from the super ancient giant still has a certain effect on the damage caused by the two sacred beasts.

Groudon and Kyogre growled at about the same time.

Seeing this, Wallace's face tightened suddenly, "Steve! Command like this, your body."

But he heard Steven continue: "Metagross, Psychic!"


Flash Metagross, who was already covered in scars, didn't hesitate after hearing Steven's order.

The surging Psychic burst out, rolling up a lot of dust Rock, and together with the Three God Pillars, launched an attack on the two sacred beasts.

"I know my body. No matter what, we must buy time for Ruby and Shafiya. They are Hoenn's last hope and our last hope."

Saying that, Steven clenched his fists and stared at the two mythical beasts in the distance that became even more angry because of the attack.

The eyes are very firm.

"Definitely! Let Hoenn, restore peace!"

Immediately, Steven waved his palm again, "Aggron, the attack is coming, please!"


Heavy and covered in heavy metal armor, Aggron responded to Steven's trust with the most imposing roar.

In a clanging sound.

Feet firmly grasped the constantly vibrating Ground, arms outstretched and leaning forward, eyes focused and serious.

What about the beast?

bring it on!

Wallace, who was standing behind Steven, stared blankly at Steven's back.

this moment.

He suddenly realized.

It's the champion!

He lowered his head and grabbed the hem of the cloak, rubbing his palms lightly.

Compared to Steven, the champion who shelters the entire Hoenn.

He is still far from there!


Groudon growled in shock.

Since its battle with Kyogre, the group has been "buzzing" in its ears, and it has been too lazy to answer before.

But now it has to admit.

The attack just now was a little painful!

Immediately, Groudon raised his foot and stomped on the ground, and Rage's roar rolled up a terrifying updraft.

In an instant.

The ground cracked in response, and the huge gap that cracked was like a cliff that suddenly snapped.

next second.

The cliff suddenly rose to the ground, like a sharp blade from the earth rushing straight into the sky.

喰 me.

Precipice Blades!


Not to be outdone, Aggron growled.

But no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't stop the power from the earth, and the hard metal armor looked fragile under the sharp sword tip.

When the hole suddenly opened, the accompanying terrifying power exploded in its body.

In an instant.

The sudden expansion of his body and strength caused all the armor on Aggron's body to shatter.

Among the fine cracks, the gleaming red was evaporated by the terrifying high temperature, turning into wisps of scarlet mist, lingering around the body.

boom--! !

Aggron hit the ground heavily, and instantly lost his ability to fight!

"It's been hard work. Aggron."

Steven tried hard not to show his distress and unbearableness, and after taking back Aggron, he murmured carefully to Poké Ball.

Watching this shocking scene, Wallace was deeply moved.

He clearly felt that with Groudon's "Precipice Blades", the momentum of its increasing strength was flattened or even dropped.

Steven him.

Wallace looked at Steven's thin back again.

To forcibly curb the growth of the two super ancient divine beasts at the expense of oneself? !

Wallace clutched the cape tightly.

this moment.

He was impressed by Steven's determination.

at the same time.

Kyogre, who was also provoked, suddenly opened his angry eyes, along with his gluttonous mouth, and countless blue energies converged in an instant.

Suddenly, the blue beam ploughed the ground and rushed towards the face with a glorious momentum.

Orgin Pulse!

Also at this moment.

Wallace, who understood the meaning of the word "champion", resolutely shouted.

"Gyarados, Hyper Beam!"


Wallace's Gyarados looked up to Howl, and the power of his entire body suddenly emerged, and the orange energy erupted from his mouth, blasting straight towards the swept "Orgin Pulse".

Orgin Pulse VS Hyper Beam!


As you can imagine.

As far as the power and thickness of the two energy beams are concerned, the gap between the two can be seen.

boom! ! !

After a violent roar.

Gyarados, who was covered in bruises and scales, was blasted away violently.


Kyogre's rising energy and momentum, like Groudon, was slowed down.

But Steven frowned and said, "Don't shoot!"


"Leave this to me! You are in charge of the end."

The words say so.

But Wallace suddenly understood why Steven had handed him the champ cape at the beginning of the final battle.


this one.

Steven came with a will to die!

He delivers the championship cape.

Just don't want to wait for him to leave, Hoenn Region has no champion shelter.

at the same time.

This is also doomed.

The man in front of Wallace will become the object of his memory and respect for the rest of his life!

To have such a champion.

How lucky is it for the entire Hoenn Region, the residents of the entire Hoenn Region?

Also at this moment.

It made Wallace deeply feel how heavy the cloak he draped on his back was.

Is that a cape?

Do not!

That's the entire Hoenn Region!

"Looks like it's still too late."

far away.

Outside the Energy Barrier in Sootopolis City.

Rayquaza, who came quickly, and the voice standing on Rayquaza's head looked at the screen in Sootopolis City and murmured.

Immediately, he patted the existence under him.

"Empty, speed up."

In exchange, it was Rayquaza's unhappy white eyes.

[Just now, did you really just call me to get up to eat? 】

Hearing this, the man quietly shook the corner of his eyes.

Immediately, he said frankly: "Of course. You can beat these two bastards when you're full. Haven't you explained it many times? That's a misunderstanding."

The Haze behind it shuddered.

Can't listen anymore.

Darkrai: Somebody has taken this monster.

[Then what happened to the aura on your body? 】

Xia Yan smiled, "It's true that I have connections with those divine beasts. But now that something happens, isn't it you who came to look for the first time?"


Rayquaza was silent.

But invisibly, there is still some use in my heart.

[See them. 】

Rayquaza's eyes narrowed, and through the layers of clouds, he caught a glimpse of Groudon and Kyogre raging in Sootopolis City.

The damage caused by "Precipice Blades" and "Orgin Pulse" still lingers.

Xia Yan also restrained the smile on his face.

Shen said: "I want to see the strongest move."

Rayquaza gave him a sidelong glance.

I saw that on the back of Xia Yan's right hand, a few strands of green energy were outlined, drawing a looming symbol.



After Xia Yan said these words, Rayquaza's thoughts also shifted to a certain extent with Xia Yan's thoughts.

Although two emeralds and Rayquaza's own scales are not enough to play a true ability comparable to Jade Orb.

But with the comfort of "waveguide power", and the psychological hints constructed invisibly by "Psychic".

At least Xia Yan and Rayquaza are at a level where they can communicate equally.

And as long as they can communicate equally.

Xia Yan's social skills are absolutely nothing to say.

Otherwise, who is Togekiss's "socialite" name under his tutelage?

【I'm optimistic. 】

said the Rayquaza urn.

next second.

Rayquaza's galloping body suddenly straightened, like a sharp arrow ready to go, the green and rich energy intertwined with its head as the center.

The Rayquaza package was completed in an instant.

It also includes Xia Yan standing on its head.

Speed ​​up again.

The sound of breaking the air was left far behind.

Dragon Ascent!

at the same time.

Groudon and Kyogre, who were hitting the ball in Sootopolis City, seemed to feel something.

Almost at the same time, he stopped the movement in his hand, raised his head and looked at Soaring in the sky.

A touch of green light gradually enlarged in their eye sockets.

And they knew all too well what that green Vicky meant.

Groudon took a slow step back uncontrollably, and Kyogre almost did the same, his flapping wings shaking.

Groudon: Here comes the showy guy!

Kyogre: Truce first.

Groudon: Agreed.

The two super ancient mythical beasts suddenly stopped moving, causing Steven, Wallace, and the Hoenn Elite Four, who were tired of dealing with them, to be a little surprised.


Wallace wasn't sure whether to take advantage of this moment to attack.

Steven followed the direction of the two great beasts and looked towards Soaring in the sky.

Immediately after.

Everyone looked towards Soaring in the sky together.

see you.

A green arrow shot at a very terrifying speed.

"That's it." Elite Four Sidney said suspiciously, holding the electric guitar.

"Yes" Elite Drake's eyes suddenly lit up and exclaimed, "It's Rayquaza!"


"Rayquaza's target, Groudon and Kyogre?"

Ice-type Elite Boni asked with some uncertainty.

"There seems to be someone there!"

Ghost-type Elite Phoebe raised his hands in surprise, pointing above Rayquaza's head.

There really is someone!

who is it? !

Roar--! !


Groudon and Kyogre couldn't sit still.

They all roared.

Seeing Groudon stomping on the ground again, the tumbling magma re-emerged, bursting out with all his strength, and the "Precipice Blades", like "Stone Edge" Normal, stood up in rows and shook the earth toward the green light.

Kyogre followed, with wings spread and mouth wide open.

Six bright blue energies quickly gathered around its body and shot out in the next second, also pointing at Rayquaza!

Precipice Blades and Orgin Pulse!

This scene made Steven and the others' expressions instantly become extremely serious.

It was the first time they had seen Groudon and Kyogre attack without reservation after so long.


The target is still the same object.

Standing on Rayquaza's head, Xia Yan bared his teeth, "Darkrai, hurry up."

Under Haze, Darkrai rolled his eyes sullenly.

However, he still wrapped Xia Yan tightly again, so that he would not fall directly from Rayquaza's head.

Looking at the "Precipice Blades" and "Orgin Pulse" coming straight from the opposite side, Xia Yan's heart also trembled somewhat unsatisfactorily.

no way.

Shadows of the famous tree, Groudon and Kyogre are no ordinary little characters.

Didn't you see Rayquaza's expression turning serious?

Xia Yan gritted his teeth.


Double it for Lao Tzu Mega!

"Victini, Help!"


Victini appeared on Xia Yan's shoulder, the V-shaped logo was hot, and he made a "yeah" gesture, and a steady stream of energy poured into Rayquaza.

In terms of combat power, Victini may not be very good, but in terms of auxiliary ability, who dares to compare with it?

Rayquaza was like a chicken blood in an instant, and his speed increased sharply again.

But Xia Yan's actions didn't stop there.

"Marshadow, Copycat Victini's Help!"


Under the influence of Xia Yan and Victini, Marshadow was also excited.

Another burst of energy poured into Rayquaza's body.

That is, Meloetta is not there, otherwise Xia Yan will let him sing a song for Rayquaza to cheer him up.

"Togekiss, Sylveon, Ninetales, keep helping!"

"Doron Bartto, Aegislash, the power of antimatter!"

"The power of the waveguide, Psychic!"


Standing on Rayquaza's head, Xia Yan's eyes were awe-inspiring, and Black's short hair could hardly be suppressed by the hat.

Darkrai in the shadow looked stunned.

[How many hangs are you going to open? 】

After a pause, its eyes widened and it exclaimed.

【What the hell are you, don’t you want to kill the two guys on the opposite side? 】

It swallowed and glanced at Rayquaza, who had become extremely excited.

There is no such possibility!

But Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged.

Just continued:

"Darkrai, sleep 'em! Create output space for Rayquaza!"

Still sleeping?

Do you see the dull eyes of Groudon and Kyogre?

Still need it to create the so-called output space?

Do you think Groudon and Kyogre can dodge?

The heart is so bad, but the body is very honest.

The hand that waved out the "dark hole" trembled a little.

Not out of fear.

because of excitement.

Kill the beast?

I seem to be entering the annals of history!

Xia Yan turned his head to look at Darkrai beside him, his eyes strange.

Especially after seeing the unprecedented huge black hole created by Darkrai, the corners of his eyes trembled.

good guy.

It's you who wants to kill them, right?

But now, the arrow is on the line, no! The arrow has been flying for a long time and can't stop!

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed.

"Empty, destroy them!"

Rayquaza: Oh oh oh oh—! ! ! !

The sudden excitement, Rayquaza himself did not expect.

But it came to Sootopolis City to do only one thing, Lash Out! Lash Out! Or something special Lash Out!

dong dong dong——! !

Groudon's hard "Precipice Blades" were easily smashed all over by Rayquaza.

Kyogre's "Orgin Pulse" also collapsed under Rayquaza's hard top.

Feel the momentum from Rayquaza.

Groudon and Kyogre looked at each other involuntarily.

next second.

The two behemoths slammed into each other, and it was Groudon again who took the Rayquaza "Dragon Ascent" in front of him.

Boom boom boom! ! !

In the constant roar.

The edge of Volcano, which surrounds Sootopolis City, is completely broken.

And watching this scene, Steven, Wallace and others also widened their eyes and opened their mouths.

Groudon and Kyogre.

Won't die?

(End of this chapter)

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